Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1903)
i R Hi mm Pertinent to Closing Week Tho following items of interest con corning closing week of our public schools were handed in for publication last Friday morning and perforce of pressure of holiday business were crowd ed ovorto tho present issue The annual two weeks holiday vaca tion in tho public schools begins tonight Hundreds of happy children went from their books to their homes filled with tho joy tho beauty of the Christmas sea son suggests For many days prepara tions have been in progress fittingly to celebrate theclosoof work and tho ad vent of the holiday time Among tho little people the pleasure is always keenest so there the evidence of the un usual was the most apparent In the West ward school the children in tho preparatory department and in the first grade heard retold the beauti ful Christmas story and together sang songs appropriate to tho day Both rooms were prettily decorated with holly tho work being that of their own hands and each also had its own Christmas tree As a part of their busy work the children have been preparing for a num ber of weeks gifts to present to their pa rents in every case the result of their own toil and skill Miss Abbott in the j preparatory caused tho various classes of children to make either little green bon bon boxes brown canoes for work baskets whisk broom holders or photo graph frames all of them being dainty and sure to be appreciated The first grade children under Miss Budlongs direction also made green bon bon bas kets tastily decorated and kensington bags for mothers wove with rafia Miss Colvins second grade boj s and girls had their songs id for some time their in terest has centered in the smalltrees which received their gifts and which likewise emphasized tho spirit of the season Miss Eowell entertained her l pupils with a reading Each child Imade a 5 pointed star which with a anadonna for a center proved a neat photograph frame Mrs Schobols South McCook pupils spent a portion of the afternoon singing and reveling in the beautiful things the two good sized trees in the frontof the roomjaccommod atefi MissWhite with the first grade and Miss Wilcox with tho second met to gether in the East ward frame building and spent an hour together with usual happy results Songs and stories afford ed the entertainment while the distribu tion of the presents the children had made for their parentsgave the occasion life and zest The first grade boys and girls prepared match scratchers and blotting pads while those in the second grade took home calendars for their mothers and clipping books for their fathers The older pupils in the fifth and sixth grades under Miss McMil len and Miss Santee upstairs in this building found that their regular school work conformed to the spirit of the times though the children in Miss Mc Millens room in the latter part of the afternoon rendered the following rather format program Song School Recitation - Daisy Porter Recitation John Dawson Reading -Mary Eleischman Song School Recitation America Gollehan Christmas Quotations Six Boys Song School In the brick building MissStanglands 4th grade was delightfully entertained listening to the following Song Tho Good Neighbor School Tho First Christmas Hazel Barbazett X ve Waited Just a Year Irma Krauter Christmas Agnes Pate Welcome Christmas Day George Green Song A Xmas Welcome School The Snowy Season Goldie Listen Tho Christmas Tree - Lee Gray The Christmas Gifts Celestine Kondlen The Xmas Tree Birdie Hickerson A Christmas Comedy The Plan That Failed Jack Lee Fred Archibald Santa Claus Carroll Eldred Song School Miss Rathbun with her 6th grade pleasantly passed the hour in which these numbers were rendered Song Time for Santa Claus Minnie Middleton Flossie Anderson Elsa Powell After Christmas Harroy Hamilton Dialogue A Domestic Wanted Ethel Smith Fay Stayner Veva Phelan Mable Tuttle Minnio Middleton First Christmas Maud Davis Reading The Great Teacher Vera Phelan Recitation Clara Best Christmas Story MissRathbun Tressler Littie a member of the 7th grade prepared the program given be low which Mrs Wests pupils rendered Piano Solo TacieDeLong The Smack in the School Bessie Everist Sweet is the Song- Hazel Merle The Diamond Wedding Florence Middleton Dicks Xmas Paul Benjamin XmasJEve Adventures Lois Waite Piano Solo TacieDeXong The Night Before Christmas Hazel Hare Lady Yeardleys Guest Tressler Little The Wreck Cora Jeff eries Song XmasisBerei School Prepared by EthelMorrissey Dialogue The Troubled Mother Irene Cathcart Alice Bennett Max Hare Willie HughesMarguorite McAdamsBes mo Rowell Bessie EveristPnul Benjamin As Revealed to Him OraDwyor Guitar Solo Francis Ploussard Vas Bonder Konshpecked Ethel Morriesey Dialogue Gossip Alice Bennett Hazel Merle In no Cath cart Mnrguorito McAdams Ethel Stephens Ethol Morrissey During the morning