The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 4
T jte IBrfrn ffom IJr TffiSSPSFBW VI K IMMRLL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance The stato committee at a meeting held in Lincoln Wednesday decided to hold one Republican state convention and that that ono should bo held on May 18th The recommendation of the First As sistant Postmaster General that The clerk hire allowances of third class po3toflicos bo fixed by law as follows Whore Postmasters BalyisSlOOO to l100allowanceK0 1200 U 18X 200 1100 to iioo soo l0to 1700 400 1800 to 1900 500 Should become n law The recom mendation is reasonable in amount and place every ofiice in the United States on tho same bnsis eliminating many difliculties well known to tho depart ment and to postmasters The Tribune hopes the entire Nebraska delegation will give tho recommendation as offered to congress in a proper bill their hearty and active support Whats In a Name Everything is in tho name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salvo E C De DeWitt Co of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles For blind bleeding itching and protruding pilos eczema cuts burns bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts Salvo has no equal This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits Ask for De Witt Mm genuine Sold by L W McConnell Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoflice Jan 21 1904 Armstrong II A Burdock Mnrearat Borren Mrs Win Bunker Jolm Brown Lowis Bonvefie Win Berry Mrs Allen Cockier Mr Mind a Cole it A EddinKton Hattie Futliner John Fellers EG Foster George Grandy JJ Hardwick L Harbaush J M Harrison J H Ifolywood Georgo Jeffords W V Kline John McKay Mrs Georgo Martin Harvey McLaughlin Leila Montgomery W E Marden James T Nelson Mabel Oliver Charts It ORoarer C F Osbora Mr Ols on W V Rogers O C Roberts J V Iioch Peter Styer Mrs Smith Mrs Smith Mrs Sallio Saunders Mrs Frank Sheeley Clias L Scott Lottio Singer John Strentley C P Sullivan Win VanCleve Wm Wood Mrs Nannie White E A Wilson May Whalen Wm Walters M A Welsh P J Walston Rozella Warren D C Weaver F W When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Best Liniment on Earth Henry D Baldwin supt city water works Shullsburg Wis writes I have tried many kinds of liniment but have never received much benefit until I used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains I think it the best liniment on earth 2oc 50c and 81 bottles at A McMillens Simple Colds cease to be simple if at all prolonged The safest way is to put them aside at the very beginning Ballards Horehound Syrup stops a cough and removes the cause of colds 25c 50c and SI bottles at A McMillens A specialty of office supplies The Tribune RUTS The walking sick what a crowd of them there are Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed Chronic cases thats what the doctors call them which in common English means long sickness To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scotts Emulsion For the feeling of weakness they need Scotts Emulsion It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system Scotts Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut It makes new rich blood strengthens the nerves and eives aoDetite for ordinary food Scotts Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time Theres new strengtli and Mesh in every dose We will be gad to send oa a few doses free Be sure that this picture n the form of a laoj is on the wrapper of every bonis ol Emubion you buy SCOTT BOWN Chemists 409 Pearl St N V 50c and all druggist Fifty Years iha Standard -4 llrllllllll Improves the flavor and adds fo the healthfulness of the food PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO BARTLEY A hotel is very much needed here Born Tuesday a fine boy at the home of Ira Ritchie and wife Wm Bush and wife made a busiuess trip to McCook this week Smith Cochran will get ice for their meatmarket from Cambridge Mr Theobald and family are tempor arily residing over the postoflice Myrtle Keyes went to Indianola this week to visit her sister Mrs Clarence McCord Hiram McCord and wife and Effie and Tolman McCord were McCook visitors Saturday Mr Walker and wife of Farnam visited at the home of Henry Burton and wife this week Joe Burton left Wednesday for Oma ha where he will attend school taking up some special branches Robert George and family have moved here and are living in the Rollings building with Mrs Burton Mrs C W Hodgkins has returned from Cambridge whore she has been at tending the sick wife of Smith Brown Mrs I W Stephens grand daughter from near Freedom visited with Pearl Lyman and other young friends here last week Parties are getting out the stone for the foundation of the new mill Work will be pushed every day suitable that tho mill may be completed as soon as possible W V Vickrey and son Frank board ed No 6 at Cambridge Monday morn ing for different points in Nebraska and other states They are looking for a location to engage in the banking busi ness Mr Eastonson and wife parents of Mrs James Sipe who have been visiting the Sipe family here for two weeks left Tuesdey morning for their home at Camp Fort Supply Oklahoma They will stop on the way in Bourbon county Kansas and visit