The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 6
HRS Was Given Up mSSL Peruna Saved Her Life II was catarrh of ihe lungs so common in ihs winter months I pIBllilljf mssjenmemscoll NRSCOLMGRESHM 1 KEEP PERUNA IN THE HOUSE read this will bo one of u FOR best Get DEFIANCE No more yellow looking clothes MissTcuuicDriseoll 870 Putnam Ave Brooklyn N Y Writes If people knew how efficient Peruna was in the cure of ca tarrh they vould not hesitate to try it I have all the faith in the world in it as it cured me and I have never known of a case when the person was not cured in a short time Jennie Dris coll Mrs Col E J Gresbam Treasurer Daughters of the Confederacy and Presi dent Hcrnden Yillago Improvement Society writes tho following letter from Heruden Fairfax Co Va Hekkdex Va The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio Gentlemen I cannot speak too highly of the value of Peruna I believe thai I owe my life to its wonderful merits 1 suffered with catanh of the head and lungs in its worst form until the doctors fairly gave me up and I despaired of ever getting well again 1 noticed your advertisement and the splendid testimonials given by the people who had been cured by Peruna and determined to try a dottle I felt but little better but used a second and third bottle and kept on improving slowly It took six bottles to cure me but they were worth a Kings ransom to me I talk Peruna to all my friends and am a true believer in its worth Airs Col E J Gresham A PLAIN TALK On a Plain Subject in Plain Language The coming winter will cause at least one half of the women to have catarrh colds coughs pneumonia or consump tion Thousands of womsn will lose their lives and tens of thousands will acquire some chronic ail ment from which they will never recovor Unless you take the nec essary precautions the the unfortunate ones Little or no risk need bo run if Peruna is kept in tho house and at the first appearance of any symptom of catarrh taken as directed on the bottle Peruna is a safeguard is a preventa tive a specific is a cure for all cases of catarrh acute and chronic coughs colds consumption etc Tf you do not receive prompt and satis factorv results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio SSSI Dont forget when you order starch to get the no more cracking or breaking It doesnt stick to the iron It gives satis faction or you get your money back The cost is io cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made Of other starches you get but 12 ounces Now dont forget Its 4 your grocers- riANUPACTURED BV THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB PORTRAIT AGENTS Beiil Direct with Manufacturers and Save Honey Ourgoodnthebesu Prices the lowest Prompt ship menu Delivery of all portrtflts guaranteed Elegant cnmplrs and rolls five Send for catalogue Address ADAH J KKOUrCO Hew Era Building Chicago W N U Omaha No 41904 drocrcUts MS A rut is the easiest thing to go in SICK WOMEN MY CURE FREE iwtusenamy marvelous remeaywuiuu has cured thousands of womenof Leucor rhoea Displacements Falling of Womb Hot Flashes Ulcerations Tumors and all Female Troubles Free to any Lady re quiring it NomoneynoCOD All I mothers it brings about childbirth without ap parent pain or danger Write to day MRS M MERKLE South Bend lad BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds mxrTm i in OLIVER EVASS WAS DWENTGBR OFT FIEST AMERICAN HORSELESS WAU0N The- world moves slowlJr until iL gets vc good start and then goee witlc a whiz YvHuch may be te reason vefty the world has gone ahead faster- and further daring the last six thoub snd yearn than it did -pacing the previous sfx million years of ics existence As the Creator of the world had toi wait and no doubt worry a long long time before it became fairly started1 it is not to be wondered at that men in later times who seel to introduce something new and strange most also wait and worry before it gets- a start Skipping the hundreds of Snrentions of the last thousand years wo come to the automobile which in some re rpects is the latest of the really great m1 W W III I and lienowvbeganlufeel the ttuudten of the poor inventory He knew what he could do what he ltfid done butt there was no i man with money who thought as Oliver did and2e struggled albng as the moneyless must lie dltls not confine himself emdusive ly to steirm engines or roaili wagous but invested among other- ahiugs ajK process for flour making which most nerolutionixed that manufacturer and made him a little money which he- spenfr at onceua developing- his other inventions Htj also maiSe the iirbt high pressure engine a Jong step In advance of foe Newconsen and tie Watt