The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1904, Image 4

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ook pikp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription a Year in Advance
Some how or other Thk Tiuhune can
not got rid of tho impression that the
John L Webster vice presidential boom
is on tho cod order meaning no dis
respect to tho gentleman Or is there
roaliy an obony bued Senegnmbian iu
the wood pile
Pekhaps no ono word in tho English
language is now being more widely used
than the word proposition There is
tho difference between the poles and all
tho intermediate points ns well in tho
ideas intended to bo conveyed by the
word An example of the amusing uses
of the word camo under our hearing tho
other day A certain train on tho Bur-
lington was several hours late Ono
high school boy asked another as to tho
probable cause of the delay Tho in-
torrogaled finally allowed that No 1
had run up against a bard proposition
Which seemed quite plain and conclu
sivoly satisfactory to tho interrogator
Senator Dietijicii feels constrained to
explain that ho is not a success in face
tiae He doesnt love U S District
Attorney Summers Not a wee bit On
tho contrary will continue to hato and
fight him while life lasts But hatred
is a poor foundation upon which to rest
a great or good career Those who livo
by the sword are in lino to die by the
sword Let the senator first establish
his innocence and Summers malice and
tho people wont do a thing to Sum
mers he will soon sneak away into de
served disrepute and his name become a
hissing But is still up to the senator
to make pood And for tho fair
name of a United Senator and of Ne
braska it is an earnest and general hope
that he has the proof and will establish
his innocence If he is innocent the
first act of his should be to bring suit
against his attorneys for malpractice
It must be pleasing to Dean J L Mc
Brien and his many friends over the
state to note the numerous exprtssions
from the press of the state favoring him
for nomination to the state superintend
ence of public instruction Mr Mc
Brien has served as deputy superintend
ent for almost four years and has won
his spurs by thoroughly efficient and
satisfactory work in the states educa
tional department He is the logical
man for the place ho deserves the nom
ination perforce of tho faithfulness and
worth of his stewardship The service
of his chief Mr Fowler has been brilliant
and able and this happy state of affairs
has been brought about in no small de
gree by the energetic wise and persistent
efforts of his deputy Mr McBriens
life work has been that of a teacher and
he has passed through all the vicissi
tudes of the teacher in country and city
schools as superintendent of city
schools county superintendent and de
puty state superintendent hence has had
large and varied experience along practi
cal lines and these coupled with his spe
cial educational preparation and qualifi
cations make him a particularly desir
ablo and valuable man for the position
of state superintendent The Tribune
feels that the state convention will make
no error in tendering him the nomina
tion and that without contest
Challenge From Cone Bros
Cone Bros are seeking tho worst case
of dyspepsia or constipation in McCook
or vicinity to test Dr Howards new
specific for tho cure of those diseases
So confident aro they that this re
markable medicine will effect a lasting
cure in a short time that they offer to
refund the money should it not be
In order to secure the quicket possible
introduction Cone Bros will sell a regu
lar 50 cent package of this medicine at
half price 25 cents
This specific of Dr Howards will cure
sick headache dizzy feelings constipa
tion dyspepsia and all forms of malaria
and liver trouble It does not simply
give relief for a time it makes perma
nent and complete cures
lake advantage of Cone Bros chal
lege and secure a bottle of Dr Howards
specific at half price with their personal
guarantee to refund your money if it
does not help you
- There is no need of suffering with con
stipation dyspepsia or liver disease
when you can get 60 doses of a scientific
medicine for their cure like Dr Howards
specific for the small sum of 25 cents
Cured After Suffering- 10 Years
B F Hare superintendent of the
Miami Cycle ifcJVIanufacturing Co Mid
dleton O suffered for 10 years with
dyspepsia Ho spent hundreds of dol
lars for medicine and with doctors with
out receiving any permanent benefit
Ho says Ono night while feeling ex
ceptionally bad I was about to throw
down tho evening paper when I saw an
item in the paper regarding tho merits
of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I concluded
to try it and while I had no faith in it I
felt better after the second dose After
using two bottles I am stronger and
better than I have been in years and I
recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to
my friends and acquaintances suffering
from stomach trouble Sold by L W
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune j