assembly hour the high school and 8th grade listened pleasurably to tho numbers in a musical program as given here v Morning Hymn School Vocal Solo Roso Elbert Vocal Solo TomOConnell Piano Solo Millie Elbert Vocal Duet Roso ElbortTom OConnoll Song School March - Bessie Peterson Where the teachers will spend the holidays Miss Celia A Gorby homo Nelson Miss Ada F Abbott visit a sister Den ver Win E Heffolbowor home Eed Cloud Miss Mary Powers home Tren ton Mrs Margaret E West Hayes Center Miss Medora Santee home Or leans Miss Coral White home Edison Miss Gertrude Colvin Central City Miss Carrie Budlong visit sister Colo rado Springs Miss EfBe Abbott home Peru A number of the teachers will attend the sessions of tho Nebraska state teachers association at Lincoln during tho last week of the vacation To My Many Patrons During the Year 1903 Greeting In extending to you my personal wish for a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I wish to add my sincere thanks to you in appreciation of your much esteemed patronage during the year we are just about to close I assure you that your every order and visit given my store is noticed and appreciated by me and I hope you will continue in the same old way only come oftener and bring your friends during the coming year 1901 Beginning the first day of January I am going to cut the life out of the prices on ail the goods in my store but as it is the cash I want I will sacrifice these goods for cash only and as these are the goods you want watch the last page of this paper next week The prices I quote will surprise you but as truly as my name is Honest John I will forget what the goods cost me and actually sell them at unheard of prices Prepare yourself for this grand sale John H Grannis Attention The next regular monthly meeting of the Western Interdenominational Minis tecs Conference will occur Monday December 28 at McCook The pro gram for the day will be as follows In the afternoon at 3 p m a conference of ministers will be held In the evening there will be an interesting service to which all are invited Program for ser vice Short song service reading scripture prayer anthem symposium by the ministers of the various denom inations on the subject The New Evangelism Sermon by Eev W J Alexander The meeting will be held in the Baptist church Eemember the date Monday December 28 1903 A 0 U W Election At the recent election of officers of the Workman lodge of this city the follow ing officials were selected for the ensu ing term John Hunt master workman LP Forsman foreman C WStephens overseer C B Gray recorder C B Sawyer receiver C J Ryan financier Henry Moers guide Wm Stimmel out side watch L C Foster inside watch J A Wilcox C E Emerson Maurice Griffin trustees A Cough Or A Quarter Which A 25 cent bottle of McConnells Bal sam is almost certain to cure an ordin ary cough It is one of those remedies that begins to help from the first dose and the quicker you take this dose after the cough starts the quicker will the cure be performed If you are not in every way satisfied with the remedy we shall be glad to return the quarter L W McConnell Druggist New Sunday and Holiday Schedule Commencing with last Sunday the McCook postoffice general delivery will open on Sundays and holidays from 2 to 3 oclock in the afternoon When No 1 arrives later than 230 the mail will not be distributed F M JKimmeel Postmaster Residence For Sale Five room residence 4 blocks east of Commercial hotel for sale cheap En quire of Mrs Thad Shepherd Henry T Church Remarries The marriage of Henry T Church the well known stockman of the Upper Red willow is announced The bride is a former sister-in-law D C Benedict of Culbertson returned from Chicago Wednesday While there he purchased several Scotch Collie dogs from imported stock with which he in tends to start a kennel McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs JuiCEdi MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Floyd Berry is at home for the holi days Miss Myrtle Curran is a guest of Mrs J J Curran Glenn Hupp of the uni is with his parents during tho holidays Mr and Mrs C H Meeker are visiting in Chicago this week Mrs E M Snyder went down to Red Cloud Thursday morning Clifford Brown is homo from the state university for the holidays Bernard Phelan is down from Alli ance visiting the family this week Mrs Barney Hofer is entertaining her father Mr McCalfum of Waunita Mrs M Hughes has as visitors the four Rogan children from Aurora 111 Frank Colfer of Creighton is among the collegians at home for the holidays Mrs JF Utter went up to Stratton Wednesday evening on No 5 on a visit Miss Hazel Hare is home from Chi cago to be with the homefolks during yuletide R W Devoe is visiting the parents and family over in Lebanon during the holidays Mrs H E MacKain joined her bus band in Missouri Valley Iowa Tuesday of this week Dr J A Gunn