Tunuomino uxur vinurv lUyUUnllLJu iiHiL s8Uiil TROUBLE AND DDBT KJBDW IT iijiaiPii i sOh tt tel UrHii HFIIr3 T1 SitiH f W - M I fir aH HitSJ iRSagT Bww VaEggMwiBailPf v s ia vlqMairsia fmSf si - r tfSfl aBwlsHHHaii1lllt2K To Prove wliat Swamp Root the Great Kidney Remedyt Will Do for YOU Every Reader of this paper May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free Mail a Weak And unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness an suffering- than any other disease therefore when through neglect or other causes kidney trouble is permitted to continue fatal results are sure to follow Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most because they do most and need attention first If you are sick or feel badly begin taking Or Kilmers Swamp Itoot the great kidney liver and bladder remedy because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health A trial will convince anyone The mild and immediate effect of Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney and bladder remedy is soon realized It ctands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases Swamp Root will set your whole system right and the best proof of this is a trial V S3 Cottage St Melrose Mass Dear Sir Jan 11th 1904 Ever since I was in the Army I had more or less kidney trouble and within the pat ear it be came so severe and complicated that I suffered cverythinc and was much alarmed my stieneth and power was fast leaving nie I saw an adver tisement of Swamp Root and wrote asking for ad vice I becan the use of the medicine and noted a decided improvement after taking Swamp Root only n short time I continued its use and am thankful to say that I am entirely cured and strong In order to be very sure about this I had a doctor examine some of my water to day and he pronounced it all neat and in splendid condition I know that jour Swamp Root is purely vegeta ble and docs not contain any harmful drugs Thanking you for my complete recovery and rec ommending Swamp Root to all sufferers I bin Very truly yours I C RICHARDSON You may have a sample bottle of this famous kidney remedy Swamp Root sent free by mail postpaid by which you may test its virtues for such disorders as kidney bladder and uric acid diseases poor diges tion being obliged to pass your water EDITORIAL- NOTICE If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble or if there is a trace of it n your family history send at once to Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton N Y who will gladly send you by mail immediately with out cost to you a sample bottle of Swamp Root and a book containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured In writing be sure to say that you read this generous offer in this paper Tree to Twenty Five Ladies The Defiance Starch Co will give 25 ladies a round trip ticket to the St Louis Exposition to five ladies in each of the following states Illi nois Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Missouri who will send in the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten cent lG ounce package of Defiance cold water laundry starch This means from your own home any where In the above named states These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the Defiance Starch Co Omaha Nebr before September 1st 1904 October and November will be the best months to visit the t Exposition Remember that Defiance is the only starcn put up 1G oz a full pound to the package You get one third more starcn for the same money than of any other kind and Defiance never sticks to the iron The tickets to the Exposition will be sent by registered mall September 5th Starch tor sale by all dealers The man who looks too far ahead Is apt to miss some good things of the pYesent Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch Is fast taking place of all other brands Others say they cannot sell any other starch It may seem strange but a head strong man never makes much head way Economy in Threshing A great deal of grain is wasted by using old stylo Threshing Machines This wast age can be entirely eliminated if you use the new and improved machino made by Nichols Shepard Co Battle Creek Mich Some men lose their hair by but ting in at the wrong time Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch not alona because they get one third more for the same money but also because of superior quality The disagreeable man wonders why people are disposed to avoid him Mrs fFinsiowS Soothing yrap For children teething tot tens the guras reduces to flftmmaUonallayapaui cures wind colic- 25c a bottle - A happy home life is to a man the acme of satisfaction frequently night and day smarting or irritation in passing brickdust or sediment in the urine headache backache lame back dizziness sleeplessness nervousness heart disturbance due to bad kidney trou ble skin eruptions from bad blood neural gia rheumatism diabetes bloating irritabil ity wornout feeling lackof ambiton loss of fleshsallowcomplexionor Brights disease If your water when allowed to remain undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty four hours forms a sediment or settling or has a cloudy appearance it is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need imme diate attention Swamp Root is the great discovery of Dr Kilmef the eminent kidney and blad der specialist Hospitals use it with won derful success in both slight and severe cases Doctors recommend it to their patients and use it