The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 06, 1904, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
-Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Philip Gliem Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
Jamos Hatfield McCook
Fifth Congressional District Convention
Tho RopubUcniiB of tlio Fifth Congressional
District of tlio state of Nebraska nro hereby
culled to meet in convention at tlio Kerr opera
liouso in tlio city of Hdstings on May 12 1901 at
three oclock in tho afternoon for tho purpose
of placing in nomination onoongrossman from
said district for tho seloction of one president
ial olector
And to oloct two delegates and two alternates
to tho Republican National Convention to bo
hold in Chicago 111 on Tuesday tho 21st day
of Juno 1904 and for tho transaction of such
other business as may rqgularly como before
said convention
Tho apportionment based on tho state ap
portionment entitles the several counties in
said district to tho following representation in
said convention
Adams 17 Chase 4 Clay 17
Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier 8
Furnas 11 Gosper 5 Hall 19
Harlan 9 Hayes 4 Hitchcock 5
Kearney 10 Nuckolls 13 Perkins 3
Phelps 11 Rod Willowll Webster 13
It is recommonded that no proxies bo allowed
in snid convention but that the delegates pres
ent thoroat bo authorized to cast tho full vote
of tho county represented by them
By order of tho congressional committee
Hastings Nebraska March 17 1004
J E Kellet Henet Fox Jn
Secretary Chairman
And Harry Lindsay has finally knock
ed tho supreme court clerk plum Sey
mour gets the deputyship
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
am YP S CE at 7 p m Sermons
at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject
Have Ye Any Meat Evening sub
ject My Creed Good music All
welcome Geo A Conrad Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Class meeting at 12 Junior League at
3 p m Epworth League at 7 p m
Prayer meeting every Thursday even
ing at 8 p m Preaching at 11 a m and
8 p m I will preach in South McCook
next Sunday at 3 p m
- M B Carman Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a
m All are welcome
E E Earle Hector
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 7 45 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m Evening
subject Sixth Commandment Ex
cellent music All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
A mission will begin in the Catholic
church Sunday May 8th and continue
for one week Rev P A ONeil O P
of Denver will conduct the mission He
is reported an eloquent speaker Every
body invited to hear him
Rev Loughran arrived home Monday
morning from his western charges and
took the evening train for Wisconsin
where he will spend two weeks visiting
in his old home and other points east
He will return in due time to assist in
the formal dedication of the new Catho
lic church
When the Sap Rises
weak lungs should be careful Coughs
and colds are dangerous then One
Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and
colds and gives strength to the lungs
Mrs G E Fenner of Marion Indsays
I suffered with a cough until I run
down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I used One Minute Cough Cure
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured me entirely of the coughstrength
ened my lungs and restored me to my
normal weight health and strength
Sold by LW McConnell
A spring tonic that cleans and purifies
and absorbs all poison from the system
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will
make you well and keep you well all
summer 35 cents Tea or tablets
LW McConnell
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scotts Emulsion and by tak
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma
terial Some pay more some
less some get nothing for
their money You get your
moneys worth when you buy
Scotts Emulsion
We will send you a little
400Pearl Street - New -York
co6and Shoo all druggists
- - - - -1
Fifty Years ihe Standard
Improves fhf flavor and adds to
Ihe hcalihfulness of the food
This column is not reserved by the publisher
for tho purposo of giving tho editor of theso
notes an opportunity to exploit his personal
views and it is far from tho editors desiro to
abuse tho privilege that is so frequently extend
ed Moreover ho would bo wanting in common
honesty wero he to undertake to defend himself
for having given utterance to assertions thaton
subsequent reflection or investigation ho be
lieved to bo erroneous And while it may bo
presumptious for him to enter tho lists on be
half of Miss Cathcr whoso little story A Wagner
Matinee was mentioned in last weeks notes it
may not be out of place for him to say what ho
truoly boliovesthat the criticisms of Miss Cath
ers story which are rife are not justified and
that to him her sketch seems to be a bit of
Tho writer admits that his experience as a
farmer is limited and that his opportunities
for observing the existence of men and women
on tho farm have been circumscribed yet ho
may bo permitted to say that it has always
seemed to him that tho lives led by members of
rural communities aro strenuous in tho extreme
