The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1904, Image 1
r lf i n 01 b I i VV4 T- TWENTY THIRD YEAR Charged With Stealing Horses Sheriff Will Moses of Hello Fourche S D was here Wednesday looking for two young men who had stolen a bunch of sixteen horses up in Butte county S DM recently and are supposed to bo in this neighborhood With the aid of Sheriff A C Crabtree Will II Mooro and E H Yearsoly were arrested up on tho Yearsoly farm in Frontier county north of this city and brought to McCook where they wero temporar ily placed in Redwillow countys jail for safe keeping Sheriff Moses then got in communication with South Dakota people announcing his success and get ting further instructions The prison ers both were willing to go to South Dakota without requisitions and the sheriff and prisoners left on No 3 via Brush Colo for Belle Fourche S D Wednesday night The young men involved in this trans action wero evidently not adepts in crime It is said that they sold tho horses six teen in number and then took tho train for McCook Tho record of a city hotel shows that they arrived hero on No 5 July 27th They expressed their saddles from Doadwood S D to McCook Thoj have been out on tho Yearsoly farm siuce their arrival Mrs Marie Mundys At Home Mrs Mar o Mundy was the gracious hostess at an at home hist Friday afternoon from 230 to C oclock in which about ninety guests participated Tho hostess received the guests The house and lawn were both rendered at tractive for tho occasion High five pit and flinch wore social diversions Mrs H A Beale directed to the punch served by Mrs J M Trammell in the bay window which a wealth of sweet peas asparagus fern etc created a pretty spot A two course luncheon was served in tho dining room Mrs R P Vahue Mrs J G Schobel Mrs 11 II Tartsch and Mrs James Hatfield assisting The dining room was in pink an immense bouquet of carnations making a hand some center piece decoration Mrs W B Mills and Mrs J E Kelley were the pianists on the occasion It was one of the social affairs of a lively season A 0 U W Picnic at Curtis The A O U W and D of H of Southwestern Nebraska will hold a 3 dayspicnic at Chautauqua ParkCurtis August 11 12 and 13 1904 Prominent speakers among whom are Gov J H Mickey Congressman Norris Hon A GalushaDeputy Grand Master Simmons of Omaha and others will be present The committee on arrangement have prepared a fine daily program which with boating fishing and bathing am ple boarding and sleeping quarters on the grounds makes it a most desirable place to spend a few days outing Any further information will be fur nished by addressing F F Riddell M W or W J Smith Financier John Weeden Dead Bartley Neb July 30 John Weeden was found dead in his homo in Bartley this forenoon He lived alone was ec centric and had been in poor health for several years He was a veteran and member of tho Grand Army of the Re public He was adjutant of James Laird post at Bartley Dr Harlan of McCook coroner and C E Eldred county attorney held an inquest this afternoon The verdict was that he died Wednesday night of this week as a result of previous diseases Omaha World Herald Public Sale of Oregon Horses Commencing Saturday August 13th at 130 at Wilsons livery barn McCook we will sell 29 head of selected Oregon horses These horses are the property of C E PrescottUnionOregonjWho had horses here last year These are just as fine as those were last year Take ad vantage of this sale Berry Mitchell Auctioneers School House at Auction On SaturdayAugust 31stat 2 oclock corner o Citizens Bank McCook the Flitcraft school house together with all furniture fencing outbuildings pump etc will be sold to the highest bidder for cash S 5 2t For Sale One new top buggy ono new mowing machine one good spring wagon for sale one mile southeast of McCook Fked Plasmyere Alfalfa Hay for Sale 500 per ton Phone N235 J W Randal Mens 8175 black alpaca coats for S139 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Latest designs in hand bags just re ceived at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Any 25c sun bonnet for 15c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Typewriter supplies at McConnells MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mus Patrick Walsh is in Sharps ville Ponna James C Mitchell is visiting in Red Cloud this week Roy E Dutton is up from Lincoln visiting the homefolks George E Hyjier of Cyanide S D is a guest of David Magner B F Rector went up to Benkleman Thursday afternoon on business David Diamond is in Chicago this wetek buying fall and winter goods Miss Edith Handy of