The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1904, Image 8

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Start Right
how and polect one first class butcher
Give him all your trade The plan of
Shopping around for your meat supplies
with tho objuct of saving money doesnt
vork out in practice If you have a
Vegular butcher anything that is un
satisfactory is promptly and pleasantly
teado right thats our way
Come Here
Wed like to servo you in this capacity
A customer lias never left us because of
bad treatment or misrepresented goods
Youll fatten your bank book too If
you dont know how far a dollar will go
at our meat market just come and
trade here for one week
Will Stone is moving his grain to his
farm this week
T M Campbell hauled corn for Fred
-Rang last week
W B Sexson visited with Paul Stone
and wife Sunday
Mrs A T Wilson visited Mrs T M
Campbell Friday of last week
Robert Larington has rented the Fred
Rang farm for the coining season
James Spaulding and wife visited
Fred Lakin and wife last Sunday
George Younger and Charles Foye are
working on the Bogle house this week
W F Satchell expects to movo this
week to his fathers farm near Culbert
George Harrison and Maud Stone
visited Robert Larington and family of
-Havana Sunday
A farewell party was given tc Fred
Satchell and wife last Friday evening
at the home of J S Modrell
Mrs E T Stewart of JAlma arrived
Wednesday to visit her mother Mrs
Johnson and other relatives
James Beebe and bride were visiting
friends and relatives here Monday aEd
Tuesday He will tend the II CChurch
farm near Osburn
There was no preaching at the church
Sunday on account of the revival ser
vices at Spring Creek There was a
good attendance at Sunday school
There will be the regular preaching ser
vices Sunday March 13-
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
John Hoffman has commenced break
ing sod on the school section
Haskell Tirrill was here last week
with his camera taking views
Mr Goodenberger wife and three
children visited with J H Relphs fam
ily Sunday
Quite a number have been sick with
sore throats and mouths together with
lagrippe All are improving at this
D Goodenberger repaired his engine
and finished the threshing at J H
Relphs and then went over into Gerver
and did some work there
It Saved His Leg
P A Danforth of LaGrange Ga suf
fered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg but writes that
Bucklens Arniqa Salve wholly cured it
in five days For ulcers wounds piles
its the best salve in the world Cure
guaranteed Only 23 cents Sold by L
W McConnell druggist
1 Coughs I
large size and it cured her com
My wife had a deep seated cough
for three years I purchased two
bottles of Ayers Cherry Pectoral
J H Burge Alacon Col
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs all
coughs except deep ones
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayers Cherry
Three sizes 25c 50c SI All druggists
Consult your doctor It ho says take it
then do as ho says If lio tells not
to take it then dont take it He knows
Leave it with him We are willing
J C AYEK CO Lowell Mass
Mumps is the fad in several families
at this place
Mrs Stilgebouer has been quite sick
for tho last week
J M Epperly innde a business trip
to Indianoln Monday
Joe Burton attended tho concert at
Cambridge Saturday evening
Mr Limon and wife were here from
Denver visiting her mother Sunday
J A Fletcher is having his new house
painted James Fletcher is doing tho
Truman Woods returned last week
from Gothenburg where has been visit
ing his son
Burtons and Sipes went to concert
given by the New Orleans concert com
pany in Cambridge
Mrs V Sells and children went to
Marysville Mo Wednesday where they
will reside with her mother
A basket supper at East Valley school
house was attended by several your g
folk from here Wednesday night
Ray Hodgkin returned Saturday eve
ning from Lincoln where he had been
attending the Lincoln Business College
Tho Christian Endeavor and Sunday
school presented a beautiful clock to their
superintendent and president Percy Cat
lett at the conclusion of tho exercises
last Sunday evening
Messrs Ray Hodgkin Joe Burton
Ivan and Frank Clark Will and Lute
Flint and the Misses May Bush Pearl
Curlee Elfie McCord Anna Sipe Grace
Brown and Nellie Farrel Mrs Keyes
and son Stanley attended the concert
at Indianola Monday evening
Maurice Reddys father and sister left
Monday evening for Lawton Iowa
where they will make their future home
Maurice Reddy loaded a car with stock
and farm implements and left for Law
ton Iowa Thursday Wo are sorry to
have him leave this country He has
always been an honorable and useful
citizen We wish them prosperity in
their new home
More Riots
Disturbances of strikers are not nearly
as grave as an individual disorder of tlie
system Overwork loss of sleep ner
vous tension will be followed by uttc r
collapse unless a reliable remedy is im
