i 4 5 re i l t vf r JOHN BURT A Brilliant Campaign Tames Blake yet longed for specula tive laurols His one ambition was to achieve some sweeping coup and taste the inward joy of triumph sweeter far than tho undeserved fame which had amassed half a million of dol lars the temptation to risk It was too strong to be resisted John Burt had Just terminated a campaign which had netted him nearly a million in profit and John Hawkins had been equally successful Blake saw a chance and took It With nerve and skill ho forced a stock to a point where vic tory seemed certain but an unfore seen event ruined his chances at the moment when the spell of ill luck seemed broken The market turned but by a series of moves brilliant as if inspired by success instead of dis aster Blake saved himself from a complete rout and emerged with one half of his capital A few days later he held an inter view with John Burt an interview destined to mark an epoch in his ca reer Can you arrange your affairs so as to go to New York for me starting on Saturday asked John Burt I can start to night if necessar replied Blake Saturday night will be better said Burt Two important railroad stocks will decline heavily next week They are now bouyant and the public is eager to buy them I shall have dis posed of my Interest in them before you reach New York Two million dollars will be placed there to your credit Proceed at once on your arrival to sell short one hundred thou sand shares of each of these stocks You should be able to do this in three days without seriously breaking the market You hold in your name be tween five and six million dollars worth of stocks and bonds which are -By FREDERICK UPHAM ADAMS Author of Tho Kidnapped Millionaires Colonel Monroes Dcctrint Etc Coirnioirr 1002 nr FliKDHuICK UPHAM ADAU8 All righta rcsorvod CopyniauT 1503 bt A J DUBXBL BIDDLH -T I i ii ii U CHAPTER XV small blocks of the two railway stocks The market was strong and all offer ings were eagerly absorbed In three days he had sold one hundred thou sand shares of each stock and tho market was stationary He wired the fact to John Burt and received in structions The following day ho be gan the cash sale of the stocks and se curities When half of them were sold the market began to weaken On Thursday morning he received a cipher telegram which when trans lated read as follows Sell remainder of securities at market price and then offer railroads A and B in five thousand lots J B Beneath the weight of these offer ings the market trembled and then broke sharply Late In the afternoon came the news of the resignation of powerful directors on railroads A and B the organization of a competing line and the passage of a resolution for enormous bond issues When James Blake went to bed late Saturday night it was after fifty hours of work without sleep He had prac tically concluded one of the most de cisive campaigns ever waged o the street Before turning out the lights he again read a telegram received a few hours before and his handsome face flushed with pleasure as he read Accept my congratulations on your superb handling of our campaign Mr Hawkins joins In salutations and we drink your hoalth J B Our campaign said Blake half aloud Thats the highest of com pliments John must have won tor tunes and Im a millionaire at last Wonder if I can sleep Here goes He dropped into a slumber deep and untroubled as that of a child James Blake found himself the Wall street hero of the hour He was ac claimed the young financial giant from the Pacific slope a market Ivanhoe -- miMiyi i hit ii im ulmm nllll l l II J nail HJM J ysvmxzD j VTIUPSJDCfeyVD S8iilillS JJc tt jsscj Juyjs jaig listed on tho New York exchange Ex press them to New York at once I propose to convert them into cash When I wire you throw them on the market and sell more of the railroad stocks This is our introduction to tho Eastern market Well discuss the details before you leave and I have absolute faith in your ability to conduct the campaign It was a proud moment for Blake There was no shadow of envy or jeal ousy in his thoughts as he looked into the face of the companion of his boy hood and heard him speak calmly of millions and of launching them against the giants of Wall street I can do it I will do it he ex claimed I see your plan and its magnificent John magnificent It will win win beyond a doubt John was silent for a moment and a far off look came to his eyes I have two important personal com missions for you Jim he said While in New York ascertain for me if Arthur Morris is alive Find out what he is doing and learn what you can about him The second task is a more delicate one It concerns Miss Carden I wish to know I know exactly what you want in terrupted Jim Blake as John hesita ted You want to know where she is how she is if she loves you and You need not attempt the latter task said John rather shortly You are likely to undertake too much For the present I do not care to acquaint Miss Carden or any one in the East with my whereabouts or even with the fact of my existence Be careful in this matter Jim Of course you will go to Hingham and visit your kinsfolk You can easily learn all I care to know from the Bishops or per haps from Sam Rounds