The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 7

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iW v
1 5
ESox Plaited Waist
hirt waists or the simpler sort are
fclAays smart whether made fromccot
ton sillonr wool This one is laid in
fdjl length box plaits at front vand
back with sleeves that are plaited
above the elbows and is eminently
satisfactory The model is maio5
peach colored taffeta with pipings rff
Elm JMir
fc4aiW1 LI ufr
Hn i JOT iutiaSmk
i i 1 g
mm lilrl ww
rm iUSjN f J Ms iI
4WarBoVltAUa Waist 32 to 40 buit
panne welvct jTojjnake it will be re
quired i yards of material 21 3
yard 27 or J3 4 yards 44 inches wide
j May Man ton pattern No 4488 sizes
32 to 40 will ibe mailed to any ad
dress on trccefpttof iten cents
Squirrel Ulster
A most comfortable fur wrap seen
last week was Hong ulster of squir
rel fur cm with flare at the bottom
where it loudhud the floor It wai
almost close fitting at the shoulders
and the sleeves vwere ithe modified ki
mono shape A flarge hat covered
with squirrel fur and trimmed with
a gray ostrucih plume tqpped this
Of Pink Crepe Albatross
Tucked blouses are much in vogue
rnd may be looked for in still greater
numbers with tfee season to come
YTnis one is made -of -pale rnk crepe
albatross with
trimming aT cream
Uaee ibtit is -suited
to satH the fcotton
and linen waist
ings as well s to
silk and wool The
arrangement of ithe
tucks tat the ihuck
is peculiarly desir
able and gives
graeeful tapering
lines tto the figure
CBWTfucked Blouse while ithose -in
32 to 40 bust fronts -and sleeves
Erovitte becoming and fashionable if ul
Biess below the stitchinge When pre
ferred dhe lining can be omitted and
Che waist can be left plain with a
regulation box plait at the center J
The waist consists of the fitted
IfmnS fronts and back The baek is
smooth but the fronts are full and
bloase styiishly over the belt The
sleeves ar the favorite ones that fit
4605 Girls Box Plaited Suspender
Costume 6 to vrs
Suspender costumes are exceedingly
charming for little girls and are among
the novelties of the season This one
is made of dark red henrietta with
pipings of black velvet and is worn
over a guimpe of sheer white lawn
The skirt is laid In deep- box plaits
which are lapped at the upper edge
and allowed to flare at the lower and
the suspenders are cut in sections
-which are Joined at the frent by orna
jl ir jsa U L3f iQiwuiMaStfl
B y 5 ill - H
y w p
1 lilllllilllll
the upper arras snugly mill
puffs below the elbows At the neck
is the usual stock
The quantity of material irequireU
for the medium size is j ards 31
inches wide 394 yards 27 finches wide
or2 yards 44 inches tfitw witlrSVi1
yardsOf insertion 2 indhos wide to
trim as illustrated
The pattern 4617 is cutiin sizes rfor
a 324r 36 38 and 10 inch ibust mess-
f Machine HemstitcKtng
TfiSiisefuUto know that hemstitdh
ingcan be done on the machine avKIj1
a littlo care and trouble Draw the de
sired number of threads folfiovcr vith
edge in center of drawn threads Loos
en the tension and stitch a -near -the
edge df the hem as possible tthen
ipnll outthe bastings
TFakeithe goods in one hareS -and ithe
hem ini the other pull the edge df -the
hem to -the bottom of the drawn
threads and the work is complete
This J3 really hard to tell from hand
vworkandis much more quickly doe
Tucks maybe made the same way
-anti are ra pretty decoration t chil
drente clothes or a shirtwaist
rMenriing China
China may be mended as firmiy -as
Rvrock imtkelfdllowing manner Two
persons will ibe needed for the WOik
liowever for ithe manipulation nrast
be -done -rapidly The necessary ina
tcirnfls -are alittle unslaked lime yal
verlzed the -Slightly beaten white at
an -egg -and -a small hair brush snch
as fis -used Tor -gum Put the while of
egg onthebroken edges of both pieces
to Tie joined and immediately duct
one edge with the powdered lime pnt
the -two edges -accurately and firmly
vogether hold in place for a minute
ttvw3 -and fthen lay aside to dry
When Boiling 3rawked Egg
When boiling a cracked egg a tea
spoonful pf yjnegar put into the water
will prevent jt boiling out no matter
bow much it is tracked
New Pudding Tins Before using
new pudding tins place them in the
oven with at little oatmeal or liran and
water when they will be much sweet
er and it will prevent the puddings
from sticking
About Mixing Miistard When mix
ing mustard add a saltspoonful xf salt
and the same quantity of moist sugar
and mix with boiling water It will be
found to keep moist much longer and
have a better taste
Torn Oilcloth -This is difficult to
