The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 19, 1904, Image 5

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g v- T5HawJwSJStOiiJSWBWnwi
We Extend
A cordial invitation to all our
friends and the public gener
ally to call and see our new line
Spring Footwear
For comfort fir and style they
are unsurpassed and our prices
for goods of the best quality
are the most reasonable in
fact as low as others ask for
an inferior grade
A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska
The Test of Time
m Mb L i O
Are You Restless At Night
And harassed by a bad cough Use
Ballards Horehound Syrup it will se
cure you sound sleep and effect a prompt
and radical cure 25c 50c and 1 bottle
at A McMillens
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
HcCook - Nebraska
tafisfacioryg EoonomiGi
Polk BrOS Agents McCook
Wedding- Bouquet Rye before
Wedding Bouquet Rye now
Wedding Bouquet Rye after
Wedding Bouqet Rye all the time
I Wedding Bouquet Rye
He is the King of all the Whiskeys
McCook Neb
Sole Agent
He dont keep Wedding- Bouquet Rye
But he sells Wedding Bouquet Rye
Wed like to add you to our 50000 subscribers
Each week our magazine is brimful of practical
ideas One idea may be worth from five to five
hundred times the dollar it cost you
Twentieth Century
will soon publish the following practical articles
The Profitable Feedinc of Cattle for Market by Prof H
R Smith the breeder of the steer Challenger Out
look for the Hog Business in 1904 by E Z Russell Secre
tary Nebraska Improved Live Stock BreedersAssociation
What the American Farmer Can Learn in Russia by
Prof C E- Bessoy The Newest Ideas in Western Horti
culture by C S Harrison President of Nebraska Park
and Forestry Association Practical Irrigation by D
II Anderson editor of Irrigation Age
Send 25c for 3 months subscription or we will
send a sample copy and handsome booklet
free if you will ask for it
2051 Farnam St Omaha Neb
See the
DeWitt Is the name to look for when
you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Is the
original and only genuine In fact
DeWittsIsthe only Witch Hazel Salve
that is made from the unadulterated
All others are counterfeits base Imi
tations cheap and worthless even
dangerous DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
is a specific for Piles Blind Bleeding
Itching and Protruding Piles Also Cuts
Bums Bruises Sprains Lacerations
Contusions Boils Carbuncles Eczema
Tetter Salt Rheum and all other Skin
EC DeWitt Co Chicago
For Sale by L W McConnell
Time Card
McCook Net
No 6 Central Time llJ5r i
2 620a M
12 820AM
11 955 pm
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p in
No 1 Mountain Timo 1154 A M
3 11 l PM
5 750 PM
13 845 am
No 170 arrives Mountain Timo 540 pm
No 175 departs 700 a m
Sleeping dininjr and reclining chair curs
seats free on through trains Tickets hold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Pabsen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Created Wealtn
Something from nothing a garden
from a desert Such is the history of
irrigated sections Take land that sells
for 50 cents an acre put water on it and
it sells for what There are quarters
of land lu irrigated sections of Colorado
that cannot be purchased for 20000 and
which earn a remunerative interest on
that valuation
And yet you can purchase irrigated
lands where the soil is perfect beyond
belief where the water supply is plenti
ful and inexhaustible where climatic
conditions are healthful and exhilarat
ing whore fuel is abundant and cheap
for from 15 an acre up
Tho North Platte Valley extending
from Bridgeport Neb to Guerusi
Wyo and the Big Horn Basin Wyom
ing have been but recently made avail
able for settlement by the extension of
the Burlington railroad into those sec
tions The irrigating companies must
have settlers along their ditches and
they olTer substantial inducements in
shape of low priced water rights and
None may say surely but it wont be
for long and the sooner jou invest the
cheaper will you be able to do so for the
advance is just as sure as has been the
advance in the price of similar lands in
other sections
For further information write to 3
Francis General Passenger Agent Bur
lington Omaha 1 22 5ts
Heart Disease Followed Typhoid
Mamie Eaton will be remembered by
early settlers of McCook as a sister of
Mrs James A Shepherd of our city
Receut word from Ellensburgh Wash
ington announces the death of her hus
band J D Hill He was recovering
from an attack of typhoid fever when a
heart complication suddenly carried him
off The wife is left with five young
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Feb 18 1904
Alerander Anna Manso L M 2
Balhr Elsa Nosmade B
Baldridge R E Peterson J P
Joy John Rinck W S
Kimball Mrs Viol a 2 Stratton T
Schultz P C
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Puzzle Worth Having
Dr G G Green of Woodbury New
Jersey whose advertisement appears in
our paper regularly will mail to any one
sending a two cent stamp to pay postage
one of his new German Syrup and Au
gust Flower Puzzles made of wood and
glass It amuses and perplexes young
and old Although very difficult it can
be mastered Mention this paper
The Oldest Iitnvsuit
A lawsuit which may probably be
claimed as the oldest in the world is re
ported from the Trentina says the Lon
don Mail The two communes of Gailio
and Foza have been for four centuries
In litigation for the possession of an ex
tensive tract of woodland which has
assumed the character of a virgin for
est with trees of colossal size which no