Republican City is a guest of her sister Mrs E M Cox Mrs Smith Gordon wont up to Den ver Tuesday night to bo absent a few weeks Mr and Mrs J RNeel of Indianola wero county seat visitors Monday on business Mrs C E Cone departed last Friday night for Kansas City on a visit to relatives Mrs II II Tartsch went down to Plattsmouth last Saturday on a visit to relatives Miss Mary Stevens of Lincoln was a guest of her sister Mrs Frank Kendlen first of week Mrs Fred Bosworth and children arrived home Sunday night from their visit in tho east Charles Kerst and John Ritchie of Bartley wero visitors in tho countys capital Tuesday O M Knipple arrived home Monday night from his visit to St Louis and other points east Mrs S L Green returned last Sat urday from her visit to Fort Morgan Colorado friends Mrs F M Washburn arrived home last week from her prolonged stay in Mount Hope Wis Roy F Rolfe left Monday night for Almawhero he has a position on a news paper at that place Congressman and Mrs GW Norris will leave last of week for Wisconsin to enjoy a short outing up in tho lake country Hazel Coleman is down from Arvada Colorado guest of her uncle WT Cole man and is visiting her young friends in the city Mrs Duane Smith and children de parted Wednesday for Denver where she will visit friends She will also spend a short time with a sister in Cheyenne Wyo Mrs George A Roark was down from Denver first of week guest of Mrs M G Stephenson She returned home on 1 Wednesday James E Lovell who has been here for a few weeks on a visit to friends de parted for his homo in Woodburn Kentucky first of the week Mr and Mrs B F Olcott arrived home close of last week from spending a few weeks with members of their fam ily up in Shelton this state Mr and Mrs W P Bross and Mr and Mrs J L Woodson arrived home last Friday night from their delightful trip of two weeks in the mountains Elder M V Sheldon is in Cedar Rapids this state attending the con ference and camp meeting of the Advent Uhnstian cnurcn le will be gone a week or two Dr and Mrs WVGage departed Sunday night for the west hoping to reach some point where the doctor can secure relief from the asthma which is now making his life miserable Reynard Wahlquist of the Hastings Democrat was in the city Monday on business He is the owner of the lot on Main avenue just north of the Commer cial hotel and was up to see abouthav ing a sidewalk built in front of the same Reynard thinks McCook is pretty blood ed in der anding fourteen foot sidewalks when Hastings gets along with twelve and ten foot walks But that has always been one of McCooks character istics Mrs Royal Buck and daughter Miss Ada P Buck formerly of this county but more recently of Washington D C have removed to Denver Colo on ac count of Miss Bucks health which is failing from the effects of that damp climate They were among the earliest settlers of this county locating at Red Willow in 1S72 The family removed to Washington in 18S9 hoping the change1 would benefit Mr Bucks health which had become very delicate but he died the following year Amos R Buck the son is located in Cheyenne Wyoming v9 Say But These Evenings Are Fine andit is a real pleasure to take a drive in one of those fine rubber tired driving wagons at Colemans TRY ONE AND SEE Suicide or Murder Monday morning Henry Schneider was found dead in a room occupied by him in tho rear of Ed Stilgobouers meat market in tho village of Danbury this county He formerly owned an interest in the market but recently sold to his partner Mr Stilgebouer for whom ho was working at the time of his death Sheriff Crabtree Coroner Harlan County Attorney Eldred and Stenog rapher Cordeal went over to Danbury the same morning to hold an inquest over the body A jury was empanelled and its verdict was that the deceased came to his death from a shotgun wound inflicted by persons unknown to the jury Tho case is wrapped in mystery which may never be unravelled These are some of the facts and indi cations Tho body was found lying in bed with top of head shot away by a shotgun which lay on the floor by the bedside Only one of the shells was discharged The body lay in such a position in bed tho bedclothes were in such orderly con dition tho dead mans legs and anils were in such position as to advance the theory of murder On tho other hand there are indications of suicide Schneid er had been divorced from his young wife at the June term of the district courtand this is said to have preyed upon his mind Schneider and brother had married sisters The divorced wife lives on the same farm with the sister and brother-in-law south of