The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1904, Image 1

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Government Dismisses the Case
The Lincoln Journul of last Saturday
announces the fact that tho government
haB dismissed its case against R E
JDutton formerly of our city but now
living in Lincoln and who was arrested
a year or two sinco and charged with
using tho United States mails unlaw
fully as a mind healer etc Judge
Mungor of Omaha delivers the opinion
which is in part as follows
In this case tho grand jury presont
nn indictment containing three counts
charging a violation of section 5480 of
the revised statutes as amended March
N2 1809 25 Stats 873 U S Compiled
Stats Vol 3 page 3G9G
A demurrer has been interposed to
each count of the indictment Tho first
count is had for duplicity The first
count charges that in pursuance of a
scheme to defraud tho defendant re
ceived and took from tho postofiico at
Lincoln Nob a large number of letters
towit 500 letters addressed to the said
R E D ut ton at Lincoln Neb Each
Jetter taUen out and each letter put into
tho mail constitutes a separate and dis
tinct violation of the statute U S vs
Martin 28 Fed 812 U S vs Clark ot al
125 Fed 92 in Henry 123 U S 372
Tho scheme to defraud as set forth in
the soverni counts of tho indictment is
in character tho samo as the scheme in
tho case of the American School of
U S 94
held that
For theso
sustained to
Healing vs MoAnnulty 187
in which the supreme court
it was not a violation of the
reasons the demurrer is
each count of the indict-
This disposes of the charge made
against Mr Dutton His arrest was
similar to that of Helen Williams of Sea
Breeze Fla editor of Freedom She
was fined 55000 and sentenced to two
years in tho penitentiary for fraudulent
use of the mails and her case is in tho
circuit court of appeals She had a big
array of legal talent to defend her but
was cinched
Captain Billingsley attorney for Dut
ton says tho ruling of Judge Munger is
of much importance to all healers in
this territory as it removes a charge
which has been made against them gen
erally Lincoln Journal
A Change In Management
Monday morning Duane Smith went
into the Bullard lumber office to learn
the ropes as the future manager of that
concern C W Keys the present
manager expects to leave for Wilson
ville early in May to assume charge of
the lumber yards at that place and at
Hendley Tho new yards will be con
ducted under the name of C W Keys
Co with Mr Keys as manager He
will have the best wishes of many friends
in Red Willow county for his continued
prosperity over in the Beaver Valley
This week the boys in the yard here are
taking an inventory preparatory to turn
ins over the business to Mr Smith Mr
Smith in addition to being a first class
mechanic has fine business ability and
education and will doubtless make Mr
Bullard an efficient manager Mr Keys
goes into tho concern with an interest in
the business as well as tho active mana
Harris Elliott Wedding
Mr Alfred Harris and Miss Mary El
liott both of our city were made hus
band and wife by Rev G A Conrad of
the Congregational church Wednesday
evening April 13th the ceremony unit
ing these young people being performed
at the home of Fred Billings in this
city The young friends are both well
known to many McCook people and
they have the very hearty well wishes
of all for their happiness and prosperity
They go to Trenton Missouri where
her parents live on a wedding trip
Civil Service Examinations
The United States civil service com
mission has announced an examination
to be held at Lincoln Omaha and Grand
Island on May 3 and 4 for the purpose
of securing eligibles from which to fill a
vacancy in the position of draftsman in
tho ordinance department at large at
the Rock Island arsenal Illinois at a
salary of 900 a year and other similar
vacancies as they may occur Persons
desiring to compete should apply either
to the civil service commission at Wash
ington or to the secretary of the local
board of examiners
For Rent
A very pleasant parlor with bed room
and closet adjoining east and south
front veranda fine lawn and shade
Also barn room for one or two horses and
buggy Apply to V Sheldon at the
place third block north of the Catholic
church M V Sheldon
We have everything needed for the
little jobs of painting you intend doing
See our color cards and learn our prices
McConnell druggist
That display of harness at W T Cole
mans is attracting no little attention
If you want a good article at a reason