his sister who resides near Fort Scott Cured After Suffering 10 Years B F Hare superintendent of the Miami Cycle Manufacturing Co Mid dleton O suffered for 10 years with dyspepsia He spent hundreds of dol lars for medicine and with doctors with out receiving any permanent benefit He says One right while feeling ex ceptionally bad I was about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I concluded to try it and while I had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been in years and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble Sold by L W McConnell Offers New Contracts Grand Island Neb Jan 15 Spec ial The American Beet Sugar com pany has just issued its new contracts for the raising of beets during the sea son of 1901 and a much more favorable contract than has ever been issued is presented to the farmers The beet raiser has indeed the choice of two contracts one the same as last year and the other a flat contract which regard less of the sugar content of tho beet provided only as always that it must be a sound beet pays 475 to the farm er within hauling distance to the factory with 20 cents additional for such of the beets which toward the end of the sea son have been siloed before delivery It is the expectation that the beet rais ers in this vicinity within hauling dis tance of tho factory will largely take advantage of the flat rate contract It is the first time the choice of such favorable contracts as these has been submitted Some of the farmers have been favorable to the flat rate price ow ing to the fact that they could not with out expense to themselves satisfy them selves thoroughly as to the correctness of the tests Others have preferred the sliding scale 84 per ton for 14 per cent beets and 25 cents additional per ton for every additional per cent of sugar con tent found by chemists The flat rate contract is here regarded as the most liberal ever made by a Nebraska beet sugar company W PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Tho Saturday Evening Post announces a series of papers by Mr Spearman on tho larger strategy of railroad competi tion Tho first article of this sories ap peared in tho issue of that publication for January 16th under the title The Fight for Pittsburg It tells in Mr Spearmans characteristic forceful style the story of George Goulds successful efforts to secure entrance into Pittsburg for tho Wabash railroad Heretofore tho Pennsylvania railroad has had a monop oly of tho carrying trade to and from Pittsburg which Mr Spearman calls our traffic gold mine a city that originates not only more freight tou nage than any one of our cities but more than our three greatest cities New York Philadelphia and Chicago combined a traffic that aggregates 75000000 tons a year The story is ono of dra matic interest as all such stories are The Atlantic for January contains a number of good things Thomas Went worth Higginson writes iu the happiest vein of Tho Sunny Side of tho Tran scendental Period Tho title may not sound attractive to tho average reader who s rather inclined to scoff at tho Brook Farm experiment but the article is enlivened with anecdotes that make it readable Tho popular sentiment in regard to that strange colony is not so difficult of explanation when we remem ber the estimate in which it was held by the people of tho day The transcend entalists are defined by a contemporary as a race who dove inro the infinite soared into the illimitable and never paid cash Carlyle said of one of their members that he was a Socinian min ister who had left the pulpit to reform the world by cultivating onions and even Emerson who is not credited with being a humorist who on tho contrary is accused of being a chief priest of the sect compared a certain meeting of tho I Transcendental Club to going to heaven in a swing It may be somewhat diffi cult for tho ordinary mind to appreci ate the sensation The first installment of a novel by Robert Herrick entitled The Common Lot a story of Chicago life appears in this number of the Atlantic The auth or is one of a widening circle of Chicago men and women that is making its in fluence felt on the literary world Alice Brown ono of the best short story writ ers has an excellent contribution Bachelors Fancy in this issue The opening chapters of a biography of Fra Paola Sarpi by Andrew D White be gins in the number Jack London one of the mostbrilliantof the young writers of this day and a Westerner has a so ciological study which he calls The Scab It deals in a lucid way with some phases of that most perplexing problem the la bor question Few people know why the sky is blue T J J See who writes on scientific subjects in a popular manner explains the phenomenon in an instruc tive article This number of the maga zine contains so much that is good that it is difficult to make selections Created Wealth Something from nothing a garden from a desert Such is the history of irrigated sections Take land that sells for 50 cents an acre put water on it and it sells for what There are quarters of land in irrigated sections of Colorado that cannot be purchased for 20000 and which earn a remunerative interest on that valuation And yet you can purchase irrigated lands where the soil is