The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 2
r M o McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA News in Brief T P Shonts was elected president of the Toledo St Louis Western railroad It Is officially announced that peace has been declared In Damaraiand German Southwest Africa and that the hostile Hottentots have surrendered The state department has been in formed of the recognition of the re public of Panama by Guatemala The Episcopal bishops of the Sixth district now In session at Kansas City voted to hold the next missionary con vocation at Omaha in January 1905 it vas announced at Baltimore Ohio headquarters that George F Ran dolph has been elected first vice presi dent and traffic manager of the sys tem Mrs Lelaud Stanford issald to carry a larger amount of insurance than any other woman in the- world Her poli cies amount to more than a minion dollars Chicago day at the St Louis ex position will be October 9 1904 and Mayor Harrison1 has been directed to notify the exposition authorities to that effect A charter was granted at Topeka to the Denver Kansas Northern Railway company capital 100000000 which purposes to build six short lines in Northwest Kansas News has been received at Manila that the United States gunboat Quiros which recently went ashore on the coast of Borneo has been floated with little damage to he vessel Proof of the padding of registration lists of Denver county previous to the late charter convention was un earthed at a joint meeting of the supervisors and the aldermen The directors of the American Sugar and Refining company re elected the officers with the one exception that VV R Thomas was chosen to succeed C H Senff as vice president John Hazeltine known throughout Central New York as a philanthropist has anounced plans to take a colony of 1000 Syracuse people to Montana for the purpose of establishing a town The paper mills about Mexico City have formed a combine with an aggre gate capital of 5000000 The or ganization now effected is for the pur pose of still further controlling the market The National Business league began a movement at Chicago to amend the constitution of the United States so as to fix the presidential terra at six years and make the president ineligi ble for re election The Eastern Ship Building company iflounced that the launching of the steamship Dakota for the Great North ern railways Pacific carrying trade will take place at New London Conn Saturday February 6 The senate committee on Indian af fairs reported favorably on the bill to provide for the opening to settle ment under the homestead law of the remaining portion of the Colville In dian reservation in the state of Wash ington After having been friends and part ners in business for over thirty five years William Smith and George Tinker two pioneer brewers of St Louis are dead Mr Smith died Fri day and Mr Tinker was buried the day before Delegate Wilson of Arizona sppear ed before the house committee on ter ritories and made an argument for the Arizona statehood bill His argument was devoted to the legal and statisti cal rights of Arizona to be admitted as a state The house committee en foreign af fairs heard a delegation including B F Trueblood and Robert Teat Paine in favor of the establishment of an international congress where ques tions of common interest to the nation wcwld be discussed Tk French government has present ed the Vatican with a note in the na ture of an ultimatum regarding the appointments of bishops to five vacant French sees subsequently saying that either the pope must approve the se lections of the French government or they will be announced without the approbation of the holy see The closed Windham county na tional bank of Danielson Conn has been ordered to resume It is solvent Orders have been issued at the war department for the manufacture of forty 9 inch rapid fire guns 1903 model Dr Henry L Tolman who had a na tional reputation as a microscopist is dead at Chicago aged 55 years Dr W J Holland director of the Carnegie museums is making ex tensive preparations to send out an expedition next spring composed of prominent ethnologists for the pur pose of making a collection of the work of the early Indians of the plains The senate committee on foreign re lations authorized a favorable report on an amendment to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill pro viding for the appointment of a con sul general at Mukden and a consul at Ontung at 4000 also a consul at Dalney at 3500 a year THE FIRST GUN r V i ft TflByliCTBiK J 3 EzWyfLfiak jggjgZ fib- sfik jff for f 3Jdj 1 mi r Vi in ri n fwi nnnoft nwrmrm n fafj jmFunjtTfrvmfi f READY TO FIGHT PANAMA WILL MEET PROPOSED COLOMBIAN INVASION TROOPS ARE JEIHC PREPARED Conscription Has Been Completed and 12000 Fighting Men Can Be Placed in the Field Fever Among U S Marines NEW YORK Authentic informa tion from the frontier is anxiously awaited here as the belief is wide spread cables the Heralds Panama correspondent that the