The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 13, 1904, Image 1

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Professor Thole of Nebraska Runs
Contrary to Postal Laws
Washington May 6 Special to Lin
coln Journal Prof A H Tholo of Mc
Cook Nob will no longer bo permitted
to send love ndvico through tho mails
Ho is reported to have dono a heavy
business his rates being 25 cents in
silver His advertisements which
guaranteed no failures it is said read
iike this
Groat secret how you can make your
lover or sweetheart lovo you They just
must lovo you they cant help them
selves This secrejj is based on scientific
principles and cannot fail
Ono ardent lover who felt that ho had
not got tho worth of his money sent to
tho postoflice department tho great
secret as disclosed to him It read as
Your letter of recent date at hand
and I will say that tho woman you lovo
you must constantly think of with your
whole souls intensity if you want her to
lovo you In addition to that you must
not drink but keep clean and neat in
jour dress Bo polite and attentive bo
generous for women hate stinginess in
men but dearly lovo generosity Bo
bravo for women hato cowards and lovo
bravery Bo firm women hato triflers
Walk with your head and shoulders well
thrown back bo dignified bo courteous
and in every way a gentleman Flattory
goes a long way to win women but
dont ovordo it Dont bo bashful as
women hato bashfulness in men but
love bold men Yours for suckers
Prof A II Thole
Investigation by postoflice inspectors
resulted in a fraud order being issued
against the professor
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in tho county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
Lincoln Land Co to II S OurIi ivd to
part no qr so qr 12-3-23 S -150 00
J C Dolan to F M Hentley vd to lot
21 in block 32 Indianola 150 CO
Y A Dolac to J Hanson vd to part so
soqrl23 2S 275 00
J C Dolan to J Hanson vd to lot 23
in block 32 Indianola 150 00
A C Harlan to P Phillippi wd to lot 1
and part 2 in block 101th McCook 1000 00
Iiincoln Land Co to L A Hurlburt wd
to lot 7 in block 8 McCook 150 00
F A Pcnnell to G S Scott d to lots
5nndCin block 11 McCook 1900 00
J M Smith to C Collimc qcd to lots 15
and 16 in block S Willow Grovo add 1 00
A P Welles to L C Wolff vd to lots 3
nnd 1 in block 11 2d McCook 1800 00
M L Janes to G B Smith wd to so qr
250 00
3 P Hino to Julius Kunort wd to lot
6 in block 2 North McCook 25 00
K E Campbell to W R Macy wd to ne
S00 00
Xiincoln Land Co toWH Booth wd to
lot 7 in block S Lebanon 75 00
W Timmons to E Timmons gwd to sw
qr 17-2-26 1050 00
United States to M L Janes pat to so
qr so qr
Wall paper
Mixed paint
White lead
Or anything else
In tho paint or
Paper lino we
Wish to see you
We have studied
These problems for
Years and can do
You some good
Fined the Sunny Sons of Italy
Franklin Neb May 8 Special
The state game warden was here today
with a deputy and made sis arrests The
Burlington has a gang of Italians here
laying new steel and they have been
hunting evenings and Sundays killing
rabbits for their meals As they are not
residents of this county and failed to
get a license their hunting was illegal
They were taken before a justice and
fined 10 and costs Lincoln Journal
Democratic County Convention
McCook Neb May 10 1904
The Democratic electors of Red Willow
county are requested to meet at Indian
ola at one oclock p m on Thursday
May 26 1904 for the purpose of select
ing eight delegates to the state conven
tion held in Omaha June 1 1904 and
for the transaction of any other business
that may properly como before the con
vention J H Bennett Secy
Marion Plummer Chairman
Concrete Sidewalks
We are now ready to make contracts
for concrete sidewalks in McCook We
have employed an expert to put down
these walks and guarantee their dura
bility Barnett Lumber Co
Cow and Calf for Sale
Fresh Inquire at Ludwicks furni
ture store
The Fortnightly dancing club held its
last hop of the 1903 4 season in the opera
hall last Friday evening There was a
large attendance of members and a par
ticularly enjoyable time
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Ferris waists for ladies misses and
children at The Thompson Dry Goods
Boys and girls gauze union suits at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The Y B cigar is the greatest 10c
smoke purchasable
Detroit vapor stoves at Waites
