The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1904, Image 6

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief
Representative Baker of New York
declares members of congress wno
have passes are prejudiced in favor of
the railroads
The house of representatives agrees
to an appropriation or 100000 for the
use of the Chicago underground sys
tem to transport the mails
Erskine Hewitt son of the late
Abram sa Hewitt of New York lias
announced his intention to enter ac
tive politics in New Jersey
Eighteen Minneapolis flour mills
owing to the poor condition of jLho
flour trade have shut down indefi
nitely A thousand people are out of
Senators Foraker and Dick confer
red in the senate chamber after the
latter was swern In and their cordial
attitude presages a truce in the party
fight In Ohio
The senate committee on military
affairs- authorized a favorable report
on a bill to appropriate 50000 for the
improvement of the Presidio San
Francisco Cal
Charles M Taft of Cincinnati broth
er of Secretary Taft is believed to be
the purchaser of Cdfots Le Soir and
Diazs Fontainbleau sold at New
York for 110000
Representative Benton of Missouri
will have his way and the appropria
tion of 90000 to build a new barn
for the White House will not be made
at this session of congress
The Turkish army under Shakir Pa
sha has surrounded 10000 Albanians
at Babatepe Macedonia and more
Turkish troops are to be sent to his
aid Negotiations are continuing for
William E Curtis writes of the pal
ace at Delhi the most magnificent
ever built in the world and describes
the vandalism that has leveled several
of the halls and is making way with
A member of the Japanese house of
representatives is accused of being a
paid agent of Russia and his news
paper in Tokio which has published
attacks on the nations policy is sup
George Carnegie proprietor of Dun
geness once of the home of General
Nathaniel Greene and a nephew of
Andrew Carnegie has announced his
candidacy for the Georgia senate on
the democratic ticket
The house committee on merchant
marine and fisheries authorized a fa
vorable report on the Frye bill extend
ing the coastwise laws of the United
States to the Philippine islands July
1 1905 without amendment
A correspondent of the London Daily
Mail at Chinnampo writes that every
landing place along the northern coast
of Korea has been taken by the Jap
anese and a big movement of troops
is planned as soon as the ice breaks
Information reaching Paris bears out
the reports that the Japanese desire
to retire me French and other foreign
functionaries serving in Korea The
change is not likely to bring out a
protest during the period of the war
In the trial of Senator Burton in St
Louis a letter was read purporting to
have been written by the senator in
which it is stated that -he had made
inqufries at the postofGce department
relative to the tialto Grain companva
Among the passengers on the North
German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wil
helm der Grosse which arrived from
Bremen Southampton and Cherbourg
was Charles M Schwab former pres
ident of the United States Steel corpo
A special to the Little Rock Ark
Gazette from Dewitt Arkansas coun
ty says five negroes who had been
arrested as a result of race troubles
at St Charles were taken from the
guards by a crowd of men and shot
to death
The senate committee on foreign re
lations authorized a favorable report
on the treaty between the United
States and France extending all exist
ing treaties with France to Tunis and
all other French possessions and pro
A pathetic message came to the
state department from United States
Consul Fee at Bombay India and ad
dressed to Assistant Secretary Loomis
as follows Daughter dead plague
wife attacked Mr Fee is a native
of Ohio and was appointed in 1899
A cable dispatch was received from
Colonel Leutwein the governor of Ger
man Southwest Africa announcing
that a fight occurred at Omatako
mountain March 16 which resulted in
the Hereros being repulsed with the
loss of ten men killed The German
loss was two men killed and two
The Iowa house committee on con
stitutional amendments recommended
the submission of a constitutional
amendment to the voters to make a
drainage law possible The action of
the committee is equivalent to the
passage of the measure by botn
W D Ballantyne ex inspector of
customs at Manilla P L has been ac
quitted by Judge Ambler on a charge
of conspiracy to defraud the customs
by furthering the illegal entry of non
exempt Chinese He was tried upon
a similar charge in January last and
g i jjj sw
Report that the Japanese Have Sunk
Seven Merchant Steamers In the
Harbor Demand in Connection
Vith Manchuria
LONDON The Daily Telegraph
published a dispatch from its Tokio
correspondent which- iays
On the night of March 22 the Jap
anese fleet renewed the attempt to
bottle up Port Arthur Sixteen war
ships escorted seven merchant steam
ers to the mouth of the harbor and
under cover of the bombardment the
steamers were ran in and sunk in de
sired positions Three hundred Jap
anese officers and bluejackets volun
teered for the duty An official re
port is expected this evening
The Daily Telegraphs circumstan
tial reporj from the Tokio correspond
ent that Japan succeeeded in bottling
