4 - HARTLEY Sampson Bush is in Bnrtley agnin Rcpniring sido walks bus been tio order this week John Jones bits sold his house and lot to Mr StaatB of Freedom John Wolfe has put in an entire now walk in front of his property on Main street A J Crawmer is movinR into the Hnwthorn property recently vacated by Ed Curlee Mrs G W Jones has sold her resi dence to MrGriines who recently bought G W Jones interest in the firm of Jones Crawmer Elder CPEvans of Arapahoe prench ed two very able sermons in the Chris tian church hero last Sunday Ho has boon employed to preach here regularly twice each Sunday I M Beeson returned this week from Indiana where ho was culled on account of his fathers death He was not favor ably impressed with Indiana as a farm ing or stock country and thinks Ne braska much the bettor state The Bartley mill is all the talk now and we aro glad to know it is not all talk but the beginning of the real thing Mr Theobald is a miller of many years experience he has large properly inter ests in this vicinity and has ample means to carry on a milling business fully ade quote to the requirements of the com munity The citizens have cheerfully made a liberal donation to assist in erectiug the mill which when completed will cost over 812000 and will bo fur nished with all the latest and best ma- chinery There will bo 11000 feet of floor space and a capacity of 60 barrels of flour por day and 5 to G tons of feed por day Climatic Cures The influeuce of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn The poor patient too can do much better at homo by proper at tention to food digestion and a regular use of German Syrup Free expectora tion in the morning is made certain by German Syrup so is a good nights rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night cough sweat Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing the greatest dan ger and dread of the consumptive can be prevented or stopped by taking Ger man Syrup liberally and regularly Should you be able to go to a warmer climeyou will find that of the thousands of consumptives the few who aro bene fited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup Trial bottles 2oc regular size 75c L W McConnell CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS O T Francis and Ben Rathbun were Oberlin business callers Friday Hazel Patterson is staying at George Miners and attending school Harvey Tracy was called to Pawnee City Neb to the bed sido of a relative L A Aughe and wife of Ashland Neb visited with her parents recently Mr Johnson and wife returned home Monday Born to Will Johnson and wife Jan 5th a 10 pound boy F C Kellogg has rented his farm near Traer to W Johnson Mabel Rothmyar gave a party to some of the young people west of town Tues day evening A leap year party was given Thurs day evening by G A Miner and wife About 40 were present The evening was spent with games Supper was served at 10 oclock A Vest Pocket Doctor Never in the way no trouble to carry easy to take pleasant and never failing in results are DeWitts Little Early Risers A vial of these little pills in the vest pocket is a certain guarantee against headache biliousness torpid liver and all of the ills resulting from constipa tion They tonic and strengthen the liver Sold by L W McConnell EMUTY TRIUMPHS 77s a Priceless Treasure Beauty is greatest charm The world adores beautiful women A pretty woman dreads maternity for fear of losing this power What can be done to perpetu ate the race and keep women beautiful There is a balm used by cultured and un cultured women in the crisis Husbands should investigate this remedy in order to reassure their wives as to the ease with which children can be horn and beauty of form and figure retained Motliers Frieiel is the name by which this preparation is known It diminishes the pain allied to motherhood Used throughoutpregnancy it relieves morning sickness cures sore breasts makes elastic all tendons called upon to hold the expanding burden Muscles soften and relax under its influ ence and the patient anticipates favorably the issue in the comfort thus bestowed Mothers Friend is a liniment for ex ternal application It is gently rubbed over the parts so severely taxed and being absorbed lubricates all the muscles Druggists sell it for i per bottle Yoii may have our book riotherhood free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA I J A full stomach h T I wk II makes a light heart33 f I Wl Said Wisdom vP W III UntOa 11 if I biscuit Hm J II B I Always good and ever growing better iJrMliy trwMk L 3 gCy NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY BOX ELDER The fine weather still continues I C Foye took three loads of hogs to McCook Monday Rev Sheldon is still holding services at the school house Mrs Paul Stone assisted Mrs Stephen Bolles cook for corn shelters Wednesday Messrs Hileman and Wilcox of Mc Cook were in these parts one day last week RevCrago is in McCook this week assisting Rev Carman in the revival services at that place N H Tubbs traded horses with some man up the creek Tuesday and he is now the possessor of a fine young horce Nick Mitchell shelled corn for D C Little and J K Gordon Monday for A W and T M Campbell Tuesday and Stephen Bolles Wednesday Saved From Terrible Death The family of Mrs M L Bobbitt of Bargeton Tenn saw her dying and were powerless to save her The most skillful physicians and every remedy used failed while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life In this terrible hour Dr Kings New Dis covery for Consumption turned despaii into joy The first bottle brought im mediate relief and its continued use completely cured her Its the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles Guaranteed bottles 50c and 81 Trial bottles free at L W McConnells drug store PROSPECT PARK The lyceum at this place is progress ing finely Grandpa Wade is still quite poorly with rheumatism Little Teddy Adams has been quite sick but is better now Andrew Anderson and wife visited at Grandpa Wades Tuesday Clifford Dunham and wife visited at Andrew Andersons Sunday Mrs Samuel Ball and son Richard havo been having quite a tussle with rheumatism but are better at this