The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 08, 1904, Image 8

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III ti iV
Ho a hungry man but not so the steak
chop or piece of roast that is handed
out to him If its tough and stringy
iao ono can blame a hungry man for say
iing things about the butcher the cook
tand the meat that wouldnt look nice in
When the
Man Is
then indeed does quality count highly
And if ho has to rely on tidbits and
Sancy dishes to tempt his appetite he
will fully appreciate the meat we send
out to our customers
Our Monday rain was a nico one
Last Friday was potato day it being
Good Friday
Elmer Austin was visiting at Dan
tbury last Sunday
We had our Easter rain now you want
Zo look out for the mud
The Matson boys are still shelling
corn for Powell Nilsson
D H Steel had a small runaway last
Thursday but uo damage was done
J C LalFerty did not get his wheat
load out last week but ho is going to try
nt again this week if it dont rain too
Pew Bros one of the most successful
feeders of the Beaver valley are ship
ping three cars of sheep to St Joe this
C C Pew drove to McCook last Sat
urday to meet his wife who returned
Srorn her extended visic at Ft Morgan
W E White recpived two more in
cubators last week lie is running three
f the 100 egg size now and is going to
Taise turkies
The little baby of W V Miller was
taken suddenly sick Sunday with croup
and thay had to call Dr Robinson and
fit was with hard work they saved the
Hittlo one but it is much better now
Mr Cashen has been very sick but is
getting better
Dr Ilill of McCook was out our way
Tuesday doctoring cattle for Clyde Mar
Mr Spaulding of the Willow shipped
his fat cattle to Omaha Monday He
-went with them
It rained Easter Sunday and that
means seven wet Sundays which would
mean a wheat crop
The writer is in receipt of a letter from
Frank Sherman They are all well but
think Red Willow the best
Ida Modrell is still under the doctors
care The friends and neighbors of Mr
Modrell and family hope to see Miss
Jda get well soon
Wo were pleased to read Frances Mc
Chesneys letter in The Tribune The
writer and family are friends of Mrs
McChesney and family and we are
lad they like their new home So they
will know who wrote this I will sign
3nvself the butter man
Walks Without Crutches
I was much afflicted with sciatica
writes Ed C Xud Iowaville Sedgwick
county Kansas going about on
crutches and suffering a deal of pain I
was induced to try Ballards Snow Lini
ment which relieved me I used three
bottles It is the greatest liniment I
ever used have recommended it to a
number of personsall express themselves
as being benefitted by it I now walk
without crutches able to perform a
great deal of light labor on the farm
50c and 1 bottle at A McMillens
Tired Quit
Ti i t ri vimi y ii n ijimMin ml
I was verv DOorlv and could
2 hardly get about the house I was
urea out an tne time men i tried
Ayers Sarsaparilla and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well Mrs N S Swin
ney Princeton Mo
Tired when you go to
bed tired when you get
up tired all the time
Why Your blood is im
pure thats the reason
You are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion Take Ayers
Sarsaparilla and be
quickly cured
SI90 a boflle
All drunsts
Ask yonr doctor -what ho thinks of Ayers
Sarsaparilla He knows all about this Brand
old family medicine Follow his advice and
we will be satisfied
J c Atek Co Lowell Mass
Rev Halberslabon is very ill with ap
Mrs Elmer Thompson was a Cam
bridge visitor Sunday
I M Beardsleo and wife were down
from McCook this week
Mrs Floyd Welborn of Denver visited
this week with relatives
Rena Epperley of Bartley is spending
the week hero with her siBter
Mary McDonnell of Republican City
is here visiting with home folks
Clarence McCord moved into the old
Woodman hall first of the week
Fore3t Harrison and Georgia Short
were McCook visitors last Saturday
Fred Sheets moved this week into the
house vacated by Clarence McCord
A peanut party was given at the home
of I R Andrews last Friday evening
Nettie McCool visited the latter part
of last week with friends in Cambridge
Dick Dempster of Republican City is
hero visiting his sister Mrs Tim Haley
Nettie Endsleyof McCook visited over
Sunday with Wm McCool and family
Oscar Teel and daughter of Red
Cloud are here visiting Inends and rela
Ena Gamsby begun her duties as
teacher in the primary department here
Fred Vering accompanied by his son
and daughter drove to the county seat
Bertha Hedges visitsd last week with
friends in McCook returning home
Sunday morning
