The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 08, 1904, Image 1

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Knights of Pythias Install Officers
The officers elect of McCook lodge No
12 Kuigbts of Pythias were duly in
stalled Wednesday evening as follows
Lon Cone Past Chancellor Com
J R McCarl Chancellor Commander
S 13 McLean Vice Chancellor Com
Max Long Prelate
J F Cordeal K of R and S
Louis Thorgrimson Master of Ex
L W Stayner Master of Finance
Lon Cone Mastorof Work
H II Tartscb Master af Arms
Earl Ludwick Insido Guard
C L Walker Outside Guard
Abput tho time the work of the
evening was completed and visions of
ham sandwiches ice cream garnished
with strawberries and other delicacies
filled tho knightly imagination and
the fragrant aroma of mocha
and java the knightly nostril there
was an unusual alarm at the
outer door The guard reported the
outer works in the hands of a score or
moro feminine barbarians with an as
sault ou the castle as impending A
hurried consultation ensued with the
result that the better part of knightly
valor was esteemed to be immediate and
unconditionalsurrender and thereupon
tho wives and sweethearts of the
knights took possession in force and
without opposition It was a complete
surprise one enjoyed as much by the
knights as by the ladies After a brief
session at cards and social chat refresh-
ments were served by the knights con
cluding a very enjoyable occasion for all
A Quiet Home Wedding
Mr Carl Kleint and Mrs Dr Mary
Rowland both of Herndon Kansas
were united in marriage at the home of
the brides mother Mrs Ellen Canaga
in our city Monday evening July 4th
The wedding was a private one only
relatives and intimate friends being
The bride is an accomplished young
woman being a graduate of tho Kansas
City Medical college and well known to
the readers of The Tribune The
groom is a successful and enterprising
young business man o Herndon Kan
They have the earnest wishes of
many friends in Red Willow county and
in Herndon and vicinity for their happi
ness and continued prosperity
Bitten by a Mangled Rattler
Fred Rheinheimer was bitten by a
rattlesnake on the left hand last Satur
day morning about eight oclock and
had to make a quick run to McCook to
secure medical assistance thereby sav
ing his life perhaps they made the
trip from the farm south west of McCook
to the city in forty minutes The dogs
had practically torn the rattler to pieces
when Fritz picked up the head to ex
amine the teeth and was bitten on the
hand Liberal doses of firewater were
administered and Fritz will soon be
ready soon to investigate rattlers or any
old thing that comes along regardless
Improving the Plant Considerably
Frank Real Co are improving their
elevator plant at Perry in antici
pation of an active run of business in
the fall at that place Among the im
provements are a new wagon scale and a
four horse power gasoline engine Clean
ing and elevating at that point has been
done in the past by horse power The
gasoline engine will give more power
and materially increase the efficiency of
the plant All that Perry needs is a
bridge to make it quite a grain shipping
point Roads from both north and
side quite naturally lead to that point
with easy grades
For Sale at a Bargain
One 0 I Case 15 horso engine with
32x54 separator complete with feeder
and blower All good as new Engine
located at Cedar Bluffs Kansas Ad
dress I J Peck Oberhn Kansas
Specially Low Prices
on wall paper at McMillens drug store
The present indications are that this
will be the best year ever in the culture
of sugar beets Every prospect pleases
in the beet field now
Gasoline stoves are a summer neces
sity Coleman has the best makes the
American market affords
Best values in mens hats at 250
150 1 and 50c at the Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
If you need a mower buy the Giant
Ideal It is taking the lead all over the
Chop Suey served at our fountain
McConnell druggist
Gauze underwear for all people at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Coleman for fruit jars Tho right
kind and the right price
Everly N Berry is home on a visit
Mr and Mrs Wm Lewis returned
yesterday from St Louis
Gladys Harvky of Wauneta is the
guest of Mrs Barney Hofer
MnsJ C Stevens of Hastings is a
guest of Mrs Frank Kendlen
Mrs Ed Caffrey is over from Stam
ford guest of Frand Real her brother
Postmaster C W Meeker of Im
perial was down Tuesday seeing how
it is it
Mrs E O Scott has been up from
Republican City this week visiting
Harmon Thompson of Bertrand visit
ed in tho city from Saturday until Mon
