i j33 curative quafllies to reach itw PAiKS amd ACHES cf thcHiurran family rhd to re lievo and euro thera promptly WWWMi5illl mmFMINADRYHMD TECFJi1En5MRjMS J A Allied mWWL Remember this who you buy Wet Wxeoihei CUotmng ana look for the name IiMER on the buttons This sigfctslid this name have stood t tor ine mx J i aunnt siAtr seven vsaryof jfocreasind sis IfDuroIerwIlmct suppiyjsm write for freecrilIodue cf black or tsjIpw Water proof fctfied coata flickers 5ifllk hats and ihorsc drods for of iret work - A J TOWER CSS JMB OWBfr DOSTONH4U USA SIGN - jto wt TOWEB CANADlSXO SS TOROMTOUCftN I COOOOSJJtvOOOCfSOpDOOOOCXQCOOOO 4 THE LINCOLN IKRDRTING HORSE 0 S lfcvcon Nebraska German each g PercteroBs FnGIMfiirp 2 iAtv t o ggjfifa KIIUB lUil 5 SttfixOSrnyEM r U raaWvWW H 2I1U DOCIHI o TT he LjVRGtSST eajMrs of F2RST CLASS stallics of ia T tencern in all the West OVER 50 HEftS TO SELSGT O FOM en lrcoln tate tic o Slitf Farm t car ztec i uns dctty Q ouH irn Cuua andsti isu wnte - I tv5t Tit 1 A I qnllivnn Hr Y 2lj Jim TaVuJm re the bit 67 pcpi iiicdlcfiic cr mate v liutui 1 lutiuotFt f thca hai beau - Id In liiu nlted It a eliuit enr Cor InaIon iinirt 1 1ianr bca Iaiuliu ll7lac IjaiuJ Ono Bcnc allv tet relief vltltu twentrsnin utes Tbe fl pwiwo N enag for onUasvy occasions AUlrugIiie U them KEttr t TAKYIIILI CO UlICKlIVJt fct ulcriii Putting ooss arouiaer to the wheel may bruise ad liurt but it works its own gold cur THE WALASH RAILROAD East and South Special rates oa sale daily to all Winter resorts of the South Half iare round trip plus 200 oa first and third Tuesdays each month to many poijits South Tie only line with its own station at nain entrance of Worlds Fair grounds The Wabash runs on its own rails from Omaha Kansas City Des Moines St Louis and Chicago to Toledo ISetroit Niagara Falls and Buffalo wkjr through connections be yond AH agents can route you via the Wabash For Worlds Fair descrip tive matter and all information ad dress Harry E Moores G A P D Omaha Nebr Good breeding is a letter of credit all over the world The conflict with self and selfish ness must be fought Dawson out George Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces in a package 10 cents One third more starch for the same money Its a pity men cant postpone their trials as easily as a lawyer can stave tbem pff in court liront i - irp tJivimt iml tr llli WESTERN CO gQBEOSSiri OF i3ELTIKGppc THREtER SUPPJJES PACKING aw LEYA7IR REPAIRS 2 822 N Sit - vL0LN WEfASKA laJy QriUcman manace ness this Couey aax adjoining syrritory iot v ell andfaorablykiuc ii hoaie of soJidi5nancialstaud inc 8 2000 stKiichtcsh sal2rnnd expends pajdjcjr h Mondayfoy chekdirectfcom headqusa ters mmey advnppd juafitioa ieat fexpenencesvit essential Adcess T J COOPER Managvr POinqock CHICAGO ILL ThclANifcFOROWJMANE filorss It IscitonifllUtlantI chv3n It vill itiyttlejeiEure ami r eent rallE acI sore tlollllor md do iKay whbpaiU Vskyourialer ior tlies rti for caticuc rccejsc mr jiiemoranliim accDnit Iwiktop TEE PC W EES HG CJ15terlool Jsji MAGfflNERY PQgrTAErE and drill uy depth Vjy steam or hory pfy i2 41FKEKKXT STITUES lVi challenire compctitionu Scnilfor 1 rce IllastrrrI laUltK ia 4 Men Who Will Assist in Manciging Various Displays Members o Oic executive tee of the state board of agriculture have fohosen the following t sassist in lha managemen 1 of the various dis plays General superintenderd Sailrillo chief -of police C J ITraccy Loup JGity suporintend ent agricultural hall W B Ewing Franlfiiu master of transportsiiion O M Druse Lincoln superintendent of gatesiE M Searlcs jr Ogallala su perintendent of amphitheater G K Williams superintendent of Hish ex hibit aild fish bniWing W J OBrien South Bend superanttiiuc nt 61 speed It J Lincoln landscape gar dener JT H llaalcinson Omana su perintendent of horses David Hanna WoodtLake assistant superintendent of horsts O P Hcndershot Debron superiniendent of aoatle Elijah Fin ley Reynolds assiiant superintend ent of tasttlp W A Appcrson 7ecuni seh superintendenl 1 of swine 3 W Leonard Pawnee City assistant su perintendent of swiiae V Arnold Ver don spjierintendenl of sheep Jt M AVolcott c Palmer siiperintendcEt of f poultry to M Lewclling BrownVille 5 superintcildent of faxia product L Slorse Bankleman superintendent of textile5 department Mrs G H Dover jn Omaha