The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 03, 1904, Image 8

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Jru Hi tenia in beautifying his premises
With paint
Will Parish is iu Si Louis taking in
tte big show
CJark Bontman and Art Crabtree wore
business visitors in our city Tuesday
Geo Currand family have moved into
town and are residing in the Jennings
Mr and Mrs A F McCord are visit
ing in Dundy county with Mrs McCord s
Miss Laura Glandon received the
scholarship prize of our high school for
this year
The telephone poles are now being set
and in n short timo we can say hello
to our neighbors
Mrs Robert George who went to Lin
coln recently is entjuged in dressmaking
in the capital city
The Misses Lucy and Mary Peake of
Indianola visited with the Burton fam
ily one day last week
Mrs E R Moon and family have cone
to Hayes county to visit her parents Mr
and Mrs Ben Sibbett
Mrs Will Sheets of Indianola visited
trith Mrs Ira Sheets of Bartley Thurs
day and Friday of last week
The graduating class of last year with
their professor Mr Wyne spent a pleas
ant social ovening at Mr Curlees last
Tho fine rain Tuesday afternoon and
evening was gladly received About one
inch of water fell which greatly aids the
growing crops
Elder C P Evans of Arapahoe preach
ed tho Memorial sermon last Sunday
in the M E church to a large and well
pleased audience
Charles Sentence and mother from Ox
ford came up to attend Memorial service
here and visit with old friends They
returned Thursday of this week
MUs Maud Vickery left Thursday for
Lincoln where she will visit with old
friends a few days and then go to her
borne in Minco Indian Territory
Wednesday was a quiet day in Bartley
JVIost of tho citizens accepted the gener
ous offor of Lyman Jennings and went
lishing in his lake two miles east of
town Fish stories are in order now
Rev E B Crippen of Indianola
preached tho funeral sermon of Galen
McKean last Friday after which the
body of tho deceased was laid to rest in
the Bartley cemetery by the Masonic
fraternity of our village
Decoration day was celebrated as
Tisual Monday A very large gathering
was present The graves were decorated
in the forenoon and in the afternoon
the exercises and speaking in the church
occupied the time until about five
oclock The rehearsal and singing was
excellent Many were disappointed that
Rev Crippen was unable to make the
iddies3 as had been arranged
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism says V
H Howard of Husband Pa At times
she was unable to move at all while at
all times walking was painful I presen
ted her with a bottle of Chamberlains
Pain Balm and after a few applications
she decided it was the most wonderful
pain reliever she had ever tried in fact
she is never without it now and is at all
times able to walk An occasional ap
plication of Pain Balm keeps away the
pain that she was formerly troubled
with For sale by all druggists
Fine rains weve been having the past
John Miller of Friend is here hauling
his corn to market
A W Campbell attended Memorial
services in McCook last Sunday
Mr and Mrs T M Campbell spent
Sunday with J K Gordon and wife
I N Shepherd and son Harry return
d last Friday from their Oregon trip
Mrs Ernest Dixon of Alma has been
Tisiting her aunt Mrs
F G Lytle this
Rev H H Berry of McCook will
preach at the church next Sunday morn
ing at 11 oclock
Beginning with next Sunday morning
the Sunday school will begin promptly
at 10 oclock Every member of the
school should come and bring some one
else with them
Do Not Be Imposed Upon
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction It is mildly laxative It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold by
A McMillen
Those who are gaining tleah
strength by regular treat
s entwlth
I Scotts Emulsion
should continue the treatment
in hot weather smaller dose
p and a little cool milk with itwiI
do away with any objection
i which Is attached to fatty pro-
rr Uucts during the heated
H season
a Send for free sample
i SCOrr BOWNE Chemists
jrr4t 5 Pearl Street New York
5jc andioo all druggists
h i itTr
makes childbirth easy by preparing the
system for parturition and thus shortening