able price you will do well to investi
gate his stock first
Long kimonos short kimonos dress
ing sacques and wrappers in newest
styles just received at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Two toned allover laces in very choice
and handsome patterns just received by
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The Dorcas society will meet with
MrsVHSollidaynext Thursday after
noon at 230 oclock
Sun bonnets at Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Go to Cone Bros for wall paper
Detroit vapor stoves at Waites
uei uaiu mi
Three packages of fresh seeds at
W T Colemans foe - only five
cents Just like finding them
m iWM llirn nii liQimfflirnglli Willi
Out the Old In the New
Monday evening the old board met in
regular sessiou and canvassed the result
of the last city election v The following
were declared elected
F M Rathbun mayor
W S Perry councilman
U J Uyan councilman
C A Ward councilmau
C I Hall city clerk
A C Ebert city treasurer
S C Beach city engineer
H II Berry police judge
R B Archibald school director
E H Doan sehoi 1 director
After declaring the result of the late
election the old city government be
came a matter of history tho officers
elect assumed their respective offices and
the new regime was on
Mayor Rathbun announced tho ap
pointment of the following regular
standing committees
Finance Ryan Ward
Fire Osborn Ryan
Streets and Alleys Perry Ward
Light Ryan Ward
Ordinances Perry Ward
Cemetery and Health Osborn Perry
Tho appointments of the following
officers were confirmed by the council
Chief of Police C B Gray
City Attorney J S LeIIew
City Teamster J P Ekstedt
Cemetery Sexton T Z Wallace
City Park Gardener C B Rowell
Ladies Cemetery Committee Mrs E
M Easterday Mrs Augusta Anton Mrs
H P Waite
C J Ryan was chosen as president of
the council
Bond of Police Judge Berry was ap
proved The report of the police udge
for year just ended was referred to
finance committee
Claim of McCook Brick Co was re
ferred to finance committee
Claim of J H Stephens was allowed
at S310
Following claims were allowed
John Ekstedt 10 75
Ed Fitzucrald 50 00
McCook Loan and Trust Co 75 00
Hammond Printing Co 2 70
J S LpHow 3 00
C WBarnes 3 00
GLBurney 3 00
CF Lehn 3 00
T MPhillippi 3 00
Charles H Jacobs 3 00
George J Burgess 3 00
Louis Tborgrimson 3 00
FDBurgess t 3 00
W H Harmon 3 00
RMOsborn 7 85
Hendricks Lathrop 3 00
A J Markwad 7 25
McCook Republican 8 50
WC Bullard 75
Barnott Lumber Co 6 00
Richard Osborn 2 00
Charles E Cone 2 50
SamPickard 2 50
H H Tartsch 45
McCook Electric Light Co 87 60
Council adjourned
Double Wedding at Alliance
Alliance April 13 At the home of
John RyPhelan superintendent of the
Burlington at this place Tuesday night
Miss Edith Phelan and Mr C C Barker
and Miss Clara Phelan and Mr C E
Marks were joined in the holy bonds of
wedlock by the Rev Bernard Clark
Mr and Mrs Barker will spend their
honeymoon in the west while Mr and
Mrs Marks will make an extended trip
through the east Omaha News 13th
The Curfew Law
Hereafter in purance of ordinance No
92 known as the Curfew Ordinance
three short blows of the electric light
whistle will be given at 930 oclock in
the evening and the police have been
notified to strictly enforce the ordinance
Parents and guardians of children under
16 years of age are requested to assist in
the observance of this ordinance
M Rathbun Mayor
Cemetery Lot Owners
The season for lawn sprinkling begins
April 15th As water cannot be used on
lots until the water tax has been paid
all owners of lots in Fairview cemetery
are requested to call at the office of the
city treasurer and pay the tax sr water
can be turned on their lot from com
mencement of the season Trustees
Notice to Clean Up-
The property owners of tho city are
hereby notified o promptly clean up all
refuse matter and debris on and about
their properties in the city
C B Gray Street Commissioner
H P Waite has taken his brother
Ed S Waite into partnership in the Mrs
hardware business in this city Tho
new firm will be known as H P Waite
Co They enjoy a prosperous busi
Last Fridays wind and dust storm
was one of the fiercest we have exper
ienced in years The wind was cold and
amounted to a gale in strength while
the dust was extremely dense and dis
The full line of rugs and carpets
by one of the largest houses will he
shown at Pade Sons April 18 and
19 -
American Beauty auze corsets gir
dles and waists Money back after four
weeks actual wear if unsatisfactory
Sold only by The Thompson Dry Goods
Joe Mokko has been transferred from
