ffl r 18 PfLY 1 ij 100 100 ti 1 1 mi 1 1 mi 1 pin inn 11 hi 1 in 1 1 mi 1 1 in mi i mi mi iiMijwu t 1CITI LADIES4 EHT For THE WEEKLY CHICAGO INTER OC The Leading Paper of the West and Tlxfe McCooK T IT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK flcCOOK NEB HjricsgMge jgsycjprgc rajcsgprigpt j ssgaragjjE agpcajpcaSJ1 JnjsnjragprV V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT ZENS A C EBERT Cashier BANK OF MeCOOK NEB j s m Paid Up Capital 56000 Surplus 5000 f h b a w DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT t W B WOLFE tG H WILLARD FELT Both for MM I JL 1 mlJL 1 The Leading Paper of Southwestern Nebraska Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm department forestry and floriculture care of the horse Home Health Club Mme Michauds health and beauty hints new household ideas practical cookery latest styles for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports The Inter Ocean is the only western paper receiving in addition to the Associated Press reports the entire telegraph news service of the New York Sun and spec ial cable of the New York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents ALL THIS FOR ONLY FIVE CENTS EXTRA McCook Tribune Weekly Inter Ocean One Year for Si05 THIS OFFER OPEN ONLY A FEW WEEKS And is open to all subscribers who will pay their subscription one year in advance as well as to new subscribers to The McCook Tribune BOX ELDER D O Little was in this neighborhood Wednesday W B Sexson had 2000 bushels of grain threshed last week Will Stone returned last week from ihis visit near Garnett Kansas A W Campbell is having his house repaired Chas Foye is doing the work Dr Harlan was called out last Mon day night to see Daisy the little daugh ter of Mr and Mrs George Younger who is very sick with the whooping cough A W Campbell spent Thanksgiving with his son J L Campbell of Osburn His granddaughter Miss Nannie ac companied him home spending Satur day with T M Campbell and returning to her home Sunday morning Some of the young men of this vicin ity took part in tho hunt at Spring Creek Wednesday of last week and helped furnish the oysters for the sup per Thanksgiving night at the same place You must do better shooting mext time boys 5c will now buy a 10c Bachelor cigar YOU NEVER CAN KNOW PROSPECT PARK Samuel Ball finished threshing Mon day Warner Anderson visited the home folks Thanksgiving week Mrs J H Wade helped Mrs Ball cook for threshers last week On account of Rev Tirrills throat giving out meetings were closed Friday night of last week J II Wade and wife and Miss Mary Elliott spent Tuesday evening with Mr Dunham and family Miss Mary Elliott visited her friend Miss Pearl Curlee of Bartley Friday and Saturday of last week All those interested in lycoum are in vited to attend the meeting Wednesday evening December 9 for purpose of or ganizing Favorite Family Remedy Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns cuts sprains and bruises for use in such cases Ballards Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy 25c 50c and SI at A McMillens They are beyond cavil the Bachelor cigar And they now sell for 5c the convenience of a Checking Account until you have tried one Whenever you feel disposed to test the matter we shall be glad to supply you with the nec essary books blanks and information NORTH SIDE ITEMS Mike Steltzer was visiting with Mary Sunday Miss Lena Uhten is working for Mrs Ben King A girl was born to Ben King and wife last week Miss Jennie Brady visited her sisters school Friday Timothy Adams of Eed Willow was up our way Sunday Morton Kennedy finished putting out 80 acres of wheat Saturday John Brady is so busy sowing wheat that he dont stop for Sunday Frank Schamel is husking his corn on the Mrs Walter Hickling farm The young folks held a dance at Mr Spaldiugs Thanksgiving night Waiter Hickliug hid about 100 bush els of potatoes frozen in the ground Jay Carter and lady attended the dance at Mr Spaldings Thanksgiving night Mr and Mrs Henderson of McCook ate Thanksgiving dinner with their son George Fred Carter and family ate Thanks giving dinner with George Henderson and wife Frank Brady spent 3 days on the farm last week and was introduced to the corn field Mrs Dehart who camo here from Iowa is sick with a very severe case of neuralgia Scott Doan and friend of McCook were trying their look out our way Thursday Will and John Smith are putting out 80 acres of wheat They are going to keep bachelor j hall next summer CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Mr and Mrs Blackmoro gave a dinner Thursday Charles Werricks visited at John Adams Sunday Miss Sarah Ireland spent a few days in Oberlin last week Henry Richard and wife spent Sunday at Mrs