up Port Arthur on the night of March
22 ic not confirmed from any other
quarter The special dispatches to
the other morning papers announce
no new developments but throw a few
sidelights on the operations
The Standards Tien Tsin corre
spondent says that Viceroy Alexieff
renewed his demand for the with
drawal of all Chinese officers and sol
diers from Manchuria on the ground
hat it would be impossible to conduct
he war properly
The Daily Mails correspondents
Making Investigations into Itc Opera
WASHINGTON The department of
commerce and labor through the bu
reau of corporations is making an
investigation into the operations of
vthe beef trust A part of the investi
gation Is being conducted in accord
ance with a resolution passed by the
house of representatives recently
Prior to the adoption of the resolution
the department through its regular
channels had collected certain infor
mation concerning the beef trust The
resolution which was drafted by Rep
resentative Martin of South Dakota
requested the department officials to
ascertain if possible the cause of the
difference in price between beef on the
hoof and dressed beef It was pointed
out that western stockmen believed
that they were being discriminated
against by the trust and that the
markets of the countiy were being
manipulated to their detriment
Neither Secretary Cortelyou nor
Commissioner Garfield of the bureau
of corporations will discuss the inves
tigation in any way It is made per
fectly clear however that this inves
tigation as well as all others conduct
ed by that department will be made
by the officials of the department
themselves without assistance that
the department will not stoop to detec
tive work in the conduct of the in
quiry and that the proceedings will bo
devoid of any spectacular features
There will be no public hearings and
publicity will be avoided so far as pos
The pending investigation is being
conducted by Commissioner Garfield
under the direction of Secretary Cor
telyou Beyond that fact practically
- n i i u u j j iiiiuMjMgw
give from Japanese sources some de
tails of the condition of Port Arthur
which were gathered during a recent
visit of a Chinese junk there It is
asserted that a boom had been placed
across the entrance to the roadstead
which was alive with mines so de
fective and so carelessly laid as to
equally endanger both Russian and
Japanese vessels The damaged Rus
sian warships these reports say were
repaired with such haste that it is
dangerous for them to leave their an
chorage Eight battleships and cruis
ers and ten torpedo boat destroyers
are now uninjured and often leave the
harbor but never go far from the
Japanese naval officers prcise the
quality of the Russian torpedo boat
destroyers which they confess have
done excellent work but they declare
that the Russian shells are badly
fused and fail to explode except when
they strike direct upon armor and
that their charges of guncotton are in
sufficient to cause serious damage
The Daily Mails Shan Hai Kwan
correspondent says that the Japanese
are secretly engaging Chinese to act
as irregular corps
Buffalo Bill Testifies that His Wife
Tried to Poison Him
DENVER Colonel William F
Cody Buffalo Bill made a depo
sition before a notary in this city
Wednesday in the action for divorce
which he has begun in Big Horn coun
ty Wyoming Colonel Cody will sail
for Europe shortly and will be absent
from the country when his suit is
tried In the proceedings today Colo
nel Cody was interrogated by his own
attorney and was subjected to an ex
amination by counsel for Mrs Cody
Mrs Cody tried to poison me three
years ago the colonel testified She
had frequently threatened to do it
We were visiting in Rochester N Y
during the holidays of 1900 and the
day after Christmas 1 was ill I sup
posed the turkey and plum pudding
did not agree with me She said she
would fix me up She pretended to
give me medicine It was poison It
almost finished me for I was uncon
scious for some time I think it must
have been an overdose for it made
me vomit and I suppose this saved
my life
Colonel Cody related many in
stances of his wifes having humili
ated him at his former home in
North Platte by her conduct toward
Bermuda AHies Are Coming
NEW YORK The first steamship
load of Easter lilies has arrived from
Bermuda This consignment was
mainly for the far west and as soon
as the vessel docked express vans
transferred the flowers to the railroad
station and they were started to their
lestinations There were thousands
jf crates in the cargo requiring the
nost delicate handling It is expected
hat more of the flowers will be
rought north thi3 year than ever be
nothing is obtainable Whether the
results of the investigation are to be
made public at its conclusion will de
pend entirely on President Roosevelt
Alaskans who have been in Washing
ton all -winter pressing the claims of
that territory for remedial legislation
fear now that congress will adjourn
without according their claims the at
tention which in their opinion they
i warrant They have seen the president
during the winter in the interest of the
legislation they are seeking and today
several of them called at the White
House again
Cattle Raisers Permitted to Show Al
leged Discrimination