mend satisfactorily Try putting a
piece of sticking plaster underneath
the tear It will need to be made
damp and must be left severely alone
after sticking it on till quite dry
Gay Russian Garnitures
Prom Ilussia come all sorts of red
arl blue heavy wool and cotton em
broideries not expensive and exceed
ingly smart on the plainer
-Where the embroideries are
mental buttons The guimpe is one
of the new ones of the season and box
plaited in harmony with the skirt To
make the frock for a girl of 10 years
of age will be required 46 yards of
material 21 inches wide 2V yards 27
as 1 yards 44 inches wide with l7s
yards 36 inches wide for the guimpe
A May Manton pattern No 4605 sizes
6 to 12 years will be mailed to anj
address on receipt of ten cents
4TO3 cl3Costume8 to 14 rear
tracery of black and drop ornaments
that combine reseda with black and
white Tlie olor combination is a
peculiarly good one and the effect ad
mirable but there is the whole long
list of beautiful tones from which to
The costume consists of the waist
and tlie skirt which are joined and
eiosed together at the back Both
fronts and back of the waist are
tucked and are gathered at the lower
edge bnt the tucks of the fronts ex
tend to yoke depth only while those
of the back are full length and the
fronts are joined to a vest like portion
which consists of a tucked yoke with
full portion below The skirt is cut
in five gores the seams being con
cealed by the tucks
The quantity of material required
for the medium size 12 year is 51
yards 27 inches wide 3 yards 44
inches wide or 3 yards 52 inches
wide with yard of silK for yoke
The pattern 4611 is cut in sizes for
girls of 8 10 12 and 14 years of age
Little balls of fur dangle from smart
Panne de chine is the latest fabric
Oh dear Any more
Such gorgeous shaded plumes as
complete the velvet hat
Rip the gold braid off jour beaver
hat and trim it now with tulle
Deep linen collars shaped to the
neck are worn with tailored dresses
One charming cream broadcloth coat
is lined with turquoise satin duchesse
A gown of white broadcloth a cor
sage bouquet of violets and a big pur
ple hat theres beauty
Deep silk fringe is knotted into the
lace collar that finishes one gem all in
delicate champagne color
Scarlet slippers with gold heels are
pretty enough in the showcase but
are the worn off the stage
In Dahlia Red
A soft shade of dahlia red shows in
a chiffon velvet gown and the Jittl
toque to match The Louis Seize coat
is cut tight fitting the fronts flaring
below the waist Heavy plated gold
braids inclose a bullion embroidery of
small pattern The skirt is in double
box plaits all around and there is a
stiff flounce in the drop skirt to hold
out the extra width of the velvet skirt
To Gloss Linen
To gloss linen beautifully add to
one pint of cold water two tablespoon
fuls of starch one of borax and one
of kerosene oil Mix well put the
dry linen through this wring and iron
at once A cloth dampened in kero
sene and rubbed over the iron is an
Readers of this paper can secure any May
Wanton pattern illustrated aboe by Ailing out
all blanks In coupon and mailitg with 10 ceiitr
to E E Harrison Co 65 Plymouth Place Chi
cago Pattern will be mailed promptly
Pattern No
Waist Measure if for skirt
Bust Measure if for waist
Age if childs or misss pattern
Write plainly Fill out all blanks Enciose
10c Mail to E E Haxrison Co 65 Plyicoutb
Place Cbicaffo
in bands striiJSnTe nsed on -the front
plait running tout tin epaulettes over
the shoulders for collars and
GirTs Costume
Weiling in all colors is mucli used
for young girts frocks but is espe
cially charming in the lighter ones
The very pretty costume illustrated
shows the material in -one Oi the new
reseda shades With madhine stitching
In corticelli siTk the same color
ydke and straps df taffeta -the latter
hdlrt by gold Ijuttons howiug a
ww warn
4k French Ginrft braves Ut
51 lingo the French giant sailed
ha other day hn SaTole to have
his Christmas dinner -at home He
weighs 130 pounds Is seen feet nine
inches tan and requires a bed ten inet
long so that the largest stateroom on
the sliip failed Ignobly to meet the
demand To solve the difficulty the
partition between two staterooms was
cut away and a special bed was constructed-
Even at that the giant is
in sometliing of a plight having to
double up every now and then to keep
from knocking his towering head
against deck coverings while compan
ionways dining saloon chairs and ta
bles -am all of the accommodations of
the ship are many size3 too small to
comfortably accommodate the French
