The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 27, 1903, Image 2

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Says Wood Tried to Oust Hits Superior
Also Chargeo Him with Forcing
the Auditor of Cuba to Violate the
Rathbone formerly director of posts
In Cuba was given a hearing by the
senate committee on military affairs
which is investigating the charges
against General Wood In opposition
to his confirmation as major general
The committee was in session about
one hour Nearly the entire time was
given to Major Rathbone who reiter
ated the charges made several times
before the secretary of war the sen
ate committee on relations with Cuba
and in public statements following
his trial in connection with Cuban
postal frauds
Major Rathbone filed specific writV
ten charges with the committee stat
ing that General Wood while mili
tary governor of Cuba has accepted
money from the Jaialai which was he
said a gambling concern asserted
that he had made a personal friend and
boon companion of an ex convict He
also charged him with giving instruc
tions of an entirely unconstitutional
Knd un American character to the
1 With reference to the charge that
Governor General Wood had exceeded
his authority in giving instructions to
the court Major Rathbone said that
the general had pursued this course
In the Cuban postal cases when he
Rathbone was under prosecution
This was he said in violation of an
article of the ponal code of Cuba and
In a manner prejudicial to the rights
and interests of those under trial He
also charged General Wood with au
thorizing the use of ex parte deposi
tions in the postal case a proceeding
which he asserted is contrary to the
principles of law and in this case con
trary to instruction given by the sec
retary of war
Major Rathbone charged that in ac
cepting gifts from the organization
commonly known as Jaialai to which
Major Rathbone said General Wood
had granted a ten years exclusive
concession General Wood violated the
Foraker law which prohibited the
granting of franchises or concessions
during the occupancy of the island by
the American authorities He also
charged that the acceptance of these
gifts constitutes a violation of an ar
ticle of the penal code of Cuba
Salt Lake Man Executed at States
Prison for Murder
Mdrtensen the convicted murderer of
James R Hay was shot to death in
the yard of the state prison at 1031
Friday morning
Maintaining his innocence to the
last Mortensen walked to the chair
placed against the heavy stone wall of
the prison yard without weakening
and bid the guards and deputy sheriffs
good bye with no tremor in his voice
Mortensen was killed instantly four
bullets from the rifles of the executing
squad concealed behind a thick cur
tain in the door of the blacksmith
shop twelve yards distant piercing the
white targent pinned over his heart
Mortensen refused to see ministers
either of his own belief the Mormon
or of any other denomination and
also refused stimulants saying he
needed neither
Strong Guard Around Jail and No
Attempt Made at Rescue
scout Indian fighter and cattle detec
tive went smiling on Friday to the
gallows where he expiated the mur
der of Willie Nickell aged 14 who
iras shot and killed on July 18 1901
at Iron Mountain The trap dropped
at 11 OS Horns neck was broken and
Sixteen minutes later he was pro
nouncde dead by the physicians
With almost his last words spoken
to his Intimate friend Charles Irwin
a spectator at the execution Horn de
nied that he had confessed to the mur
dor for which he was to die He made
no speech on the gallows
Pittsburg Will Make Bid
PITTSBURG A meeting called by
Thomas K Ford chairman of the re
publican county committee to arrange
plans to secure the coming republican
national convention was held A
committee consisting of the mayors
of Pittsburg Alleghany and
port and the chairmen of the city
county and councilmanic committees
was appointed to make a canvass and
teport on facilities for taking care of
the convention
Recently Played Blindfold Twenty
two Simultaneous Games
Henry N Pillsbury the champion
chess player of America and tho
greatest blindfold player on rec
ord recently eclipsed all previous
records by playing blindfolded
twenty two games simultaneously
during which time he did not see any
pf the boards
In every instance tho moves of his
opponents were repeated to him and
he directed those of his own men re
lying solely upon his memory for the
positions of the pieces
This was the young champions
third match of tho kind in a week
and tho second in less than twenty
four hours
Cigars played an important part in
Plllsburys performance Puffing
away with a nervous eagerness that
in a few minutes reduced the weed to
an Jrfch butt he would draw a fresh
one from his pocket light it at the
old one and go on smoking and an
nouncing moves In this way he con
sumed at least a score of cigars be
foro the end of the contest
This expert of the ancient game
won the championship of his own
country not long ago and that of the
