The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1903, Image 3

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t f v
J hi
sBr7sv fjt
a jafm fam
Man or Brvddle can not get wet
For all kinds of work
Warranted Waterproof
iooi for tradc marK
If not at dealers wrtto
H Sawjtr Son SoIeHf n
Eatt Cambridge JSait
Much Consumption Among Negroes
Consumption occurred rarely if at
all am6ng negroes in slavery but
now after a little more than a quarter
of a century of freedom it causes more
deaths among them than all the other
contagious diseases combined The
negro rate from consumption s more
than three times that of the whites
Mrs WlnslowB soormnsr Syrup
For children teething softens the Rums reduces t
Cmnmlnn allay pain cures wind colic Sc a bottls
Dont treat your family like a lot
of paupers even if charity does begin
at home
The commuter who runs may read
if he succeeds in catching his train
Confidence is seldom lost but often
sadily misplaced
Everybody knows the great value of this
remedy in the household but everybody
docs not know that the imitations of it
which some second class druggists dishon
orably palm off on their customers havo
little or no value What should be under
stood by the public is that it is not a mere
question of comparative value between
Vaseline and the imitations but that the
imitations do not effect the wonderful heal
ing results of tho world renowned Vase
line and that they are not tho same thing
nor made in tho same way Besides this
many of the imitations are harmful irri
tant and not safe to use while true Vase
line is perfectly harmless
Perfect safety therefore lies in buying
only original bottles and other packages put
tip by the Chesebrough Manufacturing Co
Attention is called to their Capsicum Vase
line advertised in another column
A brave mans honor and a true
womans love have no decline on the
stock exchange of life
It isnt always the most paltable
medicine that cures the quickest
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c
cigar The highest price 5c cigar to the
dealer and tho highest quality for the
smoker Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Nervous prostration has a pretty
hard job when it tackles a man whose
wife supports the family
A paper dollar is said to last about
five years unless it visits a church
Distance prolongs the life of many
mother Grays Sweet owflers for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray nursa
in the Childrens Home in New York cure
Constipation Peverishness Bad Stomach
Teething Disorders move and regulate the
Bowels and Destrov Worms Over 30000 tes
timonials At all Druggists 25c Sample
FREE Address A S Olmsted LeBoyNY
A baby isnt necessarily afflicted
with jaundice because its a little
Dont make the mistake of giving a
man advice which doesnt confirm his
town opinion
Use Rod Cross Ball Blue and make them
rhito again Itro 2 oz package 5 cents
When the proverbial rainy day
icomes lots of men use borrowed urn-
Babies cry most when they realize
chat they look like some of their rela
Fire Fan faster
These were words of Nathan Mar
tin to his horse Fan He was urging
her forward over the freshly fallen
November snow In contrast with
the whiteness of the snow was the
Through the break in the firs at
the right could he seen a building
From its roof was rolling a cloud of
smoke It was not Nathan Martins
mill as owner but he had hired it
had put new machinery into it and
was expecting to run it The owner
was Mrs Paulina Gregory the widow
of Solomon Gregory
Oh Fan faster he yelled
Nobody in siglit and theres my
mill burning I can see the flames
all over the roof Nobody round and
its just a bonfire that nobody cares
about Nathan Martins hopes all
turning into ashes To morrows
Thanksgiving day Dont believe Ill
play my violin in the clioir Oh
Fan had now arrived at the mill
Nathan jumped out of his pung and
walked around the crimson smolder
ing heap He could not enter the
building for there was no building to
be entered
Luckily no corn had been stored
there and he had not brought any
account books as yet In anticipa
tion though of business coming
there was 100 worth of new machin
ery that Nathan had put in
He waited until the ashes sank low
er then he turned and this thought
was in his heart I wonder if it
wouldnt be a good plan to step up
and tell the bad news to the widow
Guess her seat will be empty too in
the meeting house to morrow
The Widow Gregory as it was the
day before Thanksgiving had gone to
her table and was making preparation
for the cooking of an extensive batch
of pies
She was a very good looking wom
an but her daughter Kittys good
looks threw her mothers quite into
the shade
Kitty Gregory has made this con
fesion to herself Poor fellow Hes
going to have a dreadfully lonely time
down in chat old mill He is too fine
a fellow to be shut up there If a
young woman had ever an idea of mar
