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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
w K A A I Sn J U r l w D h maurr JT TWENTY SECOND YEAR Charles L DGroff Passes Away After a long and painful illness dur ing which tinio ho underwent sevoril operations for his relief and succor nt dilferent times Charles L DeGrofT sen ior member of the Cash IJuigain Sroro of our city passed away iu a hospital at Philadelphia last Saturday night about nine oclock from internal hemorrhago following an operation The sad news arrived hero on Sunday afternoon by telegram from the bereaved and devoted wife who with tl9 family had accom panied him to Philadelphia from Nebras ka City recently The deceased was for years it leading merchant of our city comiug hero from Unadilla and going from this city to Ne braska City where for a few years ho was tho junior member of the wholesale grocer firm of Bradley DeGroli Co from which however ho was not long since compelled to retire by continued illhealtb For tho past year or two his has been a constant and ceaseless quest for health which wjis never to bo realized C L DeGroff was a businessman of tho first clnss and a gentleman of high order His sad and untimely death id sincere ly regretted by many McCook friends who entertain tenderist feelings and sentiments of sympathy for tho bereav ed heroic wife and five oung children At tho time of his death C L DeGroff was tho senior member of tho firm of C L DeGroff Co of our city one of tho heaviest merchandising establish ments in Southwestern Nebraska Tho funeral was held on Thursday interment being mado at Athens Penn Louis Sucss junior member of the firm departed for the easr on No G Sunday night to attend the funeral and pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of his late partner and ever true and trust ing friend The establishment in this city was closed all day Thursday in honor of tho deceased whojvas buried on that date - Theibllowipg paragraph is taken from tho -Nebraska City correspondence of tho Lincoln Journal of Monday C L DEGKOFF DEAD A telegram was received in this city last evening announcing the death of Charles L DeGroff in one of the hospi tals at Philadelphia Ta where he un derwent a surgical operation He was for many years a resident of this city and county having conducted a store at both Syracuse and Unadilla and was for years one of the firm of Bradley De Groff Co wholesale grocers of this city He has a store at McCook and has had for years Ho was a most suc cessful business man aud accumulated a fortune He had gone east for his health which has been poor for tho past four years Ho was fifty years of age and leaves a widow and three chil dren His remains will bo interred jn the family burying grounds in tho east His death is deeply deplored by all Creamery Ice Supply It is said that tho Burlington will build a new 1000 ton ice house at Ox ford from which to supply the demands of the Beatrice Creamery company of Lincoln The present ice house of the company at Oxford will also be enlarged The demands of the creamery and of the railroad company could not be met from the supply at that place during the sea son just ending and more room is de manded A new 1500 ton ice house is to be built at McCook or rather an extension holding that amount will be added to the 1300 ton house built at that place last year The present supply at that place js held in houses estimated to hold about 3300 tons Journal New England Dinner and Supper The ladies of the M E aid society will give a New England dinner and sup- t per in the Doyle building on Saturday November 7 1903 Following menu will be served MENU Ye Englishmans Favorite Ye Now England Brains Ye Murpbvs Delight Ye Staff of Life Ye Staff of Ye Indian Ye Cider Cured Cholera Conductor Ye Famous Festal FiRures Fried Yo Country Cousins Comfort Yo Yankees Mixture - r Ye Fruit of the Kine Yo Foreign Beans Boiled Ye Boston Overthrow Ye Condensed Lacteal Wanted Every person in McCook to call and see the Oxygenor a little instrument that causes the body to absorb oxygen and will assist Nature so rapidly as to cure disease quicker than any other method in the world Wo have hun dreds of references in Omaha Lincoln and Beatrice to prove our statements Call on C C Johnson state manager at Palmer house for one week Its All Over Now That is tho election is over for this year but the matter of good5 whole some juicy meats is still of first and vital importance to all It will incerest you to know that Marsh has been elect ed by an overwhelming majority to con tinue selling the best meats to the peo ple all the time Same old location same prompt service and courteous treat ment We Want Your Poultry i Highest prices paid for turkeys chick ens and goese Come in and talk with us Martin Phelps Gom Co One door south of Tribune F C corsets and corset waists are the proper and desirable kind Fully warranted and money refunded after 4 weeks actual wear if dissatified All styles and prices Sold only by the Thompson Dry Goods Co McMillens Cream Lotion lor hands and face dries perfectly and leaves the skin smooth and