If not go to Boston but get the facts without calling on Miss Carden You under stand dont you Jim Certainly I do old fellow said Jim heartily Ill be as cautious as a dime novel sleuth After repeated conferences every de tail of the Wall street campaign was agreed upon and James Blake set his face towards the East He arrived in New York on Friday evening Early the following morning he armeared in Wall street and pre sented letters of introduction to the banks and brokers who had been se lected by John Burt as agents in the needing operations On Monday morning he opened ac counts with brokers and began selling j who had driven his lance through the armor of famed knights and warriors He drank deep of the glorious nectar of victor- The day had dawned when he could accept honors fairly won While admitting that John Burt was the master mind of the campaign Blake knew that he had played no small part in its consummation He had invested every dollar of his own He had carried his stock to the bot tom of the market and covered in time to profit on the reaction In a week of furious conflict he had not made a mistake New York threw open her gates as to a victorious general proud to be looted in honor of his fame She be came the opulent and willing mistress to his pleasures She fanned his fevered brow and whispered soft words of praise into his ears He banqueted with money kings in staid old clubs he met as an equal the dashing young scions of wealth around the boards in fashionable cafes he drifted through drawing rooms brilliant in light and looked in to tho admiring faces of radiant women he mingled with the jeweled throng in playhouse and opera he read his name and the story of his fame in the public prints and he for got John Burt He spent an evening in a Fifth Ave nue Club the guest of a young bank er and broker who had profited from the coup Blake was faultlessly dressed and his fine face was more handsome than ever He goodnatur edly declined to discuss his triumphs in California but told with spirit frankness and humor the tales of suc cessive reverses and modestly at tributed his recent run of success to luck You must transfer your activities to New YorkJ advised young Kings ley who had been willed several mil lions and a banking business San Francisco is too small and provincial for you Ah here comes a fellow you must meet A thick set young man had entered the room He stood and listened with a bored expression to a friend who was enthusiastic over some matter and persisted in repeatedly shaking hands Thats Morris Arthur Morris ex plained Kingsley Son of old Ran dolph Morris dont you know Pere Morris retired from business two weeks ago and turned everything over to Arthur He was a wild one but hes settled down The Morris mil lions wont shrink in his handB I want you to know him Blake I When Morris name was mentioned Blako started and gazed intently at the stolid face and heavy figure In the far corner of the smoking room With shame he recalled that he had made no inquiry concerning this man whose death or existence meant so much to John Burt For a moment his nerves tingled and he longed to walk across the room and choke Morris for Johns sake but ho reflected that this was folly It was enough to know that Morris lived John Burt was dead so far as Arthur Morris was concerned and Blake as Johns reincarnation threw himself on guard determined to profit to the utmost by the incident Glad to see you old man ex claimed Kingsley rising to greet Mor ris I want you to know my friend Mr Blake Mr James Blake of San Francisco Mr Arthur Morris You certainly have heard Ton my word this is unexpected luck Arthur Morris thrust forward a soft hand and winced as Blake clasp ed it with simulated heartiness Delighted to meet you Mr Blake Morris exclaimed Been looking for you everywhere Sent my card to your apartments this evening By Jove youre a corker dont you know Mr Blake Walter a bottle of Perier Gouet 54 I want to drink your health Mr Blake Glad to meet you Mr Morris said James Blake looking him full in the eyes Ive heard of your father and the famous old firm and learned only to day that youve succeeded him in business Two years spent by Arthur Morris in an apprenticeship to the trade of money grasping and holding had seamed the puffed round tace with herd lines The once dull eyes glow ed with the newly lighted fires of avarice The sensuous lips dropped at the corners with a cruel curve The former air of indifference was re placed by the alertness of defense and aggressiveness Close observers predicted a great ca reer for Arthur Morris His father was delighted with the transformation and did not hesitate to give to his heir the keys which unlocked the Mor ris treasurpr vaults The hours glided by to the music of clinking glasses and the rising clatter of conversation And as James Blake talked and listened and drank his aversion to Arthur Morris relaxed He loved John Burt and was eager to espouse his cause but John had not commissioned him to quarrel with Arthur Morris Perhaps the affair of the years before was only a boyhood dispute He glanced at the white expanse of Morris shirt front and wondered if the scar of Johns bullet showed over his heart Morris