pe ffltwfc JVaft Rv F M K1MMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P X No 012 meets first and third Thursdays of each month McConnolls hall 830 p in E B Hubek President W S Gutee Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodgo No 307 meots on tecoud and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnoll hall R W Devon IUnbtrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secretary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo camp No 802 moots second and fourth Thnrsday after noons ut330 oclock in McConnolls hall Mils Thad Siieiheed Oracle Mks Augusta Antox Recorder 4 The Nebraska State Poultry Associa tion will hold its annual meeting in Lincoln January 18th to 23d both in clusive Under a special order issued by the Internal Rovenue Department which went into effect November 2 plug to bacco must be sold from the original box in which it is packed The con sumer who seeks to purchase a 5 cent cut of plug ma not walk into a store and buy tho small section of a plug already cut and enclosed in a paper bag The dealer is supposed to keep tho butt within reach and he must cut the piece for tho customer from one of the long plugs This works a hardship on the small dealer who was accustomed to buying his tobacco in broken packages Wanted 50 Men and Women Lon Cone Co the enterprising druggists are advertising today for 50 men and women to take advantage of tho special half price offer they are mak ing on Dr Howards celebrated specific for thoiiuro of constipation and dyspep sia and get a 50 cent package at half price 25 cents So positive are they of the remakable power of this specific to cure these dis eases as well as sick headaches and liver troubles that they agree to refund the money to any customer whom this medicine does not quickly relieve and cure With Dr Howards specific at hand you can eat what you want and have no fear of ill consequences It strengthens tne stomacn gives perfect digestion regulates the bowels creates an appetite and makes life worth the living This is an unusual opportunity to ob tain GO doses of the best medicine ever made for half its regular price with the personal guarantee of a well known bus iness firm to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction If you cannot call at Lon Cone Cos store today send them 25 cents by mail and they will send ou a package promptly charges paid Beautiful Clear Skies Herbine exerts a direct influence on tho bowels liver and kidneys purifying and strengthening these organs and maintaining them in a normal condition of health thus removing a common cause of yellow mothy greasy skin and more or less of pimples blotches and blackheads 50c at A McMillens 2310 Chicago and Return Account International Live Stock Ex position November 28 to December 5 Tickets on sale November 2S 29 and 30 Limited for return to December 7 Ask tho Burlington Eoute agent 5c will now buy a 10c Bachelor cigar When you cant eat break fast take Scotts Emulsion When you cant eat bread and butter take Scotts Emulsion When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing take Scotts Emulsion To get fat you must eat fat Scotts Emulsion is a great fattener a great strength giver Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissuzs not only fat Scotts Emulsion increases them all bone flesh blood and nerve For invalids for con valescents for consumptives for weak children for all who need flesh Scotts Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food and a natural tonic Scotts Emulsion for bone flesh blood and nerve i i J We will send a fiee sample you Be sure that this picture in the form of a label U on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BOWNE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St NY 50c and 1 j all druggists Best Fifty Years fho Standard tcsih h mwm ll BMiRiifBM c84 r HIWPIR Improves the flavor and adds to the heaithfulness of the food PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Why is it that with the apparently limitless demand for something to read the good old books aro neglected for tho all too frequently inferior works of the living nuthors Charlotte Bronte was ono of the most brilliant novelists of her day jet hor books now stand unread on tho library shelves whilo tho vapid produc tions of the present are eagerly sought after and devoured It is notbecauso the older auth or wrote of a day that is done and for that rea son of no further interest to us Herbooks aro of men and may endure for all timo Human nature is tho same now as it was when the pyra mids were built If you doubt this read the Book of Job What recent novol is more mod ern than tho story told there Aside from this the plots of some of the most successful among tho Jate books are laid in the distant past In stance Bon Hur a work of ordinary merit even mediocre though dealing with a subject of uni versal interest tho single fact to which its huge popularity can bo attributed Quo Vadis too a story that granted full credit for its frightfully vivid portrayal of a life of which wo know little verges on the melo dramatic gained its large hearing because it like the American book deals with the early dajs of Christianity Interesting it unques tionably is great it is not Janice Meredith When Knighthood was in Flower Mary John stones books in short many of tho popular books of tho last few j ears have belonged to the classdesignated historical If tho reading public of today wants historical novels let it read those that