labor The painful ordeal is robbed of its
terrors and the danger lessened to both
mother and child the time of confinement
is shortened the mother rested and child
fully developed strong and healthy
Morning sickness or nausea arising
from pregnancy is prevented by its use
as pregnancy advances the breasts en
large become swollen and hard Long
before the child is born they are prepar
ing for the secretion of milk It is import
ant that they receive early attention
Mothers Friend softens the skin and
facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid
Undeveloped breasts hard caked shortly
after delivery are the result of non
treatment and likely to culminate in
Mammary Abscess from which so many
suffer excruciating pain and are left with
these organs permanently impaired
Softness pliability and expansion are given to
the muscles and sinews thus bringing comfort
and causing an easy issue of the child Try it
Of druggists 100 Our book Motherhood free
Thomas Mustgrave Sundayed with
Merchant Morgan
E B Stilgobouor has leased the butcher-shop
of Mr Schneider
James Sims shipped two car loads of
hogs to St Joe this week
Mr Kiem of Fillmore county is visit
ing Mr Doud and family
The carpenters are at work on Dr
Robinsons fine residence
George Ray and family of Lincoln aro
visiting Will Minniear and wife
Mr Phillips of Indianola is visiting
his daughter Mrs J L Sargent
George B Morgan and wife started
for the St Louis exposition Tuesday
Read work seems to bo all the go now
The street commissioner has all the force
John Leisure has completed a fine res
idence one and one half miles north of
A baby girl was born to Dr and Mrs
DeMay Monday but only lived a few
The late rains have done the small
grain quite a lot of good and corn plant
ing is about complete
Rev Bross preached the Memorial
sermon to a handful of veterans and a
great concourse of civilians
William Sandon and wife Nettie Ob
linger and Mrs Addie Sewell started
last Saturday for the St Louis exposi
George B Morgan was offered 8000
for his quarter section of land and still
people say that Western Nebraska is no
Miss Good and Miss Alta Morgan were
Oberlin visitors last Thursday and Fri
day and attended the commencement
O B Woods has a lay off for a few
days and is visitinghis parents and other
relatives He reports railroad business
rather dull
Bern Murphy met with a serious acci
dent while stretching wire One of the
wires broke and struck him across the
face and cut out his right eye
The Richest Man in the World
The richest man in the world can not
have his kidneys replaced nor live with
out them so it is important not to neg
lect these organs If Foleys Kidney
Cure is taken at the first sign of danger
tne symptoms will disappear and your
health will be restored as it strengthens
and builds up these organs as nothing
else will Oscar Bowman LebanonKy
writes I have used Foleys Kidney
Cure and take great pleasure in stating
it cured me permanently of kidney dis
ease which certainly would have cost
me my life Sold by A McMillen
Pastures are in fine condition now and
stock is doing well
Corn planting is still in progress
Some are plowing for cane
Thayer and Hazel Rowland visited
with Earl and Grace Relph Sunday
Winter wheat has been greatly bene
fitted by the recent rains Spring wheat
and barley are looking fine
A violent wind ram and hail storm
passed over this section Saturday even
ing doing much damage to gardens and
small corn
Mrs H H Benjamin and children
and Mrs Minnio Van Nortwick from
Dawson county were visiting with their
brother J H Relph and family a couple
of days last week
Quick Arrest
J A Gulledge of Verbena Ala was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 21 tumors After doc
tors and all remedies failed Bucklens
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him It con
quers aches and kills pain 25 cents at
LW McConnells druggist
Casper Hoagen assisted in C Wackers
store Monday
A new photograph gallery will bo open
ed up in a few days
Miss Ethel Fellows is visiting friends
near McCook this week
William Keller and family attended
mass at McCook Sunday
Mrs M S Satchell returned from
Stockton Kansas Saturday
