The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 5

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for thirty years It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends
I J A Gruenenfelder Grantfork 111
Hair splitting splits
friendships If the hair
splitting is done on your
own head it loses friends
for you for every hair of
your head is a friend
Ayers Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting If the splitting
has begun it will stop it
100 a bottle All druggists
If your druggist cannot snpply yon
send us ono dollar ami wo tvm express
roii a bottle Be sure and give the name
of vour nearest express ollice Address
J u AXiU u Loweii mass
To Mand H Bronson non resident defendant
You aro hereby notified that Charles W Bran
plaintiff has filed his petition in the district
trict court of Bed Willow county Nebraska the
and prayer of which is to obtain a di
that hare deserted
vorco from you on the ground you
serted the plaintiff for more than two years last
nast without just cause or provocation
You are required answer said petition on
or before Monday February 29 1901
Dated January 19 1901
Charles W Bbossos Plaintiff
By JE Kelley his attorney 1-22-1 ts
See the
HKwawwaBMiBM wwiiwa
Postal Checks
The rapid extension of the rural free
delivery service increases the demand
that the Government shall provide some
easy convenient and safe method for
the transmission of small sums of money
through the mails and I urge upon
Congress the importance of passing
some law which will insure to our peo
ple this advantage at an early a date as
As the rural free delivery service has
been extended the number of letters
carrying small amounts of currency has
greatly increased At present there is no
convenient method provided in the rural
districts for making such remittances
through the mails except in currency
or postage stamps and such currency
and stamp remittances are a constant
temptation to those handling them Ex
tract from report of Postmaster General
Henry C Paine for 1903
Mr John H Cullom editor of the
Garland Texas News has written a
letter of congratulations to the manu
facturers of Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy as follows Sixteen years ago when
our first child was a baby he was subject
to croupy spells and we would be very
uneasy about him We began using
Chamberlains Cough Remedy in 1887
and finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup we have never been
without it in the house since that time
We have 5 children and have given it
to all of them with good results One
good feature of this remedy is that it is
not disagreeable to take and our babies
really like it Another is that it is not
dangerous and there is no risk from
giving an overdose I congratulate vou
upon the success of your remedy For
sale by all druggists
Wanted A young man or young lady
atMcCook to address envelopes and mail
catalogs circulars etc for our mail
order department Local work during
evenings or spare time Permanent
position and good pay References re
quired For application blank write
enclosing stamp for reply Lincoln
Manufacturing Co loth and O streets
Lincoln Neb
d L mmm mh
SgEl McCook Neb Umal
Demands and want to get the
best goods for the price you pay
We always give tin best goods
for the price We make a special
ty of foot wear and have had
years of experience in this par
ticular business and have made
a study of it We on iy get goods
we know by experience are iirst
class and worth the price you
A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska
MMffWBirPWMlKlltWaoyMaMWMHCaMO13CWBWaM0Bt0aOgg3MMgtWg Ian Bwfl trtiWIf rtl f f EH W WiJTtWRTTF 1 l 1 fgWf MaT
Wedding Bouquet Rye before
Wedding Bouquet Rye now
Wedding Bouquet Rye after
Wedding Bouqet Rye ail the time 1
j Wedding Bouquet Rye
He is the King of all the Whiskeys
AW 91 r Mf EH 1C3 vnn3
w JTB H a w SB em
McCook Neb
Sole Agent
He dont keep Wedding Bouquet Rye
But he sells Wedding Bouquet Rye
A Vest Pocket Doctor
Never in the way no trouble to carry
easy to take pleasant and never failing
in results are DeWitts Little Early
Risers A vial of these little pills in the
vest pocket is a certain guarantee against
headache biliousness torpid liver and
all of the ills resulting from constipa
tion They tonic and strengthen the
liver Sold by L W McConnell
Wm S Crane of California Md
suffered for years from rheumatism and
lumbago He was finally advised to try
Chamberlains Pain Balm which he did
and it effected a complete cure For
sale by all druggists
Hair Splits
I have used Avers Hair Vigor
No 6 Central Time 1115 pm
020 am
12 820am
14 955pm
No 5 nrrivos from east at 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 1154 A M
j 11 pm
750 pm
845 am
No 170 nrri ves Mountain Time 5 40 p M
No 175 departs 700am
SleepinR dining and reclining chair cars
neats freo on throiiBh trains Tickets fold
and baKKHno checked to any pointin the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write Gfiorgn Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Pahsou
cer Agent Omaha Nebraska
News of the St Francis Branch
Charlie Letson of Wilsonville has his
largo brick store building nearly com
Messrs Smith and Ashton of Dan
bury who were badly hurt in a runaway
some time ago have recovered