BfiZjrM 3j ff I23wq c9f
ilr IP1
Tho announcement of the subject of
Father Stritchs lecture has provoked so
many inquiries in regard to tho Holy
Grail or Graal which is tho preferred
spelling that it seems not inappropriate
to devoto our space this week to answer
ing them Tho legend runs for so far
as can bo ascertained there is no founda
tion in fact for thestory that Joseph
of Arimathea having received permis
sion from Pilate to remove the body of
Christ from the cross went first to tho
room where the Last Supper was held
and securing there the cup or bowl from
which Jesus had eaten the paschal lamb
caught therein drops of blood from the
Saviors wounds It may be well imag
ined that extraordinary virtues would be
ascribed to a relic so holy By its aid
Joseph was said to havo been sustained
in jail 42 years without food Another
who merely took off tho cover was stuck
blind while it instructed its possessors
in knowledge of the better world
One authority says According to
Catholic theology where the body or the
blood of Christ is there by virtue of the
hypostatic union are His soul and His
divinity That the Giaal such being
its contentsshould be marvelousdivine
mysterious was but logical and natural
The Graal was the commencement of all
bold emprise the occasion of all prowess
and herioc deeds the investipation of
all beauty and goodness the marvel of
all the marvels
Joseph of Arimathea is suppised to
have brought the Graal to England
TheEncyclopaedia Britanuica says The
authorship of the conception involves
one of tho most difficult of literary ques
tions One English writer seems to
maintain the view that it can be attribu
ted to no individual but was the spon
taneous outgrowth of a group of widely
prevalent superstitions in all which a
magical cup or divining bowl was the
central object Others find the ori
ginal home of the legend in Provence
while a noted French authority is of
opinion that the original conception
comes from some Welsh monk or hermit
who lived early in the 8th century that
its guiding and essential import was an
assertion for the British church of an
independent derivation of its Christian
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs Like other weeds its
easily destroyed while young
when old sometimes im
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear
The best lung fertilizer is
Scotts Emulsion Salt pork
is good too but it is very hard
to digest
The time to treat consump
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself
Others see it you wont
Dont wait until you cant
deceive vourself anv loneer
Beg in with the first
to take Scotts Emulsion If
it isnt really consumption so
much the better you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment If it is consump
tion you cant expect to be
cured at once but if you will
besrin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win
Scotts Emulsion fresh air
rest all you can eat all you
can thats the treatment and
thats the best treatment
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle 01
Emulsion you buy
409 Pearl St N Y
toc and Si all druggists
ity direct from Palestineond not through
Rome Lastly it is maintained by En
glish writers generally that the concep
tion arose certainly on British ground
but in the 12th century and not in tho
Tho word Graal is believed to have
been derived from the Latin word gra
dale or graduate a collection of psalms
and scriptural toxts and to refer to the
mysterous book containing the story
Subsequently tho word was mistakenly
applied by a French writer to the cup
itself Many versions of the legend are
extant and it has formed tho basis of
poems and romances in nearly every
Christian country from tho 8th century
to tho present time Tho French were
especially fond of tho story as wore the
Germans while it forms the theme of
ono of the early English classics Tho
History of King Arthur and his Noble
Knights by Mallory which by tho way
is scarcely more than a prose translation
or adoption of several French poems em
bodying the story The Arthurian le
gends were again retold by Tennyson
who curiously omits mention of the fact
that tho Graal was supposed to contain
tho blood of Christ
Whats In a Name
Everything is in tho name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve E C De
DeWitt Co of Chicago discovered
some years ago how to make a salve
from Witch Hazel that is a specific for
piles For blind bleeding itching and
protruding piles eczema cuts burns
bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts
Salvo has uo equal This has given
rise to numerous worthless counterfeits
Ask for DeWitts the genuine Sold
by L W McConnell
Tho ico business is booming now
Frank Vickrey has returned from the
east He has not bought a bank yet
S W son of Foster Stilgebouer is
having a tussle with the mumps this
Grace Brown visited in the country
Saturday and Sunday with her friend
Nellie Eittenberg
E E Smith returned from South
Omaha Wednesday where he had been
with a car of cattle
