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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1904)
V i - ij If tsv - - y A if - - t r imc iituvLooR mi otitic v I TWENTY SECOND YEAR McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 8 1904 NUMBER 32 i 4 H A i f i fir ToBore or Not That Is the Question The committeo which was appointed at a recent infonrial meeting of tho citi zens of Cambridge for tho purpose of considering the advisability of prospect ing for gas and oil and for the purpose of formulating some plan and offering sug gestions as to tho best method to pro ceed in prospecting for gas and oil held a meeting last Monday evening Decem ber 28th and agreed to submit tho fol lowing report It is recommended that in so much as the department of our government haviug in charge the geological survey has suggested that there are formations in the earths crust in this portion of our state which are favorable to the col lection of gas and oil deposits such sug gestions should not be permitted to pass unnoticed Rich nelds of gas and oil have been discovered in- localities where surface indications wero no more favor able than they are in this portion of Ne braska In nearly every locality on the earths surface valuable deposits of some character have been found but they have seldom been discovered except after careful exploration and investiga tion The government report referred to has created a sentiment which is quite uni versal in this community in favor of making some concerted effort to deter mine what if anjthing of value is within tho reach of modern appliances beneath our soil Abundant harvests have supplied the means which are needed to make such explorations and without which they cannot be made A trifling con tribution from those who have been fav ored by the blessings of the rain the sunshine and the soil during tho past season will enable us to determine to a reasonable certainty what those ele ments have secreted in the bosom of tho earth during the unnumbered ages of the past With a desire already created with the means for gratifying that desire within easy reach and with the encour agement of scientific research to urge us on we feel assured that our people will not lack the necessary enterprise to do what reason and judgmentdictale should be done The test should be a thorough one and should extend over consider able territory the more comprehensive the better so that when completed those engaged in making it can feel satisfied with the result though it be nothing more than to set at rest the problem of subterraneous deposits Several wells should oe sunk in a line east and west so that if there is an anti cline as suggested by tho govern ment survey it will be sure to be cross ed The expense of sinking several wells will not be as great per well as the sink ing one alone would be The chances of success will be mul tiplied by each additional well that is put down and should a product of value be discovered in any one of the wells the project will be a profitable one In view of these facts this committee submits for consideration the following plan of operation 1 That a company be organized for the purpose of drilling test wells along the Republican Valley or near thereto from Arapahoe to McCook Neb in the event the people of the cities and villages and the rural communities along the valley are disposed to assist in such an enterprise 2 That the directory of such com pany be composed of leading and well known citizens selected from each com munity along said valley or territory tributary to tho cities and villages thereof 3 That the stock of such company shall be issued in shares of 1 each that it may be within the reach of all That such stock shall be sold for actual cost and that none of it be given away for promotion purposes and the manage ment and control of the company be re tained by the purchasers of stock for value 4 That a well be put down at each city or along said valley or in territory tributary to the same upon which shall be expended at least the amount of money which shall be secured from the sale of stock in such community 5 That a fund of at least 2500 be raised if possible to be expended upon each well 6 That the company shall either purchase machinery and hire competent men to operate the same or contract with some one who has had ample ex perience in drilling oil wells to do the work furnishing its own appliances 7 That public meetings be called for the purpose of discussing this project and perfecting an organization in the immediate future Li U iSODWELL W H Faling J M Rankin E B Perry C M Brown Committee To Trade Land To Trade Quarter section mostly in cultivation all smooth one mile from station in the Beaver Valley will trade for small place near McCook Also quarter sec tion in cultivation near Cedar Bluffs Kansas will trade for half sectionmost ly grass Will take or pay cash differ ence Address P O box 303 McCook Neb Look Up Your Numbers on Cone Bros free Xmas picture draw ing The winning numbers ore 16 1902 82 1902 43 1903 48 1904 95 1904 The first winning number presented gets first choice Cone Bros Druggist Prairie Hay For Sale 6 per ton delivered Telephone 274 or inquire of V McManigal O eternity Where will you spend it The revival meetings at the Methodist church will help you to decide right Scale books Typewriter papers The Tribune James Lee and Pat Walsh our local ice dealers are harvesting their ice crop MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Held To Court For Forgery RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS The New Saint Patricks