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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1904)
L V L - t - B V Y - u fcv rA 5r fctse X J W - -v TWENTY THIRD YEAR The Teacher Corps to Date At a meeting of tho board of educa tion held last week tho following teach ers were formally chosen Miss Celia A Gorby high school principal Miss Ger trude Storer of Nelson assistant W E llellelbowor assistant Miss Mary Pow ers Miss Myrtle Jones of Brownville Ernini Rathbun Medora Santeo Miss Laura McMillen Miss Hnnnah Stang land Miss Minnie Rowell Miss Mabel Wilcox Miss Gertrude Colvin Miss Cor al White Miss Carrie Budlong Miss Efjlo Abbott Miss Millicent Slaby The Tribune understands that Mrs West Mrs Schobel and Mrs Douglass were not applicants The old teachers will likely nave their old positions al though no assignments other than the high school positions havo been made It is understood that Miss Slaby will havo tho South McCook school The now teachers are Miss Jones Miss Storer Miss Slaby of whom more in due time Will Picnic at Cambridge Tho Knights of Pythias will hold a picnic at Cambridge Thursday of next week July 21st to which all Knights their families and friends are invited They will go down to Cambridge on No 12 at 920 in the morning and return on No 5 at 8 in the evening The Knights havo made every arrangement for a de lightful time There will be music by the Cambridge band boating on tho lake picnic in tho fine grove at that place sports in plenty In fine the boys and their friends will be out for a good timo and they will havo it A New Star Mall Route August 1st a new star mail route will be established between Indianola and Danbury leaving Indianola at 8 in the forenoon and arriving at Danbury at 11 oclock Return ng tho mail will leave Danbury at 2 in tbo afternoon arriving at Indianola at 6 oclock The route will be covered every week day There will be the usual service to patrons along the line who will place suitable boxes in convenient places for the driver This will greatly improve service be tween these two points and with Mc Cook Proposed Rural Free Delivery Route A free rural delivery route is in pros pect running out of McCook on the south side The proposed route runs as far east as the North Star school house south to the German Lutheran church and west to tho Fitch school house There aro over one hundred occupied homes along or within a mile of propos ed route An inspector went over the proposed line Tuesday and there seems to be a fair prospect that the route may be established A Sure Thing Good Time The A O U W and D of H second annual basket picnic will be held at the Water Works park in McCook Thurs day July 21 1901 You are invited to bring your family and friends Sports of different kinds A good time a sure thing Committee Douglas Umstead Wedding Fred Douglas of Traer Kansas and Blanche Umstead of McCook Neb were united in marriage Tuesday July otb 1901 by County Judge Norris in Oberlin Kansas They are well known to many Tribune readers and have their best wishes Water Tax Notice Third quarters water tax becomes delinquent July 15th Ten per cent penalty will be added to all amounts not paid by the evening of the 19th Oflice open from S a in to S p m July 16th 18th and 19th JEKelley Supt New Methodist Church The second payment on subscription is now due It would be an appreciated favor to the committee if the same would be left with D C Marsh or A C Ebert Building Committee Missouri Apples MrRundel will have a car of Missouri apples on track McCook Monday July lSth Come and sample them Specially Low Prices on wall paper at McMillens drug store The census of school district 17 Mc Cook recently completed gives the number of inhabitants of school age as 956 Last year the total was 967 Try one of McConnells chocolate ice cream sodas or a chocolate sundae when dry and thirsty and youll find it reaches the spot Supply your customers with a drink of cold water Coleman sells the coolers at a very reasonable price Best table oil cloth 15c yard including whites and marbles at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Silk gloves in black white grey tans at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Coleman for fruit jars The right kind and the right price MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Ella Dunlap is a guest of Mrs Clara Snyder Mns Nellie Hulse is a guest of Mrs E E Stnyner Mrs R C Knox left for her home in Alliance close of last week Mrs C M Kent and children wont to Red Cloud on 2 Saturday Mrs L S Sage of Alliance is a guest of her sister Mrs W S Morlan Mr and Mrs Mark H Griggs will leave next week for Finoy Mo Mrs