that tho real hero in this age of peaceful
pursuits is tho farmer and that the real hero
ine is tho farmers wife It is doubtless truo
that life on tho farm has its compensations but
it cannot be denied that it is replete with hard
ships and privations Look at the men and tho
women who como in from the farm and say if
their work is not wearing if it does not ago
tho doers before their time Tho frames of tho
men are warried and bent at a time of life when
mens bodies should bo in perfect physical con
dition And as for tho women their poor knot
ted fingers and wrinkled faces tell heart-rending
tales of woe One need not have seenthem
at it to know that they have worked Harder
than they should
But reject tho circumstantial evidence Go
to tho farms and see them toil Iu the summer
they are up at four oclock and from then until
long after nightfall they have no idle moments
Tho women have more than their household
duties to perform Part of the outside work
falls on them as well They have their chick
ens to care for and large part of the gardening
to do as well Even the milking thoy do and
tho feeding of the calves and pigs Sometimes
tho rougher farm work such as helping to feed
tho stock plowing and planting tho women aid
in tho doing of and at harvest it is the rule
rather than tho exception for them to take their
places in tho grain fields and to do tho work of
men Such at least is the tale of one woman
whoso story written by herself it was the
writers painful privilege to read with addi
tion of such harrowing details as the doing of
the family washing and ironing by lamp light
after tho other members of tho farmstead had
gone to their roposo for the night
It is to bo hoped and it is believed that such
cases aro not numerous but at best the farmers
days are all too full of work all too free from
recreation and pleasure The pioneers tell
even of starving times when the frightfully ser
ious question of where tho next meal was to
come from presented itself Not one but many
who aro now living in comfort if not aflluence
suffered this experience Conditionsvare chang
ed Life on the farm is better in many ways
than it was a quarter of a century or even a de
cade ago but if tho testimony of those who
should know may be accepted the life is not
without its disadvantages still It may even
seem harder to one who like Miss Cathers her
oine was reared among different surroundings
than those with which we are farailar
Miss Cather by tho way is not unknown in
McCook which it seems sho has visited on
more than one occasion Her home was in Web
ster county where her parents still reside She
writes that her story has no local bearing and
that sho selected the name of our county for
its picturesquoness
A Startling Test
To save a life Dr T GMerritt of No
Mehoopany Pa made a startling test
resulting in a wonderful cure He
writes A patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages caused by ulcera
tion of the stomach I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so I pre
scribed them The patient gained from
the first and has not had an attack in
fourteen months Electric Bitters are
positively guaranteed for dyspepsia in
digestion constipation and kidney trou
bles Try them Only 50 cents at LW
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice May 4 1904
Baldwin J B
Gleason Dan
Gnlusba Ed
Harding W E
Harvey A E
Iomell C C
Kennedy Thomas
Ryden Charles
Smith James
Smith Mary
Smith L M
Wichnian H
Wagner Jacob
Wilson O E
When calling for these letters
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Ladles and Children
who cannot stand the shocking strain of
laxative syrups and cathartic pills are
especially fond of Little Early Risers
All persons who find it necessary to take
a liver medicine should try these easy
pills and compare the agreeably pleas
ant and strengthening effect with the
nauseating and weakening conditions
following the use of other remedies
Little Early Risers cure biliousness con
and liver troubles Sold by L W Mc
Do you need more blood and more
flesh do you need more strength this
spring Hollisters Kocky Mountain Tea
will bring them all If it fails your
money back 35 cents Tea or tablet
form L WMcConotll
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Neb April 26 1904
Tho board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment ProsentiJH BennottDA
Watorman and Samuol Prcmer county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk
The minutes of tho previous meeting wore
read and npproved
On motion tho treasurer was instructed to re
fund tho sum of 300 to Julius Kunort tho
nmountof roal estato taxes illegally assessed
to him in 1903 and paid by him under protest
On motion tho treasurer was instructed to re
fund tho sum of 166 to C D Purrington tho
amount of porsonnl tax illegally assessed to him
in 1903 and paid by him under protest
Petition of Henry Temmo and others asking
for a public road was read and considered The
board find that all owners of land along lino of
proposed road have given cousont thereto in
writing On motion same was granted estab
lishing a road as follows Commencing at tho
northwest corner of the northwest quarter of