rying anyone it would be safe to ac
cept him If that young man is really
going to that lonely old mill I won
der if I could do anything to cheer Jifm
T3he thought a moment then she
smiled then she burst out laughing
Ill do it she exclaimed Ill get
one of mothers mince pies and take
it down there to night Tuesday I
know how to get into the mill and Ill
leave the pie in what he calls his of
fice There wont that make him hap
py Ill get mother to let me have a
pie before it is baked and Ill mark a
K on the cover that will set himto
wondering there are lots of Kitties
in town
That evening a solitary figure stole
up to a little side door of the mill
Nathan had often said ho must have
Ill put the pie on the chair
a lock put on that door it had never
been done Kitty Gregory stole
through that unfastened door In one
hand was a very palatable mince pie
marked with candle and matches She
scratched her matches and lighted the
Ill drop these matches down that
crack in the floor said Kitty the
water must be running down below
there and the matches cant set the
water on fire The matches though
tell into a heap of refuse lumber that
had accumulated during recent repairs
beside the channel along which sped
the water to the sea
If Kitty had thrown her matches a
foot farther away they would have
fallen where she expected them to fall
Into a batch of cold smothering sea
Kitty though was not thinking of
anything under the mill floor but of
that nook up stairs that Nathan laugh
ingly had told her would be his office
He liasnt any desk in it thought
Kitty for he didnt want to run in
debt which mother thought showed a
very good quality in a young man but
he has one chair for he said he might
have a customer and he would like to
give him a seat and Ill put the pie in
the chair
She left her pie and went down
through the mill to the side door
Phew do I smell smoke thought
Kitty She finally decided it was noth
Next morning the fire in the rubbish
heap after smoldering all night broke
I am very sorry to be the bearer of
bad news
out into the most lively and fatal ac
And to think that the widow Greg
ory up to the middle of the forenoon
had not seen that fire from her window
by the cooking table But her mind
like that of any good worker was on
the work in hand not on scenery half
a mile away She was thinking of
that subject so absorbing to house
keepers the day before Thanksgiving
pie making She did finally glance
down the road leading to the mill
Why she said what makes it so
smoky down by the mill and who is
this man looks like a tramp coming
up to the door Kitty ran to the
window which was close by the out
side door
That old mill she exclaimed Oh
I dont think Id be willing to marry
the man that ran our mill she added
in her thoughts unless perhaps it
were Nathan Martin
Her sentence was interrupted by
tne opening of the outside door The
man that entered heard a cheerful
vigorous vioce saying Oh I dont
think Id be willing to marry the man
that ran our mill The man groaned
but said to himself I suppose I must
face the music
In the miserable tramp like being
that stood before them Kitty and her
mother saw Nathan Martin he was
opening a package
I am very very sorry Mrs Greg
ory and Kitty to be the bearer of bad
news Id have given anything if I
could have helped it but I did not
know anything about it till a boy came
and told me your mill was afire I
think I know how it started I found
neartthe door the fragment of a chair
that stood in which I called my
office I think a tramp got in there
stayed all night and started a fire
Here I think is a part of what he had
for breakfast Mrs Gregory I am
very sorry I dont suppose you will
feel like going to Thanksgiving tomor
row morning I dont
Why not Why shouldnt I go
asked Mrs Gregory I have some
thing left and havent you
Well said he I shall think it
over How much is left to me
Well leave it this way Nathan If
youll come along in your pung tomor
row morning I shall see you and you
let me and Kitty get in
Kitty Gregory was overwhelmed
with confusion and was unable to say
a word but she had been thinking at
express train speed
The moment Nathan had gone she
ran up to the package he had left and
began to examine it Oh mother
she exclaimed I must tell you Im
not going to keep anything from you
H 3g - wak at IXIflUffllllK I Oh mothers in homes that arc happy JJM ll
fP jigj 5H JRlIIHlIIIfll I And ihankfiKiving laden with cheer J l III A
MKf jf 4 Jrm J y r Where the children are dreaming already cJJ ll
JKm A yJvls Of the merriest day in the year iy ll
If A PCX SOt f ir 7 As you gather your darlings around you And thanking the love that has dowered you z -
M iCX Jt fr hW 0L l - Ihvl And tcl1 thcm tne story or old With all that is dearest and best
PV OCr CS Kemember the homes that are dreary Give freely that from your abundance TfSiS V
Mrs Rosa Adams niece of
ihe late General Roger Hanson
CSA wants every woman to