of Des Moines Iowa was in the city early part of the week on business J Roy Moore of DeGroff s is visiting the folks at home Essex Iowa this and next week Miss Rena Hiller of Pawnee City came up Wednesday and is tho guest of MrsW FWeber Mrs Enoch Fetters of King City Mo is the guest of Mrs G C Boat man her daughter Lester Littel is home from the state university at Lincoln spending the holi day vacation with the family Austin Rittenhouse has gone down to Chandler Okla to visit with the homefolks during the holidays George Campbell is up from the state university mingling with the homefolks during the holidays Mrs R L Knox is down from Chey enne for the holidays Is a guess of her parents Mr and Mrs Ed Fitzgerald Mr and Mrs J J Osburn departed last Saturday for California He has quite recovered from his recent serious illness Charlie Byfield came up from Franklin academy close of last week and will enjoy the delights of home dur ing vacation Congressman Norris arrived home onNolMonday from Washington to be with the family during the holiday ad journment of congress Mrs Sarah McCarl Misses Ida and Blanche came up from Lincoln on Thursday to visit home friends during the Christmas holidays W G Dutton who has been ill for several weeks and whose recovery has not been satisfactory has gone to Hot Springs Arkansas for the benefit of his impaired health Mrs Duttonaccom panied him they departing on Monday night via Lincoln W J Walters visited in the city briefly first of the week guest of his sister Mrs Marie Mundy He left for the east Wednesday evening to take passage for Ireland where his mother has been spending a number of months TlTey will return home together The Week of Prayer On the first Sabbath of the new year January 3rd the pastors of the M E Baptist and Congregational will preach in the morning Kingdom of God Thy cnurches on The Kingdom Come union services At the Congregational church Janu ary 4th and 5th at 8 p m Monday evening sermon by Rev M B Carman A Needed Evangelism Tuesday even ing The Church of Christ Meeting led by L H Lindemann At the Baptist church January 6th and 7th Wednesday evening sermon by Rev George A Conrad Power and Privilege of Prayer Thursday Mis sions Home and Foreign Meeting led by W A James At the Methodist Episcopal church January 8th and 9th Friday evening sermon by Rev C R Betts The Rela tion of the Family to the Kingdom of God Saturday The Enthronement of Christ onEarth Meeting led by T B Campbell Sunday January 10th the pastors of the above churches will preach in the morning on The Holy Spirit Prairie Hay For Sale 6 per ton delivered Telephone 274 or inquire of VyMcManigal 12-18-41 imf S Z Railroad news items uJgino 60 left forllavelockThursday Machinist J W Phelps is on tho sick list Engine 3706 went to Havelock Tues day J E Long is a new machinist this week OShea Kunkel will spend Xmas in Denver O Hoffstraud is a now fireman from Holdrege H L Hopper is a new addition to the paint gang L P Burnham is a new helper in the paint gang Wm Cowman is a new wiper in the round house Fireman D Van Allman resigned first of week V W Vastine is a new member of the paint gang A E Dethier of the paint gang re signed Friday Wm Kilpatrick is a now helper in the blacksmith shop Harry Ellison has gone to Atwood Kansas on a visit W M French and family are visiting Clay Center relatives Fireman B F Lowman is spending the holidays in Denver Engineer W C Waugh is in Omaha under the doctors care A R Geddes will spend Christmas with his sister in Omaha D Road is the new night caller vice Wm Middleton resigned Engineer L P Neilson is on tho re lief on account of sore eyes Fireman J Matz is spending tho holi days in Denver with relatives Conductor Eph Benjamin is on griev ance committee work in St Joe Brakeman H S Spaulding will eat his Christmas turkey in Minden Fireman C Schellinger of Denver was visiting the boys here Wednesday A S Barrows is a new machinist helper in the back shop this week Fireman A Dillon of Lincoln is on tba sick list and will spend the holidays here v Will Meyer is down from Missoula Mont to visit the homefolks for a couple of weeks Fireman C S Griggs has returned to work after being on the sick list for several weeks Brakeman and Mrs C W Dewey are enjoying Christmas with her parents near Danbury Fireman O G Colpain who has been on the sick list for a few days has re turned to work Brakeman Robert Selah has gone to Grand Junction Colo to bring the wife and children here Brakenian and Mrs Lee I Culbertson left on 6 Monday night to visit Chari ton Iowa relatives W A Richardson left on No 6 Wed nesday for Omaha to receive more treatment for his eye Extra Conductor H R Childress is off duty with an injury which will lay him up for a week or so E J Kates of the rip track left on No 6 Wednesday to spend -Christmas with his parents at Ord Brakeman and Mrs C E Ryan are enjoying the