Colombians have already started to march upon the isthmus The Panamaian troops are ready to leave on a moments notice The con scription has been completed and 12 000 fighting men can be placed in the field There is great bustle in the armory in prepaartion for the shipment of rifles and ammunition to the Indians of the interior who have agreed to join against the Colombian forces Colonel Parette of the Panamaian army said We who were Columbians until yesterday cannot be deceived by any tactics the Colombians may employ We are deeply grateful for the aid the Americans have given us especially as we are now prepared to fight our own battles on land with the utmost confidence of victory Four to five hundred men station ed in the only three passes available can defeat an army We have all the men we actually need for the fighting will be done in the mountains We expect to repel the invasion without calling out all the available troops The Indians will certainly fight on our side The San Bias In dians who are Colombian allies will not fight at all Many light cases of fever are report ed to already exist in the camps of the United States marines especially among those who have been scouting along the trails There is some yellow fever in Panama now but none has appeared in the army WASHINGTON The navy depart ment has received the following cable gram from Rear Admiral Glass dated Panama Collier Nero at Panoma has been Injured by the Concord going along side Damage is not serious and tem porary repairs will be made at Pan ama Grounding the Nero at high water so as to be able to work below the water line TOURING THE WORLD ON FOOT Roumanian Has Eight Years in Which to Make Trip WASHINGTON Baron Sternberg the German ambassador presented to the president Dr Oskar Radvaner a Roumanian who is making a tour of the world on foot He is a represent ative of athletic societies of Buchar est having been selected to make the trip from 200 candidates He has been on the road four years visiting in that time all of Europe and Asia He will visit all of the countries of North and South America and then will go to the Transvaal and Austra lia He is obliged to complete his trip in an aggregate time of eight years President Roosevelt chatted with him briefly and inscribed his name in the autograph book of Dr Radvaner Tell Cause of the Advance CHICAGO Ill-T-Representatives of large companies testifying before the interstate commerce commission Tues day in regard to an advance in freight rates on grain from Missouri river points to Chicago by western rail roads contradicted statements made before the commission by railway traffic managers The railroad men decided that the reason for the ad vance in rates was on account of the heavy advance in the price of railroad material - r - im nrvi r nrrr lp iir -Minneapolis Tribune GOVERNOR HUNTS MESSAGE Says American Occupation Lifts Up Patriotism SAN JUAN Governor Hunts men sage which will be read to the legisla ture Tuesday opens with words of encouragement The- message will urge that the future be looked for ward to with courage and will point out that Porto Rico leads in demon strating to the peoples of West Indies that American occupation lift up the patriotism of people The gov ernor will advise strict economy and that only the liquor and tobacco taxes be increased The message- recommends the adop tion of the American code of civil pro cedure a special appropriation for tho eradication of tropical anaemia the creation of election inspectors a trial of the contract system for the building of roads the immediate cre ation of a s ecial tribunal for the prompt settlement of all questions be tween the Catholic church and the government leases and not sales of government lands the repeal of meas ures by which roads are built by con victs and an increased appropriation for Porto Kican representation at the St Louis Worlds exposition The message urges surveys of lands and the advancement of education by industrial schools SPENCERS CUKIOUS WILL Wants Loose Lid on His Coffin and No Religious Ceremony LONDON Herbert Spencers will is a curious document It directs that his body shall be placed in a coffin with a loose lid and cremated and the ashes buried all without any species of religious ceremony All the rights in his book and investments are given to the trustees Hon Auburn Herbert Dr Henry Charlton Bastian and David Duncan with instructions to employ the yearly revenue in re suming and continuing during such period as may be needed for fulfilling my express wishes but not exceeding the life time of all descendants of Queen Victoria who shall be living at my decease and of the survivors of them and for twenty one years after the death of such survivor the pub lication of the existing parts of my Descriptive Sociology and the com pilation and publication of the fresh parts thereof followed in the parts al ready published WORD COMES FROM COGHLAN Reported Colombians a Eand of Un organized Marauders WASHINGTON Admiral Coghlan cabled the navy department from Co lon as follows Report of the appearance of a Co lombian force between Colon and Chiriqui lagoon was due to men now in that vicinity who belonged to to Colombian forces who would not join Panama men but took to the moun tains behind David and are now un organized marauders There were or iginally about 1200 men Some unarm ed have been seen about Santa Fc and Cooiet river committing depreda tions South Dakota Gold Production WASHINGTON Owing to a cleri cal error in the figures furnished the Associated Press on January 2 the amount representing the gold produc tion of South Dakota for the calendar year 1903 was given as 2SS9137 in stead of 6S89137 the actual estimate Japan Considers Response TOKIO The final conference be fore the throne to decide inon the response to Russia began at 2 oclock Tuesday afternoon It was attended by all the members of the cabinet five of the elder statesmen Admirals Ito and Ijuin and General Kodama Previous to the conference Admiral Yamamoto representing Premier Kat sura who is indisposed had a private audience with the emperor Foreign Minister Komura and Marquis Ito also conferred privately - I I Ill m P Mfc I III I I MIIM I II I I MM I II in I I M M NEBRASKA STATE NEWS BIG PRICE FOR BEETS Great Encouragement for Farmers to Grow Them NORFOLK Fanners who raise beets in and about the territory of Norfolk during the season of 1904 will receive for their crops the highest price per ton that has ever been paid by the American Beet Sugar company It is the highest price ever offered with the exception of the year during which a bounty was offered and that was never paid by the stale of Ne braska Contracts were issued for the new year and offer 450 per ton fiat Last year the guaranteed price was 4 per ton and more was paid in accord ance with the amount of sugar in the beet This year regardless of the sugar percentage the farmers will re ceive 450 per ton The factory pays the freight from all shipping points according to the new contract and ex tra money is allowed local farmers for hauling and siloing SAYS HE MADE GOLD COINS Officer Arrests Farmer on Counterfeit ing Charge CAMBRIDGE A United States dep uty marshal arrived here and upon investigation a warrant was issued for the arrest of Enoch Perkins a well-to-do former of the vicinity of about fifteen Earl a country postoffice teen miles north of Cambridge Per kins is charged with having counter felted 10 gold coins and with passing the same Mr Perkins was taken to Holdrege by the deputy United States marshal to await a hearing Wants a Complete List LINCOLN S Finley of Beaver Crossing wants to know what legis lators are responsible for certain pro visions of the revenue law He has sent the following letter to the secre tary of state BEAVER CROSSING Seward County Neb Secretary of State Lin coln Neb Dear Sir Please -give me full names and full addresses of those persons that presented the applica tion and got the law changed to make personal taxes come due November 1 and delinquent December 1 of the same year Yours truly S FINLEY Co operative Concern Profitable EDGAR The Farmers Commercial association composed of 100 farmers held its first annual meeting The as sociation was incorporated nearly a year ago but did not get into opera tion for buying grain until after the past summers harvest The affairs of the association proved to be in a very satisfactory condition About 125000 bushels of wheat had been bought and 50000 bushels of corn be sides some other grain and in addi tion the association had enjoyed a liberal coal trade Creditors Close Store WISNER It was learned that the general merchandise store of Thomas Dugher had been closed by his cred itors Mr Dugher has been in Wisner a little over five years and was con sidered in fine financial condition and has been doing a fine business Fire Escapes on Oakland Schools OAKLAND The school board at its meeting decided to put in a fire escape at the High school building Prof W II Meyers was instructed to prepare a new catalogue and course of instruction as many changes have been made in the course since the last one was issued Farmer Hangs Himself GRAND ISLAND Morris C Black a farmer residing one mile east of Doniphan was found dead hanging to a rafter in his barn Coroner Suther land investigated and found an in quest unnecessary as it was plainly a case of suicide Black was 54 years old a bachelor and had been renting the farm his sister keeping house for him He has been despondent for the past few weeks Bank Robbers Get Scared PLATSMOUTH From Wabash in this county comes the report of an un successful attempt to rob the Farm ers State bank of that place The tool chest at the railroad section house was broken open and a spike maul and pinch bar was taken and at the black smith shop a sledge hammer and a shoeing hammer were stolen Soon after the burglars went to the bank and pried open the windows and then for some unknown cause hurriedly took their departure Some one rais ing a window in a house nearby frightened the robbers who hurriedly left the place Expensive Lawsuit Over Dog YORK One of the most noted cases being tried in the county and district courts of this county is what is known as the Brigham dog case which start ed first before Justice of the Peace Snodgrass and was bitterly contest ed Now the plaintiffs ask for a new trial Mr J Brigham is agent for patent medicines and made a house to house canvas in the country At E F Grass farm he was met by a dog belonging to Grass who took a bite out of Mr Brlghams ankle THE STTE AT LARGE A good deal of scarlet fever Is pre valent in Nebraska City and a number of families arc quarantined Dr J W Youngman of Elm Creek slipped on an icy sidewalk and fell dislocating his loft arm at the elbow York contractors claim that more new residences for the coming months arc being contemplated than at any previous time in the history of the city The Omaha Paraphernalia house has filed articles of incorporation The firm will manufacture and sell badges flags and decorations The capital stock is 10000 Roberts Bros of South Omaha have filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state The firm has a capital stock of 50000 and will do a live stock commission business Oscar Smith suspected of being in sane was brought to Lincoln from his home in Firth and placed in the city hospital During tho day he escaped and no trace of him can be found William Henderson was arraigned in county court at Chappelle on a complaint sworn out by II I Babcock cashier of the Commercial bank charging him with selling mortgaged property He waived preliminary ex amination and was bound over to the district court under 500 bonds The contest instituted by Joseph Spickler against William McCray for the office of supervisor of the second trict was tried before Judge Wllhite in Richardson county A recount of the votes gave McCray four majority the same as originally returned Spickler thereupon dismissed his contest At a regular meeting of the Cass county commissioners the salary of C S Wortman county superintendent of education was raised from 1200 to 1500 per year The appointment of assistant assessors for the county was also made giving one for each precinct and village and three for Plattsmouth The city council of Plattsmouth has instructed Attorney Travis to take an appeal to the supreme court in the case of Hugh Murray against the city of Plattsmouth This is a suit in which the plaintiff secured judgment in the district court for 500 which he claimed was due him for paving work done for the city Mike Mostek who escaped from the Platte county jail last August was re captured by Sheriff Carrig and is again in jail He was found at his home at Tarnoy a small Polish village about twenty miles north of Colum bus Since his escape he has not been far away but has been working on farms in Boone and Antelope coun ties Frank Dickson a prominent busi ness man of Weeping Water died very suddenly at his home at that place He got up in the morning and did his chores and at his breakfast but as he was not feeling very well sent for a physician While talking with the doctor he drew a short breath and said I feel faint and fell back in his chair dead His brother died on the same day at Elmwoou The Nebraska Mutual Life Insur ance company which has headquarters in Stromsburg held its annual policy holders meeting last week J B Steward H C Graves and J A Frawley were elected to succeed them selves as directors of the company A number of amendments designed to benefit the policy holders were passed The company has made a rapid ad vance during the past year and now has close to 1000000 of insurance in force The board of county commissioners of Dakota county accepted the prop osition of T C Cannon an expert ac countant of Sioux City to make an examination of the clerks and treas urers offices of this county for the past eight years which covers the period of George C Bille as county clerk and J F Learner and John Boler as treasurers An accident which will probably re sult in death occurred near Clay Cen ter A man by the name of Secora living near Deweese Avas driving out of town on his way home with a spirited team Another team coming up behind and attempting to pass at a short turn in the road caused a run away throwing Mr Secora out and striking hi hcl against a pest From Omaha comes the news that Miss Ollie Holbrook the young lady who had her scalp torn from her head in Nebraska City on Christmas by a fast revolving shaft against which she put her head while trying to reach a loaf of bread is getting along nice ly and the physicians have been able to graft skin over a greater portion of the head The skin being used in tho grafting is taken from the young ladys back and shoulders The counts commissioners of Lan caster refused to allow County Treas urer Knight to have seven assistants Mart Howe was recently hired to look after work caused by the new rev enue law provisions but the county board declined to