WASHINGION The interstate
commerce commission on Monday an
nounced its decision in the case of the
Cattle Raisers association of Kansas
complainant and the Chicago Live
Stock exchange intervenor against
the Chicago Burlington Quincy and
other railroads entering Chicago The
commission holds that the statute of
limitations does not apply to the suit
of the members of the association ror
damages and defines the procedure to
be followed in procuring reparation
through the commission
The complainant and the intervenor
are given leave to show to what ter
ritory the through rate reduction of
1896 applied and if it appears that
there was territory to which such re
duction did not apply and from which
no reduction has been made defend
ants will be allowed to show since
conditions may have changed subse
quent to the making of the original
order that the through rate from that
territory is leasonable and just not
withstanding the addition of the ter
minal charge of 2 per car in Chicago
Lobby Fails to Kill Measure in the
Iowa House
DES MOINES la The house of
representatives passed the banking
bill which permits the state to de
posit its money at interest by a vote
of 65 to 15 There was a strong lob
by of bankers working against the
measure It is believed it will go
through Do senate with little opposi
The bill to raise the compensation
of county supervisors was killed by
the house by a decisive vote The
outlook is that none of the measures
asking for an increase in the salary
of county ciricars will go through both
houses at this session
Kansans Ask Big Apprcpriatich
WASHINGTON A large delegation
of Kansans comprising senators ren
resentatives and prominent citizens of
the state celled at the War depait
ment and were heard at length by
General Mackenzie chief of engineers
upon the pending proposition to
straighten out and change the course
of the Kaw river with a view to the
prevention of a repetition of the flood
which engulfed part of Kansas City
and other Kansas towns The dele
gation wants 1500000 to begin
It is Scored in the Mjnority Report of
the House Committee Passage of
Measure Would Result in Holding
Up tho Government
WASHINGTON Representative
Stevens Minn filed the favorable re
port authorized by the house commit
tee on merchant marine and fisheries
o an amended senate bill to require
the employment of vessels of the Uni
ted States for public purposes
The bill requires all government
supplies transported by sea to be car
ried in vessels either owned by the
government or flying the American
flag The report bases the necessity
for the bill on the ground that it
never is safe to depend on foreigners
for the defense of our own country
It says that the United States now
owns thirteen passenger and freight
transports and that should these be
inadequate for the necessary trans
portation of government supplies and
troops ships flying the American flag
only may be used in addition that
the government cannot expect Ameri
can ships to be available in an emer
The views of the minority of the
committee prepared by Representa
tive Lucking Mich and signed by
Representatives Spight Goulden Mc
Dermott and Lucking declare the bill
to be a step in the policy of subsidiz
ing our merchant marine for which
for seven years the most active per
sistent influential and unblushing lob
by has been hounding the life out of
both branches of congress The re
port says that outside of the goods
transported in vessels owned by the
government there was paid in freights
for such carrying in the year 1901
4523954 and that this carrying is
done principally to the Philippines
and like the major portion of all our
war and naval expenditures of the
present day has been rendered nec
essary by the ill advised subjugation
and retention of those islands
The report says the bill is a most
barefaced misappropriation of public
moneys and adds
Of the seventeen vessels now en
gaged in this traffic on the Pacific all
ire manned exclusively except offi
cers bv Chinese sailors who work
for about one third cr one fourth tho
wages that American sailors receive
so that the American sailors have
been completely supplanted by these
Chinese in the very Pacific ocean
companies who are pressing the Till
and who are in part to get its gratu
The report concludes that in some
respects tnis bill is worse than any
pronounced suboidy measure which
has been advocated in congress be
cause it gives an absolute monopoly
to a few corporations and individuals
who may and probably will form a
combine and hold up the government
for all it will stand
Several Are Killed and Many Injured
at Indiana Harbor
CHICAGO One of the most se
vere storms this city has known in
years passed over Chicago Thursday
night Great damage was done in the
suburbs to the south of the city and
considerable loss was sustained by the
people living to the north of the city
proper The storm did not strike the
business portion in its greatest force
The storm in the vicinity of Indiana
Harbor was one of the most severe
ever known there Three people are
known to be dead several are fatally
hurt and at midnight several others
were reported missing and they may
be buried in the ruins of their homes
A two story brick building known
as the Barker building was blown
