The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1904, Image 3

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i ji
r a
U 1
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5KZ Cs --
100 Reward 100
Tho readers of fhU papor will bo pleased to loam
that there In at lcaitono dreaded dIcno that science
ba ucon iiblu i to cure In all lis utancg and that It
CatarrJi Halls Catarrh Curo In tho only positive
f euro now Itnown to tho medical raiernlty Catarrh
Mclnic a constitutional decao reoulrca u conntltu
tional treatment HallVCaUrrh Cure la taken In
tornally acting directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of the lystem thereby destroying tho
ToiinUatlon of tho doao and itmnK the patient
MrcnRth by bulldlns up tho constitution and asklst
ins nature In doing Its work Tho proprietors have
jo much faith In Its curative power that they offer
One Hundred Dollars foi any case that It falls tc
cure Bend frrllstof testimonials
AuareHg r j uhksky CO Toledo O
by all Druggists 75c
TaVe Halls Family rills for constipation
It is no sign mat a man is riding
to heaven because ho is driving others
Storekeepers report that tho extra
Quantity together with tho superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
Tho elevator boy is poorly paid
when one considers the fool questions
he is asked
Urn WInBiows Hooi1njr Syrnp
For children teething softens the gums reduces 1
flammatton allayo pain cures wind collo 25c a btttle
Dont sit down ana wait for some
ihinsrto turn up turn up your sleeves
and get busy
Stops tho Conrfi and
Worlcs OfT tho Cold
Dazativo Broiuo Qu iwno Tablets PricoSUc
That which is usuloss cannot be
fJITQ permanently cured NoftiorncrvcnsnciisnfrCT
SI I w ilrst days upo or Dr Klines Ireat Nerve Kestor
Sr Send for FBEIS 8S00 trialbottle and treatlpo
a K U Kune Ltd 031 Arch Street lhilcielpUia Pa
Dogs and porous plasters are fre
quently attached to mankind
AH creameries use butter color
vVhy not do as they do use JUNE
The reformer never thinks it neces
sary to practice on himself
Uso Red Cross Ball Iiluo and keep thorn
white as suow All grocers 5c a package
Lived on Milk and Sugar
Emile Rrazeau who recently died at
Montreal while a child was medically
placed upon a milk and sugar diet
and this he continued unchanged to
3iis death presumably from choice
His daily Tations -were three pints of
milk and one pound of sugar Al
though solid food was thus a thing
unknown to liim he is said to have
been physically Tobust rjid suffered
from aio illness until the attack of
croup -which ultimately proved fatal
Venom Collecting as a Business
For a risky and exciting and profit
able mode of earning a livelihood a
new Australian industry can be confi
dently recommended It is the collec
tion of snake venorr a substance that
like radium is valued by the grain
A pound of dt is said to be worth 25
0C0 It is in active demand by chem
ists It is obtained from three spe
cies the death adder the brown ad
der and the tiger snake The reptiles
must be caught uninjured and it goes
without saying that the industry de
mands considerable knowledge and
skill in capture Tiger snakes are the
best for they carry most venom
Snakes are still numerous in the Aus
tralian bush
A Wonderful Discovery
Eroadland S D Marsh 2S Quite
a sensation has been created here by
the publication of the story of G W
Gray who after a special treatment
for three months was prostrate and
helpless and given up to die with
Brights Disease Brights Disease lias
alway been considered incurable but
evidently from the story told by Mr
tSray there as a remedy wlrich will
cure it even an the most advanced
stages This is -what ihe -says
- 1 -was heapless as a little babe My
wife and 3 searched everything and
read everything we iconld find about
Brights Disease hoping that I would
be able to find a rcutedy After many
failures my wife insisted that I should
try Dodds Kidney PiTls I praise God
for the day when I decided to do so
for thi3 remedy met every phase of
my case and in a short time I was
able to get out of bed and after a few
weeks treatment I was a strong well
