The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 12, 1904, Image 1

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Their Annual Stockholders Meeting-
Tho stockholders of tho McCook
Building and Savings Association held
thoir annual meeting in tho First Na
tional Bank Monday evening February
8th at which timo all vacancies in the
Ijoard of directors wore filled by election
About 550 shares of the over 1000 shares
of stock were represented at the meeting
in person and by proxy T B
E Kelley J H Bennett were re
elected directors for three years and C F
Lehn for one year This makes the full
board as follows T B Campbell W
S Perry J II Bennett J A Wilcox J
E Kelley F M Kimmell W B Mills
C F Lehn and Emerson Hanson
After tho adjournment of the stock
holders meeting the new board of direct
ors met and chose officers for tho ensu
ing year T B Campbell was re-elected
presidont W S Perry vice presi
dent F A Pennell secretary Louis
Thorgrimson treasurer C E Eldred
Tho report of tho auditing committee
composed of J G Schobel and S B Mc
Clainwas road and accepted and placed
on file It showed tho affairs of the asso
ciation to be in first class condition in
every respect See semi annual report to
appear after February 20th
The Tribune takes pleasure and satis
faction in being able to fully endorse tho
local association There is none better
in the state and few its equal - During
the past year the association has had
loaned about 50000 and this amount
has been carefully and safely placed on
real estate at a total cost to the associa
tion of but one per cent the expense ac
count of tho association for the past
year being only 5500
And it may be said to the high credit
of the association that it has netted the
investors and borrowers during all the
years of its life about fourteen years in
all an average of about nine per cent
interest Few business institutions any
where can excel this record
A new series will be opened February
20th It is a paying and safe investment
vCIty Council Matters
Council met in regular session on
Monday evening Present Mayor El
dred Councilman Ryan Osborn and
Bills as follows were allowed and or
dered paid
Electric Light Co 87 60
John Ekstedt 42 25
PEPotter 13 50
Ed Fitzgerald Dec and Jan 100 00
CBGray 60 00
II P Waite January 4 16
Jess dinger McAdnms Are 2 00
Warrants for 2 were ordered drawn
in favor of the following firemen for one
hours service at the Scott Odell fire
namely Elsie Ward H H Tartsch
Earl Murray Mart Osborn C A Leach
R J Osborn Frank Green Abner
Clark J W Spiker Ross Hammond
Samuel Pickard W J Krauter J H
Dwyer D E Smith Hugh Kelley R J
Predmore Ed Jeffries C E Cone
Marshall Osborn Harry Edwards Jess
Petition of W C Bullard for permit
to erect a lumber shed 18x100 feet 8
feet high of wood sides and ends and
iron roof on east ends of lots 11 and 12
block 26 original town was granted
Councilman Waite having moved out
of the Second ward verbally tendered his
resignation which was accepted Mayor
Eldred has taken under consideration
the appointment of his successor to fill
tho unexpired term and the appoint
ment is likely to be announced in the
Dear future
Death of Former Resident of McCook
Following brief statement of death of
a former resident of McCook is taken
from Sundays Lincoln Journal Abram
WShaeffer of Thornburg died yesterday
at the asylum as the result of an injury
received about three years ago by falling
from a load of hay His skull was in
jured and organic brain disease caused
him to become mildly insane George
W Shaeffer a brother resides in Lin
The body arrived from Lincoln on No
1 Monday and on Tuesday morning
from the Methodist church Elder
Berry officiating the remains were buried
in Riverview cemetery
Tho members of the local G A R
post attended the funeral in a body
Mrs Taylor Ward an only daughter
of the deceased was down from Hayes
county to attend the funeral
Wall Paper Remnants
We have some good remnant patterns
will sell cheap to make room for new
-stock You can save money Buy wall
paper now A McMillen Druggist
Tho new nub broadcloths can be seen
at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Just
received in an assortment of colors
Piano for sale Fine condition Easy
terms if desired Inquire at this office
The choicest perfumes soap and toilet
articles are to be found Cone Bros
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
Mrs George Griffin is a guest of
Mrs Will Turley
Mrs Frank Purvis is visiting in
Hastings this week
C D Kenady is here from Oklahoma
on a visit to the family
Mrs H P Sutton is visiting rela
tives in Omaha this week
Mrs Albert Barnett is visiting in
Eastern Nebraska and Iowa this week
Mrs J E Kelley is in Kirwin
