m 1 None befctsr made ganhager rtgBCbfcaBBj I Ask your Hakfcer Phelps Boatman Commission Co Only Strictly Wholesale Commission Merchants in McCook No deviation from this rule Vegetables and Fruits Corner Main and Dennison Sts flcCOOK NEB a I FIO 53 YEARS KSJ Illlfiawd STAMPS THEM THE MOST I I WOII SatisfaGtorySEoonomiGal 1 Polk BfOS9 Agents McCook 0 I I i III MB HI El Isiiiilcsl t x i rnrp A KVUUUI JL J I J J JLJjLJ J JLQ2JS B S Great New Offer in the Number of Paid Admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 Contest Opens March 1 Closes June 30 1904 No guesses will bo received after that date Conditions of the Contest STrSCS from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di rect to the Company will be entitled to one guess on the number of people that will pass through the gates paid admissions of the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1901 To those who purchase a gallon can four guesses will be allowed a five gallon can 25 guesses No limit to the number of guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the coupon given below have your dealer sign it and he will send them to the company at the end of each month If there is no dealer in your town mail them direct to the Company This contest will positively close at midnight June 30 1904 after which time no guesses will be received In case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where we have no dealer orders will be sent prepaid and cash must accompany them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these prizes For the nearest correct estimate or guess 00 CO For tho second nearest correct estimate or guess 10000 Here iS the For the third nearest correct estimate or guess T000 aiwiw - a For tIe fourtll nearest correct estimate or guess 2o00 I ISt Of For tho fifth nearest correct estimate or guess 100 Tt For the sixth nearest correct estimate or guess 1000 PRIZES For the next 20 nearest correctestimates or guesses each -00 Total 350000 Special Prizes For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in March 150 lbs National Stock Food and 10 gallou can Liquid Koal value 1000 For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in April one 10 gallon can Liquid Coal value 00 For the first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 5 gallon can Liquid Koal value llii To akl in IumMl Valuable Information tKSS Total paid admissions during Ma- to the Chicago Worlds Fair were 1050017 Total paid admissions during May to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo were 94X hat will be the total number of paid admissions to the StLouis Worlds fcair July 4 fig ure it out or guess at it and give in your estimate as indicated above COTJPOIT Town State Date 1904 Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa My estimate on the number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1901 is v Countersigned by Dealer tf LIS1080 I cons Foi mi cheap Taken from the McCook Tribune Keeps hogs healthy hijls lice on all kinds or animals cures the pink eye and ditem per and is the greatest remedy for germ dis eases of animals known to modern sci ence Sold on its merits Your money back if not satisfied Write the Company en closing stamp for free advice ou all germ diseases of animals One quart can 100- One gallon can 100 One five gallon can 1375 Wausa Xeb Dec IS 1902 7 r Knnl one of the best articles for all around purposes on the I nl fn Krti iil impend T t c f no lin iiuutw ui - -- - - - te and lice in ciuckcu st tlliug JL uavooiuriuiiuu uluu wm 0 market st aud is flfd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa FOR SALE AND GUARANTEED BY TAMES CAN 2 Phone No 20 Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store McCook Net a Commlssloners Proceedings McCook Nob March 8 1904 Tho hoard of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment lreteut J IT Ilennett DA Waterman and Samuel Prcmer county commi sionors C E Eldrod county attorney and EJ Wilcox county clerk Tho minutes of previous meeting wore read and approved Tho depository bond of tho Stato Hank of In diauoln was examined and on motion approved Tho treasurer was instructed to refund to Doll Pato tho cum of 1 tho amount of poll tax illeg ally assessed to him in 1901 and paid by him under protest On motion tho treasurer was instructed to re fund to W T Wootton tho amount of per sonal tax illegally asbessed to him in 190a and paid by him under protofet On motion tho treasurer was instructed to re fund to M E Hubor 93 cents tho amount of personal tax illegally assessed to her in 1903 and paid by her under protest On motion tho treasurer was instructed to re fund to CharleH F Lehn 309 tho amount of real estate tax illegally assessed to him in 1903 and paid by him under protest Tho annual roport of tho SoldierbRolief com mission was examined approved aud ordered placed on file On motion V II Smith of Indianola was ap pointed amombor of tho Soldiers Relief Com mission for ensuing term Tho clerk having advertised that tho board would receive scaled bids for furnishing medi cine and for Mich medical services as may bo required by the poor of Hedwillow county for jearl9U4 tho board proceeded to open and ex amine bids on file and on duo consideration