The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1904, Image 1

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2 r -
From the Sunny Southland
Mt Olive Miss Mar 12 19M
Mb Kimmkll Wo promised tho old
friends in Nebraska we wuld write a
-letter and give tbem rii idea of our Mie
sippi homo and have failed to do ho but
will give them a few hints if you will
print it in your popular little Tribune
Mt Olive is a pretty little burg not
quite so large as our dear old McCook
but more picturesque I think The
grand old trees are beautiful and are al
ways ringing with the songs of beauti
ful birds It has about 4000 inhabi
tants a largo saw mill two wholesale
houses a cotton gin and will soon have
a compress and an ice plant The busi
ness part of the town is larger than Mc
Cook by far aud has a groat cotton trade
The weather 16 beautiful it is as warm
today as any July day in Nebraska The
fruit trees are all budding and some are
in blossom and tho air is laden with the
perfume of every kind of flower
I will do as Mr Dobson did send you
all an invitation to dine with us We
will give you all fresh vegetables and
fried chicken California isnt tho onlv
place thoy are having all those good
things to eat
We have somo beautiful plantations
surrounding our little town where great
crops of cotton are raised and they are
getting S87 a bale for it now On Sat
urdays it seems too dark for the sun to
shine when the coons come to town in
their bright colors 1 think most North
ern people have the wrong idea of tho
treatment the negros receive I know I
did They will take tho advantage and
must bo kept down
I am a typical Southerner in every re
spect and like my Southern home very
much Again inviting you all to pay us
a visit I will say au revoir
I remain as ever
Frances McChesney
Selby Dick Wedding
On the evening of March 15 1904 at
the residence of the grooms mother I
Mrs Eva Selby Mr Jov Selby of Mc
Cook and Miss Ina M Dick of Wauneta
Neb were united in marriage The
ceremony was performed by W C Ger
man pastor of tho Christian church in
the presence of quite a number of friends
who had come to shower upon them
many a wreath of flowers of love and
good wishes for the success of the voy
age upon which they were just embark
ing The bride was arrayed in the radia
tion and absorption of all colors while
the groom was dressed cap-a-pie in the
absorption of all colors-
The groom is one of the best know and
most popular young men employed in
the -Burlington shops and tho bride is
one of the leading young ladies of Wau
neta is well adapted to be a true help
mate for the man The oyster soup
supper which followed the marriage was
an elaboraterich dish and many were in
it The high esteem in which the young
couple are held was shown by the valu
able presents presented to them Thus
the happy couple start out well matched
altitudionally avoirdupoisedlypolitical
ly theologically scholarly and religious
lv May many happy days be added to
their lives
A Home Business Opening1
Do you want a permanent coal busi
ness Do you want to handle Colorado
coals that will give you the coal trade
of the town Do you want exclusive
control Do you want a company with
millions to back you Our policy elim
inates summer storage of coals
here is your chance
We are establishing a line of yards in
Central acd Western Nebraska In
vestment required will be measured by
the trade of your town If interested
write us and we will let you know when
we can arrange to see you Address
H S Covey or Members of Line
B L Smith Yard Committee
Hastings Neb
Ladies of the D of H
You are especially invited to
the meeting of the
order on next Tues
day evening March 22nd when the
funeral fund matter will be discussed
and action on the proposition taken by
the degree This is important and you
should be there
Were Made One
Rudolph F Okerson of this place and
Miss Anna M Alexander of Aurora Ne
braska were united in marriage Sunday
afternoon at six oclock Rev CR Betts
officiating the ceremony being perform
ed at the home of H P Henckel
Rev E A Russell D D of Ord Neb
Sunday School Missionary of the Ameri
can Baptist Publication Society will be
with the pastor of Baptist church all
day Sunday and will preach morning
and evening
The M V Sheldon Sale
The M V Sheldon sale of stock farm
implements household goods etc will
take place on Tuesday March 22 Dont