day night
Miss Gertrude Colvin is down from
Fort Morgan Colo this week attend
ing normal
Mr and MrsSam Acheson of Hardy
Nebraska were the guests of his brother
J C over the Fourth
Mrs M A Walters and Miss Susie
have gone up to the ranch near Hia
watha for the summer
Mrs Dr E M Easterday has gone
down to Tecumseh to see the sick chil
dren of Phil Easterday
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher cf Indian
apolis Ind is in the city guest of Mr
and Mrs J H Grannis
Mrs T E McCarl went down to
Cambridge Wednesday morning on a
short visit to the homefolks
Mr and Mrs L W Cox of Scotts
bluff Neb have had a recent visit
from the busy stork Its a girl
D C BENEDiCTof Culbertson was in
the city Saturday last and Tuesday
He had been visiting east of here
Miss Ethel Barnett expects to
leave Saturdaj for New England to
visit during the summer vacation
Miss Mable Kendall who has been
the guest of her aged grandparents for
several months has gone to Lincoln
Mrs J W Corner of Coleman pre
cinct was called to Iowa Wednesday
night by the serious illness of a sister
Mrs L W Stayner and mother Mrs
Anna Savers wiil leave for Indiana next
week on an extended visit in that state
Mrs II II Miller came down from
Denver close of last week and has been
the guest of McCook relatives this
A E Petty has bought the Frank
Westland residence and T E McCarl
will move into the cottage now occupied
by Mr Petty
Miss Alma Powell was tho guest of
Miss Winnie Browne early part of the
week returning to Stratton on 5 Wed
nesday evening
Mrs M R Mehaffay of Pittsburg
Penna arrived in the city last Friday
night and will be the guest of Mrs T
B Campbell for some time
Mrs Roseland Parsons has joined
her husband in Omaha where he is re
covering from an operation performed
recently in a hospital of that city
Mrs Augusta Anton and the chil
dren departed on Wednesday night for
Des Moines Iowa to be absent a month
or longer visitirg her daughter there
Miss Bernice Linville of Carson
Iowa was in the city last Saturday
guest of Mrs G D LeHew while on
her way west to Pueblo Colo on a
Will ONeil of Dayton Wash was
in the city between trains Sunday on
his way home from a visit to the home
folks in Chatsworth 111 He is in bus
iness in Dayton
Ed Caffrey formerly in the Burling
ton train service was up from Stamford
-Monday to take in the celebration and
to greet old time friends at Western
division headquarters
Fred Beardslee spent Saturday and
Sunday as the guest of his parents He
was on his way to Denver from a visit
to dear friends in Illinois He left for
Denver Sunday night
Mr and Mrs F S Vahue expect to
return to Michigan within a few weeks
on account of Mrs Vahues health Mr
Hatfield will move back to the ranch
and assume the management of affairs
Mr and Mrs William Long arrived
home yesterday on 13 from a visit of a
few months over in Iowa and down in
Missouri Rain and mud interfered
with the comfort and pleasure of their
visit considerably
The Fountain
We have all of last years popular
drinks at our soda fountain and
theyre just a trifle better than last
year if such a thing be possible
But we have also half a dozen
new things that are particularly
good Let us prove it
McConnell Druggist
A Rousing- Celebration at McCook
McCook has every reason to be satis
fied with her celebration of July 4th
The day was ideal the crowd large and
bent on having a good time and noth
ing of note occurred to mar the days
Tho formal program of the morning
opened in the city park at half past ten
oclock when Mayor Ryan welcomed
all to the freedom of the city Chair
man Rathbun of the executive commit
tee responded and announced the open
ing number a patriotic selection by Prof
Millers Normal chorus Rev Carman
uttered the invocation The Trenton
band played a selection Prof Martin
read the immortal Declaration of Inde
pendence The high school cadets ac
centuated the singing of the stirring
Star Spangled Banner by the chorus
with the firing of salutes
The oration by Hon Perry A Clay
of Denver was a splendid able effort
The barbecue followed Roast ox
coffee pickles and bread were served
the multitude without money and with
out price
After dinner the Welhelmsons con
tinued their vaudeville Captain
Hardy assised by Mrs Hardy had the
boards in a marvelous exhibition of
fancy shooting The A O U W drill
team gave an exhibition drill Then a
thousand or more of the crowd went to
the ball grounds and witnessed McCook
defeat Trenton by a scare of 10 to 7
While the ball game was being fought
out on tho Athletic park diamond these
other momentous contests were settled