mediately employed Theres nothiug
so efficient to cure disorders of the liver
or kidneys as Electric Bitters Its a
wonderful tonic and effective nervine
and the greatest all around medicine for
run down sv stems It dispels nervous
ness rheumatism and neuralgia and ex
pels malaria germs Only 50 cents and
satisfaction guaranteed byLW McCon
nell druggist
James Sims shipped two cars of hogs
to St Joe Tuesday
William Stilgebouer has finally caught
up with the mumps
A wedding south of town We forgot
their names but Dr DeMay says he
will tell later on
Kollo Van Pelt Mrs Anna Puelz Van
Ashton Floyd Irvin and Young Pogue
are on the sick list
Sam Messner will be home iu about
three weeks from Hot Springs where he
has received great benefit
Will Landon is shelling corn this
week He has got into the corn and
hog business up to his eyes
George Morgan is the busiest man in
the county at present looking after three
farms and a department store
Brother Pogues Lebanon meeting is
becoming quite interesting Five con
versions thus far and the good work
goes on
Protracted meetings at the Congrega
tional church begin Sunday next with a
lad preacher We hope for a great in
Rev Beitel of Franklin occupiedjthe
Congregational pulpit Sunday at 11 a
m and 8 p m He is quite an enter
taining speaker
A M Teel of Indianola was in town
Monday I think he was looking for a
job of grubbing He can hardly keep
from work you know
Quite a number of the Maccabees and
a few Maccahees went to Indianola last
Saturday to an entertainment They
report a rousing time
Mrs Mitch Young our intermediate
teacher has been indisposed for a week
Mrs Young is one of Red Willow coun
tys very best instructors
James Williams our county surveyor
had the misfortune to fall headfirst
from a budding and sustain severe in
jury He is now confined to his bed
but we hope will soon bo able to be out
Tragedy Averted
Just in the nick of time our little
boy was saved writes Mrs W Watkins
of Pleasant CityOhio Pneumonia had
played sad havoc with him and a terri
ble cough set in besides Doctors treat
ed him but he grew worse every day
At length we tried Dr Kings New Dis
covery for Consumption and our dar
ling was saved Hes now sound and
well Everybody ought to know its
the only sure cure for coughs colds and
all lung diseases Guaranteed by L W
McConnell druggist Price 50 cents
and 81 Trial bottles free
Gather the roses of health for you r cheeks
While the parks are shining with dew
Get out in the morning early and bright
By takingRocky Mountain Tea at night
L W McConnell
7ywS2j z
GlIlrnyH Strllclne Cartoon iwhich
Won PubllNlicd In 1808
The dangers which threatened Napo
leon In the opening years of the nine
teenth century were shown by Glllray
In one of the most striking of nil his
cartoons the Valley of the Shadow of
Death which was Issued Sept 24
1803 The valley is the valley of Buu
yans allegory The emperor is pro
ceeding timorously down a treacherous
path bounded on either side by the wa
ters of Styx and hemmed in by a circle
of flame From every side horrors are
springing up to assail him The British
Hon raging and furious is springing at
his throat The Portuguese wolf has
broken his chain King Death mount
ed on a mule of true royal Spanish
breed has cleared at a bound the body
of the ex King Joseph which has been
thrown Into the ditch of Styx Death
Is poising his spear with fatal aim
warnlngly holding up at the same time
his hourglass with the sand exhausted
flames follow his course From the
smoke rise the figures of Junot and
Dupont the beaten generals The pa
pal tiara is descending as a Roman
meteor charged with lightnings to
blast the Corsican The Turkish new
moon is seen rising in blood The
spirit of Charles XII rises from the
flames to avenge the wrongs of j
Inantinble Curiosity Cnnsed a Long
Iilst of CannnltlcH
When the trolley system was install
ed in Mexico City the native Indians
apart from their wonderment as to
what unseen force propelled the cars
were anxious to test the new power
They began by trying to stop the car
with their hands and later with their
heads and bodies until the list of cas
ualties became great
Then a brilliant idea struck them
They had often been to bullfights and
at certain of these had watched a pe
culiar opening ceremony winch origi
nated in Mexico and later was intro
duced into Spain fiefore the bull is
set loose in the arena a man clothed in
white from head to foot poses as a
statue in the center of the ring His
face and hair are whitened and he
stands without a movement or a flutter
of clothing or anything that would
tend to show that he is alive
When the bull is released he first
sniffs the air and makes a mad rush
for the pedestal Getting quite close
he stops and snorts gazing at the fig
ure Seeing no movement he gradual-
It DuHIcm Jauntily With Youth In
TIiCMC IVorcxHive IUn
Half a century ago a man of forty
five was regarded almost elderly and a
woman of the same age was expected
