DANBURY Tho ffirmera urn busy withliarvost Will Snndou ban i joaition in Denver Mrs Sewill exp ct3 to start for Cali fornii Monday J L Snrgent and family spout the Fourth in tndinnoln Mr Moyer and family of Ludell are tvisiting S G iJastiana Mrs Wilson of Hartley is visiting Mrs S3 W Stilgebouor this weok J L Sims shipped two car loads of ihogs to Kuusus City this week s Hurry Ryan and family of Wilson willo were visiting friends hero A U Furmarj will continue to run the News plant The sale is off for the present Clifford Burbridgp who was visiting JFred Powells on the Sappy came homo Thursday F GStilgebouor and family who wore visiting relatives here returned to their homo in Hartley Howard Ruby and family of Lebanon came up last Saturday and remained until after the Fourth Mrs Young and husband of Fremont are visiting her brothers Mose and Mitch Young and families Rev Wintjens 8onErrett of Dresden Kansas celebrated the Fourth here which was his former home Mr Lane and wife of Pennsylvania who were visiting Wm Kendall and - family returned home first of week Arthur Everist aud wife of South eastern Kansas where they have been residing for the past year returned and will move oh the home place now owned by J EDolph It was estimated at 5000 people here 4ho Fourth and were nicely entertained -All moved off as merry as the marriage bells except the falling of the grand stand which was occupied by about 200 persons who were watching a Maccabee drill seriously injuring the following persons Mrs Bert Everist a fractured -skull Mr Bod well a broken arm Jesse JNaden a dislocated ankle Frank Eno and lady were seriously shaken up and other slight injuries It was bad but it might have been worso The ball game was a very exciting one in favor of Dan bury by the close score of 9 to S The Eebanon boys met their Waterloo for the rst time this season Working Night ana Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings New Life Pills These pills change weakness into strength listlessness into energy brain fag into mental power Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only 23c per box Sold by L W Mc Connell Fred Premer spent the Fourth with his best girl Mrs E A Wilson here visited friends in Danbury this week Several parties will begin wheat and rye harvest this week Several parties have arranged to use the hydraulic stone for buildings The weedy corn caused many of the farmers to spend the Fourth in the corn fields The Epworth League picnic in the Wilson grove was enjoyed by the Sunday school Mrs Olmstead recently bought lots in the southwest part of town and will build soon Mrs Crosby visited Sunday with her brother George Davis who lives north-east of Cambridge Maude Miller has been in poor health -for the past week and unable to attend to her duties in the postofBce F G Stilgebouer and family returned from Danbury Monday afternoon They report having a pleasant visit vthere Mrs R C Catlett has purchased twenty lots in the southwest part of town and will soon erect a fine resi dence Mr Troope brother of Mrs Hodgkin terminated his visit here July 4th and Tetnrned to his home at Blairstown Iowa Several parties from here attended the celebrations at Indianola and Agent Hanson sold forty tickets to McCook Bartley is having a building boom and with the close of this season there will be more improvements than in the past ten years Gordon A they manufactured a cannon which added much to the celebration hero the Fourth The fire works in the evening were very attractive -Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering I wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlainjs Colic Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy says Mrs Mattie Burge of Martinsville Va I suffered irom chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medi cines without obtaining any permanent relief Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus and I procured a bottle of this remedy Only two doses were required to give her entire relief I then decided to try tho medicine myself and did not uso all of one bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that complaint One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful medi cine This remedy is for sale by all -druggists LEBANON We understand that Mrs Pelakio is very sick Mrs S Kinkaid has moved into the now hotel Mrs George Newland is visiting her sister at Palisade John Logan was in from Tyrone Sat urday marketing hogs Louie Osborn is back again nftor a pleasant visit with bomefolks Mrs Hunt is up from Holdrege visit ing her parents Wm McCarty and wife John Castels new house is almost finished and John will soon be at home E E Dovoe and wife with Iral and Ivan celebrated the Fourth in McCook J P Kinnie is back from an extended visit at Lincoln and Excelsior Springs Mo George Newlands mother and sister were over from Indianola a few days last week The new bricks are now completed Francis Pelton finished painting tho awnings Tuesday W R Turner Chas Townsend and Mel McCarty visited with relatives in Norton Kansas last week Quite a lot of excitement was created when Robt Kimball rode W RTumers broncho He did a good job Mrs Bethel of Lincoln is visiting with her son bringing the sons little daughter who has been attending school in that city Hiram Boyd returned June 30th from Franklin Penn He had not visited his old home in 38 years and reports many changes Mrs Ora Perkins died June 28th Deceased was a daughter of Dick Paugh and wife She loaves a husband and two children to mourn their loss Two daughters of T E McDonald of Danbury who were visiting with Ruth Waugh returned homo Saturday Ruth accompanied them to stay till after the Fourth Elmer VanVleet son of Frank Van- Vleetdied last week of an illness of long duration and was buried July 2 Mrs Pefferman of Beatrice grandmother of the boy arrived Saturday and Amos Thomas drove her over to the funeral I Before going home she will visit with the Thomas family Tho Lebanon people were badly dis appointed in the program the Fourth at Danbury The grove was only about 20 feet wide and right on