Dr Banwell of Orleans had a paralytic
stroke last Thursday but is doing so
well that hopes are had for his recovery
Trainmaster Wilburn and Roadmaster
Rosnnder are very busy looking after
the track and numerous matters per
taining to the heavy train service next
Mrs Gagrin of Arapahoe will give a
musical recital at the auditorium next
Friday Mrs Gagrin has a good voice
and is an expert pianist and those who
attend will be well entertained
L W Glidden mail clerk on the St
Francis branch is enjoying his lay
off Mr Glidden will make Orleans his
headquarters That place is the resi
dence of four railway postal clerks
Harry Ewan has been appointed sec
tion foreman from Orleans to Oxford
Junction Mr Ewan is a veteran em
ploye of the Burlington and had served
over 18 years continuously until two
years ago
Wilsonville and llerndon each have
shipped over 300 car loads of wheat
Wilsonville is the banner wheat ship
ping point of the St Francis branch
Herndon second and Beaver City third
Atwood Lebanon and Danbury follow
ing closely after Beaver City
The Burlington is ballasting the main
line from Orleans toAlma putting the
track in first class shape for the heavy
passenger traffic to and from the expo
sitiou at St Louis Mr Olson has
charge of the ballasting gang Arthur
Lay is conductor and Wm Koll engineer
The Knights and Lady Maccabees of
Orleans will have a joint installation
Monday January 25 at the auditorium
at Orleans The state commanders of
both orders will be present and the in
stallation will be public There will be
addresses and appropriate exercises On
that evening a grand ball will be given
by the Knights at the auditorium under
the management of Augustus Peterson
and Carl Fergusen
Much surprise is manifested at the
great amount of good corn that feeders
can obtain at different points along the
branch When frost damaged the corn
the middle of September last it was sup
posed that much corn would have to be
shipped in to fatten the stck but feed
ers are having no trouble to got plenty
from the farmers at local points and but
little corn is being shipped in This
means a great deal in addition to the
enormous wheat crop
The Orleans Roosevelt Club was or
ganized last week at the auditorium
with a membership of over a hundred
Ex County Attorney Beresford was
elected president and Edward Means
secretary Hon Norris Brown candi
date for attorney general and J L Mc
Brine candidate for state superintend
ent of public instruction delivered elo
quent and able addresses on the issues
of the coming campaign to a large and
appreciative audience Among the prom
inent local republicans present were ex
Secretary of State Piper State Senator
Johnson Walter Beddo and Ben Clay
The telephone line has been connected
and completed between St Francis and
Atwood Kansas and as far as Wray
Colorado Oberlin is connected with
Herndon Kansas and Herndon with
Atwood The Orleans and St Francis
branch will in time be strung with tele
phone wires from one end to the other
A few years ago not a mile of telephone
wire was on the branch Development
progress and improvements greet the
eye on every haud A prominent B
M official remarked that the branch
had made more marked improvements
than any other section of the B M
The general belief is the country has
made such substantial progress that a
poor crop will not materially effect it
A Cough Or A Quarter Which
A 25 cent bottle of McConnells Bal
sam is almost certain to cure an ordin
ary cough It is one of those remedies
that begins to help from the first dose
and the quicker you take this dose after
the cough starts the quicker will the
cure be performed If you are not in
every way satisfied with the remedy we
shall be glad to return the quarter
L W McConnell Druggist
When bilious try a dose of Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and
realize for once how quickly a first class
up-to-date medicine will correct the dis
order For sale by all druggists
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob Jan 12 1001
Tho board of county comrni siouors mpt in
roknlar Mission Protiurit J II Bennett D A
Watermun and Samuel Proinor county commit
sinners C E E dred county attorney nnl E J
Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous mooting were read
and approved
On motion tbo following appointments wore
made to till vacaucios C II Angoll ovor wir
road district No 31 Henry L Burton con
stable East Valley precinct Georgo W Dillon
overseer road district No 8 Sol Premer over
seer road district No 2
The appointment of R M Osbom as deputy
sheriff for the ensuing t rm was approved
Tho following ollicial bonds weio examined
and on motion approved I M Beardslno de
puty county treasurer H M Osborn deputy
sheriff C Jf Angoll overseer road district No
31 Henry L Burton constable for Eusc Valley
The depository bond of the Citizons bank was
examined and on motion approved
The treasurer was instructed to refund to T
J Ruggles 3 the amount of poll tax illegally
assessed to him in 1903 and paid by him under
The clerk having advertised that tho board
would receive sealed bids for furnishing the
various county ollicer with books blanks uml
stationery tliu board proceeded to oJhju and ex
amine the bids on file and after due considera