at Exeter Neb Tuesday morning
Mrs M O Reynolds and daughter
Ora were shopping in McCook Wednes
Miss May Haining came up from Bart
ley Monday evening to visit her mother
for several days
Charles Knowles and Bruce Vastine
went up to Stratton Sunday night to
play in the band Decoration1 day
Mrs J H Lakin went down to Lin
coln the latter part of the week to at
tend the graduating exercises at the uni
versity Juno 3rd
Dr A H Miller left for St Louis
Tuesday to take in the fair Ho will
visit his relatives at Cape Girardeau be
fore he returns
Mr and Mrs J B Dinsmore of Sutton
came in Saturday evening to Visit N
L Wemple and family Mrs Dinsmore
is a sister of Mrs Wemple
Misses Maud Reynolds MyrtleLove
Florence Eisenhart and Messss Frank
Knowles H W Wallingford and David
Knowles attended the commencement
exercises at Trenton Saturdayevening
Mrs CWackermet with quite a pain
ful accident Saturday While scrub
bing the floor under the kitchen table
her little daughter upset a pan of scald
ing hot water on her back Tho wounds
were dressed and she is doing nicely
The game with the Hayes Center boys
played- hero Saturday was a walkaway
for Culbertson Score 12 to 0 A notice
able feature of the game was that every
player seemed to be on his good behav
ior and acted as a gentleman nothing
new however
Mrs W Z Taylor entertained a num
ber of young people at her home Mon
day eveningin honor of Mrs L Davisneo
Holiday The evening was spent in the
usual popular amusements All present
report a good time Those in attendance
were Misses Orra Reynolds Mabel Con
way Marriott Wemple Grace and
Blanche Benedict Isa Shumaker Mes
dames Brown and Henderson and Messrs
Charles Knowles Hugh Mitchelmore
Henry Wallingford Henry Kleven Cas
per Hoagen and David Benedict
A Sure Thing
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes but that is not alto
gether true Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure cure for all
lung and throat troubles Thousands
can testify to that MrsCBVanMetre
of ShepherdtownWVa says I had a
severe case of bronchitis and for a year
tried everything I heard of but got no
relief One bottle of Dr Kings New
Discovery then cured me absolutely
Its infallible for croup whooping cough
grippneumonia and consumption Try it
Price 50 cents and SI Guaranteed by
LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles
A Cure For Piles
I had a bad case of piles says G F
Carter of Atlanta Ga and consulted
a physician who advised me to try a box
of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve I pur
chased a box and was entirely cured It
is splendid for piles giving relief in
stantly and I heartily recommend it to
all sufferers DeWitts Witch Hazel
Salve is unequalled for its healing quali
ties Eczema and other skin diseases
also sores cuts burns and wounds of
every kind are quickly cured by it
Sold by L W McConnell
Orator Entro Nous Club
176 Warren Avenue
Chicago III Oct 22 1902
For nearly four years I suffered
from ovarian troubles Tho doc
tor insisted on an operation as the
only way to get well I however
strongly objected to an operation
My husband felt disheartened as
well as I for home with a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best A friendly druggist advised
him to tret a bottle of Wine of
Cardui for me to try and he did so
i negan to improve m a few day3 and
my recovery wa3 very rapid With
in eighteen weeks I was another
Li j
Mrs Stowes letter shows every
woman how a home is saddened by
female weaknes and how completely
Wine of Cardui cures that sick
ness andbrings health and happi
ness again vo not go on Butter
ing Go to your druggist today
and secure a 100 bottle of Wine
of Cardui
A J Casnor wont over to St Francis
Kansas Tuesday on business
Albort Sherman of Grand Island is
hero visitiucr friends and acquaintances
Miss Mamie Wolfe and Curtis Iloafj
land were married in McCook last Sat
Miss Lucy Loast of Oberlin Kansas
is here visiting her anclo William Porter
and family
Afr flinrl lVTra TTMrnrr WolKnm nt Tan
Frank J Hasslor departed for his home i
ver visited here a few davs this week
with relatives
Mrs Earl Snyder of McCook visited
latter part of last week with Ida and