world is liow his goal which he Is in
fair way to achieve as a match is
now being arranged with Dr Lasker
the present worlds champion
Referred to the Foreign Relations
WASHINGTON The senate held
its longest sitting of the session Fri
day beginning at noon and concluding
at 315 p m The entire time was
consumed in debating a motion to re
fer the Cuban reciprocity bill to the
committee on foreign relations The
political line was sharply drawn in the
discussion the republicans advocating
such reference and the democrats
contending that the measure should go
to the committee on finance The
motion prevailed without discussion
The resolution served to bring out
some incidental references to the mer
its of the bill Mr Teller took occa
sion to correct published reports that
he has hope of defeating the bill or
that he intends unduly to obstruct its
Messrs Allison and Aldrich an
nounced their willingness to have the
bill go to the foreign relations com
mittee but they united in an expres
sion of opinion that such reference
should form no precedent for the ref
erence of revenue bills in the future
Mr Allison also denied that there was
any purpose of revising the traffic by
reciprocity treaties
When the senate met today the bijl
passed by the house yesterday to
carry into effect the Cuban reciprocity
treaty was received and laid before
the senate After the disposition of
the routine business the Cuban bill
was taken up and a debate ensued
on its reference to the committee
Mr Cullom stated that it had been
the custom to refer such bills to the
committee on foreign relations
Mr Bailey said he had no doubt the
statement was correct but declared
that the practice was wrong He said
it should be referred to the commit
tee on finances or relations with Cuba
Mr Tellers throught that the bill
should go to the committee on fi
nanc He announced his intention to
opose the bill but said he would not
carry his opposition to the extent of
seeking delay
Looking to Adjournment
WASHINGTON A suggestion has
been made which seems to meet gen
eral approval that the senate fix a
time for voting on the Cuban bill
about the middle of December in the
regular session and the extra session
adjourn sine die before Thanksgiving
No proposition has been made openly
in the senate but efforts are made to
bring about such an arrangement
Sympathy With Booth Tucker
LONDON The Metropolitan taber
nacle was crowded with members of
tho Salavation Army Tuesday night
at a service held to sympathize with
Commander Booth Tucker of the
American branch of the army in the
recent tragic death of his wife Com
mander Booth Tucker was present and
made an address and an address was
also delivered by General William
Booth head of the army throughout
the world
Party Lines Are Obliterated When 335
Members Vote for Measure Hep
burn Approves With Reluctance
He Says the United States Owes
Nothing to Cuba
WASHINGTON The house Thurs
day by a rising vote 335 to 21 passed
the bill to make effective the Cuban
reciprocity treaty The dissenting
votes were about equally divided be
tween republicans and democrats but
there was no record vote the minority
having too few votes to order the yeas
and nays The democrats under the
leadership of Mr Williams sought to
the last to secure amendments to the
bill in accordance with the action of
the caucus but were defeated stead
ily Mr Williams made the final ef
fort when he tried to have the bill
recomltted to the ways and means
committee with instructions to amend
but a point of order under the special
rule providing for a vote on the bill
without intervening motion was sus
Mr Cannon received the applause
of the democratic side when he enter
tained the appeal from his ruling
made bv Mr Williams the speaker
saying he preferred to err if he erred
at an in giving the house the right to
express its will The appeal was ta
bled by a strict party vote
The foliate begun Monday was
continued up to within a few minutes
of 4 oclock the time appointed tv
take a vote on the final passage of the
bill Mr Williams closed the debate
for his side and made an arraignment
of the republican policy of protection
Mr Call rep Mass made the clos
ing speech on the republican side
otners speaking on that side being Mr
Hepburn la and Mr Watson Ind
Mr Broussard dem La opposed
the bill and Mr DeArmond dem
Mo supported it The announce
ment of the passage of the bill caused
only a slight demonstration
Mr McClellan dem La opened
the debate when the house resumed
consideration of the Cuban bill today
He opposed the measure and said it
was not in line with democratic tariff
Mr Hepburn rep la followed
stating at the outset of his remarks
that he would vote for the bill but
with reluctance He said he was not
one of those who believed we owe
Cuua anything This country had
spent 500000000 or 400000000 and
sacrificed many lives that Cuba might
be relieved from oppression Mr Hep
burn said he believed in republican
reciprocity thte reciprocity of Mc