to have long since cut herself adrift
from all ties binding her to her youth
nud to assume the appearance and de
portment of a staid exemplar matron
All this has changed in a particularly
interesting way of which the promi
nent feature is a seeming contradic
tion If the three-year-old child of to
day is as knowing as was the six-year-old
of half a century ago and the ten-year-old
103 of today is in ma 113 re
spects quite as much a man as was his
grandfather at eighteen one might nat
urally expect that in due gradation the
modern middle aged man should be old
be3 ond his years But such is not the
Middle ago so far from hurrying on
into senility so far even from standing
still would seem actually to have
stepped backward and inarched along
side of youth There Is a jauntiness a
buoyancy an elasticity about the mid
dle age of today at which our fathers
would have shaken their heads as un
seemly The gulf which once separated
the middle aged parent from his chil
dren has been filled up The curtain
which caused him to be regarded with
respect if not with awe has been lifted
nnd in obedience to the same influences
which have made the schoolmaster the
friend of tho schoolboy and the regi
mental oflicer almost the comrade of
Ids men the middle aged man of today
is never so happy as when working or
playing upon an equality and actually 1
in connection with youth
As with men so it is with women
Social statisticians tell us that the age
at which women are considered most
eligible for marriage has been very
J notably advanced of late years and
wo know that the lament of many a
matchmaking mamma is that the most
I dreaded rivals of her darling are not
to be found so much among the girls
of her own age as among women who
not many years ago would have been
relegated to tho ranks ot hopeless old
maidenhood The fact that the middle
aged lady of today is much younger in
manner and tastes is of course not the 1
only reason for this but it is among
the most potent London Spectator 1
A Very Struiie 1 11 tor cession
In a church wheiv tin prayers are
made at tho discretion of the minister
very strange intercessions are some
times presented I remember well
ages since hearing old Dr Muir of
Glasgow who was a real though ec
centric genius in his day and of whom
no English reader ever beard relate in
incident which had been in his own
knowledge Mr Sniitli
ing at Drumsleekie and
ly retires backward in amazement His j trates of Drumsleekie He meant no
attention is then attracted by others
and the man escapes
The Indians decided to try this on
the cars Dressing themselves in white
and putting flour on their faces and
hair they would stand motionless in the
middle of the car tracks facing the
coming monster
There were many ambulance calls
before they learned the difference be
tween a bull and a trolley car Detroit
Free Press
True Iazinesa
Have something to do
Dont do it
Get somebody else to do it
Watch him do it
Convince yourself that you could
have done it ever so much better if it
had been worth while
Rest from your labors
Do the thing that has to be done as
leisurely as possible More haste less
speed Do it well so that you wont
have to do it again Avail yourself of
all labor saving devices Invent some
Rest Never do today that which
may be done as well tomorrow for to
morrow you may not need to do it
This advice is not new but it is worth
regarding Pittsburg Dispatch
Sunset In tlie Cnnyons
In the deep canyons one is soon over
taken by night Indeed in some of
these intricate pathways the work of
aqueous erosion the sunlight if it en
ters at all stays but a few moments
As the sun goes down the changes that
are marshaled on are singularly beauti
ful The vivid green tints of the chap
arral so brilliant at midday begin to
fade and assume a deep purple over
which a delicate silvery mist imper
ceptibly draws its veil On It creeps
the royal tint becoming more intense
until suddenly it takes on a fiery glow
and over all the slopes there plays a
roseate light the warm good night of
the upper range
Tho Thunder Dlakers
De woiT am a great big playhouse
said Charcoal Eph in one of his rumi
native moods an whilst de stabs am
doin dey big stunts in de centah ob de
stage de res ob us am pushin scenery
an makin thundahstoms wid de tin
sheet Mistah Jackson Baltimore
The Helsrht of Dnrlnjj
Willie Littleboy Whats the
Bob Thickneck A hero is a feller that
dast to tie a tin can to a bulldogs tail
Smart Set
Only 24 per cent of doctors reach sev
enty years but -42 per cent of clergy
men do so
evil but the magistrates were
pleased Longmans Magazine
PIuytliiiiRM In Court
Some very curious models have from
various lawsuits There was a model
of a mill produced Intel in a patent
case where the patentee claimed his
patent to have been infringed Tin
patent was in connection with some
part of the machinery of the mill The
model mill was set working in court