Danbury Schneider had 910 00 in a trunk in his room The windows and doors of tho room wero open A chisel was found sticking in the lock of the trunk as though an effort had been made to get the money but if such bo the case the party or parties were frightened away be fore securing the booty Nothing in the room was disturbed It is said that Schneider had been married three times but it is not known that he had any children Ho was con siderably over sixty years of age De censed was excessively talkative this bein his most marked characteristic Letters found indicate that deceased was making arrangements to go to the Tabetha Home near Lincoln to spend his latter days The remains were buried in the ceme tary at Danbury Monday services being hold under Woodman and Workman auspices Admission Will Be Free August 8th at the First Baptist church McCook at 8 p m there will be a Piano Recital given by Edna M Barr of the New England Conservatory of Music Boston Mass assisted by Mr C H Miller instructor in vocal music at the McCook Junior Normal School The programs will be distrib uted in the church Monday evening Everybody welcome Admission free Fred Wagner a Lucky One FrBd Wagner of the Ash Creek neigh borhood was one of the fortunate ones in the land drawing in South Dakota recently His number is 349 His mail has already reached unusual proportions Mortgage Record For July Farm filings 7 8354780 releases 7 82S5174 City and town filings 7 8660500 releases 8 8693700 Chattel filings 1981530530 releases 7 8581205 For Sale Cheap My residence at corner of Madison and Dolan streets Inquire of P F Mc Kenua McCook Nebraska James W McKenna Piano For Sale or will trade for horses or cattle In quire at this office 8 5 2t If your corns hurt buy a bottle of Mc Connells lightning corn cure and you will get quick relief Three applica tions generally remove the corn and effects a cure See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes every tiling See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything Those one horse disc drills will be all right for puiting wheat in the corn stalks See the supply at Colemans Mens 8125 balbriggan union suits now S9c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Boys 50c balgriggan union suits now 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale 10c fancy lawns for 7c yard at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale 85c dressing sacques for 65c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale McConnells Blackberry Balsam for colic and cholera morbus Union Temperance Meeting The Congregational church was well filled last Sunday evening on the oc casion of the union temperance meeting The meeting was addressed by Rov Carman of the Methodist church Rev Botts of the Baptist church and Rev Conrad of tho Congregational church Tho meeting was somewhat unusual in at least one particular namely in at onco assuming a personal nature And again in that its warmth developed in to what is popularly styled a roast Now The Tribune does not assume the prerogative of determining what course these temperance meetings shall assume It does not however fully accord with that held on last Sunday evening Neither does it yield to any man in its wish and labor for true temperance Nevertheless there is one feature of tho meeting wo feel at lioorty to correct nay criticiso the slurring reference of Rev Betts to the press especially The Tribune This paper regards it as a gratuitous insult to the press and to this paper for any public speaker to state that a newspaper must bo hard up for news when it publishes informa tion such as Thk Tribunes reference in its last issue to the action of Rev Betts in filing a complaint with the city coun cil against William Lewis for alleged selling of liquors o minors The Tri bune considers the publication absolute ly legitimate and proper It will be re membered The Tribune did not criti cise tho gentlemans act Again this clause of the article seems to bo especi ally objectionable to Rev Betts The question of possible costs in such action is involved in the matter the city has no funds for such a contingency and complainant will not agree to pay costs The Tribune does not and did not criticiso the gentleman on this account It sim ply gave the news as stated to it by tho citys legal department It was stated accurately Now in a word The Tribune wants to say that it stands ever and alway for the practico and teaching of temperance Its idea of temperance as applied to in toxicating liquors is absolute teetotalism We practice it teach it and urge it up on jail Wo hope and