E O Scott returned to Repub lican City on 2Saturdaj morning Mrs J M Trammell went down to Hastings yesterday morning on No 2 S E Solomon was down from Cul bertson Wednesday evening on busi ness Mrs Sam Cook and Mrs Frank Rank went to Holdrege Saturday to see tho circus Mrs Jacob Matz and sister returned Saturday nightfrom visiting home folks at Franklin Samuel Randolph Smith of Indian ola had legal business in the city he loves Monday Mrs J G Schouel and Marjory ar rived home Monday night from their visit in Minden Mrs A E Pettv entertained Wed nesday afternoon in honor of her sister Mrs H II Miller of Denver Ruth Warren is down from Fort Morgan Colo guest of her grandpa rents Mr and Mrs C B Rowell Miss Josephine Mullen resumed the duties of cashier and bookkeeper in tho IHc00ii Cash Bargain Store first of week Mrs Alonzo Cone and children ar rived home Monday from visiting a number of weeks in eastern Nebraska Mrs Fred S Harris and children are here from Trenton Mo guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Menard Dr S C Beach went to Denver on 3 Monday night to assist in an operation for appendicitis on Charles Beardslee Mrs H C Clapp entertained a com pany of lady friends at her home Tues day afternoon with her usual cleverness County Attorney Eldred will rep resent Redwillow county before the state equalization board in Lincoln next Mon day Fred S Harris is now connected with the commission firm of Peycke Bros of Kansas City Mo where the family will now make its home W C Miller is here from Kansas City with an ailing daughter They are making their home with M V Sheldon on North Monroe street Mrs Anna Sayers left for Omaha Sunday night Mrs L W Stayner went on Monday night They will go together to Indiana and Kentucky Mrs Barney Hofer was hostess at the meeting of the Ladies club Wed nesday afternoon when the club mem bers and friends were hospitably enter tained RevW B Pope of Pueblo Colo state secretary of Colorado for the Baptist church was in the city Friday last to consult with Rev Betts tho new mis sionary for the Centennial state Mrs S L Green and Mrs Cora Kelly will entertain a company of lady friends tomorrow at the home of the former Mrs Kelly arrived from Iowa close of last week on a visit to the old home folks Steve Bolles Jr came in from the farm near Box Elder Wednesday even ing to secure surgical attention A fel low workman on the farmaccidentallycut him in the right knee with an old rusty scythe He is getting along o k and expects to be back at work in a few days L W McConnell and L C Stoll drove over to Curtis last Thursday to indulge briefly in the delight of fish ing in Lake Curtis They arrived home Sunday Dr C L Fahnestock and C L Walker went over Saturday on a like mission returning home on Sunday also V Franklin Charlie Weintz and G B Berry were over between Danbury and Lebanon Monday appraising sec tion 36 in school district 36 township 1 range 27 They report crops looking more promising as you drive near Mc Cook than they are over in tho Beaver valley Section 36 is on the Nebraska Kansas states line Gasoline stoves are a summer neces sity Coleman has the best makes the American market affords McMillen druggist makes a specialty of fine stationery writing and pencil tablets Use McConnells foot powder for tired inflamed or sweaty feet in 25c boxes 40 inch canvas for 20c yard at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Edgar M Rhodes Is Dead Edgar Milton Rhodes died at 11 oclock Wednesday morning at the Delta Upsilon house 1436 S street after an illness of less than four days and a half Death was caused by typhoid malaria His mother was at the bedside at tho time of his death His fatherMilton Rhodes arrived in Lincoln this afternoon from Hebron Nob Walter Rhodes an older brother lives at St Joseph Mo Rhodes had been rooming and board ing at tho Delta Upsilon house this sum mer with a number of other members of the fraternity He attended the Lincoln Business College for a time and had been playing on tho Creamery baseball team Ho participated in the contest between the Creamery and Ord teams Friday afternoon and Friday evening complained of not feeling well Ho be came delirious Monday morning and from then on until his death he had only a few rational intervals Dr F L Wilmeth was called first and later he brought in several other physi cians for consultation During Monday and Tuesday the patient lived with a fever temperature of nearly 105 and this varied little up to tho time of his death Edgar Rhodes was born in Hebron December 21 1878 He graduated from the high school there in the spring of 1S97 and matriculated in the literary department