man lie is 25 years old and says he
is slJil growing
PlsosCuro is the best medicine wo ever used
Xorullsffcctionsof the tbttmandlutigs Wii
O Kmjbusv Vaubvreu lad Feb 10 1900
Professional Wakcrs
A writer In the London Chronicle
noting a reference in Scribners Mag
azine to a sign in a Dutch town L
Y D Zwaan Morgen Wekker which
means morning waiter notes that the
industry is common in the districts
where London workingmeu live and
sixpence a week from each client is
the useual wakers wage All over
London too policemen make a little
extra in waking those whose work
calls them early lie tells of seeing
a South Kensington constable clam
bering suspiciously upon a wall There
the piace officer caught the end of a
rope and pulled till an answering
shout was heard The constable ex
plained that the other end of the rope
was affixed to a bakers bedclothes
Salzorg Home Builder Corn
So named because 50 acres produced
co heavily that its proceeds built ji I
lovely home See Salzers catalog
Yiclded in 1903 In Ind 157 bu Ohio1
160 bu Tenn 9S bu and in Mich 220 I
bu pi- acre You can beat this record
in W04 I
what no too tiiixk of tuese tjelds
120 bu Keardless Barley per acre
310 bu Salzers New Nat Oats per A j
80 bu Salzer Speltx Macaroni Wheat
1000 bu Pedigree Potatoes per acre
i x unc ul i tin jjiiiiuu uui urass iiiy
60000 lbs Victoria Rape for sheep acre
160000 lbs Teosinte the fodder wonder
4000 lbs Salzers Superior Fodder
corn rich juicy fodder per A
Now such yiolds you can have Mr
rarmer in 1904 if you will plant Sal
ters seeds
in stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co
La Crosse Wis and receive their
great catalog and lots of farm seed
t amples W N U
A gentleman docs not have to coin
jiimcntionable language in order to
xpress himself
At the Brooklyn Fire j
At the time of the Brooklyn horror
Jie Kate Claxton Two Orphans bet-
acomb the first man to leave the the
ater remained outside Whats the
riiatter said an acquaintance Dont
like the piece Very much was
the reply but I somehow or other
cant feel comfortable I feel like a
haunted house If I were supersti
tious Id believe something bad is go 1
ing to happen around here an explo i
sion a railroad dir aster a shipwreck
ar uat sort or thing
Automobile Sicknesj
French physicians report an in
creasing number of cases oi acute ner
vousness which are due directly to
automobiling and they predict that
with an increase of the sport will
come an increase in the number of
Ihe cases The sickness is called
the neurosis of anxiety and may be
traced to the ecitcmcit and mental
tension of rapid traveling cessary to
secure a reasonable feeling of enjoy
ment while speeding rapidly with
risks and dangers constantly at hand
Dr Williamsc Swsar3
Industry and prosperity are spelled
differently but
same thing
fe r itPl
illlBiM x v - - iJ
- i J tx
riAJ flsi
y ia
If V- sf
Miss Rose Hennessy well known as
a poetess and elocutionist of Lexington
Ky tells how she was cured of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the use of
Lydia E Pinfchamfs Vegetable Compound
Drar Mils Pikkham I have been so blessedly helped throuc h the nso
oi ijyuin ii ilnicnams ectaiilc Compounti that I feel it but just to
acknowledge it hoping that it may help some other woman buffering- ns I did
For years I enioved the best of health and thomrht that I would alwava
do so I attended narties and reccDttons thinlv clad and would be sudden I v
chilled but 1 did not think of the results I caught a bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstruating- and this caused inflammation of the womb
I and congested ovaries 1 suffered excruciation- nains and kentcettimr worse
My attention was called to your Vegetable Compound and the wonderful
cures it had performed and I made up my iniud to try it for two months and
see -what it would dofor rac Within one month I felt much better and
j at the close of the second I was entirely well
I have advised a number of my lady friends to use it and all express
j themselves as ypJI satisfied with the results as I was Miss Rose Noka
I Heksessv 410 S H roadway Lesington Ky
The experience and testimony of some of the most noted
I women of America go to prove beyond t question tbat Lydia 13
I Pinklmms Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble and
at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a
normal and healthy condition
Deak Mrs PrxiciiAjr About two years aso I consulted a
nician about my health -which had become so wretched that 1 was no
longer able to be about 1 had severe backache bearing down pains