superinmndent line arts Mrs F LincciLu su perils end ent dairy iA L Hacker Lincoln - su nerintendeiit educatioLt Charles For txe Unuwjrsity Placs - siiperintcnd fent bees and honey 13d AVhitcomb IFriend superintendent imacliineryr W iC Caley Ghreighton superintendent onaunty collective exiilbits W E Ewing FrajiSUin superintendent spec- as sxienMoned in uLiis column ueveral days agoAwhea tax matter firsT came up He i liDlds Om the tJjJe oF the bill is proper in thai cite body of the till contamed wider matter than Wrfta shown fay the uVc ami that alliOf5 he bill tfiich was after l1 passed the senate where it originated was not tead thrc 0 timos in each htwee as iatvided for in the constitution This -decision loaves e um S WSa stomach -red br li am TataicUr a penalty of a line oft 100 oi ahvee tionths fci still rX force The a ounty attoiwbjv of Yo county wrote no the attorney general for the fa A number of rirominca t Lineolti nt icneys do irQt aaee wiui the attorney gtiieral on Lis stand Faimer Coioicy AUorney Mtciger out the Willie thing fci the local courts six cor se i jears aigo aaid the attor ney general csfitainy did mot go eu tirerj through the imatter or he woultf Botiive arrived atjch a u inclusion I ave all ttie records including the siate and -Louse bills pasted to- gether in my o5ce tind I Ciot only belietihe law tcbejS3odbut it has beeii so passed union jy the district court JHidge HoIms anJ Hajl sitting on the ixse Tabulating Lawd Values Land Commissioner 3olUm is Vork ilng on a tabulation or tond walues that twill be plated before use State Btard oi Equalization which Is expected to materially assist the board in arriving at something like the time asesmeat of land throughout the stiUtu Fatiimer has a record or is sewing- record of all ttie lena sales in every couiKjy in the 5state with the price paid Nat Signing Any Contracts LINCOLN Athltjtic managers jai the state universitj have csased sign ing contracts for spring athlenc events Tnis has been done on ac count of the action of the board oi regents in ti e location of the physics building the construction of which will encroach on the athletic field Students hope to get the regents to reconsider their action Bertts Brought to Lincoln LINCOLN Frank Betts a youthful forger with many names was brought to the city by Detective who got the prisoner from the authorities at Milwaukee Since last December Betts has forged paper to the extent of more than 5000 He swindled Lin coln jewelers out of more than 600 and for this he will be tried One of the exploits of Betts while in Minnea polis was to buy a grocery store with a bogus check for 2500 Relic of Territorial Days PAPILLION Joseph Whitted re ceived from friends at Florence Neb soir relics ot the early days of that town in the shape of seme 1 notes dated 1S50 Recently an old safe had been opened at Florence and in it was found a bunch of these old bank notes The notes are not signed but were is sued by the Bank cf Florence and arc in perfect condition Mr Whitted was an early settler of Florence and in dis tributing the notes amongst those liv ing in Florence in that year Mr Whit ted was not forgotten The Roosevelt club at Osceola is ar ranging fora celebration March 1 The tool house of theUnion Pacific at Columbus was -destroyed by fire Mrs Julia Thomas of Sarpy ceiunty four sconoaad two vdicda fewlays ago Dr Canfield a practicing physician for many ycars at Edgar died last veelc Revivcl tmeetings have been started at ColuuHrus aad will continue two weeks The second week of the revival meeting it Osceola is -on witli con tinued success James 2D Brown a pioneer But ler counry and a v wealthy one withal died lastweek Bakers of Lincoln are discussing the advisability in view of the increas ed rate ofvAvheat Farmers are showing much interest in institutes being held here ami there throughout the state A four -weeks revival has jvest clos ed at Crab Orchard the resuli being a great spiritual inilift Dr Offeranan a pioneer of Nemaha county died last week He rras for many yearsa leading practitioner The Omaha Mitten and Manufactur ing company of Omana has filed arti cles of incorporation with the secre tary of state The firm has areapital stock of 5100000 At a meeting of- farmers and citizens of Kenesarvat the Exchange bank it was voted tto incorporate