Mrs G W Jones with the boys John
and Howard left for Iowa Tuesday
Howard will be greatly missed
Elder Evans and A F McCord and
wife drove to Indianola Sunday after
noon where the former had an appoint
ment to preach at the Christian church
It is on the bulletin board that Mrs
C E Williams will be married next
Sunday to a young gentleman who is a
tomb stone agent This is a case of
love at first sight
Arthur Stevens and Euby Fletcher
were married Sunday afternoon by
Squire Moore of Tyrone precinct Their
many friends unite in wishing them a
long and happy life
Joe Burton recently -went to Chillico
the Mo to take a course in telegraphy
When he arrived he found the college
quarantined on account of small pox
and returned home He will go back
as soon as the quarantine is raised
B Pennington president of this Y P
S C E and Win Hardcastle state
lecturer were here Sunday night and
held a meeting in the Christian church
which was filled to overflowing All
unite in saying that the address of Rev
Hardcastle was the best ever delivered
The agent of the American Beet
Sugar Co is here to secure contracts for
a sufficient acreage that the beets may
be weighed here and remove one cause
of the many complaints the past year
The offer to give a flat 475 per ton for
all beets bought not taking in to consider
ation the per cent of sugar is a new fea
ture offered here and the same at Rocky
Ford and Loveland Colorado is being
accepted We believe the people here
are very favorably impressed with the
new plan
A Very Close Call
I stuck to my engine although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain writes C W Bellamy a lo
comotive fireman of Burlington Iowa
I was weak and pale without any ap
petite and all run down As I was
about to give up I got a bottle of Elec
tric Bitters and after taking it I felt as
well as I ever did in my life Weak
sickly run down people always gain new
life strength and vigor from their use
Try them Satisfaction guaranteed by
L W McConnell Pric9 50 cents
Mrs W S Fitch is sick this week
Francis Hesterworth is quite sick with
a cold
John Suiter from Iowa is visiting at I
H Wassons
A W Utter is doing some building
forWS Fitch
Literary last week was well attended
Good program and debate
We are very glad to hear that W G
Duttons health is improving Mrs
Dutton returned home Wednesday
The young people of the South Side
spent a pleasant evening at a party at
John Eandels Wednesday of last week
Wassons gave a dance Tuesday even
ing in honor of John Suiter and Joe
Wasson A splendid time is reported
A party was given at Bohlings Thurs
day evening All had a good time
The young folks had a skating party
on the creek Saturday evening
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a ra Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J XiOuohran Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in tho
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a in
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 Tho third Sunday in
the month Hojy Communion at 730 a
m All aro welcome
E R Eaule Rector
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Sermons at 11 a m and p m
Morning subject This Beginning of
Miracles Evening subject Fire
Hero and Hereafter Good music al
ways Everyone invited to these ser
vices Tho church should bo helpful in
many ways George A Conrad
First Baptist Church Sermous at
11 a in and 745 p m Bible school at
945 a in Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at G 45 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 745 Sermon sub
ject Sunday evening Relation of tho
Husband to the Wife Excellont mu
sic All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a
m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p in Class
meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 and
Epworth League at 7 Revival meetings
are still in progress and will continue
over Sunday at least Thirty or more
have been converted and others are seek
ing Oh where will you spend eternity
At both services Sunday an opportu
nity will be given for any ono to unite
with the church May God bless and
save you M B Carman Pastor
Created Wealth
Something from nothing a garden
from a desert Such is tho history of
irrigated sections Take land that sells
for 50 cents an acre put water on it and
it sells for what There are quarters
of land in irrigated sections of Colorado
that cannot be purchased for 20000 and
which earn a remunerative interest on
that valuation
And yet you can purchase irrigated
lands where the soil is perfect beyond
belief where the water supply is plenti
ful and inexhaustible where climatic
conditions are healthful and exhilarat
ing where fuel is abundant and cheap
for from 15 an acre up
thk reasons
The North Platte Valley extending
from Bridgeport Neb to Guernsey
Wyo and the Big Horn Basin Wyom
ing have been but recently made avail
able for settlement by the extension of
the Burlington railroad into those sec
tions Tho irrigating companies must
have settlers along their ditches and