in their own families because they recognize in Swamp Root the greatest and most successful remedy Swamp Root is pleasant to take and is for sale at drug stores the world over in bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty cents and one dollar Remember the name Szuamp Root Dr Kilmers Swamp Root and the address liing hamton N K on every bottle COUPON Please write or fill in this coupon with your name and address and Dr Kilmpr Co will send jou a Free Sample Bottle of Swamp Root the Great Kidney Remedy Nasie St and No City or Town State Mention this paper She Was Kissed The bride and groom sat side by side Dearest he said looking up into her eyes for he was smaller so that he really and truly looked up and into her eyes Yes love she responded in soft frightened mouse tones If I had known that tunnel was that long I would have kissed you Didnt you kiss me she asked with much surprise No he replied Well somebody did Cleveland Leader Storekeepers report that the extra quantity together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes it next to impossible to sell any other brand There is nothing that so increases a mans desire to work in the garden as the discovery that his wife has misplaced the rake WiggleStick laundky biue Wont spill break freeze nor spot clothes Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of any other bluing If your goeer does not keep it send 10c for samnlo to The Laundry Dlue Co 14 Michigan Street Chicago The woman who carries her age well shows the pride she has in it If you want creamery prices do as the creameries do use JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR Many a girls popularity with the sterner sex is due to a rumor that she has money Dealers say that as soon as a cus tomer trie3 Defiance Starch it Is im possible to sell them any other cold water starch It can be used cold or boiled A man deliberately lies while a woman merely suppresses the truth Lewis Sincrle Binder straight 5c cigar made of extra quality tobacco You 1 Factorr Peoria 111 The man who tells you life isnt worth living generally loses ho time in sending for the doctor if he has the slightest pain Pure Water for Washing Butter Butter makers have long since ar rived at the conclusion that the water in which butter is washed has much to do not only with the keeping quali ty of the butter but often with its flavor Wo have seen farm wejls so foul that the water could hardly be used except for cooking purposes but that same water was used in the washing of butter and in the cleans ing of vessels that were to hold milk In one case the writer saw a well the water of which had become almost unusable The owners had the well cleaned out and a great mass of dead angle worms was found in the bottom It was these angle worms that had tainted the water In the same way it is preferable to use soft water in stead of hard as sometimes the hard ness in the water comes from the presence in it of decayed vegetable matter At some of the colleges where butter making is taught this matter of soft and hard water and of filtered and unflltered water has been looked into always with the results that the purer water and the soft water gave the best flavored butter Reports from New Zealand say that some of the off flavors in the butter that had been sent from that country to Europe were found to come from the water in which the butter was washed So we caution our readers to make sure that the high priced butter fat that is to be made up into a form to go on the table of the dis criminating buyer be washed in water so pure that there will be no question of its contaminating the butter Windows in Dairy Barn More light is needed in rcost of out dairy barns Last week the writer visited a dairy stable in which nine cows are kept It was the smallest stable for that number of cows he ever saw and the wonder was that the cows could have lived through the winter just past when the cold was so great and continuous that the stable must have been kept chut up for days at a time 7J was not more than ten feet in height so far as avail able space for air was concerned ind the cows were packed as closely to gether as it was possible for them to stand with a feeding floor only six feet wide in front There was a single window in the west Yec from this stable went out milk to supply the neighboring villagers Conditions were almost at that point where a board of health could be justified in stepping in Yet the owner had tried to be up-to-date and had laid cement floors both in front of and behind the cows Over the cement were laid planks to make the cows more com fortable JThis showed enterprise yet the great lack was light In the building of a new stable the addition of the proper windows is not a hard matter and in the case of stables al ready in use this should not be neg lected Pew of our cow keepers fully appreciate the health giving powers of light Producing Good Milk The whole secret of producing good milk can be generalized in a few words Health j clean and well fed cows having a clean comfortable stable healthy clean and quiet milk ers having a disposition to treat the cows at least fairly sound clean and sterilized utensils prompt cooling and protection of the milk This is the secret that is blunging success to some dairymen while their neighbors fail These conditions could be introduced easily cheaply and profitably into thousands of dairies Too many dairy men make the mistake