Christmas season at his parents at Yuma Colorado F J Zajicek and wife left on No 2 Thursday for a 30 days visit with rela tives at Lincoln and Wilber Conductor L C Wolff has taken his first vacation in three years and will en- jdy a Christmas visit this year Conductor and Mrs E M Cox and children are visiting up in Dakota where he is enjoying his annual hunt JBrakeman J R VanHorn and wife have gone to St Joe for the holidays 3 E Rider is with Conductor Kendlen meanwhile Ira E Converse was called over to Hendley last Saturday by the serious illness of his sister who is now better He returned home last night Lincoln is nervous over the prospect that the Burlington may establish a great car sorting yard at Havelock in stead of enlarging the Lincoln yard Brakeman J E Rider and mother were called up to Denver last Saturday by news of the severe injury of a son and brother a lineman who fell from a xle had some ribs fractured etc J E returned Thursday the mother remain ing Engineer Alex McLean with a light engine ran into Conductor H A Beales way car at the mill between Orleans and Alma Tuesday and smashed up the way car badly No one hurt All par ties are suspended pending investiga tion as to responsibility for the accident rilmtt TWENTY SECOND YEAR McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 23 1903 A Hundred Thousand or More That McCook has made a solid sub stantial growth during tho year just closing is fully attested by the following exhibit which only includes improve ments amounting to 10000 or more The aggregate of smaller improvements is also quito large Another season or two like 1902 1903 would boost McCook into the 5000 class easily Y Franklin rosidonce 7000 00 M U Clyde residence 2500 00 F C Fullor residence 2500 00 D WColson residenco 2500 00 J Q Inglie residenco 2500 00 G IT Smith residence 2500 00 C E Emorson residenco and barn 1600 00 W B Fearn residence 1500 CO Ernest Nemnan residence 1500 00 J WEastman residence 1400 00 I N Bifgs residence 1400 00 James Hatflold ranch barn 1400 00 Loroy Kleven residence 1300 00 L M Best residence 1200 00 Ed Reed residenco 1200 00 W F Everist residence 1200 00 Arthur Richardson residence 1200 00 G W Norris improvements 1000 00 John F Calkins residence SCO 00 McCook Brick Co improvements SOO 00 William Lewis addition 700 00 S E Callen addition GOO 00 Bobinmeyor residonco GOO 00 John Amon residenco 550 00 J G Schobel improvements 500 00 W S Fitch addition 450 00 Ben King barn 500 00 Roark residence 450 00 Jacob Wacker residence 450 00 C M Kent addition 400 00 Casper Frank residenco 400 00 John Amen residonco 200 00 Jacob Hein residenco 300 00 JF Konyon addition 300 00 Samuel Simmons addition 300 00 William Long addition 300 00 L D Long addition 300 00 Henry Conyers residence 300 00 Agnos Freeman barn 300 00 E JBakor addition 250 00 Charlos Ebert granary 250 00 Eva Selby addition 250 00 Fred Wagner barn 250 00 F H Billings addition 250 00 C G Budig barn 200 00 Robert Moore barn 200 00 J C Ball farm house 200 00 HCJacobs barn 175 00 CLPrice residence 150 00 G C Boatman improvements 150 00 John Fahrenbruck addition 150 00 Jacob Lesser addition 125 00 Roy Zint addition 100 00 Gus Markwad shop 100 00 Conrad Amen barn 100 00 G F Randol addition 100 00 Catholic Church 10000 00 McCook Brick Co improvements 5000 00 R B Archibald residenco 3500 00 James I Lee residence and ico house 3500 00 A P Welles residence and oflico 3500 00 Baptist Parsonage 2000 00 George E Thompson store building 1S00 00 A R Clark residence lG0O 00 Marion Plummor residence and barn 1500 00 GHoffman residonco 1300 00 John Eisenach residence 1300 00 Ellis Ford residence 1300 00 W B Mills residence 1200 00 Jacob Schmer residence 1200 00 Mrs Adelia Hoag residence 1100 00 George Amen residence 1000 00 E G Polk residence 1000 00 H C Clapp residence 1000 00 Con Eckhart residence 1000 00 George Hoffman residence 900 00 John Wagnor residenco 850 00 Mrs Lavina Finch addition SOO 00 1 N McDougal residence 800 00 John Schmidt barns 750 00 Ed Flitcraft addition 650 00 Joe Dudok residence GOO 00 JohnSchlect residence 500 00 F F Garlick store building 500 00 FSWilcox addition 500 00 Henry Hesterworth barn 450 00 R H Harrison residence 400 00 John Morris residence 400 00 GAmen residence 3G0 00 George Snyder addition 350 00 George Walker residence 350 00 Con Bauer residenco 300 00 ME Knipple addition 300 00 Julius Heinz barn 275 00 Fred Wagner barn - 275 00 P L Zimmer barn 275 00 Mrs Sly addition 250 00 TJSmith residence 250 00 R D Rogers residenco 250 00 Frank Stillman cattle sheds 250 00 Standard Sugar Beet Co office 250 00 John Schauerman addition 200 00 GWWatkins barn 200 00 C T Eller barn 200 00 J M Smith addition- 200 00 Jake Kline addition 200 CO Barney Lewis barn 200 00 R C Boles addition 150 00 Seems to Be a Failure Marriage seems to be a failure down in Furnas county judging by the some what