The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 06, 1904, Image 5

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Your Banking
No matter how small
no matter how large
First National
will give it careful atten
tion This message ap
plies to the men and the
women alike x
A Campbell President
B M Frees V President
P A Pennell Cashier
L Thorgrimson
Asst Cashier
A Cure For Piles
I had a bad case of piles says G F
Carter of Atlanta Ga and consulted
a physician who advised me to try a bos
of Do Witts Witch Hazel Salve I pur
chased a box and was entirely cured It
is splendid for piles giving relief in
stantly and I heartily recommend it to
all sufferers DeWitts Witch Hazel
Salve is unequalled for its healing quali
ties Eczema and other skin diseases
also sores cuts burns and wounds of
every kind are quickly cured by it
Sold by L W McConnell
Worlds Fair St Louis April 30 to Deci
Reduced rates as follows
Season tickets on sale April 15 to Nov
15 inclusive final limit Dec 15 round
trip S2980
Sixty day ticket on sale April 25 to
Nov 20 inclusive 2480
Ten day ticket on sale April 27 to
Nov 30 inclusive 82235x
A E EEYW Proprietor
L W McConnell
does not hesitate to recommend Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure to his friends and cus
tomers Indigestion causes more ill
health than anything elso It deranges
the stomach nnd brings on all manner
of disease Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you oat cures indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders
Kodol is not only a perfect digcatant but
a tissue building tonic as well Renew
ed hpalth perfect strength nnd increas
ed vitality follow its use
Kl JlSfi WMMf ill
Oh the Pleasures
of moving day of ripping up carpets
and stair rods of breaking in a now
housTS and fitting stove pipe of eating
your meals on the kitchen stairs and
waiting for the plumbers and the gas
man Theres a joy thats unconfined
about all this and
You Can Have It
Once a Year
but do you want it Wouldnt you
give a pretty penny to escape it There
is only one way viz to own instead of
forever moving If you are thinking of
the better way see the Secretary of the
McCook Co Operative
Building Savings Assn
The Brownie Kodak Boy
Kodaks are sold by
CONE BROS Druggists
We Want Every Lady in McCook
to patronize us We have told about dry cleaning ties for
10c renovating feather ticks for 100 washing rag carpet
for 10c a square yard etc but to come right down to fine
work that requires care and skill such as lace curtains
here is where we shine and
We Want Everyone to Know It
For one week commencing Monday May 9th we will
Launder Lace Curtains for 35c a Pair Throw away all
care and worry of trying to do these at home and send us at
least one pair We will show you that we know how to do
them and do them right
Phone 35 McCook Laundry
1 1 Efflry Bahf Born- in 19114 1 1
To every child born in this vicinity during
1904 The Model Shoe Store will give a
Solid Gold Ring
No other condition except
that you bring the child
in to the store We
measure the finger you
wish the ring for and give
you a certificate You can
come i n the following
week and get the ring
A new and special line of Bootees for the baby just received
Our spring and summer stock of
Ladies and Gentlemens Footwear is now complete
McCook Nebraska
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Time 1115 pm
2 G20am
12 820am
14 055 pm
No 5 arrlvos from oast at 8 p in
No 1 Mountain Timo 1154 am
a 11pm
5 750pm
13 810AM
No 170 arrives Mountain Timo 540 p M
No 175doparts 700AM
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
fieuts free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Paeson
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer Charles Arnold has returned
to work
John Brooker is a now machinist in
back shop
John Schmidt has re entered the ma
chine shop
Fireman J A Thuline is visiting rela
tives in Oxford
Brakeman W P Redifer is off on a
short vacation
R B Archibald was in Denver Tues
day on business
William Grennell of machine shop re
signed Saturday last
J A Ritchie has gone to Missoula
Montana in search of work
Brakeman J W Ransdell is suffering
from an attack of rheumatism
C S Bricker general piece work in
spector was here Wednesday
W A Colling has gone to Cheyenne
Wyoming to work for the company
Brakeman B A Murdock has gone up
to Wray Colorado on a visit to the
Brakeman H S Spaulding left on 6
Sunday for Wisconsin on a visit to his
Guy Tomlinson was out from Omaha
over Sunday to spend the day with the
A Trudnowski of round house force
returned to work Monday after a cou
ple of weeks illness
And next in line for a change are the
passonger conductors One item is said
to be still longer runs
Operator G A Hart is over at Lu
dell Kansas relieving an employe at
that station for a while
Felix Kennedy was down from Sheri
dan Wyoming first of the week in the
interest of better boiler service
Mr Burge of Holdrege is an addition
to the dispatchers force being steno
grapher to Chief Dispatcher Mills
Engineer Hugh Brown returned to
work Tuesday after a weeks visit with
friends and relatives at Cheyenne Wy
oming v
One often has to go away to heartho
news to Alliance for instance to hear
the latest reliable railroad news about
Fireman C W Holt is visiting rela
tives and friends in Red Cloud and will
attend a reunion of his old class at
Franklin Academy
Way car 102 went into commission
Thursday with Conductor G W Bunt
ing in charge and Brakemen L M Best
and G E McBride assisting
On account of crossed wires dispatch
ing was difficult west of McCook first
of the week Quite a number of poles
were down A repair gang is at work
W F Schultz F C Roberson and J
M Oldham who were laid off a few
weeks account of slack business were
taken back into the service again Wed
Telegrapher and Mrs R E Foe left
on Saturday for Red Cloud where he
has been transferred He will be em
ployed as telegrapher at that station on
the day shift
Engineer Newton Newkirk is taking
Engineer Milligans run down at Red