lived and the thought came to Blake that the score was even between John and the young million aire The feud had made John rich why should John complain And Arthur Morris did not seem to be such a bad sort of a fellow after all Thus reasoned Blake as Morris took his arm and led him away from the noisy club men Say we get out of this said Mor ris proffering a cigarette case Youll be my guest to night Blake Wont listen to a refusal my dear fellow Ive bachelor apartments and anything you ask is yours I want to have a quiet chat with you Lets make our excuses and stroll to Delmonicos for a bite of supper Then well go to my rooms Blake accepted the invitation and after supper they drove to the Morris apartment Im rather fond of these quarters dont you know said Morris as he showed his guest through a suite worthy of a Lucullus Picked up some of this stuff abroad and the governor contributed the rest of it Rammohun serve us that 1809 brandy The Indian servant bowed and moved noiselessly away Morris open ed a writing desk and glanced at a number of unopened letters To be continued SHIRTS MUST HAVE SHRUNK Red Flannoi Garment Wife Mistook for Caral Necklace Jim Sullivan tells of a friend a sufferer from rheumatism who hear ing during the early part of the win ter that red flannel worn next to the body was a remedy for that com plaint purchased several undershirts made of that material The clerk as sured him that the goods were guar anteed in every particular About two weeks afterward Mr Sullivans friend revisited the shop where he had bought the red flannel shirts and registered a big kick against the perpetuation against him of what he termed a fearful swindle Whats the matter asked the proprietor Have the shirts faded or shrunk Faded Shrunk howled the man What do you think my wife said to me when I came down to breakfast yesterday with one of them on Well sir she smiled sweetly and asked Why are you wearing my pink coral necklace around your throat John New York Times Russias Army It has been estimated that the to tal war footing of the Russian army after calling out all the reserves amounts to 5250000 men or more than ten times that of Japan The soldiers are drawn from the ignorant peasant class and -the officers from the governing ranks of society Should Russia call out all her troops she will have 78827 officers 51S0 95S soldiers G13400 horses and 4000 cannon Germany is the only nation that exceeds Russia in its military equipment AS TO A PLATFORM REPUBLICANS SHOULD FACE THE ISSUES SQUARELY They Will Be Compelled by Demo cratic Hostility to the Tariff to Maintain Uncompromising Adher ence to the Principle and Policy of Protection It being now on all sides conceded that the tariff is to be the one over shadowing issue in the presidential campaign of 1904 it is interesting to consider the form in which that issue is to be presented Many persons seem to have formed the opinion that the contest is to be conducted on new lilies that on one side the attack on protection is not going to be so fierce and so uncompromising as in former years while on the other side there will be shown a disposition to con cede and conciliate This opinion carries with it two implications that we believe will be found to be wholly erroneous First the assumption Is that the Democrats are going to abate something of their traditional hatred of the protection principle and second that the Republicans are disposed to relax something of the rigor of their devotion to that princi ole It is on one hand assumed that this year the issue is not to bo free trade vs protection because the Democrats grown wiser from past defeats will not repeat the error of standing open ly for free trade or its twin brother tariff for revenue only but will con tent themselves with attacking what they term the abuses of protection and with a partial smashing of tariff protection by means of reciprocity concessions We go forth with tariff reduction and genuine reciprocity inscribed on our banners This was the announcement made by Champ Clark of Missouri second in command of the Democratic forces In congress This undoubtedly reflects the Democratic position and purpose preserved from attack from aTiroad the American public shall bo protect ed from aggression and oppression at home by combinations in restraint of trade As to tariff and trusts nothing more than this is needed It tells the whole story As to reciprocity let the con vention readopt the declaration of 1900N restricting trade concessions to articles that do not in any manner compete with domestic production This done the people will know how to decide whether to turn the coun try over to a party whose tariff mak ing has Invariably been destrvictivo to business or to keep tho power of legislation In the hands of tho party whose history is one unbroken record of devotion to the countrys best and highest good American Economist More Democratic Blundering The Democrats of California and Wisconsin use almost the same lan guage about the Panama canal They are in favor of that great work they would not dare to array themselves against it but they denounce the administration for that policy which has secured the canal for the nation and the