Frank Croemel went down to Bloom
ington Sunday morning returning
Tuesday evening
Some of the Odd Fellows went to
Cambridge Sunday to attend the
funeral of Mr Bennett
The Curts Dramatic Co showed here
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday nights
to a full house each night
A large number of the young people
of Bartley and Danbury attended the
show here Tuesday evening
A very pretty Easter program was
rendered last Sunday evening at the M
E church to a crowded house
Alta Hager has resigned her position
as primary teacher here and has accept
ed a position in the Kearney school
Mr Coleman of Iowa a brother in
law of W H Allen has purchased
Wesley Harrisons farm east of town
Mrs Nelson returned to her home in
Trenton Sunday evening afrer a short
visit with her sister-in-law Mrs Law
Bessie Walkington came up from
Cambridge last Friday evening and
visited until Sunday with her friend
Delia Andrews
Messrs Corbin Wm McCool J W
Dolan Harlow Keyes E Crabtree and
S R Smith attended the Republican
county convention at McCook last Sat
Misses Laura Owens Jennie Barr
Nettie McCool Flora Quick Clarissa
and Ida Dolan and Messrs Will and
Clarence Dolan Milo Ough and Prof
Casner attended the lecture at McCook
last Saturday evening
A Great Sensation
There was a big sensation in Lees
ville Ind when W H Brown of that
place who was expected to die had his
life saved by Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption He writes I endur
ed insufferable agonies from asthma but
your New Discovery gave me immediate
relief and soon thereafter effected a
complete cure Similar cutps of con
sumption pneumonia bronchitis and
grip are numerous Its the peerless
remedy for all throat and lung troubles
Price 50 cents and 1 Guaranteed by
LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles
Jake Betz has a new harness now
J W Corner took some potatoes to
McCook Saturday
Alva Simmerman who was kicked by
a horse is improving
J Kelley is able to be around some
He was hurt last week when his team
ran off
J Kelley took took a load of potatoes
to McCook Tuesday He has about one
hundred bushels
H H Bandy of Missouri bought the
James Kelley farm He and his family
moved onto it this week We bid them
a hearty welcome
On Tuesday evening the young people
of the neighborhood gathered at the
home of J W Corner and spent a very
pleasant time in social conversation
music and songs until the announce
ment came oysters are now ready in
the dining room Then there was a
change in the program They all had a
fine time
Robbed The Grave
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows
I was in an awful condition My skin
was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue
coated pain continually in back and
sides no appetite growing weaker day
by day Then I was advised to use
Electric Bitters to my great joy the
first bottle made a decided improvement
I continued their use for three weeks
and am now a well man I know they
robbed the grave of another victim
No one should fail to try them Only 50
cents guaranteed at L W McConnells
drug store
Dry weather haunts us now
H I Peterson is doing the assessing
in Grant precinct
Harvey Rowland has been hauling his
wheat to Cedar Bluffs the past week
Potato planting is one of the indus
tries in this neighborhood these days
Jake Wesh and wife are up northwest
visiting and John H and August Jr
are baching it
H I Peterson B W Benjamin and
W H Benjamin were delegates to the
Republican county convention
Garden and field seeds at Waites i
- - l uitww
Lemon Fletcher are painting for J
K McDowell this week
Percy Catlett was injured by a vicious
cow last Sunday evening
Mathews fe Williams are in Indianola
this week plastering for Mr Iladley
Mr Grimes wife and daughter arrived
from Pennsylvania Friday morning
Ed Curlee and wife went to Lincoln
last week where they will make their
Mrs Percy Catlett is visiting with her
parents I W Stevens and wife near
The new star route from Lebanon to
Bartley makes much extra labor for our
The Easter exercises at the Christian
church were pronounced excellent by a
large audience
O V Ault purchased paint in our vil
lage last week for his fine house in Al
liance precinct
C E Mathews finished a fine job of
plastering Thursday for Mr Lewis five
miles south of Bartley
Election passed off quietly F G
StilgebouerGeorge Theobald and James
Sipe were elected members of the board
S W Clark has distributed the ques
tion sheet of the new assessment law
It resembles an Australian ballot on a
presidential election year
Lyman Jennings has bought the Rol
lings aud Cowles buildings on Commer
