The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1904, Image 1

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An Old Settler Gone
The loath of Mrs Russell F Loomis
last Sunday morning removes from our
county one of the early settlors of this
part of the state Death is supposed to
have been caused by heart disease The
deceased received medical attention the
evening before her death incidentally a
doctor having at that timo been called
to the home on the Willow to minister
to a sick daughter The doctor after
waiting on the daughter professionally
was told that Mrs Loomis was not feel
ing very well and upon examining her
symptoms and condition found her to
be in a more serious state than the
daughter lie prescribed for the mother
as well but death claimed hor the fol
lowing morning Mrs Loomia was 64
years ago
Funeral services were held by RevW
C German of the Christian church
Tuesday the remains being buried in
the cemetery at Indianola
The members of the bereaved family
have the deep sympathy of a large circle
of neigh oors and friends over the county
Death of Bert Pate
Dispatcher and Mrs Will F Pate
were summoned to Hastings Saturday
night on No 6 by the sudden death of
his brother Bert which occurred in
Hastings Saturday evening about six
oclock Although the deceased had
been in delicate health for some time
death was unexpected as for quite a
while previous to his death his health
lad apparently been better Services
wero hold in Hastings Monday after
which the remains were shipped to
iVlindon where on Monday afternoon
they wero interred Mr and Mrs Pate
returned home Tuesdaj Mr Pate has
tho sincerest sympathy of many Mc
Cook friends Bert was well and favor
ably known to many people especially
in tho railroad service
The Annual 0 R C Ball and Banquet
On Wednesday evening April 6th the
members of Harvey Division No 95
Order Railway Conductors of our city
will givo their annual ball and banquet
in the Menard opera hall and the affair
will be attended by all tho bright and
inspiring particulars which in the past
made them notable The tickets are SI
which admits gentleman and one lady
additional ladies 50 cents each The
banquet will be spread at the Palmer
house 75 cents per plate The K of P
orchestra is another feature Present
indications are for a record breaker
Water Tax Notice
Water tax for the secondquarter of
1904 is now due Also the first half of
lawn tax will be due April 15th The
superintendents officenext to postofQce
will be open from 8 oclock a m to 5
oclock p m for the accommodation of
water consumers A ten per cent pen
alty will be added to all amounts not
paid by the 17th of April Special lawn
sprinkling permits will be issued on ap
plication allowing use of water before
April 15th J E Kelley Supt
Notices will not be sent by mail this
Buy Lime Sulpher Dip Ready Made
It is safer and better is made under
supervision of a chemist is endorsed by
government and state complies fully
with the recent state regulations Save
trouble and expense and buy it ready
made 48 gallon barrel 812 10 gallon
can 450 1 gallon makes 16 gallons
Write to Rex Stock Food Company
Dept A Omaha Neb
The Curts Dramatic Co Coming-
They will appear in the Menard opera
house week after next for three nights
April 7 8 9 There will be a change of
plays each night Prices 15 25 35c
Season tickets 1 Reserved 6eats now
on sale at usual place Get a season
ticket and have your seats reserved for
all three nights
Cheap Irrigated Lands Small Payments
For sale or rent between Sterling and
Ft Morgan Colo Best water rights
Best of soil for sugar beets potatoes and
Imperial Land and Storage Co
630 17th St Denver Colo
Seriously Injured By a Horse
Alvason of G H Simmerman of Cole
man precinct was seriously injuredMon
day by being kicked in the bowels by a
horse His condition is still one to oc
casion some apprehension
Plant Peach Trees
Twenty trees two feet high for SI at
sale yard
The attention of water consumers is
directed to the announcement of the
superintendent in this issue No prin ti
ed notices will be sent out this quarter
Consumers will govern themselves ac
A black mercerized petticoat made by
the Elite or by tho Henrietta peorpteis a
thing of beauty and a joy for quite a
while Sold by tne Tnonipson ury
Goods Cos in all grades1
The court house people planted five
trees Wednesday in the court house
grounds Tho little trees were sent
from Washington by Congressman Nor
At the Fairbury Nursery Sale Yard
McCook April 2nd you can get twenty
budded peach trees leading varieties