down and a number of people who had
sought shelter there were buried in
the ruins
German Consul Gives Counsel
YIN KOW The German consul
from Tien Tsin at a meeting of Ger
man citizens counselled all residents
of that nationality that they remained
at New Chwang at their own risk and
that in event of loss of property re
covery was doubtful also that in the
event that Russia was defeated the
recovery of losses would only be after
long time but if Japan was defeated
recovery would be sooner British
residents will protest against the ab
sence of a warship from New Chwang
Death Pleases Officials
WASHINGTON Secretary Taft
and the officials of the War depart
ment openly express their gratifica
tion at the news of the death of Ma
cario Saky the so called president of
the Philippine republic Saky secured
his freedom under the amnesty procla
mation and fled to the mountains with
a small force of kindred spirits and
since has made considerable trouble
by attacking small villages and unpro
tected expeditions
Remarkable Marksmanship
WASHINGTON In a private letter
eceived at the navy department from
in officer on board the Kearsarge the
ollowing remarkable record made by
uat battleship in her target practice
ust completed at Pensacola is given
One thirteen inch gun made six hits
jut of seven shots in five minutes
md twenty seconds An eight inch
jun made ten hits out of ten shots
n five minutes and twenty seconds
ind a five inch gun made eighteen
lits out of eighteen shots in two min
Railroads Not Liable for Damages to
WASHINGTON The United States
supreme court again decided that per
sons traveling on railroads may not
secure damage in case of accident
when they ride on passes and the de
cision went to the extent of applying
the principle to such passengers as
were not familiar with the contract
usually printed on the backs of the
The case decided was that of John
D Boering and his wife Mearllng
Boering against the Chesapeake
Beach Railroad company Mrs Boer
ing was injured in an accident on
the road while traveling on a pass
issued to herself and her husband
containing the usual stipulation of ex
emption from damage It was urged
that she had not been made aware of
the stipulation and that even if not
lable on general principles the com
pany must be so on account of her
norance The court did not accept
this view
James Britt is Given the Decision in
the Twentieth Round
SAN FRANCISCO James Britt of
California was given the decision over
William Rothwell better known as
Young Corbett of Colorado in a
twenty round contest at Woodwards
pavilion Friday night In the seven
teenth round Corbetts advantage was
apparent but in that round Britt ral
lied and rained right and left blows on
various portions of Corbetts anatomy
forcing the champion to clinch to save
The styles of the two boxers were
entirely different Britt fought for
the body most of the time while Cor
bett devoted his attention to the head
face and jaw Britt weighed just 129
pounds but Corbetts weight was not
made public though it is understood
he was at least a pound and a halt
below the agreed weight 130 pounds
Reaches Understanding with Austria
as to Police Force
LONDON According to the dis
patches received from Constantinople
the porte and the Austro Russian em
bassies have reached an agreement in
regard to the organization of the
Macedonina gendarmerie under Euro
pean officers so it is believed it will
not be long before tne reform scheme
for Macedonia agreed upon by the em
perors of Russia and Austria at their
meeting at Muerzteg Syria last year
in support of which Austria has been
alleged to be mobilizing troops will
be in full operation
In an interview at Sofia March 24
Boris Sarafoff the Macedonian leader
said his party intended to await the
result of an introduction of the re
forms before launching a fresh in
French Premier Says He Has No In
tention of Resigning
PARIS In the course of an inter
view Prime Minister Combes denied
ihe reports that he will immediately
retire from the premiership as a re
sult of the recent cabinet reverses
M Combes says he recognizes that the
situation of the ministry is delicate
tmt that so far as he is concerned bo
proposes to pursue to the end the work
he has undertaken without deviating a
hairs breadth from the course he
This statement is interpreted as ap
plying to the work in connection with
the pending law for the supression of
the teaching orders which probably
will be passed in a fortnight when the
premier main work will have been ac
Nationalists Win Victory
DUBLIN The nationalists in the
St Stevens Green division of Dublin
elected Lawrence Waldron to fill the
vacancy in the House of Commons
caused by the death of James McCann
by a majority of 620 over the unionist
candidate Wr Waldron is a wealthy
stock broker While he was not an
official nationalist candidate he is
pledged to support home rule and the
proposal to establish a Catholic uni
versity in Dublin and to ODpose the
present financial relations between
Ireland and Great Britain
Rudolph Wants Same Burial
ST LOUIS The body of George
Collins who was executed at Union
Mo Friday for the murder of Detect
tive Charles J Schumacher was bur
ied there in the Catholic cemetery
according to Catholic rites performed
