The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1904, Image 2

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4JUAT UJ111I IWIIIinil rT T---- 4 ikA nln 1J1 -
ijyttia jS Pinkhams Votwfn r i -
xAvua jyMJLtuvjaa
KsfiEy rlKSPy
tcSj jt BKfir
J ml WM is
Si Canada
They are settled and scminc on the Grain and
Grazing Lands and are prosperous and satisfied
Sir Wilfred Laurier recently said A new star
has risen on the horizon and it is toward it that
every imnriyraat who leaves the land 6f his ances
tors to come and seek a home for himself now
turns his caze Canada There is
Room for Bullions
FREE Homesteads given avray Schools
Churches Railways Markets Climate
everything io bo desired
For a descriptive Atlas and other Information
apply to Superintendent Immigration Ottawa Can
ada or authorized Canadian Government Anent
W V Bennett 601 New York Lire Buildinc
Omaha Neb j
W N U Omaha
No 141904
Miss Agnes Miller of Chicago speaks
to young women about dangers of the
Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and
suffering and remove the cause by using
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
knew lfa meant three or four days of intense mi n THp wi4
thtlTtVSi cold at
SSTt 9 eIped i10 WitMn weeks after I started to
SAlf improvement in my general health fl
i ir t i -
nTicT u m f3 A am m Periect health my eyes are brighter I have W
pounds to my weight my color is good and I feel li ht and
happy -Miss Agnes Mnaa Vpbtamao Ave Oiicago dT 1-
Milt A o J rtVi
juo jLiltjUHliy HICirnAca TAnrto T Ua
hnnifh ai iu i womans
Eiruanon ana makes timsA ii
0Uuu JAAXil
DEAit Mrs PrxivnA3r Iydia E Pink
lams csrctable Compound has greatly bene
fitted me I will tell von limv T RufiWorf tviv
trouble was painful menstrnnrirm T -fait Coi
month went by that I was owrfmn t wi
severe bearing down pains in my back and abdo
-A friend advised me to try Mrs Pinkhams
medicine I did so and am now free from all
iri2 my Periods Jessie C Lkdbeck
1201 Gth Street Rockford 111
Bemember every woman is cordially
invited to write to Mrs Pinkliain if fhpr
is anything about her symptoms she does
not undersfcrnrl TVTnc Pini rm i
Jjynn Jkass Iicr advice is free and cheerfully given to everv ail
Tman wh aS5S r Ker advice has restored to health
laVrfck ISter thousani n Wliy dont you try
FORFEIT if e cannot forthwith prodnee the oriirfnrl letters and AfmtTrp
8 re
aboro lthnomals which will prove their absolute eVmin nesg
Iordiu E- Binkliam aicdicina Co rynn Mx3a
BBKlaBjHffly and gjaBpBpwWhHp
iHHnF Bruises lffiF
Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manaee busi
ness iin this County and adjoininc territory for well
andfavorablyknownhouseof soIiHfinon otj
SSOrjhJ expenses i
ters Expense money advanced position Derma
T J COOPER Manener
56000 AiEEHONS
Lawn Fence
Iron or wire many styles
for residence church school
cemetery poultry and ho
fince frm gates Send for
Chsmplcn Iron ard Wire Works
53i3 SHOES
W Ti Douglas
shoes have by tlicir
excellent stylo
easy fitting and
superior -wearing
qualities achieved
the largest sale of
any shoes iu the
They are just a3 good
as those that cost you
S4 to S3 the only
difference is the price
Sold Everywhere
Look for name aM
price on bottom
Dourfas nape rnmna
Coltskhi which Is ovorywhero conceded to
- i SSI -patent J atlier yet produced
ast Color Eyelets used SIiopk bymallSCrostrs
ft rlto for Catalos WL J0BKlas Brock ton Bass
itself in the same spot rovr brought
to life again by the sun god So the
beetle was reverenced by them as a
sacred thing because it gave them
hope of a similar resurrection of their
mummified bodies
Among the ancient Egyptians every
soldier was compelled to Avear a ring
upon which a scarab or sacred beetle
was engraved The object of this was
to make him valorous in battle the
scarab being the symbol of regen
eration or resurrection
By the Jews the egg was looked
upon as a symbol of the duration oi
the human race and of their succes
sive generations It entered into all
the mysterious ceremonies called
apocalyptic and occupied a prominent
position on the household table dur
ing the paschal season The only
food laid before mourners on return
ing to the home after a funeral con
sisted of hard boiled eggs and salt
the symbols of regeneration and in
In accordance with the traditions
of the Persians the world was
hatched from one egg in the begin
ning at the season of the year which
corresponds with the vernal equinox
for which reason eggs are popularly
presented as New Year gifts by the
modern Persians It was from this
custom that the northern nations
came to regard the paschal eggs as
smblematical of creation or the re
creation of spring at the vernal
When Christianity usurped the
pagan rites and observances of the
Saxons the paschal eggs were in
vested with a new significance name
ly that of the resurrection of Christ
These eggs were at first colored red
in allusion to the blood shed for the
salvation of men
Gradually the Easter egg custom
has become universal over tne world
Millions of people eat their Easter
eggs on this great festival day cele
brated in remembrance of resurrec
tion but only a very few are acquaint
ed with the origin of the custom The