writing There will be a basket supper at the school house Wednesday evening Jan uary 27 for the benefit of the pastor All are invited Just One Minute One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute because its kills the microbe which tickles the mucous mem brane causing the cough and at the same time clears the phlegm draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the affected part One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs wards of pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of coughs colds and croup One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take harm less and good alike for young and old Sold by L W McConnell BANKSVILLE A move on foot again to consolidate districts 51 and 67 Notices to that ef fect were posted this morning by J H Relph Newton Hartman uncle of Mrs BW Benjamin was visiting at Banksville to day He is here from Dundy county Nebraska A Weeks has lost two head of cattle fronl his herd the past two or three wedks and cant get any track of them It looks much as if they were stolen Simple Colds cease to be simple if at all prolonged The safest way is to put them aside at the very beginning Ballards Horehound Syrup stops a cough and removes the cause of colds 25c 50c and SI bottles at A McMillens INDIAN OLA Miss Delia Andrews is on the sick list Assessor Eno of Danbury was in town Monday Mr Bloom is the new night operator at this place Miss Flora Quick was a McCook vis itor Wednesday Roy Kennedy plastered A H Bells house this week Jake Kerns visited with relatives in McCook Monday George Bell visited the city of the standpipe Tuesday Rube Helmer of Omaha was in town Tuesday on business Dr McKechnie went to day evening u No 5 Marion Powell of Lincoln was in the city on business Tuesday Frank Burbridge of McCook was an Indianola visitor Sunday Carl Korns of Lebanon visited a few days this week with homefolks Mr and Mrs Tim Haley spent Sunday with relatives at Republican City S Quick went down to Omaha Tuesday evening to receive treatment The G A R gave a dinner at the hall last Saturday All had a royal good time Adam Grass of Hastings was in town Tuesday looking after the insurance business Mr and Mrs Bang from Iowa are here visiting their nephew Martin Anderson and family Hoi ton Longnecker came down from McCook Sunday and spent the day with homefolks on the farm Constipation Does your head ache Pain back of your eyes Bad taste in your mouth Its your liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure consti pation headache dyspepsia 25c AH druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use DirniiRinunRflo nveforthe I G0CT3 of Druggists on R P ISBKS2 Whiskers J mall A Co Nashua NH- MMNa Miss Rachel Hager came in on No 5 Wedding Bouquet Rye H m He is the King of all the Whiskeys U CLYDE McCook Neb Sole Agent He dont keep Wedding Bouquet Rye But he sells Wedding Bouquet Rye Sunday evening from Omaha for a short visit with friends and relatives Mr and Mrs W H Smith who have been visiting in Bison Oklahoma for the past two weeks returned home Sun day morning Tom Protsman a former Indianola boy now of Bison Oklahoma was mar ried Sunday January 10th to Miss Maud Brogan of that place O A Waterman commissioner of the first district came over from Lebanon Monday and went up to the county seat on No 5 in the evening The Workmen held a public installa tion of officers in the Masonic temple Monday evening Grand Master Jacob Jaskalek of Omaha was with them and gave a good talk Will buy liogs Tuesdays and Sat urdays F S Wilcox Domestic Troubles It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally but these can be lessened by having Dr Kings New Life Pills around Much trouble they save by their great work in stomach and liver troubles They not only relieve you but cure 25c at L W McConnells drug store COLEMAN W Heun has put a new tower and a new windmill over a new well Charles Squires of Washington is here on a visit to friends He expects to stay until spring Robert Moore believes in expansion and practices it too and so has bought another quarter of land Mrs M H Cole returned Saturday from Iowa where she has been visiting the old home for three weeks A J Hesner of Iowa was visible in these parts one day last week and bought a quarter section of land If Unwell try a 50c bottle of Herbine notice the improvement speedily effected in your appetite energy strength and vigor Watch how it brightens the spirits gives freedom from indigestion and debility Isaac Story Ava Mo writes SeptlOth 1900 I was in bad health I had stom ach trouble for 12 months also dumb chills Dr JW Morey prescribed Her bine it cured me in two weeks I can not recommend it too highly it will do all you claim for it Sold by A Mc Millen Wedding Bouquet Rye before Wedding Bouquet Rye now Wedding Bouquet Rye after Wedding Bouqet Rye all tiie time Dont Send My Boy Where Your Girl Cant Go By Mrs Lillian Vim Dec 12 J90CJ So you think that it doesnt mutter lifts only u boy vou Bay Hut is not his soul as spotless As jour littlo girls today Yon would sond my boy in that liolMiolo To got you a bottle of beor But your heart would sickon with horror Should jou seo jour girl in tlioro God never ma do nny difference Twecn tho soul of jour girl or my boy She is j our trousuro and sunshine Ho is my blessing and joy And his doar hands puro and spotloss Aru as free from all sin tonight As thoro of your littlo daughter So dainty fair and white That which is sin for j our daughter Is sin for my sou I trow And what will stain his pureness Will mar his own fair brow Then do not send my boy sir Where your own girl may not go The sin that sends your girl to hell Will soud boys soul below Dont tell him it doasnt matter Hes only a boy j on say Why sir the fate of our nation Depends on the boys of today If others had told our great leaders Your only n boj its no sin What had become of our country For right must triumph and win 7 When he shall havo grown to manhood And she to womanhood sweet Wore lie to lay heart and hand All vile and sin stained at her fotjt Would you give her to him and bless them And say as you watched them go Hes only a boy what matters They all must