two feet high for SI
Spring gardening is now well under
way as indicated by the selling of sun
bonnets at the Thompson Dry Goods
Cos headquarters
Twelve additional styles of Grecian
voiles just received at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos same price 20c yard
Flower seeds of different kinds at W
T Colemans Sweet peas in the bulk
McConnells sarsaparilla for all blood
Goods Cos
Mrs C O Biiown has gone to Oma
ha on a visit
I B Weigkl is a guest of Couductor
R M Douglass
Mrs A W Utter is reported quite
improved this week
Mrs Edith Baths is here from Okla
homa visiting relatives
L W Stayner -and Floyd were Den
ver visitors last of past week
Mrs J F Jernberg is down from
Denver for over Easter Sunday
Mr A W Martin and bride arrived
from Denver Thursday morning
Mrs G F Kinghorn has gone to II
linois points on n visit to relatives
Register F M Rathbon returned
homo on 14 Sunday evening from Den
Mrs W B Wolfe of Bonkelman was
the guest of MrsV Franklin early part
of the week
E B Stephens of Crete was here on
business first of tho week guest of his
brother J H
Miss Marjorie Norrib of Hastings is
assisting in J E Kelleys offices now as
Miss Margaret Evans has been visit
ing hor sister Mrs Sago in Alliance
since first of last week
Mr and Mrs R F Pate and two
young daughters of Hastings are guests
of W F Pate and wife
Mr and Mrs C C Higgins who
have been in Alliance for a few weeks
arrived in the city Monday night
Mr and Mrs J A Crawford of
Morrison Colorado are here visiting
their daughter Mrs J H Moore
Mrs C J Stratton of Hayes Center
hasbeen the guest of her daughter Mrs
hi Jtt btaynor the past week or two
B L Smith secretary of The Denver
Northwestern Fuel Co has been in
the city part of the week on business of
that company
Arthur J Utter arrived from Fond
du Lac Wisconsin close of last week
called here by the continued and serious
illness of his mother
Mrs H M Kief departed on 6
Thursday night for her home in Maine
after a long visit the guest of her daugh
ter Mrs H L Prevost
Mrs W D Burnett and Anna were
guests of the formers sister Mrs E G
Bohanan of Lincoln close of last week
arriving home on Sunday night
Mrs W L Gregory who has been
visiting her sister Mrs H L Prevost
for several weeks left for her home in
Kansas City Thursday night on 14
H W Keyes of the town where Jas
per and Samuel Randolph live together
in peace and harmony had legal busi
ness in the countys capital Tuesday
Mr and Mrs J Ed Beyrer return
ed fore part of the week from their
trip over in Iowa They are the guests
of Conductor and Mrs V H Solliday
S D Bolles went down
last Friday night to visit his brother
Charles who is attending the state uni
versity He returned here on Tuesday
Spring Time
This is the house cleaning season
and we wish to announce that our
stock of paints oils varnishes
enamels etc is one of the best ever
shown in McCook and the prices
the lowest consistent with good
Our wall paper stock is also com
plete and well assorted and con
sists of all grades from 5c per bolt
to the best high grade florals tap
estries and crown patterns You
will not reeret seeiner our wall
paper stock before buying
i Cone Bros druggists
in gauze and coutil
at he Thompson Dry
00 0 1 2 3 and 4 all sizes in hooks
and eyes at the Thompson Dry Goods
Best aproncheck ginghams 6c yard at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Home cooking exchange at Grannis
store every Saturday
Remember the name McConnell for
wall paper
Slight rains Tuesday and Wednesday
Kaffir corn seed atjW T Colemans
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Go to Waites for garden hose
Garden and field seeds at Waites J Millet seed at Colemans
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob Marcli 30 1004
Tho board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to udjournmnut ProeentJH Bennett D A
Wntorman and Samuel Pretner county commis
sioners C E Eld red county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous mooting wero road
and upproved
Annual settlement of Samuel Ellis overseer of
road district No 14 was examined and on mo
tion clerk was instructed to draw certificate No
313 forjOO in payment thereof
Contracts with the following county phy
sicians were examined and approved It 13
Campbell phjsician district No 1 JM Brown
physician district No 2 C L Fahnestock phy
sician district No 3
The clerk having advertised that the board
would receive sealed bids for tho completion of
tho jail room and corridor tho board proceeded
to open and oxamino tho bids on flic and on