in the city park in the presence of other
thousands G S Scott became richer
a bucket of lard and a bottle of wine for
bis conspicuously lilliputian proportions
and J F Cordeal won a box of cigars
on his brobdignagian shape J F
Morrissey had no competition in the
homeliest man contest he secured a pair
of suspenders and a 50 cent due bill on
the McCook laundry Since thg re
moval of F II Spearman from our city
W B Mills has everything his own way
in the big feet line hence he was the
winner of a string of bologna a bottle
of beer and a free hair cut M L
Knotts voice won him a package of
tobacco and a handkerchief Baby Al
lison and Baby Modrell won first and
second prizes respectively among the
15 and 20 pretty little tots in the con
test In the girls foot race Maudo
Hegenbergers fleetness was rewarded
by a dish and a bottle of perfume and
George Gates established a record and
captured a hat in the boys race
Captain Hardy delighted many at the
ball park after the game by more of his
marvelous shooting
In the evening the Welhelmsons were
also in evidence on the Main avenue
platform provided them and never
failed of a crowd The Trenton band
also entertained the crowd with an even
ing concert The fire drill and water
fight crowded lower Main and west Den
nison streets Hose Co No5 2 made the
hundred yards and hydrant coupling in
thirty two seconds There is no telling
how quickly Hose Co No 1 would have
done the stunt if some waste had not
been stuffed in their hose In the water
fight O W P Sampsons initials and L
P Forsmans smile secured victory for
the city department from Frank Ham
mel and Milton Stoner of the shops
The fireworks later in the evening
concluded the festivities of the day and
the crowd lingered in large numbers to
witness them
The crowd from outside the city is es
timated at between 3000 and 5000 per
haps the first figure is nearer the fact
If not the largest it was ooe of the
most satisfactory celebrations McCook
has ever held and The Tribune wishes
to commend and congratulate the com
mittee upon its undisturbed success
Dwelling for Rent
The 10 room dwelling just vacated by
County Treasurer Gossard See W T
The first annual log rolling of the
Southwest Nebraska Log Rolling Asso
ciation M W A will be held at Mc
Cook Nebraska August 18 19 and 20
All persons having rooms to accommo
date visitors should hand in their names
number they can accommodate and rate
per day to the secretary as soon as possi
ble Barney Hofer Secretary
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
No excuse for sewing in July Ideal
shirt waists for 50c to 6 at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Ladies 26 inch sun and rain umbrellas
from 50c to 250 at the Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
See McConnells Hammocks Large
assortment and prices are right
40 inch canvas for 20c yard at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Miss Ethel A vise recited before the
normalites Thursday morning
Quito a number of teachers went
home to celebrato the 4th Others re
turned with them
satisfactory progress is being
tto Queen Esther There will
weneral practice this evening
Rev C R Betts delivered an address
before the chapel Wednesday morning
on How Reading Influences Our Char
The new enrollments this week in
clude Ena Gamsby Mayme Mann In
dianola Gertrude Colvin Winona Jones
McCook Elda Smith Trenton Lavora
Trowbridge Wauneta
The normal was in it at the cele
bration July 4th Jfrdr Miller was in
charge of the music and the chorus was
largely made up from the normal chorus
Prof Martin read tho Declaration of In
The management can use sorao rooms
for light housekeeping Also can place
some teachers who desire to work for
room and board during the session No
tify the management in person dr by
letter Do it now
F S Cutter one of Ginn Cos
state representatives spent Monday and
Tuesday in the city speaking at the
Tuesday morning assembly He is a
clever Uni boy He did a dual social
business stunt while here
State Supt W K Fowler in a circu
lar letter addressed to the principals of
the junior normal school writes Boom
the Mountaville Flowers entertainment
You can do so with a clear conscience
and a glad heart Ho will not disap
Deputy State Supt McBrien was in
the city Monday and Tuesday nights
between trains 5 and 6 Ho reports the
attendance at the McCook normal as
about equal to the others being held
over the state McCook now has 141 as
150 at Holdrege He will spend the day
here July 15th
By far the largest number of teachers
enrolled in the junior normal school are
registered from Red Willow county The
