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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1904)
V smtimvMMKMn I v s V X r V r K a j t ft1 he TWENTY SECOND YEAR Terras of District Court For 1904 Hon R C Orr judge of the Four teenth Judicial District of Nebraska has fixed the time for holding the terms of district court in the respective coun ties composing said district during the year of 1901 as follows Eed Willow County March 14 jury no grand jury Juno G no jury October 10 jury no grand jury Frontier County March- 7 jury no grand jury Juno 1 no jury October 3 jury no grand jury Furnas County February 23 jury no grand jury June 16 no jury November 14 jury no grand jury Hitchcock County April 11 jury no grand jury October 24 jury no grand jury Gosper County February 8 jury no grand jury September 6 jury no grand jury Dundy County March 28 jury no grand jury September 12 jury ho grand jury Hayes County March 21 jury no grand jury September 19 jury no grand jury Chase County April 14 no jury September 26 jury no grand jury By order of Hon R C Orr Judge R W Devoe Clerk of District Court Red Willow County Nebraska His Duty Was Well Done County Treasurer O L Thompson re tires from the office with the sense of having done his duty well and with the esteem of the people of Redwillow coun ty Four years ago ho went into office receiving from his predecessor Mr Berge something more than 852000 The county then had a bonded indebtedness of 11000 Ho retired from the office January 6th 1904 with the county out of debt and turned over to his successor Mr Gossard 86642151 During the four years of his incumbency of the office he collected 15000 of old personal taxes some of them running back twelve years and this was accomplished with the issuance of but about a score of dis tress warrants and these only against parties who sought to leave the county without paying their taxes We con gratulate Mr Thompson and the people of rthe county Mr Thompson has re sumed life on the farm over in Grant precinct Installation and Refreshments The Knights of Pythias duly installed their officers elect Wednesday night with customary ritualistic services The new officers are Lon Cone Chancellor Commander J R McCarl Vice Chancellor Com mander S B McLean Prelate W B Mills Master of Work C W Barnes Keeper R and S L W Stayner Master of Exchequer W J Krauter Master of Finance H H Tartsch Master at Arms J E Ludwick Inner Guard C L Walker Outside Guard After the installation light refresh- ments were spread in the castle hall and relished by the membership The re mainder of the evening passed with song social communion and the delights of the smoker The First National Bank The annual meeting of the directors of the First National Bank of our city was held January 12th at which time the following officers were elected President George Hocknell Vice Presi dent B M Frees Cashier F A Pen- nell Asst Cashier Louis Thorgrimson It is needless to add that the banks re ports at the closing up of the years business showed tb institution to be in first class conditi a and the business of the past year to Lave been very satis factory and profitable Notice of Public Sale Wednesday January 20th 1904 at my farm four miles south and one mile west of McCook I will offer for sale all my stock implements household goods etc Sale will commence at ten in the forenoon free lunch at noon Sums under 10 cash nine months time on sums over 10 at ten per cent eight per cent for cash See large bills for full description and particulars C E Boatman H H Berry Proprietor Auctioneer Look Up Your Numbers on Cone Bros free Xmas picture draw ing The winning numbers are 16 1902 82 1902 43 1903 48 1904 95 1904 The first winning number presented gets first choice Cose Bros Druggist Ladies warm fleece lined wrappers 59c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Mens blanket lined storm ulsters 229 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear ing sale All cloaks at great reductions at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs The Tribune Only 100 per year I MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE J E Evans is home from Bowdle S D for the winter W A Irons of Box Elder has gone to Wilcox Nebraska Dave Maoner has been down from Denver this weelc Miss Bertha Schobel is with her brother J G Schobel Mrs P V Royce is hero on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs B F Olcott Miss Ida Anton will start for Lincoln this evening where sho will stay some time Mr and Mrs H J Pratt visited Cambridge friends Sunday between trains Mrs George Leming formerly of our city is reported very ill with an attack of typhoid fever Mrs J F Utter and two children went down to Bartley Wednesday to visit the old homefolks George Beck returned home Mon day night from Omaha having been re leased from the Federal jury Mrs Emma Dixon was called down from Denver Tuesday night by the death of her little granddaughter Mary Dixon Mrs C T Watson went down to Okarche Oklahoma close of last woek to witness the marriage of her sister this week Mr and Mrs Knud Stangland were called down from Denver Tuesday night on No 6 by the death of Engineer Harry M Dixons baby Mrs Walter Stokes entertained lady friends Thursday afternoon and even ing at the home of her mother MrsVina Wood in a charming style R A Green the new cashier of the State Bank of Lebanon writes McCook friends that he likes his new position and work and is getting on nicely Miss Stasia Brady and Miss Olive Rittenhouse entertained the young ladies of the Awl Os club Tuesday evening at Castle Cronkhite in usual form Hazel Norris had a company of young folks at the Norris home last Saturday afternoon to help her in cele brating her tenth birthday anniversary Holton Longnecker has purchased