The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 06, 1904, Image 1

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V lJr 5
McCook Junior Normal School
Tho time is at hand when the citizens
of McCook eager to advance the citys
welfare should be directing their
thoughts and activity to promote the in
terests of the McCook Junior Normal
school which begins its second sum
mer session June 13 Tho local commit
tee consisting of Messrs J H Bennett
A Harnett S 13 McLean G H
Thomas and Miss Rache Berry held a
meeting on Tuesday afternoon to devise
ways and means of making tho school
this year a greater success even than it
was last The prospects are already
brighter that it will be The idea has
been tested and approved There is man
ifest need for just such normal prepara
tion for young teachers as this school
provides and those engaged in the rural
schools of southwest Nebraska have
given evidence of gladness that oppor
tunity for this training is so near their
McCook should wish to promote the
school and tho spirit of interest in it out
of regard for local pride but it should
also stand by it because of tho material
gain to the community its location hero
means The state law made provision
for its continuance for a period of only
two years and its further enactment will
depend in large measure upon tho zeal
displayed by its patrons in this second
year of its existence Let us hold fast to
what wo have and strive unitedly to
make this town permanently the seat of
a junior normal school in the hope that
ultimately it will become the seat of a
senior state institution
For other local reasons the coming
summer session will prove pleasurable to
our people The list of entertainments
lectures and musicals provided is of a
very high order and embraces the ablest
talent that money can buy Frank R
Roberson who was here last year will
lecture June 20 on Norway The Land
of the Midnight Sun His stereopticon
views as those know who heard him last
year are the finest that art can provide
Montaviile Flowers in interpretive reci
tals from masterpieces appears July 15
Mr Flowers as the best type of reader
occupies a field all his own July 29
Hon Frank Nelson former state super
intendent of Kansas a speaker of the
breadth and ability of Mr Stetson will
lecture The Lotus Glee Club a high
class musical organization will sing Au
gust 10 The ever pleasing Slayton Jub
ilee Singers will close tho seasons enter
tainments with a grand concert August
There is therefore every reason why
McCook should strive to promote the
school and increase its importance and
none why it should not It is quite gen
erally known that much of the burden
of the junior normal schools support
falls upon the community where it is lo
cated and it was deemed advisable by
the local committee again to ask for as
sistance from our people as was done last
year Accordingly a subscription paper
will be put out and when you are ap
proached for McCooks sake help
Local Committee
Escaped Burglars in Alma Jail
Word was received here Sunday that
the two burglars who recently operated
in McCook and escaped jail here were
in the hands of the officers in Alma
Marshal Gray and Constable Osborn
went down to Alma Sunday for the
purpose of fringing the burglars back
to McCook After learning that the
officers of Harlan county had the two
precious rascals in jail for robbing Pat
OShea of Orleans of over 100 worth of
silks and had ample evidence to send
both of them to the penitentiary they
decided to return home and leave the
burglars to the tender mercies of the
Harlan county officials and court Our
officers had no trouble however in fully
identifying the thieves
Dedication Day May lfth
Tuesday May 17th St Patricks
Catholic church of our city will be
dedicated The visiting clergy special
music and solemn ceremonials will make
it an impressive event which will long
remain a pleasant memory with the par
ishioners of St Patricks
Since the Great Rains
you are probably thinking of putting in
some alfalfa cane or millet seed and
there wont be as good a time in a year
Remember that W T Coleman has
plenty of all these seeds
Special Sale
Remarkable values in ladies tailor
made suits at greatly reduced prices a
saving of 336 to 50 per cent See Mrs
L F Griggs
The Bee Hives delivery horse ran
awayWednesdaygiving a bevy of school
girls palpitation of the heart in getting
in ths clear Nobody hurt and slight
You cannot explode gasoline treated
with B B non explosive compound
S D McClain Sole Agent
A trial order of Rox coal from W C
Bullards will convince you that it is the
