The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1904, Image 3
4 ifti ft 4 1 if u v r tk - UPSHOT -WW wmuuMt I r 1H I Miss Nellie Holmes treasurer of the Young Womans Temper ance Association of Buffalo NY strongly advises all suffering women to rely as she did up on iydia E Pinkhams Vege iabfe Compound y Drat Mks Pikkham - Yotrnned Icme -is indeed an ideal womans medi cine and by far the best I know to Tcstore lost health and strength I suITercd misery for several years being -troubled with Menorrhagia My back ached I had bearing down pains and frequent headaches I would often -wake from restful sleep and in -such paini hat I -suffered for hours before I could go to sleep again I dreaded the long Tiights as much as the weary days I -consulted two different physicians lioping i o get inelief but finding that their mcdicinedld not seem to cure me I tried jour Vegetable Compound on the Tecommcndation of a friend from the East who was visiting tdc I -am glad -that I followed her ad Trice for every ache and pain is gone and not only this but my general liealth Is much improved I have a fine appetite and bave gained in flefch liy -earnest advice to suffering women 5s to put aside allothcr medicines and to take LydiaE Pinlcbams Vege table Compound Miss NnrxiE JIolaies 540 No Division St Buffalo IN Y 5000 forfeit iforhlnal of above let ter pro ving genuineness cannot be produced 3H IftHIHi LX II L JL FOUOW THC FIAC TAKE THE WABASH TO THE ONLY LIME TO THE WORLDS FAII MAIN ENTRANCE EX SOLDIERS VSSMSfl KSmmSSSUSm MsSifJl35fBfcMiHi ZW jfll The Devils Lake Reservation Lands North Dakota toon open under homestead law KlKlit of entry de termined by draw lnp conducted by U S officials Kx soldlers may register and Hie by aent One person can act nn agent for but ono 6oIdlcr only Tomcet ttic demand of soldiers forazent Ihae nrranccJ with a number of citizens In North Dakota near these lands to act as ajjent lor roldlers To pay the agent and myself for trouble and expense there will be acharce of tlOOOforieelstratton Should the soldier draw a number entitling him to tract of land the same agent will file for him locate and select his land -for a fee of Si3 IK If the soldier prefers he may Instead of paying this 25U0 sound select his own land Soldiers not required to par IrOan acre on thefr land until six months after their flllnpr APT DDnMDTI V Registration bpclns Auk Hul rnUIYlrlLY 8ln anQ Cnd auK ami No time for delay Send 10 and your discharge or certified copy thereof and 1 will send jou propci legal papers for your execution I will look after the entire matter and see that the agent does bin duty Should you not be registered the money will be ptotnptly returned Local agents wanted to whom I will pay reasonable commission for services Address ROUT F IJIKKETT Ievlls LakeXD M llassaKe chcckeil to Worlds fl Fair irounU WWIVlt VLWIl Stopovers allowed All Apents can route you via the WABASH lor beau tiful Worlds Fair folder and all infor mation address HARRY E MOORES Gen Agt Pass Dept Omaha Keb 7UC IYAICV CI V lrII 1 CD octroys all the flies anc InC URIOI rLl ruLLCn atrordscomforttoeen liome In dining room sleeping room and places when nies aro irouDie I some Clean nea and will not sol 1 oi Injure anything Try them once anc you will never b witliouttbenilfnoi kept b v d ealcrs sen prepaid for SOc I1MIULU MJJIHIN 119 DrKlb Airnut DrooVljD 5 T TUpans Tatmies aie the tiest nnnffa moHlrlno nvrf mnrfp A i hundred inllllons of them have UAn mfri fn thn TTnltPfl Stntns in ft single year ConstlpaMon heart burn sick headache dizziness bad breath sore throat and every ill rD nrlcfnrf frm n r1fnrdprpt1 IltCP 4kfclou iiomach arc relieved or cured by Rlpan Tabules One will generally give relief within twentv min ntcs The flvc cenr package is enough for ordinary occasions All druggists sell thcni fEllllfIIMLE Kaa uirBKT min ity KHS i HW IS lr r STPAISHTrIfiAR aiwav reliable lour Joober or direct from Factory Tcorla 111 It is still a question whether things are wicked because they are nice or nice because they are wicked Superior quality and extra quantity must win This is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others Advertising Thread As an advertisement of its thread a well known firm has after several attempts connected Europe and Asia across the Bosphorus with 1250 yards of cotton Swimming Harder Than Climbing An Austrian physician Dr F Mueller which demonstrate ler has made experiments onstrate that swimming is harder work than mountain climbing - True joy comes the more silent as ppnotrates deeper