man Dodds Kidney Pills saved my
A remedy that will cure Brights
Disease will cure any lesser Kidney
Disease Dodds Kidney Pills are cer
tainly the most wonderful discovery
which modern medical research has
given to the world
- Political clubs are used chiefly to
put opposing candidates out of busi
For RbeiiiBatism
Neuralgia Sprains
Lumbago Brtxisos
BacKacho Soreness
Sciatica Stiffness
Use tho old rellablo remedy
acobs Oil
Price 25c srac2 JOc
A barn belonging to Clye Hayhurst
who lives three miles southeast of
Shelby was burned A fiie Kentucky
jack lost its life in the flames
The Sixth Nebraska dislrict conven
tion unanimously renominated Con
gressman Moses P Kinkaicl and named
W P Miles and E G Harris as dele-
gates to the national convention
Polk county has lost bj death an
other of its oldest citizens Jacob II
Jones jr He was eighty two years
and he was a soldier of the civil war
belonging to Company G of the Gist
Ohio infantry
PIre near Pilley dostroyod the large
barn of J W Wright with all its con
tents including thirty tons of hay and
grain Nine head of horse 3 and mules
perished hi the flames Loss 3000
partially covered by Insurance
Mr and Mrs William Houscworth
celebrated their golden wedding anni
versary at the home of their daughter
Mrs C B Murphy in Plattsmouth
They have resided in Nebraska for
nineteen years and in Plattsmouth
eight years
Two weeks ago William ODell a
farmer who lives three miles west of
Leigh shipped a carload of cattle and
a team of horses to South Omaha He
has not returned to his family up to
this time and it is reported here that
he does not intend to
The North and East Omaha Im
provement association of Omaha has
filed articles of incorporation The
capital stock is 525000 The associa
tion will work for the improvement
and betterment of those parts of the
city included in the corporation title
Must Nebraska pay taxes on green
backs This is a question that Attor
ney General Prout must answer at the
request of the state board of equaliza
tion Several members of the board
think that the greenbacks re not tax
able The greenbacks are the treas
ury notes of 18G3 They are part of
the public debt
Mr and Mrs H P Hansen brought
their little daughter to Grand Island
in from the country for surgical at
tendance the little one having been
severely lacerated by a hog and she
narrowly escaped a most horrible
death She was playing about her fa
thers farm and matching a pen of lit
tle pigs when she fell in and was at
The farmers of Hitchcock and Hayes
counties Nebraska have taken up the
co operative proposition and will sell
and ship their grain and livestock di
rect to market in the future without
the intervention of a middle man The
Palisade Grain and Livestock com
pany of Palisade has filed articles of
incorporation The capital stock is
The supreme court has decided that
extra pay contracts for county officials
are illegal In the case of Wilson
against Otoe county a former ruling
is reversed and the legality of the con
tract denied Wilson was county at
torney and the commissioners prom
ised to pay him for extra litigation
The agreement was illegal declares
the court
Quartermaster John P Johanson
late of the United States navy is in
Oakland on a visit with his cousin
Mrs Alex Hammarstrum He has
been in the naval service ten years
and served on the cruiser Marblehead
in the Spanish American war when
that craft was sent with a crew of
volunteers to cut the Spanish cable at
Another damage case went against
the Missouri Pacific Railroad company
at Papillion in district couri William
Jones brought suit against the com
pany for damages to his crops result
ing from an overflow of water caused
by the grade of that road banking the
water The case was tried before
Judge Sutton who rendered a decision
giving Jones a verdict wor S375
D C McKillip a prominent lawyer
of Seward the first lawyer in Seward
county died last wtrek
The Standard Cattle company has
leased upwards of 1020 acres of land
around Amos and Leavitt to twenty
four tenants taking a lien on their
crops In past years up to 1903 the
company farmed it jnfwn land but it