a local tele phone company with a capital of 10 000 and pur in an up-to-date plant The Stafc e Bank- of i El wood has filed an application with the comptroller of the currency to reorganize and form ialsi Charles Mann Chadron super in 1 a national drank -to be known as the tendent agriunltural iuKUttction T JU Ijzwiii Xincoli HfiUbaS GAMBLING LAW 1NVALI SsttHMarDecisV Is Handed Down bj Attorne3 General Rx ot Attorney Gnial Prom Hwas handed down- a decision that ilte gambling law trthis state making ganiMing a felony is invalid and of effect Tip hlii hv lvh First National bank of Elwood Charles Buitrich an old soldier -who has been aetiitg rather queer opiate was taken lQfore the commissioners on insanity ax Nebraska City and de clared insane iio uvjll be takxu to the asylum A Weaver aPJRockford Gage comity was in Beatrice -recently with a son bitten by a ipet dog Mr Weaver lvent to Wymore in- nending to havt ja miadstone applied t d -- general -for his liltoision art tKo same to -the wound The spring season -of district court ctf Hall county about to open with h sr fifty five civtil cases none of any great importance and but five crimin al cases of whidh -only two will pro baty come to trial T5ie Beatrice Produce and Cold Stor age -company whiOh was recently in corporated in Bea uice with a capital stock -of 8200000 expects to erect a cold storage build hig and ice plant there the coming spring The -ground of thp Jefferson County Agricultural society were sold at sheriffs sale and w ere purchased by vFairburyior park purposes for S500 2ho grounds are thirty acres in extent html only4 our bloocica ixuom thy courc house The Fnhun bloodhcurnds were sent to Seneca Kansas at Beatrice to as sist in the -capture of a wo men sus pected of nibbing the bank at Goff Kans They were driven overland to Maivjsvillc wticre a traiit was eavght lor Seneca While he wes prying ai a window at night the vrowler who lias dis usirbefl residents of Grand Island lor tiome wv3eks past was shot at and con lulently believed to have been hit by M ib McDridc the wife of a Union Pa crtk conductor A disastrous firo which broke out ia rle basement ol the opera house at Greenwood destroyed that building a mil and an adjoining feed store and caused -the fieatn of Manager Cutler of the opera House Mr Cutler was asieep In the basemem where the fin broke -owl and was burned to death in his bed For tbe first -time since imprison ment of Frank Baker vthe alleged double murderer his movher visited jMm at Red Cloud and the nveeting was ne of great sorrow to the stricken mother and nor evidence of grief -was creat The prisoner was uncon cerned and showed no sorrow at the trouble that has overcome him An important discovery in the Bar ker murder case has been made by the finding of a o2 calibre revolver in the barn of the murdered man- Three empty chambers were found which tal fes xvith the number of bullet holes found in the bodies of the victims The veapon Avas found beneath the hay The prisoner has not yet been apprised of the finding of the gun A number of farmers in the vicin ity of Cedar creek have recently made complaints that persons have visited their barns recently during the night time and several thefts have been com mitted Jerry Schroeders barn was entered Sunday night and four of his horses were poisoned it is supposed by mixing rough-on-rats with feed John J Moor a wealthy citizen of Coleridge has gone to Ireland his na tive land to spend a year in recrea tion and recuperation The state board of public lands and buildings will accept an offer of the Van Dorn iron works to put 240 cells in the state prison for the sum of 580000 The members had made a contract to allow the concern to place 159 cells in the penitentiary for SG9 030 Fire destroyed the barn of E A Spurk near Belmont entailing a loss of probably 2000 and almost consum ed the barn of James Strine across the alley from the first named The county commissioners of Hall county propose to sell the old court house and build a new one v iO esii 1 Do Not Believe Superior for Catarrh jflSMI BENUAMEN F HAWICES J T Benjamin F Wawkesrof Washington D C is One of the Three c 1 Living Comrades of General Grant In His Cadet Days at West Point 7 i o l In a recent letter from 011 G Street 2 SW Washington D C this vener j able gentleman