miss it Best sale of tho season Free
lunch at noon Usual terms
After Goldie Kunkle Warnie
Darnell Vose Burney and Harrie
Stewart got through hunting ducks up
around the head of the Willow clcse of
last week the number of water fowls in
that immediate vicinity was reduced to
the extent of about 200 a record over
which the doughty nimrods were excusa
bly proud
The ladies of the Episcopal church
held a Lenton Tea at the home of Mrs
Harry Barbazett last Friday afternoon
at five oclock
Ideal waists in white and colors in
lawns oxfords and silks now showing in
handsome styles at the Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Five hundred summer corsets of the
F C brand received this Friday morn
ing at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
See the pattern hats at our opening
March 25 and 26 Zint Menabd J
ft MP- -
Mr and Mrs Walter WJones have
moved to Ellc Creek Nebraska
Mrs J F Kenyon and Mrs J E
Kelley were Lincoln visitors yesterdaj
Misses Mary and Jennie Kubick are
visiting relatives in Red Cloud this
M H Cole of Coleman
for Iowa this morning to
MrsF G Westland
Lincoln Wednesday on
precinct left
be cone all
camo up from
a visit to Mc-
Cook friends
D C Benedict of Culbertson had
business in Southwestern Nebraskas
metropolis Saturday
Captain A F Ickes arrived in the
city close of last week and is with Mr
and Mrs Joseph Allen
Miss Addie Doan will arrive from
Missoula Mont tonight Mrs Roy
Kleven mot her at Brush
Stuart B McLean arrived home
Monday on IB from a few days sojourn
at Excelsior Springs Mo
George D Leach has disposed of his
hardware interests in Bloomfield this
state and will locate elsewhere
N B Shirley late with Earl Murray
has hied himself away to Hayes Center
where ho has opened up a barbershop of
his own
William IIiersekorn the well known
farmer and politician from Beaver
precinct spent baturday in tue city on
Harmon Thompson came over from
Bbrtrand Nebraska Friday last on
business returning there on Tuesday
W EMullen arrived from Sheridan
Wyoming Wednesday morning and is
the guest of his mother Mrs Mary
Mullen for a few days
Fred L Palmer came down from
Boulder Colo Wednesday night He
expects to return to Colorado close of
next week with the family
Mr and Mrs
Washington D
much sympathy
Albert F Woods of
C are remembered in
by McCook friends in
the death of their infant son
J H Bennett attended the meeting
of the Democratic state central commit
tee in Lincoln first of the week Mrs
Bennett accompanied him and they
briefly visited in Omaha as wellarriving
home Tuesday night
A W Martin Jr of tho Martin
Commission Co went up to Denver
Wednesday morning to be united in
marriage with Miss A M Dicks The
affair is dated for next Wednesday
March 23d We anticipate with con
Mrs C L Fahnestock and MrsPE
Bross pleasantly entertained tho mem
bers of the Alphabet high five club
Friday evening last at the home of the
former The usual sumptuous supper
was served at seven oclock The honors
went to Mrs W S Perry and Mr J W
Hupp the consolations to Mrs Albert
Barnett and Mrs W B Mills
Mr and Mrs Henry Mitchells
four-months-old child died Tuesday of
pneumonia Rev H Berry conducted
brief services at the home on Wednesday
morning Their two-year-old son Jack
broke his arm last Friday by a fall
from a chair being the second accident
of the same kind to the same arm with
in the past few months
Zint Menards Millinery Opening
We beg to announce to the ladies of
McCook and vicinity that our spring
millinery opening will take place on Fri
day and Saturday March 25th and 26th
We will show an exceptionally fine line
of pattern hats street hats childrens
hats etc in the pretty new shapes and
designs We shall be pleased to have
you inspect these stylish and latest cre
ations of the milliners art
Zint Menard
Try Cone Bros tonic liver pills
Kaffir corn seed at W T Colemans
Remember the name McConnell for
Rubber hose of the best grades aud at
the right prices at Colemans
Muslin bobinot and lace curtains in
large variety just received at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Alex Bergeron of Denver will be in
McCook about March 23rd on his usual
tuning trip Wait for him
You have an invitation to call and see
our new wall papers
McConnell Druggist
Everybody will want hose when the
lawn season opens You had better see
the grades at W T Colemans at once
Everything new in belts ribbons
