The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 19, 1904, Image 1

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A Growing Business
The cultivation of sugar beets in the
Republican Valley bus grown apace in
the past few years Two years ago the
total tonnage was 4000 Year before
last 9000 tons of sugar beets were
raised and last year 19000 tons was
the total Four years ago was the ex
perimental year and that season but
nboufSOO tons were raised This shows a
Very satisfactory progress the acreage
being more than coubled each succeed
ing year
Wo have it on good authority that it
is the expectation that the total acreage
this season will exceed that of last year
notwithstanding last season was not as
profitable as usual on account of un
favorable weather in the spring time the
cold weather giving a poor stand of beets
The Standard Sugar Beet Co has
ulready contracted 900 acres and the
contracting season has just opened
Public Sale Next Wednesday
I will sell at my farm 11 miles north
and 1 mile west of McCook
Wednesday February 24 1904
commencing at 10 oclock the following
18 head of cattle 3 milk cows 5 milk
cows coming fresh 1 2 year old heifer
coming fresh 4 yearling calves 3 small
calves 8 head of horses 1 brood mare
1 5-year-old gelding 2 3-year-old geld
ings 2 3-year-old ponies 1 2 ycar old
pony 1 spring colt Farm implements
household goods etc Free lunch at
noon Usual terms of sale
J E Nelms
Kicked By Her PeUPony
Ethel Morrissey was painfully injured
Saturday by her pet Shetland pony
The little animal was loose in the park
It had on a halter and short strap or
ope When Ethel tried to catch the
pony it commenced running but she
managed to get a hold on the rope As
the animal passed her it kicked her in
face doubtless in play A doctor was
at once summoned and a few stitches
were taken in her upper lip It is
thought that the wound will quickly
ileal and with slight if any scar
Entertained a Large Audience
The Schubert Symphony Club and
Lady Quartette entertained a well filled
house at the Congregational church last
Friday evening They appeared under
auspices and for the benefit of the Mc
Cook Free Public library which realized
a neat sum from tho affair The com
pany does not contain any talent of a
high order but on the whole produces
very satisfactory results for the average
hearer as the numerous recalls fully
B of R T Tenth Annual
The members of C W Bronson lodge
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen have
Issued their invitations to the tenth an
nual ball to b e given by the order in the
opera hall Thursday evening March 17
Tickets are SI The Pythian orchestra
will provide the inspiration Supper
will be served by the ladies of St Pat
Ticks church at 50c a plate
Good Attendance Fine Time
The young ladies of the Catholic
church scored a success in their social
Monday evening in the parlors of the
Palmer House The attendance was
good and many means of social enjoy
ment were provided in addition to the
usual refreshments
Land To Rent Under The Ditch
The Standard Beet Sugar Co has
1200 acres of fine land under the Cul
bertson ditch for rent in small parcels
to rent to sugar beet growers for crop
rent See E E Maxon McCook Ne
braska for particulars and termsatonce
Wall Paper Remnants
We have some good remnant patterns
will sell cheap to make room for new
stock You can save money Buy wall
paper now A McMillen Druggist
The Catholic and Episcopal brethren
ushered in the observance of the Lenten
season with services on Ash Wednesday
New colors in cotton covert cloth just
received and selling at same price
12c at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Special meetings are now iri progress
at the Baptist church Congregations
are large and sinners are being reached
Cone Bros the popular druggists sell
the famous White Pino and Tar for
coughs and colds
That Argentine ware at Colemans
cannot fail to capture you See it You
will buy no other
Plenty small hooks and eyes in black
and white just received at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
In using McMillans cough cure you
refunded if not
run no risk money
Plenty of 5c calicoes just received at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
Bert Griggs is up from Hastings on
a visit to his mother
Dannie OBriens smiling phys is
audible on our streets again
Mr and Mrs Herman Pade are now
occupying the Meeker home
C A Hedges of Indianola had busi
ness in tho county capital Tuesday
Charles Traver arrived home close
of last week on a visit to the homefolks
James F Hess an old resident of the
Willowis back from LaverneOklahoma