pains across the abdomen was very nervous and irritable and this
trouble grew viorse each month Hie physician prescribed formefrufc
I soon discovered that he was unable to help me and I then decided to
try Lydia K Pinklmms Vegetable Compound and soon found that
it was doing me good 3y appetite was returning the pains disapjwar
ing and the general benefits were well marked
You raunot realize how pleased I was and after taking the medi
cine for only three months I found tljat i was completely cured of my
trouble and have been well and hearty ever since and no more fear tho
monthly period as it now parses without pain to me Yours very truly
Miss Pearl j 27 North Summer St Nashville Tenn
When a medicine has been successful in restoring to healffj
more than a million women you cannot well say without trying it
I do not believe it will help me If you are ill do not hesitate
to get a bottle of Lydia 13 Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and
write Mrs Piitkham at Lynn 31 ass for special advice Her ad
vice is free and helpful Write to day Delay may be fatal
FQRFEI I f we cannot forthwith produce tli original letters and signatures
above tttiuionUJg will pro liieir alixolute LOimirifMiesR
Lydia ii liiikbam Aletl Co Lyiin IVIaaa
A womans favorite word is always
the last one
is the fools continuous
makes top of the market butter
When corn pops it turns
Same way with a bashful man
lorlitown Ark Jan IS Last week Only those get to heaven who help
a statement was published from Le- others get there
land Williamson Jl D of this plavje J
to the effect that Dodds Kidney Pills
Sensible Housekeepers
are the best medicine for all Kidney
wiI1 have Defiance starch not alono
Diseases and that he uses them with
bepause th one third more for
uniform success in Ins daily practice
the same m ut als0 becaiJge of
No one who know Dr Williamson
UlJerior H
will doubt lor a moment the complete
truth of his fearless declaration but j a bent pin is the easiest tiling
to completely clinch the matter in the imaginable to find when you are net
minds of those who may not have the j lookin for it
pleasure of a personal acquaintance
with tnis celebrated physician Dr Stopg the Corh and
Williamson has appeared before Mr Worts Off the Coid
II E Greene J P for Montgomery Lsxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets Price 25c
County and made a sworn statement j
in mis sworn statement tne doctor
las cited a number of cases which
have been completely cured by Dodds
Kidney Pills Here is case No 1 i
Henry Hall Si age -IS an Ameri
can attacked with Malaria
turia or Swamp Fever temperature
ranged from 101 to 105 highly coated
tongue censtitpated bowels hemor J
rhage or passage of blood from Kid-
When a woman leatis a novel sho
cant help dropping a tear o er the
persecuted hero i
Dont you know that Defiance
Starch besides being absolutely supp
rior to any other is put up IC ounce
in packages and sells at same oricc
as 12 ounce packages of other kinds
Man would rather nronel
neys used febrifuge and Dodds Kid cycIe of pleasure than the
ney Pills to relieve the inflammation
and congested condition of Kidneys
and to render the urine bland and non
irritating Recovery complete after
two months treatment of the Pills
row of necessity
the b
Use Ibe best Tliats why thoy buy Red
c rofaa rsau uiue 2z lcauiag grocers o cents
Sin is the one thing that has no ex-
they mean about theeuse but it is not slow in making
I them I
cz wgRgmfes
ar 7ssw j3m44
Mostaog Linimeni
cures Cuts Burns Bruises
The climates the thmz at San Antcnio A
rare J ine ilay is not hner than the averaje day
in San Antonio Climate sreuery anI ihs
coot hotels make it a perfect Winter revolt
The cosmopolitan population the crumblinn
walls ruins ami the historic places near San
Antonio ar especially interestiuz
Kat through Pullman sleepers fiom Si
Iouis Kansas City and Shreiepon make Ihc
trip comfortable
Tli Story of an Antonio a focautlfnllj
lluutrated booklet about the Ity U JiNtorr ami
Its vrlet ntinrtloni wlji he nut anywlif re n
rerfipt of ic iu nam pa Srce Katys Anat r
Gen Pass Ast ST LOUIS MO
Largest growers of
and Vegstsble Sectfs la ffi
i Pomss Master
Every nook and corner
of this and other coun
tries has seen embla
zoned the words
Thousands have been cured cf
every form of pain and chiefly
rai0 froc
GO cents lo
15 0 per
pound and
IACOBS RfeeHiaatism
aCCOTIlBBtttg888tttgi 988t uttaeftioagiidas
and Neuralgia
Price 25c and 50c
no Better
seed is
found on
Era- ta grow
1200 fcshei
G21C2S ta acre
with dch othcb ordtr
John A Salzer Seed Go
for ptUr