Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1904)
J 3 i i TWENTY THIRD YEAR he Fraternal Memorial Sunday Last Sunday was Fraternal Memorial Sunday and the duy was befittingly ob served by the A 0 U W and the D of II jointly and by tho K of P as a separate organization Both services called out a large tnombersbip and wero attended with a marked interest Tho exercises of tho A O U W and tho D of II wero held in the city park at 230 in the afternoon seats having tjeen temporarily supplied for tho occa sion Tho address of tho day was de livered by Rev M B Carman and it is agreed that ho did nobly His tribute to tho American homo and its queen and Ins plea for their proper protection from the exigencies of life by tho death of its defender was especially pleasing to all Tho music by a large chorus and by special quartettes was also fully ap preciated There was a largo attend ance aDd the observance was very satis factory withal In the morning drill teams from the two orders visited the city cemeteries and decorated tho graves of tho depart ed KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS In tho afternoon at their castle hall the Knights of Pythias pioneers in this fraternal memorial observance met and carried out tho touching ritualistic ser vice of tho order after which they re paired to the several city bur ing places 5iud decorated tho graves of departed members with suitable ceremony Tho placing of garlands upon tho graves of tho departed is an old custom -and down through all the centuries has testified to tho belief of humanity in tho immortality of life It is one of Jho glories of the modern world as it was a hopeful aspect of ancient life Passed to Her Reward After an illness of several months Irs II U Shepherd of Spring Creek Frontier county passed away on Satur day afternoon last about threo oclock Tho remains wero brought to McCook Sunday for burial Services were held an tho Methodist church at one oclock Rev M S Satchell of Culbertson for merly of Box Elder conducting tho same After the services th remains were interred in Riverviow cemetery of this city Tho deceased was the wife of II Clay Shepherd who is a brother of John and W Taylor Shepherd of McCook and of Isaac Shepherd of Box Elder Clay Shepherd and family have been residents tho Spring Creek neighborhood for over a quarter of a century moving there in 1878 Tho husband children and relatives have tho deepest sympa thy of that neighborhood in this great sorrow OBITUARY Diana E McCreary was born in Sidneyham Canada December 15 1851 Was united in marriage with II C Shepherd in Ilawleyville Iowa Novem ber 10th 1868 Moved to Nebraska in 1S78 where she lived until death called her June 11 1901 at the age of 53 years -5 months and 27 days To them were born eleven children four girls and seven boys A husband mother and ten children mourn her loss one little daughter having proceeded her to the spirit land ten years ago She became member of the M E church 35 years igo of which she remained a faithful snember until the end Vocal Music A limited number of private pupils in voice will be taken at the following terms One 40 minute lesson per week S100 two 30 minute lessons per week at 75c each No pupil taken for fewer than ten lessons By a conservatory graduate of iarge experience Chas H Miller At Junior Normal School For Sale at a Low Price For thirty days I am offering for sale a steam threshing outfit comparatively new and in good running order Does fine work Call or write J II Warfield box 238 McCook Neb A Few Good Salesmen Wanted for country trade Must be well recom mended Good pay to right men Address C P Fay General Delivery Specially Low Prices on wall paper at McMillens drug store The stone material of the Methodist church has been contracted with C G Coglizer who will make the same on the ground the artificial sort Strine Miesen get the carpenter work The brick work has not yet been let American Beauty extended hip cor sets for 100 Money back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied For sale only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only Get one of those large roomy luxur ious hamnocks we are selling They are cool and restful McConnell Druggist Dont these hot days remind you of ice cream Well it takes a good freezer to make a good article of cream man dont sell any other kind Cole- See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything Lessons in drawn work at 50c for the afternoon Also take orders for drawn work Miss Addie Doan The Piano Big mower is none too big In