Present Day Amber Is Reoln According to the best modern au thorities the so called amber found in Syria India and Madagascar is not amber at all but a resin nearly al lieM to copal which Is the product of lenf bearing trees growing at the pres ent day True amber is the resin of acicular trees long since extinct and there is a good deal of conflict among scientists as to which geological per iod it belongs to Flight Through Frozen North The Lapland limited is perhaps the most curious of through express trains 1 in that it carries fewer passengers and runs over a longer distance than any other train This flyer leaves i Stockholm Sweden once a week ing the summer months and runs straight through to Narvik a Norwe gian harbor within the Arctic zone The distance is 1S3G miles Pencion Consumptives Families In Germany when a person breaks down with consumption he is sent to a government sanatorium where he is kept until he recovers or dies In the meantime his family receives a weekly pension from a fund to which the patient himself contributed when he was in good health By this means the risk of spreading the 1 ease Is avoided- Pcrfume and Moth Preventive A pleasant perfume and moth pre ventive is made of cloves caraway seeds nutmeg mace cinnamon and Tonka beans an ounce of each Add as much Florentine orris root as will equal the total amount of the other ingredients Put together grind into a powder and put in little bags among your clothes Time of Lighting Flash F H Glew of London has calculated the time of a lightning flash to be one nmeceenth of a second He obtained this result by means of a photograph made with a vigrating lens which in dicated the multiple image taken am the rate of vibration of the lens Strmps Not Historically Correct On some of the postage stamps ol St Kitts Nevis England the authori ties have depicted Columbus gazing intently through a big telescope As a matter of fact telescopes were not invented till over 100 years after Columbus was born Peat Supply of Sweden Swedens supply of peat seems in exhaustible In the province of Norr botten alone there are SG4S000 acres of moss land and the total quantity of peat is estimated to equal a supply for two centuries of the present coal import to Sweden Have You a Baby If so nothing else you could possibly buj would give it so much pleasure and save oniself so much worry and trouble as a hoenix Walking Chair Its use will insure -he baby against bumps and bruises afford t amusement and quickly teach it to wall done The chair is beautifully constructed osts little and no mother can afford to be vithout it A mans work is from sun to sun ant a womans work is never done I am sure Pisorf Cure for Consumption savec ny life three years ago Xns Tnos Roebins Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900 Spying on Prisoners Condemned To listen to the conversation of two suspected housebreakers the Llandudno Wales police placed an officer under the bed in the cell where the men were confined a proceeding which Mr Justice Wills condemned 2t the trial of the men Those Who Have Tried It will use no other Defiance Cold Wa ter Starch has no equal in Quantit ov Quality 16 oz for 10 cents Othei brands contain only 12 oz A bachelors ideal better half is c woman with money No chromos or cheap premiums bul a better quality and one third inort f Defiance Starch for the same pric of other starches Hard for Both Sides Its hard for us short people said one little woman to another little woman in a Boston crowd when were in a crowd where the tall peo ple get all the air and were smoth ered Its hard for us tall people to have all you small people filling up the floor so that we havent room to walk retorted the tall girl stand ing next her Stone Duct Brings Death The mortality from lung disease among miners living in Cornwall in cluding gold miners is eight or ten time 3 that of colliers and ironstone miners The damage is done by the stone dust resulting from drill work which cuts the lung tissues and en ables the tubercle bacillus to gain a footng Complete Nerve Skeleton One of the most interesting pos sesions of the museum at the Hahne mann Medical College in Philadelphia is a complete nerve skeleton made by Dr Ilufus B Weaver the famous It is said to be the only specimen of the kind in the world Birds at Church Services Birds nest freely in the rafters o the ancient parish church at Ivy church Kent England During the services the birds flit to and fro from pew to pew and are jOften fed by oreadcrumbs brought in the pickets of worshipers