soft We have a line of gloves made ex pressly for handling sugar beets at the i Bee Hive Coal hods at 20c a piece at Colemans Damage Sale MOVEMENTS OF THE -PEOPLE - Don McCarty has returned from his trip to St Louis G L Laws of Lincoln was a city visi tor Monday night Joe Eller was down from Niwot Colo this week visiting relatives Mrs W II Browne and two boys will visit Cliff in Lincoln Sunday Mr and Mrs T J Churchwell have gone to Contral Point Oregon MbsC A Baldwin went up to Den ver on 13 Thursday on a short visit Mrs George D LeHew leaves in a few days to visit her parents in Pueblo S E Solomon was down from Cul bertson last Friday night on business John White was made a Mason Tuesday evening after which the breth ren feasted Mrs Samuel Rogers and the boys went up to Colorado today on a short visit to relatives J II Ludwick returned homo from Lincoln yesterday on No 1 feeling con siderably improved Miss Margarec Turley of Orleans has been the guest of her brother Will Turley this week t Oscar Surratt and Mrs Edith Bel ville of Oak Ranch Kansas were city visitors this week T L Matthews U S marshal for Nebraska was the guest of II H Berry and family Sunday Mrs A C Erert arrived home Sat urday from spending a few weeks in tho east visiting relatives James M Bradys family or part of the same is occupying the Croukhite residence for the winter Cash D Fuller postmaster at Wau neta was in the city Tuesday to hear what was doing iu election news Albert W Martin of the commis sion firm of Martin Phelps Co was down from Denver part of the week G G Williams postmaster at Cam bridge came up to the metropolis Tues day evening to hear the election news MrsJAGunn and Nell arrived from DesMoinesIowa Friday night last and have been the guests of Mrs WSPerry Mr and Mrs Alex Carmichael and infant daughter born here August 31st left for their home in Denver close of last week Miss Jessie Stewart has been visit ing her sister Mrs George Willetts this week on her way home to Colorado from a visit east Mr and Mrs Aibert Barnett were guests of Mr and Mrs H L Kennedy in Cambridge Sunday Mrs Kennedy is entertaining her mother and sister Dr A P Welles has commenced work on his new residence on the corner south of H P Suttons residence It is to be an office and residence combined Miss Margaret Evans went down to Beatrice last night on 14 to help the Sages prepare to move to Alliance to which station Agent Sage has been transferred from Beatrice Mr and Mts T H L Lee of Exeter and Mr and Mrs William Wilson of Le Claire Iowa who have been visiting the Hilemans departed on Thursday for California to remain during the winter Mrs L R Hileman was most agree ably surprised Wednesday evening by the arrival of her sister and niece Mrs J N Cox and daughter Leola of Exeter and her aunt Mrs Anna Lewenberg of Chicago v Miss Mamie Chandler of Grand Junction Iowa sister of Mrs Albert Barnett arrived in the city Monday and has entered the employ of the Bar nett Lumber Co as steuoprapher in the general office Congressman Norris departed on 12 Thurssday morning for Washington D G to get ready for the extra session of congress which opens on next Mon day November 9th Private Secretary Merwin will follow in about two weeks Mr and Mrs Knud Stangland and Mrs C A Dixon left on 13 Thursday for Denver where they will be located for a while Knud expects to prepare himself for businessin which he expects to embark as opportunity presents Heres hoping a large success may be his reward - Sad Death of Eva Inglls Death entered the home of Engineer and Mrs J G Inglis Monday unUcr circumstances uncommonly sad and pa thetic taking from them their younj daughter Eva and rendering a happy home desolate Eva was suffering with a sore throat and her mother gave her what she sup posed to be a dose of cough medicine Monday morning But it seems that Eva had poured the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid into the cough medicine bottle without the knowledge of her mother consequently the little girl who drank the medicine from the bottle took a swallow of carbolic acid before becom ing aware of the nature of the terrible drug Medical sympathy was at once sum moned and all possible was done to re lievo the little sufferer but without avail Eva dying at about half past seven oclock the same evening after linger ing in great agony The especially sad circumstances of the case have called forth from every tender heart in this entire community the deepest sympathy for themembers of the bereaved family more particular ly toward the loving mother whose bur den is an almost overwhelming one Sarah Evelyn Inglis was born February 4 1892 died November 2 1903 aged 11 years 8 months 28 days Funeral services were conducted by Rev C R Betts in the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 oclock many neighbors and friends attending In terment followed in Riverview cemetery We Want Your Poultry Highest prices paid for turkeyschick ens and geese Come in and talk with us Martin Ppelps Com Co One door south of Tribune ClEKKOFDrSTKICT COURT Robert W Devoo Rep W E McCluwj Dem G C Boatman Pop County Treasukek