of thinking that a large outlay of money is neces sary before high grade milk can be produced They are scared off by a phantom 1 The fact is many dairies could be changed to a sanitary from an unsanitary condition without the expenditure of a single dollar in cash More light more fresh air better ar rangements for bringing the feed and for removing manure a -little time each day to clean the stable and the cows a coat of fresh whitewash once or twice a year to cover and- kill the nacteria on the walls and partitions these things are not expensive and perhaps a new ceiling or floor above the cows to exclude dust from the hay mow R A Pearson The Stanchion Should Go In spite of all that has been said against the stanchion it still persists on our farms That it should be dis carded is the verdict of about every man that does anjr thinking along this line The rigid stanchion may be easy to build and easy to understand the construction of by the ordinary farm carpenter that has built no other kind in all his life but that does not make it a humane arrangement It does not permit the cow to place her head in sleeping as nature intended she should It does not permit a cow to lick her haunches as cows do now and then if they are to be comfort able The cow in the rigid stanchion is very much of a prisoner with little chance to move her body for any pur pose There are numerous stabling arrangements now on the market and many ideas in addition have been ex pressed in the public press that are not controlled by patent rights There re probably few localities where some ort of humane arrangement Is not n sight and cannot be inspected by the cow owner that wants to make his animals comfortable Cut the trunk the branches fall of themselves Ivan Panin Manure Does Benefit Land A good deal of comment has been caused by the publication by the de partment of agriculture of the United States of bulletin 22 in which the authors claimed that poor soils were as good crop yielders as good soils provided both were in the same me chanical condition This was regard ed everywhere as a most astonishing statement as It was equivalent to saying that all kinds of manure bene fit soil only by improving it mechan ically A few people however al ways ready to follow any new doc trine at once took up with this new idea But our best agriculturists have been all the time certain that fertil izers do add to the amount of avail able plant food in the soil It was the contention of the authors of the bul letin in question that natural agen cies are all the time at work in the soil liberating new quantities of plant food and that the amount of plant food so liberated is as great in poor soil as in good They claimed to have found this out by actual analyses of the plant food available in different soils It is evident that something is wrong with their soil analyses One of the greatest soil physicists in the United States is Professor F H King During 1903 Professor King carried on some experiments to determine the points at issue in the bulletin He carried on the same tests on three types of soil of lowproductive capac ity and three types of soil of high productive capacity He determined the plant food soluble in water once each week during the entire season in soil from each fiela He also grew crops on each of the six fields The amo of available plant food in the good soils was found to be about two and a half times as great in the good soils as ii the poor soils on the average of all tests throughout the season The crops grown responded in like measure The good soils yielded crops tvi and a half times larger than did the poor soils When these crops were analyzed they were found to contain about two and a half times as mch plant food as did the crops grown on the poor soils It will thus be seen that there is a difference in the amount of plant rood in different soils and that the most productive soils are those- well manured and containing much avail able plant food It is not true that there is as much available plant food in solution in the water of on soil as of another Irrigation in Humid Climates We have usually considered till very recent years that li paid to irri gate land only in those countries in which the rainfall was insufficient to supply the crops with the needed moisture But it is being learned that irrigation pays even in lands where the rainfall is sufficient in most years Illinois has an annual precipitation of about 35 inches and Italy an annual precipitation of about 40 inches Few farmers in Illinois would think it profitable to irrigate yet in Italy many thousands of farmers are irri gating and consider it money well spent as a crop insurance The lead ing crops in the irrigated regions are corn wheat and oats Mulberry trees are also irrigated and the irrigation increases the yield of the mulberry leaves about one third The farmers there declare that irrigation enables them to grow a crop of corn after the wheat and to increase the yield of alfalfa and clover 100 per cent Most of the irrigation work there is organized on the co operative basis The largest of these co operative as sociations has 14000 members and controls the irrigation of 123500 acres of land The system under the con trol of this association comprises 7000 mijes of canals and ditches The main society is divided into 40 sub ordinate societies each of which elects a member to a general assem bly which directs the policy of the