The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 11, 1904, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican County Convention
Tho rapulilicaiiH of Red Willow county aro
lioroby culled to moot in convention in tho city
of McCook on Suturdny April 2nd J001 nt 11
oclock n in for tho purposo of placing in
nomination candidates for tlio following offices
to ho voted for at tho next general election to
bo hold in NobniHkn on tho 8th day of Novem
ber 1101 Viz Ono county nttornoy ouo
representative- for tho Grth district ono com
inismonor for tho third district cloven delegates
to tho state couvontion to bo hold in tho city of
Lincoln ou tho 18th day of May 1004 also dele
Kates to tho state senatorial and concessional
conventions and for tho transaction of such
other business as may regularly coino boforo
fcnid county convention
Tho basis of representation of tho several
precincts in said county shall bo tho vote cast
for Hon John 15 Dames for judge of tho suprome
court at tho general election held ou November
ad 190 giving one delegate for eacli 15 votes or
fraction thereof so cast for said John U Barnes
and two delegates at largo for each voting pre
cinct in snid county
Said apportionment entitles the several vot
ing precincts in said count to the following
representation in said convention
Alliance 4 Grant 3
Beaver 6 Iudianola 7
Bondvillo 4 Lobanon 7
Box Elder 4
Coleman 4
Dnnbury 4
Driftwood 4
East Valley- G
Fritsch 4
Missouri Ridgo
North Valley 4
Perry 4
Bed Willow 4
Tyrone i
Valloy Grange 5
Gorver 4
1st ward 1st precinct 12
1st ward 2nd precinct 11
2nd ward lst precijict 11
2nd wnrd 2nd precinct 7
Total 125
It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed
in snid convention hut that the delegates there
at be authorized to cast tho full vote of tho pre
cinct represented by them
It is further recommended that tho several
voting precincts in said couutv hold their prim
ary election on Wednesday March HO 1SHJ4
Tho Nebraska stato committee recommends
that tho stato convention now culled when it
convenes nominate some candidate for United
States senator They also recommend that the
delegates co the stato convention give tho matter
a fair consideration and that each county nom
inating its legislative ticket before t aid conven
tion is held pledge said nominees to support
tho nominee of tho state convention for United
States senator if any nomination bo made
By order of county central committee
Frank Mooue L It Cohdin
Secretary Chairman
Republican City Convention
McCook Neb March 11 1904
Tho Republican olectors of tho City of McCook
nro hereby called to meet in convention at tho
Jity Hall at S o clock p m on baturriay March
19 1901 for tho purpose or placing in nomina
tion candidates for tho various citv offices to bo
filled at tho city election to ba hold April 5 1901
as follows Mayor Clerk Treasurer City Engi
neer 2 members of Board of Education 2 mem
bers of the Council from tho First ward one
member of tho Council from tho Second ward
one Police Judge and to select a central com
mittee and to transact such other business as
may como before tho convention
A Barnett
C B Gray
CI IIvll
W T Coleman
Tho Republican olectors of tho First voting
precinct Second ward of Willow Grove precinct
aro hereby called to meet in the City Hall Wed
nesday evening March 30th at 8 oclock for the
purjoo of olectiug 11 delegates to the Republi
can county convention to be held in McCook
Saturday April 2nd at 11 oclock a in and to
perform such other business as may come before
the meeting Lon Cone Committeeman
Tho Republican electors of tho Second voting
precinct First ward of Willow Grove precinct
are hereby called to meet in Burnetts Lumber
office Wednesday evening March 50th at 8
oclock for tho purpose of electing 11 delegates
to tho Republican county convention to bo held
in McCook Saturday April 2nd at 11 oclock a
m and to perform such other business as may
como before tho meeting C B Gray
Tho Republicau olectors of tho First voting
precinct First ward of Willow Grove precinct
are hereby called to meet at tho Commercial
Hotel baoment Wednesday eveningMarch 30th
at S oclock for tho purpose of electing 12 dele
gates to the Republican county convention to be
hold in McCook Saturday April 2nd at 11
oclock a m and to perform such other busi
ness as may come before the meeting
A Barnett Committeeman
Tho Republican electors of tho Second voting
precinct Second ward of Willow grove precinct
are hereby called to meet at H H Berrys oilice
Wednesday evening March 30th at 8 oclock for
the purpose of electing 7 delegates to the Repub
lican county convention to bo hold in McCook
Saturday April 2nd at 11 oclock a mt and to
perform such other business as may como before
tho meeting C G Coglizer Committeeman
Republican caucus for Bondville precinct will
bo held on Wednesday afternoon March 30th
at 2 oclock at the residence of Joseph Boos for
tho purposo of selecting four delegates to the
Republican countv convention to be held in Mc
Cook April 2nd 1904 Charles Skella
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs
Several years since my lungs were so
badly affected that I had many hemor