McMillen prescription druggist
Go to Waites for garden hose
Kafir corn seed at Colemans
High School Commencement
Tho graduating class has chosen Rev
J J Loughran to be the preacher of tho
baccalaureate sermon which will be de
livered on Sunday evening May 22 at
St Patricks church The public is
cordially invited to attend
Tho commencement exercises will be
held on Friday evening May 27 in tho
Congregational church Col L F
Copoland one of tho most effective and
attractive public speakers in America
today has been secured to address tho
class and the peoplo of tbo community
Of all tho excellent lecturers wo have
heard hero at tho commencement season
it is confidently believed that Col Copo
land will prove tho most entertaining
and popular A complete announce
ment will be made next week regarding
tho sale and reservation of seats so that
all desiring to attend may bo assured of
a place in ndvance
The alumni association will hold its
annual reception and banquet in honor
of tho graduating class Saturday even
ing May 28 A meeting of tho resident
alumni was held last Thursday night
and tho following oflicors chosen for the
ensuing year President John L Rice
SecretaryMiss Millie Elbert Treasurer
Miss Minnie Rowell members of the
executive committee Mrs Maude
Stokes and Miss Mollio Ryan
A Birthday Surprise
Mr and Mrs Austin C Marsh of
East McCook were happily surprised
Monday evening by a company of thirty
or forty neighbors and friends The
special occasion was tho celebration of
Mr Marshs 76th birthday- and those
particularly interested were members of
tho East McCook Sunday school of
which Mr Marsh is the superintendent
Refreshments were enjoyed Mr Marsh
received a small gift as a testimonial of
the esteem in which he is hold by tho
members of tho school Besides tho
evening was happily spent in social ways
Shall McCook Celebrate
The question is already being asked
Will McCook celebrate tho Fourth of
July this year of grace 1904 We have
not had a celebration for a number of
years and it seems fitting this year to
unite in giving tho people of McCook
and Southwestern Nebraska something
to see and think about for some time in
that line It is not too early either to
commence not only Jigitating the propo
sition but organizing for tho event and
planning for its success on a scale in
keeping with the position McCook occu
pies in this portion of Nebraska
Supreme Court Reverses and Remands
The damage suit of James McAdams
against the City of McCook which was
won by the city in the last term of dis
trict court and which was subsequently
carried up to the supreme court has
been reversed and remanded by the
supreme court Which means that the
case may be retried in the district coifrt
at least that the city will have to pay
the costs in the suit
To M E Church Subscribers
Tho first payment on the subscriptions
for the new Methodist church will be
due Monday May 16 The subscrip
tions can be left with either A C Ebert
at the Citizens bank or D C Marsh at
the market Building Committee
Lecture on Japan
Rev K Jusak a native of Japan will
lecture on Monday night at the M E
church on Japan under the auspices of
the Epworth League The proceeds to
go to the new church fund Admission
25 cents
Since the fcreat Rains
you are probably thinking of putting in
some alfalfa cane or millet seed and
there wont bo as good a time in a year
Remember that W T Coleman has
plenty of all these seeds
Special Sale
Remarkable values in ladies tailor
made suits at greatly reduced prices a
saving of 33 to 50 per cent See Mrs
L F Griggs
Garden and field seeds at Waites
McConnells sarsaparilla SI per bottle
Ladies percale wrappers 85c at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The latest and best those Quick
Meal gasoline stoves at Colemans
Boys and girls gauze vests and pants
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The spring is the best time to use a
good sarsaparilla Try McMillens
Wanted To rent a house six rooms
or more It L R Hileman
Patent double finger tips in our 2 clasp
all silk gloves at 50c The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs T A Endsley Thursday afternoon
of next week at 2 30 oclock
You cannot explode gasoline treated
with B B non explosive compound
S D McClain Sole Agent
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Those enamel lined refrigerators at
Colemans are made of hard wood