cial avenue and will remodel them soon
fitting them up for a hotel and two bus
iness rooms
Herbine Cures
Fever and ague A dose will usually
stop a chill a continuance always cures
MrsWm M Stroud Midlothian Texas
May 31 1903 writes We have used
Herbine in our family for eight years
and found it the best medicine we have
ever used for lagrippe bilious fever and
malaria 50c a bottle at A McMillens
77s a Priceless Treasure
Beauty is womans greatest charm The
world adores beautiful women A pretty
woman dreads maternity for fear of losing
this power What can be done to perpetu
ate the race and keep women beautiful
There is a balm used by cultured and un
cultured women in the crisis Husbands
should investigate this remedy in order
to reassure their wives as to the ease
with which children can be born and
beauty of form and figure retained
Mothers Frieze
is the name by which this preparation is
known It diminishes the pain allied to
motherhood Used throughout pregnancy
it relieves morning sickness cures sore
breasts makes elastic all tendons called
upon to hold the expanding burden
Muscles soften and relax under its influ
ence and the patient anticipates favorably
the issue in the comfort thus bestowed
Mothers Friend is aliniment for ex
ternal application It is gently rubbed
over the parts so severely taxed and being
absorbed lubricates all the muscles
Druggists sell it for i per bottle You
may have our book notherhood free
Bg ISCUEf mm
Dan Cashen is circulating a petition
for a saloon
James Sims shipped two loads of hogs
to St Joe this week
A brother of Dan Cashen from Iowa
is visiting him for a week
Ex Surveyor Wilson of Missouri is vis
iting at James Williams
The election resulted in the election
of one whiskey man one temperance and
one neuter gender man
Rev Pogue delivers the baccalaureate
on commencement and Philip Gliem the
instructions to the graduating class
James Williams county surveyor sur
veyed the north half of sec 16-11-28 for
Aaron Redfern Also the n hf swqr 16
Dr DeMay reports the following on
the sick list MrsBillings Oscar Miller
Mr3 Grant Cathcart Miss Phillis Sar
gent and Wm Speers
Mrs Bariteau nee Logan former mil
liner at this place was married a few
days ago at Seattle Washington Her
manyfriends wish her a happy life
Mrs Burwell and Miss Maud Eno
formulated and assisted in the exhibition
of the best program at the M E church
on Easter eve that was ever rendered in
Mr Morgan has been compelled to add
another clerk to his force on account of
the great increase in his trade Rollo
DeMay is the lucky young man He in
vites all his lady friends in to see him
Prof Burwell says that he has students
in his room that can read Latin just as
readily as they can English One of our
business men replied I have no doubt
of it for my daughter is fifteen and she
cant read English yet If the village
marshal will keep the professors chick
ens off my garden it may save me from
using a few Latin words Fiat lux
Do It Today
The time worn injunction Never put
off til tomorrow what you can do today
is now generally presented in this form
Do it today That is the terse advice
we want to give you about that hacking
cough or demoralizing cold with which
you have been struggling for several
days perhaps weeks Take some reliable
remedy for it today and let that rem
edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup
which has been in use for over thirty
five years A few doses of it will un
doubtedly relieve your cough or cold
and its continued use for a few days will
cure you completely No matter how
deep seated your cough even if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs
German Syrup will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless cases of lung trouble
New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c
L W McConnell
Ida Modrell is better
Mrs Fred Carter is on the sick list
Mary Uhren is working for Mrs Mc
Clain at McCook
Stephen Bolles Jr has decided to
try Nebraska this year
A few of the young folks ate Easter
eggs together last Sunday
Clara Smith was calling on the sick
in this neighborhood Monday
James Beebe and wife were the guests
of Paul Stone and family Monday
The farmers of this locality are anx
ious to see it ram so they can begin
their spring work
Ed Shepherd and wife who spent the
winter in McPherson county returned
to this neighborhood last Saturday
Save the Loved Ones
Mrs Mary A Vliet Newcastle Colo
writes I believe Ballards Horehound
Syrup is superior to any other cough
medicine and will do all that is claimed
for it and it is so pleasant to take My