rhages writes A M Akoof Wood Ind
I took treatment with several physi
cians without any benefit I then start
ed to take Foleys Honey and Tar and
my lungs are now as sound as a bullet
I recommend it in advanced stages of
lung trouble Foleys Honey and Tar
stops the cough and heals the lungs
and prevents serious results from a cold
Refuse substitutes Sold by A Mc
gi Jrft iiJAJiaM5BlgSBffMWMIWBBgB5MsM8B5IB
mmms -
My wife had a deep seated cough
for three years I purchased two
bottles of Ayers Cherry Pectoral
large size and it cured her com
J H Burge Macon Col
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs all
coughs except deep ones
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayers Cherry
Three sizes 25c 50 1 All da 3
Consult your doctor If ho says take it
then do as he says If he tells you not
to take It then dont take It He knows
Leave It with him We are willing
J C AYEIt CO Lowell Mass
r TE - -
T MlJE V lVUU ti
Hr VlssJ jj3 iSS
Absolutely Pup
It is sovoral weeks now since war be
gan between Japan and Russia The
papers have been filled daily with ac
counts of naval batiles and the trans
portation and mobilization of troops
Tabulated statements havo appeared
showing the relative strength of tho two
nations the resources of each the num
ber of their inhabitants and statistics
of various sorts concerning the peoples
and the countries But in all the vast
volume that has been written we have to
look far and long to find the reasons for
such lavish expenditure of men and
money Wo discover the answer to our
question in one brief paragraph that
may easily escape our attention
Russia has been ono of the most ag
gressive nations in the world Com
paratively young in years she has rapid
ly extended her boundaries until her pos
sessions are more extensive than those
of any other country Russia has had
wars and many of them but the acces
sions of territory have been made for
the most part by bloodless warfare or
at least by an expenditure of blood
wholly incommensurate with the terri
tory gained She has gone her way un
checked or nearly so because she has
until now annexed lands inhabited by
people who are little better than barbar
ians One secret of her great strength
is that her possessions are inaccessable
to the other powers of the world They
are not scattered as are the colonies of
other European countries but lie in a
compact area When she reached the
Pacific it was along the northern coast
There were better harbors than hers
to the south in Corea and Manchuria
and she stretched forth her arms to
grasp the prizes that she believed to be
within her reach
In 1891Japan went to war with China
Japan coming off victorious was about
to appropriate part of the losing nations
territory to her own uses as was her
right but the nations of Europe inter
posed to prevent the despolition of China
In 1900 the Boxer uprising in China
gave Russia the opportunity she had
long looked for She sent troops into
Manchuria ostensibly to protect her in
terests there When the war was over
and the necessity for protection was
passed she continued to occupy Man
churia Not only that but she began
to move upon Corea a country in which
she had neither moral nor legal right to
be and in which Japan did have certain
commercial privileges and the right to
protect them by military force The
situation was one that might well be
calculated to anger Japan Japan had
fought for and fairly won a certain prize
which the other nations did not permit
her to retain yet here was one of those
very nations that had helped to rob her
taking by stealth what should have
been and rightly was hers Japan was
righteously indignant She protested
against Russias action and demanded
that Russia should guarantee the inde
pendence and territorial integrity of
Corea Russia agreed to assent to this
proposal on condition that Japan should
use no part of Corea for strategic pur
poses and that she should preserve the
full freedom of navigation of the straits
of Corea To these terms Japan would
not consent and the war followed
Was Japan justified in assuming the
attitude she has taken By every rule
of international law applicable to the
situation she was She had certain
vested interests that were threatened
with destruction She had the right to
protect them Japan is small in area
Her islands are densely populated She
has used Corea for colonization purposes
as she might do The independence of
Corea was essential to Japan One man
may take anothers life in self defense
One nation may do whatever is necessary
to preserve her national existence
Public sentiment in the United States
preponderates largely in favor of Japan
This however is entirely aside from the
right and the wrong involved We be
lieve it will be to our advantage to have
Japan win in the present conflict Self
interest dominates conscience We can
readily persuade ourselves that that
which profits us is right Our trade
with Japan which has only one third
tho population of Russia is twice as
great as our trade with the larger coun
try due largely to the fact that Russia
is surrounded by a high tariff wall while
Japan has a low tariff schedule The
argument is uspd that if Japan wins
new markets will be opened for our pro
