sSasjs v w 1 A THE WEAK SPOT A weak aching back telia of slclt kidneys It aches when you work It aches when you try to re3t It ill throbs In change able weather Urinary troubles add to your mis ery No re3t no comfort until the kidneys are well Cure them with Doans Kid ney Pills Mrs W M Dau scher of 25 Wa ter St Bradford Pa says I had an almost con tinuous painIn the small of the back My ankles feet hands and almost my whole body were bloated I was lan guid and the kidney secretions were profuse Physicians told me I had diabetes In Its worst form and I fear ed I would never recover Doans Kid ney Pills cured me in 1S9C and I have been well ever since A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mrs Dau Bcher will be mailed to any part of the United States Address Co Buffalo N Y Sold by all dealers price 50 cents per box The man who never crosses a bridge antil he gets to it sometimes fails to sross it when he reaches the river Catarrh Can not Ba Cured riOi LOCAL APPLICATIONS ns lliry cinnot reach lie Beat of Hie iIImjuho Catarrh Is a blood or coriRtl Titlunnl dlscuc and In order to cure It you ntiiht take iiiornul remedies UiiILl Catarrh Cum Is taken In matly and nets directly on the blood and inucoue urfacex IlallH Catarrh Cure Is not a qunck mall Inc It was prescribed by oneof the befct phjli Iani in this country for year and I a regular prescription It ll compoKcdof the best tonics known combined vlth the best blood purltlcrh nctlnp directly on the nucoiis surfaces The perfect combination of the wo Ingredients Is what produce fuch wonderful re wits In curing catarrh cml for testimonials free F 1 CIIEKKV CO Props Toledo G Sold by DniKglHts price 7nc Take Uallj Family Illls lor constipation After a girl has been married about Ihree weeks she returns to earth A Trip to Colorado Utah or California is not complete unless It embraces the most beautiful resorts and grand est scenery in Colorado which are found on the Colorado Midland Rail way the highest standard gauge line in the world Exceptionally low sum mer round trip rates to Colorado in terior state points Utah California and the Northwest are offered by this line For information address Mr C H Speers General Passenger Agent Denver Colo Everything depends on comparisons to the worm the tortoise is a reck less chauffeur for speed Do You Want the Lowest Rates either one way or round trip excursion to any point east of Chicago or St Louis Ask the Erie Railroad Com pany 555 Railway Exchange Chicago for complete information Three fast trains daily from Chicago and SL Louis through to New York Boston Buffalo Pittsburgh and other eastern points Stop over without charge at Niagara Falls Cambridge Springs and Beautiful Chautauqua Lake Recognizes Geologist The Academy of Sciences of Paris has elected Prof Barrois of Lille to fill the vacancy left in the section of mineralogy by the death of the illus trious Fouque This recognition of the claims of one of the most distinguish ed geologists of the present day will be welcomed far and wide Pisos Cure cannot Vie too highly spoken of as a cough cure J W OBrien 322 Third Ave X Minneapolis Minn Jan 6 1900 When Wrestlers Oiled Bodies In Grecian and Roman wrestling bouts the bodies and limbs of the wrestlers vere plentifully anointed with oil and grease The object of this was to prevent a hold being se cured by an opponent Modern ar ticles of agreement however state explicitly that no oil or grease shall be used CITC permanently cured Jo fits or nervensnef arte TI I w first davs use of DrKlinesUreatKerveKestor er Send for FKKG 8200 trial bottle nd treatise DB B H Klke Ltd S31 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa Immensity of Alaska Few people realize the immensity of the area of Alaska With its 577390 square miles it is larger than the three largest states in the Union name ly Texas California and Montana the total area of which is only 570220 square miles You never hear any one complain about Defiance Starch There is none to equal it in quality and quantity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now and save your money It is easier to secure a unanimous decision that a bad thing is bad than that a good thing is good Defiance Starch is guaranteed biggest and best or money refunded 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now When a woman falls in love has she met with an accident THE UAISY FLY KILLER SSSBSffiSfESS fcome In dining room sleeping room and places where PA JftJa5Lfe33f tf w JSW9r5ffi7Y331 mes are tronoie some Wean neat and will not tolloi Injure anything i rjr mem once ana you will neer bt wlthoittthemIfnot leptbydealersent prepaid for 20e lUROIn SOBERS 11D DfKalb Atmce Brooklyn 5 T LEWIS SINGLE BIDDER STRAIGHTS CIGAR SSSMOOiOOO Your jobber or direct from Factory Teorla HI PORTRAIT AGENTS I Deal Direct Trtth Kftfinfaeturarc find Our modi the bet Prices the lowest Promptshlp menu Dellrery of all portraits guaranteed Send for catalogue and agenti price Utt Andres ADAH J KKOZX ft 00 JXevr Era Bldff Chicaco TOO KEEN A BARGAINER Woman Shopper Overreached Hersetf in Her Eagerness Thq late Levi Z Loiter now ai then used to narfate