best summer coal on the market
Hose hose fittings sprinklers in fact
all the requisites for keeping your lawn
green at W T Colemans
Lace shoulder collars in cream ecru
and black 8150 to 400 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
The latest and best those Quick
Meal gasoline stoves at Colemans
Beautiful two toned all over laces at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
For fine clothing shoes and gents
furnishings go to Diamonds
Local news of importance on every
home page of The Tribune -
Dont fail to see McMillens large line
of wall paper before buying
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Kafir corn seed at Colemans
More McCook News from Alliance
A few days ago an Alliance newspaper
printed a report that Superintendent A
Campbell of tho western division of the
iiuriiMguju nau resignea me resignation
to take effect tho first of May Superin
tendent Calvert returned from a trip to
the western division yesterdaywhere he
met Superintendent Campbell and went
over the division with him He was
asked about the report published in the
Alliance paper He said
If tho report were true I certainly
would know something about it I saw
Mr Campbell yesterday Ho has just
returned to his home from a health re
sort where be went some time ago He
seems to be somewhat improved in
health and I hope that he will have no
thought of resigning for many years
Air Campbell is one of the best track
men in the service Ho has been with
tho B M since the beginning He and
I worked together when tho track was
first laid west of Lincoln He was a giant
in strength in his younger days but his
physical power never led himinto trouble
He is one of the best natured of men a
good executive and disciplinarian
No Mr Campbell has not resigned
From other sources it is learned that
Mr Campbell has been very ill The
report probably originated in stories
about his illness but it is certain that
he has not resigned Tuesdays Lincoln
Was Successfully Operated Upon
Will A Weintz was successfully opera
ted upon by Dr B B Davis in Imman
uol hospital Omaha Saturday last and
is now progressing favorably toward
complete recovery The trouble was one
of the bowels but not appendicitis as
has been thought the case and was so
diagnosed by the doctors in the hospital
before the operation was performed It
was stated at the hospital that the opera
tion was sought none too soon as the
case was urgent Will has been suffer
ing from a serious and painful bowel
complaint at different times for the past
year or two It is now considered that
the operation will entirely relieve the
trouble and that he will soon be well
and vigorous again His father Charles
Weintz accompanied him to Omaha and
remained until after the operation had
been performedwhen he returned home
Will expects to remain in the hospital
for two or three weeks His many
friends heie will be more than pleased
to learn of his promising condition
County eighth grade examinations
will be held on Friday May 12 at the
school buildings in Bartley Lebanon
Danbury and Indianola where the ex
aminer will be the principal or some one
appointed in his place v Also at the
county superintendents office in Mc
Cook Saturday May 14 Grades of 80
per cent made in any previous county
examination will be received Unless
there be some good reason for change
pupils will attend the examination near
est their school They should provide
themselves with pencils and legal cap
paper or regular examination tablets
and be ready for work early
Flora B Quick Co Supt
Was Sick About Three Weeks
Jerry Cackler aged 15 years died on
Thursday morning of this week after an
illness of three weeks with inflamma
tion of the appendix on the farm about
ten miles south of this city The re
mains were buried on Thursday after
noon at the stone church cemetery
Deceased was a son of William K and
Malinda CacUler The father not long
since deserted the family The mother
and children have very tender sympathy
of their neighbors in this loss of the
main stay of the family
Attention Comrades
All members of the G A R are
urgently requested to meet with the
Ladies Circle G A R on Saturday
May 7 1904 at 2 oclock p m for the
pu nose of completing arrangements for
D oration Day services
WS Fitch Commander
Concrete Sidewalks
We are now ready to make contracts
for concrete sidewalks in McCook We
have employed an expert to put down
these walks and guarantee their dura
bility Barnett Lumber Co
For Sale m Red Willow County
Southeast J4 section 22 town 3range
29 Also lot 3 block 7 First add to
McCook Enquire of B Hammer 2234
