A 1 Til r Ir 0 ft I I mS Jgif W CXXinini - XHT jf Vili WrM h w A The letter of Miss Merkley K -v -TOWERS garments antf hois arc mace or ine best materials in black or yellow for all kinds of wet work m m whose picture is printed above proves beyond question that thousands of cases of inflamma tion of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Deab Mbs Pinkham Gradual loss of strength and nerve force told me something was radically wrong with me I had severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs cramps and extreme irritation compelled me to seek medical advice The doctor said that I had ovarian trouble and ulcera tion and advised an operation I strongly objected to this and decided to try iiydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound I soon found that my judgment was correct and that all the good things said about this medi cine were true and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite The ulceration soon healed and the other complications disappeared and in eleven weeks I was once more strong and vigorous and perfectly well My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have done me Sincerely yours Miss Margaret Merkley 275 Third St Milwaukee Wis SBOOO forfeit if original of about Utter proving genuineness cannot be preduovt Some Postal Figures The United States employed 10555 men in distributing mail last year Tne cost distributed among 1400 lires was 03594000 In 373 acci dents to mail cars eighteen clerks were killed and seventy eight seriously injured The right kind of a cirl doesnt need reap year in her business DONT GETW ETT5 Ji o ASK YOUR DEALEP FODTH JSLICKE MADE FAMOUS BY A DEPUTATION EXTENDING OVED MOPE THAN HALP A CENTUPYC SATISFACTION IS GIUPAHTEED IF YOU STICTO THE 5IGNOF THFI5H - TTOWER CO BOSTON MASSU S ITOWER CANADIAN COUrciti TORONTO CAN m orlds Fir New Train Service On and after Sunday April 24th 1904 Words Fair Trains will leave Omaha Union Station for Kansas City and St Louis at 1045 a m 530 p 1145 p Special rates on sale commencing April 3 5th For tickets berths and in formation call or address Apent Union Station or THOS F GODFREY Pass and Ticket Agent S E Cor 15th and Douglas Streets OMAHA NEB Looking for a Homo ThenHvhy not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of mm Western Canada are sufficient to support a population of 50C00000 or over The immigration fcr the past six years has been phenomenal FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible while other lands may be pur chased from Railway and Land Companies The train and crazine lands of Western Canada are the best on the continent producing the best train and cattle fed on crass alone ready for market Markets Schools Ballwnys and all other conditions make Western Canada an envi able spot lor the settler Write to Superintendent ImmicrationOttawaCan ada for a descriptive Atlas and other information or to the authorized Canadian Government A cent W V Bennett S01 New York Life BuiidinSi Omaha Neb PORTRAIT AGENTSsS Our roods the best Prices the lowest Promptshlp ments Deliver of all portraits truarantesd Seail for catalomie and agent price list Address ADAM J KSOLL CO Kew Era BId Chicago NO M0F8 BlinQ HOrSSS MronBltaclnessandottier sore eyes Bary Co Iowa City la have a sure cure W N Uf Omaha No 191904 BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach NEWS IN NEBRASKA n THE STATE IN BRIEF Winter wheat wears a very encour aging outlook In York county Plattsmouth is going to have a met ropolitan street fair from May I to 14 Tho authorities of Columbus havo decreed that the grant firecracker must he suppressed in that town Of the four business houses recent ly destroyed by fire at Sterling three of them will be rebuilt Immediately The Farmers bank of Reynolds has changed ownership Mr and Mrs Power retiring in favor of I Bonham as president S H Bacon vice presi dent and G W Bacon cashier York college has engaged Miss Martha Dayton as instructor of the violin she being one of the best vio lin performers in the west She is a daughter of Editor Dayton of the York Republican Many people of York are suffering from an epidemic called pinkeye a disease of the eyes lasting three or four days but of such a nature that those afflicted are nearly blinded for a short time The Security bank of Ponca has ab sorbed the Citizens State bank which was organized there a year ago It is understood that the Citizens bank will continue under the new management in the same building which it now occupies At the brick plant of Glasgow Dye at Peru Dave Gilliland in putting on a small beat backed against a key in a line shaft which tore his clothing all off