Mrs E O Scott was up from Red
Cloud midweek visitingMcCook friends
Miss Kathryne OConnell and sis
ter are visiting friends in Denver this
Miss Jeannette VanDepokl returned
midweek from her business trip to Saint
Joseph Mo
C B Sawyer and Miss Kate arrived
home Saturday from their sad mission
to Michigan
Mrs Thad Shepherd is entertaining
her mother Mrs C II Updegraft of
Peterson Iowa
A E Boyer and T F Gockley of the
Beaver country had business in the
countys capital city Monday
E J Mitchell- is having consider
able alterations and improvements made
to his dwelling on Main street
Mrs Georgh LeHew was summoned
tOPueblo Colorado Tuesday night by
news of the serious illness of her sister
Mrs F M Kimmell went down to
Fairmont Thursday morning on a visit
of a few days to her sister Mrs E E
C A Littel will farm the irrigated
farm of S E Solomon near Culbertson
this year He will plant 60 acres to
sugar beets
DrW FJones of the governments
animal industry bureau hasTjeen in the
city part of the week on business of
his position that of inspector
Miss Sarah and Mike Hogan arrived
Wednesday from Chicago where they
have been living since last summer and
are again occupying the old home
Postmaster Copeland of Minden was
the guest of his daughter Mrs J G
Schobel Sunday afternoon and night
returning home on 12 Monday morning
Mack Hughes came out from Valley
Junction Iowa Thursday and in a few
days will return with the family He
has a good job in railroad shops at that
Mrs J G Schobel entertained the
lady teachers of the city last Saturday
afternoon at a kensington Miss Flora
B Quick county superintendent Mrs
William Heffelbower and Mrs Vina
Wood were also guests of the occasion
Mrs H A Beale is entertaining her
two sisters Mrs D I Hire and MrsTL
Park of Chicago Mr Park accompanied
the ladies from Chicago It will be re
called that Mrs Hire lost an only
daughter in the Iroquois theatre dis
J D Schuyler of Los Angeles Calif
consulting engineer of the Tri State
Land Co went oyer the Culbertson
ditch Monday in company with Presi
dent H G Leavitt of the Standard
Beet Sugar Co E E Maxon and C II
Meeker both of whom are associated
with the company in order to give his
expert advice to the Standard people in
the preparation of their large body of
fine land under the ditch
George A Campbell of McCook was
initiated into Delta Tau Delta fraternity
at tho chapter house Saturday nurht
The initiatory rites were conducted in
the presence of the active chapter and a
large number of alumni members from
Lincoln and neighboring towDS After
the ceremony a banquet was served in
the dining room at the fraternity house
The evening closed with a program of
informal toasts interspersed with music
Lincoln Journal
For Tiny Folks
We provide many things for the
comfort health and happiness of
the little ones All the reliable
baby foods every package guaran
teed fresh All the best infant
remedies A full line of nipples
nursing bottles teethiug rings rat
tles combs brushes soaps talcum
powder etc McConnell
Plenty of table oil cloths just received
in fancies and white Same price as
always with us 15c per yard Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Co
At the Johnson sale on the old Me
S9rve ranch Wednesday March 2nd a
lot of thoroighbred Poland China shoats
will be offered for sale
Mens fine worsted suits just received
at 10 1250 and 1350 at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
A Roosevelt Club Organized
Last Saturday evening in II II
Berrys office the Republicans of Mc
Cook took the first steps in tho formal
organization of a Roosevelt club Tho
constitution submitted by Messrs F M
Rathbun J R McCarl and RW Devoe
was read and adopted and the roster
opened for signatures
The club then proceeded to select offi
cers provided by the constitution This
resulted in the election of Albert Bar
nett ns president C E Eldred vice
president F M Kimmell recording
secretary Louis Thorgrimson corre
sponding secretary J R McCarl treas
urer The offlcers eU ct were constituted
a committee to submit names to the
club at its next meeting from which the
club will select an executive committee
of the state league
The president was empowered to select
assistants to aid him in circulating lists
for signatures to become members of the
club which it is expected will reach
300 or 400
The Republicans of the city and J
vicinity are urged to enroll themselves
promptly to the end that a large active
club may be formed at once
The object of the club is tersely
stated in article 2 of the constitution
First to promote the nomination of
Theodore Roosevelt for president of the