Clarissa Dolan
Milton Strockey has returned from
LincolnN where he has been receiving
treatment for rheumatism
Miss Bertha Porter visited with rela
tives in Oberlin Kansas last week re
turning home Friday ovening
Misses Ireland and Emma Lang left
Friday morning for Peru to attend the
summer session of the normal
The biggest thing that has happen
edto the Indianola kids this year camo
off last Friday School closed
Miss Jennie Barr returned to her homo
in Holdrege last Saturday morning to
spend tho summer vacation there
Miss Stella McCool departed on No 5
Wednesday evening for Indianola Iowa
on a few months visit with relatives
Rev Crippen preached the Memorial
sermon at the M E church last Sun
day afternoon to an appreciative audi
Grace aud Clara Smith drove down
from McCook Monday and spent tho
day with their uncle W II Smith and
Miss Laura Owens teacher in thn
grammar department here returned to
her home in Riverton last Saturday
The school board has not yet elected
the teachers for the coming year owing
to the absence of one of tho members of
the board
Tho Indianola ball team crossed bats
with the Lebanon team here last Mon
day afternoon Score was 11 to 9 in
favor of Lebanon
Mrs Carmichael and daughter Maud
returned to their home
last Saturday morning
in Cambridge
after a short
visit with Jriends
Miss Forest Harrison who hns been
attending school hero departed last Sat
urday morning for her home in Oak
Nuckolls county Nebraska
Mr and Mrs E J Mitchell and chil
dren of McCook attonded the Decoration
day services here Monday Also Mr
and Mrs Frank Purvis of the county
Miss Edna Caine formerly of this city
and John Lowenstein were united in
marriage at the home of tho grooms
parents in Keokuk Iowa Wednesday
May 2oth
Tom Duncan left on No 2 Wednesday
morning for Oklahon a to look up a lo
cation Mrs Duncan and son Clarence
accompanied him as far as Lincoln
whoro they will stop for a short timo be
fore going to Indiana where they will
visit a while with relatives
The commencement exercises of the
Indianola school were held in Beardslees
opera house last Friday evening An
interesting program was carried out C
M Brown of Cambridge delivered the
address and presented the diplomas
The Indianola band furnished tho music
Tho services of Memorial day were
carried out in a very interesting and in
structive manner The old soldiers
school children and citizens headed by
the band proceeded to the cemetery at
10 oclock and decorated the graves in
the usual manner In the afternoon the
following program was carried out at tho
opora house before a large audience
Music Indianola Band
Reading of Orders
Song Glee Club
Prayer Rev N H Hawkins
Souk Glee Club
Orations Public School Pupils
Sons Glee Club
Exercises by tho Public School
Solo Mrs M S Calvin
Address Harlow W Keyes
Music Band
Juggling With Dynamite
Is no more dangerous than to neglect
kidney disorders Foleys Kidney Cure
corrects irregularities and has cured
many severe cases after other treatment
has failed It builds up tho worn out
tissues and restores health and vigor
for about two years writes A HDavis
of Mt Sterling Iowa but two bottles
of Foleys Kidney Cure effected a per
manent cure Sold by A McMillen
Here is the
List of
4 m jp Jioj
For the nearest correct estimate or guess 20000
For tho second nearest correct estimate or guess 10000
For tho third nearest correct estimate or guess iiOoO
For the fourth nearest correct estimate or guess 2j00
For tho fifth nearest correct estimate or guess 100
For tho sixth nearest correct estimate or guess 1000
For the next 20 nearest correct estimates or guesses each 500
Total 50000
Special Prizes
For first nearest correct estimate or guess recoived in March 150 lbs National
Stock Food and 10 gallon can Liquid Koal value 1000
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received iu April one 10 gallon can
Liquid Coal value 2300
For the first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 5 gallon can
Liquid Koal value 2375
Valuable Information To aid ia fXifofllowinResfiguretsef wo furnish
Total paid admissions during May to the Chicago Worlds Fair were 10JO057 Total paid
admissions during May to tho Pan American Exposition at Buffalo were 3994 What
will bo the total number of paid admissions to tho St Louis Worlds Fair July 4 Fig
ure it out or guess at it and give in your estimate as indicated above
Town State
Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa
Date 1901
My estimato on the number of
paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 is
Countersigned by Dealer
Taken from the McCook Tribune
Keeps hogs healthy kills lice on all kinds
of animals cures the pink eye and distem
per and is tho greatest remedy for germ
diseases of animals known to modern sci
ence Sold on its merits Your money back
if not satisfied Write the Company en
closing stamp for free advico on all germ
diseases of animals
One quart can 100 One gallon can
300 One five gallon can 1375
Wausa Neb Dec IS 1902
I consider Liquid Koal one of the best articles for all around purposes on the market
Foi mites and lice in chicken houses and for lice on calves and horses it is the best and
cheapest thing I have ever found Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm Chas Ber
HTd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa
Phone No 20 Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store McCook Neb
Great New Offer in the Number of
Paid Admissions to the St Louis
Worlds Fair on July 4 1904
Contest Opens March 1 Closes June 30 1904
No guesses will bo received after that date
Conditions of the Contest
Every purchaser of a quart can
of Liouid Koal hnvincr oifhpr
from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di
rect to the Company will be entitled to one guess on tho number of people
that will pass through the gates paid admissions of the St Louis Worlds
Pair on July 4 1901 To those who purchase a gallon can four guesses
will be allowed a five gallon can 2o guesses No limit to the number of
guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the
coupon given below have your dealer sign it and he will send them to
the company at the end of each month If there is no dealer in your town
mail them direct to tho Company This contest will positively close at
midnight June 30 190i after which time no guesses will be received In
case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where
we have no dealer orders will be sent prepaid and cash must accompany
them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
lumber and
Steam Filler
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday vVaupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
I ill il
2fitvIwas reliable
ntii r jvr TVS
ib metallic
Vtinu --
DENTI5T phone n2
Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Oflico over McMillons drug store Residence
702 Main Avenue Residence phone 53 Office
phone 28 Calls answered uicht or day
McCook Nebraska
EgAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Office in Poatoflice bnildinp
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P O Building
ExJfe nJKSl for
boxes sealed with blue rihfa
lEefiiHc lanserous Hubstl
-- - uiari mi
by return Mail in nmVnL l m Utter
all Druggists Testimonials Sold b
2100 Madlon CO
Square MnL VA
Mention UUjBDer
e To William Wight oTwArbomstHPn f
Iho commissioner annointAfi
commencmg at center of
sw nnarf -18
on the section line that dTvftes othvSVin
Precinct from Alliance Precinct Rwl wS GJ
county Neb 1r ow
and known a Arh
nor and extending S aJ rb5gat s sw
and secure tho moat nrnntfi Vgn bIuffs
and coming Co RS fad
near tho centerof swniinrt rrf -on hao at or
tending due south along he LriV 9 ad ex
sw corner of section W i 1 lonllno to the
and to vacate theroad now iXHSt F there
section lino has reDorji ont along said
tion thereof and al Sll favr f the
thereto e I vJnont1 reference
NOTTfTF Tr rT rr
cojouSm McfeVinii 36 Bt
all claims aaSSt aafdtite and w
for tho T hrnitei
presentation Tof snr m
from tle 20th dwof S lMTS2xnontS
limited for tho Payment ofdebfsand iim
of said set
estate tS
is one iemenk
year from tbo date
Dated May 20th 1904 hereof
s rVDrr r
- ounsy Judge
STTo rr I -
r mvLa Fin relieves more sum
lng prevents more heart aches
eases than any other remedy aw
will do 3o cents in tea or tablet forrS
LW McConnell
1 1
fr T
fi 1