Kansas visiting her mother who is ill
Jessie Pope was up from St Joe Mo
latter part of last week visiting young
H G Phelps went down to Omaha
and St Joseph Wednesday night on
George Campbell was up from the
state university over Sunday visiting
the family
Mrs C E Pope was up from St Joe
Tuesday and Wednesday guest of Mc
Cook friends
Misses Maud and Laura McMillen
entertained the Awl Os Tuesday eve
ning of this week
Arthur Douglass was in the city
Monday He is running an engine down
in the Indian Territory
Miss Johnson of the Arapahoe post
office was a guest of Miss Gertrude Col
vin Saturday and Sunday
John H Stevens of Hastings was a
city visitor guest of his sister Mrs
Frank Kendlen Wednesday
St Joe on business Her sister Anna
accompanied her to Missouri
Mrs A L Knowland arrived home
close of week past from visiting Indiana
relatives for a number of weeks
J C L Wisely of the late Culbertson
Herald was in the city Monday on
business He states that he will move
to Lincoln in the near future
H P Waite and family moved into
their new home the Sam Rogers resi
dence close of last week They now
have one of the finest homes in the city
Jeff J Gallagher of Wray Colo
radoa well known cowboy of the halcyon
range days was in the city Monday
He was a familiar figure in chaps
twenty years ago
Mrs C H Meeker departed last
night for California to be absent a few
months Her parents live in that state
and a cousin in delicate health to whom
she will especially minister
Henry S FERRARand August Haegge
of the Grand Island sugar beet factory
were in the cityTuesday night while on
their way to Culbertson to hold a meet
ing Wednesday morning in the interest
of the culture of beets this season for
the American Beet Sugar Co
Mr and Mrs U J Warren and
Ruth came up Friday night last from
Davenport Nebraska where they had
been visiting his parents and were the
guests of her parents Mr and Mrs C B
Rowell until No 1 Saturday when they
left for their home in Fort Morgan Colo
I M Smith was in Lincoln Monday
on business connected with the examina
tion of the Bankers Union of the World
Life Insurance Co being conducted by
the state insurance department The
probability is that the company will be
compelled to go out of business And the
facts seem to warrant such action
Mrs Judson Babcock of Cambridge
whose life has been in jeopardy this
week from an attack of pneumonia is
now reported as much improved and
progressing toward recovery Mrs C
F Babcock of our city went down to
Cambridge Wednesday morning Mrs
Will Duncan of Beatrice has been up
during the week also
J E Nelms who recently disposed
of his farm up on the Willow to Mrs
Agnes S Freeman of Beatrice has pur
chased the H L Donovan residence
and will become a resident of McCook
He will dispose of his personalproperty
on the Willow at public sale February
24th We understand he proposes en
gaging in business in oiir city His
purchase included much of the Donovan
Mrs J W Hupp and Mrs W S Perry
were entertainers of the Alphabet
high five club last evening at the home
of the former An elegant six thirty
dinner was served After a brief social
chat by the ladies and smoker by the
gentlemen a series of eight games of
cards were played in which Mrs A
Campbell and Mr F W Bosworth won
the honors and Mrs C L Fahnestock
and Mr W B Mills the consolations
Red carnations were the pretty simple
decorations each of the guests receiv
ing a bouquet of that charming flower
Three 5c Packages Uneeda Biscuit
for 10c at J A Wilcox Sons Only
three packages sold with each order
Pens a Picture of the Deacon
Bert P Walker of the Topeka Capital
is doing his stunt for that daily at Nor
ton Kansas where the famous Dewey
trial is now progressing and gives the
Capital the following brief description
of Doacon Morlan of our city His snap
shot when developed makes the Deacon
look like this
Among rhe vast array of attorneys the
man the prosecution is beginning to fear
most is Morlan of Nebraska Morlan is
dangerous Ho works under a perfect
guise of assumed ignorance and buffoon
ery and impresses the unwary with the
idoa that he dont know what be is talk
ing about He looks less like a lawyer
than any man in the bunch He dresses
roughly and would be taken any place
for a prosperous farmer in town to do
his Saturday trading instead of one of
tho shrewdest corporation lawyers in
the state of Nebraska He decks him
self out in a colored shirt and collar
with a worn flowing necktie hair dis
heveled and assumes a weak smile and
then he is ready for work
A Mission at St Albans Church
Beginning Friday February 19th
Arch deacon Cope of Laramie will hold
a mission in St Albans church The
object of this mission is to quicken and