ducts But in the prospect of immedi
ate gains do we not lose sight of the
Yellow Peril Is this not something
for us to take into account in bestowing
our sympathies
Colds Cause Pneumonia
One of the most remarkable cases of a
cold deep seated on the lungs causing
pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E
Fenner Marion Indiana who was en
tirely cured by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure She says The coughing
and straining so weakened me that I
ran down in weight from 148 to 92
pounds I tried a number of remedies
to no avail until I used One Minute
Cough Cure Four bottles of this won
derful remedy cured me entirely of the
cough strengthening my lungs and re
stored me to my normal weight health
and strength Sold by LWMcConnell
This spring you will need a nerve food
one that will cleanse and reconstruct
your nerve centers and wasted energies
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do
it 35 cents Tea or tablets L W
WIll4buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Real Estate Transfers
Tho following real estate transfers
have been made since our last issue
Reported by C F Lehn real estate
loans insurance McCook Neb
Citizens Bunk to Win Vogt s Yi uv U
utid lots uud 4 2-1-29 M0 00
T W Short to M A Vosburg nv H -
15 20 2300 00
S F Munn toE Lughrtiue nw i 28-4-27 1350 00
O McDcmgall to M L Phillipps nw
U 13 and no 14-4-28 6000 00
J W McCluug to T W Counter so K
5-3-27 1300 00
E Stanko to C II Dunton lot 12-1-27
and e Yt so M 35-2-27 600 00
E L Haywood to R J and M E Mc-
Killip so M 25-4-20 2400 00
R E CumitiK to W II Kradtfolt pt no
Hno 171 20 2650 00
B V Bradley to W Cumings w Y nw
H nw JS and pt ne Ji nw M 17-1-20 8000 00
M OBrien to W Timmins sw 4 1050 00
J C Moore to W Timmins n w 17-2-20 650 00
J L Marsh to W E Hunter wYt nwU
18-1-29 and o Yt no H 13-1-30 2500 00
D G Robinson to A lidwards sYt soU
and o Yi sw 4 20-2-29 300 00
H Thrailkill to G Amen lot 3 block 7
McCook 200 00
Lincoln Land Co to C D Custer lot 6
block 28 Mcfook 500 00
E V Barrott to M R McDonald lota
16 17 18 block 27 Indianola 100 00
J H Tenor to CHMorgan nwU 20-1-27 200 00
Li Gregory to A McCracken xrYt no H
and w 4 nw Yt 23-3-27 1900 00
J W Dolan to W Ebbeka nw X 9-2-26 500 00
Lincoln Land Co to L Caston lot 7
block 12 McCook 250 00
The Name Witch Hazel
The name Witch Hazel is much abus
ed E C DeWitt Co Chicago are
the inventors of tho original and only
genuine Witch Hazel Salve A certain
cure for cuts burns bruises eczema
tetter piles etc There aro many coun
terfeits of this salve some of which are
dangerous while thoy are all worthless
In buying Witch Hazel Salve see that
the name E C DeWitt Co Chicago
is on tho box and a cure is certain Sold
by L W McConnell
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice March 8 190tl
Anderson C Leurs S
Chapman Arthur Lee Hattio
Crawley Ben Milton Mont
Green Mrs R H Main Guy
Graham Elizabeth Miller Maude
Grannott Gorgo Price Fred
Green R R Rhoads W D
Hill Eugene Strentloy C P
Irwin A G Turner Claude
Rollick John W Tobin W N
Kitzmillor H II Warden Game
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured
William Shaffer a brakeman of Den
nison Ohio was confined to his bed for
several weeks with inflammatory rheu
matism I uspd many remedies he
says Finally I sent to McCaws drug
store for a bottle of Chamberlains Pain
Balm at which time I was unable to use
hand or foot and in one weeks rime was
able to go to work as happy as a clam
For sale by all druggists
W E White was mixing mud for
Galasha Monday
The rural free delivery is looking very
favorable here now
C C Pew and wife were McCook
visitors one day this week
Ernest Galusha is plastering a house
for D H Rittenhouse this week
There was a large crowd at E B
Stilgebouers sale and everything sold
Powell Nilsson are building a coal
shed H Goodenberger is doing the
J H Wicks the elevator man was a
Danbury visitor Tuesday between
J Morgan of east of Danbury is go
ing to move into the house vacated by
E B Stilgebouer and work for Pew
Bros this year
Pew Bros bought most tho red boss
at the Stilgebouer sale which they in
tend to leave on the farm and still con
tinue to raise and sell tho noted Doroc
hogs to supply the ever increasing de
There were seven loads of stock ship
ped from here this week Powell
Nilsson shipped five cars of cattle to
Omaha and G Weyeneth and D II
Rittenhouse shipped one each of hogs to
St Joe
The sheep lost their train ride this
week by tho sheep inspector being on
the Burlington never late that tried to
get through Monday but were stalled
between Danbury and here by running
onto Boss Dolphs only horse which de
railed a car and the train crew were not
able to get it back on the track or out of
the way until Tuesday morning
Death Rate in New York and Chicago
During November and December1903
one fifth of the deaths in New York and
Chicago were from pneumonia Foleys
Honey and Tar not only stops the cough
but heals and strengthens the lungs and
prevents pneumonia so do not take
chances on a cold wearing away when
Foleys Honey and Tar will cure you
quickly and prevent serious results
Sold by A McMillen
Cures Sciatic Rheumatism
Mrs A E Simpson 509 Craig St