the master mechanics office to the office
of the superintendent where he will
continue to keep the enginemens time
New medallions for trimming collar
frames just received in white ecru and
two toned at The Thompson Dry Goods
Mens nobby worsted suits 1000 to
1350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Veblie Berry is homo on a visit
Mrs J F Kenyon was a Lincoln
visitor Tuesday
Dan Cashen has been over from Dan
bury part of the week
Roy Dutton is homo from Lincoln on
a visit to the homefolks
Bert D Hill is now cutting meat for
a market in Weiser Idaho
Miss Galktta Miller is the guest of
Mrs H D Bayles this week
Mrs Louise Scranton is the guest of
Mrs M G Stephenson this week
Miss Marjorie Norris returned to
her home in Hastings Tuesday night
W H Carr late with the McCook
Electric Light Co has gone to Harvard
Miss Bertha Schobel loft close of
last week for Denver where a sister re
Miss Coral White was at Edison
with relatives and friends over tho vaca
tion timer
Miss Gertrude Colvin made a flying
visit to Central City during the vacation
of a few days
Ed Byfield is home from Franklin
this week spending the spring vacation
with the homefolks
James Brady arrived home Monday
from a delightful visit of ten days to his
son Edwin J in Denver
Archie J Utter is assisting in tho
office of C H Boyle He is an expert
insurance and real estate clerk
Fred Pennell was with the Pythian
orchestra in Red Cloud Wednesday
night at the big Pythian doings
Frank Freelove who has been quite
ill with an attack of pneumonia is now
able to be out and about again
Misses Lillie and Ruth Campbell
were with Franklin friends during the
brief spring vacation last week
James A Miller of Culbertson was
in townTuesday on matters of business
He is a former Red Willow county citi
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell ar
rived home Sunday night from a short
visit to Mr and Mrs E E Magee in
Mrs Martin Thorgrimson and Miss
Clara went down to Lincoln Sunday
night on No 6 returning home on No3
Monday night
Mrs M E Petty who has been the
guest of her son A E Petty for a few
months departed on Thursday for her
home in Michigan
O G Vahue of Allegan Michigan
arrived here close oflast week and is
with his son Ray on the farm over in
Valley Grange precinct
Mrs T L Park who has been the
guest of her sister Mrs H A Beale for
several weeks will leave for Wichita
Kansas Saturday much improved in
Mrs JD Hare and Master Max will
leave for Chicago Saturday to be ab
sent a good part of the summer Her
daughter Miss Hazel is studying music
in Chicago
Mrs C Richard Betts and Miss
Swanson entertained the Junior society
of the Baptist church at the parsonage
Tuesday afternoon A lunch was served
and a good time thrown in
J C Mitchell arrived from Chicago
early in the week and on Weduesday
morning resumed his bench in Leachs
store Jim has been doing post graduate
wprk in optics at the Northwestern uni
versity this winter besides some practi
cal work in that line under one of Chi
cagos best opticians Welcome back
Mrs A E Petty and Mrs F APeo
nell received in honor Mrs M E Petty
at the home of Mrs A E Petty last
Friday afternoon from 2 30 to G oclock
Invitations wore sent out to about eighty
guests The decorations were in pink
and white carnations the flowers
Mrs W B Mills and Mrs J GSchobel
received at the door and ushered Mrs
H H Tartsch and Mrs H C Clapp
served at the table and were assisted
by Mrs W P Bross and Mrs Marie
Mundy The home was darkened and
light was artificially received from white
and pink candles in pretty candelabra
It was a very enjoyable affair despite
the weather
Mrs Charlotte Brewer and Mrs W
B Mills entertained a large company of
lady friends Wednesday afternoon at
Brewers homeat progressive high-
five Mrs Elizabeth Walker of Boone
Iowa Mrs Walter Stokes Mrs C R
Liggett Mrs J E Kelley and Mrs Al
bert McMillen assisted A three course
luncheon was served The decorations
were in pink and green large bouquets
of carnations were placed in the various
rooms of the residence Ten tables were
occupied by guests at cards Mrs GR
Snyder won the honors and Mrs Adele
Phelan was second best both received
large and handsome bouquets of carna
tions It was a clever and delightful
social function
W To rightly paper nowadays
A means more than choosing an
L attractive side wallborder and
L ceiling modern decorative
ideas are involved Rooms
should be papered with a view
to their furnishings and use
and in harmony with adjoining
rooms Inexpensive papers
rightly used will often yield