unusual and remarkable record es tablished by the last term of district court when there were eighteen appli cations fordivrrce Furnas county no doubt can wear the belt undisputed in Southwestern Nebraska for mismatings Nothing is mere disgraceful to our pres ent American civilization than the fre quency with which men and women all over the land seek to sever the bonds of matrimony It amounts to a national blot Damaged a Quarter Thousand Fire Wednesday noon caused a dam age to James Mc Adams residence of about 25000 The fire originated in a closet and is probably chargeable to youngMrMcAdams and a not uncommon childish fondness for matches and fire The fire department made the run but the flames were subdued by the water thrown by the lawn hose Pocket book Lost Thursday b e tween McConnells drug store and Wil cox Sons grocery Return to McCon nells drug store and receive reward It L ft Sk M Only 5 Cents Extra For The TmnorcK and Tho Weekly Inter Ocean of Chicago tho leading paper of tho West Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new foatures Enlarged farm de partmentforestry and floriculture euro of the horso Hdrao Hoalth Club Mme Michnuds health nnd beauty hints new household ideas practical cookery latent styles for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports Tho Inter Ocean is tho only wostern paper receiving in addition to the Associated Press re ports tho entire telegraphic news service of tho Now York Sun and special cable of the New York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents All this for only 5c extra McCook Tribune SI Weekly Inter Ocean 81 both for X year for 8105 This oiler open only a few weeks And is open to nil subscribers who will pny their sub scription 1 year in advance as well as to now subscribers to The McCook Tribune NUMBER 30 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsnm Cures Coughs Kodaks are the same price tho world over Cone Bros sell them Will days buy hogs Tuesdays and F S Wilcox McMillens Cream Lotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves tho skin smooth and soft W W McMillen will for the next 30 days sell buggies and spring wagons at big reductions They are sold on account of room Married At the brides homo in South McCook December 20 Orville Furrow and Miss Rosa Powell M B Carman officiating As my greenhouse is overstocked I have decided to close out the Boston ferns and palms at cost Only have a few left Mrs L M Best Engineer Newkirk returned to work Wednesday after being on the sick list with a sore head caused by his head hitting the mail catcher at Culbertson The Catholic brethren will hold their Christmas services in their handsome new brick church Christmas morning at 7 8 and 1030 oclock These will be the first services held in the new church George Leland has bought tho ruins of the partially destroyed J G Hamilton building two doors south of The Tri bune office and is engaged in tearing down the same and hauling the materials to South McCook where they will be converted into a dwelling house The Western Mutual Life and Acci dent Association of Lincoln Nebraska has organized an advisory board com posed of F A Pennell J HBennett Dr S C Beach C H Boyle andR A Green and are ready to insure you against accident or sickness R A Green Local Agent The First National Bank people have received and installed their safety de posit boxes They are the latest and most approved of the kind Practically all of them have been rented only a few remaining for rent Tne probabilities are that this is the beeinnine of what will finally evolve into a separate deposit vault At present the deposit boxes are located in tho banks regular vault They weigh 1700 pounds Its All Over Now That is the election is over for this year but the matter of good whole some juicy meats is still of first aiid vital importance to all It will incerest you to know that Marsh has been elect ed by an overwhelming majority to con tinue selling the best meats to the peo ple all the time Same old location same prompt service and courteous treat ment Notice of Dissolution The Martin Phelps Commission Com pany of McUook Nebraska is hereby dissolved by mutual consent The Mar- tin Produce Company will continue the business of the company pay all claims and collect all accounts due the com pany December 7 1903 The Martin Phelps Commission Co By H G Phelps Grinding Your Teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly annoy ing but have you tried ours Our meats are selected by careful and com petent judges of quality and we use every effort to furnish none but fresh tender and nutritious meats for our trade This is the way it is at Marshs meat market all the time - Hay For Sale fc Choice prairie hay for sale at S550 per ton Big load of straw 225 Tele phone L 182 For Sale - Some finehorsesnew saddle andbrand new buggy at the Osburn ranchj il 3 n VI n