engine At eighteen that is in 17C9 we Gfflr jmir axstas aw I W TinTTniTrn 1 I w r mwjuiJTJTTtilWl illlllHJIIIMIIM innovations the latest of the epoch makers so to speak because it does mark an epoch in road transportation Ye call it a new thing but it is not As early as 17G9 one hundred and thirty four years ago Joseph Cugnot a French artillery officer had a road wagon in operation transporting artil lery It was not a success but it set an example which its successoi s of to day are still prone to follow to wit it ran away and butting into a stone fence wrecked itself Rude road wagons were also devised by English men a few years later and one made by Matthew Boulton partner of James Watt frightened horse and people just as others do in this day and genera tion In the year 3 751 eighteen years be fore Cugnots wagon had appeared Oliver Evans was born at or near the little town of Newport in the little state of Delaware Olivers father and mother were thrifty people of the plain sort who wanted their boy to become a farmer and so he was apprenticed but Olivers mind was on mechanics especially on engines that could take the place of horses in drawing wagons and he left the farm and went home to potter about a blacksmith shop just around the corner from his house In time by the aid of the blacksmith he had constructed an engine model that worked But he had no money Wanted Gcod Luck Some women said the Chestnut street reserve are so superstitious that they seem to think its bad luck to pass a pin without picking it up When the streets are crowded with shoppers you would think they would nt have much time to bother with such things but thats where you are wrong There was a perfect blockade at my corner this morning ail caused by an elderly female who had caught sight of a pin lying on the pavement At once she flopped down without any regard for the other people who were walking along and tried to pick it up She wore gloves and the pin eluded her grasp Again and again she at tempted to capture it but it always managed to escape her Of course all this only took a few moments but already there was quite a block and people were walking in the street to get around her Finally t iat did she do but deliberately remove the glove troni her right hand pick up the pin with her bare fingers and stock it into the lapel of her coat And having satisfied herself traffic was once more resumed Philadelphia- Record nots year he went to Philadelphia as a wheelwrights apprentice Phila delphia was no more rapid in those days than its is reputed to be now and Evans did not get on very fast In some mysterious manner he man aged to eke out an existence and oven to marry but he could not get his horseless carriage on the road nor could he prevail upon capitalists to as sist him in building a railroad from Philadelphia to New York one of the great dreams of his life Blind as the world was this strug gling inventor and visionary saw the true light ahead and of it he wrote to a newspaper The time will come when people will travel in stages moved by steam at fifteen to twenty miles an hour A carriage will leave Washington in the morning breakfast in Baltimore dine in Philadelphia and sup in New York the same day Railways will be laid on iron or wood or on smooth paths of broken stone or gravel to travel as well by night as by day Pos terity will not be able to discover why the legislature or congress did not grant the inventor such protection as might have enabled him to put these great improvements in operation soon er he having asked neither money nor a monopoly of any existing thing Evans was right Posterity has not been able to discover the whv or Strength of Paper Money That the paper money of the United States endures a vast amount of rough and careless handling is a fact that must have been impressed upon any one who has ever observed the man ner in which the average cashier pulls and jerks the bills he counts before pushing them through the window to the waiting patron says the Saturday Evening Post A single treasury note measures S1 inches in width by 7 inches in length It will sustain without break ing lengthwise a weight of 41 pounds crosswise a weight of 91 pounds The notes rim four to a sheet a sheet being SU inches wide by KJj inches long One of the sheets lengthwise will suspend 10S pounds and crosswise 177 pounds It will be noted that a single note is capable of sustaining crosswise a weight of 91 pounds which is twice the amount by nine pounds of the weight the note can sustain length wise while in the case of the sheet the crosswise sheet lacks 29 pounds of double the sustaining pc er of the lengthwise sheet