waist sets silk gloves collar frames and
trimmings at the Thompson Dry Goods
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will meet at the home of
Mrs F M Kimmell next Thursday
afternoon at 2 30 oclock
Swifts Pride Soap saves a lot of need
less wash day worry It cleans and soft
ens without in any way injuring the fab
ric Sold everywhere
All the latest things in tho new shapes
and designs will be on exhibition at
Zint Menards millinery opening Fri
day and Saturday March 25 and 26
Mens fine worsted suits 310 to 1350
Mens cassimere suits 450 to 1250
Boys suits 85c to 350 Mens fancy
and whitewash vests just received at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Three packages of nice fresh garden
seeds for 5c at Colemans
Thoroughbreds to be Assessed Higher
It is requested by the attorneys in the
case of Harrison and Harrison vs Tho
County of Red Willow that I make a
finding which in some senses may bo a
guide to the assessors of this precinct in
the discharge of their duties in tho fu
ture and on account of that request I
make the following findings although
the same are not before me for judicial
1st Assessors in listing property
may take into consideration anything
that will enhance the value of the prop
erty listed and they may fix a valuation
in accordance therewith So in listing
live stock the fact that the stock to be
listed are full blooded or thoroughbred
stock eligible for registeration or such
stock when registered may be consid
ered by them as more valuable than or-
Be Strong- This Spring
Spring finds many tired and de
bilitated This condition is a forci
ble warning of bad blood
nells Sarsaparilla cures the ills due
to impoverished blood and makes
you feel better and stronger in ev
ery way The most effective spring
renovator we know of
McConnell Druggist
TT 1
jr t
-- Jt
Time Card
MiUM McCook Neb
W W Jones of round house force re
signed Tuesday
C W Holt went up to Otis Colo
first of this week
J F Utter has had charge of tho pile
driver this week
Herman Baumgart is a new truek
jacker this week
R V Walls is working again after a
two weeks illness
Fred Cofy of blacksmith shop re
signed first of week
E J Records of blacksmith force re
signed first of week
C W Dewey and W Tomlinson are
on the sick list this week
Fireman Halstead who has been off
for some time is working again
There were about thirty men of
Emersons force layed off Tuesday
Trainmaster J F Kenyon went to
Lincoln Thursday morningon business
C W Bronson went to Omaha first
of week returning on No 1 Thursday
Round house foreman J W Eastman
of Oxford is in the city moving his fam
ily there
L S Watson had charge of the pay
car special over the division on the 15th
and 16th
Engineer Roy Zint wife and son are
visiting her grandmotherin Red Cloud
this week
John Newberry was called to Oxford
to relieve W T Wilcott who is visiting
his parents
W A Cassell H L Holder and Wm
Hegenberger laid off for the C W
Bronson ball
Engineer Steve Finn expects to depart
for Beardstown 111 for a couple weeks
visit with the home folks
Arthur B Ward has been promoted
to local store keeper at Livingston
Mont on the Northern Pacific
Ten dollars a month have been added
to the salary of the Western Union man
ager at this place effective April 1st
Machinists George Enoch and W P
Phelps of the round house were layed
off on accounc of reduction in force
A G Goth who has been visiting his
parents at Omaha returned Tuesday
and has resumed his duties in the yards
Switchman C A Garner has been
called on the jury at Akron and C F
Allen went up on No 1 Thursday to
relieve him
George Bunting who has been visiting
in Indiana several weeks returned home
Tuesday and took charge of Supt Cal
verts special over the division today
Brakeman and Mrs E O Scott came
up from Red Cloud Wednesday After
a short visit here they went down to
Lincoln to visit his family for a few days
C E Emerson chief of the car re
pairing department lost about one third
of his force Tuesday through the re
trenchment order Thirty men were let
Car Distributer and Mrs C TWatson
arrived home on 3Monday nightafter an
absence of a number of weeks she in
Okarche Oklahoma he in Alliance on
business of his department
The machine shop force has been re
duced this week by
being layed off H
Traut Wm Stout
the following men
C Smith John
W H Anderson
No 6 Contral Time 1115 pm
2 620 am
12 920aM