except the lower part of his trousers He is badly bruised but not seriously hurt Robbers broke into Barnes Broth ers clothing store at Hastings and carried away fifteen or twenty high priced overcoats Entrance to the store was gained by smashing two windows in the rear of the building It was a bold piece of robbery It is reported upon good authority that the Union Pacific railroad has ex pressed a willingness to extend its line from Pleasanton to Georgetown a postoffice some twenty miles east of Callaway providing sufficient patron age can be obtained to warrant the move Frank Hankins who was lodged in jail at Wymore on a charge of assault ing Juliu Neumann a merchant is believed to be a noted jail breaker He escaped twice from the Wymore jail within several days and after Mar shal Acton succeeded in capturing him each time he placed handcuffs on him Isaac Gibson died at his old home in Tekamah in his ninety third year Judge Gibson was born in Clark coun ty Indiana December 8 1S12 and was married April 4 1832 to Isabella Walker of Washington county Indi ana and she died July 31 1809 at the Tekamah home in her ninety third year Owing to the continued cold wet weather many of the early sowed oats in Platte county have rotted in the ground and reports from several parts of the country say these fields are be ing plowed up and replanted Oats sown later nave not been attecteu Winter wheat is said to be looking very good Ernst Subeck 45 years of age went to work in the Burlington shops at Plattsmouth as usual the other morn ing but a few hours later he was seen to stoop and firmly grasp a steam pipe His fellow workmen quickly stepped to his side in time to see him take his last breath Heart disease is sup posed to have been the cause The graduating exercises of the Da kota City High school will be held in the Methodist church on Friday even ing June 3 The graduating class will consist of Messrs Charles T Max well John B Evans and P Baker Eck hart The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev S M Lesher Lutheran pastor of that place The people of Omaha are preparing for a very elaborate celebration due notice of which will appear in the pub lic press and it is probable that many from outlying towns and communities will avail themselves of the opportuni ty to attend the pretentious ceremo nies there to be held One of the important arid interesting cases to be heard at the next sitting of the supreme court is that wherein Fred M Hans an Omaha detective formerly employed by the Elkhorn Railroad company seeks to have re versed the decision of the district court of Brown county which sen tenced him to the penitentiary for life for the murder of David O Luse in June 1903 The annual report of the chief of the fire department of Grand Island to the council showed that during the year the city has had twenty three fires with a total loss of only 13575 and a net loss insurance deducted of 2460 The cost of operating the volunteer fire department was shown to be only 10593 keeping up the ap paratus not included in this nor yet the expense of the telephone alarm sytem The excavation for Hastings new soap factory has been begun The new plant is to be 90 by 60 feet twro stories high with a deep basement The new enterprise will be operated by Wickam Bros General Daggett who has just com pleted inspection of the Nebraska Na tional guard reports himself much j pleased and declares that there are members of the guard who would be credits to the regular army men who are most excellent soldiers and who would be welcome additions to any military organization of high standing and reputation CELEBRATE NEBRASKA DAY Governor Mlckev Issues Proclamation ii to ine rcopie ot inc oiaie Tuesday May 31 has been set apart by Governor Mickey upon which to celebrate the signing of the bill that made Nebraska and Kansas a ry Upon Friday preceding this day Governor Mickey requests that priato exercises be held in all the school houses of the state and that on the Sunday preceding Nebraska I ministers tell Nebraskans of the j growth of the state The proclama tion setting apart the day follows On the 30th day of May 1854 Presi dent Pierco affixed his signature to one of the most important enactments which has passed congress during the existence of these United States The incidents leading up to the introduc tion and final passage of the Kansas Nebraska rbill wfere history malting in their character and have indelibly stamped their impress upon our na tional life The succeeding events were even more decisive and tragic in their results ultimately plunging the north and south into factional war and testing in the balance of