the alfalfa field See the big fellows at Colemans Twenty five styles of belts the latest 25c to 8100 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos A good sewing machine at a moderate price the New Royal at Waites Plenty of oriental laces at The Thomp son Dry Goods Cos Great reductions on clothing at Dia monds t MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Dan Cashkn came over from Danbury Saturday on business Mrs Roy Zint has returned from her Red Cloud visit to relatives Marion Plummer of Perry lost a horso by lightning Tuesday J A Miller was down from Cul bertson on business yesterday Clarence Stokes arrived home early in the week from his Iowa visit C A Hedges of Indianola had busi ness in the county seat Saturday Henry Sayers of Des Moines is visit ing his sister Mrs L W Stayner Mrs Emma McKean is with her brother Congressman Norris again Mrs C B Clark who has been quite seriously ill is now better and improv ing Mrs J B Culijertson arrived home early this week from a short visit over in Iowa Inez Ferrel and Bernice Hazelbaker of Edgar are visiting L W and E E Stayner Darve Burnett left on G last night for Deweeso on a weeks visit to friouds and Mrs Mark Sheldon joined her hus band in Republican City Wednesday forenoon Mrs Anna Sayers returned end of last week from her visit to Des Moines relatives C As Ready and John Christner were dowji from Hayes Center Wednesday on business Mrs J Fred Brewer has been up from Red Cloud part of the week visit ing relatives J W Dolan and H W Keyes of Indianola were before the board of equalization yesterday Glenn Hupp will depart next week for Seattle Washington where the family is now located Fred Verinu and daughter of Indian ola drove up to tho countys capital city on business Saturday D L Cunningham of Palisade and Clara Myrtle Mette of Beverly were married in Beverly Sunday Austin Rittenhouse departed o n Mondaj night for Chandler Oklahoma where the family is now located Mrs W M Stoner arrived home close of last week from a visit of a few weeks in Alliance Weeping Water etc Mr and Mrs II H Berry witnessed the wedding of Miss Laura Thompson in Benkelman Wednesday of this week Ex Commissioner Robinson was over from Danbury Wednesday to see how the assessment equalization was coming on Mr and Mrs James Hatfield are visiting his parentsjn Decatur Illinois whither they journeyed close of list week Mrs J G Stokes left on Saturday morning for Hamburg Iowa on a visit to the folks at tho old home of some length Harrie G Thomas of the Harvard Courier was the guest of his brother G H Thomas supt city schools over Sunday Herman Pade left on Tuesday for Fremont to participate in the gayeties of the undertakers convention He re turns today J C Gammill of Stockville clerk of the district court of Frontier county was a visitor of the valleys finest Mon day evening Mr and Mrs Walter Clark arrived in the city Wednesday night on a visit to his parents on the Willow Mr and Mrs A R Clark Mrs Felix E Kennedy and three children arrived from Sheridan Wyo Wednesday night on 5 on a visit to her mother Mrs Mary Mullen Fowler S Wilcox has been making a tour of the southwest the last week or two his itinerary embracing points in Texas New Mexico old Mexico etc Mrs E E Magee and baby of Fair mont Nebraska arrived in the city last Friday on No 1 to remain several months with her sister Mrs F M Kim niell Miss Mollie Ryan left Sunday for Grafton Neb to visit relatives She will also visit in St Paul Minn South Dakota and Canadian points before her return C C Northrup departed Tuesday morning to resume his territory on the road for the Orarlock backing Jo of tSt Louis in which companys employ he now has a good position Mr and Mrs G C Boatman expect to leave first of coming week for King City Mo where they may make their future home Mr and Mrs David Magner will occupy their home Mrs H A Beale was in Denver close of last weekreturning home on 14 Saturday night Mr Beale was in charge of the train which ran through a terrible hail rain and wind storm for many miles east and west of Akron Daniel S Freeman of BeatriceNeb was here on business matters fore part of the week Mr Freeman has the dis tinction of holding homestead No 1 the first receipt issued under the home stead act which has peopled the state Floyd Berry Lulu Moore Fay Stay ner Mildred Berry and Helen Burns were at Minden this week attending the District Epworth League conven tion The two first named as delegates and Mildred Berry to take part on the program Miss Loccile Lawson eldest daugh ter of Mr