Church f Mrs atives Mrs Mascot CE Ryan is visiting Yuma E Brigner is visiting in Mrs S M Cawthra is visiting rela tives in Arapahoe Sam Diamond returned to the city first of tho week Carrie Peterson is quite iil with an attack of appendicitis Mrs S M Cook and Mrs G P Roark looped the Imperial loop Wednesday Mrs F A Henderson visited the homofolks in Culbertson part of this week George Beck has cone to Omaha to serve on the federal jury during tho present term H P Waite attended the meeting of wholesale and retail hardwaremen in Omaha this week Register Rathbun of the land office was in Moorcroft Wyoming part of the week on oil business W T Coleman has been hobnobbing with the hardwaremen of the state down in Omaha this week Mrs Edward T Jackson of bluff has been a guest of J H Yarger and family this week A J Hesner of Dejaware county Iowa looked over the city and country hereabout Wednesday E E SMiTHtbe well know stockman merchant and banker of Bartley had business in the countys capital city Tuesday Miss Lillie Campbell arrived home Monday night on No 5 from a visit to the family of Engineer George Conners in Lincoln Miss Anna Stewart came up from Alma last Saturday on No 13 and has been a guest of her brother H D Stew art of the telegraph force this week E N Berry has been home from Concordia Kansas this week visiting the folks before assuming a position in another town He will leave tomorrow for Ottawa Kansas Mr and Mrs A S Palmer arrived home on No 13 Tuesday from a visit of a week or so over with her parents in Danbury where Father Cann is now and has been for years agent for the company Frank Eno and W R Burbridge of Danbury were in the metropolis yester day on business Mr Burbridges brother-in-law Hon Jerome Schoup of Hill City Graham county Kansas ac companied them Rev L H Shumate formerly of this pastorate now presiding elder of the North Platte district arrived in the city Monday evening and attended to the shipment of his goods Tuesday to North Platte where he has just secured a house and where Mrs Shumate who has been visiting in Missouri joined him on Thursday of this week National Medical Co is a Success The National Medical Co of Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska and Oklahoma Oklahoma is one of the medicine-making companies now forging rapidly to the front They manufacture one of the largest lines of family remedies of any concern in the business From the first the company has been a paying in vestment for its stockholders They make stock food and cattle dip by the car load baking powder by the ton run more wagons than any one selling direct to the consumer are large users of crude drugs spices etc Doctor Mas ters remedies are now lenown through out the entire country and Liquid Koal which is handled by James Cain is hav ing a very large sale and giving excellent satisfaction A Great Celebration The opera house was crowded Satur day night on the occasion of the Work man entertainment The program held the closest attention and interest of the large audience It was regretted that Grand Master Workman Jaskalek was detained and cound not be present His deputy F G Simmons however gave a fitting address It was a great cele bration of the victory of No 61 in the piano contest and one of the best enter tainments the Workmen have ever at tempted August Droll Not Dead Ed Droll was summoned to Hot Springs Arkansas by a telegram last Friday night announcing the serious illness of his father August Droll From this the report hasgained currency that August Droll is dead Word from Ed however is to the effect that his father was about as usual when he arrived in Hot Springs Monday morning of this week They expect to return homefirst of next week Domestic Troubles It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally but these can be lessened by having Dr Kings New Life Pills around Much trouble they save by their great work in stomach and liver troubles They not only relieve you but cure 25c at L W McConnells drug store New Sunday and Holiday Schedule Commencing with last Sunday the McCook postoffice general delivery will open on Sundays and holidays from 2 to 3 oclock in the afternoon When No 1 arrives later than 230 the mail will not be distributed F M Kimmell Postmaster Please note The Tribunes unequalled Chicago Inter Ocean offer ends with Jan uary 15 th Tho choicest perfumes soap and toilet articles are to be found ConeBros The Tribune Only 100 per year II 1 Miller for several months an employe of J H Ludwick Son had a hearing before Justice of Peace H H Berry Thursday on a chargo of forgery and pleading guilty was bound over to tho next term of district court In de fault of bail he was taken to the county jail at Indianola Friday morning by Sheriff Crabtree Miller forged three checks signing the name of his employer J H Ludwick one check for S10 and two for 5 each One of them the 10 one was passed at Clydes saloon one at Lewis saloon The third failed at Barbazetts saloon because of lack of change All were given in payment for drinks After passing the forged checks Miller went up to Akron Colorado for a few days On returning to this city first of this week he was in hiding for two or three days in a westside resort where he was finally located by the police and brought into court with the above result But Few Official Changes Redwillow countys new official family commenced housekeeping yesterday This year finds but few changes in the court house Deputy Benj G Gossard becomes county treasurer and I M Beardsleo of Indianola is the new dep uty treasurer The Beardslee family moved up to the