section twenty one 21 township two 2 north
of range twenty eight 28 west of tho Sixth P
M thence on section line ono milo due east to
tho northeast corner of tho northeast quarter
said section twenty ono 21 and terminating
thoroat and clerk was instructed to notifly over
seer of highways to open said road
Tho petition of ft HTaylor and others asking
for the establishment of a public road known as
road No 376 and tho vacation of road No 230
was read and considered and on motion by
Premer seconded by Waterman the same was
rejected as impracticable
Tho following claims wore audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on tho county gonerul fund levy
of 1903 as follows
J S LeHew appraiser road No 376 and
mileage 3 50
Chas Weintz same 3 50
V McManigal same 3 50
Strino Miessen mdse 26 80
James Williams surveyors claim 8 25
The Republican supplies 12 25
L W McConnell indse 10 50
Lincoln Land Co for second quarter
water ApriLlst to July 1st 1904 12 50
M B Hogan painting 3 50
Andrew Phillips salary as janitor for
March 25 00
Frank D Burgess plumbing 25 85
Hammond Stephens Co supplios for
county superintendent 19 17
Stato Journal Co supplies 146 65
W H Campbell for labor 5 00
George Elbert for work 3 75
R W Dovoe office expense 3 44
EJ Wilcox oflico expense 13 35
R W Devoo fees State of Nebraska vs
Harry Walters et al 4 16
R W Dovoe fees State of Nebraska vs
HIMiller 3 88
A Guy mdse for pauper 8 00
James McAdams mdse for paupers 13 00
J A Wilcox mdse for paupers 36 60
W E Hillers mdse for paupors 18 00
N J Uerling mdse for paupers 14 00
Henry Winans board and care Anson In
gles 17 50
Barnett Lumber Co coal for paupers 16 00
E G Caino Co coal 8 35
W C Bullard coal 7 75
H H Berry fees State of Nebraska vs
HI Miller 6 SO
H H Berry fee State of Nebraska vs
Harry Walters John Hawkins 8 15
A C Crabtreo fee Stato of Nebraska vs
Harry Walters John Hawkins 3 10
Thomas Plummer witness fee State of
Nebraska vs Harry Walters 1 80
Frances Plummer same 1 80
A C Crabtree attendance in case of
State vs Walters 110
W H Ackerman same
Frank Heckman witness fees in case
Stato vs Waltors and mileage
James H Ross fees in case of State vs
Walters claimed 440 allowed at
William E Crowell fees in case of State
vs Walters claimed 640 allowed at
1 10
3 40
5 40J
W C Bullard cement 10 00
And on tho county bridge fund lovy of 1903 as
T F Gockley bridge work 5 75
G W Ridgley same 2 00
W S Fitch same 3 00
Clarence Reedsame 3 35
G W Cooley same 3 75
Rudolf Podolski same 34 00
Frank Hill hauling lumber 6 00
George Younger labor 8 00
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 89 50
Barnett Lumber Co same 46 60
W C Bullard same 87 30
And on the county road fund levy of 1903 as
B A Johnson road work 6 00
A C Bartholomew same 3 CO
On motion board adjourned to meet April 27
Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett
County Clork Chairman
McCook Neb April 27 1904
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present J H Bennett
D A Waterman and Samuel Premer county
commissioners C E Eldred county attorney
and E J Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
The following appointments wero made to fill
E F Couse overseer of road district No 10
Thomas overseer of road district No 26
Tho petition of S Brahler -and others asking
for the establishment of a public road known as
road No 377 and the vacation of a portion of
roads No 13 and No 114 was read and consid
ered and on motion rejected
Tho following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on tho county general fund levy
of 1903 as follows
James Rupp cement work basement 6 50
J H Bennett commissioner services and
mileage 45 50
D A Waterman same 38 85
Samuel Premer same 46 30
McCook Electric Light Co lights for
The Man Who Toils
Is the man who ought to have the best
things to eat because his system re
quires it Workingmen and everybody
else who want the best meat come to
our shop We run the best butcher shop
in town Our place is clean The meat
we sell is tender and fresh The prices
we ask are low enough to suit anybody
If you knew how particular we are to give
satisfaction youd never buy elsewhere-
Anton Magnerl
None better
Ask your Hatter
Our immense stock of Fine Embroideries you can buy FOR
A SHORT TIME ONLY at the following attractive prices
50c fine wide embroideries per yard 43C
45c fine wide embroideries per yard 38c
40c fine wide embroideries per yard 32c
35c fine wide embroideries per yard 29C
30c fine wide embroideries per yard 24c
25c fine wide embroideries per yard 1 9C
20c fine wide embroideries per yard 1 fC
18c 15c and 12Jc embroideries per yard 10c
6c 8c and 10c embroideries per yard 5c
These are all new spring patterns and extreme values even at the
regular prices
Our stock of white dress goods and
never so complete
Phone 16
We have made some
March 3 78
And on the county road fund levy of 1903 as
Alex Brown road work 30 50
And on the county bridge fund levy of 1903 as
Robert Gotchall bridge work 4 00
W V Miller same 13 50
EG Caine Co lumber 100 50
First quarterly report of the fees earned in the
oflico of tho clerk of the district court was ex
amined and ordered placed on file
On motion bpard adjourned to meet May 24
Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett
County Clork Chairman
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism says W
H Howard of Husband Pa At times
she was unable to move at all while at j
all times walking was painful 1 presen
ted her with a bottle of Chamberlains
Pain Balm and after a few applications
she decided it was the most wonderful
pain reliever she had ever tried in fact
she is never without it now and is at all
times able to walk An occasional ap
plication of Pain Balm keeps away the
pain that she was formerly troubled
with For sale by all druggists
Juggling With Dynamite
Is no more dangerous than to neglect
kidney disorders Foleys Kidney Cure
corrects irregularities and has cured
many severe cases after other treatment
has failed It builds up the worn out
tissues and restores health and vigor
I was troubled with kidney complaint
for about two years writes A HDavis
of Mt Sterling Iowa but two bottles
of Foleys Kidney Cure effected a per
manent cure Sold by A McMillen
Made Young Again
One of Dr Kings New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my teens again writes D H Turner of
Dempseytown Pa Theyre the best in
the world for liver stomach and bowels
Purely vegetable Never gripe Only 25
cents at L W McConnells drug store
Scale books
Typewriter papers
The Tribune
waistings was
Special Selections
for High School Graduates
and we invite all to call and see our display of Dress
Goods and Trimmings in white and colors before making
your purchases
Crush Silk and Girdle Belts
Our new supply of these up-to-date belts has just ar
rived Call and see them
Those Extreme
Bargains in Mens Hats
contain values which you cannot afford to pass by Call
in and find your size before the best are taken
2825 Keeley St
Chicago 111 Oct 2 1902
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb with severe
pains through the groins I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain
AVhat to try I knew not for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui that blessed remedy for
sick women I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that 1 had
the right medicine New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman
Mrs Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine o Cardui in her home
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health
For advice in cases requiring
special directions address giving
symptoms The Ladies Advisory
Department The Chattanooga
Medicine Co Chattanooga Term
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
HcCook - Nebraska
The only reliable wholesale house
between Denver and Hastings
Fruits end Produce
We Buy in Car Lots
All goods direct from grower that
is why we can sell cheap Merch
ants headquarters
We Pay Qish for Eggs
Local and Cong Distance
Phone 104
Ono door south of the Tribune Oflico
Martin Cue Co
No appetite loss of strength nervous
ness headache constipation bad breath
general debility sour risings and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to indigestion Kodol
cures indigestion This new discovery repre
sents the natural juices of digestion as they
exist in a healthy stomach combined with
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not
only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia but this
famous remedy cures all stomach troubles
by cleansing purifying sweetening aficT
strengthening the mucous membranes Using
the stomach JF
Mr S S Ball of Ravenswood W Vaf says
I was troubled with tour stomach for twenty years
Kodol cured ma and we are now using It In milk
for baby
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Bottles only 100 Size holdine 2lA times the trial
size which sells for 50 cents
For Sale by L W McConnell
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
MqCook Nebraska
Trade Marks
AnTDTlA ffnnrlfncr a aVntstV - -
invention is probably patentable Communica
5nflSic VffiKdentl1vHANDBOOK on Patent
Pntnft nvt fgency for securing patents
Patents taken
through Munn Co receive
ipMiot notice without charge in the
Scientific American
A handsomely illustrated weekly JLarzest dr
culatlon or any scientific Journal Terms S3
hAim thsL Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co3StBroad New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
The Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building New Presses
New Steretype Plant New and
Mdern Appliances n Every
The Toledo Blade
is now installed in its new
bmldinflr wth modern plant and equipment
and pities equal to any publication beweea
NewlorkandCh t -
i ia me only weeklv
SET Sir if
r -- ui hjB worm so arranged
hanbvTPl C m0r easJ1ycompreheS
than by readmg
columns of daUies
All current topics made
plain in each issue
special editorial matter written from incepdon
down to date
The only paper publish esS
lally for people who do not read
pen and yet thirst for plain facts ThaTX
kind of a newspaper is
popular is
proven by th
parts of the TlLS In addltf Wn is in a
filade publishes short Tand wiSfttalE thS
many departments of matter VniViJ088 and
member of the family Onlt xS16 0Ty
Write for freV spme a
Blade Toledo Ohio w Address The
1 v