pray that all men mrfy come to see the question in the as pect of total abstinence We have long since however given up the idea of forcing men to be temperate and of in discriminate roasting of those engag ing in the trafiic and use of liquors We believe in being temperate in all things JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Supt G H Picket of Hayes county was with us Thursday The total enrollment is now 225 Last year at this time it was but 186 Mrs G W Trimpy of Culbertson vis ited her daughter Maggie of the normal Monday Ed C Bishop formerly supt of York county spoke at Thursdays chapel on Civic Training Mrs R H Williams of Wauneta was a guest of her daughter Merle of the normal last Friday Mrs Clara L Dobson county snptof Frontier county was a normal visitor Friday of last week Supt J O Lyne of the Juniata schools Adams county spoke in the assembly Thursday Miss Flora B Quick supt of Redwil low county has been a normal school visitor all this week The Lotus tickets will go on sale at McConnells Saturday August 6th and that is tomorrow morning Supt OConnell of Hitchcock county was in attendance upon the normal Tuesday and Wednesday of this week The solos by Profs Miller and Martin in the Congregational church on last Sunday evening at the union temperance meeting were highly enjoyed and ap preciated The gentler sex is destined to be the practically exclusive teacher of the fu ture It is said that there aie but two lone men in attendance upon the North Platte Normal School McCook is not a great deal better in that respect Other lines of endeavor aro more attractive financially It is said that it is some what difficult to secure good material for even the positions of superintendents in the Nebraska schools The follow students have enrolled since last Fridav 8350 black silk waists now 8289 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale A Highly Creditable Performance Tho pretty operatic cautata Queen Esther was splendidly presented in tho opera houso last evening beforo a crowd ed house under the auspices of the Mc Cook Junior Normal School Tho lead ing parts were strongly taken tho chorus effective and the costuming superb Al together it was ono of the most meritor ious musical efforts McCook has enjoyed in years and redounds to tho distinct credit of Prof Miller musical director of tho normal and his assistants Mrs A P Bonnots Queen Esther was quite faultless both in vocal scoro aud dramatic action and delighted everybody Her rolo was a marked suc cess She won praise from every lip and hearty applauso The Kings part was strongly taken by Prof Millor himself who in voico and performance is particularly well qualified and by experience was able to give a very effective rendering of that leading character S II Martin handled Hainan with skill and won approbation His voice was adapted to the vocal part His sing ing was easy and pleasing His playing quite equal to tho demands of the diffi cult part he had in the cast Tho recognized talent of L II Lindo mann as a tenor singer of ability stood him well in hand in giving his Mordecai tho Jew which is repleto with tuneful touching music Miss Ida McCarl made a very satis factory Zeresh Hainans wife Her voice enabled her to take the vocal scoro strongly and tho dramatic side was sup ported with equal effectiveness Mordecais Sister required a voice of high range and Mrs G II Thomas sup plied this demand with all her acknowl edged skill and cultivation As Phrophetess Mrs C II Miller gave a good account of herself Her solo was one of the enjoyable features of the evening Miss Elsie Campbell won laurels as tho Persian Princess Miss Elsio always acts her part well and sings sweetly In the dual character of Scribe and Herald Roswell Cutler was a distinct success and fully merits all the approval accorded him The rich full base voices of J R Mc Carl High Priest and F II Strout as Hegai were prominently in evidence These gentlemen always please MrsW B Mills added to her musical reputation in tho manner in which the piano accompaniment was rendered and the Pythian orchestra was greatly en joyed Dr S C Beach one of tho acknowl edged skillful musicians of the city was conductor for the performance He en joyed the privelegeand his services were an element in the evenings success There wero about fifty voices in the choruses and they are entitled to their meed of praise There was both volume and quality The chorus work under the difficult circumstances was gratify ing The Tribune takes pleasure in com mending the work of Prof Miller and his assistants in this production and in