of the state university in the fall of that year He studied at the university until the second semester in 1902 Dusty as ho was called by baseball followers was well known and admired throughout Nebraska for his athletic skill While in the university he played several years on the baseball teams and was captain of the squad one year This spring he joined one of the teams in the All Iowa league He injured his shoul der early in the season and was forced to quit playing several weeks Then he came to Lincoln and joined tho Cream ery team The body probably will bo taken to Hebron Thursday and funeral services will be held there Several of the fra ternity men will accompany the parents to Hebron Lincoln Star Becomes Missionary for Colorado Rev C R Betts pastor of the Bap tist church of our city has been appoint ed missionary for the state of Colorado and has resigned the pnstorate of tho local church Rev Betts will assume charge of his new work about August 15th and will have his headquarters and home in Pueblo The new position will bring him larger duties and a wider field with commensurate remuneration and coming altogether unexpectedly and un sought is particularly gratifying to the revered gentleman and his many friends and admirers among his pari3honers and the people of McCook Dr Betts zealous and energetic work since his residence here is in evidence in the largely incceased membership of the First Baptist church and in the efficient organization His energy administra tive capacity ability as an organizer and zeal and earnestness in the great work are a guarantee that he will give a good account of himself in the new and larger field of Christian endeavor We con gratulate him Corrected County Valuation The total assessed valuation of Red- willow as corrected and as now sent in to the state is 171021819 The total assessment for last year was 125792943 This is an increase of 15231876 or a fraction over 37 per cent Of the total the railroad valuation is 38990132 or a fraction over 22 per cent of the entire valuation of the county There are pre cincts in Redwillow county in which the railroad assessment and consequently its taxes will be double that of the real and personal property of the entire precinct Dwelling for Rent The 10 room dwelling just vacated by County Treasurer Gossard See W T Coleman The county treasurer is getting out notices to all delinquents in personal taxes for past years and as provided by law will proceed legally against all who fail to respond to his notice A petition is being circulated for a free rural delivery route out of Indianola running northwest in the direction of Box Elder and supplying the country north of Red Willow Girl Wanted To do general house work good wages Mrs R B Archibald Best values in mens hats at 250 150 1 and 50c at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Come and see our stock if you want something nice in harness of any kind Coleman Harvest toweling 7J to 12Jc at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Sun bonnets 15 to 35c at the Thomp son Dry Goods Cos JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Miss C Estolla Goodwin supt of Dundy county was with us Thursday and Friday Mrs Martin and baby joined tho pro fessor last week and life has taken on a more roseate huo for the professor Frank Graves was taken sick and left for home Palisade Wednesday He will resume his studies on next Monday The model school will open next Mon day with pupils in tho second and third gradescontinuing with them two weeks The examination in botany is being hold today and on next Monday morn ing physiology will bo taken up in its place Rev E R Earle of St Albans church addressed tho teachers briefly but in happy lines during Tuesdays chapel period Prof Martin had two periods this week with Edgar Allen Poo as his sub ject much to the pleasure and profit of tho teachers Todays sessions close the first half of the term Tho first half has been quite satisfactory and it is expected that the closing half will show even more gratify ing results K J Hoonshel author of a grammar and other text books and representing a school book publishing house spoke to the teachers Wednesday giving one of the best talks of tho session Prof George Aller of the music do partment of the Franklin academy was here Tuesday and gave the teachers two vocal efforts at the assembly which were enjoyed and appreciated fully Miss Edna Barr of Holdrege who was accompanist at tho Holdrege normal last year was in the city Thursday She contemplates giving music lessons in the city and a recital in the near fu ture Fred Eggert who recently quit school to go to work