Incidents of his early life as a clerk in a dry goods shop of Leitorsburg Md With one of these incidents as with a parable Mr Leiter would often illustrate some point ho wished to make Be frugal and careful in your deal ings ho said to a young business man one day but never be grasping Never try to overreach Such courses too often make a man ridiculous and give him besides a bad reputation that lasts all his life A reputation of this kind was ac quired In a moment in our Leitersburg store by a woman and she could never shake it off This woman came into the store and said to me in the presence of a good sized crowd of people How much is this guiriipe young man One dollar a yard maam said I But she was slightly deaf She misunderstood me Two dollars a yard she ex claimed Well it aint worth L Ill give ye a dollar and a half and thats all Ill give One dollar maam is the price I repeated in a louder key Oh she said Thats much too high Ill give ye 75 cents The Rue Anemone Under an oak tree in i woodland where The el reaming spring had dropped it from her hair X found a dower through which I seemed to gaze Beyond the world and see what no man dare Behold and live the myths of bygone days Diana and Kndymion and the hare Slim beauty of the boy whom Echo wooed And llyacinthus whom Apollo dewed With love and death and Daphne ever fair And that reed slender girl whom Pan pursued 1 stood and gazed and through it seemed to see The Dryads feet dance by the forest ttee Her hair wild blown the Faun with listening ea Deep in the boscage kneeling on one knee Watching the wandered Oread draw near Her wild heart beating like a honey bee Within a rose all the myths of old All all the bright shapes of the age of gold Peopling the wonder worlds of poetry Through it I seemed in fancy to behold What other flower that fashioned like a star Draws its frail life from earth and braves the war Of all the heavens can suggest the dreams That this suggests in whom no trace of mar Or soil exists where stainless inno cence seems Enshrined and where beyond our vision far That inaccessible beauty which the heart Worships as truth and holiness and art Is symbolized wherein embodied are The things that make the souls im mortal part Lippincotts Biblical Injunction Reversed Most farmers and especially boys take trouble to hunt down a snake when they are really the farmers friends Many person will leave a carriage or team in the road to kill a snake they see upon the roadside And as for the blacksnake that lives under the house or old porch it is a greater enemy to mice and rats than the best cat could possibly be while it would not harm an infant in fact could be tamed to be very interesting Kindness always wins snakes and they will show it as perceptibly as most creatures A blacksnake pet is more cleanly than a dog or cat is far less trouble will respond to the famil iar call just as quickly show every evidence of affection as sincerely and if its fangs should scratch the skin or even penetrate the flesh the result is not so annoying as the scratches from the briars that come from pick ing roses or blackberries Easton lid Gazette She Called It Living It is strange to mark the contrast of existence between two people living practically side by side with each other Into the fortunes of one so much is crowded changes events and various happenings so that a decade of the life of this one is more than the allotted threescore and ten of the other Nothing has ever happened to me said a girl of twenty three rath er discontentedly and just see what Mildred S has had We left school together at eighteen Since then she has been engaged broke it off becdme engaged again married quarrelled with her husband got a divorce and is now back home again with all that behind her while I have been going on exactly the same But you certainly do not think her lot an enviable one queried her mother laughing No said the girl doubtfully but it was living I dont know but that is better than merely existing Forced Contribution Not long ago in New York some philanthropic effort was started in a church to raise funds and it was de cided to have a special sermon and collection Mr H was appointed one cf the members to pass the plate Meeting a friend on Broadway and being very anxious for a large collec tion he urged his attendance The friend was compelled to leave the city that very day but stated that he had given his wife a fiveAIollar bill for the collection As the plate was passed the lady put in 3 Mr H instead of pass ing on stopped and in an undertone said No you dont I want the other 2 You know your husband gave you 5 The lady very much astonished said Do move on Mr H No replied H Ill remain here till I get the other S2 Phila delphia Public Ledger FREE TO TWENTY FIVE LADIES The Defiance Starch Co will give 25 ladles a round trp ticket to the St Louis exposition to five ladles in each of the following states Illinois Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Missou ri who will send in the largest number of trade marks cut from a 10 cent 1G ounco package of Defiance cold water laundry starch This means from your own home