the bank of the creek They would allow no one to bring top buggies inside the inclosure or within 4 of a mile of the proceedings In order to see the parade of the Macca bees many took seats in the grand stand that was intended for the spectators at the ball same It seems that the grand stand was very poorly constucted for it went down and many wore injured Some of those from Lebanon receiving injuries and bruises were APBodwell wrist broken Mrs A P Bodwell head hurt and other bruises Mabel Eikerd bruised about head and rendered un conscious Flora Waugh rendered un conscious and badly bruised One mother was struck on the head and she fell on her infant child and fainted away Tho child was unhurt Many others were hurt in fact everyone that was in the grand stand was hurt more or less Wm Hindman barely escaped from be ing caught under the falling pile The ball game between Danbury and Lebanon for S50 ended in a dispute in the last half of the fourth The score stood 7 to 8 in favor of Danbury Tho umi ire gave general dissatisfaction The crowd from Lebanon repeatly asked in vain for just decisions The first rank decision was made good by another rank BEAUTY TfflMMPHS 77s a Priceless Troasuro Beauty is womans greatest charm The world adores beautiful women A pretty woman dreads maternity for fear of losing this power What can be done to perpetu ate the race and keep women beautiful There is a balm used by cultured and un cultured women in the crisis Husbands should investigate this remedy in order to reassure their wives as to the ease with which children can be born and beauty of form and figure retained Mothers Frieid is the name by which this preparation is known It diminishes the pain allied to motherhood Used throughout pregnancy it relieves morning sickness cures sore breasts makes elastic all tendons called upon to hold the expanding burden Muscles soften and relax under its influ ence and the patient anticipates favorably the issue in the comfort thus bestowed Mothers Friend is a liniment for ex ternal application It is gently rubbed over the parts so severely taxed and being absorbed lubricates all the muscles Druggists sell it for Si per bottle You may have our book flotherhood free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA J i decision in Lebanons favor but after that ho went from bad to worse refusing to call tho Daubury runners out on cases and not allowing tho Lebauon manager or anybody else to say a word Every time anybody would ask a reason for a decision bo would pull out his watch and threaten to call the game After calling the Lebanon pitcher a liar the pitcher slapped Dim in tho faco and left the ground whereupon there wns a general stampede to the diamond Ed Smith of McCook playing second for I Dnnbury screamed out that if any body from Lebanon was not satisfied with tho turn of affairs ho would give them entire satisfaction About 15 was placed under his nose at once and Lebanons right fielder claimed not to be satisfied but Smith was wiser atonce We tried to see some way that the mat ter could been settled peaceably but failed Danbury absolutely refused to put in another umpire the umpire refused to change his decisions so the Lebanon team refused to play any lon ger against nine men and the umpiro Tho decisions were so rank that tho resident minister called it an open steal and asked for another umpire We ap peal to the business men of Lebanon Wo have a good grove the best band for miles around and wo never go to Danbury to play ball without they im port a lot of men Why not stay at homo Every town in a radius of 40 miles was represented at Danbury and it would have paid them to been have fair A Continual Strain Many men and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term a continual strain because of some financial or family trouble It wears and distresses them both mentally and physically affecting their nerves badly and bringing on kidney and liver ail ments with the attendaut evils of con stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness low vitality and despondency They can not as a rule get rid of this continu al strain but they can remedy its health destroying effects by taking frequent doses of Greens August Flower It tones up the liver stimulates tho kidneys in sures healthy bodilv functions gives vim and spirit to ones whole being and eventually dispels the physicul or men tnl distress caused by that continual strain Trial bottle of August Flower J5c regular size 7i3 At all druggists BOX ELDER Rev Crago spent the Fourth with the Spring Creek people Maxwell Wolfe was down from Stock villo to spend the Fourth J B Johnson came up from Platts mouth last Saturday to spend the Fourth J B Johnson and wife Mrs Martha and Eliza Johnson W Y Johnson A W Campbell and George Shields were guests of T M Campbell Sunday Wo were pleased to learn that Ida Modrell was able to spend the Fourth in McCook and hope she will continue to improve and may soon regain her usual health I II Harrison and wife went to Friend Saturday to visit their daugh ters Mrs J F Miller Mrs Albert Schlosser and Mrs Will Creaman All their friends wish them both apleasant time Doctors Said He Would Not Live Peter Fry WoodruffPa writes After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesburg and still getting worse the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once as I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me Foleys Kidney Cure was recommended to mo by a friend and 1 immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I began to get better and con tinued to improve until I was entirely well Sold by A McMillen H BANKSVILLE Peterson has started barley vest Dont forget to vote for Teddy Roose velt George Tuttle in Gerver has started barley harvest Mesdames Hartmau and Anderson are picking cherries this week A girl was found at H I Petersons June 30th All concerned doing well B W Benjamin and wife are the pa rents of a girl born July 6th No cigars in town 175 inches of rain the last week and crops are responding You can almost see the corn