county superintendent Miss Flora B
Quick is insisting on a high standard of
excellence in preparation for the teach
ers work and insists on at least three or
four weeks attendance here This means
better rural schools next year
In the manual training school con
ducted by Miss Anna E Caldwell the
work this week and next is with first
grade pupils Beginning Monday July
18 it will be with those of the second
and third grades while the last two
weeks commencing August 1st it will
bo with children in the fourth and fifth
grades of school This is an item of fact
of particular interest to teachers and
prospective teachers
The program last Friday morning
was appropriately and stirringly patri
otic Prof Martin spoke on the origin
of our government MissOSullivan read
the Declaration of Independence Prin
cipal Thomas read Lincolns Gettysburg
address and Patrick Henrys oration
Miss Caldwell spoke on how to teach
patriotism to children Prof Miller and
chorus sang patriotic songs There
were quite a number of visitors
It will be observed that the enter
tainments almost without exception
under the auspices of the normal are of
general rather than special interest
hence are entertaining to all This fact
should be -appreciated by the general
public and especially remembered that
each one on the program for the sum
mer is a headliner in his particular work
The Tribune thns hopes to see all the
entertainments liberally patronized
We have received very encouraging
reports from the Junior Normals at Mc
Cook and Holdrege The first week our
county had eight enrolled at Holdrege
and fourteen at McCook The number
will no doubt be doubled before the end
of the term We have several teachers
attending the summer terms at Peru
Fremont arid other Normal Schools
Our home institute was among the best
in the history of the county There has
never been a time when our teachers
had as many advantages for profession
al training brought within their reach
as at the present Those who make
use of the opportunities offered will sure
ly be able to do better work in the
school room On the other hand there
is a constant demand for better instruc
tion and each year more districts are
willing to increase the wages for the
sake of getting trained and
experienced teachers All of these
facts point to better days for the chil
dren Mrs Clara L Dobson in Our
School Bulletin Frontier County June
Best apron check ginghams 6c at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
There Will Be Three Big Days
The following officers and committees
are now at work figuring out three big
days for the first annual log roll of tho
Southwest Nebraska Log Rolling As
sociation M W A namely G D S
Johnson president Palisade Barney
Hofer secretary McCook C BSawyor
treasurer McCook Dr S C Beach J
A Wilcox J F Forbes Lon Cone G
B Berry oxecutive committee McCook
The dates are August 18 19 20 Gov
ernor Mickey will bo hero on the after
noon of tho 20th There are 49 camps
in tho jurisdiction covered by the asso
ciation and it is expected to have most
of them represented Thero will be en
tertainments and sports galore for each
day besides tho log rolling contests
such as base ball games band contests
free street shows etc It will bo a dis
trict affair in fact ombracing all of
Southwest Nebraska Tho Woodmen
will bo satisfied with nothing short of a
great success
Special Picture Offer
In order to introduce our work we will
for ten days only give 20 per cent dis
count on all pictures except stamp
photos On next Monday July 11th
the first six orders for one dozen cabinet
photos will bo given free Only ono
dozen to a family Mr Rodstrom has
spent 14 years of constant practice and
study in tho picture business and is fully
competent to turn out work as good as
any ii tho state Remember two dozen
stamp photos for 35 cents for a short
time only Rodstrom Gilbert
2d door west of Citizens bank
The ladies of the P E O held a ten
cent social at the home of Mrs II 11
Tartsch last Saturday evening Tho
ladies of the McCodk organization have
in mind securing a convention here
of the order and the social was intend
ed to assist in providing the sinews of
war for that possible eventuality
The Knights of Pythias of McCook
will hold a picnic at Cambridge on July
21st if the present program is carried
out Their friends are in the case and
perhaps other lodges may be asked to
join It will be an affair according to
the best traditions of that great social
Miss Mary T Watson and Lorenz J
Zdok were married Tuesday at the
home of tho brides parents in Grand
Island The bride has for several years