Japanese Education In Japanese public schools instru Hon is given in hygiene and physiol ogy A Berlin newspaper remarks that in this respect educational Japan is Uiead of Prussia - - pr- HAD LUCKY ESCAPE HUNTER ARMED ONLY WITH SHOTGUN MET GRIZZLY Fierce Attack of the Monarch of the Woods Met with Discharge of the Veapon and the Monster Fell Dead Perfect Specimen of Its Species A 12 borc shotgun was the weapon carried by F X King and a 303 re peating Savage was the armed equip ment of his partner N P Peterson when they went prospecting in Homestake creek at the base of the Sawtooth mountains in Alaska The men are proprietors of the Nugget across the Nome divide After a walk of several miles Lhey sighted bear tracks and a little Inter lame upon a grizzly Peterson Iropped to one knee took steady aim and fired The bullet struck jut uot in a vital spot and with a growl of rage and pain the wounded bear gave a spring over the cliffs and rolled almost to the bottom sonn three hundred feet below where sin regained her footing and vanished among the rocks Chagrined at the failure Peterson turned and was hor rified at seeing another grizzly about twice as large as the other spring upon his partner Mr King and was more horrified when he remembered that his was the only available gnn and as the magazine was out of re pair could only be reloaded by remov ing the empty shell by hand Wlien tne bear sprang at King the latter with habitual presence of mind in herent in the backwoods hunter thrust his shotgun into the face of his assailant which was advancing with open mouth and extended claws In the twinkling of an eye the bear had grasped the muzzle of the gun in his teeth and was crunching the gun barrel Towering two feet higher than King the latter realized that the only hope for him was to pull the trigger and maybe stop the beast until his partner could reload the old riile or until they could procure safe ty by flight A loud report a sullen roar and the bear gave a spring in the air and fell to the ground The men beat a quick retreat and rfter covering considerable ground turned and were surprised to see the bear still lying on the spot where it had fallen They waited for a few minutes in the meantime reloading tne rifle the shotgun being broken at the stock and the muzzle left in the mouth of the bear After throwing several recks from a safe distance they ventured nearer and found the bear stone dead The men went back for a sled and after several hours managed to get the bear to the Nugget roadhouse and then started for Nome with nine strong dogs to draw the heavy load It took them three days to reach the Sour Dough roadhouse where the bears remains were put in cold stor age The big brute was taken to Nome and placed on exhibition at the Golden Gate hotel It is a per fect specimen of the grizzly and the sicn is a beautiful one The bear disemboweled weighs nearly GC0 pounds The skin was sold for 125 and the meat was purchased by local restaurants at a dollar a pound A remarkable thing was the enor mous power of the jaws shown by the deep indentations made in the barrel of the gun by the bears teeth not only the barrel being bent but marks were made in the steel con necting piece about one fourth of an inch deep A Sure Cure There is no excuse for illegible handwriting said Miss Jeanette L Gilder the editor and critic A type writer is one cure for illegibility care is another cure and a third cure has been devised by a friend of mine My friend writes well enough her self she applied the cure to a cer tain woman who writes miserably This woman had bothered her with a number of illegible notes and finally when one came that was unusually hard to read my friend sat down and wrote in answer to it I take great pleasure in accept ing your kind invitation to dinner to morrow evening at C30 This brought a quick call on the telephone My note asked you to subscribe to our free ice fund the woman said It was rt a dinner invitation You write so badly said un friend Oh Ill be very much more care fill in the future said the woman And since that time I understand her writing has been legible enough Moustaches and Crimes Frank Richardson writing in the Cornhill Magazine insists on the dis honesty of hiding the telltale upper lip Of all the great criminals ot our day he says I can recall none who dared to practice with a naked face Drs Lamson and Neill Cream judiciously concealed as much of theii physiognomy as might be Fowler who murdered by night at Muswell Hill and Tabez Balfour were beard ed men Wainwright wore the mous tachios of his period James Can ham Reed and Deeming and Bennett of the Bootlace murder were pos sessed of mouths that prudence com pelled them to conceal The blue burglarious jowl is a fan tasy oZ the novelist No burglar goes about with a face that in itsell amounts to a previous conviction When he is in jail matters are differ ent for our prison authorities wisely decree that the convicts face shall be shtven and his head be shorn They at least insist on seeing the man as he is Broichltic Most Fata Disease Bronchitis is the most fatal disease in England next consumption and then heart disease pneumonia and scarlatina Moor the First Inventor The first piece of genuine mechan ism the modern world saw a clock was the invention of a Moor Origin of Cossack Cossack Kosak is a word of Asi atic origin meaning a highwayman on horseback CHIEF OF POLICE SAVED Newberry S C W H Harris Chief of Police of Newberry says I suffered for a number of years with kidney complaint There was a dull aching across the small of my back that was worse at night and made me feel miserable all the time The kidney secretions were dark and full of sediment and lack of contror compelled me to rise a number of times during the night Between this annoyance and the backache it was impossible for me to get much sleep and my health was being undermined I tried a number of remedies but nothing helped me until I got Doans Kidney Pills The use of this remedy according to directions promptly brought about a change for the better After using two boxes the backache all left me the kidney secretions cleared up and the action of the kid neys became normal A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Chief Har ris will be mailed to any part of the United States Address Foster-Mil-burn Co Buffalo N Y Sold by al dialers price fifty cents per box There Is a Way Out Many men say we know what to do if we were at liberty When one gets cornered the one thing not to allow is discouragement It is use less harmful and unnecessary It Is purely physical and thoughtfulness with Avill power prevents it Melan choly is death to good work It can with few exceptions be rested forced exercised or doctored off Earl M Pratt Enormous Cakes The most remarkable cakes ever made were among the gifts at the Victoria jubilee celebration The fin est of these stood thirteen feet high weighed a quarter of a ton and cost 1500 Another figured at the wed ding of the Arctic explorer Admiral Markham On the top was a cigar model of H i S Alert wedged in the center of an iceberg To Renovate Milan Cathedral The facade of the Milan cathedral which was completed in great haste in 1813 by order of Napoleon and which has always been a blot on the building is now to be entirely reno vated Wise Words From Seneca If the mind be evil it makes every thing else so too but if it be right and since it corrects what is wrong and mollifies what is hard with mod esty and courage Seneca Every time an old bachelor hears a baby cry he takes a fresh grip on his resolution to remain single DUNCH TOGETHER Coffee Has a Curious Way of Finally Attacking Some Organ Ails that come from coffee arc cumulative that is unless the coffee Is taken away new troubles are con tinually appearing and the old ones get worse To begin with says a Kansan I was a slave to coffee just as thou sands of others to day thought I could not live without drinking strong coffee every morning for breakfast and I had sick headaches that kept i me in bed several days every month t Could hardly keep my food on m3T I stomach but would vomit as long as I I could throw anything up and when I could get hot coffee to stay on my stomach I thought I was better Well two years ago this spring I was that sick with rheumatism I I could not use my right arm to do any- nuns jiuu Jitdi l uuuuie wcib iiei v- ous My nerves were all unstrung and my finger nails and tips were blue as if I had a chill all the time and my face and hands yellow as a pumpkin My doctor said it was heart disease and rheumatism and my neighbors said I had Erights disease and was going to die Well I did not know what on earth was the matter and every morn ing would drag myself out of bed and go to breakfast not to eat anything but to force down some more coffee Then in a little while I would be so nervous my heart would beat like everything Finally one morning I told my hus band I believed coffee was the cause of this trouble and that I thought I would try Postum which I had seen advertised He said All right so we got Postum and although I did not like