United States and to labor by all honor
able means to secure his election Sec
ond to promote the nomination of Hon
G W Norris for congressman of the
Fifth congressional district and to labor
by all honorable means to secure his
And this is reason enough for its or
ganization and sufficient stimulus for
its healthy existence
Boost it along
The next meeting of tho club will be
held in H H Berrys office Monday
evening next February 22d
A Mission at St Albans Church
Beginning Friday February 19th
Arch deacon Cope of Laramie will hold
a mission in St Albans church The
object of this mission is to quicken and
deepen the spiritual life and to instruct
the people in Bible doctrine and church
teaching The missioner is well equip
ped for this work His discourses will
be something above the ordinary You
will find him instructive and helpful
Dont fail to hear him The mission
will continue for at least ten days
Daily services as follows At 730 a m
holy communion at 4 p m shortened
evening prayer with instruction at 730
p m a song service with a few short
prajers and sermon Everybody is
cordially invited Remember the date
See hand bills of services
Celebrated Golden Wedding
Wednesday of this week out on Ash
creek Bondville precinct Mr and Mrs
Troester the elder celebrated their fif
tieth wedding anniversary at the home
of their son A daughter from Kansas
was also present The aged couple were
married again after the manner of the
old German custom and the affair was
celebrated with the greatest enthusiasm
and interest The number of guests in
cluded many of the large settlement of
Germans on Ash Creek A great wed
ding feast was one of the features of the
occasion It was one of the most mem
orable affairs ever indulged in by the
people of the precinct
A Matter of First Importance
Good seeds area matter of importance
seeds that will grow In view of the
fact that much of the corn had not ma
tured last fall when the frost caught
the corn it is highly important you test
you seed corn before planting this
spring The probabilities are that much
of it will not grow at all Give this
your attention in time
The Testimony of Nineteen Centuries
to the Man of Galilee will be the sub
ject of the sermon by Rev G L Hosford
in the Congregational church next Sun
day evening Rev Hosford comes well
endorsed and recommended Hear him
His illustrated lecture on Alaska fol
lows on Monday evening
Dwelling- For Sale Or Rent
Eight room dwelling in South Mc
Cook with m acres of land 1000
cash Will rent J C Pkedmore
McConnells Concentrated Smoke
will save you time and money over the
old way of smoking meat
Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen
McCook Green House phone 91
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
for chapped face and hands
Thirty one hjaJ qI cattle will be sold
by J W Johnson on old Meserve
ranch Wednesday March 2dv
Mens cloth and cassimere suite from
350 to 10 in large assortment at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
- Boys knee pant suits at 350 to 85j
each at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Engine 241 has been sent to Holdrege
C Christ visited his parents in Ox
ford Sunday
Fireman C H Bixler is on the sick
list this week
Fireman A McGuire was a resigner
first of the week
W C Chlanda was in town part of
the week on a visit
Conductor A G Bump is among the
ailing ones this week
Lignite coal signs are becoming
more common on locomotive tanks
Fireman R A Anderson is visiting
his parcnis in Red Cloud this week
Brakeman George LeHew is off duty
on account of sickness in tho family
W E Calhoun and T Taylor of tho
blacksmith shop force resigned Monday
Fireman F JZajicek and wife visited
relatives in Holdrege part of tho week
F L Traver is flagging and John
Hegenberger is on freight with Conduc
tor Enright
A F Mangless arrived home last
Friday on 14 from his trip to Canyon
City Colorado
Operator R E Foe and wife moved
into the Frank Dobson residence Tues
day of this week
Conductor G W Buntinjr has joined
his wife and boy in Indiana on a vaca
tion of two or three weeks
Engineer J H Moore returned to
work Wednesday after a layoff of a few
days on account of sickness
George Amen round house boiler
maker and Jacob Lenbart round house
night force have resigned
The Burlington is building a fine
freight depot in Omaha on Eigth street
from Farnam to Howard streets
JFloyd Proper left on 14 Wednesday
night for Pittsburg Kansas where he
enters the Port Arthur shops
C S Bricker general piecework in
spector spent last Friday and Saturday
at Western division headquarters