been the chief clerk at the Republican
headquarters in this city Mr and Mrs
Zook will make their future homo at
Cozad Lincoln Journal
The Southwest Nebraska Log Rolling
Association wants to rent 100 tents for
campers during their first annual log
rolling at McCook Nebraska August
18 20 1904 and asks for bids from per
ties having tents to rent Address Bar
ney Hofer secretary McCook Neb
The A OUW and D of n second an
nual basket picnic will be held in Mc
Cook July 21 All members and their
friends are invited
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Hammocks spaciousrestful and com
fortable at 100 and up
A McMillen Druggist
The gathering of tho cherry crop still
calls for more sun bonnets 15 to 33c at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Supply your customers with a drink
of cold water Coleman sells the coolers
at a very reasonable price
Just the time of year to plant turnip
seed Colemans is the place to buy the
kind thatll grow
Best table oil cloth 15c yard including
whites and marbles at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Come and see our stock if you want
something nice in harness of any kind
McMillen druggist makes a specialty
of fine stationery writing and pencil
tablets -
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs W S Perry next Thursday after
Gauze corsets and girdles 35c up at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Girl Wanted To do general house
work at J A Wilcox residence
Harvest toweling 7o to 12Jc at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Nothing more comfortable than those
lawn swings at Colemans
Sun bonnets 15c to 35c at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Plenty of 5c prints at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Iced Beef Tea at McConnells
will give an
Interpretive Recital from
Ben Hur
at tho
Opeka House
under tho auspices of
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Fridny morning
vi iai
i The McCook Junior Normal School i
j Tickets 35 cents S
w 3
x Flowers is first in his profession gj
3 40
I or
GoodButter iyK
McConnells for drugs
Coleman sells beet cultivators
Ripo cherries for sale Phone 58
Everything in drugs McConnell
Horse covers and fly nets at Waiton
Chop suey 10c at McConnells foun
See tho Ocean Wave washer before
I guarantee my concrete walks W C
Room for rejit over tho market See
DC Marsh
If you need a hay stacker see tins ono
Coleman sells
Great Majestic
greatest stove made
is the
Dont scald your fingers buy a fruit
funnel at Colemans
When you need fly nets try Coleman
and see what will happen
Childrens gauze union suits at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Local news of importance on every
home page of The Thibune
High grade organ for sale cheap Must
be sold Inquire at this oflice
The Deering hay rakes are all made
from steel Light and strong
Refrigerators a nice variety of the
best in the market Coleman
Silk gloves in black white grey tans
at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Cool and airy dressing sacques 50c to
81 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
The new stock of single harness is all
right for those driving wagons at W T
Concrete walks improve your property
W C Bullard is the man to let your
contract to
Can you spare time to make wrappers
this time of year Buy them ready
made at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
The law in Nebraska requires a man to
wear clothes Mens suits 8350 to 81350
Boys suits 85c to 84 at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
You should have a bottle of McCon
nells Blackberry Balsam in the house
at all times for sudden attacks of cholera
and cholera morbus
Dont these hot days remind you of
ice cream Well it takes a good freezer
to make a good article of cream Cole
man dont sell any other kind
When using Lincoln Absolutely Pure
Paint you have a guarantee as to dura
bility and general satisfaction
A McMillen
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Teibcnes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
The new postofBce in the corner of
Redwillow Frontier and Hayes coun
ties but located in Frontier county
will be called Norris and Jacob Lecht
litner willbenasby The office we under
stand will be supplied from Culbertson
The Tribune has no hesitation in re
marking that some fellow will stick an
appointment note under the wrong door
Lone of these warm nights in a McCook
public house and the denuement will
be startling to say the least A word to
Mr Buttinsky of the 14th ward may be
of distinct service to him