prefers to let the teiants raise the
crops themselves and buy from them
whatever the land pro luces
John Haurigan of Fremont had a
narrow escape from drowning in the
Platte river a few days ago He
was out hunting with Frank Rhoades
and broke through a piece of slush
ice where the water was deep and the
current swift Fortunately his gun
rested on two pieces of solid ice or
he would have been swept out of sight
In the case of the state versus Geo
Boslough at York charged with gamb
ling the attorneys for the defense at
tempted to have the case dismissed on
the ground that Attorney General
Prout had given his opinion in the
same kind of a case that the law gov
erning such cases was invalid Judge
Good held that the law was valid and
the case will lie tried
After an extended trip throughout
the United States W J Bryan con
cluded one of the longest lecture tours
he has ever made and returned to
Lincoln During his absence Mr Bry
an visited cities in the far north and
also in the east He encountered al
most every brand of climate
The other day while a Union Pacific
freight train was passing through Por
tal at full speed a man rolled out of
a box car and striking the ground
bounced down a steep embankment
into a pond containing three feet of
crater He was dragged out and found
to te unhurt
Object to the Wording of the Govcr
nors Cattle Proclamation
LINCOLN By the issuance of his
proclamation compelling cattlemen to
dip their cattle in a oulphur and lime
dip Governor Mickey called down the
wrath of the dope manufacturers upon
his head Since the publication of the
proclamation a numbor of representa
tives of houses that manufacture suro
cures for lice mange and such dis
eases have callqd upon the governor
to protest And incidentally it is
said the proclamation is very displeas
ing to the railroads for the reason that
Veterinarian Thomas advised users of
the dip to buy the sulphur and lime
and mix their own dip and thus save
express or freight on numerous bar
rels of water to a very littledbpe
Governor Mickey called upon Attor
ney General Prout for advice as to
whether the proclamation could be
modified and was informed that to
modify the proclamation would nullify
it therefore it stands and lime and
sulphur will be the official dip
D E Thompson Surprised Operator
with Appointment
LINCOLN William D Pittman for
merly of Lincoln now night agent for
the Burlington at Neb will
go to Brazil with D E Thompson the
United States minister and will occu
py the position of legation secretary
Mr Pittman was called to Lincoln
and was offered the place by Mr
Thompson The young man was sur
prised and pleased and of course ac
cepted The position is one any young
man might be glad to secure
Pittman was employed by the West
ern Union Telegraph company in Lin
coln until December 1902 Later he
became a messenger and a short time
ago went to DeWeese for the Burling
ton He will leave for New York in
a few days where he will meet Mr
and Mrs Thompson and sail with
them for Brazil April 5
Wealthy Ranchman of Sioux County
Accused of Killing Neignbor
SCOTTS BLUFF Sheriff Campbell
has arrested James Connolly for the
murder of H H Miller which occurred
at the Connolly ranch about twenty
miles north of here Connolly had
sent word to the sheriff of Sioux coun
ty that if he was wanted he could be
found at his home at this place Later
Sheriff Campbell received a message
from Sioux county to place Connolly
under arrest Accompanied by his
deputy and Constable Surnsey he
went to the Connolly home and ar
rested him and took him to Gering
Much interest is shown in this mur
der as both parties were old ranchers
in this part of the state and were
wealthy Details of the shooting
which resulted in the death of Miller
cannot be secured
Miles Will Case Again
LINCOLN The apellees in the
Miles will case have filed an additional
brief It is argued that there is no re
lief for the appellants who complain
of an adverse ruling in the district
court because the application for a
new trial should have been made ia
the county court
To Start Model Farm
LINCOLN Arnold Martin of Du