wjftereforeo nor will itsrgtowerH be any larger arandred -years hence Xoe way of the inventor is up j hill all ULe time past rcresent utnd ru Tfiire Evans was dead and buried nearl n dozen yeans before Peter Cooper went down fiom New Yftrk city with am engine he Had bulla at his glue factory and proved totfce man agers at the Baltimore and Qhio rail road that an engin could be success fully run over the crooked thirteen mile swf their track And he had besn ground a carter oft at century his dream of a road1 betwseni New York and Philadelphia came true- lift UTSG the legislature of Maryland granted him right of way over lm j ouvS5r roads iu that state for his horseless wagou but it was not until 1S04 that the actual horseless wagor was demonstrated In that year the Philadelphia board of health wanted the water cleaned about thy docks and Evans was given a commission io build a machiie for lie purpose He put his ideas into iron and turned out his Qrakter Aniphibolos of Digger a horseless carriage on the road ad sailless vessel on the water He had become so poor vhat his wife was compelled to spin tow cloth and sell it for the family sustenance and now when his wagon was made it was too heavy and to reconstruct it the workmen offered their services free to help him out At last the wagon the first automobile in America was completed and it was put on exhibi tion at Central Square where the city hall now stands Here it was run around he square daily and the public was invited to pay a shilling a head to look at it one half the money to go to the workmen the other half to tlu inventor not for his support but to be expended in further improve ments After tho Digger had proved that it could go by its own power on land it was run down to the Schuylkill where a wheel was rigged at its stern and it took to the water going down to the Delaware river and to its des tination sixteen miles passing all sail ing vessels on the ay The Digger answered the purpose for which it was built but it did not open the pocketbooks of the capital ists and Evans still struggled on Spectacled and gray at forty he was wrinkled and old now but the spirit was strong within him and he kept on By some means he secured a shop where he did engine repairing when he was not busy with his dreams and he made a comfortable living for his family But this was too good luck and on April 11 1819 his snop was burned to the ground de stroying all his papers and his pat terns It was a fatal stroke to this man of sorrows but he met it bravely and went at once to New York to se cure means for re establishing himself There the reaction came and the Com mercial Advertiser of April 16 1819 contained under the head of Deaths this notice Yesterday at the house of Elijah Ward Oliver Evans Esq of Philadel phia in his sixty fourth year That was the end The body was buried at the old Zion burying ground whence many years later it was re moved to Cypress Hills Long Island where it rests now in an unmarked grave Oliver Evans is forgotten but his works live after him and the auto mobilists of America should find his last resting place and erect over it a monument worthy of the man Will iam J Lampton in New York Herald Had Pride in Her Town A young North Carolina girl gave me a center shot the other day as a token of that pride of locality which is more pronounced in the South than elsewhere said Mr Henry O Con ners of Baltimore at the Ebbitt It was quite a small place but it boasted one very fine hotel at which I stopped all night After a good breakfast I paid my bill to the grown daughter of the lady who ran the tavern and who was quite up in the duties of a cashier You have a nice little town here miss said I trying to- make friends with the good looking clerk but I must say that I never knew there was such a town on the map till the South ern Railroad landed me here vester day Eying me coolly and looking me squarely in the eye the Tarheel maid en said Where be you from mis ter I owned up to Baltimore and this is what she handed me Well I reckon theres lots of folks in Balti more that are just as Ignorant as you Washington Post Deafness Cannot BS Gu s tojtioaal application a tluyr orsrasfot reaQUMwiil otsedi portlua of the earr rnorolnIycQi yinv iu cuca iteafnef and that it byiconUailunal twedl SqnfneM eaied by nn JaSnmetf condltWavot tbo Bucvs UdIhr of tbo KutitiohlaoTubu tbl tnbo 1 laflamed 70U burcAJUiuWlotr soieidorim 3rfoth9rlnjrnd wboa SiJH eutfrcly tsIofA4 Dint ncM ttbarcuHand unlcwdiic toilamiuaCwuciunbo UbnontiDd thin tnbo raiuirediolts nurtntl uondl tloa hearing will bo desuajjod iorevnr clB0caf ont of sen aro camd bjc ntajrjbwbcb AnotUng 3ul an