association The farmers there pay about G per year for the watering of each acre Under such a condition a crop failure is impossible Grass Grass is the great fundamental crop Without the aid of man and pre vious to his intervention it covers the habitable earth everywhere with its mantle of green and fills the sou with a thick fibrous growth of roots and not only protects the land from the ravages of wind and water but becomes also the primary source of food for a large part of the animaJ creation says A M Ten Eyck Ac cording to the government reports corn holds the first place as the great est wealth producing crop of this coun try while grass takes second rank It is safe to say however that the re verse is the actual fact The reports fail to take into account the great wealth produced from grass as a pas ture and its great value as a soil-protector and a soil renewer and Its pow er to increase the yield of other crops when used in rotation Although the native grasses grow without the aid of man yet it is only when certain do mesticated species are cultivated that the greatest production of hay and pasture is secured Wheat is a good feed for hens but it Is often cheaper to buy clear wheat at a fair price than wheat screenings at a low price r I Mi A LITTLE TOO MUCH alwnrf Shrewd Traveler Got Neatly Out of a Situation She had a small child with her and there was no vacant seat in the car Well have to stand dearie she said Now a woman standing alone Is bad enough but when she has to steady a child it is Infinitely worse In this case two men started to offer a seat but one being a little quicker than the other the latter settled back comfortably Here is a seat madam said the one who had risen Thank you she said and stoop ing she lifted the child into the va cant seat Then she looked hard at the other man Why dont you sit down mum mie asked the child I have no seat she repled and again she looked at the man who had started to get up The other passengers Iiegan to taks notice The man who had given up his seat had expected she would take the child in her lap but it was evident that she wanted two seats Would she get them Some how he felt a little provoked but he could still enjoy tho dilemma of the other man The latter had been equal ly ready to give up his seat when it seemed to be necessary but now he seemed to descry an imposition Cant you get a seat mummy persisted the child No dearie the woman replied Mamma will have to stand But her eyes were on the man So were the eyes of others in the car They were curious to note the result and they noted it The man reached over picked up the child set it on his knee and remarked pleasantly Theres a seat for you madam The womans face grew very red but she took the seat and the child And she knew the other passengers were laughing Brooklyn Eagle DO YOU KNOW THIS TEXT Colored Man Slightly Mixed Up on the Gospel Col John S Cunningham a well known North Carolinian who was in Washington the other day is an in teresting Southern type He loves the good things of life but on occa sion is capable of fervid religious ex hortation Members of the North Carolina delegation are relating this story of him A few months ago Col Cunningham by invitation addressed a large as sembly of negroes in his native coun ty He had just returned from a trip to Philadelphia and had visited Girad college He gave his audience a yivid description of that institution and brought tears to the eyes of the colored people as he dwelt upon the philanthropy that had inspired the appropriation of money for such a great refuge for the orphan He then in another strain with equal realism painted the horrors of the hereafter awaiting bad negroes His supersti tious hearers groaned with terror Shortly afterward a friend of the colonels met an old time darkey in the big road I never knowed Mars John wuz a preacher said the old fellow but hes the powerfulest ex horter I ever seen Us colored folios never heerd the like of the way he preached down at the Springs tother day What was his text Uncle The old negro scratched his head several times before he replied Well sah I doesnt zactly remem ber but it wuz somethin about hell lire and Philadelphy and I think its in the book of Sodom A Good Secret to Know A man went to a nose and throat specialist the other day to have his cold cured As he was paying a not small sum for the first treatment he said How long does it take you to cure a cold Three weeks said the specialist And how long would it take me to get well if I didnt come to you asked the alarmed patient Twenty one clays said the special 1st And it wasnt until the patient was half way home that he suddenly stop ped and pondered whether he ought to laugh or get angry He finally de cided that perhaps the secret he had learned was worth the price he had paid for it Its a good secret to know Saturday Evening Post Empress Alix The Empress Alix of Russia recent ly had her portrait painted by Fritz von Kaulbach She retains her love for her old German home at Darm stadt and loves to spend a few weeks there whenever she can She dis likes politics and public ceremonies and is of a decidedly domestic dispo sition Gets Honor from King King Carlos of Portugal has con ferred the degree of knight cf the Or der of St Jacques upon Emile A Bruguiere a San Francisco composer The Waiting City A city throned upon the height behold Wherein no foot of man as yet has trod The city of mans life fultilled in God