deepen the spiritual life and to instruct
the people in Bible doctrine and church
teaching The missioner is well equip
ped for this work His discourses will
be something above the ordinary You
will find him instructive and helpful
Dont fail to hear him The mission
will continue for at least ten days
Daily services as follows At 730 a m
holy communion at 4 p in shortened
evening prayer with instruction at 730
p m a song service with a few short
prayers and sermon Everybody is
cordially invited Remember the date
See hand bills of services
City Election Is Coming Apace
Only a few weeks intervene between
the now and the coming city election
and yet apparently there is nothing do
ing so far as the people of the city are
concerned as to who shall be our next
mayor and members of the board of
councilmen members of school board
etc And yet The Tribune knows that
matters of moment to the taxpayers and
citizens of McCook are likely to come
up for settlement during the coming
year It is always well for the people
to be awake and alert and to safeguard
their own interests The Tribune un
derstands that one fact has been de
termined in this connection and that is
that Mayor Eldred will not be a candi
date for re election
Hello Central
Give me 85500 Main street Say
Harry Dont forget February 17th
just one year since Diamonds clothing
and shoe store opened and they are
still here Hope you havent forgotton
the bet you made that they wouldnt
exist that long Why I heard they
bought the building since Well any
way will meet you at the new saloon for
the 85 and drinks you bet providing
you are still in town between this and
the next 17th of February Good bye
Public Sale February 19th
Friday February 19th 1904 com
mencing at ten oclock Mrs Paulina
Phillippi will offer for sale at her farm
five miles southeast of McCook a fine lot
of horsescattle farm implements house
hold goods etc Usual terms of sale
Free lunch at noon H H Berry auc
Valentine Oyster Supper
The young people of the Baptist
church will give a Valentine oyster sup
per in the William Doyle storeroom
February 13th from 5 to 11 oclock
Coffee etc will also be served Price 25
cents A fine supper certain
Dwelling1 For Sale Or Rent
Eight room dwelling in South Mc
Cook with 1J4 acres of land S1000
cash Will rent J C Predmore
McConnells Concentrated Smoke
will save you time and money over the
old way of smoking meat
Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen
McCook Green House phone 91
New collar frames of featherbone cov
ered with mousseline de soie in black
white red pink and blue in 2 and 2J4
inch heights just received at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
A 30 inch organdy in black cham
pagne red pink light blue and nile just
received at the Thompson Dry Goods
Twelve very tasty patterns just re
ceived in mens fine worsted suits 10 to
81350 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
That Argentine ware
cannot fail to capture you
at Colemans
See it You
will buy no other
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
Engine 333 is out of shops
Fireman Wm Deere is on the sicklist
George Caston has tho big fire now
Engine 3703 is hero from Havelock
Hugh Kelley of night force is on the
Kngine 292 went to Havelock Sunday
I L Rodstrom is on the pile driver
this week
Engineer J H Moore is on the sick
list thi3 week
Blacksmith George Caston returned to
work Monday
E M Heberlee of round house force
is on the sicklist
Forsman runs a fire when the flue
business is slack
G H Linscott of round house foreo is
ailing and off duty
Way car 128 will be out of the shop
first of coming week
Engine 3312 has been transferred to
the Northern division
Fred Isch of night force is on the sick
list on account of an injured leg
Jacob Lenhart of blacksmith force
has bern transferred to rip track
Fireman R L Wade is visitiner friends
and relatives in Denver this week
Brakeman E H Pearson is off duty
on account of sickness in his family
Mrs George LeHew and sister spent a
few days in Denver early in the week
Chief Dispatcher J F Forbes return
ed Sunday from his sad mission to
George Huffmann who was working
in Denver last few days returned home
Engineer B F Briggs expects to go
to Shenandoah Iowa in a few days on
Conductor L M Best has Conductor
Starks run out of Red Cloud during the
latters illuess
George Kraft boiler maker who has
been on sicklist for some time returned
t6work Thursday
M H Hammond made his first trio
as a road fireman on train No 175
Wednesday morning
An engine of the D4 class has been
equipped with a snowplow for use on
the Kansas branches
The Burlington it is said will rebuild
the ice house recently destroyed at Red