has returned and taken up the work of the normal It is a source of satisfaction to note that a num ber of others who withdrew some time since have also returned The date for the production of Queen Etcher is still undetermined How ever tho practices are going on with very satisfactory results The regular practices are held on Tuesday and Fri day evenings of each week The can tata is working out finely The music program last Friday was a very enjoyable and worthy one Prof W J McGillin played two violin num bers Prof Martin sang three vocal num bers Mrs W B Mills and Mrs G H Thomas were on for a piano duet be sides the acceptable efforts of the nor mal chorus The total enrollment of the McCook Junior Normal up to yesterday evening was 163 The new enrollment during this week is as follows Indianola Earl Allen Roxie Gentry Azubah Mc Donald Jennie Loomis Bartley Ida Bush Benkelman Julia Huntley Dan bury Mrs E B Young Roxy Brown Mary Greenway Dora Greenway Leb anon Rosa Slutt3 McCook Nettie Endsley Winnie Brown Winnie Gordon Trenton Frances JonesBridgetCurran Stratton Delia Graham Palisade Wilma Walbridge Cambridge Kath ern Peyton The following music prog am was ren dered this morning at the Junior Nor- rmal school chapel exercise and apprecia ted by the teachers and many visitors who were present Chant School Song School Vocal solo a Two Grenadiers b The Skinner Mr Miller Piano solo Spring Rustle Mrs Thomas Song School Vocal solo a Daddy b The Devoted AddIo Mrs Miller Song School Vocal solo fa The Bandolero b A Stein Song Mr Miller Song School March Mrs Mills Plenty of 5c prints at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Best apron check ginghams 6c at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ladies 26 inch sun and rain umbrellas from 50c to 250 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos The work of painting the Advent church the old Methodist church is progressing this week Sunday July 17th there will be a cel ebration of the Holy Commu nion at the St Albans church at 730 a m See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything It is said that E E DeLong will en gage in the confectionery business in the Strasser Stern building south of The Tribune office obttttc McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JULY 15 1904 A Coming Legal Mill T A Desmond the sporty tailor who recently jumped tho city leaving several unsatisfied claims and people is the anthor of a lively legal mill to bo pulled off next Tuesday Ho owed Mrs J T Kondlon for board and money advanced to the amount of 15 After his depar ture she attached some goods and fix tures in the Kapkeshop which Desmond had been running Mr Kapko came in and replevined tho goods and the matter will be settled next Tuesday Music Program Sunday Evening Next Sunday evenings service in tho Congregational church will consist largely of music Tho chief numbers on the program of tho evening aro the following Duet Martha Stiess Lota Monks Solo H C Clapp Duet J R McCarl S B McLean Solo Mrs C W Britt Anthem Choir Public cordially invited to this servico of song A New Law Firm C II Boyle and C E Eldred recently formed a partnership in tho practice of the law Both aro successful practition ers in their special departments and tho combination will make one of the lead ing law firms in this part of the state Tho firm will occupy the Boyle rooms in the postofflco building The Matter Was Settled William Lewis was before Justice Berry Thursday charged with selling intoxicants to the 11-year-old son of J W Shirley July 4th Tho case was settled however and dismissed It is said that the youth became quite in toxicated on the occasion citod Spices and Flavoring Extracts We handle only tho best grade of spices and as we make our own extracts we can guarantee them strictly pure McConnell druggist Tho state executive committee of the Young Mens Christian Association has been very fortunate in securing MrLII Lindermann as corresponding member for McCook and community His du ties are to interest himself as far as pos sible in the young men of the commun ity and those leaving home will do well to call upon him and get from him an introductory card which will introduce this person to any association wherever ho may present it He also has the possibility of notifying any other asso ciation in Nebraska or any part of the world of the incoming to their commun ity of this young man This notifica tion will be gladly received by any as sociation whether it bo railroad city college army or navy Possibly no ap pointment has been made which will aid young men so much as this one Tho Perry stone horses have been re covered