world Tho Colifornia Democrats say they have always been for an Interoceanic canal but they condemn the methods of the administration in securing the Panama right of way as destructive of the integrity of a confederated re public The Wisconsin Democrats are for the canal but they regret that that great project is stained with evidence of dishonorable intrigue against the integrity of a friendly republic The territorial integrity of Colom bia seems to be of quite as much con cern to these Democrats in search of issues as is the isthmian canal Tho sympathy expressed for that so called republic is insincere and the censure of the administration is unjust The documents submitted to congress showed that the policy of the United States had been straightforward and upright while that of Colombia had been tortuous and dishonest To say that that country was a friendly re- THE BRIDGE THAT HAS CARRIED US SAFELY OVER in the coming campaign It is not free trade in express terms for that would disturb and frighten the coun try but it is none the less free trade by indirection The object remains unaltered to repeal the present tar iff and take away its protective fea tures on the ground that in this way only can trust extortion be checked and to supplement this direct ac tion by the roundabout method of lowering duties in spots through spe cial reciprocity treaties This is the Democratic program Not free trade open and above board but free trade by stealth On the other hand it is by some Republicans urged that the time has come for surrendering some part of the protectionist position for relaxing and conceding away the principles of protection to the extent of agreeing to a revision of the Dingley duties immediately following the election of 1904 and in consenting to tariff changes through the medium of reci procity in competitive products This element would be glad to commit the Republican party to a declaration in substance that the charge of trust sheltering and trade restriction has been made good against protection and the party stands ready to enter upon the work of tariff tinkering and trade dickering We do not think that this element will dominate the national convention of 1904 On the contrary we confidently expect to see the convention stand pat on pro tection This view is supported by the decision reached at a recent con ference of leaders in Washington to the effect that inasmuch as the tariff is to be the main issue the Republic an party should meet the issue bold ly and uncompromisingly yielding nothing conceding nothing surren dering nothing of the principle and policy of protection to American labor and industry and least of all conniv ing at any masked assault upon that principle and policy under cover of reciprocity Maintaining such a position as this the Republican party will have ail the advantage in the contest It will force the Democrats out into the open and compel them to declare their to protection It will make the issue plain clear and hon est For example if the Chicago con vention wishes to free tho campaign of every element of uncertainty as to the principles involved it could not do better than to adopt as the tariff planks of its platform the following admirable suggestion of the New York Press 1 The American tariff system shall be maintained to keep American labor employed at fair wages and American capital engaged at reasonable profit 2 Capital and 1 ihor both being public is to do singular violence to the truth Senator Gorman who had once the reputation of being an extremely astute individual tried to make party and personal capital out of the canal question and failed ingloriously He erased his name from the list of pos sible presidential candidates of his party It is odd that the Democratic platform writers of Wisconsin and California should think they could score a point where he failed so sig nally If a Democratic administration had done what a Republican one has done in the Panama matter the Democrats in their platforms would have point ed with pride to the commendable and successful policy they now con demn A Combination The Iowa Democratic state conven tion of May 4 instructed for W R Hearst reaffirmed the Kansas City platform with its free silver declara trov and adopted the following on the tariff question We denounce the vicious tariff system fostered and perpetuated by the Republican party under which the trusts have been born bred and fattened and the species multiplied until they have every industrial and commercial interest by the throat and we demand the repeal of every tariff which denies equal opportunity for all Yellow Kid Sixteen to One and Free Trade There is a combination which illustrates the infinite possibili ties of the Democratic party in the matter of assassinating prosperity Truth Briefly Stated A specimen of the solid truth as presented in the Illinois Republican platform -The prospect of a general revision of the tariff by the Demo cratic party whose leaders in Congress are free traders as their records show would close the factories and work shops throw labor out of employment reduce the price of the products of the farm bring on general distress and paralyze the industries of the nation