anywhere In the above named states These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the De fiance Starch Co Omaha Neb before September 1st 1904 October and No vember will be the best months to visit the exposition Remember that Defiance is the only starch put up 1G oz a full pound to the paokage You get one third more starch for the same money than of any other kind and Defiance never sticks to the iron The tickets to the exposition will be sent by registered mail September 5th Starch for sale by all dealers Womens imperfections are known only to their dressmakers The Ilagenbeck Animal Paradise and Trained Animal Circus on the Pike at St Louis attracts great crowds overp lay There are wild beat lions leop ards pumas hyenas bears and tigers roaming in their native jungle together with domestirated animals in perfect har mony The Hngenbet k trainers present the most thrilling performances of per fect animal training daily in the steel cage of thf huge arena You should not fail to pee if It is the greatest attrac tion at the Worlds Fair Umbrellas and friends are seldom around in the hour of need Insist on Getting It Some grocers say they dont keep Defiance Starch This is because the have ti stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 oz in a package which they wont be able to sell first because Defiance contains 16 oz for the same money Do you want 16 cz instead of 12 oz for same money Then buy Defiance Starch Requires no cooking Laugh and the world laughs with you And it also laughs at you and thereafter refuses to take you se riously Grain Eating Songsters Fine voices it is said are seldom found in a country where fish or meat diet prevails Those Italians who eat the most fish those of Naples and Genoa have few fine singers among them The sweet voices are found in the Irish women of the country and not of the towns Norway is not a country of singers because they eat too much fish but Sweden is a coun try of grain and song Carnivorous birds croak grain eating birds sing Where Most Wheels Go Around There is no place in the world where the wagon or cart traffic is equal to that of Newchwang During the win ter months wheii the roads are firmly frozen there are not less than 2000 carts each carrying two tons per day coming to the port each drawn by from four to seven mules or ponies some of these carts are from thirty to forty days on the road in order to reach the market Longest Convention The longest convention in our polit ical history was the Democratic na tional convention which met at Charleston S C in 1S60 At the end of ten days it had accomplished noth ing and adjourned to meet in Balti more Even when the majority of the delegates reconvened in the last named city they needed four days to nominate Stephen A Douglas BACK LICK Settled the Case With Her Many great discoveries have been made by accident and things better than gold mines have been found In this way for example when even the accidental discovery that coffee is the real cause of ones sickness proves of most tremendous value because it lo cates the cause and the person has then a chance to get well For over 25 years says a Missouri woman I suffered untold agonies in my stomach and even the best phy sicians disagreed as to the cause with out giving me any permanent help different ones saying it was gastritis indigestion neuralgia etc so I dragged along from year to year al ways half sick until finally I gave up all hopes of ever being well again When taking dinner with a friend one day she said she had a new drink which turned out to be Postum and I liked it so well I told her I thought I would stop coffee for awhile and use it which I did So for three months we had Pos tum in place of coffee without ever having one of my old spells but waa always healthy and vigorous Husband kept saying he was con vinced it was coffee that caused those spells but even then I wouldnt be lieve it until one day we got out of Postum and as we lived two miles from town I thought to use the coffee we had in the house The result of a weeks use of cof fee again was that I had another ter rible spell of agony and distress prov ing that it was the coffee and nothing else That settled it and I said good bye to Coffee forever and since then Postum alone has been our hot meal time drink My friends all say I am looking worlds better and my complexion is much improved All the other mem bers of our family have been benefit ed too by Postum in place of the old drink coffee Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Ten days trial of Postum in place of coffee or tea is the wise thing for every coffee drinker Such a trial tells the exact truth often where cof fee is not suspected Look in each pkg for the famous little book The Road to WeUvnie i DAILY LV ST LOUIS - - Ar T0R0KT0 - MONTREAL - - I 1 ft ttHtattltlMfei 11 I J t1Mtti Afcgcfable PreparalionforAs simUaling IheFoodandReguIa ling Hie Stomachs andBowcIs of Elki3t3e9JiMigii3Kd Promotes DigeslionCheerfur nessandltestContains neither OpiumMorpliine nor Mineral Notarcotic JRxtpeafOldJOrStMUELPiTCliER Hmtpkai Sccd JthcSauui iffnnmt - Jii CortaialiSx2 Cattitd Aulv ItZ ttiy hrrtt Flavor Aperfecl Remedy rorCorsslirw Hon Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Fcvensh ness and Loss of Sleep FacSmulc Signature oF sEW YORK EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER yiR 1 r xSte cfiX THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINES EEL 805 PM SfOPM 735 AM Every Monday and Thursday Lv ST LOUIS - - - 230 Noon Ar MONTREAL - - - 715 PM SECOI DAT Ar PORTLAND 805 AM THIKD DAT To B DAILY Lv ST LOUIS 900 AM 905 PM Ar BOSTON 520 PM 950 AM For Rates and information address H E MOORES G A P Dv 1601 Farnam Street Omaha Neb 3EGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach jkAismgmM tssMBMmmm 1 im h j mlmitimt i lmn mi it h Itiw til I it Hi j M JriDrJvi For Infants and Children Bears the ire of h Jrv h J For Sfei Q he osKTayn ooxcant new vosk cmr h4m 1 THERES NO USE ARGUING 1 K3 Dfuice Starch Is the very best Slirch quh Kg Hundreds will testify to C J 38 Try it once yoursdf v WtoKkI fc We guarantee satisfaction or mcoey Back Ixa Jo M You cant lose af HH Defiance Starch fa absolutely free fronv chfmfcak kjpfh H It makes the clothes look beautiful and wiD not rot them yaK Hj Get it of your grocer yffM Mb 16 oances for 10 ceUjone third more than f JW m you get of any other brand ff i THE DEFIANCE STARCH GO W H OMAHA KEB WWM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Jill Sample Free ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO Crcie Neb CUPF WHILE YOU SLEEP A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid enough to prove the value of PaxfineToiSef Antiseptic Jfcg Paxtine is In powder jorm io aissoive in water non poisonous end far superior to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which Irritates inflamed surfaces and have no cleansing prop erties The contents of every box makes more Antiseptic Solu tion lasts longer goes further has more uses in the facilly and dctsrnoregoodthanany antiseptic preparation you can buy The formula of a noted Boston physician and used with great success as a Vaginai Wash for Leucorrhcea PelvicCatarrh Nasal Catarrh Sore Throat Sore Eyes Cuts and all soreness of mucus membrane In Idfcal treatment of i enrale ills Paxtine is invaluable Used as a Vaginal Wash tvo challenge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges All leading druggists keep Paxtine price5Cc abox if yours does not send to us for it Dont take a substitute there is uothing like Paxtine Writefor the Free Box of Paxtine to day PAXT02 CO 5 Pope Eldg Boston Kass WESTERN SUPPLY CO JOBBERS OF UriPS WINDMILLS and BELTING and THRESHER SUPPLIES PACKING and ELEVATOR REPAIRS 820 822 H Street - LINCOLN KE6RASKA W N U Omaha No 301904 aifttS WHfHf All FISP fillS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in time sold Or arureista III II I I I From tho cradfo o Iho baby chafr HAVE Y03J A BABY II so yoti ought to havo a puoEmm rapi rATENTED AN IDEAL SELF INSTRUCTOR OUR PHOENIX Walking Cluiir linlfla tlin nhilrl cnrnrntr nrn venting theso painful lulls and bumps which aro so f roquont wlion Daby learns to wnll BETTER THAN A NURSE The chair is provided with a movablo sanitary cloth seat whiuh supports tho weight of tho child and prevents bow legs and spinal troubles italso has a tablo attach ment which onablos baby to lind amusement in its toys oto with out any attention As indisponsablo as a cradto It is so constructed that it pro vents soiled clothes sicknosH from draft3 and floor germc and is recommended by physicians and endorsed by both mother and baby Combines pleasuro and utility No baby should bo without ono Call at your furnituro dealor and ask to soo one JsIAKUrACTLTlKD OSLT IT PHOERUX CHA3K CO SHEBOYGAN WIS VV uuuwiy uu iuu ut yuui luiuuuiuuuaiur xi l jw j it nq 9ziirmtfUjrRiw j ifg rY -A Wf W l TTnfV3 VAjgMTWTrgy frj c Almost uAi million acrisof tiio fertile and tho Koebnl Indian Hes orvation in South Dakota will bo thrown open to settlement ly tIiio eminent m July Tlieso lands are lieub raclc d by the Chicago North- Western iiila direct through lines from Chicago to Kouesteei S I All agents sell tickets vi- this line Special low ratci iW TO SET J4 KaU Send fern cony of pamphlet giving full Informa tion as Jct or opening and how to seeuns id acres of land at nominal cost with full descrip tion of the soil climate timber and liiincial resources towns schools and oppor tunities for business openings railway rates etc freo on application W B KNISKERH Tasseimer i rtllle Mauagor kw s CHICAGO ILL 00M9NI0M EXHIBITION WINNIPEG MANITOBA JULY 28th to AUGUST 61b THE BEST EXPOSmO OF AGRICULTURAL AMD 5ND5JSTRiAL RESOUR CES OF CANADA EVER MADE An Aggregation of Attractions Never Before Equalled at sir ETvhihitinn rf Kind - ijii Ample Accommodation for Visitors Low Railroad Rates from all United States Points Particulars Given by Canadian Government Agents or Nearest Ticket Agent I foluov THE FLAC J I TAKE THE WABASH 1 1 TO S TKE ONLY LINE the mmiw fur 1 MAIN ENTRANCE j I Baggage checked to Worldn I I I air gruuadg Stopovers allowed All Agents can route you via the WABASH For beau tiful Worlds Fair foliler and all Infor mation address HARRY E MOORES Gen Agt Pass Dept Omaha eb