a drug store at Rollinsville Colorado on the Moffat road out of Denver and ex pects to go out there the close of the present month and take charge of the same Mr Grovert and daughter of Trenton were called down to the city first of the week by the illness of Fred Irwin Mr Grovert returned home Wednesday night but the daughter remained for a while to assist Mrs Irwin her sister Miss Josephine Mullen gave a de lightful leap year party to a large com pany of young friends last evening at the home of her sister Mrs Will F Pate Progressive flinch playing was the enter tainment feature of the evening Miss Nellie Smith winning the prize and Miss Minnie Rowell the consolation Very dainty refreshments were served Mrs George Reed is very low with an attack of dropsy and complications Her life has been despaired off for the last few days and the end was thought to be approaching last night but at this writing she is still alive The fam ily recently returned from Pueblo Colo rado but they for many years were pre viously residents of Valley Grange pre cinct this county Mr and Mrs C H Meeker arrived home Sunday on No 1 from their ab sence of a few weeks in Chicago They forgot or would have been in the fated Iroquois theatre at the matinee on the fatal afternoon of the fire Mr Meeker states that for several days after the terrible tragedy business was largely suspended and the all absorbing talk and interest of the city seemed to be in particulars of the fire and in attempts to identify and discover victims Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen McCook Green House phone 91 We now have a competent workman to attend to furniture repairing If you have any work to be done phone 89 and articles will be called for J H Ludwick Son Mens heavy blanket lined corduroy suits now 569 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Mens heavy fleeced Jersey overshirts now 59c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Ladies 1 eiderdown dressing sacques 69c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale 125 childrens fur sets now 89c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Mens warm half wool sox now lie at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale The choicest perfumes soap and toilet articles are to be found Cone Bros --I- CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Christian Bible school at 10 a m Sermons at 11 a m and 730 p m by Elder W C German of Atwood Colo who will supply the pulpit regularly hereafter Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Morning service at 11 Subject Gods Gift Evening services at 8 Subject The Good Way You are most cordially invited to worship with us George A Conrad Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Class meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 and Epworth League at 7 Comethe church will be warm Special revival meetings all this week M B Carman Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 andevening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 Sermon sub ject Sunday morning Splinters and Timbers Evening subject The Model Man Excellent music All wel come U t L5ETTS castor Rev R C Betts went down to Kansas City Monday night on 14 and will re turn tonight Rev J H Beitel of Franklin the Con gregational Sunday school missionary has been operating in this city and vicin ity the past few weeks Sunday January 17th there will be communion at a p m at bi Aloans church The services with the sermon will be of a missionary character All are welcome Elder W C German late of Atwood Colorado has been called to the regular pastorate of the Christian church of our i city He will fill the pulpit next Sun day morning and evening The members of the Congregational church held their annual meeting o Wednesday evening at which time re ports were heard from the various offi cers and societies of the church and the new officers for the present year were chosen The church recently called to the pastorate Rev George A Conrad and they feel quite encouraged for the future The Dorcas society held its an nual election of officers andsoforth Thursday afternoon closing a fairly suc cessful year with the society Sudden Death of Aged Citizen J M Records of West McCook sud denly expired in his chair in his home Thursday morning He seemed to be in usual health when he got up in the morning and ate a hearty breakfast after which however he sat down and soon passed away doubtless being sum moned by some affection of the heart Mr Records was born in Brown coun ty Ohio 74 years ago He has long been a resident of this county living for many years on a farm over in Driftwood precinct He leaves an aged wife and several children among them being Mrs Harry Wade of Driftwood precinct The funeral services will be conducted in the Methodist church this afternoon at two oclock Rev Carman officiating Alleged Counterfeiter Arrested Cambridge Neb Jan 13 A United States deputy marshal arrived here Monday evening and upon investigation a warrant was issued for the arrest of Enoch Perkins a well-to-do farmer of the vicinity of Earl a country postoffice about fifteen miles north of Cambridge Perkins is charged with having counter feited 10 gold coins and with passing the same Mr Perkins was taken to Holdrege on No 2 yesterday morning by the Deputy United States marshal to await a hearing Special A Coat or Two of our Concentrated Smoke will preserve your meat as well or better than the old fashioned way of smoking meat with a saving of time money and danger of fire In 25 cent bottles L W McConnell Druggist Mens black melton overcoats now 650 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale 225 electric seal muffs now 139 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Childrens yarn leggins now 