better results than more costly
ones wrongly applied
We keep posted as to the latest
ideas and we have the paper to
carry out these ideas Call and
talk over your spring papering andi
see our line Mcuonnell druggist
Program County Teachers Association
Below wo give the program of the Red
Willow County Teachers association to
be hold in Beardsleea opera house In
dianola Saturday afternoon April 23rd
commencing at 1 30 oclock
Business meeting
Song High School Chorus
Echoes from N E A
Papers by Vancho Plumb and Mabol Wilcox
Song High School Quartetto
LuiiRuago in Primary Grades TEna Gamsby
Discussion Resolved That the present
srhool systom in Rod Willow county
bottorsorvos tho peoplo than high schools
located in various communities
Supt G H Thomas and Prof J I Burwell
Song High School Quartette
Somo of the frequent mistakes of a teacher
as viowed by a school board Frank Mooro
Address State Supt W K Fowlor
Song Indianolu Male Quartetto
Arrangements have been to have Prof
Harry T Sutton of Bethany College of
Oratory deliver his lecture on Shakes
peares Macbeth in the evening of April
Zdra xeacners wno pay tno associa
tion membership fee may secure reserved
seats at an extra charge of ten cents
Admission to all others is 25 and 35
It is hoped that every teacher in Red
Willow county will make an effort to at
tend this meeting Committee
A New President
On account of continued ill health and
inability to transact business either for
the bank or himself George Hocknell of
Los Angeles Calif who has been presi
dent of the Fiist National Bank of our
city since its organization has resigned
and Supt A Campbell who has been a
member of the board of directors and a
stockholder since the organization of the
bank has been elected to tho position
While it is to be regretted that Mr
Hocknell s health is such as to make ex
pedient his resignation from active offi
cial service in the bank the First Na
tional people are to be congratulated
upon securing Supt Campbell as the
head of the establishment which has
grown to be the leading financial house
in Southwestern Nebraska There is an
advantage in the fact that the new pres
ident resides in McCook while Mr
Hocknells large business interests in
Southern California have required his
presence there most of the time for
Dewey Jury Going Crazy
Norton Kansas April 13 G L Le
count one of the jurors who sat on the
Dewey Berry murder trial and who re
sides northwest of town was brought to
Norton last night in a demented condi
tion He will be tried this afternoon be
fore Judge G N Kingsbury for insanity
Lecount imagines that his neighbors and
everybody else has it in for him and
wants to do him personal violence He
had armed himself with a revolver Two
others who sat on the Dewey Berry jury
are said to be acting queerly
A number of the jurors have received
threats through the mails that they
would be punished for the verdict re
turned and have been notified to leave
the county Denver Times 13th
District Court Proceedings
Lizzie Kraft et al vs William Lewis
et al suit for damages
Alfred C Nettleton vs J W Little
J I Case T M Co vs Hari Meyer
and F H Bonger suit on note
Peter J Hickman vs Maud M Hick
man divorce
Gaar Scott Co vs F D and F M
Kennedy attachment
Wall Paper Paints and Oils
We kindly invite you to visit our
store and see the new line of wall paper
the latest designs in one or two room
exclusive patterns In mixed paints
we handle the Lincoln guaranteed In
enamels varnish stains buggy paints
etc a large assortment
A McMillen druggist
Buy Lime and Sulpher Dip Ready Made
Safer and better Endorsed by gov
ernment Used by largest ranchmen of
this country Doesnt burn the eyes
Saves boiling vats Boiling of lime eats
them out quickly 48 gallon barrel S12
Also have 2 horse steam boiler 35 3
horse 40 for heating water Rex Stock
Food Co Dept A Omaha Neb
The Wesleyan Quartette No 2 of the
Nebraska Wesleyan University will give
an entertainment in the M C church
Monday night April 18 under the aus
pices of the Epworth League Admis
sion 15 and 25 cents The League profit
goes into the new church fund
The open season for ducks geese and
other wild water fowl will close tonight
at midnight The closed season on water
fowl and jacksnipe is from April 15 to
September 1 The closed season on wild
pigeons doves and plover begins today
and closes October 30
The marriage of Frank Schamel and
Bessie Carey was consummated last
week Both are well known young peo
ple living south of the city Rev Mason
performed the ceremony at the school