know of the wonders
plisfaed by Lydia E Pinkuam
Vegetable Compound
Dear Mns Pixkuam -I cannot
tell you with pen and ink what good
Lyciia E Pinkliams Vegetable
Compound did for me suffering from
the ills peculiar to the sex extreme
lassitude and that all gone feeling I
would rise from my bed in the morning
feeling more tired than when I went to
bed but before I used two bottles of
iLydia B Pinlchams Vegetal
Compound I began to feel the buoy
ancy of my younger days returning
became regular could do more work
and not feel tired than I had ever been
able to do before bo I continued to use
it until I was restored to perfect health
It is indeed a boon to sick women and
I heartily recommend it Yours very
truly Mrs Rosa Adams 819 12th St
LouisTillc Ky 6000 forfeit If original of
above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced
Dont hesitate to write to Mrs
Pinkham She will understand
your case perfectly and will treat
you with kindness Her advice
is free and the address is lynn
Mass No woman ever regrrctted
havinpr written her and she has
helped thousands
Is no hindrance to tbo
rider who wears
liV U1U UlilL uiu turn UUHHi uui iivno v mjr - iuu VJiX
UV u ll
-- p v
I thought it might please Nathan and
1 took up a pie to the mill that he
might have a pleasant surprise finding
it Now this will prove it What is
that letter on the pie
S said her mother
No said Kitty it is K You know
what K stands for I hope K is for
Kitty and it was dreadfully silly in
me said the girl whose sorrowful
eyes were like violets in the dew I
am afraid my matches dropped
through o crack where I thought they
would fall into the water must have
lighted on something else Oh I am
sorry mother You have lost your
But I havent lost you dear You
are left said the mother civing
Kitty a warm embrace I told Nathan
Martin to think of what was left and
Im going to do it
Poor Nathan Martin He went
down the road saying Mrs Gregory
told me to think of what I had left
Now she has Kitty But what did I
hear Kitty say when I opened the door
I wont marry the man it was
something like that that runs our
Looking out of the kitchen window a
little before meeting time Kittys
mother saw a horse and sleigh in the
yard The occupant of the sleigh had
left it Mrs Gregory could hear his
coming footstep She knew who it
was for she could see a violin box
projecting from the sleigh
I have called for you and Kitty
said Nathan If you say so well all
go to meeting I have been thinking
it over and I feel that there is much
Nathan said Kittys mother lay-
ing her hand on the young mans
shoulder there is much left Youve
got a friend in me Youve got a
friend in yourself Youve got a friend
in God
It was a wonderful service that day
sq Nathan Martin always thought The
service over the people separated to
their homes and their bountiful din
We want you io take dinner with
us Nathan said Mrs Gregory and
of course there could be no resistance
to that invitation
Kitty was busy with preparations
for the feast but she told Nathan she
wanted to see him in the fore room
just as soon as she had a spare mo
There in a frank and pitiful way
she held out the supposed tramps
breakfast and told Nathan she was the
Nathan wouldnt hear of it but
Kitty seemed to take satisfaction in
insisting upon her explanation and
then Nathans power as a comfortei
was called in play
I dont think you did it Kitty Im
afraid you dont have confidence in m
But I do said Kitty I think a
great deal of you
When Kitty opened such a door
what wonder that Nathan entered He
recalled what he heard her say the
day before and then Kitty had to con
fess what he did not hear her un-
You know 1 am your friend and you
have my blessing
spoken admission that he was the ex
ceptional miller
Where are those young people
wondered the Widow Gregory She
went to different rooms A knock at
the fore room doort was successful
Come fight in said Nathan We
want your blessing mother
What she asked wonderingly
You know I am your friend and you
have my blessing
Yes I knew I had the mother Now
I have thedaughter
Mrs Pare
wife of C
B Pare a
promiue n t
resid en t
of Glasgow
Ky says
I was suf
fering from
a compli
cation of
kidney trou
bles Be
sides a bad
Negro Inventors
Andrew Beard a
back I had a great deal of trouble
with the secretions which were ex
ceedingly variable sometimes exces
sive and at other times scanty The
color was high and passages were ac
companied with a scalding sensation
Doans Kidney Pills soon regulated
the kidney secretions making their
color normal and banished the inflam
mation which caused the scalding sen
sation I can rest well my back is
strong and sound and I feel much bet
ter in every way
For sale by all dealers price 50
cents per box Foster Milburn Co
Buffalo N Y
SARA W FURS wanted
For London January Sales Oixjiremn MnaVrat Mink
Skunk Hoccoon And other- Hluht cutli prices paid
Writo A llurkhardt iluln t 2nd Cincinnati O