grow Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over It can always bo depended up on even in the most severe and danger ous cases It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief Why not buy it now It may save life For sale by all druggists less Than Half Rates to St Louis and Return The Burlington offers another series of low rate excursions to St Louis and return on Mondays July 11 18 and 25 Tickets at S1475 for the round trip considerably less than half rate Tick ets are good in coaches and chair cars seats free The St Louis Exposition is the most magnificent spectacle the world has ever beheld and its like may not occur again in your lifetime Let me send you our illustrated folder or call on our agent for full information L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha I INDIANOLA Joe Voring spent the Fourth in Mc Cook Grant Kincaid of Danbury was a city visitor Sunday Orson Leo of McCook was on our streets Saturday Maude Allen visited this week with relatives in McCook Percy Catlett and wife of Bartley spent tho Fourth here W D Williams wife and daughtor of Bartley celebrated tho Fourth Tiore Charlie Russell came in from Lincoln for a few days visit with the family Pearl Lyman of Bartley visited with her friend Cora Thompson Monday Pearl Russell of Lebanon was in town a few days this week theguestof Maggio Newland Lenn Miller Annio Smith and Katie Vering camo down from McCook Satur day morning Pete Spohns and wife spent a few days this week with their parents in Culbertson Rena Epperley of Bartley visited tho first of week with her sister Mrs Clar ence McCord Rosa Myers of Funk Neb visited a few days this week with tho family of Henry Crabtreo Wm McCool and family enjoyed a short visit this week with his sister and husband of Iowa An infant child of John Heintz and wife died and was buried Wednesday from the Catholic church Mrs Wilson came down from Denver Monday morning to attend the funeral of her father Dr Stahlcup I M Beardslee and wife came down from McCook last Sunday to visit with their daughter Mrs Wm Dolan Mr Williams and wife came up from Cambridgo Saturday to visit with his brother who lives north of to vn E E Crippen and wife of Benkelman visited a few days this week with his brother Rev Crippen and family Frank Kromell who has been clerking in Nick Uerlings store returned to his homo iu Republican City Wednesday morning Mrs Millgate arrived home from Montana last Saturday evening where she has been spending the summer with relatives Mrs Frank Gray and two daughters Greta and Ethel came up from Arapa hoe Monday and visitedjj with friends returning home Thursday We had a lively little diversion on our streets the other day Ono fellow told the other that he was a liar and the other fellow didnt believe it Hence tho difficulty DrStahlci p died Saturday night after a lingering illness and was buried from the ConjjreiMtional church Monday morning at nine oclock Sermon by Rev Hawkins Mr Jones and wife who have been visiting his brother-in-law E S Hill went down to Ainsworth Neb Tuesday morning on a visit before returning to their home in Iowa I N Skinner stopped off between trains Monday night to visit with his uncle W H Smith and family He was enroute from Trenton to his home in Hamilton county Indianola spent her natal day very pleasantly in the grove two miles east of town Everyone was good natured and orderly not a drunk on the ground and everybody apparently happv A ball game was indulged in in tho afternoon by the boys against Coon Creek The Indianola boys coming out best One Ladys Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets I have I believe sold fifty boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets on the recommendation of one lady here who first bought a box of them about a year ago She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of these tablets P M Shore druggist Rochester Ind The pleasant purgative effect of these tablets makes them a favorite with ladies everywhere For sale by all druggists European rates are way down If you wish to visit the old country or have friends there wishing to come to this country now is the time Consult the ticket agent The pill that will will fill the bill Without a gripe To cleanse the liver without a quiver Take one at night DeWitts Little Early Risers are small easy to takeeasy and gentle in eifectyet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed For quick relief from biliousness sick head ache torpid liver jaundice dizziness and all troubles arising from an inactive sluggish liver Early Risers are un equalled Sold by L W McConnell Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah points will be in effect from June 1st to September 30 Enquire at ticket office Piles Upon Top of Piles Piles upon top of piles of people have the piles and DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures them There are many different kinds of piles but if you get -the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve made by E C DeWitt Co of Chicago a cure is certain HATisdale of Summerton S C says I had piles 20 years and DeWitts Salve cured me after everything else failed Sold by L W McConnell The Original Foley CoChicngooriginated ILnoy and Tar as a tin oat and lung remedy and on account of tho great merit ann popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations aro offered for tho genuine Ask for Foleys IIony and Tar and rof uso any substitute offered as no other preparation will give tho same satisfaction It U mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safpst for children and delicate persons Sold by AMcMillen Weak H Are due to Indigestion Ninety nine of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it was simple Indiges tion It is a scientific fact that all cases of heart disease not organic are not only traceable to but are the direct result of Indi gestion All food taken into the stomach which falls of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach puffing it up against the heart Thl3 Interferes with the action of the heart and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased Mr D Kaublo of Nevada O says I had stomach trouble and was In a bad state as I had heart trouble with It I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about four months and it cured me Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure Bottles only 100 Ska holding 2H times tho trial size which sells for 50c Prepared by E O DeWITT OO OHIOAQO For Sale by L W McConnell WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm IJis prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of tho losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee s Manufactured by the puuy Sheldon Iown Mi TESTIMONIAL Dehnont S D Dec 17 rj I used L K for hog cholnru and it was all right It ciircrl my hogs I hint three sick ones and they nllgoc wull and done line I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hog cholera I think otlikii Jekki Harrington Ni b Dec 1 1902 I am using Liquid ICoal and am well plea ed with it I am sure I saved my hugs with it last year and am going to keep it iu stock all tho time as it is tho best thins I ever had on the place for everj thing it is intended for It is pood for chicken cholera lico on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN National Medical Com- I wa9 troubled with stom ach trouble Thedfords Black Draught did mo more good in ono weok than ah tho dec tors medicine I toot in a year IRS S A It An E 6KIRFIELD Ellettsville Ind ThedfortTs Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronic cases of indigestion If you will take a small dose of Thed fords Black Draught occa sionally you keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition I THEDFORDS 1 More sickness is caused by constipation than by any other disease Thedfords Black Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhcea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular All druggists sell 25 cent packages Thedfords Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowel3 I have ever used MRS A 31 GRANT Sneads Ferry N C nSHPAT ion Ordinance No 116 An ordinance appropriating such sums of money as are deemed necessary to defray all of the expenses and liabilities of the city of Mc Cook Redwillow countv Nebraska as per estimates heretofore made by said city for the current fiscal year for the payment of the ame Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of McCook Section 1 That the following sums of monpy be and the samo is hereby appropriated to de fray tho necessary expenses and liabilities of the said city of McCook Redwillow county Ne braskafor the currentfiscal year for the objects and purposes stated herein- Salaries of officers S 500 00 Making repairing streets alleys and crosswalks 1000 CO To pay firemen and supplies 000 00 Rent for water troughs and street sprink ling 2200 00 Supplies rent claims printing and elec tions 1400 00 Lighting streets 1400 00 Interest on bonds and sinking fund 1000 00 Libraryfund G00 00 Section 2 That there be and the samo is hereby levied on the taxable property within the corporate limits of the said city of McCook for the purpose of defraying the expenses afore said the following tax on said property namely General fund 9 mills Water fund 7 mills Electric light fund 4 mills Section 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pass ageapproval and publication according to law Passed and approved this 27th day of June A D 1904 Attest C I Hall C J Rtajj City Clerk Acting Mayor Modem Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Oillce over McConnells drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phonk 1C0 Res Phone 131 Registorod Graduate Dontist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities I F D BTJKQESS Plumber and I Steam Filter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA Mrs S E GRIGGS Professional Nurse Will do Shampoolnfir and Halrdreas Ing at homo as usual Second doors east of Commercial hotel DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Ofiice Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK KKU Consultation free H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska DR B J OUNN DENTIST rmncB m Office over Grannis store McCook Neb DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon OHico over McMillena drug store Rnsideuce 712 Main Aveuue Residence phono Til Ofiice phone 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska Aont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Ollico in Iostollico building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building H P SUTTON MCCOOK 0 v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA HOLLISTEFVS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicico for Bibj People Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea In tab -let form 3 cent3 a box Genuine made by Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis OQLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS sate Always reliable Xadisnsslcnrmrtt fnr fcold metallic boxes sealed with blue rbbon Take no other Reruw danCerou ind Iniatlons Huj ofyourDnigsist or snd ir in stamps for Ianlculnr T tt rnonliu and Keller for Lartlc i Utter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials bold br oil Iruggist3 CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Madison Square l3IIIA PA Mention thl NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Charle Hammond Andrew Boofing and Charles B King and to all whom it may con cern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section seven 7 township three 3 range twenty eight i2t we t of the Sixth P 21 in Red Willdw precinct Red Wil low county Nebraska running thence north on half section line one 1 mile to tho northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section seven 7 township three 3i range twenty eight 2S west of tho Sixth P M and terminating there at has reported in favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claim3 for dam ages must be filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of the 17th day of August 1904 or said road will be established without reference thereto E J Wilcox Countj Clerk e- i i I x i I Ss