eggs are not now painted red only
but they are dyed all possible bright
colors Also mottoes are written
on the shells In European countries
hundreds of artists are occupied pre
paring Easter egg shells for sale
These shells show on their outside
paintings of landscapes figures and
even portraits Imitation eggs are
now manufactured which are to be
opened and which lovers present to
each other having made them more
precious by putting in jewelry etc
And when a couple is married at
Eastertide in Germany the wedding
rings are presented in the shells of
Easter eggs
In most of the German cities bands
of musicians walk through the streets
performing the so called Easter
Jayslc Wiien they stop in front of J
In every age the world has known
Some bard felt moved to sing
Earths pean over winter gone
Her welcome to the spring
The mysteries of the Easter thought
To all mankind belong
No time the perfect light hath brought
No race the final song
Yet art thou blessed Palestine
Among the lands of earth
For thee a holy light did shine
A glorious song find birth
He is the worlds that martyr soM
Divine as heroes are
A beacon when deaths waves shall roll
The Galileans star
W deem not that the flesh oercame
The graves obscurity
We trust the souls immortal flame
Hath touched on deity
We will not hail the Christ alone
The solitary way
God doth a thousand prophets own
This happy Easter day
We feel their all pervading power
Around us and above
We learn from springtime bird and flower
The truths or lite and love
One with the Christ who conquereth
One in the hope they bring
One in their victory over death
The first wild flowers of spring
One with the sermon on the mount
The birds sweet melody
Clear flowing from the eternal fount
Of Gods own charity
Then sing we for all nature sings
Sing Christ and bird and flower
Sing for the world with gladness rings
And life and love have Rower
Alexander F Chamberlain in the Open
The Easter Egg
How It Came to Be the Symbol of the
Ever since the time of the ancient
Egyptians eggs have been regarded
as the symbols of re creaticn This
idea originated among the subjects
of the Pharaohs irom their close ob
servance of the habits of the scarabs
or sacred beetle which buried its hali
in the grave it had made for itself
in the hope as they thought of a
speedy resurrection It never occurred
to them that the pellets contained
eggs which in the fullness of time
were brought to maturity by he
warmth of the sun When the in
sect appeared once more among them
hey were contented to believe it was
1XS 2
residences they are presented with
Easter eggs In smaller towns ana
villages it is the custom for the
school children to walk in long pro
cessions through the streets singing
the Easter choral and when they re
turn to the schoolhouse they are pre
sented with scores of eggs which the
inhabitants of the place have sent for
them in a big basket Very often when
these children pass houses people
come out and join them in the chorus
It is a fashion that all ministers
especially those in the country places
are presented with many eggs by the
members of their congregations
the original one they had seen bury These eggs are then given away againl
by the clergymen to the noor neonle
of the parish
But the greatest festival for chil
dren in Germany is the Eiersuchen
seeking for eggs on Easter morn
ing after church service It can be
said as a fact that there is no family
in the whole of Germany where this
Eiersuchen does not take place if
there are children in the home The
eggs are all hard boiled and colored
in bright colors If the weather is
good the mothers hide dozens and
dozens of these eggs putting them
in different places in the grass in
uusnes and llowers in the garden If
the weather is bad the parlor is used
for the Eiersuchen It is one of
German childrens greatest pleasures
to find these eggs and each one
found is welcomed with a loud hur
rah Very often there are added eggs
made of candy and chocolate
For grown up young folks also
egg parties are given at which Eier
suchen takes place Then girls and
boys exchange their eggs they have
found making love to each other -
Observances During Lent
Theer are many old customs of giv
ing or scattering money or bread and
cake at some time during Lent In
some places on Palm Sunday cakes
were cast from the steeples of parish
churches to be scrambled for by small
boys to the amusement of the by
standers Says an old writer Then
cakes must be caste out of the steeple
that all the boys in the parish must
He scrambling together by the eares
tyl al the parish falleth a laughing
Henry VIII ordered that the carry
ing of palms should not be discontin
ued but this was soon left to the peo
ple as a voluntary service and only
the more or less secular customs con
nected with it were continued Young
people in certain parts of England
even to this day go a palming on the
Saturday before Palm Sunday and in
certain rural churches of England
slips of the willow branches with the
willow buds which the American child
calls pussee pusses are stuck -up
Easter Sunday
The popular understanding of the
determination of Easter is that it is
the first Sunday after the first full