Kennedys Miss Edna Cathcart spent Thanks ing at her home in McCook Mr and Mrs A Ash ton spent Thanks giving with his parents at Marion Mr and Mrs Belcher the fruit agents of Arapahoe are in town this week F C Kellogg is building a fine office in town most people call it a kitchen Miss Minnie Rebman spent Thanks giving at her grandmothers north of town Dr W A DeMay of Danbury was called to Rich Hampers one day last week to see their infant child who is dangerously ill Mrs Parks who has been cooking for the hotel at this place left Wednesday for Colorado Springs Miss Blanche Henderson takes her place The ladies of the M E church are planning for an entertainment here Christmas A cantata has been chosen for the program entitled Santa Clans and His Eairy H S Kennedy has bought 100 more steers to feed this winter He now has 200 head in the feed lot with a number of hogs He has one of the finest feed lots in this part of the country Bilious Colic Prevented Take a double dose of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the dis ease appdirs and a threatened attack may be warded off Hundreds of peo ple use the remedy in this way with per fect success For sale by all druggists SHOES BOER AMUSEMENTS Am o tip Them Arc Pole Climbing Ax Thrivwic und Sun tit KaolnfC The Boer is n linn believer in the advantage of exercise though his -ways are not ours One favorite form Is pole climbing This consists of hav ing one arm tied behind the back and swarming to the top of the pole with the aid of the legs and the free arm It sounds simple but It Is not half so simple as it seems Another exercise is throwing the hatchet or ax to be more correct An ordinary wood chopping ax is used for this This is swuii round the head until it reaches a sullicient momentum when it is released The man who throws the farthest does not of necessi ty win as it is necessary that the blade should bury itself in the earth on reaching its destination It requires a considerable amount of skill to accom plish this Another kind of amusement is spade racing The men stand with one foot on either side of an ordinary spade grasping the top of the handle between the hands At the signal they start forward by a series of jumps If a mans foot loaves its proper place he Is disqualified There is no more se vere strain on the muscles of the leg than this The distance for such a race as this is generally twenty paces The Boer is gifted with wonderful endurance At long distances lie could hold his own with any but he would not stand any chance with our men at sprint racing as he lacks the necessary speed The Sacreil SenrnIi The sacred scarabreus was for many centuries venerated by uu il Egyp tians a cult shared recently by Hotten tots and akin to that of the holy cricket of Madagascar In explanation of this Thepesion said The Egyptians do not venture to give form to their gods they use sym bols of occult meaning A black and a golden green beetle were botii regard ed as emblems of Ita the sun god of Ptah the creative power and of re birth resurrection and immortality Every beetle was held to he male and self produced Its thirty toes symbol ized the days of a month and the pel let of dung in which it rolled along its eggs was a type of the movements of the sun In ancient Egyptian philosophy the sacred scarab is spoken of as the first living creature that sprang from the mud of the subsiding Nile It was closely connected with astronomy and used as an amulet of sovereign virtue for the living and the dead Origin of Grass Widow Why should a woman separated from her husband bo called n pcrass widow asked a young man of the antiquary The term grass widow the latter answered has nothing to do with the herbage on our lawns Grass is a misspelling sanctioned by custom of grace In the past when divorces were rare a woman separated legally from her husband was called a viduca de gratia by the Roman church and the French called her a veuve de grace The meaning of both terms is the same widow by grace We took the veuve from the French and translated it properly into widow but the grace we incorporated into our language misspelling it in the process You would be technically cor rect in writing grace instead of grass widow but it is probable that no one would understand what you meant Philadelphia Record Schoolboy Blunders A n B of Ascot sent to the London Globe some specimens of howlers perpetrated by board school children and collected by a board school master On the nature of gases An oxygen has eight sides In natural history- A cuckoo is a bird which does not lay its own eggs A mosquito is a child of black and white parents and A bliz zard is the inside of a fowl In geo graphical study we get the following The equator