tion find the bid of tho State Journal Company
to bo ilio lowest and best On motion tho con
tract for furnishing tho Mime was lot to the
State Journal Company of Lincoln Neb
On motion the clerk was allowed 300 per an
num to bo paid quarterly for performing the
duties of clerk to tho board of county commit
siouers and attending to tho business of tho
Petitions of tho county ollicort arkiug for de
puty and chirk aire for the j ear 1001 were lead
aud considered and on motion granted fixing
tho number and compensation as follows
Bon G Uossitid coiuty treasurer one de
puty at 700
E J Wilcox county rleik one depiiij uc 7A
And extra clerk hire if any be iouiat 300
In the matter of tho necessao dur
iug tho year on motion the estiiiau for tho
suno for tho jear 1901 was lized as follows
County General fund 12UJ0
County Bridge fund 5UU0
County Road fund f WXJ
Soldiers Relief fund M
Willow Grove precinct bond KXKI
Bartloy village bond 400
McCook City bond 2000
North Valley precinct bond sAA
School district bonds 80U0
Pursuant to law in buch cubes made and pro
vided tho salaries of tho following ollicers for
the ensuing j ear were fixed as follows
County Attorney bOO 00
County Superintendent 10U1 24
Tho appointment of tuo following deputy as
sessors by the county assessor were confirmed
by the board Walter JDevoe Lebanon pre
cinct W V Miller Beaver precinct J S Lof
ton Danbury and Gerver precincts H I Peter-
sou Grant aud Valley Grange precincts Harry
Wade Driftwood precinct C H Harman
Perry precinct Stephon Hollos Box Elder aud
Coleman precincts Henry Colling Bondville
and Missouri Rnlge precincts L C
uecker Red Willow and Fritech precincts
Henry Crabtreo ludianola precinct S W
CJlark East Valley and Alliauco precincts J E
Kelley Willow Grove precinct A H McElroy
North Valley precinct J C Moore Tyrone
On motion clerk was instructed to advertise
for bids for printiug delinquent tax list com
missioners proceedings and legal notices All
bids to bo filed with tho county clerk on or be
forenoon of the 2d day of February 1901
The following claims wore audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund levy of
1903 as follows
H H Berry road comr 3 00
R F Adkins supplies co supt 3 20
George Ebert repairing desk 3 10
O L Thompson ollice expense and R R
fare for paupers ICC 05
EJ Wilcox office expense 5 W
A Guy mdso paupers 8 00
J A Wilcox same 10 00
A C Crabtree board of prisoners 32 50
George Beck same 3 35
WRStarrprofservices State Vs Simpson 35 00
State vs Kellick 25 00
State vsMcMillen
claimed 200 allowed at 100 00
R M Osborn drayage 1 50
J II Bennett comr services mileage 9 00
D A Waterman same 12 00
Samuel Premer same 11 50
Maurice Reddy assisting comrs 3 00
The claim of R M Osborn for summoning
jury in McMillen case amounting to 2175 was
And on the county bridge fund levy of 1903 as
A Lord nails etc 8 65
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 28 CO
J E Ohlson bridge work 3 50
And on tho county road fund levy of 1903 as
A L Miller road work 1 50
On motion commissioners adjourned to meet
February 2 1901
Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett
County Clerk Chairman
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Chance For The Tribune Readers
In order to test The Tribunes great
circulation and its superior advertising
value we have have made arrangements
with Cone Bros the popular druggists
to offer one of their best selling medi
cines at half price to anyone who will
cut the following coupon and present it
at their store
This coupon entitles the holder to one 50c
package of Dr Howards specific for tho
cure of constipation and dyspepsia at
half price 25c We will refund the money
to any dissatisfied purchaser
Dr Howards specific for the cure of
constipation and dyspepsia is not an un
known remedy It has made many re
markable cures right here in McCook
and so positive are Druggists Cone Bros
of its great superiority in curing dyspep
sia constipation sick headache and
liver troubles that they will in addition
to selling ir at half price refund the
money to anyone whom it does not cure
If you cannot call at their store cut
out the coupon and mail it with 25 cents
and a 50 cents box of the specific will be
sent you by mail charges paid Do not
put it off One today is worth two to
Wonderful Nerve
Ta rlienlnvpd hv manv a man endurinc
pains of accidental cutswoundsbruises
burns scalds sore reec or sun joints
Rut theres no need for it Bucklens
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure
the trouble It is the best salve on earth
for piles too 25c at LW McConnells
will only last a few days
longer Have you taken ad
vantage of the LOW prices
made on seasonable goods
io to 50 per cent discount on
Dress Goods Furs Cloaks
Clothing Ladies Suits and
Skirts Underwear etc etc
It Will Pay You
I to Stock Up j
O CCl McCook Neb
We beg to announce that our Boxes
have been received and keys will
be delivered to patrons any time
after this date Call at the Bank
and get your receipt and key
flcCook Neb
l WrV ffr fi ill iTnr Ttr TSt TJtr iftr
V FRANKLIN President
ri f
b a a
1 VW j AAAA -VV W tftr
J - - iT rM T -I wir mi mi j w j C
f VTr VTTtrTrTf W - wr T wT v
Bargain I Counter
A C EBERT Cashier
h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 f