man dares to truck Spots are still
pointed out where 200 years ago the
two communes fought pitched battles
for the disputed wood Apparently the
Homeric struggle is as far from closing
as ever
Should Say hut Didnt
He I know jour family doesnt like
me but will you be my wife
She Well I should say not
He taken aback Whew Thats
rather short
She I repeat I should say not but
as a girl in love doesnt always say
what she should Ill say yes Phila
delphia Press
Their Treasure of a Cook
Missis Dont forget Katy that the
Mugginses are coming to dinner to
Katy Ah dont let that bother ye
now Ill just do my worst Theyll
never trouble ye again Boston Globe
If Ponce de Leon had ever seen a sixty-year-old
American at a circus he
would never have wasted all that time
and money looking for the fountain oC
perpetual youth Baltimore American
A Jaunt to Old Mexico
On February ISth the Burlington will
run a personally conducted excursion
from Lincoln to Old Mexico and return
This is a rare opportunity to see the
Egypt of the Western Hemisphere at
minimum cost Early intimation of your
intention to accompany this party is
necessary For full information write
to G W Bonnell City Passenger Agent
Burlington Route Lincoln Neb
Catholic Order of services Muss
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
i school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Sun
day morning subject Water Even
ing subject Solomons Experience
All cordially invited
W C German Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m
Morning subject For God In tho
evoning Rev G L Ilosford will speak
on Tho Testimony of Nineteen Centur
ies to tho Man of Galilee
George A Conrad Pastor
EriscoiAL Services in St AlbanJs
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a in and 715 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y V U at 745 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m Evange
listic sermons at both morning and even
ing services Excellent music All wel
come C R Betts Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10am
J A Yirger supt Class meeting at
12 Chas Enoch leader Junior League
i at 3 Mrs II A Beale supt Epworth
League at 7 p m Jorrii Stewart leader
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m
Morning subject Gods Sufficient
Grace Prayer meeting Wednesday at
745 p m Official board meets next
Monday night at Brother Enochs
Sunday school next Sunday in South
McCook at 2 p m preaching at 3
M B Carman Pastor
A union Sunday school has been or
ganized in East McCook and il is a
pleasure to note that it is being well at
tended and that considerable interest is
being manifested by the children and
adults in that part of the city in the
sessions which are held every Sunday
afternoon at three oclock
Big- Output First Year
Longmont Colo Feb 13 The Long
mont sugar factory sliced the last beet
at 1250 oclock this morning Fifty of
the men at the factory formed a pool
Monday by putting in 1 each and the
one who guessed nearest the time the
last beet would be sliced was to get the
Frank Schumaker made the guess
that won but he sold his chance to
Gerry Light who gets the pool
Tho plant commenced to cut beets
December 17 1903 Since that time it
has run through 55000 tons making
about 85000 sacks of sugar
Another R F D R For This County
April 1st another rural free delivery
route will be established for Redwillow
county The telegraph announces the
following particulars Lebanon Red
Willow county length of route twenty
nine and one half miles area covered
fifty square miles population served
565 number of houses on route 113
What Are They
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets A new remedy for stomach
troubles biliousness and constipation
and a good one Price 25 cents For
sale by all druggists
Cured Consumption
Mrs B W Evans Clearwater Kan
writes My husband lay sick for three
months the doctors stated he had quick
consumption We procured a bottle of
Ballards Horehound Syrup and it cured
him That was six years ago and since
then we always kept a bottle in the
house We cannot do without it For
coughs and colds it has no equal
25c 50c and 1 bottle at A McMillens
Cheap Rates to the Pacific Coast
From March 1st until April 30th the
Burlington is offering very low rates to
the Pacific coastand intermediate points
Full particulars can be obtained by call
ing on the agent
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
My Hairl
II ft
I had a very severe sickness
that took off all my hair I pur
chased a bottle of Ayers Hair
Vigor and it brought all my hair
back again
W D Quinn Marseilles 111
One thing is certain
Ayers Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow This is
because it is a hair food
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows thats all there
is to it It stops falling
of the hair too and al
ways restores color to
gray hair
100 a bottle All druggists
If your druggist cannot supply you
send us one dollar and we will express
vou a bottle Be sure and cive the name
Hoi jour nearest express oiiii e auuress
w x lviii jiuaa
raaiMwTff7ysgigfftg m
Goods are
Your Inspection is Invited
of 3lJ McCook Neb-
appreciates his checking account
Those who do not keep such an ac
count miss many of its advantages
We are always glad to explain the
workings of a checking account to
those who are not familiar with them
The First National Bank McCook
f V FRANKLIN President
I LI 1 1
A C EBERT Cashier
b b a a
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
a a
Bargain i Counter