moon after the vernal equinox This
although the theory must be taken
with modification iu actual practice
uecause ecclesiastical dictum fixes
the vernal equinox invariably on the
21st of March though this may not
be the astronomical fact because the
full moon is fixed at the 14th day and
because the beginning of the Paschal
moon is determined by the table of
epacts which only approximate the
fact Usually the astronomical and
ecclesiastical calculations agree suffi
ciently that the day is the same out
the contrary has happened
Woul dnt
any woman
ba happy
After years
of backache
Says of
nights of un
The dis
tress of uri
nary trou
She finds
relief and cure
No reason why any reader
Should suffer in the face of evi
dence like this
Mrs Almira A Jackson of East
Front St Traverse City Mich says
For twenty years I never knew what
it was to have good health Every
physician consulted said I had liver
trouble but their medicines did me no
good Just before I began using
Doans Kidney Pills I vas almost par
alyzed I could hardly stand on my
feet because of the numbness and
lack of circulation Had a knife been
thrust into my kidneys the pain could
not have been more intense My sleep
was disturbed by visions of distorted
figures the kidney secretions were
annoyingly irregular and I was tor
tured with thirst and always bloated
I used seven boxes of Doans Kidney
Pills The bloating subsided until I
weighed one hundred pounds less
could sleep like a child and was re
lieved of the pain and the irregular
ity of the kidney action My circula
tion is good and I feel better in every
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mrs Jack
son will be mailed on application to
any part of the United States Ad
dress Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N
Y For sale by all druggists price
50 cents per box
Senator Hoars Long Service
An anniversary of some interest to
Massachusetts came on Friday last
Senator Hoar that day completed
thirty five vears of continuous service
in congress In this resnect his rec
ord surpasses that of any other Massa
chusetts statesman Both John
Quincy Adams and Daniel Webster
were in public life many years but
their terms of service in executive
office broke the continuity of their
life in Washington especially the leg
islative phase
to very Sufferer of Stomach Heart
and Nervous Disease
Tim Elmo Chemical Comnanv KCO Good
Rioclr Dos Moines Iowa have discovered a
now and wonderful Medicine which tiieycall
Elmo Cactarine which Rives immediate
relict and permanently cures everv ease of
Stomach Heart or Nerve Diseases that have
tried it They have made arrangements to
Kive away 50AOO 25 reiit boxes of Elmo Cac
tarine in the United States to people alllicted
wiiii any urease or weakness or the Heart
Stomach or Nerves They want every lxxly to
try it at their evpene Send no money or
stamps just write jour name and address
plain and say what paper yon saw this In and
tret a box of this wonderful Medicine free
Get well and tell your friends thats all we
want Write today
The Smallest Coin
The smallest coin in the world hav
ing a genuine circulation is probably
the Maltese gain a tiny fragment
of branze about as big around as the
top of a slate pencil and worth only
one twentieth of a penny
10000 Plants for ICo
This is a remarkable offer the John
A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis
makes They will send you their big
plant and seed catalog- together with
enough seed to grow
1000 fine solid Cabbages
2000 delicious Carrots
2000 blanchinsr nuttv Criar v
2000 rich buttery Lettuce
1000 splendid Onions
3000 rare luscious Radishes
1000 gloriously brilliant Flowers
This great offer is made in order to
nduce you to try their warranted seeds
for when you once plant them you
will grow no others and
providing- you will return this notice
and if you will send them 20c in post
age they will add to the above a pack
age of the famous Berliner Cauliflower
Historic iit of Crape
A day or two before the funeral of
Senator Hanna Postmaster Emerson
of Cleveland received by mail from
C J Johnso of Greenville Texas a
small piece of crape which had been
worn on several notable occasions
It is a part of the first that came out
in the army of the Potomac and was
worn at the funerals of Lincoln
Grant Garfield Logan and several
minor celebrities The knot in the
crape has never been untied Post
master Emerson wore it at the Hanna
funeral and then sent it back to its
owner in Texas
Tree to Twenty five Ladies
The Defiance Starch Co will give
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
St Louis Exposition to five ladie3
in each of the following states Illi
nois Iowa Nebraska Kansas and
Missouri who will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cent 16 ounce package of Defiance
cold water laundry starch This
means from your own home any
where in the above named states
These trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co Omaha Nebr before September
ist iyu4 October and November
will be the best months to visit the
Exposition Remember that Defiance
is the only starcn put up 1G oz a
full pound to the package You get
one third more starch for the same