duo consideration find the bid of Jamos
ams to be the lowest and best and on motion
contract was awarded to James McAdams
Tho following claims wero audited and al
lowed and on motion tho clork was instructed
to draw warrants on tho county general fund
levy of 1903 as follows
State Journal Co supplies 140 00
h M Kimmell same 70 2
F L Keep repairing scraper 3 00
E C Mack desk and copy holder 44 50
J E KolloV premium on insurance 120 00
F D Burgess part payment on plumb
ing contract 100 00
C E Eldred salary first quarter 200 00
C E Eldred oflico expense first quarter 4 50
R W Dovoo office expense 3 85
Flora B Quick salary first quarter and
ollice expense 283 00
35 J Wilcox same 94 2
G W Short mdse for paupers 9 71
NJ Uerling same 18 50
James McAdams same 48 25
A Guy same 8 00
J A Wilcox same 23 00
W C Ballard coal fornunner 4 00
E G Caino Co samo 8 40
J M Brown salary as physician and med
icine for jear ending March 15 1904 v 77 00
A G Bump juror Marcli term of district
court 2 10
Henry Burton same 6 20
HA Bealosame 2 10
S Billings samo 2 10
W E Bower same 2 40
Louis Castensame 2 10
A C Clyde same 2 10
Geo E Denton same 2 10
Frank Dudek same r 2 80
A P Day same 5 40
Peter Garrett samo 6 80
C M Gobensame 5 70
M R Gates same 2 10
S M Hartsamo 6 20
Wm Y Johnson samo 2 GO
F S Lofton same 5 30
E B Odell samo 2 10
W S Perry same 2 10
Wm Staples same 7 00
Frank Tigard same 6 80
James Toner samo 6 50
Mike Woimkirche same 6 30
Marion Walters samo 6 50
Jas Hatfield same 2 10
R W Devoe drawing petit juror 2 25
A C Crabtree summoning talesmen 25 50
A C Crabtree attending court and serv
ing road notico 9 00
A C Crabtree summoning jury and mile
age 25 00
R M Osbornbailiff 8 00
George Beck board for prisoners 4 00
R Parsons board 1 00
J H Bennett commissioner service and
mileage 25 SO
D A Waterman same 24 SO
Samuel Premer same 27 40
R W Devoo C D C claim of W R
Starr and costs 209 14
And on tho county road fund levy of 1903 as
follows -
WCBullard lumber 51 55
fn Tinrnln A
Y 1HPPSlutts lumber 24 45
Cards are out to the wedding of Mr
Burton Wallace Sheldon and Miss Minta
May Sly which will occur at the home
of the brides mother Mrs E M Sly in
our city next Wednesday evening April
Ideal shirt waists are not only beauti
ful in designs but they are tho most
satisfactory in fit and wear that can be
obtained 50c to 4 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Tree trimming vine pruning garden
digging general cleaning up of and
about premises are among the patent
evidences of spring
The ladies of the Baptist church will
give an old time box social April 16
See The Tribune next week for further
Read Ludwicks advertisement on
page 4 Carpets rugs and draperies at
rock bottom special sale prices
Peaches are sure crop in Red Willow
County Twenty trees two feet high
for 1 at sale yard April 2nd
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs A C Wiehe next Thursday after
noon at 2 30 oclock
from 35c
Harnett Lumber Jo- lumber 53 65
E G Caino Co lumber 47 15
A J Markwad bridge irons 5 00
G W Cramer bridge work 4 00
Henry Cochran same 3 00
Stephen Bolles samo 5 00
O L Wilson hauling rock 2 00
Arch Mann hauling lumber 3 00
And on the county road fund levy of 1903 as
Solomon Premer road work 5 00
Eli Kinnison samo 5 00
Matt Stewart same 9 00
On motion board adjourned to meet April 26
Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett
County Clerk Chairman
Jimmy Woodson a Benedict
J L Woodson the well known travel
ing man who makes his headquarters in
McCook and Mrs Lena Munsen of
Denver were married in Lincoln Wed
nesday night at the home of Mr Wood
sons father They expect to arrive in the
city April 8th after a short honeymoon
The indications are that Jimmy will re-
ceive a warm welcome
James L Woodson and Mrs Lena M
Munson of Denver Colo were quietly
married in this city at high noon yester
day at the residence of the grooms pa
rents Mr and Mrs W A Woodson
1726 K street by Rev N S Haynes
pastor of the First Christian church
Only the relatives of the contracting
parties were present An elegant dinner
followed the ceremony The groom is a
traveling man whose many friends
among the angels of commerce as well
as others will be glad to learn of his
good fortune in winning a charming
bride They will shortly make their
residence in McCook Neb Thursdays
Lincoln Journal
Are You Going to Paint
We sell the Sherwin Williams paint
and we guarantee it equal if not super
ior in every respect to any other paint
made A paint for every purpose A
color card and other information for the