while judge and counsel watched its
movements with much interest A
model steam engine was once produced
in an action against a railway compa
ny The judge Insisted on having the
whole working of the engine explained
to him whereupon the counsel who
was speaking asked for an adjourn
ment of the trial for twelve months
when he would be able to give the re
quired explanation London Tatler
How to Remove Stones From Land
Large rocks should be heated by
burning a quantity of brush on each
one and then with a good heavy sledge
and steel wedges most of them can be
split into fragments that can be hauled
ofl upon the drag Medium sized rocks
may be drawn out by digging round
them fastening a log chain upon the
lower side and attaching the team Let
the horses start slowly and with a lit
tle effort the stone may be pulled out
at the second or third pull A good
way to get rid of stones N to bury
them but bury them deep not less
than three feet from the surface as
they will be certain to work up to the
top in a few years when the work has
to be done over again at considerable
Aothinsr to SIjotf For It
Say doctor whats that last 3 item
in your bill for
Let me see Oh yes I gave you a
thorough examination on that day
Dont you remember
Sure I remember But do you sup
pose I am going to pay you for that
when you took up an hour of my time
and then couldnt find anything the
matter with me after all Buffalo
The Acme of Meekness
HcJigger Chicken hearted Well I
should say hes the limit
Thingumbob Is that so
McJigger Nothing can make him
fight Why Ive even seen him let a
man cheat him out of his turn in the
barber shop and he never said a word
Philadelphia Tress
The Adirondack government reserve
contains l355Sol acres and private
parks aggregate 700000 acres The Cat
skill reserve is 82330 acres
Good Spirits
Good spirits dont all come from Ken
tucky Their main source is the vor
and all the fine spirits ever made in the
Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad
liver or the hundred and one ill efTectsit
produces You cant have gold spirits
and a bad liver at tho some time Your
livor must be in tine condition if you
would feel huovant happy and hopeful
bright of eye light of step vigorous and
succHfcsful in your pursuits You can put
your liver in fine condition by using
Greens August Flower tho greatest of
all medicines for tho liver find stomach
and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi
gestion It has been a favorite house
hold remedy for over thirty five years
August Flower will make your liver
healthy and active and thus insure you
a hberil supply of good spirits
Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L
W McConnell
Cures Sciatic Rheumatism
Mrs A E Simpson f09 Craig St
Knoxville T wri tes J uno 10th 1899
I hae betii trying the baths of Hot
Springs Ark for sciatic rheumatism
but 1 got more relief from Ballards
Snow Liniment than any medicine or
anything I have ever tried Enclosed
find postollice order forl Send me a
large bottle by Southern express Sold
by A McMillen
The Original
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and Jung
which shrouded the middle aged man remedy and on account of the great
den The imperial German eagle is I
generally from the eyes of youth and
emerging from a cloud the Prussian
bird appears as a scarecrow making
desperate efforts to fly and screaming
revenge From the Lethean ditch the
American rattlesnake is thrusting
forth a poisoned tongue The Dutch
frogs are spitting out their spite and
the Rhenish confederation Is personi
fied as a herd of starved rats ready
to feast on the Corsican The great
Russian boar the only ally Napoleon
has secured is shaking his chain and
groaning a formidable enemy in the
rear Frederic Taher Cooper and Ar
thur Bartlett Maurice in Bookman
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and iefuse any substitute offer
ed as no other preparation will give the
same satisfaction It is mildly laxative
it contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sild by
A McMillen
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Sricclii wonea
A Desire for a Perfect Figure is Inseparable
from a Love of to Beautiful
The scent of the violet or rose is as
precious as the lovely flowers whose
breath they are and while the lives of
flowers are brief and we can only enjoy
was preach- them for a day the beautiful woman gives
he had come the pleasure of her fragrance to us as a
to the concluding prayer where vv
pray for all and sundries sicj when
he suddenly remembered that he had
forgotten to pray for the magistrates
So he put in the prayer just where he
was Have mercy upon all fools and
Idiots and specially upon the
permanent blessing The soft fragrance
of a beautiful woman suggests purity
health and elegance she is the refinement
of civilization an index always of good
taste and an unerring badge of gentility
1 Female Regulator
In regulating the lunar periods in woman