sanguinary conflict the mooted question of the times affecting human liberty Such stirring scenes as these marked the enactment of the Kansas Nebraska bill by the terms of which the future state of Nebraska then in territorial form first emerged fnm the wilder ness lying west of the Missouri and assumed its initial civic responsibili ties Owing to the intensity of the times the eyes of the nation were fixed upon Nebraska then and be cause of our spectacular growth and development the attention thus at tracted has never been withdrawn Much was expected of Nebraska but not more than it has been able to deliver Its early settlements of God fearing liberty loving school-fostering citizens exerted a wholesome in fluence upon the trend of national events from the very first and laid the foundations for the magnificent state hood which is our heritage today In the hurry and bustle of life it is profitable at times to briefly pause for retrospective view In harmony with this idea many of our citizens have thought it wise to properly celebrate the semi centennial anniversary of the signing of the Kansas Nebraska bill and the plan meets with my hearty approval As the date occurs on the 30th of May a day conse crated to the memory of our soldier dead a delay of one day is fitting and proper Therefore I John H Mickey gov ernor of the state of Nebraska do hereby appoint and set apart Tues day May 31 1C04 as a day of com memoration of the signing of the bill an event of the utmost importance to this people I suggest that on the Friday preceding the schools of the state take cog nizance of the matter and by appro priate exercises challenge attention to the progress of the half century the hLory attending the birth of the territory and seek to inculcate such lessons of patriotism as befit the oc casion It also seems proper that on the Sabbath preceding the anniver sary the pastors of tho state should make reference to the event from the sacred desk and give to their con gregations some thoughts on the giowth and development of our com monwealth and the blessings of Prov idence that havo been vouchsaed to us I recommend that the people generally recognize the anniversary and assist in its observance in any manner that seems most convenient It is said that distance lends en chantment to the view but the theory falls down when applied to a mans view of pay day No Damages for Mental Suffering LNCOLN Damages cannot be giv en by a court on account of the be reavement mental suffering or as a solace to the next of kin for the death of a person is the opinion of the su preme court in the case of Johnson county against H M Carmen admin istrator of the estate of J B Gooch Gooch was killed by the breaking down of a county bridge which he was attempting to cross with a trac tion engine A declaration for the organization of a Commercial club has been signed by thirty five business men of Grand Island and others interested in the progress of the city and it is expected that organization will be perfected in a week or so Peter Fielding Wants Damages LINCOLN Another damage suit against the Burlington is now before the supreme court Peter B Fielding of Mason City sues for damages for personal injuries received by him while working a Burlington handcar Corn The Nebraslvka Experiment Station has just published a report on the tests of nineteen varieties of corn conducted for two years by fifty nine fanners in various parts of the state The object of the experiments was to ascertain wiatone of the various pure bred varieties of corn is best suited to the localities in which the tests were made The bulletin may be obtained free of cost by residents of Nebraska upon writing to the Ne braska Experiment Station Lincoln Neb for Bulletin No 83 WOMENS WOEC KfiiJjjSnMlpi Save W L TVL Douglas shoes are worn by more men than any other make The reason is they hold their shapetithetterT ear longer and have greater intrinsic value than any other shoes Sold Everywhere S5HagSEB33ap6 Much of womens liV daily woo Is due to Kidney trouble Side kidneys cause back ache languor blind headaches dizzi ness insomnia and urinary troubles To cure yourself you must cure the kid neys Profit by tho experience of oth ers who have been cured Mrs William W Brown profession al nurse of 16 Jane St Paterson N J says I have not only seen much suf fering and many deaths from kidney trouble but I have suffered myself At one time I thought I could not live My back ached there were frequent headaches and dizzy spells and the kidney secretions were disordered Doans Kidney Pills helped me from the first and soon relieved me entire ly of all the distressing and