kinley In this connection he quoted
from the speech made by the late
president at Euffalo
The Canal Compact in Shape to Mean
WASHINGTON Secretary Hay and
M Phillippe Banau Varilla the min
ister from the Republic of Panama at
C40 oclock Wednesday evening
signed the treaty
providing for the construction of tho
Panama canal by the United States
The ceremony occurred in Secretary
Hays study The Panama minister
arrived at Mr Hays house promptly
at G oclock having made an appoint
ment for the conferences at that hour
He was surprised to find that the sec
retary had before him the treaty en
grossed in duplicate The secretary
informed M Bunau Varllla that he
was ready to sign the treaty The
minister read the document carefully
and then he and Secretary Hay at
tached their signatures to it
Hearty congratulations were ex
changed and it was agreed that the
news of the signing of the treaty
should be kept from the public for
the present President Roosevelt was
immediately advised of the signing of
the agreement and M Bunau Varllla
sent a confidential cablegram to his
government stating that the treaty
had been signed This evening the
minister refused to comment on the
ceremony The only official admis
sion that can be had is that the terms
of the treaty are practically settled
The treaty in its text cannot bo
made public at this time for two rea
sons First because of the unwrit
ten law which obliges the State de
partment to await the pleasure of the
senate in the matter of publicity and
second because the president has not
yet determined when the convention
shall be submitted to the senate for
His purpose is to withhold it until
there is reasonable assurance that its
confirmation will not obstruct any of
the legislation for which the present
special session of congress has been
called But certain facts have been
disclosed as to the provisions of the
treaty which make it appear that in
its general outlines the new
convention is patterned
upon the proposed Hay Herran treaty
with the exception that the new con
vention follows not only the spirit
but the letter of the Spooner act
Thus instead of the lease for a fixed
period of the canal strip this new
treaty provides for a perpetual lease
of the right-of-way to the United
States and instead of a complicated
provision for courts of mixed composi
tion half American and half Colom
bian to administer justice over the
canal strip the new treaty permits
the United States government to exer
cise the most complete jurisdiction
Husband-to-Be Borrows Her Money
and Then Skips Out
PITTSBURG Pa Mrs Lawrence
Stephenson of Beatrice Neb was to
I hnvp Jipfm mnrripr hprp Nnvfitnhpr 18
Thft lllmn hill TVflc nnccnrl hv tho I - -
house at 432 p m
of bo to 21
by a rising vote
Dietrich Fears to Have Summers
Trial Against Him
WASHINGTON Senator Dietrich
accompanied by Senator Hanna and
Editor Rosewater of the Omaha Bee
called on Attorney General Knox Tues
day and had a conference with him
regarding the case of District Attor
ney Summers and the charge of con
spiracy and bribery against the sen
ator in connection with the appoint
ment of Postmaster Fisher The sen
ator said he intended to go to Ne
braska to stand trial but felt his case
would be prejudiced if District Attor
ney Summers has charge of the pros
ecution As a result of the talk with
the attorney general the latter will
have a consultation with the president
about the question and it is probablo
that Mr Summers will be relieved and
that Assistant District Attorney Rush
of Nebraska or some attorney from
the department of justice at Washing
ton will be detailed to manage tha
Sues to Test the War Act
SAN FRANCISCO To thoroughly
test the constitutionality of the act of
congress entitled To provide ways
and means to meet war expenditures
and for other purposes approved
June 13 1898 the Western Sugar Re
fining company filed suit in the
United States circuit court on Tues
day against John C Lynch United
States collector of internal revenue
to recover 8400 with interest
Enemies Scare Depositors
READING Pa For some unex
pallned cause a run was started Tues
day on the Pennsylvania Trust com
pany especially in its savings depart
ment A continuous line of depositors
pressed forward and were rapidly paid
off President Brooke and several di
rectors endeavored to restore confi
dence among the deppsitors by assur
ing them that the institution was in
a sound financial condition A big
sum came from Philadelphia
Instead she was buncoed out of all
her available cash about 500 and
was left stranded by James Rodgers
Mrs Stephenson is about 50 years old
and has a son at ONeill Neb She
was left an estate by her husband
who died four years ago She was in
troduced to Mr Rodgers by a Mrs
Jones He was 48 handsome and an
alleged mine owner of California She
accompanied him to New Orleans
where he charmed her and she prom
ised to marry him He made a trip
to New York and wrote to her at
ONeill to meet him at Pittsburg
where ho had purchased mining ma
chinery He arrived a day late Yes