Cloud for a couple of weeks Milligan
is going to Los Angeles Calif to attend
a national meeting of the B of L E
General Supt of Bridges and Build
ings I S P Weeks of Lincoln and
Division Supt of Bridges and Build
ings W S Perry went up the Imperial
branch this morning The bridge spe
cial was in charge of Conductor J F
Supt Campbell will in a week or two
commence the work of improving his
residence The two additions will be re
moved and the original home will be
largely increased in size and made two
stories high The entire property will
be remodeled and modernized render
ing it one of McCooks best homes
Burlington ticket agents are now
sending in their old B M and Q
tickets They will be used no more
Tickets local to any point of the Bur-
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiXul
brown or rich black Then Use
DiineiunuAiiio nvrforthe
UUUMHUnHm O UltWhIskers
lington system have been substituted
It will not bo long it is said until
the nnmo B M may almost entirely
disappear from Burlington route sta
tionery Lincoln Journal
May 1st C F Heber resumed his
position as Western Union manager at
McCook To this official title has been
added that of wire chief under the re
organization Frank Wallace who has
beon acting manager during MrIIebers
service on tho road for the Rurlington
Voluntary Relief department has re
sumed his placo in tho telegraph force
A number of physical changes will be
made next week in tho telegraph and
dispatchers offices The counter now
in tho telegiaph office will be taken out
and a small space will bo provided the
public and employes in the northwest
end of tho room with railing This
will proyido needed room and afford
space for a rearrangement of desks ta
bles etc In the dispatchers room tho
position of tho operating table will be
changed and other rearrangements in
dulged in to secure more room and ad
dition conveniences
Tho reorganization of tho dispatchers
force at McCook went into effect Sun
day morning May 1st W B Mills is
the now chief dispatcher J F Forbes
and T B Campbell have the first trick
W F Pate and A Calhoun late of
Denver office the second trick J E
Morrissoy and J B Culbertson late of
Donver office the third trick R B
Simmons is still night chief It is ex
pected that Ex Chief Dispatcher Edgar
of Denver will arrive in tho city next
week to assume the position of night
chief Harry Stewart Ralph Cutler and
Roy Kleven of tho old dispatchers forco
are now members of the telegraph force
The dispatchers wire formerly cut at
McCook is now cut through McCook to
Alliance This makes a very long wire
and to accomplish results the Circuit
Manager for the company and Local
Manager C F Ileber went up west
Sunday and placed repeaters at both
Jtsrusn and Denver Tne wire is now
working finely Next week sometime
Mr Heber will go down to Republican
City and place a set of repeaters in
the office at that place The purpose of
the company is to make McCook the
relay office for all this part of the sys
temeverything passing through McCook
and this office being the responsible office
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
Detroit vapor stoves at Waites
Garden and field seeds at WaiteV
Nothing like it the Y B 10c cigar
A superb smoke for a dime Try one
Rex is the coal for summer It makes
a nice clean fire no soot Bullard sells
Straight goods
king The Y B
them all
rich flavor fit
10c cigar It
for a
Concrete walks improve your property
W C Bullard is the man to let your
contract to
B B non explosive compound made
an old stove new for Martin Commission
Co See them S D McClain
Special Daily News Offer
The Omaha Daily News will be mailed
six days in the week from now until
January 1 1905 for 81 money to ac
company the order This will carry
you through the presidential campaign
and possibly all of the Japanese Russian
The Daily News receives the complete
Scripps McRae cable and telegraph re
ports the full Newspaper Enterprise
Association service and has four special
correspondents at the seat of war thus
enabling it to give you accurate news
promptly Remember it is an indepen
dent paper giving all the news without
ff ar or favor This offer is good only
during April
Send order to this office or direct to
Omaha Daily News Omaha Neb
To the dog who has money men say
My lord dog
Consult thy wife and do the reverse
of what she advises
When the moon is with thee of what
account are the stars
Joy lasts for seven days but sadness
endures for a lifetime
He who has gold is beloved though
he be a dog and the son of a dog
It is better to commit ten sins in the
sight of God tl n one in the sight of
Those who are learning to shave
heads practice upon those of the or
The beauty of a man lies In his in
telligence the intelligence of a woman
Is to be found in her beauty
When thou seest two people In con
stant converse thou mayest know that
the one is the dupe of the other
Shun him -who can be of no use to
thee In this world he cannot serve
thee and In that which Is to come he
cannot Intercede in thy behalf Tu
Whooping- Cough
In the spring of 1903 my children
had whooping cough says Mrs DW
Capps of Capps Ala I used Cham
berlains Cough Remedy with the most
satisfactory results I think this is the
best remedy I -have ever seen for whoop
ing cough This remedy keeps the
cough loose lessens the severity and
frequency of the coughing spells and
counteracts any tendency
monia or sale by an druggists
Spring and Summer
Dry Goods
are in stock in abundance
Our large line of pretty
wash fabrics should appeal
to you oil account of good
value beauty and the rea
sonable price at which we
offer them
Cloth of Gold
Have you see it It is the ideal cloth
for suits and jackets Tis made from
pure silk without dye Three differ-
thirty six inches wide
125 Per Yard
Wi J I r
-- --
-- 1 v- --
Your House Needs Painting Use the BEST
CONE BROS Druggists
V FRANKLIN President
A C EBERT Cashier
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
JrA ArifVVlr AAjfifjflt
3W Jtr ftr 1
a V rvi i i - - j v- -