is a menagerie lion run ning round the earth and through Africa A meridian is the place where they keep the time and The inhab itants of Paris are called Parisites Among answers we have heard before is that of the child who declares Izaak Walton was such a good fisherman that he was called the judicious hooker TIic Japanese TOiy The question of choice Between two vases was decided by a patron in a Japanese shop when the proprietor said That smaller vase madam is thoroughly Japanese in form and deco ration That floral pattern in gold around the upper half is characteris tic and so too is the exceedingly nar row and short neck The vase will hold but a single blossom that shoukl be long stemmed and stand upright Thus the flower will be individualized and the vase likewise That is the Japanese way Coughing Spell Caused Death Harry Duck well aged 25 years choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home in the presence of his wife and child He contracted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but little attention to it Yesterday morning he was seized with a fit of coughing which coutinued for some time His wife sent for a physician but before he could ar rive another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation St Louis Globe Democrat Dec 1 1901 Ballards Horehound Syrup would have saved him 25c 50c and SI at A Mc Millens Scale books Typewriter papers The Tribune AT Lori Cone Co Successful Aftera great deal of effort and corre spondence Lon Cone A Co tho popular druggisto have succeeded in getting tho Dr Howard Co to make 11 special hnlf prico introductory offer on tho regular 50 centfizo of their celobrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspep sia This medicine is n recent discovery for the cure of all diseases of the stomach and bowels It not only gives quick ro lief but it makes permanent cures Dr Howards specific has been so re markably successful in curing constipa tion dyspepsia and all liver troubles that Lon Cone Co aro willing to re turn the price paid in every case where it does not give relief So great is the demand for this specific that Lon Cone it Co have been ablo to secure only a limited supply and every ono who js troubled with dyspepsincon stipation or liver trouble should call up on them at once or send 25 cents and got 60 doses of the best medicine ever made on this special half price offer with their personal guarantee to refund tho money if it does not cure He Found a Cure R H Foster 318 S 2d Street Salt Lako City writes I have been bother ed with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 years have tried many doctors without relief but have found a cure in Her bine 1 recommend it to all my friends who are afflicted that way and it is cur ing them too 50c at A McMillens Constipation Does your head ache Pain back of your eyes Bad taste in your mouth Its your liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure consti pation headache dyspepsia 25c All druggists MMMAWBAMWMMmWWMM I Wnnt TiinilsfnrOm nr lnrfl n lmoiitlfiil 1 brown or rich black Then use J nsirwuinjcnnfto nvrforthe DUOIYlNUnKm O D1C Whiskers 1 50 rT orDRtjrxiiT on n P -al A Co Nashua Nh PWM1 CHICHESTERS ENGLISH m ENN YROYAL FILLS Gv a rpllabe Indies ask Drugirist for cscazavrRs ijsei m Bei und bo I metallic hoxes sealed with blue ribbon iuke 10 oilier Iiefuc dangerous tubMli tntsoiiHnat imitaUotiM Buvof yourDniR dst cir seiii 4c in -tamps lor larirulnr Tcnti monialH and Keller for Lnrilrs in letter by return Hail 10000 Testimonials bold by all Unigjjists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 3UJiin Square P1UUWL 1A Mention this pnper AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY The Toledo Blade TOLEDO OHIO New and Larger Building- New Presses New Sterctype Plant New and Mdern Appliances n Every Department The Toledo Blade is now installed in it3 new building vth modern plant and equipment and facilities equal to any publication between New York and Chicago It is the only weekly newspaper edited oxpretsly for every state and territory The news of the world so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date The only paper published espec ially for people who do not read daily newspa pers and jet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by tho fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 160000 j early subscribers and its circulation is in all parts of the TJ S In addition to the news tho Blade publishes short and serial stories and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family Only ono dollar a year Writo for free specimen copy Address TnE Blade Toledo Ohio PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS To Harry R Desmond non resident defendant You are hereby notified that Yiretta Des mond plaintiff ha file her petition in the dip trict court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of desertion for more than twoyears last past without just cause or provocation and failure to support her Plaintiff also asks for the custody of her minor son Harry Desmond You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday January 11 1901 Dated December ird 1901 Vikeita Des5Oxd plaintiff By J E Kellev her attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of salo issued out of the district court of Red Willow county Nebra ka under a decree in an action wherein the Bristol Savings Bank of Bristol New Hampshire is plaintiff and Anitistia Holmes et al are defend ants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in Mc Cook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 2ath day of December 1903 at the hour of one oclock pm of said dav the following described real e tate to wit The northwest quarter of scccion 27 in township 2 north in range HO west of the 6th P M in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 27th day of November 190i A C Ckabtkee Sheriff W S Morlax Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale iued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein C H Boyle is plaintiff and Margaret H Heade et al are defendant to medirected and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 23th da of December lDftJ at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit East half sontheast quarter of section 23 and south half of the southwest quar ter of section 24 in township 1 range 30 in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 27th day of November 1903 A C Ceabteee Sheriff C H Boyle Attorney THE Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnells drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 1C0 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modem dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities F D BURGESS iam Fitter E2SES2SS3SS Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelloy Office BIdg hone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free H L PREVOST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College Qver Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska I B1J GM DENTIST iosn 112 Oflico over Grannis store McCook Nob Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Otlico over McMillons drug storo Residence 702 Main Aveuue Residence phone SJ Office phone 2S Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska G003 anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales Ono per cent on salos 1UX ami upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska VAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflice in Postoflico building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA In the District Court of Red Willow County State of Nebraska In the matter of the ap plication of Mary E Brady guardian of Lor etta Brady John TBrady Julia CBrady and Joseph F Brady minors for license to sell real estate Order to show cause On reading the petition of Mary E Brady guardian of Loretta Brady John T Brady Jul ha C Brady and Joseph F Brady minors for a license to sell the following described real estate to wit Lot number one in block number tlrtyAthrfMJn th second addition tothecitv of McCook in said county and tho west half of the southeast quarter of section number one and the north half of the northeast quarter of section number twelve in township one north range thirty west of the 6th P M in said counl ty for the purpose of the maintenance of aid mmnrc anil fr Mnnnt m vv i lomusuutjui in interest bearin securities and other productive property art it appearing that the said real estate is n prontahio to the estate of said minors and ih w uv uucuciui ic mem 10 nave said am property sold It is therefore ordered that the next of kin and all persons interested in said matter and said estate appear before me at mv ollice at the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the 22nd day of December 1903 at the hour of nine oclock a m to show cause if any there be why license should not be granted to aid Mary EBrady guardian to fell tht said real estate for tho purpose above set forth And it IS fnrtllflr rnol r rui wuut umt uuues oi SUCH hearing be given by publishing a copy of tliLi order once each week for three siirpQa cz MODEL r Q in the McCook Tbibcvb a newspaper nrinted4 and published m said county of Red Willow IM Dated at Chambers in said county thfaMrt IV uiiy ui loremoer rju - R COek Judge District Court V C E Eldeed Attorney uurc v f 1 f McCook Nebraska I Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 H P SUTTON -v P O Building