terday he told her he had to have
some ready cash to pay on some ma
chinery and she gave him her money
He disappeared Mrs Stephenson was
permitted to lodge with the matron
at Central police station as Detective
Ellmore to whom she told her story
was too diffident to advise her to pawn
her gold watch
In No Hurry to Give Recognition
HAVANA It has been decided by
the cabinet that no recognition will
be given by the Cuban government
to the new republic of Panama until
that republic has been recognized by
some of the other Latin American
To Investigate Humbert Affair
PARIS After an extended debate
the chamber of deputies adopted a
resolution of M Berry conservative
creating a committee to investigate
the alleged political conspiracy in con
nection with the Humbert affair
Former Congressman Free
son the Coffeyville Kansas attorney
who was taken in custody here for the
sheriff of Montgomery county Kansas
who sent information that Nelson was
wanted there on a charge of accessory
to murder was released on Friday on
a writ of habeas corpus The papers
from the governor of Kansas were
pronounced insufficient Nelson rep
resented a Tennessee district in con
Use for Coughs Colds Grip and
Latorrn A uongressmaii s l
Dont forget when you
order starch to get the
best Get DEFIANCE No
more yellow looking clothes
no more cracking or breaking It
You cannot get up an orchestra com
posed of people who blow their own
Happiness is never picked up on
the bargain counter
If so use Red Cross Bali Blue It will rruks
them white as snow 2 oz package 5 cents
He became the Man of Corrows for
the sorrows of men
A day without a good deed leaves
you in debt
Stops tne Cough and
Works Oft the Cokl
Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets Prce25c
The best men are always looking for
the best men
Send lor our 42nd Anniversary Hook on Pat
ents citatalnlnx nearly 100 lltuwraUons of mecaan
lcal movements end valuable law points for lnven
i tors and manufacturers aIo an Interesting Hit of
Invention FREE Dont watt write TO DAY
Patent Lawyers Washington D C
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
doesnt stick to the iron It gives satis
faction or you get your money back The
cost is 10 cents for 6 ounces of tne best
starch made Of other starches you get
but 12 ounces Now dont forget Its aj
your grocers
A liar needs no label
In every country of the civilized world
Sisters of Charity are known Not only
do they minister to the spiritual and intel
lectual needs of the charges committed to
their care but they also minister to their
bodily needs
With so many children to take care of
and to protect from climate and disease
these wise and prudent Sisters have found
Peruna a never failing safeguard
Dr Hartman receives many letters from
Catholic Sisters from all over the United
States A recommend recently received
from a Catholic institution in Detroit
Mich reads as follows
Dr S B Hartman Columbus Ohio
DearSIn The young girl who used
the Peruna was suffering from laryngi
tis and loss of voice The result of
the treatment was most satlstactory
She found great relief and after
further use of the medicine we hope
to be able to say she is entirely cured
Sisters of Charity
The young girl was under the care of
the Sisters of Chanty and used Peruna for
catarrh of -the throat with good results as
the above letter testifies
Send to the Peruna Medicine Co Co
lumbus Ohio for a free book written by
Dr Hartman
The following letter is from Congress
man Meekison of Napoleon Ohio
The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus O
Gentlemen I
haveused several
bof ties of Peruna
and feel greatly
benefited there
by from my ca
tarrh of the head
and feel encour
aged to believe
that itscontinued
use will fully
eradicate a dis
ease of thirty
9 David Meekison 9
years standing David Meekison
Dr Hartman one of the best known
physicians and surgeons in the United
States was the first man to formulate Pe
runa It was through his genius and per
severance that it was introduced to tl3
medical profession of this country
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr Hartman giving a
full statemeut of your case and he will bo
pleased to give you his valuable advica
Address Dr Hartman President of Tha
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
rcrty years ago and after many yeans
OT Use On tK CXtorn rnt TV
Waterproof Oiled Coats were introduced
fr ihy JJrrt n4 umm MJ J
the Dior2eri nnri rowSovi TKi l
nane has come into such general usethst
inj jitufciityr mougn wronruiiy applied
iu y if u VQnt ine Senuive
iwr uyeuignoT uveri3hand
the name Tower on the buttons
t MiMniniM4taAu
TostaaHiDiAMro mJbTMurA
win i
iSSRAW FURS wanted
f or iuuua obubbit naisa ypomnm Mmkrat Mink
Skunk IUccoon una other Hiaht canh nrlr ZT PJd
- mu u nu
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V N V Omaha
No 481903
uuitLj iintnc KLL Hot 1 A1LS
Best Cough Syrup TalI Vk
uuiu poig py arumtisti
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