and Mrs W F Lawson of Alhambra Calif will graduate with the class of 1904 Alhambra high school June 21st On behalf of self and the many friends and admirers of the Law sons in McCook The Tribune extends congratulations fiftll7fi onrspt nnri mr rHns 3iv nnH KO J at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Jllt00h Regular Meeting City Council All present but Councilman Perry Bills as follows allowed II H Tartach J II Dwjer INHrlKKa C A Loach J W Spiker W J Gutlmrcolo Ilarmnel Gus Hammond Dick Osborn Burnutt Lumber Co KM Osborn CJRyan WS lorry J S LoIIow A C Ebert CA Ward F M Itathbun CI Hall McCook Electric Light Co Jolm Ekstedc T M Phillippi C O Doing M Osborn KobS Osborn A resolution was read providing 2 00 I 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 200 200 191 20 12 V0 12 50 12 50 12 50 18 75 12 50 12 50 23 00 87 50 03 90 2 00 2 00 2 X 2 00 for the lighting of the streets of the city of McCook and arranging for the payment therefor The appended agreoment calls for a contract running threo years from the 13th day of June 1904 at a cost of 8700 per month and 89760 per month from May to November A sidewalk resolution was passed re quiring the building of the following sidewalk Mayor called for report from library board Report of police judge was submitted without receipts showing deposit of money with city treasurer and report was referred back to police judge for new report and receipts showing deposit of funds collected G H Thomas MrsW S Morlan and Mrs George Willetts were appointed and confirmed as the library board Agreeable to order from the commis sioner of the general land office citing the executive order of the president January 17th and 28th 1873 forbidding all federal officeholders holding any office under any state or territorial govern ment or under municipal corporation either by election or appointmentMayor Rathbun tendered his resignation as mayor of the city of McCook The resignation was accepted by the city council with regret and the mayor was tendered the best wishes esteem and kindliest regards of the council for his energetic conduct of the office Bond of Treasurer Ebert was approved Ad journed Roy Smith a Benedict Mr Roy F Smith a former McCook boy the son of Mr and Mrs H C Smith of our city was united in mar riage to Miss Eleanor ter of Mr and Mrs Howard Culbertson at Chariton Iowa ata pretty home wed ding at the home of the brides parents Tuesday evening June 14th Mrs Roy Smith is a sister of Joseph B Culbertson of this city and has quito a circle of friends here already The happy pair are visiting Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs Culbertson here until Saturday when they will leave for Denver and a honeymoon in Glenwood Springs and other mountain pleasure places and will be at home in Denver after August 1st Some Remarkable Shooting The fancy shooting of Captain A H Hardy champion quick shot of the world representing the Peters Cartridge Co of Cincinnati Ohio done in Mc Cook Wednesday afternoon and evening was something the like of which has never been seen here It is a notable fact too that after the captain had shot 250 times with his rifle consecutively he exhibited a clean gun barrel although the barrel had not been cleaned during the exhibition Quite a crowd witness ed the shooting and all bore testimony to the wonderful skill of the captain and to the excellence of the Peters semi smokeless cartridges Hoffman Weber Wedding John Hoffman and Lena Weber were united in marriage Sunday last in the German Congregational church Rev G L Henkelman officiating A large con gregation of relatives friends and par ishioners witnessed the happy event A wedding feast followed the wedding The young couple have the best wishes of many friends for their happiness and suceess A Few Assessment Facts Before going to press this afternoon we are able to secure a few facts from the 1904 assessment McCook city per sonal 14985260 real estate 8181046 total city 833089860 Willow Grove precinct personal 81418040 real estate 83465240 total precinct S4883280 Total city and precinct 837973140 A Proper Prohibition Mayor Rathbun has prohited the sell ing of bottles of any and all kinds by children in the saloons of the city This is altogether commendable The saloon is not a desirable atmosphere for little boys and girls in which to exploit the commercial spirit Paper Up If your rooms need papering let us show you our line We can show you a line you wont find elsewhere and can probably save you some money McConnell Druggist Say Johnny the birds