havo stood tho test of the jears Barnaby Rudge Tale of Two Cities Ivanhoe Rob Roy Les Miserable to take a few from a long list If the now books show fitness to live if they survive there is timo to read them A historical novol at best is unsatisfactory even harmful if it bo not written by a careful writer and student for from a book of this character tho reader is bound to gain impressions and fact and fiction necessarily so interwoven that one cannot know what to accept as the ono or to reject as the other It were better if we went to what were given us as history for facts and read fiction for other purposes than to obtain knowledge of the past Of Charlotte Brontos four books Jano Eyre is the greatest the one on which the authors fame chiefly depends a work so far superior to most of the novels of this day that one can not but believe that if its merits were called to the attention of tho reading public it would vie in popularity with such a book as Lady Roses Daughter the best selling book of tho jear a book that is now selling more than a jear after its publication at tho Tate of a thousand copies a day Lady Rosos Daughter just misses being agreatnoel The first two thirds of the story are wonderfullypowerful One believes as ho turns the pages that ho has found tho best fic tion of recent times The last third Is common place and disappointing Read it because it is worth reading but do not fail to read also Jane Eyre and then ay whether or not tho older book is not tho worthier of the two Brontes 3 other tales are of varjing degrees of merit Tho Professor the authors first book has fewer virtues than either of tho oth ers Yilette is pretty and artistic and Shirley is said to be the sweetest love story over writ ten Let the new be read if needs be but do not entirely neglect the old at least not the works of this woman whose books have become classics with which every well read person should bo familiar Hill May Change Plan Philadelphia Nov 21 President James J Hill of the Northern Securities company was in the city today and spent the greater part of the day in consulta tion with his attorney John J Johnson going over the details of the corpora tions appeal from the decision of the federal circuit court of appeals which is docketed to be heard before the United States supreme court In connection with Mr Hills visit the Philadelphia Record tomorrow will print the follow ing JFrom an authority close to Mr Hill it was learned that it had been decided to surrender every right granted under tho New Jersey corj ration law to the Northern Securities company excepting that of the purchasing such securities as the management may see fit to obtain from an investment viewpoint The right to vote the stock in the Great Northern Northern Pacific and Chicago Burlington Quincy railroads is to be renounced as is also the right of the securities concern to have any voice in the management of these rail roads The securities company is to declare before the federal supreme court that each of these big railroads is to be con i tinued under separate managements and that there is to beno community of in terests agreement between them in fact they are to be maintained as separ ate companies and each to have individ ual management and officers as before the merger under the securities com pany charter which was obtained in New Jersey in 1901 The meaning of this according to the attorneys for the securities company is that the judgment of the United States circuit court of appeals of April 30 declaring the merger void is honored by the company and that it merely de sires to have the supreme court pro nounce it a lawful corporation in which all the alleged connections with the United States trust laws have been re moved School DANBURY - J L Sims shipped 2 cars of hogs to Denver Bom last Sunday to Frank Lewis and wifo a boy Mrs Jacob Corb is quite sick also Mrs Anna Stilgcbouer Mr Dowd moved into tho house ho bought of Mrs Whittaker There were two suppers and a horse show in tho town hall last week Ben Murphy conducted a very successful shooting match Saturday John Ball commenced a 2 weeks job of thresh ing for W A Minniear today Thanksgiving entertainment Wednesday in tho intermediato All were invited Wmt Ford has tho contract for Schneiders butcher shop and has to completo it by Decem ber 15 A student preacher is to try his hand at tho Congregational church Sunday at 11 a mand 8 pm Win Snudon is desirous of closing out busi noss so wo aro told Ho wants to engage in tho hog business It does seem as though Voorhis Vnn Pelt could have been humbuged without going as far as Ft Collins But 5000 sheep waro shipped to this place Sunday to be fed by Ben Smiley and Ed Stilgebouor Two heads aro better than one Will Shockley moved today into tho property ho bought of C W Dow Ho wants the board of commissioners to appoint him Squire There was a Lord born in Dnnbury this morn ing since which ovent wo hoard that Harvo was selling stoves at 10 cents apiece or 3 for a quarter 2200 for lodgo dues 15000 for whis ksy beer cigars and tobacco and 30 cents for world wido evangelization is about tho size of it in Danbury And still tho world is getting better Where did it start from BANKSVILLE Mrs Lizzio Price is visiting her sister Mrs Charles Leo A Petersons children patronize the Banks ville school Tho weather is decidedly cool for the month of November A M Benjamin was a business visitor atllern don Kansas Wednesday J H Relph was at Banksville and farther west