painful symptoms A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mrs Brown will be mailed on application to any part of the United States Address Foster Milburr Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box Women cant help wondering why men fall in love with them Hows This Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hails Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 yearn and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Waldixo Kinnas Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Testimonials sent free lrlcc 75 cents rer bottle Sold by all Drugglstf Take HaUB Family Pills for constipation If a druggist has no conscience he usually has something he considers equally good When a man starts to run through a fortune there are lots of other men who are willing to act as pacemakers No man was ever discontented with tho world if he did his duty in it Prak Look Tor name and nrlce un bottom Douglas uses Corona Coltskiii -which Is irrcryvrhcro conceded tohethefinestPatent Leatheryet produced Fast Coor Eyelets used Sliuea hv innilss cents extra Write Tor Catalog IV L DOUGLAS Brockton ilasg Russias Commissariat Problem France Mllitaire contains an Inter esting studv of the commissariat prob lem of tho Russian army For an army of 300000 men and 100000 horses 1000 tons of food and fodder are required This amount can bo transported in six trains composed of from thirty to forty fivo cars the loading of which requires not more than a day But there are already at Mukden Port Arthur and other points In Manchuria provisions for six months and Manchuria and the Rus sian coast provinces are rich in grain and cattle According to this study in September Russia can dis pose of 60000 tons of grain produced on tho spot in addition to 700000 cat tle and a vast quantity of pigs Dur ing the summer tho service which will be rendered by the waterways will relieve the Trans Siberian road Fine Gown for Beautiful Woman Search is being made here for the most beautiful woman in America to wear the most expensive and beauti ful gown in America The gown in question is in the bonded warehouse at St Louis and is estimated to be worth 5000 being almost an exact duplicate of the one that the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte wore when ho placed the imperial crown upon her brow The original gown cost 2000CJ0 and the duplicate which has been made by a celebrated man milil ner is only less expensive in its jew els and decoration for the material and the design are carried out faith ully For splendor and unequaied delicacy of taste this garment is the chief marvel of the dressmaning art King Edward is not so tall as many people imagine and whenever his ma jesty is photographed in a group he is invariably put to stand on some small eminence such as a step in order that he may compare as well as possible Avith those about him In his stockings he is just 5 feet 7 inches His majesty wears boots with high heels and his total height as he walks is 5 feet 8 1 2 inches Dont you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely supe rior to any other is put up 16 ounces in packages and sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of other kinds Yoyr Thresli The ordinary old style small cylin der wastes enough grain and time to pay your thresh bill Why not save the grain ordinarily put into the straw stack Why not save the time which the ordinary threshing outfit wastes for you This can be done by employing the RED RIVER SPECIAL It has the Big Cylinder with lots of concave and grate surface It has the Man Behind the Gun that does most of the separating right at the cylinder Besides these it has all the separat ing capacity of other machines It runs right along saving your grain and saving time regardless of conditions There has come improvements In threshing machinery the same as in everything else FARMERS UU nn iils As the modern self binder is ahead of the old reaper of forty years ago so is the Big Cylinder and Man Behind the Gun ahead of the small cylinder old style thresher The old style thresher with its small cylinder and limited separating capac ity has stood for years without im provement The RED RIVER SPECIAL is fully up with the times It is built for modern up-to-date work to thresh well to thresh fast to save time and money for both the thresherman and farmer It does it There are reasons why Send for our new book on threshing it gives them und it is free Employ the RED RIVER SPECIAL it is the only machine which has the Man Behind the Gun and saves enough grain and time to pay your thresh bill Builders of Threshers and Engines Battle Creek WCh 