find tho following bids to be the lowest and best K 11 Campbell physicians district No 1 J M Brown 2 C L Fahnestock 3 and on motion contract was awarded tho above Tho clork having advertised that tho board would receive fcealed bids for the completion of tho jail room and corridor tho board proceeded to open and examine bids on file on motion all bids were rejected aud cleik instructed to read vertise Tho board having examined tho accounts of R W Devoe clerk of the district court find them correct to date Tho following appointments were made to fill vaiicancies FWMoscloy overseer road district No 11 John R Hrown 13 W V Miller 17 I N Hortou 18 M B Leopold 24 u xj iowoerry zi Henry Coch rau 40 Thomas llojd justice of peace Beaver precinct The following oiiicial bonds were examined and on motion approved Robert W Devoe clerk of district court EC Crabtreeconstable Indianola precinct Thomas Boid justico of the peace Heaver precinct FW Moseley overseer road district No 11 John R Brown Don L Thompson W V Miller I N Horton M B Leopold L D Newberry Henry Cochran 13 14 17 18 24 27 40 Annual settlement of F W Moseloy overseer of road district No 11 was examined and ou motion clerk was instructed to draw certificate No oI2 for 20 on road district thereof in payment Tho followingclaims were audited and allowed aud on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1903 as follows State Journal Co supplies 1 6 00 Remington Typewriter Co same 14 00 Hammond Stephens same 2 6S Smith Premier Typewriter Co 1 support 4 00 Cushman fc Dennison supplies 3 52 E Q Caino Co coal for paupers and jail 42 65 Perry Bee Co coal for paupers C 35 W C Bullard same 23 15 Fletcher DovuHhouso rent for paupers 6 00 Albert Guy md so for paupers 48 07 J A Wilcox same 27 20 C L Fahnestock medical attendance paupers per contract 25 00 Pade Son mdso and funeral expenses Machett twins 1S 35 J II Ludwick Son furniture 78 00 J H Ludwick Son chair bottom 65 W II Smith Son mattress and glass for jail 5 00 C F Habcock viewing road No 376 7 50 Henry Winans board and care Anson Ingles 10 00 A C Crabtree boaid and care prisoners 103 50 American Arithomoter Co 1st payment on adding machine 125 00 C G Coglizer balance contract finishing courthouse 56 00 McCook Elec Light Co lights for Feb 3 94 Andrew Phillips janitor for January 25 00 Andrew Phillips janitor for February 25 00 R W Devoe office expense 330 E J Wilcox express office expense and compiling assessors books for 1901 81 S Ben Gossard postage office expense etc 85 41 J II Bennett money advanced R R faro pauper 4 10 Samuel Premer same 22 30 J II Bennett comr services mileage 60 40 D A Waterman same 33 00 Samuel Premer same 71 75 Aud on the county bridge fund levy of 1903 as follows W C Bullard lumber 214 95 Hadley Lumber Co same 9 85 E G Caiue Co same 130 20 Perry it Bee Co same 62 52 H PVaiteiX Co nails etc IS 31 A Lord same 21 4G AJ Rayer bridge work 11 00 J A Hickerson same 7 00 J M Hickerson same 15 00 Arch McNeil same 13 00 Jacob Kline same 10 00 Paul Smith same 13 00 Earl Calhoun same 2 00 Volney Gunderman same 15 00 A M Caldwell same 20 75 John Ekstedt same 19 25 Fay Brewer same 1 50 George Younger same 19 50 August Droll same 3 00 George Humphrey same 7 00 Grant Caldwell same 7 00 David Evans ame 27 00 John Beck rock 9 70 O L Wilson bridge work 7 00 Arch Mann same 22 5 Ollie Collins same 13 X CNSmith same 43 50 GWCramer same 20 00 John Glaudon same IS 00 N W Baker same 15 00 Jackson Teeters same 21 0 G II Harrison same 1 1 Joseph Lehn same 19 00 And on the county road fund levy of 1901 as follows Henry Pade road work 75 On motion board adjourned to meet March JO 1904 Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett County Clerk Chairman So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste MrsC Peterson 625 Lake St Topeka Kan speaking of Ballards Horehound Syrup says It has never failed to give entire satisfaction and of all cough remedies it is my favorite and I must confess to my many friends that it will do and has done what is claimed for it to speedily cure a cough or a cold and it is so sweet and pleasing in taste 24qS2S3 oUc and SI bottle at A McMillen s M LIKE FINDING MONEY Cone Bros Offer Popular Medicine at Half Price Cone Bros the popular druggists are making an oiler that is just like finding money for they are selling a regular 00 cent bottle of Dr Howards celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia at half price In addition to this large discount they agree to return the money to any purchaser whom the specific does not cure It is quite unusual to be able to buy 50 cent pieces for a quarter but that is what this offer really means for it is on ly recently through tho solicitation of Druggists Cone Bros that this medicine could be bought for less than 50 cents they urged the proprietors to allow them to sell it at this reduced price for a little while agreeing to yell a certain amount Tho result has justified their good judg ment for tho sale has been something remarkable Anyone who sinTers with headache dyspopsiadiinesssourstomachspecks before the eyes or any liver trouble should tako advantago of this opportun ity for Dr Howards specific will cure all these troubles But if by any chance it should