says of Peruna have tried Pcruna after having tried in vain other remedies for ca tarrhSnd I can soy without vation that I never felt a symptom of relief until I had given Peruna the slmple trial thai its advocates advise J do not believe it has a superior either as a remedy for ca- tarrh or as atonic for the depressed M fJ ana cxnausieu cunuiuun wnicn is one of the effects of the disease l iPaHfSRn T2 F friTrrlrac Y I 1 a O- C 1 BAAC -BROCK a citizen of McLen nan County Texas has lived for 114 years Jn speaking ot his ood health and extreme old age Mr Brock flays Peruna exactly meets all my require ments Jt protects me from the evil ef fects df sudden changes it keeps me in good appetite it gives me strength it keeps my blood in good circulation I People ruled by the mood of gloom attracx to them gloomy things If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it in quality or quantity No wonder some are tired of relig ion when they take it all in kangaroo leaps Moravian Barley and Spsltr Two great cereals makes growing and fattening hogs and cattle possible in Dak Mont Idaho Colo yes every where and arid to above Salzers Bil lion Dollar Grass Teosinte which pro duces 80 tons of green fodde per acre Falzers Earliest Cane Salzers GO Day Oats and a hundred of other rare farm seeds thct he offers JUS r CUT THIS OCT AND ItETURN I with 10c in stamps to the John A Seed Co La Crosse Wis and get their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples W N U A fault which humbles a man is of mure use to him than a good action which puffs him up with pride 3trK 6ooih3np yrnp For cJsUdreu teething softens thcKiiras reduces In Cnrnmatiog allaj s pain cures wind colic ac a bottle Arc Enthusiastic Reception Sir Harry itawson was welcomed as governr of New South Wales with the greatest enthusiasm One port greeted him in a novel and interesting way There were no guns big enough to salute Mm with so an enterprising loyalist hit on the happy idea of util izing kerosene tins With the assist ance of plugs of dynamite and a fuse the salute was duly given resulting in a round dozen of loud bangs the game number of flying kerosene tins and distracted natives fleeing for their lives in all directions - 4 S J vtJf v - f V 41 - nh Oft ALABASTiNE the Durabate Wall Coating Wont Rub Off WHY Because it cements to and is not stuck on the wall with decaying animal glue as are the various so called wall fin ishes wliicli are kalsomines Eold under fanciful names You can apply Alabasiine have come to rely upon it almost entirely for the many littleithings for which 1 need medicine When epidemics of la grippe first be gn to make their appearance in this country I was a sufferer from this dis ease I liad several long sieges with the grip At first I did not know that IV rttna was a remedy for this disease AVhen I heard that la grippe was epi demic catarrh T tried Peruna for la grippe and found it to be just the thing Jsaae Brock Used in the Family for Years Mrs E West 137 Main Street Menasha Wis writes We have used Peruna in our family for a number of years and when I say that it i a fine medicine for catarrh and colds I know what I am talking about I have taken it every spring and fall for four years and I find that it keeps me robust strong with splendid appetite and free from any illness A few years ago it cured me of catarrh of the stomach which the doctors had pronounced incur able lam verv much pleased with Peruna I am 87 years old Mrs E West jr apjS iiinini mi TV imi - - t iiiuim n TirriM r - - i - i it- m i inm rmrnHjFfiffiWBWPllllBIM ifrTl Knews in Nebraska f A COMRADE OF GENERAL GBAIT Wlf Oe A ra r -v r nte s 3 - si L M 5 -ELECT STATE FAIR OFFICERS T HETATE AT LARGE ZCtVii W 1 fiifS 1 jil Jr Vlili TRADE 5L - k 0 I f k - - - Indispensable j Foroacaea frota Jiead to loot Olt9u cob i on as a is a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to the Declining Powers of Old Age In old age tho mucous membtranrs 1e come thickened and partly lose their tunc lion This lends to partial loss of healing smell and taste as vcll as digestho Up turbances Peruna corrects all this by its rpeclllo operation on all the mucoua membranes of tho body One bottlowill convince anyone Onco ucd and Peruna becomes a life long ttand by with old and young Mrs F E Little Tolona 111 writes I can