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS BRANCH HOUSES AND AGENTS EVERYWHERE NEW RIVAL BLACK POWDER SHELLS Its the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load ine and the use of only the best materials which make Winchester Factory Loaded New Rival Shells give bet ter pattern penetration and more uniform results gener ally than any other shells The special paper and the Win chester patent corrugated head used in making New Rival shells give them strength to withstand reloading BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS CONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST WESTERN MADE SHOES These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men Star and Crescent E Z Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Womens and Childrens Shoes Sec that our name is on the shoes you buy F Po KIRKENDALL CO idinfs 400 350 300 250 UNION etJETC BE8T IN MADE OnUCO THE WORLD Manufactured in OMAHA ONLY PAIHTS made solely for this THE climate They stand It like the smile that wont come oft they Ftnynnd beautify your home while they protect It from the weather Write us for name of nearest agent and get a special color design without cost LINCOLN PAINT COLOR CO Lincoln flebr BEST ON EAUTH Harness Collars and Saddles With BE trade mark are made from the iod fashioncd tanned California leather With care will last a lifetime Aifc vour isaler if thev do not handle our roois Send 2 ccnt stamp for Cataog of our Harness and Saddles which show vou a way tobuy them BUCKSTAFF BROS The Harness Men Lincoln Nebraska Law n Fence Iron or wire many stvles I forreIdeiiee church school cemetery poultry and hocr n iice lurm s ats Send for catalogue Chtnifion Iron art Wire Works OMAHA KEB SSSKS Thompsons Eye Watar HOSPITAL SECRETS A Nurso Says is a Tonic of Efficiency fllllliilt MRS KATE TAYLOR Mrs Kate Taylor a graduated nurse of prominence elves her ex perlence with Peruna In an open letter Her position In society and professional standing combine to give special prominence to her ut terances - n 4 HICAGO ILL -127 Monroe St As far as I have observed Iuruun is tho finest tonic any man or woman can usj who is weak from tho after effects of any serious illness I havo seen it used in a number of con valescent eases and havo seen several other tonics used but 1 found that tlioso who used Peruna had the quickest relief Peruna seems to restore vitality increase bodily vigor and renew health and strength in a wonderfully short time MRS KATE TAYLOR In view of the great multitude of women suffering from some form of female disease and yet unablo to find any cure Dr Hart man tho renowned specialist on femalo catarrhal diseases has announced his willingness to direct tho treatment of as many cases as make application to hirn during the summer mouths without charge Address The Peruna Medicino Co Columbus Ohio WE DEMAND YOUR ATTENTION If anyone offered you a ood dollar for an imperfect one would you take it If anyone offered you one goodj dollar for 75 cents of bad money would you take il We offer you 10 ounces of the very best starch made for lOcj No other brand is so good yet all others cost 10c for 12 ounces Ours is a business proposition DEFIANCE STARCH is the best and cheapest We guarantee it satisfactory Ask your grocer The DEFIANCE STARCH CO Omaha Neb i iii Jii ii nil mil FOR WOMEN A Boston physicians covery which cleanses and heals all inflammation of the mucous membrane wherever located In local treatment of female ills Pax tine is invaluable Used as a douche it is a revelation in cleansing and healing power it kills all disease germs which cause inflammation and discharges Thousands of letters from -women prove that it is the greatest cure for leucorrhcea ever discovered Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic catarrh nasal catarrh sore throat sore mouth and sore eyes because these diseases are all caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane For cleansing and pre serving the teeth challenge the world to produce its equal Physicians and specialists everywhere prescribe and endorse Paxtine andthou sandsoftestimoniallettersproveits value At druggists or sent postpaid 50 cts A large trial package and book of instructions absolutely free Write The B Paztos Co Dept 5 Boston Mass SWfcfrSs w PS The LANKFORD HUMANE HfseQolar It Is cotton filled antl cbafinr It lli pii ltlvei cure and present palls and fie etuuldera and do asay with pads Ai kyour dealer fur them Write for catalogue and receive our mcnurandura aci unt hook fre THE POW ES SLFG CO Waterloo Iowa in time oln hv B8dtaoigi gMMMMm CURiS WHtHE ALL USt ftlLS Best Couzh Sjrav Tastes Good 3BggfflT TJe MjS KJR 1