it at first I got right down to business and made it according to directions then it was fine and the whole family got to using it and I tell you it has worked wonders for me Thanks to Postum in place of the poison coffee I now enjoy good health have not been in bed with sick headache for two years although I had it for 30 years before I began Postum and my nerves are now strong and I have no trouble from my heart or from the rheumatism I consider Postum a necessary ar ticle of food on my table My friends I who come here and taste my Postum say it is delicious Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Get the book The Road to Well ville in each pkg ipiRlHHAi111 ssli Japanese Adieu The Japanese word of parting Is not So long or See you laterbu Sayonaro If It must bo bo Dogs in Funeral Cortege At the burial of a South London man his six dogs draped In black fol lowed the cortege Germ of Good Cheer Tact Is the art of adjusting tho relationships between ourselves and others A Trip to Colorado Utah or California is not complete unless it embraces the most beautiful resorts and grand est scenery in Colorado which aro found on the Colorado Midland Rail way the highest standard gauge line in the world Exceptionally low sum mer round trip rates to Colorado in terior state points Utah California and the Northwest are offered by this lino For information address Mr C H Speers General Passenger Agent Denver Colo Every man thinks every other man has his price Insist on Getting It Some grocers say thy dont keep Defiance Starch because they have a stock in hand of 12 oz brands which they know cannot be sold to a custo mer who has once used the 10 oz pkg Defiance Starch for same money Politics craft and graft W From iho cradle to tho baby chafr 1 I MW YOU A iABY I M It so you ought to havo a 1 PiTEKTED AN IDEAL SELF INSTRUCTOR UR PHOENIX Walking Chair holds the child securely pre- venting those- painful falls and Bj bumps which aro so frequent when R baby learns to walk BETTER THAN A NUflSE The chair is provided with a re movable sanitary cloth seatwhich supports the weight of tho child and prevents bow legs and spinal troubles it also has a table attach ment which enables habyto find amusement in its toys etc with out any attention As indispensable as a cradle It is so constructed that it pre vents soiled clothes sickness from drafts and floor germs and is recommended by physicians and endorsed by hothmother and baby Combines pleasure and utility ISo baby should bo without one Call at your furniture dealer and ask to see one MANUFACTURED OSLT EY PHOENEX CHAER CO SHEBOYGAN WIS Can only be had of your furnituro dealer S5S52ESS3Ei2H5533ai IDEM IK i sa WgV jTjTh lJ A Thought for the Week If you nro not honest In your buy Ing nnd selling you cannot ho houcaf in your praying i Will Have No More Barmaids Johannesburg liko Glasgow has banished the barmaid from Its sa loons A man is seldom successful who Is diffident of himself A mans manners shape his fortune Danish Jlli WftSfiSn 9 GET A GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARJC GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT FT THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINES To TORONTO and MSKTSOl DAILY Lv ST LOUIS - - - 905 PM Ar TORONTO - - - 910 PM fir MONTREAL - - - 735 AM To PORTLAND Every Monday and Thursday Lv ST LOUIS - - - S230 Nooir Ar MONTREAL - - - 7 15 PM blXONI DAY Ar PORTLAND - - - 805 AM T1IXKD DAY To BOSTON DAILY Lv ST LOUiS 900 AM 905 PM Ar BOSTON 520 PM 950 AM For Rales and inJormrlon address H E WIOORES G A P D 1601 Farnam Street Omaha Net OQMENSOM EXH WINNIPEG MANITOBA JULY 26th to AUGUST bib THE BEST EXPOSITION OFAGRJCULTyRALAiMD INDUSTRIAL RESOUR CES OF CANADA EVER MADE An Aggregation of Attractions Soever Before Equalled at an Exhibition of this Kind - Ample Accommodation for Visitors Low Railroad Rates from all United States Points Particulars Given by Canadian Government Agents I or Nearest Ticket Agent DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD IT IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH fT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU ASK FOR IT r s r s a 8 SATKFAfTinN DP MflNFV RATK SOLD BY DBUGGISTS MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB TISEPTIG PILE GONES Sample Free ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO Crete Neb When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach GURU WHH All USE FAMS BiilUiffliflsCT W N U Omaha No 321904 CURE WHILE YOU SLEEP Beat Coush Byron Tastes Good Ci InUma SoldbTdraraiiU rasa