Experience has taught this lesson Its repetition ought to be un necessary Why Change It The policy that has made the coun try prosperous beyond the wildest dream of the most sanguine a score of years ago is that of the protective tar iff If that policy is right why change it If it is wrong we all should shout for its abolition but the conditions the facts and figures are all in favor of it and against Mr Luckings free trade policy Saginsw A Gambler Worth 5000000 For tho next two years nt least thero will be Httlo done In tho gam bing business In Now York that la thero will bo few If any largo houses maintained Since tho Jeromo wit ness bill was passed and signed in New York stato It has become a very dangerous business Richard Can field Is not to run a house thero whllo Jerome is In power He has sold a piece of property for 125000 that ho would not have taken 5200000 for six months ago It Is understood that Canfleld Is to part with all his real estate In New York and expatrlato himself Canfleld is said to bo worth 5000000 and the least figure placed on his fortune Is 3000000 Since he has never been engaged In any in dustrial or commercial business the Inference is that he made all his money in speculating on the turn of cards he supplying the cards Russian Papers Scare Heads The present war has produced tho first heading containing moro than a single line ever published In a Rus sian newspaper Previously tho most impc rtant news had never been so honored and the death of Queen Vic toria was announced without any hoading Mr Albees Opinion Alpine Cal June G Mr T M Al bee our postmaster has expressed an opinion based on his own experience which will no doubt be of interest to many Mr Albee is a man of few words but his well known truthful ness and uprightness of character adds much weight to any statement he makes He says Tho first box of Dodds Kidney Pills that I used convinced me of their good qualities and I used altogether four boxes with the very best results I can heartily recommend this rem edy This voluntary expression of opin ion will doubtless find an echo in many homes in California for Dodds Kidney Pills have been making somo miraculous cures in this state From the evidence already publish ed it seems safe io conclude that this medicine will be found to be a per fect cure for rheumatism urinary trouble backache and any and every form or symptom of kidney complaint Always say your prayers before go ing to bed if its a folding bed Any man who gets married a sec ond time didnt deserve to lose his first wife Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications a tluv cannot reach the dis eased portion of the iar Is only one way tc cur deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by nn Inflamed condition of the raucous llnlnjc of the Eustachian Tube When tltld tube Is Inflamed you hue a rumbling sound or Im perfect hcurlnjfand when It Is entirely closed Deaf ness la the reiult and unit the Inflammation cm be taken out ami this tube restored t Its normal condi tion hearing be destroyed furvter nine care out of ten are canned by iitnrrh which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces iVe will ulve One Hundred Dollars for any eaJe of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure -end for circulars free V 1 CIIEXEV CO Toledo O Soldbv Drutrsst 73c Take Halls Family Fllle for constipation The man who has too little confi dence in himself go orally has too much in others Dealers say that as soon as a cno tomer tries Defiance Starch It is im possible to sell them any other cold water starch It can be used cold or boiled No gentleman will swear before a lady let her swear first DONT SPOIL YOTJR CLOTHES Uso Rod Cross Ball Blue and keep them wkite as snow All grocors 5c a package After a man swaps horses he does not always drive a bargain KI YC permanently cured Tfo fits or nerrcnnccs af tc el 1 3 first days ueeofDrKUnesOreatNerve Restor er Bond for FBEE 8200 trial bottle and treatise Da It H Klbe Ltd 531 Area Street KUladelphla Fa Figures may not lie but they very frequently steal Willing They say Smith treated that man like a brother Billing In what way Willling Kicked him out of the house Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fast taking plaee of all other brands Others say they cannot sell any other starch Every right action and rue thought sets the seal of Its beauty on the person and the face Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch not alone because they get one third more for the same money but also because of superior quality Nature has wisely arranged matters so that a man can neither kick him self nor pat his own back The man who uses religion as a cloak will sooner or later be warm enough without it A man who has no time for charity in this world will have time to burn in the next It is better to start right at the be ginning than to go back and do it all over again Jimmy What would you say if I kissed you Mabel You are only wasting time by asking Dont judge a man by his tomb stone for he did not write the epi taph on it Your dearest friend is naturally the one that costs yoa the most money Why is it that tha lightweight al ways accuses the scales of being wrong