count seat Tuesday of this week and is living in the Arthur Richardson dwelling on Manchester street Robert W Devoe deputy coun ty clerk goes up higher into the of fice of clerk of the district court and his old position under County Clerk Wilcox is filled by George B Berry Miss Flora B Quick succeeded Eugene S Dutcher in the county superintendents office and Samuel Premer takes Commissioner Maurice Reddys shoes in the Second district This comprehends all the changes in the county offices The peo ple of Redwillow county may expect con tinued efficient services from its officials Thrown From Buggy Danbury Neb Jan 2 Special A terrible accident occurred 1 mile west of Danbury as tho east bound train of the St Francis branch was coming into town Jesse C Ashton a brother of the president of the Bank of Danbury and Jesse Smith a prominent farmer wero driving a single horse rig and were wait ing for the train to pass the crossing when the horse became unmanageable and ran away demolishing the buggy and throwing Smith and Ashton into a deep ditch fracturing Ashton s skull in juring him internally and seriouslySmith was thrown on his head and his skull fractured but he will recover The train in charge of Conductor Larkey backed up to the scene of the accident and brought the injured men in the baggage car to Danbury Lincoln Star Struck By Fast Freight Indianola Neb Jan 2 Special While crossing the Burlington track yesterday with a team wagon and hay rack A H Reynolds was struck by a fast freight going east The wagon and rack were total wrecks Reynolds was thrown from the wagon and found some time afterward by William McCallum wandering around near the mill uncon scious He was taken to DrMackechnies office when it was discovered his skull was fractured and his head and body badly bruised The doctor thinks he will recover The team escaped unhurt It is claimed by some that the engineer did not sound the whistle nor ring the bell The train was moving it is said at 25 miles per hour Lincoln Journal Terms of District Court For 1904 Judge Orr has set the following dates for holding court in this district during 1904 Chase April 4 no jury September 26 jury Dundy March 28 jury Sept 12 jury Frontier March 7 jury June 1 Oct 3 jury Furnas Feb 23 jury June 16 no jury Nov 14 jury Gosper Feb 8 jury Sept 6 jury Hitchcock April 11 jury Oct 24jury Hayes March 21 jury Sept 19 jurv Red Willow March 21 jury Sept 19 jury Alphabets Hold Initial Party The members of the AlphabefHigh Five club held their initial card party on last Friday evening Mrs W S Morlan and Mrs F W Bosworth being hostesses and the club meeting at the home of the former A bountiful sup per was served at 630 after which cards had full sway The winning lady and gentlemen were Mrs W S Perry and J E Kelley the losers were Mrs W B Mills and Albert Barnett A Coat or Two of our Concentrated Smoke will preserve your meat as well or better than the old fashioned way of smoking meat with a saving of time money and danger of fire In 25 cent bottles L W McConnell Drucsrist Went Into The Business January 1st Earl Ludwick entered the furniture business of his father be cominga partner and manager of the same The firm name now is J H Ludwick Son We now have a competent workman to attend to furniture repairing If you have any work to be done phone 89 and articles will be called for J H Ludwick Son The Standard Oil Co at McCook is now represented by Web McClain he having on January 1st purchased his fathers interest in the business The year 1903 is behind us but death and the judgment are before us Now is the acceptible timo Revival meetings at the Methodist church The G A R officers elect will be in stalled Saturday January 16th Odd Fellows hall two in the afternoon Revival meeting every night at the Methodist church for the next two weeks Come and see Switchman F G R Ford is laid up with a strained back Engine 158 is ready to go into service again after an overhauling Brakeman Thomas W Smith is nurs ing what is left of his left finger The 3312 was being limbered up yes terday afternoon in the local yard Brakeman W D Cuddingan is off the effective list with an abcesson his throat Agent G S Scott arrived homeSatur day from a short visit to old friends in Tecumseh Asst Supt B F McFarland was down from Holyoko yesterday on head quarters business Nos 3314 and a315 D4s have been provided with longer stacks thus secur ing stronger draught Brakeman Charles Huey has gone to Denver after his personal effects expect ing to make his headquarters here Waycars 104 and 42 are both beinc thoroughly repaired They wore in the Beaver City and Orleans smashups Brakeman C H Downey started to work but his old disability a crushed heel compelled him to lay off again Brakeman Ira E Converse was again summoned to the bedside of his sister Monday morning She is very ill at Ilendley Engineer Bart Doyle has been down fiom the Sheridan division visiting friends at Western division headquar ters the past week Conductor Beale and Engineer Mc Lean are both enjoying official holi days on account of the mill accident of a few weeks ago Conductor R M Douglass has the 52 during Conductor A G Bumps sus pense over that recent incident with Brakeman J J Laughlin Conductor A P Bonno will likely re main in Wisconsin during the month of January taking treatment under which he is improving and doing well Brakeman Robert E Lee lost the end of his left thumb Thursday at Cain bridge A pilot bar amputated it for him gratuitously but not painlessly Chief Dispatcher J F Forbes has bben confined to his home all week by a deep seated abscess in