asking McConnell Druggist
Cut Flowers For Easter
Could you imagine anything that
would add more to that Easter dinner
table than a few of those beautiful car
nations hyacinths daffodils
or tulips They are to be had at
the McCook Greenhouse
The city authorities are putting down
some new stone crossings cleaning out
the gutters and opening the sewer pipes
under street crossings etc in anticipa
tion of the spring rains
Remember the sale of aprons shoe
bags Easter eggs etc by the Episcopal
guild at Pettys shoe store Saturday
April 22nd has been designated
Arbor day by the governor
The spring house cleaning campaign
is already under way
Detroit vapor stoves at Waites
Go to Cone Bros for wall paper
The freight houso at Oxford is about
ready for occupancy
R B Archibald was in Akron Wed
nesday between traihs
A now time card is being prepared to
go into effect April 12th
Switchman John Uumphreys is flag
ging vice L A Hurlburt
Brakeman Ira Converse came back
Tuesday from his trip home
Fireman R A Anderson is visiting
friends in Denver this week
Lignite has been discontinued on
passenger engines Too expensive
Fireman Charles Blackburn visited
relatives north of A rapahoe Monday
Twelve additional men were laid off in
tho repair track gang last Saturday
Chief Dispatcher Forbes was in Lin
coln on company affairs Wednesday
A new coal shod is being built at
Corona to replace one recently burned
Car Distributer C T Watson was in
Lincoln Tuesday on company business
Conductor George Bunting is on tho
163 vice Conductor Brown temporarily
C S Brickner general piecework in
spector was at headquarters Monday
Brakeman T A Nash and Switchman
F G R Ford are listed as sick this
Operator and Mrs Ralph Foe visited
her mother and family in Red Cloud
Special car 99 was attached to the
rear end of No 2 over the division
A daughter came to the home of Con
ductor and Mrs J H Burns closo of
last week
O W C Sampson and Ira E Con
verce are visiting in Denver a few days
this week
Warren Traver left on 2 Tuesday
morning for Horton Kansas to engage
in boiler work
Floyd Berry is hero from La Junta
Colorado for a visit to the home folks
of a week or two
Night offices at Eckley and Indianola
were discontinued on March 25th effec
tive until further notice
J F Arnold and Samuel Nowton of
tho round house force have been on the
sick list part of the week
Since the recent prairie fires Claim
Agent Hanson has had more business
tnan a cranberry merchant
M M Fisk took a day or two off this
week and went to Holdrege W G
Kimbell filled his place meanwhile
The new elevator at Cambridge locat
ed about 300 yards from the track has
been moved up to the house track this
Flagman W S Tomlinson is assisting
Claim Agent Emerson Hanson this
week and C F Allen is flagging for
Dispatcher W F Pates father
mother and two sisters accompanied him
to the city Tuesday night from Hast
ings on a visit
President A L Mohler of the Oregon
Railway and Navigation Co succeeds
W H Bancroft as general manager of
the Union Pacific
Owing to slack business the night
yard crew at Holdrege has been taken
off and trainmen have to do their own
switching nights now
Brakeman F W Jones was severely
injured at Republican City last week
one of his feet being caught between the
bumpers and crushed open
W H Griggs and C S Rutherford
of the paint gang resigned on Tuesday
of this week R G Ingham and A E
Holder are new members of the force
Conductor C W Bronson was called
to Minden this week to see his mother
who had been injured by being thrown
out of a wagon Conductor W H Brown
has his run meanwhile
F L Marshall of the round house
force resigned this week Also Roy
Hiler who left on Tuesday evening for
his home in Edgar where he was called
by the illness of his mother
Water consumers should not fail to
read the companys notice to be found
in another column of this issue It is
of importance The customary printed
notices will not be mailed this quarter
General Supt T E Calvert of Lin
coln was at Western division headquar
ters Thursday morning He and Asst
Supt Frank Harris went west in the
formers private car 199 the same morn
ing attached to No 13
C F Heber traveling agent on the
Burlingtons Western division for the
Voluntary Relief came down from Den
ver Sunday on No 14 The company
is utilizing these traveling solicitors to
secure more insurance irom its em
ployes who are under recent improve
ments and additions to the relief de
partment entitled to larger insurance
Conductor V H Solliday is determin
ed to do his dirtiest in helping Jim
