The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1903, Image 1

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3000 IN CASH 3000
To be Given to the Churches of Mc
Cook on Christmas Day 1903
Church rcceivlnR lnrjjost No votes 2000
Church receiving noxtlnrgost No votes 10C0
Awnrds to bo maae under following
With every purcbnso made at our
store wo issue a Cash Register Check
indicating the amount purchased
Each 25 cent purchase represents
one vote
All the churches of the city are eli
Theso awards will bo made only on
purchases made between Dec 1st and
Dec 25th up to noon of latter date
Checks should be turned in to mem
berof committee representing church
you wish to voto for
Votes to bo counted on Fridays
Doc 11th 18th 25th by a committee
composed of one member appointed
by each church And no checks will
bo counted that wore issued previous
to date of last count
Votes will bo counted for each
church according to the sum of the
various purchasos represented
L W McConnell
No l In a Wreck Tuesday
Malvern IaDeclo Engineer Knox
on the Denver limited No 1 westbound
was killed in a wreck one mile east of
this place at 5 oclock this morning His
engine and the forward trucks of the
baggage car left the track The engino
rolled over on its side pinioning Knox
beneath it Ho was instantly killed
The fireman Lawrence Hayes was not
injured except for bruises He was on
the upper side of the engino as it was
overturned and ran at onco to the relief
of his engineer but was too late to bo of
any assistance
The wreck occurred on the bottom
etretch one mile east of this city What
caused the engine to leave the track is
not known The passengers on the train
were given a terrible shaking up Men
and women were thrown from their
sleeping berths or chairs iDto the aisles
and a panic followed the crash which
came when the engine left the track
Fortunately although the train was
heavily laden with human freight no
one was seriously injured among the pas
Knox was one of the oldest engineers
on the road He resided at Creston
where he leaves a wife two grown
daughters and a son
Collision At Beaver City
Beaver City Neb Dec 13 Special
A collision occurred in the Beaver
City yard Saturday night about mid
night when engine No 211 eastbound
and heavily loaded ran through an open
switch and crashed into the rear end of
engino No 2S0 standing on the siding
and attached by the front coupling to a
way car and backed by a string of heav
ily loaded box cars The way car was
forced up and landed on top of engine
No 280 and a heavy refrigerator car fol
lowing No 241 left its trucks scraped
the top off a wheat car and assumed its
place Both engines and several cars
were considerably damaged but luckily
no one was seriously injured The re
sponsibility of the mixup seems to rest
on the brakeman of No 2S0 as No 241
had the right of way and was running
under orders to pass Beaver City with
out stopping Lincoln Journal
New Sunday and Holiday Schedule
Commencing with next Sunday the
McCook postoffico general delivery will
open on Sundays and holidays from 2 to
3 oclock in the afternoon When No 1
arrives later than 2 30 the mail will not
be distributed F M Ktmmell
Notice the sample of dress goods to
be distributed tomorrow by The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co They offer until
Christmas a 6 yard dress pattern at a
special low price to anyone bringing
along one of the samples You may be
You will find it at Colemans if cant
anywhere else in town Go now and
see Display is ready Early buyers
get the first choice and its the best
Silk waists velvet waists black bril
liantine waists white brilliantine waists
flannel waists mercerized waists at The
Thompson Dry Goods Gos
The Catholic brethren expect to hold
the first service in their new church on
the first Sunday in the new jear
Lined kid gloves and mittens for men
women and children 50c to 100 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Portiere curtains lace curtains window
shades curtain poles etc at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur
days F S Wilcox
Mens and boys sweaters 50c to 300
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
You get a 10c value for 5c when you
smoke a Bachelor cigar
George M Reed is down from Pueb
lo Colorado
Congressman Norris will be home
for the holidays
J II IIuntwork of Box Elder has
moved to Bartley
G W Ritchie of Bartley was a Mc
Cook business visitor yesterday
Mrs Viola Ballew went in to Oma
ha last evening on a business trip
Mrs F G Westland came in on No
1 Wednesday for a few days visit
Dave Magner was down from Den
ver Thursday on a short business visit
Mrs A F Manglkss left on No 13
Thursday for a few weeks visit in
Canon City Colo
E E DeLong is employed by the
McCook Milling Co as its roadman
solicitor collector etc
Judge LeIIew who has been on the
federal petit jury arrived home from
Omaha close of last week
John Engstrom of the Quick Fron
tier county neighborhood was down to
the city on business Monday
Mrs E A Van Vranken of Geneva
has been the guest of her daughter Mrs
Frauk Wallace since last week
L W Stayner visited in Edgar and
other points east first of the week ar
riving home on 3 Wednesday night
Mrs G W Conner and family left
on No GWednesday for Lincoln where
they will make their home in the future
Mrs E G Polk went to Omaha Sun
day with her father who will take
treatment in one of the hospitals there
Mrs Zoe Benjamin of Benkelman
mother of Conductor Eph Benjamin
was down on a visit close of last week
Harry Woolard was slightly pinched
between two freight cars in the McCook
yard Thursday but will be himself in a
few days
Mrs F M Kimmell arrived home
Tuesday night from a three weeks
visit to her sister Mrs E E Magee in
Mrs J B Meserve went down to
Fairmont Monday morning to visit her
daughter Mrs E E Magee and see the
new grandson grow
John F Rowell went on to Lincoln
Wednesday night on business of the U
S Gold Corporation whose interests he
has been representing here for a week
or two
Mr and Mrs James Hatfield wel
comed a visit from the stork last Friday
night The mother and son are doing
well but James condition is still one of
Mrs Ralph E Foe was called down
to Red Cloud last Thursday by the
serious illness of her father E McFar
land of that place Mr McFarland died
on last Saturday He was an early set
tler of Red Cloud and a pioneer mer
chant of that place A wife daughter
and son survive him
Mack Is Excusably Proud Of The Job
Foreman Mack Hughes of the black
smithshop is the inventor of a flue-cutter
that is a peach and works like a
charm It operates by air pressure and
the drawings and machine throughout
are Macks handiwork By the old plan
the cutting wheel was pressed by hand J
into the flue being cut by a screw pro
cess By Macks new invention the cutting-wheel
is stationery rotates of
course and the flue is forced by regular
and steady air pressure from below up
against the cutting wheel The work
is much more rapid and regular Macks
patent air pressure flue end reducer is
another successful invention of the
blacksmithshop foreman
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends and
neighbors for their kindness and assist
ance during the illness of Mr MAdams
who was recently taken to a hospital at
Omaha Mr and Mrs E G Polk
For Sale
St Bernard puppies Males 5 fe
males 3 while they last
G W Ritchie Bartley
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
Toys doll buggies games etc at
Arapahoe schools are closed on ac
count of the prevalence of diphtheria in
that burg
- A glance at the Culbertson Herald re
minds one of the old saying That a
prophet is not without honor save in
his own country
Make it a memorable Christmas
Coleman will help you See his big ad
announcing the opening and display of
his holiday offerings
Those eiderdown dressing sacques at
from 250 down to 85c are beauties and
make very acceptable gifts Pink old
rose reds grey3 etc The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
A Remarkable Escape From Death
The recent - remarkable escape from
death of Engineer John Walsh of the
Burlington fast mail train No7has been
asource of comment among railroad men
all over the Q system Walsh was
violently thrown from his engino a
week or so ago while making 70 miles
an hour between Afton and Creston
Iowa A peculiar part of his escape
from death is the fact that the accident
to him averted a more serious one in
which the whole train would certainly
have been involved had the engine run
much farther
While sitting at the window of the
cab the engineer noticed an unusual
lateral motion of the flying driving rods
Ho opened tho cab window and learned
forward in an effort to discover the
cause of tho trouble Unable to satisfy
himself ho stepped out upon the run
way along side the boiler when sudden
ly the massive locomotive gave a lurch
causing Walsh to lose his hold upon tho
hand rail and fall from the engino
The fireman who witnessed tho ac
cident stopped tho train and with oth
er members of the crew went back to
tho scene where the fearful plunge had
been taken fully expecting to find the
engineer dead and mangled However
ho was on his feet before the others
reached him but was in a dazed condi
tion Walshs escape from instant
death is regarded as little less than
An inspection of the engine showed a
broken Connection between the piston
and the driving rod Some of the train
crew who examined the disabled engine
declared that had it run a few minutes
longer the driving rod would have be
come disconnected and one of the acci
dents most dreaded by men in the cab
a broken driver rod would have no
doubt resulted
The Same Money Better Goods
There is no necessity for anyone to buy
inferior meats of any kind from peddlers
when better and more reliable meats can
be secured for the same money at Paul
Antons meat market He offers his
customers nly good meats nothing re
jected travel injured or too poor for the
market but sound fat good stuff every
time And you can get such meat at
from 5 to 7 cents for beef and 7 cents
for pork And as a matter of fair play
dont you think the regular dealer who
has pulled through the long hot and ex
pensive summer season is now entitled
to your patronage when the less expen
sive cold season is at hand Just con
sider these facts when you come to buy
your meats and as a fair man a live
and let live citizen you cant help but
buy of the regular market where you
know that you are getting absolutely
reliable meats and in addition mark
you it isnt costing any more than poor
er inferior unmarketable meats offered
by the peddlers
Choose Gifts Early This Year
You will find this much easier and
more satisfactory than to put it off
Our entire line of holiday goods will be
open for inspection on Saturday Dec
12th when we would like to have you
come and look around to your hearts
content Make a memorandum and
come again One or two trips and the
worry will be over Those who come to
look are as welcome as those who come
to buy L W McConnell
Rugbs Again Have Trouble
News cosnes to this city through the
medium of letters to friends that Fred
P Rugh coal inspector for the Burling
ton has been taken to Chicago insane
and that specialists consulted there pro
nounce the trouble due to a small tumor
on the brain It is but a few months
ago that Mrs Rugh returned from Chi
cago where she had been for a long and
expensive treatment for cancer of the
face Alliance Times
For Sale
Some fine horsesnew saddle and brand
new buggy at the Osburn ranch
Full line of baby things pink blue
and white soft soled shoes stockings to
match bibs crocheted bootes stocking
caps silk bonnets Rubens cashmere
shirts pink blue and white mittens
oaby sacques moccasins angora hoods
etc etc The Thompson Dry Goods Co
In the language of the poet Dont
get left Go early Take advantage of
the full assortment and secure the best
selection Coleman
Send the homefolks a pair of those
beautiful fluffy white wool blankets
shown by The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Reports of fatal eating of cornstalks
by cattle are multiplying from all over
the state
Mens silk lined mocha gloves 100
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
A large assortment of decorated lamps
at McMillens
The original 10c Bachelor now sold
for 5 cents
Bruce Berry messenger is on the sick
E W Ilauser is a now fireman this
Engineer Roy Zint is on the sick list
this week
V W Vastine is a new helper in the
paint gang
Firenian A GNash is bostling at Ox
ford this week
Engine 383 is in the shops for a gen
eral overhauling
GWjRhodes was in tho city between
trains Wednesday
O E Idleman of the paint gang re
C F Sexton of the paint gang re
signed Wednesday
J II Edwards of the round house
resigned Saturday
A Trudnowski is a new boiler helper
in the rdund house
A W Campain is a new helpor in the
round house this week
U F Tilson round house machinist
resigned first of tho week
L M Baumgart is a new heater man
in the round house this week
O M Melton of tho night force is
working in Oberlin for a few days
Blacksmith and Mrs E McKenzie
visited friends in Alliance last week
J R Long of the round house force is
on the relief on account of a sore hand
An up-to-date air instruction plant is
about to bo put in to be in charge of
Gus Budig
R S Cutler leaves on No 14 today
for a ten days visit with his parents at
Pana Illinois
Express Messenger F D Hills will go
to Omaha to help tho force in that city
handle the holiday express business
next week
Fred Kubick and Miss Leota Gal
braith both of Red Cloud were married
by Rev Schlosser December 5th Rod
Cloud Argus
H D Bayles who has been on the
sick list for the past few weeks returned
to work Thursday on tho west end
switch engine
Switchman W H Armstrong and
familyarrived home Tuesday on 14
from their absence of weeks at his old
home in Kentucky
Engineer F Houchin who has been
on the Cheyenne branch has been
transferred to the Orleans and St
Francis branch Holdrege Progress
Engineer Jesse Heskett who has been
running on the Oberlin branch of the
Burlington has exchanged runs with D
A Gaddy who will go to Oberlin
Holdrege Progress
A new siding designated as Rupert is
being built on the Burlington Denver
line between Culbertson and Trenton
A long passing track will be placed
there Lincoln Journal
Roadmaster Sam Rodgers arrived
home first of the week from his trip
down to Mexico looking into the merits
of that mining proposition in which he
and other McCook citizens are interested
Mr and Mrs E O Scott of McCook
are now located in- the Kenyon property
in the south part of town Mr Scott
has a position with the B M R R
on the Red Cloud Oberlin line Red
Cloud Argus
It is said that the shops at McCook
will be enlarged to enable the Burling
ton to do more repair work there This
is found necessary it is claimedbecause
of the greater amount of traffic now
passing over the Western division
Lincoln Journal
The Northern Pacific railroad com
pany has issued an order which will be
come effective January 1st 1904 making
it a requirement for continuing in the
service of that company that all its em
ployes shall be absolute teetotelers
They cut out drink entirely on a
strictly business basis
C C Higgins tho Burlington expert
on steam firing and the use of coal for
steam producing purposs was out on
the Western division last week school
ing the firemen of the division M E
Wells the expert on the care and treat
ment of boilers was also on the division
during the past week It seems to be
the Burlington policy to provide all the
expert assistance tho men can use in
producing the best results in caring for
locomotives and securing the highest
efficiency of the same in road service
New cloaks just received this week
both tieht fitting and loose fitting backs
collarless and with collars blacks and
castors 490 to 1500 The right bright
styles The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Will Improve Their Plant
W C Bullard has secured all tho re
maining lots in tho half block now occu
pied by his lumber yard which will in
tho future extend from Dennison street
to Railroad street Tho old Clark livery
barn on corner of Dennison and Marshall
streets has been moved by tho present
owners Messrs Highland Silvers out
two blocks east on Dennison street and
is being reconstructed on tho cornor of
Dennison and Monmouth just north of
tho McCook roller mill Mr Bullard
will commence at once the building of a
brick lumber oflico on the cornor of Den
nison and Marshall streets It will be
22x28 feet in dimensions ono story high
and will cost about 100000
It is tho purpose during the year 1904
to rebuild and overhaul tho entire plant
using steel sheeting in reconstructing
the sheds etc When all contemplated
improvements are completed thoy will
have ono of tho best appointed lumber
and coal yards in this part of Nebraska
They have already sold their present of
fice building which will be devoted to
other purpose
Redwillow A Top Liner This Year
According to the crop report just is
sued by tho state bureau of labor and
industrial statistics Nebraska produced
43GG0318 bushels of wheat this year
and 189693965 bushels of corn Tho
state is credited with 10105701 bushels
of rye and 66619505 bushels of oats
Of this grand total Redwillow county is
credited in tho report with 1555870
bushels of wheat and 1561681 bushels
of corn Only six other counties in No
braska raised as much wheat this year as
did Redwillow namely Clay Keith
Furnas Phelps Stanton and York
Semi Annual School Apportionment
The December apportionment o f
school money has been announced
There are at present in Nebraska 376303
children of school age or more than 5
and under 21 years old The sum to be
divided or apportioned is 22548348
The per capita sum is in round figures
68 cents
Redwillow has in 3414 children of
school ago and gets a total of 231787
Part Of It Caved In
Miss Nettie Endsley teacher of school
No 71 had tho rather unusual exper
ience last Friday of having part of the
school house in which she was teaching
cave in The cave in fortunately hap
pened while the children were out of the
building and at play so none were in
jured except Miss Nettie and she only
suffered as to her nerves
Prairie Hay For Sale
6 per ton delivered Telephone 274
or inquire of V McManigal
Notice of Dissolution
The Martin Phelps Commission Com
pany of McCook Nebraska is hereby
dissolved by mutual consent The Mar
tin Produce Company will continue the
business of the company pay all claims
and collect all accounts due the com
pany December 7 1903
The Martin Phelps Commission Co
By H G Phelps
I wish to thank the citizens of Mc
who contributed so freely of their means
toward the expenses of our evangelistic
meetings which were held in the court
room and have just closed I am also
very grateful to those who helped in
various other ways I only regret that
there were not more people in attend
ance that might have been benefited