permits of no wrinkles pale cheeks or
1 tortured nerves and shapeless figures It is
I Natures remedy The druggist may offer
j something else and call it just as good
out tne menstrual organs will not be de-
time to time been produced in court in eived and permanent injury may result
try our Regulator Of all druggists Si
Our treatise on Woman mailed free
Easy to take and easy to act is
that famous little pill DeWitts
Little Early Risers This is due to
the fact that they tonic the liver in
stead of purging it They never gripe
nor sicken not even the most delicate
lady and yet they are so certain in
results that no one who uses them is
disappointed They care torpid liver
constipation biliousness jaundice
headache malaria and ward off pneu
monia and fevers
Dont Forget the Name
any His
For Sale by L W McConnell
To Jonathan J Sain Jerulia Knibloe llrti
Miller John Roolfs Sarah A JarvK John
Loninicker Kate LoiiRruckfr Phclx J Tay
lor KIlTalorMarar tA iatter oiiNoali
Sawjer P A Maynard and to all whom it
may concern
Tho commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at northeast corner of northwest
quarter of section XI township 4 ranee in
Fritsch precinct Red Willow county Nebraska
running thenco south on half section line three
miles to the outlieat corner of the southwest
quarter of section 9 township 3 ranee 1 and
terminating thereat
Also vacate that part of county road No 13
commencing at tlie northeast corner of section
33 township 4 range 2s thence south two mile
to the southwest corner of section 3 town hip 3
range i
And vacate that part of county road number
114 commencing at the northeast corner of sec
tion 9 township 3 range 2 thence south one
mile on section line to the southeast corner of
section 9 township 3 range 2S -aid vacations
there terminating has reported in favor of tht
location thereof and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be tiled in the county
clerks oliice on or before noon of the 21th day
April 1901 or said road will be established with
out reference thereto 1 W ilcox
County Clerk
In county court within and for Red Willow
county Nebraska In the matter of the e tate
of Anna Cuniguuda Flohr deceased
To tlie creditor of said e tate You are
hereby notified that I will sit at the county
court room in McCook in -aid county on the
27th day of July Kill at ten oclock a m to
receive and examine all claims against said es
tate with a view to their adjustment and allow
ance The time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is six months from
the 2Gth day of January KOI and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one jear from said
2Gth day of January K04
Witne s my hand and the seal of said county
court this 20th day of January 1901
seal S L Geeek County Judge
z -
Office over McConnell s drug store
Office Phone 160
Res Phonf 13L
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in A
Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the arge
Plumber and l
j Steam Filter I
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass H
m Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Z
L Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse 9
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
y Phillips Building Z
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
0n Hd Ji h
1IIONK 112
Office over Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Office over McMillona drup store Residence
7tti Main Aveuue Residence phone 53 Office
phoue 28 Calls answered uicht or day
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorouch Bred
uiajiv ottira jua pur com on smes luuu ami
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
iSfccAgent of Lincoln Laud Co and of McCook
Waterworks Oilice in Postoffice building
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
The Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building New Presses
New Steretype Plant New and
Mdern Appliances n Every
The Toledo Blade is now- installed in its new
building wth modern plant and equipment
and facilities equal to any publication between
aew lorjj and Chicago It is the onlyveekly
newspaper edited expressly for every state and
territory The news of the world so arranged
that busy people can more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies
All current topics made plain in each issue by
special editorial matter written from inception
down to date The only paper published espec
ially for people who do not read daily newspa
pers and yet thirst for plain facts That this
kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by thn
fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 10 000
yearly subscribers and its circulation is in all
par of the U S In addition to the news the
Blade publishes short and serial stories and
many departments of matter suited to every
member of the family Only ono dollar a year-
free IJclnen copy Address The
Blade Toledo Ohio