Hill meet expenses and interest account
charges these troublesome retrench
ment times In his strenuous zeal the
other day he made a heroic and bold
attempt to collect a half fare from a
doll which a little girl passenger had
laid down on a seat in the car
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampdenhigh
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
Deaths Sad and Sudden Call
L is youngest daughter of Mr and
Mrs H P Waite died early Monday
morning at tho home of hor parents in
our city after a briof but painful illness
dating from Wednesday of last week xV
fatal termination of hor sickness was not
anticipated by tho family upon whom
her unexpected death came as a crush
ing blow
The funeral services wero hold in tho
homo Tuesday afternoon at 230 oclock
Rev G A Conrad of tho Congrega
tional church conducting tho same
Burial in Longview cemetory followed
the touching services in the home which
were attended by tho members of Lois
grade in the public schools tho eighth
and by many sympathetic neiihhnrs
and friends
The floral tributes wero numerous and
beautiful the white casket and loved
one resting peacefully in a bowor of
floral loveliness formed by a wealth of
roses lilies carnations etc
Lois was born in McCook in January
1890 and was consequently in her four
teen tn year
Intestinal lagrippe and resultant
heart failure are the given cause of
Mr and Mrs D F Neiswancor and
daughter of Cambridge attended tho
funeral Mrs Noiswangor is a sister of
Mrs Waire
So far as the sympathy of human hearts
can lighten the burden of sorrow and
loss the bereaved parents and sisters
have it in tender and boundless portion
District Teachers Association
The aunual meeting of tho Southwes
tern NebraskaDistrict TeachersAssocia
tion convened in this city this morning
at the Congregational church Tho last
session of this association held in Mc
Cook was in 1897
School patrons and friends and all in
terested in the discussion of topics per
taining to the states educational system
are cordially invited to attend the day
programs which are free
Those of tho general public who de
sire can enroll as members of tho asso
ciation upon the payment of the annual
fee of fifty cents The ticket issued will
admit to the musical and reception at
the court room tonight and to tho lec
ture at the Congregational church to
morrow night This is the best way
there is to take advantage of the good
things provided for the visitors pleasure
The expectation is that the reception
this evening will be a social and pleas
urable event of importance
Hon W W Stetson state superin
tendent of Maine is the lecturer for Sat
urday night He is held in high regard
by all Nebraskans who have met him
and his message will prove helpful as
well as entertaining to his hearers Be
sides the address this evening the pro
gram will include an invocation by Rev
Mr Carman a euphonium solo by Mr
F A Pennell a vocal solo by Mrs CW
Britt and a clarinet solo by Mr John
Wall Paper Paints and Oils
We kindly invito you to visit our
store and see the new line of- wall paper
the latest designs in one or two room
exclusive patterns In mixed paints
we handle the Lincoln guaranteed In
enamels varnish stains buggy paints
etc a large assortment
A McMillen druggist
Public Sale
I will offer at sale at my farm 15 miles
north of McCookmidway between Quick
and Centerpoint on Thursday April 7
all my stock farm implements house
hold goods etc Usual terms
John G Harrison
Household Goods For Sale
I am offering my household goods for
sale at private sale Call at Westland
residence George Enoch
Alfalfa Hay and Seed
For sale Call on phone or write Mrs
S E Christian McCook Neb Phone
Wednesday evening while James Kel
ley of Coleman precinct was driving
home in his farm wagon he was thrown
out and badly shaken up though no
bones were broken Mr Kelley is a par
tial paralyptic His horses were fright
ened by horsemen riding rapidly up from
behind his team
You can paint your buildings now
with less expense than will be required
in a year or two Our estimate on
paint and paint supplies will interest
you McConnell druggist
The Republican primaries Wednes
day night were but poorly attended
Delegates were selected in each of the
four voting precincts for the count con
vention of tomorrow morning
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tribunes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Complete lines of solid colors in dimi
ties lawns chambrays ginghams cot
ton crepes Mikado cloths and other