recommend Peruna as a good nied irmo mr enromc ca tarrh of the stomach and bowels I have been troubled se verely with it for over a year and also A TRAVELER jATSEVENTY ONE YEARS OF AGE a cough Now my cough is all gone and all the distressing symptoms of catarrh oE t he stomach and bowels have disappeared I will recommend it to all as a raio lein cdy 1 am so well I am conlcmplutin a trip to Yellow Stone Iark this coming sea son How is that for one 71 years old V In a later letter she says I am only too thankful to you for your kind advito and for tho good health that 1 am en joying wholly fiom the use of your Io runa Huvo been out to the Yellow Stono National Park and many other places of the west and shall alwavs thank you for your generosity Mrs F K Little Strong and Vigorous at the Age oi Eighty Eight l Rev J N Parker Utica N V writes Inlune 1001 1 lost raysiiisj of hear ing entirely My hearing had been some what impaired for f everal years but not much affected but that I could hold convcrve with hit friends blt in June 190J mysene ot liearing left mo to tbar 1 could hear no sound whatever 1 wih also troubled with severe rheumatic pains in my limbs I commenced taking Pe runa and now my hearing is lcsioredas good as it was prior to June lHl My rheumatic pains are all gone I cannot sp ak too highly of Peruna and now when eighty eight years old can say it has invigorated my wholo system Kov J N Parker Mr W BSchnadcr of Tcrre Hill I a writes 1 got sick every winter and had a spell of cold in February WM 1 could not do anything for almost two months In December IMiJi I haw one of your books about your remedies Then I wrote to Dr Hartman for advice and hewioto that f should conimr nee tho ue of Pcruna and how to take enro of myself I did not loio ono day last winter that T could not tend to iiy i tock J am si t v three yearsold and 1 cannot thank you loo much for what you have done for me If you do not fieri vu prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna writ ac once to Dr Hartman givingaf nil stat ment of your cc e and he will be pleaMfl to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of the Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O Laundry Blue DIRECTIONS FOR USEi WienlCSlick around tut water WiaqIeStlCk LAUNDRY RIuk wont pi break frec7o nornot clothes Costs 10c and equals 20c worth of any other bliuiis If vour iiwit docs tint Upon For MMfflfamMMMM W draTa W3Wi Wnt mm fMSmmMmrMmm I liOrL sattie mmmMmBmm f -- it send 10c for sample to THE LHUKDRY BLUE GO HJ Michigan St ChicaoO or mrms 8wi2ifSKsffllrH Ispliyl 1 1 SLTt Pa i i Li Jul His li u i i i i 1 W HHJjJjilSLillx For mmmmmmmlml m wmw When Answering Advertisements KHdy Mention This Paper The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating 9 Is not a disease breeding hot water prae ivall ni h fnmieh ALABASTINE and harbor ground for diesite it U a natural composition in white and many exquisitely beautiful tint in powder form ready for use by simply mixing with cold water Awe can Lruth it on ALABASTINE cements to walls distroys di cae gr ms and vermin and never ruls off or scales Other wall coatings under fanciful names ard usually mixed with hct water are unhealthfnl kalsomines stuck oa the wall with glue which soon roto nourishes germs of deadly disease rubs and fccales spoiling walls clothing and furniture When it is necessary to refinkh the old coats mat be washed off an expensive nasty disagreeable job making the rooms damp and unfit to live in VvTien walls are once coated with Alabastine succeeding coats may be applied year after year without washing the walls thus saving great expense and annoyance Hot and Cold Water Kalsomines Have No Merit Some dealers try to sell them buying them cheap ard trying to sell on Alabastines demand until such time as their customers lcam cf tho imposition THEY ARE WORTHLESS PREPARATIONS If yon cannot buy Alabastine of your hardware paint or drug dealer refuse nil imitations and write us We will tell you whore you can ge t Alal astine without dclnj or sell it to you direct 50000 GIVEN AWAY Wnte for particulars Leaflet of dainty tints hints on decorstinsr and our artists up-to-date idess on bean tlfyine the home Free Buy Alabastine only m packages properly labeled Alabastine Company GRAND RAPIDS MICH 2nd 105 Water St Hew Ycrk C1j