Cloud and on a larger scale
Con Brening has sold his dwelling to
Con Lenhart and expects to leave about
March 1st for Portland Oregon to live
The new toolman and his assistant
are both from Havelock the home of
the new foreman of the shop Mr How
Brakeman and Mrs E E Stayner
were summoned to Hayes Center this
week by the serious illness of her father
H C Stratton
The carpenter shop here has been
making passenger hose sheds for Oxford
and Red Cloud this week Also some
new large doors for the round house
Fireman Charles Blackburn is on re
lief on account of a piece of coal falling
on his head and the coal was harder
pthan his head which is very strange
Agent F F Tomblins wife at Wilson
ville is recovering from her recent illness
and operation and has returned to work
thus releasing Extra Agent C T Choate
Special services will begin at the Bap
tist church Sunday evening February
14th Short pointed sermons chorus
choir and prompt closing will be fea
tures of these services
William Barton the five months old
babe of George and Nellie Neal of Hern
don Kansas was buried in the Long
view cemetery Tuesday February 9th
Rev C R Betts officiating
Dispatcher T B Campbell was in
Red Cloud Republican City and Oxford
Wednesday examining in the book of
rules the- engine and trainmen under
Trainmaster T A Wilburn of Red
Owing to a temporary spurt of busi
ness on the Southern division Conduc
tor H A Beale and Brakemen Van
Nortwick and Lee have been transferred
to Wymore whither they went on 14
Wednesday night
Spring Ranch station in Clay county
ha3 been reopened by the Burlington
AW Burlingame being appointed agent
It was closed sometime ago but it is un
derstood that the grain and other freight
movements from that place are now suffi
cient to maintain an agent
An Anniversary Occasion
McCook Knights of Pythias celebrated
the anniversary of the founding of tho
order Wednesday evening in an entire
ly satisfactory manner in thoir castlo
hall The membors and wives and lady
guests wore there in numbers and tho
occasion had all the essential enjoyable
features of the Pytnian social affairs
and the boys of the order are pacemak
ers in that line
On the entertainment side thoro was
music by the Pythian orchestra of six
pieces a number of vocal numbers
Safe in the Arms of Jesus Rock of
Ages and tho story of Damon and
Pythias were handsomely projected on
the screen by the superb lanterns of the
lodge Rock of Ages being accompan
ied by the vocal score and card playing
Later in the evening refreshments
were spread in tho hall concluding a
happy social gathering and commemora
tion of a gladsome fact in F C and B
The Fortnightly Masquerade
About eighty ladies and gentlemen
participated in the masquerade danco
by the Fortnightly club in the opera
house last Friday night and it will go
down in the social annuals of the city
as one of the enjoyablo and successful
social events of the season There was
nothing new in tho kinds of costumes
worn the usual variety being in evi
dence It is recorded that everybody
knew everybodyelse after the unmask
ingand this feature of the atFair will
be recognized as quite regular
The costumes ran the gamut of human
weakness and scaled the heights of mor
tal skill and invention with the grand
dames in tho most kittenish abbreviat
ed attire
The K of P orchestra provided the
musical inspiration
The EntreNousclub entertained their
husbands at the spacious home of Dr
and Mrs Fahnestock Tuesday evening
at a 7 oclock dinner The one dining
room was tastefully decorated in red
carnations the others in white and vio
let the club colors ribbon
Oysters oo the half shell Celery
Cranberry jelly Potatoes French peas
Cream slaw
Parker house rolls Spiced tomatoes
Waldorf salad in lettuce boucheos
Coffee Mince pie Cheese Pine apple
Ice cream sundae
The evening was passed all too quickly
playing pit
To Organize a Roosevlt Club
The Tribune has been requested to
announce that upon next Saturday eve
ning February 13th in H H Berrys
office a Roosevelt club will be organized
by the Republicans of McCook and it
is hoped and greatly desired that there
shall be a full attendance of Republicans
of the city at that meeting to assist in
completing the organization electing
officers adopting constitution and by
laws etc
Unusual Gifts and Strength
Concerning Rev G L Hosford who
will deliver his address illustrated with
steriopticon views on Alaska in the
Congregational church Monday even
ing February 22d L A Sherman pro
fessor of English language and litera
ture and head dean of the University of
Nebraska says he is a brilliant man of
unusual gifts and strength Adults
25c children 15c
That unsophisticated citizen who