washable dress goods 12J4c to 25c at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Hundreds of rugs from the cheapest
to the best to select from at the
wick special sale See page 4
Ferris corset waists in all sizes and
shapes from 4 years up at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Leading varieties of budded peach
trees two feet high only SI for twenty
Double finger tipped 2 clasp silk
gloves 50c at Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Mens fine worsted suits 10 at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Rubber hose of the best grades and at
the right jprices at Colemans
Handsomely trimmed silk dress skirts McConnells sarsaparilla for all blood
S750 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos diseases
X c
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Fridny morning
flood Butter
Crenraory Butter
Alfalfa seoJ at Colemans
4 to
Jewel gasolino stoves at Waitos
Going to paint Seo Cono Bros
Garden and field seeds at Waitos
Garden and field seods at Waitos
Everything in drugs McConnell
See thoso garden drills at Colomaus
Tho Curts Dramatic Co April 7 8 9
McConnells sarsaparilla for all blood
Plenty of 5c prints at tho Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Garden seeds in the bulk and package
at W T Colemans
Crush belts in silk and leather at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
For sale 7 room house and two lots
Inquire of Mrs W M Irwin tf
Scalo books Typewriter papers
The Trihune
Wanted Girl for general housework
Seo the display of harness that W T
Colernan is making It will surprise you
Childrens stockings with tripple knee
10c pair at the Thompson Dry Goods
Wanted To buy good carriage horso
ono a lady can drive Inquire of II M
Tyler 4i2t
Special carpet and rug sale at Lud
wicks Page 4 of this issue tolls all
about it
In using McMillens cough euro you
run no risk money refunded if not
The Blanchford Calf Meal is tho best
known food for calves on separator milk
W T Coleman
m t - O
sells 3 nackaires of
iresn seeds for Why
pays cash for them
Because he
The city fathers had no meeting
Monday night tho time for tho regular
session No quorum
April 7 8 9 in tho opera house Tho
Curts Dramatic Co Popular prices 15
25 and 35 cents season tickets for SI
For Sale A square piano in good con
dition S30 Inquire at 207 Melvin St
M V Tkavek
Wanted Man and wife with no
children to work on farm
Frank Stillman
Handsome embroidery sets of edging
and insertion now showing in good vari
ety at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The latest in box paper writing tab
lets pencil tablets and school supplies
A McMillen Druggist
Rooms to Rent Furnished or un
furnished three blocks east of Commer
cial Hotel Ray Light
New wrappers long kimonos short
kimonos and dressing sacques just re
ceived at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Swifts Prido Soap lengthens the life
of your clothes It keeps them fresh
and clean Order some for Mondays
Send in by your neighbor April 2nd
and get twenty budded peach trees for
1 Fairbury Nursery Sale Yard Mc
Cook Neb
You will find tho greatest variety of
garden and field seeds at Waites Buy
early while you have this largo assort
ment to select from
The Indianola Reporter states that
The Christian minister at McCook has
resigned and will move to Indianola if
he can rent a house
A wrist bag of handsome leather with
mercerized lining and three inside pock
ets containing mirror salts and small
snap purse all for 35c at the Thompson
ury Ijoocis uos
Replating Silverware Such as knives
forks and spoons substantially done
also sharpening knives scissors lawn
mowers and saws Phone 83
M Thorgkimson
With the beginning of the new city
fiscal year Louis Fleischman will be the
proprietor of the saloon now owned and
managed by Harry Barbazett Mr
Fleischman is the new applicant for
Rare artistic skill is displayed on the
myriad of wall paper patterns we are
showing- this spring It doesnt cost
much to have these fresh bright papers
on your walls Come and see them
McConnell druggist
The prairie fire of last Wednesday
caused a damage of about four hundred
dollars to Stephen Bolles on the Willow
in fencing tanks feed etc They had a
long and hard battle to save the rest of
the ranch property James Doylo is
also a heavy loser in hay grass feed etc
The members of Mount Saint Elia3
Commandery No 19 of Holdrege will
observe Easter Sunday with the mem
bers of Saint John Commandery No 16
of our city next Sunday afternoon in
the Baptist church The visiting
knights will arrive in the city on No 1