they offer substantial inducements in
shape of low priced water rights and
None may say surely but it wont be
for long and the sooner jou invest tho
cheaper will you be able to do so for the
advance is just as sure as has been the
advance in the price of similar lands in
other sections
For further information write to J
Francis General Passenger Agent Bur
lington Omaha 1 22 5ts
Climatic Cures
The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn Tho poor patient too can
do much better at home by proper at
tention to food digestion and a regular
use of German Syrup Free expectora
tion in the morning is made certain by
German Syrup so is a good nights rest
and the absence of that weakening
cough and debilitating night cough
sweat Restless nights and tho exhaus
tion due to coughing the greatest dan
ger and dread of the consumptive can
be prevented or stopped by taking Ger
man Syrup liberally and regularly
Should you be able to go to a warmer
climeyou will find that of the thousands
of consumptives the few who are bene
fited and regain strength are those who
use German Syrup Trial bottles 25c
regular size 75c L W McConnell
Domestic Troubles
It is exceptional to find a family where
there are no domestic ruptures occasion
ally but these can be lessened by having
Dr Kings New Life Pills around Much
trouble they save by their great work
in stomach and liver troubles They
not only relieve you but cure 25c at
L W McConnells drugstore
Simple Colds
cease to be simple if at all prolonged
The safest way is to put them aside at
the very beginning Ballards Horehound
Syrup stops a cough and removes the
cause of colds 25c 50c and 1 bottles
at A McMillens
I 2 ll I
5 5 11 I
S S - I1 I -
- PI
I ft It a
B Hi
s q
1 S
D 111
I 5 - ill 1
h IMCSriWKSStflliiliSl
Wash Easily
Vgpgrrr 1 1 s
Double acting Spring
Clothes Washer
A practical machine
to wash laces blank
ets spreads carpets
and all wearing ap
parelbaby3 napkins
etc clean and easily
McCook Nebraska
Then your liver isnt acting
well i ou suffer from bilious
ness constipation Ayers
Pills act directly on the liver
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill
Small doses cure
AM druggists
l ll
I Want your mniiHtnrlie or bt itrd a bcautilul
I brown or rich black Then use
Diiniminunfiae nvcfor tho
uuuivmunmvi OUIL
80 CT5 o Duunrm o R
New Firm
Old Stand
B and M
JHeat Market
David Magner has gone
into the firm which seeks
a continuance of public
patronage guaranteeing
the best of everything sea
sonable at the most rea
sonable prices
Anton Magner
Friday Feb 12
at 8
Congregational Church
Under Auspices of
McCook Public Library
ony Club
Lady Quartette
Assisted by an Entertainer and the cele
brated young American Violin Virtuoso
Karl F Hunter
in a delightful program entirely free
from dullness and consisting of Lady
Quartettes Violin and Vocal Solos Man
dolin and Guitar Club Comic and Ser
ious Readings etc etc
flusic and Mirth
A musical entertainment that is en
joyable alike to the musician and masses
Dont miss this treat See our program
it speaks for itself
Tickets 50 Cents
Polk Bros
flcCook Nebraska
wmmmYbL mm
Safe Alu avs reliable XatIieoskrrncfrist for
Uold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Itefiifte danueroun Nubti
tutionsnmi imitation J5uvof vourDruirfst
or send Ic in stamps for Particular Tenti
nionlalx and Keller for Indies inletter
by return Hail lOOOOTestimonlals Sold by
all Druggists V
2200 JUadinon Square PHIJxi PA
Mention thli paper
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
I flcCook - Nebraska
Martin Ci
Froiis and Produce
Car Lots a Specialty
Local and Long Distance Phono 104
We Want Your Eggs
and Poultry
Come in and talk with us
One door south of the Tribune Oflice
Blue Front
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
Sells and Recommends
The Great Germ and Insect
Destroyer for all
Germ Diseases of Animals
Xow used throughout the United
States for the prevention and euro of
hog cholera swine plague corn stalk
disease pink eye foot and mouth
disease etc A sure removerof worms
in animals The cheapest and best
lice killer on the market
Kearney County Nursery G A Strand Prop
Grower of choice nursery stock
Minden Neb Dec 5 1S02
National Medical Co York Neb
About two weeks ago many of the farmera
around here lost very heavily bythog cholera
1 do not wish to write jou a long flatterinc
statement about your medicine but will say
that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal
and the improvement was so marked that I
bought a gallon can and used it with the re
sult that my hog3 all recovered and I did
not loe one My herd of over 200 are in fine
condition and you may put me down as a
constant user of Liquid Koal
G A Stkaxd
Your money refunded if not i
oughly satisfied with results
Manufactured by National Medical
Co Sheldon Iowa
Expert advice given free on all
germ diseases of animals Address
the at Sheldon
company Iowa en
closing stamp
For sale and guaranteed by
James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
M i