house about ten miles south of McCook
The retrenchment executioner is still
doing business at the old stand More
men have been let out of the machine
shop and round house this week and
seven men from the repair track will be
let out of the service today
New lace collars for the neck and for
the shoulders just received in beautiful
variety in blacks creams ecrus and
whites at TheThompson Dry Goods Cos
It will -pay you to see the rugs
and carpets Monday and Tuesday
next at Pade Sons
waists for ladies misses and
at The Thompson Dry Goods
Buy your garden tools at Waites
Licenses to wed havo been issued as
follows sinco our last report
Frances A Schamel and Bessie O
Carey both of McCook
Perry Hennison and Mary Premerboth
of Bartley
Isaac Kurtz and Sarah Divinoy both
of Indianola Married by county judeo
April 6th
Burton Sheldon and Minta Sly both
of McCook
Arnold FWheeler and Mary E Adair
both of Bartley
flonry Roiners and Charlotte Crocker
both of Indianola
James P Rasmussen and Laura
Sheets both of Lebanon Married by
tho county judge April 11th
Alfred Harris and Mary Elliott both
of McUook
Jacob Wishon of Danbury and Eliza
Nothnagel of McCook
Albert Newell of Alexandria Neb
and Ada B Cutler of Pana Illinois
William A Stone and Bertha D
Wolfe both of Box Elder
ludwicks Carpet and Rug Sale a Success
Today is the fifth day of Ludwick
Sons ten day carpet and rugsale Never
before have so many beautiful and ex
pensive rugs been placed in tho homes
of our city in this length of time Those
S35 9xl2 wilton velvet rugs seem to bo
the favorite with the buyers judging
from the number that havo been sold
Tho 9x12 oriental body brussels at 25
and the 9x12 axminsters in beautiful
floral effects have been close seconds
showing that our people are willing to
buy the best when the selection at the
proper prices is to had The display of
tapestry brussels rugs at S14 is fine and
are exceptional values as are all the
other grades down to the cheapest The
showing of brussels carpets which are
sold at 15 per cent discount ingrain car
pets and art squares is of endless variety
There are over 230000 worth of rugs
and carpets on display and the firm ex
tends to you a cordial invitation to come
and see it oven if you have no notion of
Senator Dietrich is Held Blameless
The special committee of the U S
senate appointed to investigate the
charges made against Senator Dietrich
in connection with Hastings postofiico
has just made its report in which they
unanimously exonerate tho senator
from any blame in the matter
The last paragraph of the report states
Upon full consideration of all tho evi
dence the committee is of the opinion
that Senator Dietrich has not been guil
ty of any violation of the statutes of the
United States or any corrupt or un
9ofthy conduct relating either to the
appointment of Jacob Fisher as post
master at Hastings Neb or tho leasing
of the building in question to the United
for the purposes of a postofiico
A Quiet Home Wedding
Rev G A Conrad performed a quiet
wedding ceremony at the home of Mr
and Mrs Ralph Cutler Thursday even
ing uniting in marriage Mr Albert F
Newell of Alexandria Nebraska and
Miss Ada B Cutler of Pana Illinois a
sister of the Cutler brothers None but
the immediate members of the family
were present They expect to leave for
Alexandria next Monday to make their
home on the farm near there the groom
being a prosperous young farmer of that
neighborhood Tho bride formerly
taught school there May their married
life be happy
Buy Lime Sulpher Dip Ready Made
It is safer and better is made under
supervision of a chemist is endorsed by
government and state complies fully
with the recent state regulations Save
trouble and expense and buy it ready
made 48 gallon barrel 12 10 gallon
can 450 1 gallon makes 16 gallons
Write to Rex Stock Food Company
Dept A Omaha Neb
To the Ladies of McCook
Mrs Reynolds will arrive in McCook
on Monday to remain all week and in
vites the ladies of McCook to call upon
her at the Palmer hotel Mrs Rey
nolds has for sale toilet articles hair
switches pompadours etc Will dress
hair shampoo etc See her at the New
Cheap Irrigated Lands Small Payments
For sale or rent between Sterling and
Ft Morgan Colo Best water rights
Best of soil for sugar beets potatoes and
Imperial Land and Storage Co
630 17th St Denver Colo
The Conquered
Who are lifes victors who won the
success of a day The Martyrs or Nero
The Spartans who fell at Thermopoles
tryst or the Persians and Xerxes His
judges or Socrates Pilate or Christ