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Mens blanket lined coats 79c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale For the latest and best books go to Cone Bros RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS And it is pay day tonight L D Morrison is a now backshop machinist Louis Nelson is a new machineshop apprentice On the sick list Conductor T E McCarl and G PJloark C B Sawyer was sick part of the week with a case of grip Engineer I L Rodstrom is pulling the pile driver this week E M Baldwin has resigned from the night force in the round house Engine 371 overhauled was limbered up in the local yard Thursday The piecework question like Hamlets ghost wont down worth a cent U H Cowman of the round house force resigned first of the week Engineer J H Mooro is in Omaha this week with a carload of horses Mr and Mrs C E Denton briefly visited in Oxford first of the week Engine 163 of the class A has been placed in the shop for an overhauling Frank Purvis is acting as agent at Hartwell temporary vice Agent Haine George Casten of the blacksmith force is laid up with an attack of lung fever Locomotive 289 is down on her wheels and will be out of the shop in a few days L R Scott A E Bartis and Conrad Batt of the round house force have re signed Locomotive 362 is in the round house for the finishing touches after an over hauling Conductor H R Childress has 103 during Conductor T E McCarls slight indisposition Fred Block of the round house spent Wednesday and Thursday in Blooming ton this week August Shogram is a new machinist in the round house and H O Smith in the backshop C T Watson Western division car distributer visited Tecumseh friends early part of week uraKeman ira uonverse nas returned from Hendley where he was called by the illness of a sister V W Vastine W L Cooper and H L Hopper of -the paint gang have re signed from the service F E Kidder for years a switchman at McCook and Oxford has resigned from the companys service Conductor A G Bump has returned to his run and Conductor Herman He genberger has given up his car Helper G A Gaunt of Republican City was at headquarters Thursday to take the telegraph examination Extra Agent J F Edwards is reliev ing Agent Conover of Red Cloud who is off duty and away on a furlough Engineers W W Archibald and H H Kingsoury and their families will leave for Chicago on a visit in a few days Fireman C W Holt returned home Monday from the St Francis branch where he has been firing for a few weeks Asst Supt G W Rhodes was up from Lincoln yesterday on business at headquarters for the Western division Engine 3310 a D4 has been equipped to burn lignite coal and was out on the road Thursday on an experimental trip Louis Matthis formerly a student and operator on the Western division is now employed on the C R I P R R at Arkalon Kansas There have been reductions in the working force of several departments this week notably the paint gang store house force and car tinks Brakeman C A Baldwin was called to Omaha by the death of his grand mother Mrs Baldwin was with the deceased at the time of her death Agent T P F Haine of Hartwell buried his little daughter in McCook last Sunday She was about eleven years of age and died of a complication of diseases T M Latham an engineer on the C H D road and located at Lima Ohio was here first of the week inter viewing the local officials relative to locating here Night Operator J F Mercier of Yuma has returned to duty after a holiday vacation of a few weeks and C E Starm who acted in his stead has been transferred to Oberlin The stork left a fine 8 pound girl at Mr and Mrs F L Barnes home Wed nesday morning The mother and daughter and doing finely but Roys condition is still a matter of concern Fred A Irwin of the big fire at the blacksmithshop has been very ill this week with an attack of pneumonia be ing taken down on last Saturday He EiU3H trt btftff McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 18 1904 is improving at this time howovor we are pleased to note Johnnie Morrissey the bard of Mc Fnddens Pasture and humorist of pur est ray serene has beon doing another stunt this week gospel bill posting with the aid and without the consent of sundry school children Observe the tag Car Distributer C T Watson will shortly go up on the Alliance division to thoroughly systematize the car distribut ingsorvice on that division Mr Watson is an export in the line of systematizing and his selection for this special service is a deserved compliment A Burlington man says the Lincoln Journal states that ho looks for some important work to be done during the coming year in Nebraska I cannot say just what it will bo but I believe the company has several things in mind that may be accomplished during tho year to come that will make it a busy season Brakeman L M Best had a narrow escape the other day up at Akron Engineer Selah was placing some coal cars up on the trestle at the coal chutes There wasnt enough rail space for all the cars Selah attempted to spot and some of them had to hang over Best jumped and thus doubtless saved him self some pain Engineer and Mrs Harry M Dixon mourn the death of their little daughter Mary who was transplanted in the Fathers garden Tuesday morning a tender flower of but three months of age after a short illness Brief funeral services were conducted at the home Wednesday afternoon at half past two by Rev Carman after which burial was made in Longview cemetery The be reaved parents have much genuine and tender sympathy in the community Joint Installations and Feasts Tuesday evening the Workmen and Degree of Honor held their joint installa tion of officers elect in McConnells hall There was a large attendance of mem bers and friends it was a public affair and a pleasant and social time was had