his neck which required an operation first of the week He will be about again in a day or two Engineer Leonard Meserve and son Clint who have been down from Sheri dan Wyoming for the past week de parted for home on Wednesday morning after an enjoyable visit with relatives and friends O D Shorty Keith departed on No 3 last Sunday night for Sheridan Wy oming where he assumed charge of a restaurant and bakery business bought by him since his retirement from active railroad service Brakeman Lee I Culbertson arrived home from his visit together with the family over in Iowa with relatives for several weeks He reports the birth of a fine ten pound boy during their ab sence The familj is still with her rela tives in Iowa Lee insists that Nebraska looks good to him Dewey Wants to Sell Out Topeka Kan Jan 5 Special All the land agents in northwestern Kansas have been commissioned by CPDewey the Chicago millionaire who owns Oak ranch in Rawlins Cheyenne and Sher man counties to sell his property This marks the end of the bitter range war which has been waged between the set tlers and the cattlemen of the northwest ern part of the state It was generally believed that the Deweys would continue the war after the case against Chauncey Dewey the son of the owner of the property for the alleged murder of three members of the Berry family last June should be settled by the courts Tho ranch is one of the largest in the state It is believed that the Deweys can dispose of their holding at a profit as the greater part of the land was pur chased at a time when the settlors were despondent over poor crops The Deweys have said nothing about their plans for the future but it is un derstood that they will not leave the state and will continue in the cattle busi ness Third Annual Watch Banquet The Kappa Sigma Kappas held their third annual watch and banquet New Year eve at home of Dispatcher and Mrs W B Mills The banquet was served as the new year was welcomed toasts and responses being a feature Those present were Mr and Mrs H H Tartsch Mr and Mrs F A Pennell Mr and Mrs Ray Vahue Mr and Mrs H C Clapp Mr and Mrs A E Petty Dr and Mrs W V Gage of Omaha Mrs J M Henderson Jr Mrs F S Vahue Mrs H H Miller of Denver Notice of Public Sale Wednesday January 20th 1904 at my farm four miles south and one mile west of McUook 1 will otter lor sale all my stock implements household goods etc Sale will commence at ten in the forenoon free lunch at noon Sums under S10 cash nine months time on sums over 10 at ten per cent eight per cent for cash See large bills for full description and particulars C E Boatman H H Berry Proprietor Auctioneer Is Right at Home The pleased customer is right at home at Marshs meat market You can see him there any day And its all because of the quality of the meats sold and of prompt and courteous treatment accord ed all Everything seasonable all the time at the right prices For the latest Cone Bros and best books go to f4SiaK4 f T f7mAXgt gfrjj I Above we present our readers with a small picture of tho new St Patricks Catholic church now finished furnish ed and occupied by the congregation the first service being held in the edifice on Uhnstmas morning It is expected that the formal dedication of tho church will occur in the spring Our readers will recall the fateful morning of Sunday March 1st 1903 when the old St Patricks was totally destroyed by fire Nothing daunted however in less than ten months tho congregation has replaced the one burned down with a fine substantial brick structure at once an ornament to this city and the excusable pride of the con gregation An English Gothic from tho point view of art it is perfect in its solid sim plicity As to its appointments nnd furnish ings they are the latest most approved and up-to-date The Midland Glass and Paint Co of Omaha furnished the art windows They are works of art in fact and are said to be tho prettiest in tho Lincoln diocese The League of the Sacred Heart donated the large front window which contains a full length figure of Christ exposing His heart an emblem of love The church is illuminated by electri city the globes being placed in the ceiling Twenty five candle power Meri dian white frosted lamps are used giv ing a soft mellow and beautiful effect A modern pattern hot air furnace provides the necessary warmth Tho Brulmaier Co of Dubuque la made the pews and altar The altar is a superb and impressive Gothic effect in butternut wood and gold The architecs have not overlooked the acoustic properties they are quite perfect a Conversational tone being audible distinctly in every part of the church An excellent and praiseworthy feature of the construction is the inclined floor an essential in the modern audience room In summing up the excellencies of the building one who has been over the dio cese and seen every church therein states This is the prettiest best-appointed best finished and most up-to-date church in Lincoln diocese Hence the Catholic people and their kind neighbors of McCook may well feel proud of this new house of worship The members of the building commit tee Messrs J HBennett C J OBrien P F McKenna James McAdams and George Elbert deserve large credit and unstinted praise for their faithful and efficient efforts They bought the ma terials and hired the day labor for the construction The architecs were Fisher Lawrio of Omaha James McAdams one of the building committee was general super intendent of construction and purchas ing James Rupp of Hastings was foreman of the brick masons George Younger of Box Elder was foreman of the wood workers George Elbert of the committee