Alfalfa Hay and Seed
For sale Call on phone or write Mrs
S E Christian McCook Neb Phone
It is expected to soon begin charging
the storage batteries of the dining cars
which lay over at this place A small
dynamo with voltameter rheostat etc
are already on the ground and a gentle
man is expected soon from Lincoln to
install them and get them in running
Those 22 inch washable bengalines in
eight colors at 20c yard are one of the
seasons big successes For sale only by
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Notwithstanding tho dry weather
Coleman has been selling the popular
Western Bell and John Deere listers
right along
Mens very nobby suit cases for 2C0
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Use McConnells sarsaparilla for all
blood and skin diseases
Boys suits 85c to 500
son Dry Goods Co
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
p jgKS
Good Butter
Scale books
4 40
spring Time
This is the house cleaning season
emu u wish iu announco tiiac our
stock of paints oils varnishes
enamels etc is one of tho best ever
shown in McCook and tho prices
tho lowest consistent with good
Our wall paper stock is also com
plete and well assorted and con
sists of all crades from 5c nor holt
to the best high grado florals tap-
estries and crown patterns You
will not regrot seoing our wall
paper stock beforo buying
Conk Bros dructrists
It is Mayor Rathbun now
Jewel gasoline stoves at Waitos
Garden and field seeds at Waitos
Going to paint Seo Cono Bros
Garden and field seeds at Waitos
Everything in drugs McConnell
Plenty 5c prints in stock Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Alfalfa millet and caiio seed in
abundance at W T Colemans
Typewriter papers
The Tieihune
Lost Bunch of 4 keys Monday evon
g Finder please return to this office
-Girl for general housework
Mrs George Willetts
Ladies gauze union suits gauze vests
gauze knee pants at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Tn llQintr AlriVlillnn i
run no risk money
s couch cure you
refunded if not
Tho ladies of the Christian church
will conduct an exchange at tho Odell
store next Saturday afternoon
Lost Brown and white femalo point-
er had collar with name on plate Re
ward W A Cassell
Seo our wall paper stock and then
look around if you think it worth while
McConnell druggist
Wanted A girl for general house
work Inquire at No 511 Marshall St
Mrs M S Calhoun
Wanted Man and wife with no
children to work on farm
Frank Stilljian
For Sale or Rent Abstract books
of Red Willow county
J E Barngrover Creston Iowa
The latest in box paper writing tab
lets pencil tablets and school supplies
A McMillen Druggist
Ideal waists aro the only waists and
we are their prophet Best styles best
fit best values Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Its about time for a new refrigerator
And Coleman has the best and most
up-to-date the market affords Call
and see them
No more blue Mondays after you use
Swifts Pride Soap Good in hard water
and good in soft water Order today for
Mondays washing
You will find the greatest variety of
garden and field seeds at Waites Buy
early while you havo this large assort
ment to select from
Remember the rug and carpet
sale Monday and Tuesday April 18
and 19 at Pade Sons
And Coleman has the old reliable and
ever excellent Quick Meal gasoline
stoves Nothing equal to them in the
market This years are better than ever
Indianola has decided to dispense with
the Eleventh grade in her public schools
in future In the average town they are
more ornamental and expensive than
useful and profitable
Latest novelties in waist sets hair or
naments side combs back combs stray
lock retainers hat and bonnet pins
shawl pins and other notions at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tribunes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Do you know That cream testing 35
to 40 will stay sweet longer than cream
testing 25 to 30 Well its a fact And
this reminds us that it is of first import
ance that our patrons use every method
to secure the highest test It pavs best
W T Coleman
The ladies of the Baptist church will
give a box supper at the Odd Fellows
hall over Jfettys shoe store baturday
evening April lutn A good program
will be rendered and an up-to-date good
time will be thrown in The general
public invited
Buys Cream From Any Separator
Say my friend where are you
selling your cream Remember
that W T Coleman buys cream
from any separator His test is
satisfactory Try the Hygeia
Creamery Co a monthand you be
come a permanent patron