Knoxville Tenn writes June 10th 1899
I have been trying the baths of Hot
Springs Ark for sciatic rheumatism
but I get more relief from Ballards
Snow Liniment than any medicine or
anything I have ever tried Enclosed
find postoflice order for 1- Send me a
large bottle by Southern express Sold
by A McMillen
I Mike Walsh
and EGGS
-- i mii l i it i
g Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska
m MMnman i X
W Loon
Uf A J J
k3 gov
mm iflvFm l
nsi wsssm
lm mmmmwm
2825 Keeley St
Chicago III Oct 2 1902
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb with severe
pains through the groins I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain
What to try I knew not for it
ceemed that I had tried all and
failed but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui that blessed remedy for
sick women I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman
Mrs Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders
bearing down paiifs and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health
For advice in cases requiring
special directions address giving
symptoms The Ladies Advisory
Department The Chattanooga
Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn
New Firm
t S I
Oh the Pleasures
of moving day of ripping up carpets
and stair rods of breaking in a new
house and fitting stove pipe of eating
your meals on the kitchen stairs and
waiting for the plumbers and the gas
man Theres a joy thats unconfined
about all this and
You Can Have It
Once a Year
but do you want it Wouldnt you
give a pretty penny to escape it There
is only one way viz to own instead of
forever moving If you are thinking of
the better way see the Secretary of the
McCook Co Operative
Building Savings Assn
Old Stand
Mcat Market
David Magner has gone
into the firm which seeks
a continuance of public
patronage guaranteeing
the best of everything sea
sonable at the most rea
sonable prices
Anton Magner
The only reliable wholesale house
between Denver and Hastings
We Buy in Car Lots
All goods direct from grower that
is why we can sell cheap
ants headquarters
We Pay Cash for Eggs
Local and Lontr Distance
Phone 101
One door south of the Tribune Office
Spring Dress Goods
and Waistings
Our stock was never so complete as this year Before
purchasing your spring gown shirt waist suit or fancy waist
call and see our beautiful line of
Sanglier Boutonnes Etamines
Mohairs Boutonne and Plain Voiles
Tussah Silks Shantung Silks
Sackings and Wash Taffetas
Our stock is composed of all the new weaves carefully
selectedfrom the best dress goods houses and OUR PRICES
ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Call and be con
Every Day in the Month
we will furnish you the very best values obtainable in MUS
LIN UNDERWEAR Every garment in our stock is extra
well made and you cannot afford to make them for the prices
we are asking
H Ag3r
L JSfrf
Pt uxZ5
ir iiiiniiiWimac3B
pring Shirts
We have just received a handsome new assortment of
negligee shirts ranging in price from 45c to 125
lot 1
Best Remedy For Constipation
The finest remedy for constipation I
ever used is Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets says Eli Butler of Frank
ville N Y They act gently and with
out any unpleasant eiFect and leave the
bowels in a perfectly natural condition
Sold by all druggists
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
A Physician Writes
I am desirous of knowing if the pro
fession can obtain Ilerbine in bulk for
prescribing purposes It has been of
great use to me in treating cases of dys
pepsia brought on by excesses or over
work I have never known it to fail in
restoring the organs affected to their
healthful activity HOe a bottle at A
1 uiiAilM mwuu VfETEBSHttaii
r k
fcrf HE
y r
it jn
m i
f 31
H fcii jS
Now that most of the winter is gone
there will be a rush for new Shoes Now
is the best time to buy Early buyers
get the best choice We hope every one
who reads these lines will accept this as
an invitation to come and look at our
offerings of good sensible stylish Shoes
for spring
A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska
Are you raising alfalfa Feeding alfalfa Or thinking
of raising alfalfa On few other crops can you gain so
much by profiting by the experiences of others
Twentieth Century
tells how those who have made a study of alfalfa have met
with profit and success
Xortli Loup Neb Jan 1G lfflj
Twentieth Ceutury Farme r Enclo ed is a dollar to renew tny sub
scription I need jour paper In 1n 0 w owed our firt alfalfa with
out nurr crop gettius a Rood stand but it died the first winter Then
we became discouraged iud iuit Through reading jour papor wo
learned that our methods were at fault and started again We now
get four to six tons of enred hay ir acre We are now following ad
rice given in jour paper on preparing soil needing cutting and stack
ing alfalfa We got a gain of pound- per day on Shorthorn calves
fed on hay alone during the winter Yours verj trulv
Send 25c for 3 months subscription we will send a sam
ple copy and handsome booklet free if you write for it
Splendid prizes forgetting new subscribers premium list free
20jl Farnam St Omaha Neb
I Ti
fi 1
L -
ttSP 3