ore Invited to nettle in tho Btate of Maryland where
they will find a delightful and healthy climate flrnt
claas markets for their productx and plenty of land
at reaannablo prices Map and descriptive pamph
lets will bo cent free on application to
Secy State Board of Immigration BALTIMORE MD
If afflicted with
coro oyei use
Thompsons Eye Water
Good Fortune
negro who has
worked in the machine shops of the
Louisville Nashville Railroad com
pany in Birmingham Ala for twenty
years has just sold a patent for a car
coupler of his own invention for 100
000 In addition he is to get a royalty
on every coupler made on his model
for seventeen years
The Use of Tobacco
One of the most difficult things in
the world is to get any authoritative
conclusion about the effects of using
tobacco Literature is filled with
peans in its praise and maledictions
in equal measure Some things how
ever we do not know about tobacco
It costs a vast sum of money is one
of the most important industries in
the world and an important source
of revenue to all nations Americans
consume 7000000000 cigars annually
and the yearly increase in the con
sumption is nearly 600000000 Smok
ers use 3000000000 cigarettes annu
ally and consume in other forms as
in snuff plug and smoking tobacco
315000000 pounds exclusive of the
tobacco exported and that used in
manufacture of cigars and cigarettes
The federal treasury receives 65000
000 annual revenue from the tobacco
tax the manufacturers alone pay in
dividends 10000000 and in wages
50000000 a year and the annual val
ue of the manufactured product in
this country is upward of 200000000
The Doctors Statement
St John Kan Nov 16 This town
has a genuine sensation in the case of
t little boy the son of Mr and Mrs
William McBride Dr Limes the at
tending physician says
Scarlet Fever of a very malignant
type brought this child very near to
death and when the fever left him he
was semi paralyzed in the right leg
and right arm He also lost hearing
in his right ear and his mind wa3
much affected
His parents tried another treat
ment for a time and when I was re
called I found that he was having
spells very like Epilepsy and was very
bad and gradually growing worse I
advised the use of Dodds Kidney Pills
and in a short time the cLild began to
improve Inside of a week the nerv
ous spasms or epileptic seizures
ceased altogether
Mr and Mrs McBride have made a
sworn statement of the facts and Dr
Jesse L Limes has added his sworn
statement saying that Dodds Kidney
Pills and nothing else cured the fits
The man who marries for money has
no kick coming If there isnt any love
In the home
Put your fln
ffcr on our
trade mark Tell your
dealer you want the best
starch your money can buy
Insist on having the best
It is 16 ounces for io cents
No premiums but one
pound of the very best
starch made We put all
our money in the starch
It needs no cooking
It is absolutely pure
It gives satisfaction or
money back
Omaha Neb
pjijitp j
m m
Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells
Its not sentiment its not the price that makes the
most intelligent and successful shot3 shoot Winchester
Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells Its the results they
give Its their entire reliability evenness of pattern and
uniform shooting Winchester Leader shellsload
ed with smokeless powder are the best loaded shells on
the market Winchester Repeater shells leaded vith
smokeless powder are cheap ixi price but not in quality
Try either of these brands and you will be well pleased
Be sure to get Winchester Factory Loaded shells
ZtCfi3 33S33
flijw mhuiujwiJVjuijwaii in ii mi 111 ii 1 1 M 1TT HT il wmr wt
629 kjw
The man whose wife makes it hot
for him never speaks of her as tho
sunshine of his existence
To Cure a Cotd in nc day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggistsrefund money if it fails to euro 25c
Lamb witn green peas suits Homo
men but the wall street broker pre
fers lamb with greenbacks
Try One Package
If Defiance Starch does not
please you return it to your dealer
If it does you get one third more for
the same money It will give you
satisfaction and will not stick to tho
The soul can be horribly cold blood
a lais mwwt9
a 1
i wmxmm i
has a feeling of confidence in
his cartridges They dont
misfire and always shoot where
you aim
Tell your dealer U M C
when he asks What kind
Ssnd for catalog
The Union Metallic Cartridge Co
Bridgeport Conn
on Jewelry and Watches sure yon ZT Send for
FREE Catalogue and ef cure a bargain for yotirclf
ind friends CARBON DIAHOHD COS5TacaeHY
Send for our 42nd Anniversary Book on Pat
ents containing nearly 100 Illustrations of median
leal movements and valuable law points for Inven
tors and manufacturers al o an interesting list of
Inventions FREE Dont -R-alt TO DAY
Patent Lawyers Washington D C
When Answering Advertlsemento
Kindly Mention This Paper
W N U Omaha No 471903