are getting our fine cherry crop Go right down to Colemans and buy a stepladder and cherry stoner Gasoline stoves are a summer neces sity Coleman has the best makes the American market affords Washable silk ribbons all widths and colors at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The Baptist friends held a successful lawn social at the parsonage last evening A specialty of office supplies The Tribune Ideal lawn linen and silk waists in black white and colors 50c to 675 Horse covers and fly nets at Waites Auspicious Opening of Junior Normal The second annual session of the Mc Cook Junior Normal school opened on Monday morning of this week in the west ward building under favorable and encouraging auspices with an attend ance slightly larger than that of last yearin charge of Principal GHThomas supt of the McCook city schools It is expected with every hope of full realiza tion that the gratifying success of the opening year will bo exceeded by tho present session McCook is said to be specially fortu nate this year in the quality of its faculty S H Martin instructor in geometry reading and literature algebra ortho graphy and word analysis and history i at present supt of the St Paul city schools taught in the Alliance normal last year and comes well vouched for C H Miller instructor in music who will also teach advanced arithmetic ad vanced grammar and composition ele mentary arithmetic elementary English grammar is director of music in tho Lincoln city schools taught and had charge of tho music in the Holdrego normal last year where they had the reputation of having had the best music in any normal school Miss Eva OSullivan comes from South Omaha She taught at tho Val entine normal last year She has the name of being one of the very best lady science teachers in Nebraska and will give a good account of herself She will also teach geography bookkeeping and physiology botany physics and elements of agriculture Miss Anna E Caldwell of Lincoln ono of the supervisors of primary work in that city had charge of the model school work in Holdrege last year and will occupy the same position herethis year opening that department June 27th She is not a stranger to McCook people or the teachers of this district having been present and on tho program at the late meeting of the teachers of South west Nebraska at this place Sho will also teach drawing and penmanship and primary methods Principal Thomas has pedagogy school management school laws and civics in addition to his official labors notes John W Green is in charge of the library Mrs S II Martin will join her hus band here later Mrs W B Mills of our city is the pianist for assembly etc State Supt W K Fowler was official ly present Tuesday and in the after noon addressed the teachers Mrs C H Miller and daughter Jes sie are with the professor They are making their home at C B Rowells Mia Flora B Quick has been here part of the week attending the sessions and discharging her duties as county supt of Red Willow Music will be a year Mrs Miller strong feature this Mrs Martin Miss Caldwell are musical and will help along this good work ProfMiller hopes to give a concert about August 1st A number of teachers have expressed a desire to come if they can arrange to work for their room and board during the session Parties who can meet this wish should at once report to the school authorities The entertainments are said to bo all first class The first one on the list is Frank Robersons He needs no intro duction to McCook or Nebraska audi ences He has six times delighted Lin coln audiences There are none better He costs the normal an even hundred dollars but he is worth it It will be a privilege to hear and see him Next Monday evening in the opera house Norway Land of the Midnight Sun Tickets at McConnells for 35 cents Among the other entertainments ar ranged for are Montaville Flowers im personator July 15th Selections from Ben Hur He is a high class man Frank Nelson ex supt of Kansas July 29th Lotus Male Glee Quartette Au gust 10th The Slayton Jubilee Sing ers August 19th Other special features will be announced as they develop Trenton Badly Scorched The Tribune has no details but in formation states in a general way that the business portion of Trenton was de stroyed by fire this morning Up-to-date mens shirt waists at Dia monds Best table oil cloth 15c yard at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ready made pillow cases and sheets at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos If you need a mower buy the Giant Ideal It