The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 8

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Cfim Sims sold eight buggies Saturday
Sam Miuniear fell ov r a fence and
foroko hia arm
Givo iny respects to the poor while
coal is 10 a ton
Protracted nieotings nt tho M E
church for tho next two weeks
Otto Gliom foil off tho sidewalk and
broke the thumb on bis loft hand
Mrs Ruby has taken up ljer abode
with her daughter Mrs Anna Puelz
S II Stilgebouer sold 2000 bushels of
corn to Ben Smiley for 30c per bushel
v Mr Editor wHbra did Robert T Lin
coln marry Answer and oblige jour
Heury Kettering of Ohio has rented
sand moved into the late Miss Ida Pair
Rev Hardcastloof the Congregational
church will fill that pulpit morning and
evening January 31st
Vs Jess Ashton and his right hand man
v3n tho runaway Jess Smith are both
f Jablo to como to town
If Mrs S W Stilgebouer and daughter
Lm Mrs Ella Mack of Wheaton Illinois
iare visiting relatives at Wilsonville this
- iweek
I Chauncey Mcssnor and his estimable
V wife Maud tho sweetest singer of tho
Beavor valley were shopping in town
Tuesday of this week
Chnrles and John Dutcher and S O
L Gray and a score of other notables of
ilndianola were passing in grand review
beforo the Maccabeo goat Tuesday even
i ing
A drunken team turned a buggy over
coming from Indianola Monday and
lost two drivers in the fog Mr Axtell
picked up the team and brought it to
itown So much for bad whiskey
Saved From Terrible Death
The family of Mrs M L Bobbitt of
iBargeton Tenn saw her dying and
were powerless to save her Tho most
tskillful physicians and ovory remedy
used failed while consumption was
islowJy but surely taking her life In
this terrible hour Dr Kings Now Dis
J jcovery for Consumption turnpd despair
into joy The first bottle brought im
mediate relief and its continued use
completely cured -her Its the most
certain cure in the world for all throat
-and luner troubles Guaranteed bottles
50c and SI Trial bottles free at L W
MeCounelPs drug store
-Miss Edna Cathcart spent Sunday in
Marion Powell was in town ono day
Hast week
As dance was giveu at Will MinorSj
Hast week
Quito a number atteuded league Sun
day evening
CNaden and Daisy Dolph were in
town Sunday
Dr Allen the dentist was in town
iFridav and Saturday
Burton Durkeo of Oberlin were in
ttown one day last week
Mrs H S Kennedy and George
Minor are on the sick list
Mss Cora Patterson entertained six
of her lady friends Sunday
Messrs Stilgebouer and Wicks of
Danbury were in town Friday
Mrs Blackmore left Thursday for St
JPrancis to visit her sister Mrs Ross
Ethel Lyons and brother attended a
dance tit Herndon Saturday evening
The Heaver Valley telephone put in a
tswituh board in the postoffice last week
sand are connected with the Kansas and
Colorado telephone company The
phones are in charge of Mrs Rebman
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Is Captvired by
Bxaeiftelcrs Regulator
Thousands of young women are awaking
to the fact that inherited comliness has
been stolen and instead of glowing
cheeks and bright eyes the tell tale
wrinkles of pain have taken their place
These are the warning feelings Weak
and tired in the morning no life to enter
upon their former pleasures irritable
cross dull headaches general dispirited
feeling sleepless nights cold feet bear
ing down pains All these symptoms
3ndicat deranged and weakened organs
and exhausted energies follow the weak
ened condition of the female organs as
-surely as night follows day Save your
self from worse results by taking
Female Regulator
in the -world It relieves painful profuse
obstructed or suppressed menstruation
nervousness headaches etcetera Beauty
of face and symmetry of form are the re
sults of its use Ofdruggistsi Our book
Perfect Health for Women free
i N
tVtv v mf Lfc
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful J
lirnwn nr noli hlnrV Tlipn iisi J
50 cts of DnuGcisTs on R P Hall A Co- Nashua N H
rfww Mwwaam
v mJ
Ill have to get a barrel to hold the nickels
Whats the matter
Uneeda Biscuit I
Costs only 5 cents for a package Enough for a
meal too
Just look at that package for 5 cents Royal purple
and white
Dust proof Moisture proof Odor proof
Keeps in the goodness Keeps out the badness
Everybody wants
The soda cracker
that made the Nation hungry
Just One Minute
One Minute Cough Cure gives relief
in one minute because its kills the
microbe which tickles the mucous mem
brane causing the cough and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inflammation and heals and soothes
the affected part One Minute Cough
Cure strengthens the lungs wards of
pneumonia and is a harmless and never
failing cure in all curable cases of
coughs colds and croup One Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take harm
less and good alike for young and old
Sold by L V McConnell
Robert Moore has a new barn
Ed Osbaughs stock lie under a new
shed these nights
V M Rozell brought home a big
load of lumber Wednesday
During tho meetings at the Coleman
school house several were converted
DeWitt Griffith writes that he will be
here about January 2Sth Ho bought
the R J Traphagan farm
Tho last days of last week and first of
this Uncle Billy was in Kansas City and
St Joseph on immigration business
Domestic Troubles
It is exceptional to find a family where