M V Sheldon McCook Neb
Charter Oak Stoves
are always the best 51 years the leaders
Never equalled by others No higher in
price than the cheap unknown kind A
nice line to select from at Polk Bros
Residence For Sale
Five room residence 4 blocks east of
Commercial hotel for sale cheap En
quire of Mrs Thad Shepherd
Hay For Sale
Choice prairie hay for sale at 550 per
ton Big load of straw 225 Tele
phone L 182
Wanted Second hand Cook Stove
If you have a second hand cook stove
for sale phone the Commercial hotel
Residence For Sale
Five room dwelling at corner of Man
chester and Dolan Cellar furnace
trees lawn walks etc Nearly new
Very desirable 12 lltfH L Donovan
Handsome silkolene bed comforts of
our own make for 250 Other grades
225 to 165 The Thompson Dry Goods
We wont let you go away without
what you want if we have it This is
our last year in the toy line The Bee
Handkerchiefs handkerchief laces in
sertings headings and footings in sets at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
It is just two years since the popu
lar druggists Lon Cone Bro began
business in McCook and our peoplo
linvo watched with much interest
tho progress of the firm in building
up ono of tho finest stocks of goods
and ono of tho best businesses in
Southwestern Nobraska and tho firm
is to bo congratulated on its success
Thoy have their holiday add in this
issue and wish to call special atten
tion to tho free picturo drawing
which thoy have arranged for their
customers to take placo on Christmas
day Ask them about it
Their lino of pictures for Xmns is
undoubtedly tho best ovor shown in
McCook and prices defy competition
while their stock of books and tho
prices thoy offer on them is a sur
prise to both competitors and cus
Tho firm has demonstrated boyond
question that thoy aro careful judic
ious buyers and consequently aro in
position to sell right which their
constant improving business shows
that thoy do They deserve a por
tion at least of your patronage and
their customers aro assured of satis
Everything in drugs McConnell
Evorybody smokes Bachelor cigars
McConnelPs Balsam Cures Coughs
See Cone Bros holiday announcement
Tho average lawyers brief is a misno
Bibles all prices at McMillens drug
Ask about tho free picture drawing at
Cone Bros
Uuequaled for twice the price tha
Bachelor cigar
Dolls all prices and kinds at Mc
Millens drug store
Tho Beo Hivo will close out their en
tiro line of toys this year
Kodaks are tho same price the world
over Cono Bros sell them
Childrens cloaks from 100 to 500
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
For Sale 15 brood sows soon to
farrow P Walsh
Beautiful lino of framed pictures and
medallions at The Thompson Dry Good3
Some of our citizens seem to loosen up
just about tho time they get tight on
pay day
A clean sweep in holiday goods this
year for we handle them no more The
Bee Hive
When you buy tho best stoves and
ranges it is always a Charter Oak You
can buy them of Polk Bros
Dont be one but smoke them tho
Bachelor cigar Extra quality En
tirely satisfactory Only 5c
Mens caps gloves sweaters under
wear clothing shoes and furnishings at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
McMillens Cream Lotion for hands
and face dries perfectly and leaves tho
skin smooth and soft
Lithographed pillow tops pillow cords
chenille balls tassels ball fringes etc at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Fancy queensware prices will be cut
down as well as toys They must
all be sold for something The Beo
It seems to be the law of compensa
tion that our heads bother us least at
the time of life when we make most use
of heels
W W McMillen will for the next 30
days sell buggies and spring wagons at
big reductions They are sold on account
of room 12-4-4 ts
Dresser scarfs lunch cloths pillow
shams center pieces napkins table da
masks in large variety at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
We have made up our mind to go out
of holiday goods and clean them up this
year so if you are looking for bargains
come The Bee Hive
As my greenhouse is overstocked I
have decided to close out the Boston
ferns and palms at cost Only have a
few left Mrs L M Best
The Western Mutual Life and Acci
dent Association of Lincoln Nebraska
has organized an advisory board com
posed of F A Pennell J HBennett
Dr S C Beach C H Boyle and R A
Green and are ready to insure you
against accident or sickness
R A Green Local Agent
Christmas comes just once a year and
this explains why W T Coleman has
mafie such lavish provision in the line
of gifts for the people See his an
nouncement Silverware cut glass
argentine ware toys chafing dishes
carving sets etc Great stock latest
Mens gauntlet fur driving gloves 125
The Thompson Dry Goods Co