HR Childress went down to Orleans
Saturday being called to the bedside of
his aged father who is seriously ill
jrakeman Frank Neubauer has pur
chased the Hollister dwelling and ex
pects to add to the same this spring
John Stevens for many years a ma
chinist in the Burlington shops here was
down from Denver on business Monday
Ira Converse is back from Hendley
where he has been for the past three
wieks on account of the sickness of a
Brakeman and Mrs George Martin
arrived home Saturday from visiting
relatives and friends in Hastings and
C H Downey who has been on the
relief with an injured heel since last
March returned to duty Thursday of
this week
Henry Loshbaugh and W Vastine of
the paint gang have handed in their
resignations going out of the service
Conductor L M Best returned to Mc
Cook Wednesday on 1 from Oxford
where he has been relieving Conductor
F A Stark sick
W J Logan of the agents office left
on No 1 Wednesday for Salt Lake City
Utah to be absent a week or two on a
visit to a brother
W J Krauter got mixed up with a
piece of steel a few days ago and will
have a slight scar in his forehead as a
memento of the affair
Mr Haeddenthall of Denver general
airbrake inspector of the Westinghouse
people was in the city Wednesday
loooking over Gus Budigs plant
Brakeman L I Culbertson is laying
off a day or two making some repairs
about the home and JERider has been
with Conductor Hegenberger meanwhile
O Rosanders roadmaster on the B
M has been transferred to McCook
and Trainmaster Wilburns territory has
been increased Red Cloud Commercial
Fireman L F Swanson has purchased
from J F Cordeal the dwelling house
occupied by H F Pade for several
years past and Mr Swanson and sister
are now occupying the same
Asst Supt Frank Harris has been
down from Denver most of the week
looking after matters at Western divi
sion headquarters during the absence of
Supt Campbell at Excelsior Springs
Missouri for his health
Dont Sow Weed Seeds
Get a fannirig mill and clean
your seeds of all kinds before sow
ing Dont sow or plant weed
seeds They sap the ground of the
moisture needed for your crops
Try the Owens mill
W T Coleman
J A Burton is off duty sick
Word comes from Excelsior Springs
Mo that Supt Campbell is recuperating
It is rumored atWestorn division head
quarters that Chief Clerk Jack Mc Al
pine of Asst Supt Harris office Den
ver contemplates quitting tho service
and embarking in business for himself
Roadmaster R A Hagborg succeeds
to Roadmaster Rogers position as east
end roadmaster Mr Rosander has the
west end Mr Rosanders successor
will not be appointed until a littlo later
in the spring when spring work is re
James Powell who for a number of
years has been section foreman of the
McCook yard has resigned and will
leave for Max Dundy county about the
first of March to engage in farming
Heres suecoss to him hoping he may
provo as good a farmer as he has a sec
tion foreman
Fred L Palmer has retired from Supt
Campbells office and his position has
been assumed by S D McLean J A
Stangland succeeds McLean John Rice
falls heir to Ricos place and F II
Strout is more than filling Johnnies
chair Mr Palmer has gone to Boulder
where ho has real estato interests and
where the family expects to make a
permanent home Mrs Palmer and son
will follow later May ample success bo
their portion
Goes Luto Grain and Lumber
R A Green this week closed the deal
whereby he will become the owner of the
Kellogg lumber and coal and grain inter
ests at Cedar Bluffs Kansas March 1st
at which time be will assume charge
and control Dick Green has always en
joyed a reputation for square and fair
dealing and The Tribune believes that
he will enjoy the confidence and patron
age of a large and profitable clientage at
the Bluffs
Unusual Gifts and Strength
Concerning Rev G L Hosford who
will deliver his address illustrated with
steriopticon views on Alaska in tho
Congregational church Monday even
ing February 22d L A Sherman pro
fessor of English language and litera
ture and head dean of the University of
Nebraska says he is a brilliant man of
unusual gifts and strength Adults
25c children 15c
Public Sale
I will sell at public sale at Steve Wil
sons barn in McCook Neb on
Saturday February 27 1904
commencing at one oclock four head of
horses lot of farm implements house
hold goods etc Usual terms
Frank Bartosh
H H Berry Auctioneer
The 0 R C Ball Will be Next
The members of the O R C are
making preliminary arrangements for
their annual ball and banquet which
will be held in the opera hall Easter
Monday evening Those who have at
tended their balls in past years know