thoir wild oats sow Ah no you would spurn him in auger Unfit for j our girl j on say And only his God would pity My boy you hud led astray Dont tend my boy where j our girl cant go For the sin that would tarnish hor name And lay jour proud head low Would crimson his soul with shame And the path that leads her whero a crown is given Will lead my boy to tho gates of heaven- Time Is Passing Sad are our hearts oh Old Year As to Thee we say farewell And we know Thou art gone former Our thoughts arid deeds as woll Oh glad New Year wo wolcomo Thee With thy pagos all so bright And may our lives bo as puro As tho given Now Year light Ah j ears aro passing swiftly on And each to his work muatgo To begin lires journej alone His cares only Ono to know As tho joys and pleasures of lifo Come with the passing year So doth come sorrow and parting With those onco so doar The memories of tho past bring sadness As wo think of parted friends Yet our Heavenly Father wills it so And our hearts with harmony blends And as wo write upon tho new leaf All so spotless and so white Let it be by the Givers guidance With deed- of truth and right Lifes journey may bo long but yet Time we cannot measure But Ho who kuowoth doth choose Our path of pain or pleasure Emma A Corner SLSLS yPill Easy to take and easy to act Is that famous little pill DeWitts Little Early Risers This is due tc the fact that they tonic the liver in stead of purging it They never gripe nor sicken not even the most delicate lady and yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed They cure torpid liver constipation biliousness jaundice headache malaria and ward off pneu monia and fevers PREPARED ONLY BY E C DeWITT CO CHICAGO Dont Forgei ihe Name isers For Sale by L W McConnell NOTICE In the district court of Red Willow County Ne braska In the matter of the application of Winnie D Williams guardian f i1i estates of Mildred L Stoddard a minor and Eva M Stoddard a minor for leave to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable R C Orr judge of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the iith day of November 11XM for the sale of tin real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public veudue to the high est bidder for cah at the front door of the court houe in McCook Rpd Willow county Ne braska on the 0th da of February 1901 at the hour of one oclock pm the following described real estate Lot eleven in block twenty one in the First addition to the citv of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will re main open one hour Dated this I4th day of January 1001 Winnie D Williams guardian of the estates of Mildred L Stoddard a minor and Eva M Stoddard a minor By W S Moelan her attorney l lVlts ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss At a county court held at the courtroom in and for said county January 1th 1901 present S L Green county judge In the matter of tho estate of Anna Cunigunda Flohr deceased On reading and filinsc the petition of F M Kimmull prajinfj that administration of aid estate mav be granted to Mr Mabel M Kirn mell as administratrix Ordered that January 2Gth 1001 at 1 oclock p m is aliened for hearintr when all jersons interested in aid matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of aid petition and tho hearing thereof be civen to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of S L Geeex County Judge Notice of Sale In the District Court of Red Willow County State of Nebraska In the matter of the ap plication of Marj E Brady guardian of Lor etta Brady John T Brady Julia C Brady and Joeph F Brady minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Hon R C Orr judge of the district court of Red Willow county made on the 22nd day of December 1SKW for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at tue front door of the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the 23rd day of January 1904 at the hour of one oclock p m at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estato to wit lot number one in block number thirty three in the second addition to the city of McCook in Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will re main open one hour Dated this 29th day of December 1903 Mart E Bradt guardian of Loretta Brady John T Brady Julia C Brady and Joseph F Brady minors C E Eldeed Attorney Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Oflico over McConnells drug storo MCCOOK NEBRASKA Ofpice Phone 100 Res Phove 13L Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities Office In Court House H P SUTTON McCOOK earn Niier Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA 1 F D BURGESS 2 Flora DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelloy Oflico Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska Uflg ill Ji UUllll DENTIST ihose 2 Oflico ovor Grannis store McCook Neb Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillons drug storo Residence 702 Main Aveune Residence phono Office phono 28 Culls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 1000 and upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska J3cgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoilice building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW UcCook Nebraska Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY The Toledo Blade TOLEDO OHIO New and Larger Building New Presses New Steretype Plant New and Mdern Appliances n Every Department V T J l I tie JLoledo Blade is now installed in its r ouuuing wm moaera plant ana equipraeKT and facilities equal to any publication between New York and Chicago It is the only weekly newspaper edited expressly for every state and territory The news of tho world so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date The only paper published espec ially for people who do not read daily newspa pers and yet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 150000 yearly subscribers and its circulation is in all parts of the TJ S In addition to the news tha Blade publishes short and serial stories and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family Only one dollar a year Write for free specimen copy Addres3 The Blade Toledo Ohio X 2 r K jjf li f T P 1 u