tacking up notices of his sale Miss Jessie Hartman is making her homo at her sisters Mrs B W Benjamin and attends tho Banksville school O C Lohr teacher of district 51 unfurls the U S flog to the gentle breeze to the admiration of tho pupils and parents of the district They are beyond cavil the Bachelor cigar And they now sell for 5c lgWlilllllljlilliiillj 6o different games all new one in each package of P3 a at your Grocers REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THC Citizens Bank of McCook of McCook Xobraska Charter No 276 Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at the close of business November 17 1005 RESOURCES Loans and discounts S173921 44 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 5S 44 Other real estate G7S1 09 Current expenses and taxes paid 1705 18 Due from national state and private banks and bankers34675 21 Checks and items of exchnge 22S1 1 0 Cash Bills 4213 00 Specie 4359 72 45499 25 Total 227965 38 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50000 00 Surplusfund 3000 00 Undivided profits 3493 90 Individual deposits subjectto check 76769 56 Demand certificates of de posit 36470 28 Time certificates of deposit 30867 00 Cashiers checks outstanding 9833 66 Due tp state and private banks and bankers 17530 9S 171471 48 Total 227965 38 State of Nebraska County of Bed Willow ss I A C Ebert cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is correct and a true copy of the report made to the state banking board A C Ebert Cashier Attest V Frajjkltx Director W B Wolfe Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of November 1903 H H Berrt rSeall Notary Public My commission expires October 8 1907 SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale ibsued out of the district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska under a decreo in an action wherein the Bristol Savings Bank of Bristol New Hampshire is plaintiff and Anitistia Holmes et al are defend ants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for casli at the front door of the court house in Mc Cook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 2Sth day of December 1903 at the hour of one oclock p m of said day tho following described real estate to wit Tho northwest quarter of section 27 in township 2 north in range 30 west of the 6th P M in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 2th day of November 1903 A C Crabtree Sheriff W S Morlan Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein C H Boyle is plaintiff and Margaret H Heado et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash at the east door of the courthouse in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on tho 2Sth day of December 1903 at tho hour of one oclock p m the following described- real estate to wit East half southeast quarter of section 23 and south half of the southwest quar ter of section 24 in township 1 range 30 in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 27th day of November 1903 A C Crabtree Sheriff C H Boyle Attorney Shoes Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets aro becoming a favorite for stomach troubles and constipation For sale by all druggists Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook - Nebraska Blue Front MHHH Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W II ACKERMAN Prop with determination you are going to bed with satisfaction providing you are determined to buy Liquid Koal for your hogs before they get the cholera This is tho time of year when they are full of worms as a result of feed ing new corn Cattle will soon begin to get Corn Stalk Disease and Li quid Koal will prevent all this It is the best worm destroyer known Read what others say One Hun dred Dollars to you if you find any of the testimonials we publish are not genuine December 1902 We the undersigned stock raisers and farmers gladly testify to tho merits of Li quid Koal manufactured by the National Medical Co of Sheldon Iowa and York Nebraska Wo have used this product with gratifjing success and advise all to give it a trial It should be on every farm in Ne braska Rufus Fearj Bee Neb J H Fearv Bee Neb Georgo Mills Bee Neb W Plughaupt Staplehurst Neb Chris Schaal Staplehurst Neb F C Mejer Staplehurst Neb Georgo Ringeberger Seward Nob J Ringeberger Sr Gorman town Neb PRICE OneQuartCan S100 OneGallon 3 00 Our Motto is Dont advertise if you cant make good For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb manufactured by NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska Oklahoma City O T at 1 - I yV Honest i TOO FULL FOR UTTERANCE THIS MORNING 3 Watch Our Ad Next IEHHBBlHDMMaMBBMBaMilMM y v CCf IitMmIjs COMMISSION COMPANY I WANTS I YOUR J -- e -1 l I Aio I WHCl ITS Ihl 1 CZ I Turkeys Ducks Geese J vJLi dill 11 I UllCKenS I phone 6 McCOOK neb I and Eggs I I J HIGHEST PRICES PAID J l II Mil IMIIM IIIW11IIM IIMIIM1I I I I II I I I Ml I MH M j Come in and talk with us II I j I 3jBSpBBWBy 3BBIBBMfc HcCOOK NEBRASKA KsIWmiMWa If Vnn Hnl TTn mmmmm 111 Lliil 10 y 1 11 111 J raSSIl 8 llllif JiiP8l MmmmWiWi WsiMWiW MkhIb imaTWyrt i Saw H S lt sSrS v ffiHRffiiK W WMB riii jt J J PI NH 5mbkB8kSw3k 3 3yEHraA B ABMaKA dwtBgSMsyiug ft JOSS B j K laEF -11 mWwMMMsmz mZBKMmwssmrSmm the JJLi JL b U J JL FOR 5ALE BY mm JLiJ J l D uu PIANOS AND ORGANS ON EASY TERHS Carry in stock the Famous Mathushek and Story Clark Pianos and the best makes of organs Also general line of music goods Come and see Get my prices and terms Model -- N f t ii K r t t Pm