14 955 pm
No 5 arrives from oast at 8 p m
main line west depart
No 1 Mountain Time 1154 A m
3 11Pm
5 750 pm
13 850am
imperial line
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p m
No 175departs 700am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
eeats free on through trains Tickets gold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
dinary common stock of tlmcountry and iSoXaTSrVFiS
mav be so valued and listed
2nd Tho question as to whether an
assessor may change the listincr of the
values of personal property after the
schedule has been signed by the party
whose property is listed at a subsequent
time and without the knowledge or con
sent of the person whose property is so
listed is not determined
R C Our Judge
A Great Success
The ball of the Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen in the Menard opera hall
last night was a large and splendid suc
cess We have but time and space this
morning to state that the crowd in at
tendance was large and brilliant and
that every other feature banquet mu
sic decorations etc was in keeping
The Trainmen are to be congratulated
upon the social and financial outcome of
their tenth annual
The ladies of St Patricks church
served che banquet about 125 persons
enjoying their sumptuous repast The
decorations were in red and green car
nations smilax candelabra etc mak
ing a pretty effect
The hall was also appropriately deco
rated with the order colors red and
Quite a number were in attendance
from various points over tho Western
division adding to the crowd and inter
S W Nebraska Teachers Association
The programs are out for the next
meeting of the association which will be
held in McCook Friday and Saturday
April 1st and 2nd The local teachers
and others are bending their energies
toward making these sessions valuably
entertaining and interesting It is ex
pected that the attendance of teachers
from over the district will exceed 100
Among the special attractions are State
Supt Stetson of Maine who will lecture
on Saturday evening at 730 State
Supt Fowler of Nebraska will speak on
Saturday afternoon There will be h
reception and musicale by the city
teachers and citizens of McCook Friday
evening at 8 oclock And there will be
a host of other good things in store for
those who attend Program in full
next week
Bert Thompson Dead
The following brief reference to the
death of Bert Thompson of Denver is
taken from the LaFayette correspond
ence of the Toulon 111 Sentinel
Word was received here recently of
tho death of Bert Thompson at Denver
Mr Thompson was well known to many
of the Sentinel readers being a nephew
of Austin Smiths brother I S Smith
No particulars of his death have yet
been learned His wife will be remem
bered as Miss Emma Maddox of Galva
The members of the bereaved family
have the sincerest sympathy of many
old McCook friends
The Adventist brethren have
torn down their foundation for a new
church on the corner south of the
Christian church and have moved up
Manchester street four blocks where
they will erect a house of worship on
the corner of Manchester and Denver
Elsewhere we give in full the decision
of Judge Orr on the question of assess
ment and the instruction to assessors as
touching the assessment of blooded and
common live stock The decision is in
line with The Tribunes contention and
takes reasonable grounds
March is the month when the wind
blows and therefore the worst time for
chapped face and hands and rough skin
Our Fragrant Lotion cures chaps and
makes the skin soft and smooth In 25
cent bottles McConnell Druggist
S R Razee of the Curtis Courier
drew one year in the penitentiary last
week for libeling Charles B Compton
in his paper A new trial has been
asked for
Harry Stock of near Wauneta was ac
cidentally shot and killed by a young
playmate by the name of Selby first of
the week
Sun bonnets for gardening and fore
noon visiting in large variety at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The Blanchford Calf Meal is the best
known food for calves on separator milk
W T Coleman
Millinery opening at Zint Menards
Friday and Saturday March 25 and 26
See those garden drills at Colemans
gor Agent Omaha Nebraska
J Clark
is a now man in the nijjht
H Anderson has gone to Have-
Joe Brenning Carl Crist J W Archi
bald H A Frey Warren Anderson G
C Meyers Louis Nelson and W J
Krauter Sam Pickard Casper Zailar