They are the latest thing out in that
line See them
Poor paint looks as good when new as
thft hnttfir Tminfs huh it dnnr last
Economy is in buying the best We
guarantee tne snerwin w imams paints
as good as made
McConnell Druggist
The Tribune sees no immediate like
lihood of two such eminently and theor
etically agricolous gentlemen as Colonel
Mitchell and Counselor Cordeal agree
ing on the strenuousness of farm labor
and suggests six inch guns
F L Lepper has gone to Bonesteel
South Dakota
Miss Myrtle Curran is a guest of
Mrs J J Curran
Mrs II II Tartsch wont down to
Omaha Tuesday on a visit
A L Haley was up from Indianola
last Friday afternoon on business
Mrs Thomas ORourke is visiting at
the old home in Kankakee Illinois
S C John of Coleman precinct is suf
fering with an attack of blood poisoning
M J Heafy returned to the city first
of tho week after an absence of a few
Mrs Vina Wood is having some new
sidewalk built on the north side of her
Earl Vahue now a graduate dentist
arrived from the east first of the week
and is with RJ Gunn
Mrs C H Boyle went up to Denver
Sunday and has been spending the
week visiting relatives
Mrs Arthur Richardson who has
been visiting Holdrege relatives arrived
home on No 5 Sunday evening
Mrs Cyrus Stayner and Mrs J B
Hazelbaker both of Edgar Neb are
guests of L W and E E Stayner
J A Wilcox attended the state meet
ing of the G A R at Grand Island
this week arriving home last night
Mr and Mrs W L Zint arrived
home first of the week from a visit of
a f9W weeks in Denver with relatives
John F Rowell of Boulder Colorado
was in tho city Wednesday on his way
to Ottumwa Iowa on mining business
Miss Olive Rittenhouse was sum
moned to Chandler Oklahoma close of
last week by tho serious illness of her
sister May
Miss Anna Hannan closed a success
ful term of school in the neighborhood
of Osburn postoflice Frontier county
last Friday
R D Druliner formerly of our city
but now of Benkelman has been nomin
ated for county attorney of Dundy coun
ty by the Republican party
Mrs E O Scott came up from Re
publican City close of last week and has
been spending a few days in the city
guest of oldtime friends E O was up
over Sunday
Rev Harmon Bross of Lincoln
father of W P Bross of our city was
elected state commander of the Nebraska
Grand Army of the Republic at the an
nual encampment in Grand Island this
Miss Della Hall left yesterday for
Hendley where she will visit Miss
Deborah Austin Miss Austin gives a
house party and Bertha Graham who is
now visiting in McCook will also be
present Holdrege Citizen
Mrs George LeHew arrived home
Wednesday morning on No 2 from Pu
eblo Colorado where she has been at
the bedside of her sister Rose who has
been ill with an attack of typhoid fever
Miss Rose is better at this writing and
improving steadily
At the solicitation of the publishers of
The American Boy Detroit Mich the
managers of the Worlds Exposition at
St Louis have set apart July 5th as
American Boy Day Fine programs for
boys will be given in Festival Hall on
that day the programs being under the
supervision of the editor of the American
Invitations have been issued by Mr
and Mrs F S Soverns announcing tho
approaching marriage of their eldest
daughter Maude to Mr Robert W
Devoe at the formers home in Wilson
ville Wednesday evening May 18 1904
six oclock Wilsonville Review
It is said that a careful examination
of Bradstreets commercial reports show
that 84 per cent of the business men who
failed during 1903 were not advertisers
This statement is worth more than a
passing thought
May Bernice Betts invited in about
forty of her playmates this week to as
sist her in duly celebrating her ninth
birthday Lunch was served Many
beautiful and valuable presents were re
McCook has granted licenses to seven
saloons Wilsonville Review Nobroth
er just five You honor us overmuch
Bartley is figuring some on securing
an electric light plant the power to be
derived from the new flour mill
Hose hose fittings sprinklers in fact
all the requisites for keeping your lawn
green at W T Colemans
The active sales of the famous Y B 10c
cigars proves beyond doubt that they
are the real thing
Genuine hand painted oil color pillow
tops with oack 50c at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Sun burn and tan wont worry you this
season if you will use McConnells Fra
grant Lotion
McMillens prices as well as new de