is taking the lead all over the country Come and see our stock if you want something nice Coleman in harness of any kind Hammocks spaciousrestf ul and com fortable at 8100 and up A McMillen Druggist This week County Judge Green licen sed William Brixner 26 of Danbury and Gertrude Remington 18 of York to wed The children of the Catholic Sunday school enjoyed all the pleasures of a picnic on tho Willow at Box Elder yes terday See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything The colic and cholera infantum season is here and you should be prepared for it McConnells Blackberry Balsam will give almost immediate relief The job of plastering the fine new Donnelly residence in Indianola is being done by J P Notley of our city There are about a thousand yards of work in the job Howe Smith is working on the lathing t irfwu nrtiflifi ribtttie McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE IT 1904 Resolutions Whereas the Supreme Commander of the universe has called from the ranks of the Grand Army of tho Republic hero to the ranks of the great majority be yond our worthy comrade Simeon B Billings and Whereas J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R of McCook fully realizes tho great loss it has sustained in the death of Comrade Billings that the communi ty has lost a good citizen the country a valiant defender be it Resolved that as a token of our es teem for Comrade Billings that theso resolutions be spread in full upon our post records that they bo published in The McCook Triijune and a copy bo presented to tho family of the deceased and that our post headquarters bo drapod in mourning lor me space ot iU days II H Berry JW Underhill Henry Gale Committee Mayor Rathbun Resigns Responsive to an order from tho com missioner of the general land office of recent date in which attention is di rected to an executive order of tho presi dent of January 17th and 28th 1878 forbidding federal officeholders accept ing or holding by appointment or elec tion any state or municipal offices Reg ister F M Rathbun on Monday evening at the regular meeting of the city coun cil resigned tho mayoralty of tho city The councilmen regretfully accepted the resignation after expressing their ap preciation of his energetic conduct of the office during his brief incumbency The order from the department of the interior to tho register was the result of a report of an inspector from the depart ment on that point By virtue of his position as presidont of tho city council Councilman C J Ryan became acting mayor which posi tion he will hold until the end of the municipal year Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in tho county clerks office since last Thursday evening R M Osborn to GW Cooloy wd to lot Gin block 9 Third McCook 50 00 Georpo Hocknell to B M Frees wd to w hf uo or and o bf iiw qr 22-U-29 Same to amo wd to parts blocks i 4 19 21 23 Second McCook and block -1 McCook 2000 00 Same to Frees Hocknell Lumber Co wd to lots 10 11 12 in block ClBartley 500 00 Samo to McCook Loan and Trust Co wd to lots in Bartlev 2000 00 Lincoln Land Co to D E Smith wd to lots 6 7 block 10 McCook 300 00 Marion Plumtner to T T Pluimner wd to part 2it 1000 00 John Fiechter to J J llortou wd to part no so 17-1-20 850 00 Dan Hupp to samo wd to same 125 00 S G Bastain et al to Dan Casheu wd to lot 1 in block -1 Danbury H50 00 Philip Bastain et al to S G Bastian qcd to same BOO 00 Are You Going to Build Sidewalks We are making a special sidewalk brick of finest quality out of shale and clay by special machinery and will have a kiln of same ready for sale by June 10th Price per 1000 is 810 Wait for them A new kiln of fine quality of building brick just opened McCook Brick Co For Sale at a Bargain One J I Case 15 horse engine with 32x54 separator complete with feeder and blower All good as new Engine located at Cedar BluiFs Kansas Ad dress I J Peck Oberlm Kansas One witty exchange has discovered that a local physician who is interested in the oil business makes a profit on the sick and the well too This in no way applies to the oil well business in which certain people at McCook are interested Beaver City Tribune Room and board furnished to six lady teachers or four young men May have use of bath and phone Reasonable terms Apply to Mrs J G lnglis 1J blocks southeast of brick school house Married at the National Hotel parlors Sunday June 12 by Rev Carman Mr William Brixner of Danbury and Miss Gertrude Bennington of York They will make their home near Danbury When using Lincoln Absolutely Pure Paint you