and C McKilly transferred to round
Charles F Heber has been promoted
to the position of traveling insurance
solicitor for the Burlington Voluntary
Relief department He will leave for
Chicago Saturday to learn the full
scope of his duties this being a new de
parture in the relief department The
appointment is for three months during
which time Charlie will be on the road
most of the time Frank Wallace suc
ceeds to the management of the Western
Union here
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
The beet sugar factory men have now
given the sugar beet growers a flat rate
of S5 per ton regardless of test This
is the most liberal rate ever given sugar
beet growers and ought to encourage
the culture
Young man your Easter suit wants
prompt attention Call and see what
we have to offer DeGroff Co
A Good Time Social
The Good Time social given in tho
Congregational church oy ladies of tho
church Tuesday evening attracted a
largo company Tho affair was in keep
ing with its title everybody had a good
time Light refreshments wore served
The following program was greatly en
joyed especially the music of tho man
dolin club Messrs Rhodes Fowler
Woodworth Anderson and Liggott The
program was as follows
Piano duet Emma PerryLillie Camp
Tenor solo H C Clapp
Recitation Miss Medora Santeo ac
companied by Mrs C L Fahnestock on
Piano solo Mrs W B Mills
Vocal solo Ruth Wiehe
Piano solo Lettie Knipplo
Reading J F Forbes
Piano solo Alice Benjamin
Mandolin club soveral selections
Piano solo Ruth Wiehe
Real Estate Transfers
Tho following real estate transfers
have been made since our last issue
Reported by C F Lohn real estate
loans insurance McCook Neb
FJennings to ALCIarkpart no qr 12-3-27 5G5
W S West to C E Waterman nart w hf
G Williams to W Trenchard so ir
and lots 1 2 and
W O Fincli to BSproll w life hf 11-3-21
J W Hupp to W llierfekorn so qr 2-1-27
C F Lehn to E C Winans lots 7 and 8
block 1 First McCook
II Winans to C F Lehn sw qr so qr 2-1-29
R C Boles to C McKay lot 11 block 25
First McCook
I P Dye to C McKayIot 8 block 11 West
W T Coleman sells 3
fresh seeds for 5c Why
pays cash for them
Flower seeds
T Colemans
McCook 500
E B Hoyt to M Broomfield lots 1 nnd 2
block 35 Indianola 1000
C A Pate to O Curtis lot 15 block 11
West McCook 775
JBrenning to F S Schobnover lotJblock
12 First McCook 1000
C F Lehn to Rudolf Johnson part lot No
3 section 32 T 3 R 29 150
Marriage Licenses
Rudolph L Okerson McCook
Anna M Alexander Aurora
MilfordPow Marion
Myrtle Cochran Danbury
Married by county judge March 12
Andrew J Dillon McCook
Vernio F Newkirk
JoyDSelby McCook
Ina MDick Wauneta
Dolbort Pate McCook
Drusilla Traphagan
Albert M Edwards McCook
Wiiinio Marks
Married by tho county judge March 10
Dillon Newkirk Wedding
Andrew J Dillon and Vernie F New
kirk two well known young people of
our city were united in marriage Tues
day afternoon March 15 1904 at 330
oclock Rev M B Carman performing
tne ceremony at the Methodist parson
age They will reside in Lincoln Mr
Dillon is a passenger fireman Miss
Newkirk is tho daughter of Engineer
and Mrs N A NowkirK
Graded Aberdeen Angus
While here recently Perry Stone of
LeClaire Iowa purchased the entire
herd of graded Aberdeen Angus cattle
owned by Lon Coons of Hayes county
Shortly the entire herd will be moved to
Mr Stones ranch near the mouth of
the Driftwood the old Stone farm and
his son Guy will come from Iowa and
take charge of tho ranch
Notice to Parents
Spring classes for beginners over five
years of age will be started in the South
McCook and the West ward schools on
Monday March 21 Children will be
received from that day till Monday
March 28th inclusive but in no case
later than the last named date
George H Thomas Superintendent
Best Remedy For Constipation
The finest remedy for constipation I
ever used is Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets says Eli Butler of Frank
ville N Y They act gently and with
out any unpleasant effect and leave the
bowels in a perfectly natural condition
Sold by all druggists
Are You Going to Paint
We sell the Sherwin Williams paint
and we guarantee it equal if not super
ior in every respect to any other paint
made A paint for every purpose A
color card and other information for the
asking McConnell Druggist
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincere thanks
to our neighbors and friends for their
