The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1904, Image 3

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    w r
Tho Deflanco Starch Co will glvo
25 ladies a round trp ticket to the St
Louis exposition to five ladies in
each of the following states Illinois
Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Missou
ri who will send in tho largest number
of trade marks cut from a 10 ccnt 10
ounco package of Defiance cold water
laundry starch This means from your
own homo anywhere In the above
named states These trade marks must
Jo mailed to and received by the De
fiance Starch Co Omaha Neb before
September 1st 1D04 October and No
vember will be the best months to
visit the exposition Remember that
Ijefiance is the only starch put up 1G
ok a full pound to the package
You get one third more starch for tho
earae money than of any other kind
and Defiance never sticks to the iron
The tickets to tho exposition will be
sent by registered mail September 5th
Starch for sale by all dealers
The Ctrenuous Life
What it means to no a club man
may be illustrated by mentioning the
clubs of which Ashel P Fitch who
died last month in New York was a
member He had membership in the
Metropolitan the Manhattan New
York Yacht Lawyers Germnnia
Ardsley St Nicholas Press Arion
Liederkranz and the Metropolitan
Club of Washington In addition he
was president of the Franklin County
Society a member of the Metropoli
tan Museum of Art Sons of the Revo
lution New England Society Military
Order of Foreign Wars New York Ge
nealogical and Biographical Society
Municipal Art Society the Chamber
of Commerce and the Dunlap Society
He was also a director in a number
of banks and other large corpora
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers say they dont keep
Defiance Stnich This is because the
have i stock on hand of other branda
containing only 12 oz in a package
which they wont be able to sell first
because Defiance contains 16 oz for
the same money
Do you want 16 cz instead of 12 oz
for same money Then buy Defiance
Starch Requires no cooking
Uncle Sams Heavy Guns
At Sandy Hook are United States
ordnance proving grounds where Un
cle Sam does heavy training for war
Firing lately from big guns has been
tremendously heavy the detonations
being severe enough to shake the
earth clear up to Staten Island a
distance of fifteen miles On the
lower shore of Long Island and at
some places along the Jersey shore
houses shake and dishes and other
articles are broken windows are
cracked and there is a general
smash up when the big guns are
fired It is a disagreeable reminder of
war Shots are fired at sea and when
they explode in the water the ocean
is for a few seconds dotted here and
there with geyser fountains
Do You Want the Lowest Rates
either one way or round trip excursion
to any point east of Chicago or St
Louis Ask the Erie Railroad Com
pany 555 Railway Exchange Chicago
for complete information Three fast
trains dally from Chicago and St
Louis through to Now York Boston
Buffalo Pittsburgh and other eastern
points Stop over without charge at
Niagara Falls Cambridge Springs and
Beautiful Chautauqua Lake
Men who are advertising that they
walk with the devil now will be anx
ious to prove an alibi some day
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch be
cause It Is better and 4 oz more of it
for same money
While the pessimist sees only the
thorns on the rose the optimist sees
only the rose on the thorns
Vegetable Compound
A Womans Remedy
For Womans Ills
I follow tub FLAG
1 TO
1 TO I
Boscage checked to Worlds
I Fair grounds
Stopovers allowed All Agents can
route vou via the WABASH For beau
tiful Worlds Fair folder and all infor
mation address
Gen Agt Pass Dept Omaha Neb
CORES catarrh of te Stomach
Fresh or Rotted Manure
Tiiero was a time when all advice
given on the manuring of land for al
most anv thing was in favor of apply
ing well rotted manure It had been
obseived Li at tho results from such
manure was very good especially
when the results were judged a few
months altr applying But in time
the chemists took hold of the ques
tion and examined manure both at
time of its being made and successive
ly month by month for a year Both
the volume vas consldtrel and the
amounts of fertilizing matter left in
the manure at the various tims of
analysis It was proved without con
tradiction that in the course of a year
oven under good conditions tho ma
nure pile decreased in size fitty per
rent and that the manurial contents
decreased from 30 to 40 per cent
There was not only a loss of fertility
but of humus which seemed to be
burned up in the chemical operations
going on We know from other scien
tific investigations that these chemical
changes are constantly going on in
dead matter whether vegetable or ani
mal We further know that the humus
is one of the most valuable elements
entering into the value of the manure
The old idea of composting was a
good one but we have now an im
piovement on that idea in the quick
application of all manure to the land
as in that way the land gets the most
benefit out of it We are gradually
awaking to tae fact that the land needs
to be improved physically as well as
in other ways and this is a somewhat
new fact in the minds of American
farmers liy putting the manure into
the land as soon as made we get the
full benefit of its mechanical effects
We now looiv lor the influence the ma