Lafayette St Denver Colo 4 29 4t
June Weddings and Graduates
W T Coleman is prepared for both
Suitable presents for one and all Ex
amine and be convinced
We Have It
If you want paint or wall paper
McConnell druggist
Go to Waites for garden hose
McMillen prescription druggist
The Y B cigar is the greatest 10c
smoke purchasable
Fine large line of harnesses halters
and lap robes at Colemans
Roberts gold eyed parabola needles at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The active sales of the famous Y B 10c
cigars proves beyond doubt that they
are the real thing
The case of the McCook I and W P
Corvs Crews has been submitted to the
supreme court on a motion for rehearing
Those enamel lined refrigerators at
Colemans are made of hard wood
They are the latest thing out in that
line See them
The donation to the Bchool fund of
Madame Saunders last Friday after
noon amounted to 25 and costs The
charge was that of fast driving and dis
turbing the peace and the case was
tried before Police Judge Berry
Dr A P Welles has been absent in
Omaha part of the weok
Mr and Mrs Ernest Osborn visited
Edison relatives last week
Mrs J R Kirchner has been a
guest of Mrs James Toohey
Mrs H H Bandy a newcomer up in
Coleman precinct is quite ill
Miss Della Shepherd is down from
Denver visiting the homefolks
Miss Julia Ryan entered C E Eld
reds office May 1st as stenographer
Mrs E M Klome of Marion Iowa
is at home visiting her parents Mr and
Mrs C K Putnam
P E Reeder late
office went into W
in W S Morlans
R Starrs office
May 1st as a partner
Mrs F J Zajiceks mother Mrs C
J Swanson of Holdrego arrived in the
city this week on a visit
Principal E A Brittenheim of Cul
bertson tad a seance with the Pythian
goat Wednesday dvening
Mrs J C Birdsell of Deadwood S
D was tho guest of Mrs Anna Colfer
close of last and all this week
C A Ready of Hayes Center and P
W Scott of Imperial were in town
Thursday on land business etc
Congressman Norris arrived home
Thursday on No 13 having spent a day
or two in St Louis on the way home
MrsV H Sollida y went down to St
Joseph Mo Tuesday night and will be
absent a week or two visiting Mrs U Ji
Charles Parsons is here on a visit to
his parents Mr and Mrs Roseland Par
sons of the National hotel His father
is sick
CW Keys departed Wednesday mor
ning for Wilsonville driving over from
this point The family will remain here
for a while
Mrs J Kindig who has been visit
ing her sister Mrs Gus Budig for some
time returned to her home in Creston
Iowa Tuesday
R D Druliner of Benkelman was in
the city Tuesday on business He is
getting on nicely at Benkelman in the
practice of the law
F B Defrees a special agent of the
general land office was in the city this
week investigating some land entries in
the McCook district
Mr and MrsWilliam Long departed
Sunday night for Iowa to be gone a
number of months They will visit in
Bedford and other points
John Cashen who was called here
recently by the death of his father
Patrick Cashen departed on Tuesday
night for his home in Oelwein Iowa
Bert Beyrer came down from Den
ver Wednesday night and will make a
visit heYe of two or three weeks He is
a guest of his sister Mrs S E Callen
Pat EMcKiLLiPof HumphreysNeb
was in the city Wednesday looking up
some matters of record in connection
with some litigation commenced in dis
trict this week
F A Pennell has sold his residence
on Madison and Douglass to Agent
George S Scott The Pennells will oc
cupy a suite of rooms over the First
National Bank
Mrs J H Moore Mrs C A Ward
and Mrs L W Stayner went down to
Lincoln on 6 Tuesday night on a shop
ping expedition returning home on 3
Wednesday night
Mrs R M Osborn will return Sun
day from Clarion Iowa where she was
called two weeks ago by the serious ill
ness of her sister The latter is now
doing nicely with every chance for com
plete recovery
L H Lindemann retired May 1st
from the employ of the Barnett Lumber
Co His place has been filed by secur
ing J G Conley who formerly worked
for the company here Mr Lindemann
will engage in business for himself in
our city
Frank BAScojiof Pawnee City spent I
oaturaay in me cicyguesu 01 nis Droiner
James Bascom of The Tribune force
He had just completed a trip of about
4000 miles and it was everywhere the
same old storynothmg doing in- railroad
circles and laying off men
Lillie Campbell was happily and
completely surprised last Saturday eve
ningby a company of her young friends
It was the anniversary of Miss Lillies
birth her 17th birthday and the oc
casion was made joyous and a pleasant
memory with games refreshments etc
Mrs Russell McMillen came in