kindness and sympathy in our late be
reavement Family of JHLudwick
Cows For Sale
Fresh and coming fresh Good milk
ers Reasonable prices Write me at
McCoook Tom ORourke
For Sale
One four-year-old horse new top
buggy new saddle Enquire at the
Osborn ranch
Flowers For Easter
Place your order now Special price
to churches
Phone 91
Green House
Rick Wood For Sale
W E Corwins ranch 3 miles south
of town
The Tribune wants a correspondent
at Lebanon Write the publisher He
will try to make a proposition that will
interest you Do it today
White bed spreads in hemmed and
fringed in newest designs just received
at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
packages of
Because he
of different kinds at W
Sweet peas in the bulk
Millet seed at Colemans
McCook Market Quotations
I ljnrrlfnil Wrtrlntr mnmlni I
jnrloy k
Alfalfa seed at Colemans
Want a kodak Seo Cone Bros
4 75
Good Rut tor 15
Creamory Butter 25
Everything in drugs McConnell
want to bo your druggist Cono
Garden seeds in tho bulk and packago
at W T Colemans
A metal folding bed of neat design for
sale Inquire at this office
Foit sale 7 room house and two lots
Inquire of Mrs W M Irwin tf
Scalo books
Cono Bros tho
the famous Wh
coughs and colds
Typewriter papers
The Tribune
Seo tho display of harness that W T
Coleman is making It will surprise you
needles at
gold eved parabola sowing
the Thompson Dry Goods
Wanted A girl
work Inquire
II Boyle
for general house
residence of Mrs C
Threo fresh cows with
Inquire at
Shoo Store
popu L
ito Pi
calves for sale
In using McMillons cough cure you
run no risk monoy
Ferris waists for small
girls and misses and for
Thompson Dry Cos
A fresh
Cono Bros
if nof
ind Tar for
children for
ladies at the
supply of Reigers famous
perfumes just received at
drii store
The handsomest collection of mer
cerized and other wash fabrics ever as
sembled by us now selling rapidly The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Tho latest in box paper writing tab
lets pencil tablets and school supplies
A McMillen Druggist
You will want your Spring wail paper
soon Remember that the finest assort
ment of patterns are to be found at Cone
Stray Taken up on my farm 3 miles
northeast of McCook one cow Owner
can have same by proving jiroperty and
paying charges
A box was received at the depot one
day this week which contained enough
stockings to supply all the school chil
dren in McCook with a pair apiece
They were made out of double thread
yarn had triple knees were seamless
elastic and fast color They took them
up to the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
where they are being allotted out as
many pairs to a customer as wanted at
10c a pair
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
am YP S CEatT p m Sermons
at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject
The Last Prayer Eveniner subject
A Bountiful Harvest Good music
George A Conrad Pastor
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 7 45 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m Rev E A
Russell of Ord Neb will preach in the
morning Excellent music All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 8
p m Mrs German tho pastors wife
will fill the pulpit in the evening and
the pastor will fill the pulpit at Indian
ola Good music All invited
W C German Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Class meeting at 12 Junior League at
3 p m Ep worth League at 7 p m
Prayer meeting every Wednesday even
ing at 8 p m Preaching at 11 a m and
8 p m Morning subject Humility
Evening subject A Worldly Profes
sion Revival meetings at South Mc
Cook every night
M B Carman Pastor
Rev C R Betts went up to Benkel
man Monday on a brief visit returning
home on Tuesday evening
Bishop Graves will be at St Albans
church to preach and to confirm Sun
day evening March 20th Services at S
p m The offering will be for missions
in the jurisdiction of Laramie
On Good Friday there will be services
in St Albans church as follows At
930 a m devotions and meditations
upon the first and second words of our
Saviour upon the cross At 230 p m
prayers and meditations upon the third
and fourth words upon the cross At
7 30 p m prayers singing and medita
tions upon the fifth sixth and seventh
words of tho crucified one These ser
vices will be just one hour each Rev
erends Conrad Betts and Carman will
give addresses All are invited