taaamed condition DUmviunciiiHtcfacCK We wtllglro One IIundrvL DcJttrfo1r Jny cno of Dearnesa caused by catarrlO tSua cannot be curcl by llalT Catarrh Cure Smlfojrcrciilarof ree jicaKxrr vofiitu o Sold br Orusrirt 75C TaJts Uair I auiily lTf0C tOiMtJpntfliu The Day Growing- Longer Professor AVusdvaii has qn over fcha calculationfjyufi Laplace r the aid of modern datot and concludes that though in thtjony the length oJf tho day on earth mist tic increasing ow ing to the increasing mass of tho planet due ti tin- conqtarat deposit of meteors etc yet tho cnngo is so Infinitesimal chat there iras not been a half second of difference i 10000 000 years Dealers 3ay that as ss a cus tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im possible t sell them any ether cold water sterch IU caju he- used cold or boile jf Tho Ionian who regards money as the aim of life wonders why it caniti bring wntentmont ET1YCJ rsrmansntly cured ItotltsorncrvcrnsnpwtafrsP B I lirst dnya use of Dr Klines Uivit Norvo Kextor CT Send for IBICK 8300 trial bottlo iiml trnatlie Va E 11 JOixb Ltd 9J1 Arch Street FhllaUolpnia pp A gentleman does not have to sqIzi unmentionable language in ordeji to express himseli In Km mono Co IrUntP Tve can sell you 1G0 acres line land You ran break 100 acres this spring Sow it to Salters Flax an lj reap enough to pw far your land itjlwv Sng a fino farm tvc tlr year Have ten such pieces for a i JOHN A SALZKTI SEED COi CW K XLJt La Cross Win Cettin fnto debt is like icroppirrff from a oalioon Jetting again its like clinbing a greased jtifri DOXT SPOir YOUR CiiiTHZ0 Use Rod Cross Ball BIiio jikI keep iterj Trhitu us iaow All grocors a package The man who likes club ifa cover regards hiself as the least L stIfish Storekeepers report tht iho extra cuantity together vtfh tbo superior quality of Defiance Starch suakes it next to impossible- to sell txzy other brand Many a great man ha3 for id diffi culty in finding real friendshi airs tiiiaiuw Kootiilnjr STrap ro children tcutlilnir soften j the curas reduce ta UoanatloncUayflpalncareawluilcoIlL icbottla There are a lev things thar even a very young man doesnt Lnaw Londons Campaign Arjaini Rats Londons campaign against the dock rats has progressed satisfactorily According to the official repirts of the rat killers over 5000 of the ro dents have bean killed every mouth of the past year Since the bubonic plague scare roused tho arIiorities to action not less than 25uoiO rats have been killed The gain has been great not only from tho health point of view but in the saving of prop erty The destructive capacity of the London wharf rat is ver large individually and collectively Medicinal Bones and Horns A writer in tho PLarmcceutical Journal remarks that corr iderablo traffic is carried on in thn present time In the bones of the tai the na tive name for the vIld gt Capra jemlanica which frequents li steep tree covered slopes of tho Himalayan range and which bones aro exported to India being employed as an imag inary never failing remedy f jr rheu matism Again the antlers ci the Al tai wapita of the deer tribe are ex ported it is said to China realizing a very high price where t2y are much esteemed for medicinal pur poses while tie horns of th Sumat ran rhinoceros are imports by and valued in tho same country aja sup posed means of counteracting disease WORRY A Sure Starter fcr 111 Health Useless worrying a form of ner vousness is indirectly the result through the nerves of improper feeding A furniture maa of Mem phis says About a year ago I was afflicted with nervous spells would worry so over trivial things I went to consult one of the best physicians in Memphis and he asked among many questions if I Crank cof fee Hi3 advice was Co to some pro vision store and get a box of Postum drink it in place of coffee and as you are confined to your desk a great extent try and get out in th open air as much as possible I followed his instructions regarding the Postum At that time my weight was 112 and I was taking all kinds of drugs and medicines to brace me up but all failed to day I veigh 163 and all of my old troubles ae gone and all the credit is due to having followed this wise physicians advice and cut off the coffee and using Postum in its place I now consider my health perfect I am willing to go before a notary public and testify that it was all due to my having used Postum in place of coffee Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Theres a reason for quitting the drug drink coffee and theres a rea son fcr drinking Postum Trial 10 days proves them all Look in each package for a copy of the famous little book The Road to Wellville rf I T - ii A r