perfect beyond belief where the water supply is plenti ful and inexhaustible where climatic conditions are healthful and exhilarat ing where fuel is abundant and cheap for from 15 an acre up THE REASONS The North Platte Valley extending from Bridgeport Neb to Guernsey Wyo and the Big Horn Basin Wyom ing have been but recently made avail able for settlement by the extension of the Burlington railroad into those sec tions The irrigating companies must have settlers along their ditches and they offer substantial inducements in shape of low priced water rights and lands HOW LONG WILL THIS CONDITION CONTINUE None may say surely but it wont be for long and the sooner ou invest the cheaper will you be able to do so for the advance is just as sure as has been the advance in the price of similar lands in other sections For further information write to J Francis General Passenger Agent Bur lington Omaha 1 22 5ts A Very Close Call I stuck to my engine although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain writes C W Bellamy a lo comotive fireman of Burlington Iowa I was weak and pale without any ap petite and all run down As I was about to give up I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and after taking it I felt as well as I ever did in my life Weak sickly run down people always gain new life strength and vigor from their use Try them Satisfaction guaranteed by L W McConnell Prica 50 cents Rev Carlisle P B Martin LL D Waverly Texas writes Of a morning when first arising I often find a trouble some collection of phlegm which pro duces a cough and is very hard to dis lodge but a small guantity of Ballards Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge it and the trouble is over I know of no medicine that is equal to it and it is so pleasant to take I can most cordially recommend it to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble 25c 50c SI bottles at A McMillens A TRICK OF HAYDN The Note That Mosurt Tlionsht It Wa ImpuHxlblc to Vluy Haydn and Mozart were great friends When either had composed a masterpiece the other was invited to the house of the composer to enjoy the first sweetness It chanced to be Haydns turn and Mozart came full of expectation Contrary to custom Haydn invited his guest to give his interpreta tion of the theme instead of playing it over himself Much pleased at the com pliment Mozart played brilliantly for the work was beautiful and his musi cians soul was stirred Suddenly he halted and looked across the piano at his friend Theres a mistake here he said A passage written for three hands would be Impossible for a soloist Of course those notes must come out Oh said Haydn quietly I can play it Mozart laughed My friend you have not three hands Perhaps not answered Haydn Nevertheless I contend that I can play the passage I would net have written it otherwise A challenge cried Mozart Trove your word And he yielded his place at the piano His excitement rose as Haydn reach ed the disputed passage when to his amazement tho composer brought his noso to the keyboard and the notes rang out clear and true The Ordeal of Bollinsr Oil In Ceylon the system of witch find ing is both unique and terrible Some oil from newly gathered king cocoanuts is manufactured by one of the friends of the complainant This is poured into a primitive stone vessel and heated to the boiling point Each of the suspect ed witches is then brought upon the scene and is then and there compelled to dip three fingers of the right hand into the seething caldron each having a right under her ideas of justice to throw the oil remaining upon her fin gers into the face of tho complainant who stands near by While this ordeal is being undergone a single exclamation of pain on the part of the suspected person is constructed to be an admission of guilt If no such exclamation is made the innocence of the accused is supposed to bo estab lished It is said that every tenth per son on the island of Ceylon has maimed fingers as a result of having met the ordeal of boiling oil Swimming Sailor Fashion It was a redheaded boy from across the tracks on his good behavior at the swimming hole above the dam that I first saw swim hand over hand or sailor fashion as wo called it right ly or wrongly I know not I can hear now the crisp staccato little smack his hand gave tho water as he reached for ward It has ever since been my envy and despair It is so knowing so sporty I class it with being able to wear a pink barred shirt front with a dia mond cluster pin in it with being gen uinely fond of horse racing with being a first class poker player with being delighted with the company of actors what wouldnt I give if I could be like that My life has been a sad one but I might find some comfort in it yet if I could only get that natty little spat on the water when I lunge forward swim ming overhand McClures Animal Longevity Some curious statistics have been published upon what an insurance ac tuary would describe as the expecta tion of life in animals Among the larger species of cattle there is some approach to uniformity Thus for the horse and the ass the extreme limit is about thirty five years and for horned cattle about thirty For the dog it is given as twenty five while sheep goats pigs