by the village priest When William
Rudolph Collins partner in the jail
here awaiting execution on May 13
was told of the disposal of Collins
body he said I want the same ser
vices by that priest and I want to be
buried by the side of George
Death from Bubonic Plague
JOHANNESBURG Up to date the
total number of deaths from bubonic
plague is forty two white and fort
colored persons
President Will Touch Button
WASHINGTON Although Pres
dent Roosevelt cannot attend the
opening of the Louisiana Purchase ex
position he nevertheless will be a
participant in the exercises He has
consented to press the button at the
White house which will start the ma
chinery of the exposition This core
mony will take place at 1 oclock
eastern standard time on April 30
The deals have not been worked out
yet but they will be in a few days
The president probably will send mes
sage of congratulation
Desperate Fire Opened by the Shore
Batteries and Warships Japanese
Five Ships are Supported by a
Number of Torpedo Boats
of darkness Vice Admiral Togo made
another Mqsperate attempt to bottle
up the Russian fleet in Port Arthur
but he failed again and when after
daylight Vice Admiral Makarofl
steamed out to give battle the Japa
nnRA rnmmander refused the chal
lenge and sailed away
Tho Japanese practically repeated
the tactics of February 24 by sending
in four flreships preceded by a tor
pedo boat flotilla with the exception
that the fireshiis ths time were
armed with Hotchkiss guns for the
purpose of keeping off the Russian
torpedo boat destroyers
The enemys attempt was discover
ed by means of the shore seacrhlights
and a heavy fire was opened from the
batteries and from two gunboats
which were guarding the entrance to
the harbor The Russian torpedo
Jaoat destroyer Stilni was outside on
scouting duty and the dash and nerve
of its commander Lieutenant Krini
kini is chiefly due to the complete
defeat of the plans of the Japanese
He at once made straight for the on
coming ships under a hail of fire
from the Hotchkiss guns and tor
pedoed the leading ship
Three of the ships were shelled and
piled up on the shore under Golden
Hill and one -under the lighthouse
The Stilni then engaged the entire six
torpedo boats of the enemy coming
out from a terrific fight with seven
killed and the commander and twelve
of its complement wounded but on
the Japanese side only one boats
crew was saved In addition accord
ing to unofficial reports it is believed
that the Japanese lost two torpedo
The Japanese cruisers which sup
ported the attack exchanged shots
with the batteries and then drew
off after which Admiral Makaroff took
a steam launch and examined the
flreships An hour later the Japanese
torpedo flotilla followed by Vice Ad
miral Togos fleet came up from a
southerly direction Just at daybreak
Vice Admiral Makaroff with his fleet
sailed out to engage the enemy but
after the ships and batteries had fired
a few long distance shots Vice Ad
miral Togo decided to decline the is
sue and disappeared to the south
The news of the repulse of Vice
Admiral Togos second attempt to
block Port Arthur created much re
joicing in the Russian capital and
among all classes the gallantry of
the subject of high praise but above
all the moral effect of Vice Admiral
Makaroffs willingness to engage the
enemy showing that he considered
himself strong enough to fight pro
duced a splendid impression
Revolutionary Contest in San Domin
go is Losing Ground
WASHINGTON Information re
ceived at the Navy department from
Admiral Wise at Gulantanamo indi
cates that the Morales government
is making headway in the revolution
ary contest in San Domingo the ad
miral reporting that it is now in pos
sesion of all the ports of the island
except the small one of Monte Cristi
This news was brought to Guantana
mo by the commanding officers of
the Hartford and the Yankee which
have returned to that place from San
Two Million Dollars for the Poor
ST PAUL Minn By the filing ol
the report of the appraisers appoint
ed by the probate court to ascertain
the value of the estate of the late
Fanny S Wilder of St Paul it is an
nounced today that the entire Wildei
estate coupled with that Mrs E V
Appleby a daughter amounting to
about 2000000 is to be used for the
poor of St Paul independently of any
other charity
Mine Under Fortress
ST PETERSBURG A report from
Vladivostok says that a mine has been
discovered under the fortress with
wires leading to a Chinese house in
tho town
Russian Torpedo Boat Sunk
ST PETERSBURG It is stated
that one Russian torpedo boat was
sunk in the engagement at Port Ar
thur this morning but it is thought the
vessel can be refloated
I am here in the world to serve and
to think of others and not myself
Dr Horton
Report Original Package Bill
WASHINGTON The house com
mittee on the judiciary on Friday au
thorized a favorable report oa the
Hepburn and Dolliver bill granting
the states police power over origina
packages of intoxicating liquor com
ing into their borders as interstate
commerce An amendment was adopt
ed stipulating that the bill should not
apply to persons receiving interstate
shipments of liquox for their own
personal use Hearings on the bil
have been made during the last sis
f I
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