nure is to have in a course of years
rather than its immediate effect as
seen during tne season of its applica
tion It snould be remembered that
one of the chief reasons lor the use
of barnyard manure is now seen to be
the keeping up ot tne supply or de
caying vegetable matter in tue soil
Points on Farm Drainage
Summer is tne time when urainage
work can be best done as at this time
of year there is least water in the soil
The presence of too much water al
ways interferes witn tne digging and
the work of leveling though water
sometimes acts as a spirit level and
helps to indicate levels There are
many iields that cau be drained at a
very small cost especially where the
land is somewhat porous out whether
the land be porous or not the man
that does the work should be an ex
pert at least in the matter of finish
ing the bottom ot the ducn Any man
can plow out the ditch and any man
can shovel out the dirt but the level
ing of the bottom cannot be left to
any man that comes along In addi
tion to having skill he mast be hon
est for the employer cannot watch the
workman at every point and if any ot
the work is slighted it is likely to
make the effectiveness of the drains
less than they should be This is es
pecially the case on land that is near
ly level In all cases the survey of the
land should be very carefully made
and for tnis purpose a civil engineer
should be employed unless the draic
is a short one with a good deal of fall
Many and many a drain has been put
in by guess or by the measurements
of tne eye and the owner has then
failed to reap the benefits from it he
expected Sometimes there have been
imperceptible depressions where the
silt from the passing water has accum
ulated and rendered the drain useless
in a few years We have heard of
long system of tile having to be torn
out to discover these clogged portions
This should be avoided by correct
building at the start The tile must
be laid with the utmost care as to
The Presence of Sorrel
Soil students are divided as to
whether or not the presence of sorrel
indicates acidity in the land There
are many things to show that it does
and perhaps some to show that it does
not The first opinions were doubt
less formed on the fact that sorrel is
sour in taste The cultivators quick
ly jumped to the conclusion that land
that would grow sour plants like sor
rel must be sour This reasoning is
not good as we grow rhubarb on the
best and sweetest of land But the
early students though founding their
opinions on a wrong premise came
near to the truth One of the reasons
why we believe that sorrel land is
sour land is that the soil on some
such land has been tested and found
to be acidy Of course this does not
prove that land to bear sorrel must
be acidy but it is an indication point
ing in that direction Another proof
that this land contains too much acid
is that lime when applied has a good
effect and often after its application
the sorrel disappears Here too the
opposing theorists would say that the
case is not pioven They would say
that the lime stimulated the other
plants so much that they grew and
crowded out the sorrel It is safe
however to assume that land that will
bear sorrel in profusion is sour and
needs lime to neutralize the acid
Putting sand on clay land is in the
nature of a permanent improvement
It will not have to be done from
year to year but its good effects will
be seen as long as the land is in use 1
What Limits the Height of Trees
While the young trees are making
clean trunks so rapidly during the
period of greatest yearly height growth
they are also making their greatest
annual gains in diameter for these
two forms of growth generally culmi
nate about the same time says Gif
ford Plnchot in a report on forest
trees A little later if there is any
difference the young forests highest
yearly rate of growth in volume is
also reached For a time these three
kinds of growth keep on at the same
rate as in the past but afterwards all
thiee begin to decrease Growth in
diameter and in volume also if the
trees are sound goes on until ex
treme old age but height growth sinks
very low while the two others are
still strong For many years before
this happens the struggle between the
trees has not been so deadly because
they have been almost without the
means of overtopping one another
When the end of the period of princi
pal height growth is reached the trees
are interfering with each other very
little and the struggle for life begins
again in a different way As the
principal height growth ceases and
the tops no longer shoot up rapidly
above the side branches the crowns
lose their pointed shape and become
comparatively fiat The chief reason
why trees stop growing in height is
that they are not able to keep the
upper parts of their crowns properly
supplied with water above a certain
distance from the ground This dis
tance varies in different kinds of trees
and with the health and vigor of the
tree in each species but there is a
limit in every case above which the
water does not reach The power oi
the pumping machinery more than
any other quality determines the
height of the tree
Shallow Cultivation
In all work in the garden it is bet
ter to give shallow cultivation than
deep cultivation after the roots of the
plants have extended into the bare
spaces between the rows Before that
time the cultivation may be deep and