something about what 1904 affair will be
Feet Like Ice
will soon bo warm and comfortable if
you will use one of our hot water bottles
Guaranteed for one year
McConnell Druggist
For Sale
A family buggy horse with or without
buggy and harness Als a second hand
farm wagon For information call
McMillens Drug Store
Household Goods For Sale
Inquire of Mrs C D Kenady in Mrs
Hoags dwelling Monmouth st 2 13 2t
We have received a handsome line o
fine ginghams to sell at 12c the same
identical make and brand always here
tofore sold by us at 12Jc no advance
in our price The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The joung people of the Baptist
church were well patronized at their
Valentine oyster supper last Saturday
evening in the Doyle store room
Elegant new waistings in brilliantines
tricots mercerized novelties just re
ceived at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A carload of buggies and wagons will
be received by W T Coleman in a few
days Wait and see them before buying
Collar frames 2 inches 24 inches and
24 inches high just received at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Handsome new line of mens fancy
dress shirts just received at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Farm implements of every sort a
whole carload about to arrive at W T
Archdeacon Cope of Laramie opened a
mission iif St Albans chapel this morn
ing at 7 30
Try Cone Bros tonic liver pills
J Xt
Americas land of tho midnight
sun tho land of glaciers sublimo
mountain scenery plains broad val
leys and dense forests a land of sun
shine flowors and wondrous ver
dure tho most marvelous country
on the globe
Tho story of her history people
and vast resources told bv
Illustrated with Stkriopticon
MrHosford has as fino a set of
colored views as wore over shown on
Alaska and tho Northwest Many
of them wore never before shown
and are in tho possession of no other
person Ho also carries a splendid
exhibit of Alaska furs native hand
work and curious relics collected
during his recent travels in that
At tho Congregational Church
Monday evening February 22
Adults 25c children 15c
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday niorniiip
I or
Good nutter jjo
Creamery Butter i
Want a kodak Seo Cone Bros
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
We want to be your druggist Cone
has them
seeds gad drills Coleman
Universal and Ideal meat choppers at
For sale 7 room house and two lots
Inquire of Mrs W M Irwin tf
Sni w Flake soap 2 cakes for 5 cents
25 cents a dozen at McConnells
CALLA LILLIES in bud or full bloom
McCook Greenhouse Phone 91
buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur
F S Wilcox
The first robins of spring this week
quite a month earlier than common
Scale books
Typewriter papers
The TRrnuNE
The new crushed leather belts now
showing at the Thomson Dry Good Gos
New appliques and medallions just
received at tho Thompson Dry Goods
The famous Household and Wheeler
Wilson sewing machines are sold by
W T Coleman
A fresh
Cone Bros
supply of
perfumes just
driii store
Reigers famous
received at
Ferris waists for children misses and
women in all sizes now in stock at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
McMillens Cream Lotion for hands
and face dries perfectly and leaves the
skin smooth and soft
You will want your Spring wall paper
soon Remember that the finest assort
ment of patterns are to be found at Cone
The Ladies Aid Society of the M E
church will give their annual dinner
February 20th in the Doyle building on
Main street
The ladies and friends of the Dorcas
society will meet at the home of the
president Mrs I D Moore next Thurs
day afternoon at usual hour
He who hesitates is lost Do not
hesitate any longer about giving your
hogs Liquid Koal to keep them in a
healthy condition For sale by James
The Ocean Wave is a household word
in Redwillow county Coleman has made
it so Those who want the best wash
ing machine ever wont look at any
Farm implements household goods
and many other articles will go at the J
W Johnson sale on the old Meserve
ranch Wednesday March 2nd Custom
ary terms of sale
Work on a residence for Duane E
Smith was commenced first of the week
in block 17 Manchester street Another
dwelling just north of the one under
construction will follow soon
The postmaster is in receipt of the
i following on a postal card Postmaster
Stray boy Description Blue eyes
light hair height five feet His name
Fred Fosbinder If found return to
Theodore Fosbinder Elsie Neb
tt c 11 ttj
You will find them at W T
Colemans at the right price Col
lars pads lines strap work etc
Call and see