They were stolen and ridden down into the Beaver valley somewhere and the saddles and bridles removed and the horses turned loose They were fin ally secured at Ellis over on the south side the animals having started home ward No cite to the thieves This week Zint Menard disposed of their millinery store to ODonnell Col fer who on Wednesday night assumed charge of the business The Misses ODonnell are from Stratton The other member of the firm Mrs Mary Colfer was too well known to require an intro duction Two male pilgrims were placed in the city jail last evening charged with stealing several pairs of pants from CL DeGroff Cos clothing department Some of the stolen goods were in the possession of one of the prisoners when the arrest was made Either the city jail ought to be prompt ly rendered habitable for human prison ers or arrangements should be made with the county authorities for use of the county jail at the expense of the lessors of the city hall The Trenton telephone exchange is now in working order with fifty names on the exchange The line comes in from the west Hammocks spacious restful and com fortableat 100 and up A McMillen Druggist No excuse for sewing in July Ideal shirt waists for 50c to 6 at the Thomp son Dry Goods Cos Just the time of year to plant turnip seed Colemans is the place to buy the kind thatll grow Concrete walks improve your property W C Bullard is the man to let your contract to Gauze corsets and girdles 35c up at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Gauze underwear for all people at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Chop suey at McConnells fountain Girl wanted at the Palmer hotel k cv o a NUMBER r I i HEAR FLOWERS TO NIGHT I Jj Ii SURE I OPERA k I HOUSE 5 fc w LAAAAVAVAVAVAVllXIIIltltiaiAlllIAyayaVMYAVAVal McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning M wheat 70 Oats r JO Barley x tlKS 777 110 i BKh YiYt Good Butter 15 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnells for drugs Picnic day next Thursday Coleman sells beet cultivators Ripe cherries for sale Phone 53 Everything in drugs McConnell Horse covers and fly nets at Waitos See tho Ocean Wave washer before buying I guarantee my concrete walks W C Bullard Room for rent over tho market See D C Marsh If you need a hay stacker see tho one Coleman sells Tho Great Majestic Rango is tho greatest stove made Dont scald your fingers buy a fruit funnel at Colemans When you need fly nets try Coleman and see what will happen Childrens gauze union suits at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Local news of importance on every homo page of The Tkihune High grade organ for sale cheap Must be sold Inquire at this office Tho Deering hay rakes aro all made from steel Light and strong Refrigerators a nice variety of the best in the market Coleman Cool and airy dressing sacque3 50c to 1 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos A specialty of office supplies The Tribune The new stock of single harness is all right for those driving wagons at W T Colemans The gathering of the cherry crop still calls for more sun bonnets 15 to 35c at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Lost Pair of gold rimmed spectacles Case has name of C A Leach on same Reward for return to this oflice Can you spare time to make wrappers this time of year Buy them ready made at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos The small grain harvest is now well on Rust is reported in some localities as having quite severely damaged the crop The operation of C G Coglizers artificial stonemaking plant has been delayed by inability to secure the neces sary moulds See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything This i3 the cholera morbus season Keep a bottle of McConnells black berry balsam in the house and be pre pared for it The law in Nebraska requires a man to wear clothes Mens suit3 3350 to 1350 Boys suits 85c to 4 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Dont these hot days remind you of ce cream Well it takes a good freezer to make a good article of cream CoIes man dont sell any other kind When using Lincoln Absolutely Pure Paint you have a guarantee as to dura bility and general satisfaction A McMillen The total revenues of Indianola city for the year ending April 30 1901 were 150114 which includes 500 liquor license The estimate of expenses for the year ending April 30 1905 i3 1500 Among the attractions and diversions of the A O U W picnic July 21stwill be maneuvers by the drill teams of the two orders a goat parade music by a band addresses a drill by twenty uni formed young girls etc It will all be worthwhile 7