should be deep to get the soil thor
oughly loosened up so that the roots
of the plants as soon as they reach
out into this fresh soil will be able
to strike deep and remain below the
line of the shallow cultivation tha
is to follow If the ground is nol
stirred to a good depth at first the
roots will extend along the surface of
the ground and will be constantly in
terfered with by the cultivator nc
matter how shallow it may be run
With the proper preparation of the
ground -and with this deep cultivation
at first the latter cultivations though
shallow will be found to be very ben
eficial They will not break off the
ends of the icots but will keep the
soil well aerated and thus help to
loosen up the plant food and place it
in a usable condition This aeration
of the soil is of far greater import
ance than most of our farmers have
suspected It is far better to culti
vate often than after long lapses of
time as in the latter case the ground
becomes hard capillary tubes are
formed and soil moisture is wasted
The Universal Fruit
The strawberry is coming to be con
sidered the universal fruit and called
such though we must acknowledge
that theie are places on the globe
where it will not grow However ii
has a wider range of habitation than
any other fruit known to Americans
not excepting the apple From the
Gulf to British America it is grown
abundantly It is easy to propagate
easy to protect from the cold of win
ter and is easy to transport It is all
the more popular as it is the firsl
fruit to appear on our tables in the
spring Every year the strawberry ap
pears a little earlier in the northern
market and it looks as if before long
it would be on our tables the year
round In fact strawberry enthu
siasts are predicting that when the
great international railroad that is to
connect the United States with the
South American countries is con
structed strawberries will be con
tinually purchasable in the United
States as tho South American sea
sons run the opposite of ours This
is a dream very likely to materialize
as the transportation companies can
be depended on to encourage a trade
of this kind a trade that has always
yielded the railroads a good deal of
Dont Wait for the Weed
Weeds will make no trouble if the
farmer will but cultivate before they
make an appearance A good many
people cultivate for the apparent pur
pose of keeping down weeds They
never begin to cultivate till they can
see the weeds starting by the thou
sands between the rows of the grow
ing crops The cultivator should be
run at frequent intervals whether the
weeds have appeared or not This is
the surest way of keeping them from
making trouble The ground too when
free from weeds is very easy to culti
vate and the cultivator slides through
it with very little effort on the part
of the team Dont wait for the weed
The irrigating of strawberries where
practiced has been found to be very
profitable The application of water
at the fruiting season enormously in
creases the crop as has been dem
onstrated at Wisconsin Missouri and
other experiment stations
How Dowie Left Australia
Elijah Dowies departure trom Ade
laide South Australia was a strangely
sacred and subterranean business In
stead of going on board the Mongolia
from Largs bay like an ordinary hu
man he announced that his place or
embarkation would be kept a dark
secret Then while the crowd haunt
ed the jetties of Glenieg Semaphore
largs and ven Henley beach ho
sneaked down to out-of-the-way
sleepy Brighton where a launch
cabin and declined to come out until
the crowd on the deck of the Mongolia
had finished kissing its departing
friends and gone ashore At the last
moment the terrified prophet fled up
the Mongolias gangway as if the devil
was behind him with a stinpot and al
most broke his neck getting into the
cabin out of sight It didnt look
at all like the departure of a prophet
I am sure Pisos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago- Mils Tugs Konmxs
Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1JOO
What Our Territory Cost
The cost of the acquisition of vast
territory by the United States is giv
en in the following list Louisiana
515000000 Florida 5000000 Tex
is 18500000 California and New
Mexico 15000000 Arizona 10000
300 Alaska 720000 Philippine is
lands 20000000 Panama canal
540000000 Panama canal strip 10
300000 total 140750000 In addi
tion the United States when it an
nexed Hawaii assumed a debt of 4
3000 pr M Lewis Single Binder
straight 5c cigar costs more than other
brands but this price gives the dealer a fair
profit and the smoker a better cigar
Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Libertys Torch a Candle
The great bronze statue of Liberty
in New York harbor is always an im
pressive figure by day but at night
it does not live up to is reputation
for enlightening the world At dusk
every evening a sickly blue light be
gins to appear in the great black
torch and when night sets in this
light takes its place with the other
harbor lights a little high up but
not a bit more brilliant than the rest
It might be easily taken for a lantern
on the masthead of a ship
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn
Shake into jour shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cures i
c n irt ci rrt rr nnl i
Bunions At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
He who hath eaten salt drinketh
Why It Is the Best
Is because made by an entirely differ