was foreman of the painters and J H Yarger foreman of plasterers Rev J J Loughran the pastor feels especially grateful to the non members for generous donations toward the build ing of the new church And in this connection it may be interesting to state that the building is minus that usual feature the mortgage The bell damaged by fire will be re cast next summer and placed in the tower with appropriate ceremonial And finally next summer it is ex pected that a new pipe organ will be purchased and placed in the organ loft of the church thus fully and perfectly equipping the church for its sacred work The seating capacity of the church is about 500 Its final cost will be in the neighborhood of 10000 The Tribune warmly congratulates Stove For Sale Round oak almost good as new cost 18 goes for 10 if taken at once Mc Cook Green House phone 91 Prairie Hay 550 per ton delivered Telephone L182 Wanted A young man or young lady at McCook to address envelopes and mail catalogs circulars etc for our mail order department Local work during evenings or spare time Permanent position and good pay References re quired For application blank write enclosing stamp for reply Lincoln Manufacturing Co 15th and O streets Lincoln Neb Marsh is especially fortunate in select buying and gives his customers a share in the profits by offering them the choic est of everything in the meat line just as cheap as the poorest you get else where The Knights of Pythias will instal their officers elect next Wednesday even ing January 13th to be followed by a social session and refreshments There is a rumor that is to be converted to stock paper the Republican an out-and-out McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs Only 5 Cents Extra For The Tribune and The Weekly uuunu ui onicago tuo lending nr oi mo west improved and strengthened by tho addition of many new features Enlarged farm de partment forestry and floriculture care of the horso Honio Health Club Mme Michauds health and beauty hints now household ideas practical cookery latest styles for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports The Inter Ocean is tho only wostern paper recoivinc in addition to tho Associated Press re ports tho entire telegraphic news service of the Now York Sun and special cable of the New York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents All this for only 5c extra McCook Tribune 81 Weekly Inter Ocean SI both for 1 year for 105 This offer open only a few weeks And is open to all subscribers who will pay thoir sub scription 1 year in advance as well as to new subscribers to The McCook Tribune Good Only Until Januarv iMh n McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friduy morning Corn s 7 Wheat v H Oats i Bnrley 28 OKS 1 Errh o QoodButtor jjy Croiimory Butter 25 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs Kodaks are the same price the world over Cone Bros sell them Will buy hogs Tuesdavs and days FS Wilcox When you need anything usually found in a drug store go to Cone Bros Just use your phono Call up Marsh and they will do tho rest if its choice meat of any kind you want McMillens Cream Lotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves tho skin smooth and soft Furnished room for rent Inquire at residence one block north of mill S S Garvey Wanted A horse of medium sizo suitable for city delivery Call at store J II Ludwick Son First of the week William Lewis col lided with Ben Olcott the youngerwith rather disastrous effects Police Judgo Berry adjudged 15 and trimmings about the proper award Wanted Salesman to solicit orders for a full line of nursery stock Con veyance will be furnished to reliable men Payments weekly F II Stan nard Co Ottawa Kansas Wanted Men who can furnish team and wagon and sell Dr Masters reme dies extracts and spices to farmers A paying business In writing state terri tory wanted and send references Na tional Medical Co Sheldon Iowa The Western Mutual Life and Acci dent Association of Lincoln Nebraska nas organized an advisory board com posed of F A Pennell J HBennett Dr S C Beach C H Boyle and R A Green and are ready to insure you against accident or sickness R A Green Local Agent The season of clearing sales is with us and the question is now Where are the square bona fide reductions in prices being made on worthy goods The Thompson Dry Goods Co according to their invariable custom put the whole thing right before you in plain black and white in their large broadside advertise ment in this issue Their clearing sales are well understood to mean and to be just what they claim them to be Inter ested parties will wisely govern them selves accordingly and make their pur chases early and often CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS - Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 045 p in Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 755 Excellent music All welcome C R Betts Pastor Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Morning service at 11 subject The Holy Spirit Evening semces at S Subject Life All members are urged to attend the annual meeting next Wednesday evening George A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Sermons at 11 a m and S p m Class meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 and Epworth League at 7 Comethe church will be warm Special revival meetings will begin next Sunday night and con tinue two or three weeks every night I will preach in South McCook nextSun day at 3 p m M B Carman Pastor- A poignant sorrow came into Rev George Conrads Christmas joy by tho death of a sister in Michigan close of last week 1