signs and colorings in wall paper will
please you
Ladies gauze underwear all kinds
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A full stock of hose hose fittings and
and sprinklers at W T Colemans
Local news of importance on every
home page of The Tribune
Dont fail to see McMillens large line
of wall paper before buying
The Danbury News plant and build
ing are for sale
Buy your garden tools at Waites
Fatally Injured in a Runaway
Little Vance Mitchell the four-year-old
son of Mr and Mrs J H Mitchell
of our city died at 815 Thursday morn
ing of injuries received on Wednesday
afternoon in a runaway accident a few
miles northwest of this city
Little Vance was accompanying his
grandfather G H Simmerman out to
tho farm in Coleman precinct While
the grandfather was out of tho wagon
for some purpose tho team started and
ho was unable to stop them In the
ensuing runaway tho little fellow was
thrown out run over and fatally in
jured The injured child was at onco
brought to tho city and everything possi
ble was done for his relief but to no
purpose Death relieved his sufferings
on tho following morning being the re
sult of internal injuries sustained
The bereaved parents and greatly dis
tressed grandparent have the very ten
derest sympathy of all in this tragic
Brief services were conducted at the
home by Rev Carman on Friday after
noon after which the remains wero laid
away in Riverviow cemetery
We are most deeply grateful to all for
ready assistance rendered and for sym
path3 extended us in the great sorrow
which has como so unexpectedly into
our home and hearts AH have our
heartfelt thanks
Mr and Mrs J II Mitchell
Badly Injured by Fall
Benkelman Neb May 3 Special to
Bee Allen Randell was found in an
unconscious condition under the coal
chutes at this place Dr Fuqua upon
examination found that three ribs were
fractured one ankle badly mashed and
severe internal injuries sustained Ran
dell has been visiting his brother-in-law
W T Johnson south of this place foi
a month past and had bought a ticket
for his home at Ottumwa la that eve
ning It is supposed that he had board
ed the day coach of the train and before
entering tho carin some way fell off
after going several sods Badly dazed
he then walked back on the coal chutes
until reaching the extreme top slipped
and fell to the ground He still remains
in an unconscious state
county court
License to marry was granted William
E Voiles 26 of Bartley anil Jennie
den 16 of Lebanon Consent of father
was given
Suit in garnishment of C F Lehn
vs George Yost was filed this week
Case will be heard on 21st
In the matter of the estate of J H
Ludwick on petition for letters of ad
ministration E Ludwick was appoint
ed administrator
In the matter of the estate of Lucilo
Dauchy a minor petition for letters of
administration case will be heard on
May 18th
district court
Albert Guy vs B M R R R Co
McCook the Place Selected
At the gathering of Southwestern Ne
braska Woodmen in this city last night
it was decided to hold this years meet
ing of the Southwestern Nebraska Log
Rolling association in McCook at a date
sometime between August 20th and 30th
G D SJohnson of Palisade was chosen
president of the association Barney
Hofer ot McUook secretaryand Unarles
Skalla of Indianola treasurer The
president and secretary were empowered
to appoint the necessary committees
and to fix the precise date of the meet
ing which will be done at a not distant
date This will be an important event
in McCooks summer calendar
Hightoned Equines
G W Predmores span of ponies
caused a commotion and some amuse
ment Thursday afternoon by running
amuck up the sidewalk from The
Model corner to The Bee Hive cor
ner thence diagonally across Main ave
nue to The First National Bank corner
and up the sidewalk as far as the Cone
Grannis doorways Here one of them
fell and both were captured unhurt
They commenced their flight out on
West Dennison street
Are You Going to Build Sidewalks
We are making a special sidewalk
brick of finest quality out of shale and
clay by special machinery and will have
a kiln of same ready for sale by June
10th Price per 1000 is 10 Wait
for them A new kiln of fine quality of
building brick just opened
McCook Brick Co
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Heath Milligan paint at Cone Bro3
We want to be your druggists Cone
Mangel wurzel and sugar beet seed at
Cane Kafir corn millet and alfalfa
seed at Colemans
Sun bonnets 15c to 35c at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos V
Fine large line of harnesseshalters
and lap robes at Colemans
Nothing like it the Y B 10c cigar
A superb smoke for a dime Try one
Long and short kimonos and dressing
sacques at The Thompson Dry Goods
B B non explosive compound made
an old stove new for Martin Commission
Co See them S D McClain
Ciceroned and chaperoned by Mr and
MrsW E Heffelbower the members of
tho tenth- grade indulged in a hay rack
ride and botany picnic last Saturday
on the raging Willow near Steve Bolles
place The expect to botanize on the
river tomorrow
Well Stay In 01 Nebraska
Francis J Gable
The eastern folks is lnflin
An n jokin nn a challin
About our plains
An lack o rains
But wo keep on a sowin
An watch our crops a Rrowin
An woll stay in ol Nebraska just tho snnio
They think woro void o learnin
An that our fields aro burnin
From want o rain
On hill and plain
But still thoy eiKiud their money
For our produce aint it funny
An woll stay in ol Nebraska just tho same
What caro we for their laflln
An their jokin and their chnflln
Because wo know
Our grain will grow
An with our crops an cattln
Wo are winners in tho battle
An woll stay in ol Nebraska just tho same
McCooks Pulse Beats High
McCooks pulse beats good and strong
this morning At tho Congressional
convention in Hastings yesterday Con
gressman G W Norris of our city was
renominated for congressman in the
Fifth Nebraska district without opposi
tion It was a deserved endorsement
and ono which tho congressman will
show his profound appreciation of by if
possible increased zeal for the highest
and best interests of tho people of tho
district On behalf of his fellowtowns
men The Tribune congratulates the
At t h e same convention another
townsman was also honored Supt
Alexander Campbell of the Western
division was chosen a delegate to the
Republican national convention which
meets in Chicago in Juno to endorse
President Roosevelt with a unanimous
nomination to be tho Republican standard-bearer
in the next national election
A life long stalwart Republican is thus
honored and the distinction will bo
highly regarded and appreciated by the
recipient We congratulate
In honoring them both McCook feels
elevated and enthused
McCook City Affairs
The city council was in session Tues
day night all present but Councilman
Petition for a light in the city park
was read On motion same was granted
and an order was made that an arc light
be placed in said park -
The mayor notified tho council 01 tho
action of the Nebraska supreme court in
reversing tho decision of the district
court in the damage suit of James Mc
Adams vs The City of McCook stating
that the case was remanded back for
Ordinance No 113 was passed This
ordinance provides for building of side
walks covering the lots published in
The Tribune two weeks since
Report of city treasurer was read and
referred td finance committee
Clerk authorized to advertise for bids
for building sidewalks
Bills as follows were allowed
H P WaiteCo 22 10
GeorKeSchmidt 5 00
EdFitzgerald 50 00
CBGray GO 00
John Ekstedt 50 50
WC Bullard 195 00
McCook Electric Light Co 87 CO
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
Two in One
What is that That is the new buggy
at Colemans If you want a buggy or
a nice driving wagon all in one it is the
thing to buy
For Sale in Red Willow County
Southeast J4 section 22 town 3range
29 Also lot 3 block 7 First add to
McCook Enquire of B Hammer 2231
Lafayette St Denver Colo 4 29 4t
June Weddings and Graduates
W T Coleman is prepared for both
Suitable presents for one and all Ey
amine and be convinced
Rev F A ONeill O P of Denver
has been conducting a very successful
mission in StPatricks Catholic church
all this week holding services mornings
and evenings to crowded houses The
reverend gentleman is of the Domini
can order He is an eloquent and earn
est missioner and has delighted and in
spired his parishioners The mission
will close on Sunday evening It has
been an enjoyable and profitable week
for the members of St Patricks
Patriotic day will be observed at the
east and west ward school buildings on
Friday afternoon May 20 Dr Harlan
and J S LeHew will speak at the east
ward building and W R Starr and
others at the west ward building There
will also be a program by the children