Refreshments were served The new Degree of Honor officers are Mrs Henry Walker chief of honorMrs Lottie Brewer past chief of honor Mrs May Goldtrap chief of ceremonies Mrs R M Osborn lady of honor Mrs Au gusta Anton recorder Mrs Eph Ben jamin finaneer Mrs C J Ryan re ceiver Mrs Ona Ruch usher Mrs G W Godfrey inside watch Mrs Herman Trehal outside watch Drs A P Welles and Fahnestock physicians Following are the officers installed by the Workmen Tuesday evening John Hunt master workman L P Forsman foreman C W Stephens overseer CB Gray recorder C BSawyer receiver C J Ryan financier Henry Moers guide Wm Stimmel outside watch L C Foster inside watch J A Wilcox C E Emerson Maurice Griffin trustees Thursday evening in the same hall the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neigh bors did likewise and enjoyed an equally happy occasion State Deputy Kuester tof tho Woodmen and State Deputy Mrs Teel of the Neighbors graced the latter event with their presence The Woodmen officers installed are Venerable Council C B Sawyer Wor thy Advisor M O McClure Banker Lon Cone Escort John Smith Manager George S Scott Camp Physician Dr S C Beach The new officers of the Royal Neigh bors are as follows Mrs Anna Call ings oracle Mrs Josephine Kendlen past oracle Mrs S V Clark vice ora cle Mrs Alice Deere chancellor Mrs Augusta Anton recorder Mrs Sam Rogers receiver Mrs Mitchell Clyde marshal Mrs Thad Shepherd assist ant marshal Mrs Julius Kunert inside watch Mrs J H Bennett outside watch Mrs Mary Collings organist Dr S C Beach camp physician Is Right at Home The pleased customer is right at home at Marshs meat market You can see him there any day And its all because of the quality of the meats sold and of prompt and courteous treatment accord ed all Everything seasonable all the time at the right prices 675 very fine large heavy wool blankets 499 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Mens absolutely all wool underwear 84c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Ladies 50c flannelette waists now 35c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear ing sale 175 heavy wool mixed blankets 139 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear ing sale 100 babies winter coats now 69c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Corn Whont Oats Ryn Hurloy Hogs v NUMBER 33 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Good Dtittcr Crenmory Buttor 4 57 M 115 23 S 20 20 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs If you want tho best use McConnells vanilla and lomon oxtrncts Kodaks are tho same price tho world over Cone Bros sell them For Rent Fine f urnishrd front room Inquire of Mrs Augusta Anton A suro euro for the blues McCon nells health granules 25c a bottle Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur days F S Wilcox Scale books Typewriter papors The Tribune Mens warm winter caps 19c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale When you need anything usually found in a drug store go to Cone Bros Childrens sleeping garments 25c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Childrens fleeced union suits 20c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale The O O Ts enjoyed a happy eve ning with Miss Bessie Bosworth last Saturday evening Boys blanket lined school coats with brass buttons 49c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Just uso your phone Call up Marsh and they will do the rest if its choice meat of any kind you want McMillens Cream lLotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves tho skin smooth and soft Furnished room for rent Inquire at residence one block north of mill S S Garvey Wanted A horse of medium size suitable for city delivery Call at store J II Ludwick Son The dates of terms of district court as printed in last weeks paper were in accurate in some instances and wo print a corrected list this issue Tho electric light people have enlar ged their coal storage capacity this week by the building of a brick addi tion to the north side of the present coal house Father Stritch of Creighton Univer sity Omaha who lectured on Dante last winter is expected to give another lecture in the city Thursday evening January 28 Wanted Salesman to solicit orders for a full lino of nursery stock Con veyance will bo furnished to reliable men Payments weekly F II Stan nard Co Ottawa Kansas Marsh is especially fortunate in select buying and gives his customers a share in the profits by offering them the choic est of everything in the meat line just as cheap as the poorest you get else where Diamond Dick Manufacturing Co 1843 O St Lincoln Neb wants lady or gentleman to manage office in McCook No canvassing Steady position En close stamp for particulars Agents wanted Wanted Men who can furnish team and wagon and sell Dr Masters reme dies extracts and spices to farmers A paying business In writing state terri tory wanted and send references Na tional Medical Co Sheldon Iowa New Fraternal Life Association Officers Honored Senior Mrs H M Tyler Past Senior Mr3 Josephine Kendlen Honored Junior Mrs Anna Collings Honored Chaplain Mrs Cora Cook Honored Register Mrs Augusta Anton Master of Ceremonies Dr S C Beach Assistant Master of Ceremonies G W Bates Inside Watch J W Spencer Outside Watch Mrs J W Spencer Organist Mrs Augusta Anton Physi cian Dr S C Beach Butchering Drugs Butchering time brings need of spices herbs saltpetre etc We make a spec ialty of these buying the best grades and selling them as low as the cheaper grades can be bought for McConnell Druggist Prairie Hay 550 per ton delivered Telephone L182 Ladies 300 fine embroidered flannel waists now 229 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale Ladies fleece lind union suits 23c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale C