The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 12, 1904, Image 4

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    ffo fitCoelc fribf
Largest Circulation In Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
For Nebraskas sake for the honor of
her U S senatorship for Mr Dietrichs
sake Tub TmmmE hopes the senate spe
cial committee may be able to fully fair
ly and finally exonerate him
Representative Noruis has intro
duced a bill which provides that any
member of congress after his election
who shall accept a bribe for an office
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall be imprisoned not more than
two years nor fined more than 10000
If the people knew whether or not
the proposition to express choice for a
U S Benator in the next Republican
state convention is really loaded or
oven if they knew definitely in whose
interest the proposition is loadedthoy
might enter into the question with some
enthusiasm But there is a robust
question mark bef3re the people on this
proposition which will tako time to ex
plain away
Created Wealth
Something from nothing a garden
from a desert Such is the history of
- irrigated sections Take land that sells
for 50 cents an acre put water on it and
it sells for what There are quarters
of Jand in irrigated sections of Colorado
that cannot bo purchased for 20000 and
which earn a remunerative interest on
that valuation
And yet you can purchase irrigated
lands where the soil is perfect beyond
belief where the water supply is plenti
ful Nand inexhaustible where climatic
conditions are healthful and exhilarat
ing where fuel is abundant and cheap
for from 15 an acre up
The North Platte Valley extending
from Bridgeport Neb to Guernsey
Wyo and the Big Horn Basin Wyom
ing have been but recently made avail
able for settlement by the extension of
the Burlington railroad into those sec
tions The irrigating companies must
have settlers along their ditches and
they offer substantial inducements in
shape of low priced water rights and
None may say surely but it wont be
for long and the sooner jou invest the
cheaper will you be able to do so for the
advance is just as sure as has been the
advance in the price of similar lands in
other sections
For further information write to J
Francis General Passenger Agent Bur
lington Gmaha 1 22 5ts
r - I- -
Chamberlains Stomach And Liver
Tablets Unequalled For Con
A R Kane a prominent druggist of
Baxter Springs Kansas says Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are
in my judgment the most superior prepa
ration of anything in use today for con
stipation They are sure in action and
with no tendency to nauseate or gripe
For sale by all druggists
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer -Wrong feeding is
loss Right feeding is profit
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk his pigs to get
the most pork his hens to
get the most eggs Science
But how about the children
Are they fed according to
science a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia
r Scotts Emulsion is a mixed
food the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh blood and muscle
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy
Scott Bowne
409 Pearl St N Y
50c and SI j all druggists I
Absolutely Pwip
The Appletoqs announce a new novel
by Mr Spoarman The Close of the Day
The publishers say of it that it is a
stirring story of Chicago business life
as evoryone of us comes in touch with
it every day a story of the stage as it
tbuches the lives of a woman who is an
actress and a man of large means who
loves her Mr Spearman has brought
together the worlds of large mercantile
speculation and of dramatic lights and
shadows with marvelous skill and with
out undue emphasis of the meretricious
in either
This is a comprehensive statement in
brief of the motive of this novel or
rather novelette for the story is only
about half the length of a modern novel
It is unfortunate that so many authors
consider it necessary to write large
books Of course there are books that
one would not have shorter than they
are but not even the genius of George
Elliot Dickens or Thackery was at all
times able to hold the interest of the
average render through the hundred
thousand or more words that constituted
a novel in the days in which they wrote
In thisagewe want the author to come to
the point as quickly as possible and to
carry us to the end without unnecessary
delays This iswhy a short story one
that we can begin and finish in an eve
ning appeals to so many people
His railroad stories made Mr Spear
man popular His more serious work
has made bis reputution This latest
tale it is safe to say will add to his
laurels will tend to accentuate his
wonderf ulversatility It is not strictly
a problem novel Mr Spearman is too
consummate an artist to disclose too
palpablythe lesson that he would teach
yet it has in it profound truths for the
thoughtful reader It is not compar
able with Dr Bryson though in its way
it is quite as strong if indeed in some
respects it is not a better story Dr
Bryson is probably a maturer product
but The Close of the Day is not less
worthy It is unlike any other work
that Mr Spearman has done While
the tone on the whole is melancholy
the pages enlivened by flashes of sun
light that render what would otherwise
be a somewhat somber though none the
less fascinating story interesting and
Mr Spearman is a realist a disciple
of that school of French writers which
includes FlaubertDeMaupasantDaudet
and DeBalzac He writes of what he sees