there are no domestic ruptures occasion
ally but these can be lessened by having
Dr Kings New Life Pills around Much
trouble they save by their great work
in stomach and liver troubles They
not only relieve you but cure 25c at
L W McConnells drug store
V 1
JgMMMiMifc Jfc MMM3fr CPJ jfc h jgpMJ M VjB
A C King shelled corn Monday
W P Satchell shelled corn last
W A Stone shelled corn last Friday
D B Doyle and wife spent Sunday
with F G Lytle and wife
Mrs J K Gordon spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs T M Campbell
and mother
J S Doyles children have been hav
ing the sore throat but are again able
to attend school
Rev Sheldon closed his meetings
Wednesday evening of last week at
the school house
I H Harrison and wife and James
Modrell and wife and Rev Crago spent
Sunday with Paul Stone and family
Stephen Bolles A T Wilson and
Paul Stone sold their cattle last Friday
to Frank Everist and drove them to Mc
Cook Saturday
Arthur Doyle who has been in New
Mexico for the past few years has again
returned to Redwillow county and with
his brothers Grover and Charley will
run his fathers farm the coming season
There was a good sized audience out
again Sunday morning and evening to
hear Rev Crago Now that the whoop
ing cough has run its course there is
hoped to be more interest taken in the
church services and Sunday school
Millionaires Poor Stomachs
The worn out stomach of the over fed
millionaire is often paraded in the public
prints as a horrible example of the evils
attendant on the possession of great
wealth But millionaires are not the
only ones who are afflicted with bad
stomachs The proportion is far greater
among the toilers Dyspepsia and in
digestion are rampant among these peo
ple and they suffer far worse tortures
than the millionaire unless they avail
themselves of a standard medicine like
Greens August Flower which has been
a favorite household lemedy for all
stomach troubles for over 35 years
August Flower rouses the torpid liver
thus creating appetite and insuring per
fect digestion It tones and vitalizes
the entire system and makes life worth
living no matter what your station
Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L
W McConnell
If Unwell
try a 50c bottle of Herbine notice the
improvement speedily effected in your
appetite energy strength and vigor
Watch how it brightens the spirits gives
freedom from indigestion and debility
Isaac Story Ava Mo writes SeptlOth
1900 I was in bad health I had stom
ach trouble for 12 months also dumb
chills Dr JW Morey prescribed Her
bine it cured me in two weeks I can
not recommend it too highly it will do
all you claim for it Sold by A Mc
Mrs A II Bell visited in Cambridge
Daniel Reeves of Lebanon was on our
streets Tuesday
Ruby Wheeler of Bartley was a city
visitor Saturday
E Calhoun of McCook visited with
W H Allens family Sunday
Mrs Cora Mick of California is here
for a visit with the homefolks
Adam Grass of Hastings was in town
a few days on business this week
A Brown and daughter of Danbury
were Indianola sightseers Wednesday
Fred Dowler and John Smith of Dan
bury were in town for a while Tuesday
W H Wadsworth of Chickasha In
dian Territory is here looking after his
Henry Reynolds returned to Denver
Monday evening after a visit with the
Mr Mahoney of Wilsonville visited a
few days this week with Frank Moore
and family
Mrs Phoebe Taylor has returned home
from her visit to Acorn and other points
in Arkansas
John Rollins is teaching the Willow
school this week for Miss Andrews
who is still on the sick list
Harvey Ray an old timer here but
now of Woods county Oklahoma was
an Indianola visitor Tuesday
Miss Dora Walkington came up from
Cambridge last week and visited a few
days with Miss Delia Andrews
Landlord Cosgroe is having the inter
ior of his hotel beautified by paint and
paper R E Smith is tho decorator
Fred Hendershot and family came
down from McCook Sunday morning
and spent the day with C H Russell
and family
Isaac N Biown who had been spend
ing the holidays near Trenton was the
guest of his W H Smith
a few days this week
Your Tongue
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia make your liver right
Easy to take easy to operate
25c All druggists
Miches Vida and Rachel Hager re
turned to their homo in Omaha Sunday
morning after a short visit with friends
and relatives in this place
Tof nop TnffT ntl I rrr i r Mplflfinn
a uiubi uuio hiii U tu uuiiiua iuoi
of next month to assume charge of that
parish whorein is located the finest
church building in Southwestern Ne
Engineer Shouse of the flouring mill
at this place had the misfortune to get
two of his fingers badly mashed in the
chinery which incapacitated him in his
work for awhile
Mrs D Williams came up from Bart
ley Sunday evening and visited with
William Porter and family and attend
ed the meetings at this place She re
turned home Tuesday evening
The revival meetings are still going on
and a goi dly number are in attendance
each evening Rev Crippens sister Miss
Etta is helping him in the good work
and proves quite a valuable helper
Mrs J Kerns and children are visiting
in Sutton this week Last Tuesday
evening Mr Kerns left for that place in
answer to a telegram announcing the
serious illness of one of the children
iTLlV Jw
A Well Known Cure for Piles