Bathed all in light with open gates of gold Perfect the city is in tower and street And there a palace for each mortal waits Complete and perfect at whose outer gates An angel stands its occupant to greet Still shine O patient city on the height The while our race in hut and hovel dwells It hears the music of thy heavenly bells And its dull soul is haunted by thy light Lo once the Son of Man hath heard thy call And the dear Christ hath claimed thee for us all Phillias Crooks How to Keep House With all the luxuries and pleasures nf this life its big enjoyments and its Waller comforts there is an offset or Shesis which we have to conte 1 wUh in the forni of aches and pains and by some means to some way in hem touch of one ha a every some form at some time Trifling as the risk is be some of them may thnt thev will grow to something Jaterand rick fhe system with cc m g there nothing stant torture There is fore of this kind that we have a right to trifle with Taken in time the worst forms of pains and aches are easily subdued and cured by the free use of St Jacobs 6ll No well regulated household ought to be win out a bottle of this great remedy for pain It is the specific virtue of pene tration in St Jacobs Oil that carries it right to the pain spot and effects a prompt cure even in the most painful cases of Rheumatism Neuralgia Lum bago Sciatica You want it also in the house at ail times for hurts cuts and wounds and the house that al ways has it keeps up a sort of Insur ance against pain A married mans idea of heaven is a place where he wont be compelled to dig up the price of an Easter bon net Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurso in the Children Home in New York cure Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate tho Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials At all druggists 25c Samplo FREE Address A SOlmsted Le RoyNY Honesty is undoubtedly the best policy but a good many people some how fail to keep their premiums paid up Plsos Curo Is tho best meaiclno o ever used for all affections of the thvoat and lungs Wit O Vanbu rcn Ind Feb 10 MOO He Was Still Mad One day during a lecture a Har vard professor with a peppery dispo sition grew furious bccatise of somo interruption and slamming down his book with an exclamation of rage rushed from the room The boys were very much distressed by his action but did not know what to do In a few minutes however the pro fessor apparently came to the con clusion that he had done a foolish thing for he returned and resumed his lecture without a word Anxious to show their good will and to atone if possible for their rudeness the boys took advantage of a good point in the lecture to applaud tumiiltuously No no no exclaimed the professor holding up his hand with a gesture of protest I want you to understand that Im as mad as h I yet Representative Clarence D Van Duzer says that a miner once told him of the red mans greed for whisky I was riding over the plains once he said with a pint bottle sticking out of my breast pocket when an Indian met me and seeing the whis ky wanted to buy it And do you know what that Indian offered me Well sir he offered me his buckskin breeches his shirt his saddle his blanket and his pony all for a pint of whisky What do you think of that And you did sell asked Van Duzer No said the miner I didnt it was my last pint Black Teeth Emigrants from southern Italy are many of them disfigured by what is known as black teeth The teeth of these persons are affected during the period of growth by some gaseous constituent of drinking water proba bly from impregnation with volcanic vapors The effect gives a sinister look to an otherwise indsome face but fortunately does not it seems affect the strength or durability of the teeth The man who wastes his money should not expect to have all of his wants supplied by prayer A fare exchange may be no robber- but the trolley companies aro making a lot of serious charges SOAKED IN COFFEE Until Too Stiff to Bend Over When I drank coffee I often had sick headaches nervousness and bil iousness much of the time but about 2 years ago I went to visit a friend and got in the habit of drinking Pos tum I have never touched coffee since and the result has been that I have been entirely cured of all my stomach and nervous trouble My mother was just the same way we all drink Postum now and have never had any ot her coffee in the house for two years and we are all well A neighbor of mine a great coffee drinker was troubled with pains in her side for years and was an invalid She was not able to do her work and could not even mend clothes or do anything at alL where she would have to bend foward If she tried to do a little hard work she would get such pains that she would have to lie down for the rest of the day I persuaded her at last to stop drinking coffee and try Postum Food Coffee and she did so and she has used Postum ever since the result has been that she can now do her work can sit for a whole day and mend and can sew on the machine and she never feels the least bit of pain in her side in fact she has got well and it shows coffee was the cause of the whole trouble I could also tell you about several other neighbors who have been cured by quitting coffee and using Postum in its place Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Ivook in each pkg for the famous little book The Road to Wellvllle Y J 8 I M A n i M Uwl Y 1 i t n K M s r i t M i 1