make any appropria tion for his salary The furniture for the new court house at Grand Island has arrived and is being put in place It is all of quar tered sawed oak The railings jurors and witness boxes ancKcreen and rostrum for the court room are par ticularly fine pieces of furniture ALL DONE OUT Veteran Joshua Heller of 70C S Walnut HtrestUr bana 111 says In the fall of 1899 after taking Dou ns Kidney Pills I told the readers of thi3 paper that they had relieved mo of kidney troublo disposed of a lame back with pain across my loins and beneath the shoulder blades During the Interval which lias elapsed I have had occasion to resort to Doans Kidney Pills when I noticed warnings of an attack On each and every occasion the results obtained were just as satisfactory as when the pills were first brought to my notice I just as emphatically en dorse the preparation today as I did over two years ago Foster Milburn Co 3uffalo N Y proprietors For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box General Milea Savings Deposit In his speech at an Evacuation day dinner in Boston the other evening General Miles mentioned that while working in that city before the civil war he saved up a dollar and depos ited it in a savings bank He had not thought of it formany years but his visit to Boston recalled the mat ter The officials of the bank looked over their books and sure enough found that the dollar was there In the name of Nelson A Miles Unfor tunately for him howver no deposit of less tahn 3 draws interest so he might as well have had his treasure hidden in a stocking Cruelty in the German Army Cases of cruelty to privates In the German army multiply daily The most recent arc that of Frauszki a non commissioned officer in the Eighty fifth infantry who was tried on 1520 counts of cruelty anil convicted on 100 of them He got ten years The in teresting point of the case was that Franszki had left the army and was serving as a policeman in Hamburg when the accusations were made An other interesting case is that of a pri vate who was tried for desertion in Koenigsburg and sentenced to nine months imprisonment After he had begun to serve his sentence the rase was reopened It was learned then that he had deserted through fear of his life Once a non commissioned of ficer had threatened to run him through with his sword The original sentence was quashed and the soldier restored to duty No less than ten non coms of his regiment are being tried for cruelty Words of Algonquin Origin Alexander F Chamberlain has dis covered that there are 131 words of Algonquin derivation in the English language The Algonquins occupied a considerable section of this country before they were asked to move on and some of the verbal heirlooms they left are Chipmunk hickory hominy menhaden moccasin moose mugwump musquash pemmican per simmon pappoose pone porgy pos sum powwow raccoon samp skunk squash squaw succotash Tammany tautog terrapin toboggan tomahawk totem wigwam woodchuch Let us hone the winter will be a failure instead of the coal crop Some men would be witty if they knew how to be brief Looking for a Home Then why not keep in view the fact that tiie farming lands of flPPt Western mM Canada are sufficient to support a population of 0000 ono or oer The iniiiiiKration for the pjst sx jeus has been phenomenal FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible while other Ian Is ma be pur chased fioni Railway and Land Companies The urain and giaini la ds of Western Canada are the best on the continent produrini the best cram and cattle fed on giass alone read for marVet Markets SrhooN Italhriiys mid all otlicr condition make Weitorn Cuadi an -ml-able spot for the settler Write to Hnpprintendcnt ImmirctionOttaira Can ada for a desrriptiie Atlas and other information or to theatuhoried Canadian Government Aciiit V Ben ctt 801 New York Life liailtilaz Omaha Nen I I mmUf lWAILVSKSJl IGAPSiGUB MSEL2HE PIT ri IV fotI TT HESJ A substitute tox and super i rtomu tardcranr other pk ster and will cot blster thi racst delicate si in The pam allayzns and curaiiw qualities of this article aie wonderful It will stop the toothache at oace and relieve hesd if he aid v Werecomrieml tns the best ana aiesi external counter irritant known alc s an exiernal remedy for pains in the chest antsstornarn ana all rnenmatic neuralgic and gouty complaints A trial will- nrnv claim for it and it will be found to bo invalu able in the household Mart people sav it is tfte best or ali your n epanttons Pri e IS cents at al druggists or other dealr or by senains tins amount to us in iostasestinipswe willst ndjouatube by mail No a tide shot d De ac sptea ny the public tinier same carries crlaocl aotiierwiaeitianots nuine f CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 8 n state street New York k fany who formerly smoked I0Cifars now sraGte LEWISS w mmm STRAIGHTS CIGAR To r Jobber or direct from Factory reorta in When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper h t m n r r U