not Cone Bros will return our money Colonist Rates During March and April the Burling ton will sell one way tickets to the Paci fic coast at very low rates Here are some of them 23 to San Francisco and Los Angeles 25 to Portland Tacoma and Seattle S2250 to Spokane S20 to Salt Lake City Butte Helena S1G75 to Big Horn Basin Wyo Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points These rates offer an excellent oppor tunity to see the great northwest which presents unusual to the homeseeker It posses es the iron and lumber of Michigan the wheat uf Min nesota the wool of Ohio the fisheries of New England and seaboard rivaling the Atlantic coast If you will tell me where you are go ing I shall bo glad to give you full in formation about rates train service sleeping car service and send you ad vertising matter descriptive of these wonderful sections J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Neb Do It Today The time worn injunction Never put off til tomorrow what you can do today is now generally presented in this form Do it today That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days perhaps weeks Take some reliable remedy for it today and let that rem edy be Dr Botehees German Syrup which has been in use for over thirty five years A few doses of it will un doubtedly relieve yonr cough or cold and its continued use for a few days will cure you completely No matter how deep seated your cough even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs German Svrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in thousands of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L V McConnell More Riots Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system Overwork loss of sleep ner vous tension will be followed by utter collapse unless a reliable remedy is im mediately employed Theres nothing so eflicient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters Its a wonderful tonic and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems It dispels nervous ness rheumatism and neuralgia and ex pels malaria germs Only 50 cents and satisfaction guaranteed byLW McCon nell druggist Womens Kidneys Women are more often afflicted with kidney disorders than men but attri bute the symptoms to diseases peculiar to their sex while in reality the kidneys are deranged Nervousness headache puffy or dark circles under the eyespain in the back are signs of kidney trouble that must not bo ignored or a serious malady will result Foleys Kidney Cure has restored the health of thousands of weak nervous broken down women It stops irregularities and strengthens the urinary organs It purifies the blood and benefits the whole system Sold bv A McMMen Tragedy Averted Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved writes Mrs W Watkins of Pleasant CityOhio Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terri ble cough set in besides Doctors treat ed him buh he grew worse every diy At length we tried Dr Kings New Dis covery for Consumption and our dar ling was saved nes now sound and well Everybody ought to know its the only sure cure for coughs colds and all lung diseases Guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist Price 50 cents and SI Trial bottles free Childrens Coughs and Colds Mrs Joe McGrath 327 E 1st St Hutchinson Kan writes I have given Ballards Hurehound Syrup to my chil dren for coughs and colds for the past four years and find it the best medicine lever used Unlike numy cough syrups it contains no opium but will soothe and heal any disease of tho throat or lungs quicker than any other remedy 23c 50c and SI For sale bv A McMillen If troubled with weak digestion belch ing or sour stomach use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and jou will get quick relief For sale by all druggists DIzy Then your liver isnt acting well You suffer from bilious ness constipation Ayers Pills act directly on the liver For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill Small doses cure An deists I Want your mnirstarlir nr beard a beautiful t brown or rieii wane liicn uso 1 BUCKINGHAMS DYEsTSrs 50 5 o Drr nr ct r L3 H S2E3 W W Dress jit ft Hisls Deposit Boxes We have placed with the manufacturers our second order for Boxes which will arrive in a short time Come early if you wish to secure a box 1 per year FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Neb llir M Goods ail W limit 0 IS Our No 1100 Girdle None better at 75c We also have a good one at 50c asl Fanri are now in and ready for your inspection Large Line Better Than Ever Right Prices Look the stock over We feel assured that you will sanction our claim Corsets Too Vft MHmMa 50c Batiste Girdle A popular number Col ors white pink and blue Long Dip Hip Straight Front Etc We Have Them g V FRANKLIN President a a b a DIRECTORS s rnifniuft ririncrRnLRnu XuU lull Go uU of keeping securities about your premises are many and great These risks can be wholly avoided by the use of our Safety f A C EBERT Cashier THE- CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Iff B W0LFEr C H VILLARD A A C EBERT S 3t3fcL2e 3fitxaaj jjCk fc 1 3g3gt3gsEr5i3rj5r i2r jijjjTjTrjt jrarssrrxpraQKgcagc nte mr grew I W vLg f Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 n a a