from Denver Tuesday night and will be
the guest of Mrs Albert McMillen until
the end of the week when she will leave
for Tecumseh Neb She has been
visiting Mr and Mrs H G Borneman
in Denver since the death of Bessie
Frank Colfer of Creighton univer
sity Omaha has been chosen a delegate
by the State Oratorical Society and has
accompanied the winner of the Ne
braska inter collegiate oratorical con
test to Notre Dame where the Nebraska
See These Wall Papers
If you are going to paper you of
course want new stylish and beau
tiful patterns and you cannot get
this kind of paper anywhere cheaper
than you get it right here
Our prices on paper are uniform
ly low and the selection offered is
one no intending buyer can afford
to overlook
Come in and bring your room
measures and let us furnish you
estimates McCoNNELLdruggist
licenses issued
winner will contest with the Hoosier
top notonor in tho spiel business
Earl Ludwick was called down to
Nebraska City last of last week by
word that his brother Lewis was ill with
a threatened attack of typhoid fever
But upon reaching there ho found that
the fever had been broken and Lewis
was able to be up and is getting on OK
Earl arrived home Tuesday night
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings
nave oeen made since our last issue
Reported by C F Lehn real estate
loans insurance McCook Neb
T N Sexton to G Cook lot 14 and 15 in
block 8 Willow Grovo 575
Georgo Cook to W Stoiubrakor lot 14 and
15 in blocks Willow Grove C20
S Richmond to J W Jonnett lot Ul in
block 9 Lebanon 500
Lincoln Land Co to A Campbell lot 10 in
block 18 First McCook 1
J J Ogolzelka to P E McKillip qdc part
sections 32 and 33 4 26 and part sections 2
and a 5 20
L J Sims to I Nutt wd lots 16 and 17 in
block 8 Danbury 375
H V Lord to D Clouso wd lot 4 in block 5
Danbury 60
Lincoln Land Co to D C and J A Boyer
wd lot 13 in block 13 Danbury 35
D P Clouso to J HWicks wd lot 3 in block
9 Danbury 75
J L Sargent to J T Evers wd lots 11 und
12 in block 9 Danbury 750
Lincoln Land Co to J N Wicks wd part
Lincoln Land Co to S S Cass wd lot 14 in
block 6 Danbury 200
I Prico to E B Odell wd lot 16 in block 10
WostMcCook 35
M J Cordeal to Scott Odell wd lots 6 and 7
in block 10 AVost McCook 4 550
Clifford Naden to L L Lohu qcd part aVt
so H 19-1-27 1
D Clouse to M J Lord qcd lot 4 in block 5
Danbury 1
Clifford Nadon to W H Hethcoto qcd lots
15 and 16 in block 16 Danbury 1
J Strout to N B Silvers wd lot 3 in block
25 McCook 850
V Franklin to H J Bortner wd nw4 18 and
lot 4 7-4-29 9C0
since last
James DeLong 28 and Cora Haun 19
both of Danbury Married by the coun
ty judge
George W Dillon Jr 23 and Myrtle
E Brockway 17 both of Cedar Bluffs
Kansas Married by the county judge
May 1st
Edwin E Phillippi 26 and Frieda
Wilhelm 18 both of McCook
Judgment was entered up in the
ty court tms week against UharJes
Enoch for 861G9S in favor of I D Moore
for balance due on note of 1864
district court
Cases filed in the district court this
Daniel J McKillip vs Richard F Mc
Killip equity
P E McKillip vs Richard G McKil
lip suit on note
Two Heavy Rains This Week
In common with the rest of the state
Red Willow county has been blessed
this week with two splendid soaking
rains aggregating on Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights 306 inches according to
the Burlington guage at this station
Followed by warm weather all nature is
rapidly responding and putting on her
garment of green Small grain is tak
ing on renewed life and activity grass
is springing up fruit trees are blossom-
ing and every prospect delights the eye
and appeals to mans energy Corn
planting goes on merrily In fine the
transformation scene is complete and
Yorrick is himself again Wo all feel
Phillippi Wilhelm
Edwin A Phillippi and Freda Wil
helm were happily wedded Wednesday
at high noon at the home of the brides
parents Mr and Mrs C G Wilhelm 12
miles south of McCook Rev C RBetts
officiating A wedding dinner followed
the ceremony In the afternoon they
drove to the Phillippi farm over in
Valley Grange precinct where they were
warmly greeted by a company of Mc
Cook relatives and friends Edwin has
rented the farm which the happy cou
ple will occupy Both are highly es
teemed and have the congratulations
and best wishes of many friends
April Mortgage Record
Farm mortgages filed 13 1201917
released 22 2380610
Town and city mortgages filed 5
232070 released 6 246853
Chattel mortgages filed57 1486350
released 202 4404424
Total filings 2920337
Total releases 7031887
You can choose between ten styles of
ready made sunbonnets and nine styles