and cats are grouped at fif teen But there are stranger dispari ties among birds While a goose may live thirty years a sparrow twenty five and a crow as many as 100 ducks poultry and turkeys die of old age at twelve years The palm for longevity is divided between elephant and par rot Both pass the century Found a Cure for Indigestion I use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different remedies I am nearly 51 years of age and have suf fered a great deal from indigestion I can eat almost anything I want to now Geo WEmory Rock Mills Miss For sale by all druggists New Firm Old Stand ANTON iWAGNER PROPRIETORS B and E Meat Market David Magner has gone into the firm which seeks a continuance of public patronage guaranteeing the best of everything sea sonable at the most rea sonable prices Anton Magner A Brief Water Famine The residents on tho hill experienced a water famine for a day or two this woek It was so dry Tuesday night Wednesday and Wednesday night that tho dwellers on Quality Hill couldnt ex pectorate without being primed Tho water shortage was caused by shutting down ono of tho pumps for necessarj ro pairs and tho other pump didnt rise to the requirements of the occasion By Thursday morning tho situation was en tirely relioved It was pretty inconven ient from a domestic and ticklish from a fire standpoint while it lasted Just a touch of winter this week No snow bright and sunny but tho ther mometer about zero oarly in tho morn ings Fino winter weather 1 55 c m J m s Ml a -3 ill I ft 1111 r 4 I ill Ml -v I - ro if P Il TJ - I 5 a o 0 I hoi R fllJ3raffiwiii3isJi umTinnmrrmTfinTnntniii - i Wash Easily With LUDWICKS Double acting Spring Clothes Washer A practical macliinu to wasli laces blank ets spreads carpotfa awl all wearing ap parel babys napkins etc clean and easily J II LUDWICK Manufacturer McCook Nkukaska Jl riK AND SO DO MORE WAN HALF A MILLION OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST moAKsm mopwm QUALITY HEGH u wrVi nm PRICE MODERATE Polk Bros AGENTS flcCook Nebraska 9 P 4kiti2 7SJSZi pti ha m gSSS Li ri I doni tbinfc we conld fceop hocso without Thedforda Black Draught We have used it in the family for over two years with tho beEt of results I hayo not had a d05tor in the house for that length of time It is a doctor in itself and always ready to make a person well and happy JAMES HALL JaCk eonvillo HI Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains frees tho constipated bowels and invigor ates the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys is necessary in the home vhere Thedfords Black Draught is kept Families living in the country miles from any physi cian have been kept in health for years with this medicine as their only doctor Thedfords Black -Draught cures bilious ness dyspepsia colds chills and fever bad blood headaches diarrhoea constipation colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach bowels liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health CZS 5EiM5ir3 GO rer ivaa I0LSSH Safe Alvav reliable IiaiIeairirQsist for eilieiEEVTEK N EXttLINEf in Keel and 4ioI metallic boxfs sealed null blue ribbon Take no oticr Kcfune danscmuii imitations ISuvof vourDmjist or Mind Ic in - mps or Particulars Tcati ninninlw and ltelipr Tor Ladiro in Utter by return nail J 0000 Testimonials Sold by all Drusnists CHICEESTER CnClIICAL CO 22C0 32adinon Kiiuurc IHIIA PA ieutiun tfcU paper Mike Walsh DEAIEE IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook - Nebraska Martin Com Co DKAIEK3 IN Fruits and Proice Car Lots a Specialty Local and Long Distance Phono 101 We Want Your Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices Paid Come in and talk with us One door south of the Tribune Onico ncCOOK NEBRASKA Blue Front wBIm Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop Confession is Sweet to the Soul There are difliculties in the treat ment of germ diseases Perhaps you have been tho victim of the inevitable disappointments of trying so called guaranteed rempdies Your Hogs Are Full Of Worms Try a quart of Liquid Koal and see what it will do Take notice how it increases the appetite We will tell you what we want you to do Take a can of Liquid Koal and give it a fair impartial trial in the treatment of hog cholera swine plague pink eye black leg or any of tho other germ diseases of animals use accord ing to directions and if it is not sat isfactory when you have used a can Come Back and Get Your Money Read what others say Kearney County Nursery G A Strand Prop Grower of choice Hnrs ery stock 3IintIen Neb- Dec 5 1902 - National Medical Co York Neb AllMllt fun wooXra ntm mn r l t around here lot very heavily by hop cholera I do not wish to write yon a Iodct flattering statement about your medicine but will ay that I boucht a quart can of Liquid Koal and the improvement was so marked that I boucht a callon can and used it with the re sult that my hops all recovered and 1 did not loe one My herd of over 200 are in fine condition and you may put me down as a coustant titer of Liquid Koal G A Stbaxd lie who hesitates goes back For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb MANUFACTURED BY NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska Oklahoma City O T u li j Jtf r