and of things as they are He throws
no false glamour about that which he
describes In this book he writes of
what seems to laymen the most allur
ing life in the world that of an opera
tic actress Grave and gay commingle
as they do in life The author does not
hesitate to show the darker side though
brilliant scenes abound For one of his
principal characters the long struggle is
crowned with triumph For the other
the sun sets but in a blaze of glory
The Close of the Day is a human
book While differing in theme and
treatment it reminds one somehow of
The Light that Failed Nor is one cer
tain but that he likes the American
book better than the English
A Correspondent Thus Describes His
I can strongly recommend Herbine
as a medicine of remarkable efficiency
for indigestion loss of appetite sour
taste in the mouth palpitation head
ache drowsiness after meals with dis
tressing mental depressions and low
spirits Herbine must be a unique prep
aration for cases such as mine for a few
doses entirely removed my complaint I
wonder at people going on suffering or
spending their money on worthless
things when Herbine is procurable and
so cheap 50c a bottle at A McMillens
Perfect Confidence
Where there used to be a feeling of
uneasiness and worry in the household
when a child showed symptons of croup
there is now perfect confidence This
is owing to the uniform success of Cham
berlains Cough Eemedy in the treat
ment of that disease Mrs M 1 Bas
ford of Poolesville Md in speaking of
her experience in the use of that remedy
says I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlains Cough Eemedy for Ihave
used it with perfect success My child
Garland is subject to severe attacks of
croup and it always gives him prompt
relief For sale by all druggists
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
The Time When Helfr Kindnena and
Sympathy Count lloMt
It Is during the formative period tho
time when n man is seeking to get n
foothold that help counts for most
when even the slightest aid is great
A few books lent to Andrew Carnegie
when he was beginning bis career
were to him an inspiration lie baa
nobly repaid the loan made posterity
his debtor n mllllonfold by his benefi
cence in sprinkling libraries over the
whole country Help the saplings the
young growing trees o vigor the
mighty oaks have no need of your aid
The heartening words should come
when needed not when they seem only
hypocrltic protestations or dextrous
preparations for future favors Co
lumbus surrounded by his mutinous
crew threatening to kill him alone
amid the crowd had no one to stand
by him but he neared land and riches
opened before them Then they fell at
his feet proclaimed him almost a god
and said he truly was Inspired from
neaven success transngureu mm a
long line of pebbly beach and a few
trees made him divine A little pa
tience nlong the way a little closer
companionship a little brotherly love
In his hours of watching waiting and
hoping would have been great balm to
his soul
It is in childhood that pleasures
count most when the slightest invest
ment of kindness brings largest re
turns Let us give the children sun
light loVe companionship sympathy
with their little troubles and worries
that seem to them so great genuine
interest in their growing hopes their
vague unproportioned dreams and
yearnings Let us put ourselves Into
their places view the world through
their eyes so that we may gently cor
rect the errors of their perspective by
our greater wisdom Such trifles will
make them genuinely happy happier
by far than things a thousand times
greater that come too late From The
Power of Truth by William George
Jordan Published by Brentanos
To the dog who has money men say
My lord dog
Consult thy wife and do the reverse
of what she advises
When the moon is with thee of what
account are the stars
Joy lasts for seven days but sadness
endures for a lifetime
He who has gold is beloved though
he be a dog and the son of a dog
It is better to commit ten sins in the
sight of God t i one in the sight of
Those who are learning to shave
heads practice upon those of the or
The beauty of a man lies in his in
telligence the intelligence of a woman
is to be found in her beauty
When thou seest two people in con
stant converse thou mayest know that
the one is the dupe of the other -
Shun him who can be of no use to
thee In this world he cannot serve
thee and in that which is to come he
cannot intercede in thy behalf Tu
Feline amenities show themselves
most forcibly at committee meetings
There was one of these latter gathered
together to discuss a charity bazaar
The chairman smiled sweetly upon the
artists wife and said
Youll get your husband to let us
have some little thing of his for the art
table will you not Mrs Mahlstick
Well you know husbands are not
always easily managed my dear
Ab but take him after one of your
nice dinners and then put in a word
for our worthy cause But remember
we are not allowed to have anything
which sells for over 25
Indeed And then Mrs Ms eye
brows went up alarmingly Then
perhaps hell induce one of his pupils
to dash off something for you New
York Times
Fainting Animals Eyes
One of the most difficult things which
the artists and taxidermists of the gov
ernment studio have to do is the paint
ing and preparation of glass eyes for
the mammals birds and reptiles
mounted at that institution for exhibi
tion in the National museum
These eyes are made of glass hol
low within and from the rear so that
the inner surface may be painted any
color desired As no two animals eyes
are alike and as the colors are often
complicated and unusual It requires a
great deal of skill study and practice
before one is competent to undertake
the work
Life Savins Snpemtitlon
The superstitious collier is often
laughed to scorn but a miner in north
Wales is just now thanking his lucky
stars that he believes in omens He
was boring under some coal and was
startled by seeing a rat scuttling away
He walked away from the spot and
directly afterward a large fall of coal
occurred just over the place where the
man had been working London Stand
Better Than Gold
I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debil
ity writes FJ Green of Lancaster X
H No remedy helped me until I be
gan using Electric Bitters which did me
more good than all the medicine I ever
used They have also kept my wife in
excellent health for years She says
Electric Bitters are just splendid for fe
male troubles that they are a grand
tonic and invigorator for weak run down
women No other medicine can take its
place in our family Try them Only
50 cents Satisfaction guaranteed by
L W McConnell
Few towns in Southwestern Nebraska
have a record as a newspaper cemetery
that can excel our neighbor Culbertson
3 -
Have You Indigestion
If you have indigestion Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure wil cure you It has cured
thousands It is curing people every
day every hour You owe it to your
self to give it a trial You will continue
to suffer until you do try it There is
no other combination of digestants that
digest and rebuild at the same time
Kodol does both Kodel cures strength
ens and rebuilds Sold by L W Mc
Cheap Rates to the Pacific Coast
From March 1st until April 30th tho
Burlington is offering very low rates to
the Pacific coast and intermediate points
Full particulars can bo obtained by call
ing on the agent
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c All druggists
Want Tour moustache or beard a beautiful
Drown or ncn uiitcK i lien use
niiniiivinuAnAo nun for the
DUOIVinunHW O U Whiskers
BO da of Druggists or R p wall Co Nashua N M
0mm i m n w
Put Your Cash
in a Stock Certificate of
McCook Co Operative
Building Savings Assn
No better or safer investment is open
to you An investment of100 per
month for 120 months willearn 80
nearly 9 per cent compound annually
Dont delay but see the secretary today
Subscriptions received at any time for
the new stock just opened
222 South Peoria St
Chicago III Oct 7 1902
Eight months ago Iwas so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and lungs were raw
and sore The doctors pro
nounced it Brights disease and
others said it was consumption
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de
sire to live A sister visited me
from St Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui
I told licr I had not and she
bought a bottle I believe that
it saved my life Ibelievemany
women could save much suffer
ing if they but knew of its value
Dont you want freedom from
pain Take Wine of Cardui
and make one supreme effort to
be well You do not need to be
a weak helpless sufferer You
can have a womans health and
do a womans work in life WTiy
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
Martin Com Co
Car Lots a Specialty
Local and Long Distance Phone 101
We Want Your Eggs
and Poultry
HighestCash Prices Paid
Come in and talk with us
One door south of the Tribune Oflice
naaiWMMtm ri
Were f qo Busy for Ad Writing
New Firm
Never Too Busy
B and M
Meat Market
David Magner has gone
into the firm which seeks
a continuance of public
patronage guaranteeing
the best of everything sea
sonable at the most rea
sonable prices
Anton Magner
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Xebraska
Safe Alwavs reliable LiiJiet ask Druggist for
Id metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other SicCuse dmiseroiiit Mubtti
tutinnsanri imitation Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Teati
RioniaN and Keller for Ladle in Utter
by return JIail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 Madison Square 1JIIlA PA
Mention this paper
fP 1
to -
Attend to
Your Wants for
in Our Store
Our Shelves
are Being Rapidly Filled
and See Them
For Nice Clean Fresh
Telehone No 16
Old Stand
Sells and Recommends
The Great Germ and Insect
Destroyer for all
Germ Diseases of Animals
Now used throughout the United
States for the prevention and cure of
hog cholera swine plague corn stalk
disease pink eye foot andj mouth
disease etc A sure removerof worms
in animals Tho cheapest and best
lice killer on the market
Kearney County Nursery G A Strand Prop
Grower of choice nursery stock
Minden Neb Dec 5 1602
NationallMedical Co York Neb
About two weeks aijo many of the farmers
around here lost very heavily bjihoRcholera
I do not wish to writo you allonir flattering
statement about your medicine but will say
that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal
and the improvement wa3 so marked that I
bought a gallon can and used it with th re
sult that my hogs all recovered and I did
not lose one My herd of over 200 are in lino
condition and you may put me down as a
constant user of Liquid Koal
G A Steand
Your money refunded if not thor
oughly satisfied with results
Manufactured by National Medical
Co Sheldon Iowa
Expert advice given free on all
germ diseases of animals Address
the company at Sheldon Iowa en- I
closing stamp
For sale and guaranteed by
James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
1 1