have a guarantee as to dura bility and general satisfaction A McMillen Just the time of year to plant turnip seed Colemans is the place to buy tho kind thatll grow Milwaukee and return 2525 Tickets on sale June 19 20 and j21 Return iimtl July 14 H P sortment them Waite Co have a large as of preserving kettles See Supply your customers with a drink of cold water Coleman sells the coolers at a very reasonable price McMillen druggist makes a specialty of fine stationery writing and pencil tablets Taffeta silk gloves 35c Pure silk ones 50c and 85c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Nothing more comfortable than those lawn swings at Colemans Coleman for fruit jars kind and the right price The largest and wear at Diamonds Plenty 5c prints Dry Goods Cos The right best line of under- at The Thompson Cherry stoners at Waites SPECIAL CARPET SALE We will have on exhibition Wednesday June 22nd a com plete new line of carpets and rugs PADE SON CO rvf GQ NUMBER 3 geXSSXX i ROBERSON Opera House Monday June 20 Splendid Lantern Lecture Norway Land of the Midnight Sun Tho McCook Junior Normal School pays Roberson 8100 cash for this lecturu Koberson lias hoen recalled to Liincoln six tunes ho is tho ablest lecturer on travel in America his lantern oporated by a salaried as sistant is tho best made his won derful pictures are unexcelled lor beauty of illustration and interest surpasses any illustrated tour of travel to which I havo ever listoned Walter C Douglas Uen tieey Y M C A Philadel phia Pa Zions HeraldAudience enthu siastic pictures and descriptions superior and excellent Christian Enquirer Exception ally descriptive skillfully illustrat ed Christian Advocate Superb Omaha Bee Every phiiM beau tifully illustrated World Herald Finished Excelsior An authority Lincoln Stato Journal Eloquent Tho citizens of McCook will find every number in tho Junior Normal School entertainment course a rare and unusual treat and it fs hoped they will take advantage of them all These five numbers constitute as fino talent as money can secure Roberson Juno 20 Montavillo Flowers July 15 Frank Nelson July 29 Lotus Male Quartette Aug 10 Slayton Jubilee Singers 1 reason tickets SI 50 Koserved i seats to each at McConnells 5e ft McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morninjc Corn Wheat Oats Rye Barley JIoks Kks Good Butter 10 in r 10 12 ir MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnells for drugs Coleman sells beet cultivators For wall paper go to Cone Bros The Tribune 52 weeks for 8100 Everything in drugs McConnell Heath it Milligan paint at Cone Bros We want to be your druggists Bros See the buying Cone Ocean Wave washer before I guarantee my concrete walks Bullard Room for rent over DC Marsh W C tho market Seo If you need a hay stacker see the one Coleman sells The Great greatest stove Majestic made Ranga is tho Dont scald your fingers buy a fruit funnel at Colemans When you need fly nets and see what will happen try Coleman Fine Swiss embroideries in sets at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Fans in handsome variety at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Local news of importance on every home page of The Trirune The Deering hay rakes are all made from steel Light and strong Refrigerators a best in the market nice variety Coleman of the Sun and rain parasols 50c and up at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Alaska refrigerators are tho best A fine line of them may be seen at Waites Lisle thread gloves black white and colors 25c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Avenarius carbolinum the great chick en lice destroyer and wood preserver at Waites The new stock of single harness is all right for those driving wagons at W T Colemans For the best values in paints wall pa per varnish stains enamel etc go to Cone Bro3 Concrete walks improve your property W C Bullard is the man to let your contract to Seo W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything We have some odds and ends in mixed paints we are selling cheap Enouah of some kinds for a small house McConnell Druggist Just as stylish equally as handsome as tho engraved are The Tribunes calling cards printed from the famous and pretty Tiffany Text See our samples and get our prices Wash fabrics are now in brisk demand You will find Grecian voiles mikado cloth cotton crepes Scotch suitings gal atea cloth lawns organdies dimities mercerized ginghams chambrays silk muslins pongee silk and other leading kinds all at The Thompson Dry Goods Co3 Prices lowest