money than of any other kind and
Defiance never sticks to the iron
The tickets to the Exposition will be
sent by registered mail September
5th Starch tor sale by all dealers
If we are to judge people by what
they say some men must live on hay
and thistles
Make the best of the troubles you
have and dont hunt more
fcVWwMU IL i4i rt
Ho Expresceo His Approval of Amer
lean Emigration to Canada
During the winter months the head
of the family consults with the other
members as to the prospects for tho
future and doubtless one of the most
interesting topics discussed is that ot
moving to some district where it is
possible to more easily sequro what
i3 necessary for a comfortable exist
ence where it is an easy matter to
become possessed of sufficient farm
land to assure a competence for the
future This not only interests tho
head of the family but every indi
vidual member of it
Having before mo the knowledge
where he can secure a home with tho
expenditure of but little money it is
woll for him to obtain all informa
tion possible regarding the product
iveness of tho land in the country
that he may select For several years
past a large number of Americans
have removed to Western Canada
and as nearly as it can be ascer
tained almost all of these have ex
pressed themselves satisfied with tho
conditions that exist there During
the past summer a number of the ed
itors of farm papers throughout tho
United States made a personal visit
on a tour of in ctioii and the re
ports of these gentlemen prove inter
esting reading Mr H E Heath ed
itor of the Nebraska Farmer a
paper enjoying a wide circulation as
well as the confidence of its sub
scribers after giving some idea of
the extent of this wonderful country
Western Canada is the last un
occupied and unimproved good agri
cultural land in America available
to day
He then discusses its possibilities
for raising live stock and the advan
tages It possesses for dairying farm
ing and whsat growing and says
What has been said about the coun
try as to the abilty of the soil the
yield of wonderful crops of wheat
is quite justified
To quote further from Mr Heath
he says referring to climate
These people skeptical ones do
not know or realize that altitude
more than latitude makes climates
that large bodies of water both fresh
and salt that never freeze over ex
ert a wonderful influence on climate
Another influence on climate more
potent than those named above
which applies more to the Alberta
district is the warm Chinook breeze
from the Pacific ocem which Is GOO
or 700 miles nearer than Colorado or
Wyoming besides the Rocky Moun
tain range is not nearly so high nor
half so far from the ocean as it is
down in the States
In further considering the climate
of the Canadian prairies we should
not lose sight of th fact of the in
fluence of the rains the total aver-
age rainfall for the season is but 1335
inches for the territories and 1734
inches in Manitoba and that tho
amounts falling between April 1st and
October 1st are respectively 939
inches and I2S7 inches or about three
fourths of the entire rainfall From
the middle of June to the middle of
July there are over two hours more
daylight in every twenty four hours
than there is in Nelraska The main
reason why Western Canada wheat
grows to such perfer tion is the effect
of solar light or longer period of sun
shine it gets each day This is what
makes seeds or grain more perfect
grown in this country than elsewhere
This extraordinary rapid growth of
vegetation under tho influence of this
long continued sunshine exceeds any
thing known in lower latitudes
We do not wish it understood that
wheat alone is tho main product of
this country it leads in that yet it is
destined to become famous for its cat
tle horses and sheep and for its dairy
products We saw more and larger
bands of cattle and sheep grazing in
Assiniboia and Alberta than we ever
saw on the western plains of the
United States One band of cattle
numbering 5000 head were grazing on
the rich grass and sheen without iT
The government of the Dominion of
Canada is still using the same ener
getic efforts which have been used for
the past 5 or G years to settle up these
western prairies and on application
to any Agent of the Canadian Govern
ment tho settler will be able to secure
a certificate entitling him to a low
rate which will give him the oppor
tunity of visiting any portion of Can
adas grain producing domain
Am I in favor of expansion Every
thing that grows expands See how
the State Farmers Mutual Insurance
Company of South Omaha has grown
J lC we hasI 505l500
1S97 we had
1898 we had
1899 we had
1900 we had
1901 we had
1902 we had
1903 we had
1904 we had
422 137500
Dont you think
you would like to
LV ihe CmDany ne this
Write the Secretary
E R Stouffer
South Omaha Nebr
Nature doesnt use self made beau
ties for patterns
Pisos Cure Is the host
for all auctions of the thstm mcaictno and lank ever Si
It is easier to
endure failure
to bear success
wSS T W that defiance
Starch besides being absolutely
rior to any other Is supe
put up 16 ounces
in packages and
at same price -as
12Kunce packages t other kinds
To day is
never hott k - -
i rows burdens
m I