congratulating him and them on its success financially and artistically CAST Estlior the queen Mrs A P Bonnot The Kins Chas II Miller Hainan the premier S H Martin Mordecai a Jew L II Lindemann Zereh Hainans wife Miss Ida McCarl Mordecais Sister Mrs G H Thomas Prophetess Mrs- C II Miller Persian Princess MissElsie Campbell Hra3liriH Roswell Cutler Hiph Prist J R McCarl Hepai FII Strout Guards- Maidb of Honor etc Musical Conductor Dr S C Beach Accompanist Mrs WB Mills An Ideal Establishment The Bon Ton confectionery and fruit store of Elmer E DeLonns is now open I to the public in the Stern building just south of The Tribune office Without doubt this is the bet apnointed estab lishment of this kind McCook has ever had They carry a select line of confections fruits etc serve soda water in every stle ice cream etc It is the purpose to give McCook a first class high grade establishment They merit your patronage in their line Call and see for vourself This week Fred Plasmyere Fold his fine 40 acre tract just southeast of the city about a mile to T J Lamb The Emma Howard Ed- j price is given a3 83500 A fine orchard na Reynolds Anna McDonnell Vonnie is one of the special attractions of the McDonnell Indianola Earl Glandon place Laura Glandon Nellie Farrell Bartley Medora Santee Ernini Rathbun Mc Cook Ethel Sharp Martha Martin Stratton Grace Mason Danbury Eliza Johnson Box Elder Blanche Wise Hudson Fanny Hardwick Benkelman Alta Wymore Freedom Mrs M E West Hayes Center All kinds summer underwear greatly reduced in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale S McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 5 1904 NUMBER 10 OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10 8 30 p in LOTUS MALE QUARTETTE AND MINNIE MARSHALL SMITH The Junior Normal guarantees tueir excellence They opened tho Epworth assembly Lincoln this summer and thoy will rank with the finest attractions that travel Twenty years of experience Twenty seasons in N V City Threo seasons in London Tho music cannot bo surpassed and tho peoplo of McCook aro in vited to attend in full confidence that they will bo delightfully enter tained Reserved scats on sale at McConnells Saturday morning 15c lSV3jSa McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morainn Corn Wheat Oats Rye Barley Hobs Kkk Good Butter MINOR ITEMS 0F NEWS McConnells for drugs Everything in drugs 10 31 st 25 40 15 15 McConnoll I guarantee my concrete walks WC Bullard A silver plating outfit for sale cheap Phone 83 - Old Ilickery wagons and steel trucks at W T Colemans Now fall dress goods arriving at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos A specialty of office supplies The Tribune 50c shirt waists now 29c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Arejou going to sow winter wheat If so get a press disc drill at W T Colemans Two furnished rooms for light house keeping Inquire at Ludwicks furni ture store Concrete walks improve your property W C Bullard is the man to let your contract to Mens new fall now arriving at Goods Cos suits at 35 to 1250 The Thompson Dry Get you one of those cheap steel wind mills at W T Colemans They are fine for the monev McMillens specialties at soda foun tian Nut sundae chop suey shredded figs almond meranguf Plenty of mens Al blue denim over alls at 50c with and without bib just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The members of the Shakespeare club enjoyed a social time and picnic at the home of Mrs C II Meeker Tuesday afternoon See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything McConnells Blackberry Balsam should always be kept on hand to re leave attacks of diarrhoea and colic which occur so frequently in hot weather A profitable and enjoyable ten cent social on the Methodist parsonage lawn was a social affair of Tuesday evening The lawn was attractively illuminated with Chinese lanterns Dr Aley of Denver Colo may be consulted at the Commercial hotel Mc Cook Monday August 8th He treats all chronic diseases but cives special This week David Magner purchased i attention to nervous stomach and kid the interest of his partner Paul Anton in l ney diseases He stay3 but one day only ftnd mDnKmnptof firrJ Tic mill rtAnfinnrw r - - WU1 AXiwv Miinuj uuu i n JIX zUUV111UC the business at the old stand alone - i oun J i bor feet mat Dersmre itch or burn or are blistered or swollen thpi A iq nnf Iiincf tpIipvpc en s surely and quickly as McConnells m 8150 washable dress skirts for 119 at rnn Wnv ffnRivi AnW The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing cooling and healing Price 25c ale- Si Ov