ent process Defiance Starch is un
like any other better and one third
more for 10 cents
A man is good when he is old
HI llMutftintMI1lH11tliltl lilf H HIlinlHlml HIIMI H tHiH
fcgdable Preparationfor As
similating UicFoodandReguIa
ling theStomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigeslionCheerful
OpiumMorpliine norfineral
JlxSe vut
MSitoymtn narar
Jiniiii rfm fmn iTilt llmii ill in m mm ffl
I WfHy
A Well Known Canadian Lady Sends
Letter of Endorsement to
Miss Mary Burns 28 Spring Garden
Road Halifax N S writes Having
used Peruna for indigestion and stomach
trouble and to build up a broken down
sjstcm with the very best results I am
pleased to state my experience with this
excellent medicine 1 had been troubled
with stomach trouble and poor diges
tion for some years and although I
tried many remedies and dieting noth
ing seemed to x cstore my health until I
used Peruna In three months I had
entirely recovered my health and
strength Mary Burns
Suggestions by Dr Hartman How
to Combat the Nervous Depression
Incident to Warm Weather
Nervousness is very common among
women This condition is duo to
nnumiic nerve centers The nerve cen
ters are the reservoir for nerve vitality
These centers become bloodless for tho
want of proper nutrition
This condition is especially noticeablo
during tho warm season Every sum
mer an army of invalids arc produced as
a direct result of weak nervous systems
This could easily be overcome by tho
use of Peruna Peruna strikes at tho
root of the trouble by correcting tho
digestion Perfect digestion furnishes
increased nutrition for tho nerve cen
ters Perfectly digested food gives tin so
reservoirs of life a vitality which cre
ates strong steady nerves ami in this
manner fortifies and nourishes life
Miss Blanche Ireya prominent young
society woman of Memphis Teim in i
recent letter from 174 Alabama street
writes To a society woman whoso
nervous force is often taxed to tho
utmost from lack of rest and irregular
meals know of nothing which in of so
much benefit as Peruna I took it a
few months ago when I felt my strength
giving way and soon made itseil
manifest in giving me new strength
and health Miss Blanche Orcy
Contains No Narcotics
One reason why Peruna has found
permanent use in so many homes is thai
it contains no narcotic of any kind Pe
runa is perfectly harmless It can bo
used any length of time v ithout acquir
ing a drug habit Peruna docs not pro
duce temporary results it is perma
nent in its effect
It has no bad effect upon tho system
and gradually eliminates catarrh by re
moving the cause of catarrh There
are a multitude of homes where Peruna
has been used off and on for twenty
years Such a thing could nol be pos
sible if Peruna contained any drugs of
a narcotic nature
At this season of tho year wo aro
peculiarly liable to inilainmationsof the
stomach and bowels It is tho part of
wisdom to learn how to cut tiicui short
and in tho easist and quickest manner
Peruna does this by its peculiarpower
over all forms of catarrhal troubles
S3 B IS m f r3U WJ Q ffo HUk H H UM fiX hTrl M B If Ju
Si iu h H H Bit EBb w6ti9 w uBSHtftBH vJ
Our Koods tne nest iriccs trie lowest 1 roinpinniii
merits Delivery of all portraits Kuurantecil Send
for catnlogue and agents price list Address
ADAH J KEOLL CO Hew Ern Bldg Chicago
It afflicted with
Uli IHhiiih t ill lull m I mm j lUllltl ftVnuiii tumlit UUilm mu Im l
For Laundry Use
Send IOc for package to varuowr
THE HAHDY BLUEING BOOK G05 87 E Lake St Chicago Or Druggist
BY fftiP
tThnmnef E VJt9 Sv VSJ W jM
eyes uao J uiiijjuii o kvj P Ifc jbwu 3 f ira
W N U Omaha No 271904 Wf KihTTlTrprPrBel
il j For Infants and Children 1 Starch is an eztraction Jr
MtiA iiiimiib1 mii hhhmi n - VI - f li t A 4- tZf Sv
m y oi wneat used to stu jgj
IVinO 100 H8V8 I laundered Most M
1 juways iOfigni i m jr
M a goods they Jm
1 Bears the t 1 rdt0
i Signature Au Th8y JrJ
M g J Mf 1 M Defiance Starch
i p nP L j W Jff is absolutely pure
i s 01 M J Jp It gives new life to
m ifli I F en fc gives
m fflTFwftf ffl tm or monsy oack It
W ff Jfil at grocers It is tho
j m nj jBf a very best
I m yf W makwactlued mr
A a m
i 1 U ijl I m dNCE STARCH
- 1 vi F 80 0 I I OMAHA - - NFR
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss of Sleep
iT For Over 0
Fac Simile Signature oF W
tfafe 1 Thirty YparQ dSffi
TMS CENTAUR OKnr NEW YOB CITT HUffi 3 cllfj RV H M ifj 3 cH
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men
Star and Crescent E Z Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Womens and Childrens Shoes
Sec that our name is an Uhe shoes you biiy
Costs 10c and equals 20c worth of any other bluing
Best Cough BjTnp Testes Good Urej
m lime hoa nr arBceistii
g cngagzsgriKitfjmH wu m jij imwhjgyj
iL rii
1 Almot million acres of lhe fertile and
tvpll tvi 7 i Vnj of the Icosehid Indian
in SnuJi Dakota will be thrown opei
to settlement b thfOotcrnmentin Ju TIipso
lands are bo cached by the Chicago North
Western Itsl w direct throuph linr s from
Chicago lo Bonesteel S D All agents sell
tickets Tidnc liii Special low rat
SenJ Tar on t jamphlet giving full informa
tion Cj 3 Oi opening and how to secure ICO
acres of land at nominal cost with full descrip
tion of the soil climate timber and mineral
resource towns schools and churches oppor
tunities for business openings railway rates
etc free on application
Passenger Trafflc Manager