of bonnet chambrays at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
If your stove pipe or chimney is filled
with soot get some Rex coal from W C
Bullard It will clean the soot out
Tambour Irish point bobinet and
Nottingham lace curtains at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Trade at Diamonds clothing and shoe
store where you are not paying for other
peoples debts
Ferris waists for ladies misses and
children at The Thompson Dry Goods
Collar jewels in 15 colors now showing
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The spring is the best time to use a
good sarsaparilla Try McMillens
Boys and girls gauze union suits at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
McConnells sarsaparilla 1 per bottle
Buy your garden tools at Waites
Hark Sheldon Marries an Illinois Girl
The Savannah 111 Daily Journal of
April 20th contains a comnrehensivn ac
count of the wedding of Miss Edith
Graves of that place and Mark Sholdon
of our city which occurred on April 19th
in Savannah The young couple arrived
here this week after spending several
days with Illinois relatives and are
guests of his parents Mr and Mrs MV
Sheldon They expect to make their
home in Republican City as soon as a
homo can be secured in that place tho
groom being a Burlington brakeman
running out of that town The bride
will visit here a while with his parents
unma nomo can do secured These
most estimable and
excellent young peo
ple have the heartiest best wishes of a
host of friends
Worlds Record for Speed
Detroit Mich April 29 Official re
ports were received today showing that
the unprecedented speed of 1094 miles
an hour has been made by tho Michigan
Central train carrying President Led
yard and President Newman to Chicago
The remarkable time was made Wed
nesday between Brownsville and
field Ont 547 miles according to tho
duly verified statement of the train dis
patcher This establishes a worlds
record A pilot passed ahead of the
train and all crossings were guarded but
tne switcnes were not spiked nor tho
regular running of trains interrupted
Married on a Fast Train in Kansas
Henngton Kan March 1 Neal
Stammen an electrician of St Louis
and Miss Clara McCormick of Ramona
were married on the Chicago Rock Is
land Pacific express while it was
making the fifteen minute run from
Ramona to this place Friday Stam
men and a clergyman were aboard the
train when it reached Ramona and Miss
McCormick boarded it there The end
of a car was cleared and the ceremony
was performed while tho train was go
ing at a rate of fifty miles an hour The
bride and bridegroom proceeded toward
St Louis where they will reside
Inspector at U P Shops Gets a Promotion
Alexander M Whiteford piecewi rk
inspector at the Union Pacific shops has
been appointed superintendent of loco
motive and car shops for the Nebraska
division and will report directly to Su
perintendent of Motive Power W R Mc
Keen Jr Mr Whiteford came to the
Union Pacific from the Burlington 18
months ago having formerly been con
nected with the Burlington Sunday
World Herald
Above is a Drother of James F White
ford who formerly worked in the ma
chine shop here but is now an inspector
for thB Union Pacific at Omaha
Two in One
What is that That is the new buggy
at Colemans If you want a buggy or
a nice driving wagon all in one it is tho
tnmg to buy
Cow and Calf for Sale
Fresh Inquire at Ludwicks furni
ture store
For wall paper go to Cone Bros
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Heath Milligan gaint at Cone Bros
We want to be
your druggists Cono
I guarantee my concrete walks
McMillen has a large
stock of wall paper
and complete
Peggy-from-Paris hand bags at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Ladies percale wrappers
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
85c at The
A full stock of hose hose fittings and
and sprinklers at W T Colemans
You should see McMillens up-to-date
wall paper and get prices before buying
Another new lot of ladies neckwear
just received at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
McMillens prices as
signs and colorings in
please you
well as new de
wall paper will
Largest line of ladies neckwear
shown by us nearly double at
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Burn Rex coal and you will never have
your stove pipe or chimney lined with
soot Bullard sells it Phone No 1
The ladies guild of the Episcopal
church will sell pies cakes bread etc in
J H Grannis store Thursday of next
The Lincoln State Journal announces
the recent marriage of Miss Velma Bom
gardner formerly of our city and Mr J