little girl wants to take it when she has
no need for it Ballards Horehound
Syrup is the greatcure for all pulmonary
ailments 25c 50c SI at A McMillens
Its discouraging work to fill the lunch bag day after day
Its uninviting to open the lunch bag and find the
eternal bread bread bread Bread is good
but its monotonous it lacks
novelty Break the
monotony with
The soda cracker that made the nation hungry
Nutritious healthful satisfying Sold
only in air tight and moisture proof
packages Never sold in bulk
atEBt gsaBgaMBaaniiHiiini insaa8Baa 8Bi mm mjiIimwhtumi Bft i Ji i asaaeEas
Makes A Clean Sweep
Theres nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly Of all the salves you ever
heard of Bucklens Arnica Salvo is the
best It sweeps away and cures burns
sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin
eruptions and piles Its only 2 cents
and guaranteed to give satisfaction by
L W McConnell druggist
Orator Entro Nous Club
17G Warren Avenue
CmcAGo III Oct 22 1902
For nearly four years I suffered
from ovarian troubles The doc
tor insisted on an operation as the
only -way to get well I however
strongly objected to an operation
ly husband felt disheartened as
well as I for home with a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best A friendly druggist advised
him to get a bottle of Wino of
Cardui for me to try and he did so
I began to improve in a few days and
my recovery was very rapid With
in eighteen weeks I was another
UiMlLo plU
Airs Stowes letter shows every
woman how a home is saddened by
female weaknes and how completely
Wine of Cardui cures that sick
ness andbrings health and happi
ness again Do not go on suffer
ing Go to your druggist today
and secure a 100 bottle of Wine
of Cardui
McCook Nebraska March 23 1901
Notice is hereby given that William Lewis
has filed in the city clerks ollico his bond and
petition for a licence to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building at No 10
Main avenue in the First ward of the city of
McCook from May 1 1904 to April 1003
William Lewis Applicant
McCook Nebraska March 23 1901
Notice is hereby given that Hendricks fcLath
rop have filed in the city clerks office their bond
and petition for a license to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building at No305 Main
avenue in the First ward of the city of McCook
from May 1 1901 to April 1903
Hendricks LATiinor
McCook Nebraska April lt 1901
Notice is hereby given that M U Clyde has
filed in the city clerks office his bond and peti
tion for a licence to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on lot 9 block 21
in the Second ward original city of McCook
from May 1 K01 to April 1903
M U Clyde Applicant
McCook Nebraska April Mh 1901
Notice is hereby given that Patrick Walh
has filed in the city clerks office his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building at No 224
Main avenue in the Second ward of the city of
McCook from May 1 190J to April 1903
Patuick Walsh Applicant
Notice is hereby given that Dan Cashen has
filed in the village clerka office of the village of
Danbury Nebraska his petition for a license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a
building located on the main street of said vil
lage of Danbury Nebraska for the municipal
year ending May 1st 1903 Dated April S 190J
Dan Casuen Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 8th 1904
Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell
has filed in the city clerks office his bond and
petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on
lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the city of
McCook from May 1 1904 to April 1903
L W McConnell Applicant
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 160
Res Phone LSI
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Plumber and
Steam Filter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
dr r mm
DENTIST onb 112
Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Oflico over McMillens drug store Residence
702 Main Avouuo Residence phone 53 Office
phone 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
52aAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Oflico in Postoflico building
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
Oolrt metallic boxeT aSfcJSi5tJnK Ked and
Take no oilier Uh bue bbon
Mention r
Ud pap
Notice is hereby McCook given Nebraska that ioals April 1st lqru
has filed m the city clerks office his bondnH
petition for a license to soil mnit
and rinons li qnorsTn the bu UafaNftff
Main avenue in the First wnnitr x1
McCook f romMav Louis Fieischmav Iprfi Applicant 5 ot
v A