Bois will start an experimental farm at
College View He claims to be able to
raise as much on twenty acres as is
the general yield on 160 acres By a
system devised by himself he claims
he can raise three crops in one seas
son on the same ground
Man and Wife Arrested
RAVENNA After several days of
wait and a pursuit of over forty miles
Deputy Sheriff Walter Sammons of
Kearney succeeded in returning to Ra
venna Herman Boltz and Minnie Boltz
hfs wife The former is charged with
assault with intent to kill by striking
at Frank Cackora with a hoe preced
ing this physical demonstration with
the threat I will kill you according
to the testimony of the complaining
witness and an eye witness The lat
ter is charged with plain assault
Track Walker Olson Killed
OMAHA Hans Olson a track walk
er for the Burlington road was run
down and killed Monday evening on
the track near the foot of Jones street
by Burlington switch engine No 338
Olson was on his way to his supper
when struck He was cut to pieces
He leaves a wife and three children
Boy Killed by Cornsheller
EDGAR A little boy Karl Strecht
three and a half years of age son of
Henry Strecht residing in the south
part of town was instantly killed by
being run over by a corn sheller
Japan After Guard Officers
A number of officers of the National
guard of the state have received let
ters from an agent of the Japanese
government or some one interested in
the sucess of Japan in its present war I
to join the Japanese army The offer
is that the recipient will receive a
rank higher by one grade than he at
present holds and his salary will be
1200 a year Company B at Stanton
is the first to report receipt of the of
fers Adjutant General Culver be- i
lieves it unlikely that any member ci
the guard will accept
He gives- but an empty hand who
withholds his heart
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands Others say they
cannot sell any other starch
Though the world may owe all of
us a living only a few are preferred
Tcoalnto and Billion Dollar Grass
The two greatest fodder plant3 on
earth one good for 14 tons hay and the
other 80 tons green fodder per acre
Grows everywhere so does Victoria
Rape yielding1 60000 lbs sheep and
swine food per acre
John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse
Wis and receive in return their big
catalog and lots of farm seed samples
He who will not be a servant can
not be a saint
Uit tVraWifXTSaSKS
Write us or ask an
Alabostinc dealer for
full particulars and Free sample card of
Destroys disease germs and vermin
Never rubs or scales You can apply itJ
mix witn coia waicr iseautitui eiiects 1
on walls ana m white and delicate tints
NOT a disease -breeding out-of-date I
water iue preparation Kalso
mines bearing fanciful names and
mixed with hot water are stuck on with
Elue which rots nourishing- srerms of I
ueauij uikiuc unu ruuuinj ana scai
intr spoiling walls clothine and furni
ture liuy AiaDastine m 5 lb pkgs
properly labelled of paint hardware
ana arug aeaiers ueanet et tints
Hints on Decoratincr and our artists
ideas free AlABASTISE CO Gnu Cjldi Hlch I
I Of IWJ lit 11 Jl11 I
Ill lllljl p g llllllbl I I I J
y f
Hi 0HE5
u wibb rim
lk kTr1K3
71a but iKiavh billed vwrimai ttd
3iAty jccn ysra experience rcreinao
TOWERS Olictei Gab end rbto
teoa the work ctr Thy arc made in
bbcfi cr jdlow for all Krvfa of wtt work
trvJevtry carment bearinjtfie 5IGN Op
THE rfH bpxrarteedto otveiat
Ijfocticn AH refiabfe cealera jell then
VK Oi GWMH COLlialleiraOBiaOX
Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer From
- Extreme Lassitude Loss of Appetite and
Nervousness What They Need Is
Pepu na the Great Tonic
Miss Bertha M Rush 5135 Kincarde
street Pittsburg Pa Superintendent
Junior Society of Methodist Protestant
Church and leading Soprano of the
choir writes Words cannot describe
my thankfulness to you for Peruna I
was a sufferer from systemic catarrh
for years and was in a very much run
down condition I was extremely ner
vous and had the most foolish fears
over nothing I was thin and ema
My physician advised me to leave
this climate but as it was not con