Cures obstinate sores chapped hands ec
zema skin diseases Makes burns and scalds
painless We could not improve the quality
if paid double the price The best salve
that experience can produce or that money
can buy
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWitts is the original and only pure and
genuine Witch Hazel Salve made Look for
the name DeWITT on every box All othera
are counterfeit prepared by
For Sale by L W McConnell
In tho district court of Red Willow County Ne
braska In the matter of the application of
Winnie D Williams guardian of the estates
of Mildred L Stoddard a miuor and Eva M
Stoddard a miuor for leave to S11 real estate
Notice ii hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of the Honorable R C Orr judge of the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
made on the iJth dm of November 1903 for the
sile ofthn real estate hereinafter described
there will be sold at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash at the front door of the
court liou e in McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska on th th daj of February 1SWI at the
hour of one oclock pm the following described
rpal estate Lot eleen in block tent oiie in
the Firt addition to tho city of McCook Red
Willow couutv Nebraska Said sle will re
main open one hour
Dated this l ltli day of January 1901
Winnie D Williams guardian of the estates
of Mildred L Stoddard a minor and Eva M
Stoddard a minor
Bj W S Moklan her attorney
State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss
At a county court held at tho court room in
and for aid county January nth 19t4 present
S L Green countv judge In the matter of the
e tatd or Anna Cunigunda Flohr deceased
On reading and filing the petition of F M
Kimmell prajiug that administration of said
estate may be granted to Mrs Mabel M Kim
mell as administratrix Ordered that January
26th 1901 at 1 oclock p m is assigned for
hearing when all persons interested in aid
matter ma appear at a county court to lie held
in and for said county and show cauo why the
prnerof the petitioner should not becranted
and that notice of tho pendency of aid petition
and the hearing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publi hing a copy
of this order in theMcCooK Tribim a weekly
newspaper printed in said countv for three suc
cessive week prior to said day of liiaringl WJts
S U Uueen Countj Judge
Notice of Sale
In tho District Court of Red Willow County
State of Nebraska In tho matter of the ap
plication of Mary E Brad- guardian of Lor
etta Brady John T Brady Julia C Brady
and Joseph F Brady minors for license to
soil real estate
Notice is herebj given that in pursuance of an
order of the Hon- R Orr judge of the district
court of Red Willow county made on the 22nd
day of December 190 for the sale of the real
estate hereinafter described there will lie sold
at the front door of the court house in the city
of McCook in said county on tho 23rd daj of
Januan 1901 at the hour of one oclock p m
at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate to wit lot
number one in block number thirty threoin tho
second addition to the cit of McCook in Red
Willow county Nebraska Said sale will re
main open one hour
Dated tli 29th day of December 190
Mart E Beady cuardian of Loretta Brady
John T Brady Jnlia C Brady and Joseph F J
Brady minors U iLDEED Attorney
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Steam Filler
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halhday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelloy Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over JasMcAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
9 III Jl
Ollico over Granuia store McCook Nob E
Office Over Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
and Surgeon
Ollico over McMillans drug store Residence
702 Main Aveune Residence phono M Oilice
phone 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sales Ono per cent on sales 1000 and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
J5gsAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water AVorks Oilice in Postoilice building
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P O Building X
The Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building- New Presses
New Steretype Plant New and
Mdern Appliances n Every
The Toledo Blade is now installed in its new
building vth modern plant and equipment
and facilities equal to any publication between
New York and Chicago It is the only weekly
newspaper edited expressly for every state and
territory The news of the world so arranged
that busy people can more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies
All current topics made plain in each Issue by
special editorial matter written from inception
down to date Tho only paper published espec
ially for people who do not read daily newspa
pers and yet thirst for plain facts That this
kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the
fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 160000
yearly subscribers and its circulation is in all
parts of the U S In addition to tho new3 the
Blade publishes short and serial stories and
many departments of matter suited to every
member of the family Only ono dollar a year
Write for free specimen copy Address The
Blade Toledo Ohio