Boys knee pant suits 85c 125 S165
8200 S275 and 3350 at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Concrete walks improve your property
W C Bullard is the man to let your
contract to
Straight goods rich flavor fit for a
king The Y B 10c cigar It leads
them all
You should see McMillens up-to-date
wall paper and get pricesbefore buying
Roberts gold eyed parabola needles at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Boys Norfolk suits 6275 and 6350 at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Refrigerators latest designs and all
styles at Colemans
I guarantee my concrete walks W C
Garden and field seeds at Waites
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Good Butter
4 oo
If Noah Had Lived In Nebraska
ho probably would not have had to
build tho ark but after a few days
and nights of good old Nebraska
rain wenro positivo that Mrs Noah
would have insisted that now is
tho timo to clean house And had
sho lived in McCook or vicinity
would have straightaway como to
us for floor paint whito enamel for
tho refrigerator or bath tub var
nish stains or Japalae for somo of
tho older furnituro 6omo of the fa
mous Heath Milligan paint for
the house and solected a numborof
our clioico patterns of wnll nnnnr
for tho interior decoration
We know wo could havo pleased
Mrs Noah in all these things as wo
know wo can please every lady in
ivicuooK And when you buy of us
you get tho moat value for your
Coleman sells beet cultivators
For wall paper go to Cone Bros
Jewel gasoline stoves at Waitos
The Tribune 52 weeks for SI 00
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Everything in drugs McConnell
Since tho rains farmers are a scarco
article in town
McMillen has a large and complete
stock of wall paper
Those sewing machines at Colemans
are of the very best
Two toned all over laces at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Mens very good blue overalls 50c at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Have you tried the Y B cigar tho
leading 10c cigar on the market
Mens gauze underwear in black and
colors at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The Storn building adjoining The
Tribune office is being painted outside
this week
For the best values in paints wall pa
per varnish stains enamel etc go to
Cono Bros
Tho latest novelty Peggy-from-Par-is
hand bags at Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
It is a desepvedly popular article the
Y B 10c cigar Made and sold on honor
Smoke just one
Leave orders at Cone Bros drugstore
if you want I N Biggs to hang your
wall paper
A good assortment of varnish stains
enamels household floor and buggy
paints at lUCiUUlens drug store
Wanted Young lady wishing to com
plete musical or college education Ad
dress X Y Z care The Tribune
Save your lives and property by using
B B non explosivo compound
S D McClain Sole Agent
The Lincoln absolutely pure paint is
guaranteed for three years
A McMillen Druggist
S C W Leghorns exclusively eggs
8125 per setting D C Benedict
Culbertson Neb
The soda season is here and we can
supply you with some new drinks that
are fine McConnell Druggist
Mens suits 8350 8150 8500 8050
8750 6350 8900 81000 81250 and
81350 atThe Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Tnose Erway and sled cultivators for
tending listed corn are the latest im
proved See them Every variety Cole
Fish eye pearl buttons in sizes 12
14 1G 18 30 36 40 45 and 50 from 10c
dozen up at The Thompson Dry Good
When shopping call and examine that
superb Argentine wear at W T Cole
mans Tho line is complete and the
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Swifts Pride Soap is just a plain
genuine laundry soap plainly wrapped
It is carefully made of pure ingredients
Ask your dealer
You will find the greatest variety of
garden and field seeds at Waites Buy
early while you have this large assort
ment to select from
American Beauty corsets are sold
with this guarantee Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Sold onlv by The Thompson Dry Goods
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tribunes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Mrs L F Griggs begs to announce
that she has accepted the local agency
for the celebrated Chas A Stevens
Bros ladies tailor made suits dres3
patterns and ladies furnishing goods
and solicits your patronage 4 294t