venient to do so at this time I took
the advice of a friend to use a bottle
of Peruna I took it faithfully and
when the first bottle was gone I felt
so much better that I bought six more
and took them faithfully after which
I looked like a new woman
I gained in flesh my appetite re
turned and all my old symptoms had
disappeared I am more than thank
ful to Peruna Miss Bertha M Rush
Everybody is Tired Spring
Weather Does It Every One
Should Be Cautious
Depression of the nervous system at
the approach of spring is th2 cause
General lassitude dull heavy sensa
tions continual tired feeling with ir
regular appetite and sometimes loss
of sleep Peruna meets every indica
tion and proves itself to be perfectly
adapted to all their varied peculiari
ties Peruna invigorates the systdm
rejuveuates the feelings restores the
normal appetite and produces regular
That tired feeling which is the nat
ural result of the depressing effect of
warm weather immediately after the
invigorating cold of winter quietly
disappears when Peruna is taken
Thousands are dany testifying to its
priceless benefit
Mrs H Kassatt 1309 West 13th
street Des Moines la writes I am 4
happy to give my endorsement for
your valuable medicine Peruna as I
consider it a valuable medicine to take
when the system is run down from
overwork About two years ago I felt
that I must take a long rest as I had
been unable to work for over a month
and could not regain my strength I
could not sleep at night and was in
a very nervous high strung condition
I decided to try what Peruna would do
to build up my strength and am
pleased to say that I began to improve
very shortly and in less than two
months I was able to take up my
work and f t better than I have for
years I take it now twice a year and
find that it keeps me in perfect
health Mrs Kassatt was for over
ten years the manager of a plant fur
nishing ladies wear and employing
hundreds of women
mmmm mMMmm qa aucan m IJI i J 1 f w i
Miss Rush Suffered with Systemic Catarrh Was Ner
vous Had No Appetite Grew Thin and Emaciated She
Now Looks Like a New Woman After a Course of
Tired Nervous Women
There are thousands of them every
where A few bottles of Peruna would
do them untold benefit As a tonic
and nerve invigorator it has no equal
It builds up the nerves it gives
strength to the circulation and at
once restores the appetite and diges
tion No feeble woman should be
without Peruna
Lincoln Nebraska
German Coach
Englisn Snire
French Draft
end Belgians
The LARGEST importers of FIRST
CLASS stallions of zu concern in a th
FROM On arriving in Lincoln take the
Stiie rarra street car which runs directly to
our barn Come anJsee u or write
Lg Dist Tel 575 A L Sullivan Tcr
CURES catarrh of the stomach
If you do not receive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna rsnte at once to Dr
man giving a full statement of your i
case and he will be pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr tiartmnn President
of the ffnrtman Sanitarium Co
lumbus Ohio
HI Dtfiihae Starch fa very feat Stock ffitA raj
HundrdjtrfU testify to S jfijW
9 Try it once youraelL T WfMsfjMEl
H We guarantee tattrfarfon cr meaty fcoeL PpSSs Jc7S
gif You cant lose ic987
mm Defiance Starch baHsoIutery free fromTcfceafcah gljLsisJ
M It makes the clothes look beautiful aodwiOoot rot them Wv
H Get It of your grocer yyhfW
KhJ 16 ococcs for 10 core thin fJ Jm
fH you get of any other fcrasA eifwlliy W
i iMiinwnr ViMriflWiiaH HS nuiHt wrn fcwfcfrJrtwJ
Given Away I Ia jJmmMlmk
ftifcne i linn
5 sS3f28agsisaasa
i JSRiifjUWi iSA
I iMLmmMsmm
i mmvmmmmmfflmm
i fflmflmasmmsm
y Estab
A lishfd
JfV 1867
POKTAIJLE anl drill any depth
by steam or liore power
Ve challenge competition
Stnd for Free IIIotrttcl So i
Chcvtiiut St Wat oo Ioni
Ourjroods the best Prices the irwest 1rompt ship
ments Delivery of all jKirtralts guaranteed Kletrant
eamplei and rolls free Send for catalogue Address
AHATT T KSOLL CO 2Jei7 Era Boiidinr Chicago
ISJJi 3V5nl3r
jfrmjcrpjfHit i i jrHI i j
fcUifcb ttHfcKh ALL tLSfc i A LS
Scst Cough Syray Tastes Good TJre
in tunc Fola or dnursista
raeTHffSTira tiT tiSa
aMiirfy smrrs HNZfJWX32