Philbert Trexler
This week Dr A P Welles moved his
office into the handsome suite of rooms
in his new dwelling house just north of
the court house He however still re
tains an office over McMillens store
Mrs L F Griggs begs to announce
that she has accepted the local agency
for the celebrated Chas A Stevens
Bros ladies tailor made suits dress
patterns and ladies furnishing goods
and solicits your patronage
The fact that Charlie Bailey Jr had
reached his 11th milestone in life was
happily celebrated at the Bailey home
Monday evening with the aid of a com
pany of young friends Games refresh
ments etc made the evening replete with
The Methodists have sold their old
church to the Advent brethren consid
eration 800 Both congregations will
worship in the church until the new
Methodist church shall have been com
pleted The Advent people will paint
reshingle and otherwise improve their
property in the near future
nyw1iiuii nunmmjw iiiiht otV1
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Good Butter
L v
If Noah Had Lived In Nebraska
ho probably would not have had to
build tho ark but after a few days
uuu nigms 01 good old Nebraska
rain wo are positive that Mrs Noah
would have insisted that now is
tno timo to cloan house And had
she lived in McCook or vicinity
would have straightaway como to
us for floor paint white enamel for
tno refrigerator or bath tub
nisu stains or Japalac for some of
the older furniture aomo of tho fa
mous lleatn fc Milhgan paint for
tno nouse and selected a number of
our clioico patterns of wall
for the interior decoration
Wo know wo could have pleased g
Mrs Noah in all these things as wo
kuow wo can please every lady in
McCook And whon you buy of us
you get tho most value for your
money We invite you to trade with
us Conk Bros DruiHts
Coleman sells beet cultivators
Jewel gasoline stoves at Waito
The Tribune 52 weeks for 100
Garden and field seods at Waitos
Everything in drugs McConnell
Those sowing machines at Colemans
are of the very best
All colors and
qualities inmons un
derwear at Diamonds
you tried tho Y B nirrir
- -1
luauing iuc cigar on ttie markot
Mens black balbriggan under wear 35c
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
For tho best values in paints wall pa
per varnish stains enamel etc go to
Cono Bros
It is a deservedly popular articlo the
Y B 10c cigar Made and sold on honor
Smoke just one
Leave orders at Cone Bros drugstore
if you want I N Biggs to hang your
wall paper
Speaking of grafts would it surprise
you to learn that McCook is not lacking
in that modern luxury
Double fold yard wide woven dotted
Swiss for curtains 10c yard at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Additional new laces including more
of the repousse just received at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A good assortment of varnish stains
enamels household floor and buggy
paints at McMillens drug store
Wanted Young lady wishing to com
plete musical or college education Ad
dress X Y Z care The Tribune
The right thing in suit cases tele
scopes and valises as well as hand bags
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Wanted Man and wife with no
children to work on farm
Frank Stillman
Save your lives and property by using
B B non explosive compound
S D McClain Sole Agent
Wanted A compositor Fair wages
and steady work for a good compositor
The Tribune
Lost Brown and white female point
er had collar with name on nlate Re
W A Cassell
The Lincoln absolutely pure paint is
guaranteed for three years
A McMillen Druggist
S C W Leghorns exclusively eggs
125 per setting D C Benedict
Culbertson Neb
Why not use wood in your stove when
you want a hot fire for a short timp W
C Bullard has a large supply Phone 1
When shopping call and examine that
superb Argentine wear at W T Cole
mans The line is complete and the
Swifts Pride soap is perfectly made of
pure soap ingredients For all washing
purposes it is the most effective laundry
soap made
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
You will find the greatest variety of
garden and field seeds at Waites Buy
early while you have this large assort
ment to select from
The Red Cloud basket ball girls are
endeavoring to arrange for a game with
Franklin to be played the same day as
the McCook Red Cloud base ball game
May 11
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tribunes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Poor paint looks as good when new as
the better paints but it dont last
Economy is in buying the best We
guarantee the Sherwin Williams paint
as good as made
McConnell druggist