wanted to trade W DDarnell a gun
for a suit of clothes is said to be still
looking for the three balls I dontknow
Feet Like Ice
will soon be warm and comfortable if
you will use one of our hot water bottles
Guaranteed for one year
McConnell Druggist
Household Goods For Sale
Inquire of Mrs C D Kenady in Mrs
Hoags dwelling Monmouth st 2 13 2t
The Ocean Wave is a household word
in Redwillow county Coleman has made
it so Those who want the best wash
ing machine
ever wont look at any
The new Mikado cloth a highly mer
cerized wash fabric in six rich colors
just received at the Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Clearing prices on winter goods pre
vail as advertised heretofore The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
In using McMillens cough cure you
run no risk money refunded if not
About 15 styles of ruchings now show
ing at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
CALLA LILLIES in bud or full bloom
McCook Greenhouse Phone 91
New line broadcloths just received at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
For sale 7 room house and two lots
Inquire of Mrs W M Irwin tf
New silk gloves just received at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Americas land of tho midnight
suu tho land of glaciers sublime
mountain sconery plainsbroad val
leys and dense forests a land of sun
shino flowers and wondrous ver
dure tho most marvelous country
on tho globe
The story of her history peoplo
and vast resources told by
Illustrated with Sterioiticon
MrFlosford has as fino a sot of
colored views as were ever shown on
Alaska and the Northwest Many
of them woro never before shown
and are in the possession of no other
person He also carries a splendid
exhibit of Alaska furs native hand
work and curious relies collected
during his recent travels in that
At tho Congregational Church
Monday evening February 22
Adults Zoc children 15c
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
nt3 an
hw 4 -
SRS 212
Good Butter
Creamery Butter iio
Everything in drugs McConnell
Universal and Ideal meat choppers at
For tho latest
Cone Bros
and best books go to
New corduroys at the Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Kodaks are the same price tho world
over Cone Bros sell them
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur
days f S Wilcox
Scale books
Typewriter papers
The Tribune
When you need anything usually
found in a drug store go to Cone Bros
Crushed leather belts tho very latest
just received at the Thompson Dry
The famous Household and Wheeler
Wilson sewing machines are sold by
W T Coleman
A ladies muff has been left at our
store Owner please inquire The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
McMillens Cream Lotion for hands
and face dries perfectly and leaves tho
skin smooth and sof t
On February 17th Ash Wednesday
there will be services in St Albans
church at 10 a m holy communion and
The Ladies Aid Society of the M E
church will give their annual dinner
February 22d in the Doyle building on
Main strpet
He who hesitates is lost Do not
hesitate any longer about giving your
hogs Liquid Koal to keep them in a
healthy condition For sale by James
Bonton crepe in pink light blue
champagne marine blue and black one
of the prettiest wash fabrics for waists
and dresses just received at the Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
This has been a pretty snug winter
week with the thermometer about zero
a number of mornings together with an
inch or two of snow which remained
with us most of the week
Councilman Waite retired from the
city council Monday night having be
come ineligible according to law by
moving out of the ward The vacancy
will likely be filled in a few days
Colonel Etherton must be hitting
the pipe these days At any rate his
dream that Colonel Kimmell will print
the delinquent tax list free this year is
suggestive of some such aberation
Grand Chancellor Phillips of Nebraska
Knights of Pythias will be with the Mc
Cook brethren on next Wednesday eve
ning February 17th A full attendance
of the members of the local lodge is re
The young ladies of St Patricks
church will givo a sociable at the par
lors of the Palmer Hotel Monday even
ing February 15 Music games re
freshments and a good time all for 25
cents Come
An open window in the postoffice
building caused a pipe to burst Sunday
morning causing slight damage and
some inconvenience to occupants of the
building until break was repaired on
Monday morning
Durinc the last week in January on
Holdrege commission merchant pauHmt
between 85000 and 86000 for eggjTin the
territory from a few stations east of Hol
drege to McCook on the main line and
Curtis on the High line