Ben G Gossard Rep Jno W Jones Dem E C McKay Pop County Ciehk EJ Wilcox Rep I A Sheridan Dem ErwinE Hopt Pop Sheriff A C Crabtree Rep C J Ryan Dem Alex Ellis Pop County Judge S L Green Rep Sidney Dodse Fus County Assessor F P Eno Rep William Sandon Dem JRNoel Pop County Commissioner Samuel Premer Rep Charles Masters Pop County Supt of Schools E S Dutcher Rep Flora B Quick Fus County Surveyor James Williams Rep CHMeeker Dem Audy Barber Pop Coroner A CHarlan Rep Jacob Steinmetz Dem W A DeMay Pop Bounties For Bounties Acainst Bounties Total vote of county 1936 JVX ioa5 r522 M22 3128 The Result of Tuesdays Election The results of the election Tuesday so far as Nebraska the 14th district and Eedwillow county are concerned are highly satisfactory to Republicans The state ticket won by 10000 plurality Judge Orr is 1000 ahead of his compet itor and the entire county ticket save County Supt Dutcher is elected by pluralities ranging from 30 to 875 The official vote of the county is given on this page in full It tells the story graphically and completely Were Wedded Last -Wednesday Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Mr Rufus B Carlton and Miss Edith S Oyster Wednesday evening October 28th 1903 at half past eight oclock at the home of Mr and Mrs Stephen D Bolles in Sacramento Cali fornia They will be at home after November 15th at 544 Turk street San Francisco California Congratulations and warmest well wishes The following account of the wedding is taken from the Sacramento Union Rufus B Carlton of San Francisco the popular clerk in the office of the General Superintendent of Motive Power of tho railroad companytcok as his wife yesterday Miss Edith S Oyster of Mc Cook Neb at the residence of her sis ter Mrs S D Bolles of Sacramento the ceremony being performed at 8 30 oclock The interior of the residence was beautifully decorated for the occa sion with ferns palms and bunches of artistically arranged white and yellow chrysanthemums and the bride carried a boquet of brides roses set in maiden hair fern The bride was dressed in cream colored brilliantine trimmed with butterfly medallion and silk flagotine After the ceremony the happy couple and their friends sat down to a bridal supper after which Mr and Mrs Carl ton left on their bridal tour On their return they will make their homo at 544 Turk street San Francisco McCook Laundry Prize Contest Miss Ona Hendricks telephone operator 531 Miss Nellie Smithbook keeper for Coleman 444 Miss Mamie Frank cashier B fc M Eating House 94 Miss S Erady clerk DoGrofFs store 64 Miss Joe Mullen cashier DeGroff s store 62 Miss Maud Best book keeper Barnett LCo 41 Miss Edna Yarser postoffice 32 Miss Maud Burpess clerk Grannis store 25 Miss Grace Putman 11 Miss Myrtlfl Myer 2 Miss Magffio Strefl 2 For particulars phone 35 Wanted A General Dealer To furnish sub agents with Oxygenor No experience needed and only a little money You can turn your money from 3 to 5 times a year at 25 per cent Call on C C Johnson state manager at Palmer House for one week An Izzer batt is er a sizzer I Any other kind is most likely a fizzer But the Izzer is a whizzer Full 12 oz for 10c Unrolls and unfolds almost like cloth Made for and sold exclusively by the Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only That Oneida Community ware the ware that wears with a 25 year guar antee You will find it at W T Cole mans Eight dozen wire calf muzzles at 25c apiece at Colemans Damage Sale -T Wft Official Vote of Red Willow County at Election Held November 3 1903 CANDIDATES FOK SUlUKiWK J UDUK John B Barnes Bop Jolm J Sullivan Fus Regents of University Charles S Allen Rep Win G Wliitmoro Rep Win Jones Fus Dr EOWeber Fun District Judge Robert C Orr Rep James L White Fus SfS1 9 O H 5 ffi J B H wulow H3 S5gtls25s3Sg33a Grovo S aS M3 z 5 ST SrggSgrr gg g gf ototWjMW CT - 1 o i i n a - 8 S o g 5 i o crO 120 rl 2124 212 1513 20 23 -4 14 13 8 13 8 863 84 81131 69 06 25 2 3023 94SO 10 9 4027 82 8 2312 2122 224 27 115235 S2 86 15 27 Gl81 2213 33 26 S3 77 46 35 I 5042 8777 45172 4314 4529 7n7i 239 46X X 6SG6 131 1019 1323 9 20 818 19 25 14 21 1118 19 aito 13 22 II 2 1822 1825 5 5 10 20 I IS IP 4 5 12 25 I 11 18 10 9 1022 2311110 42 22 ili7l r 141 ali 141 135 53 48 140 G7 122 9 86 142 14 09 177 17 21 125 59 31 40 144 27 41 144 52 91 120 128 15 29 151 35 25 123 40 132 117 40 JJ 126 50 91 10 89 124 11 59 151 15 21 109 33 26 140 38 128 21 33 124 43 102 81 120 30 34 130 30 23 47 83 66 2 181 81 122 69 3122 I 123 71 114 75 2922 24 23 124 71 36 IX t 95 61 8 7 67 36 12173 8 8 44 21 147 91 0 9 17 6 11170 46 25 16 9 139 S9 2315 123 li 28 122 38 99 60 116 32 IS 132 24 14 64 15 aii a a McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NSBRASKLA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 6 1903 1010 655 105 997 603 567 1039 740 994 178 751 1155 151 564 1267 172 393 909 420 503 1227 669 5581 1061 224 548 1151 386 873 972 968 303 5C6 10S7 263 45S 933 141 335 J51 394 299 243 391 374 406 513 563 97 462 629 The O O Ts Entertained The event of Halloween was the en tertainment by the young girls club of a score or more of their young gentle men friends in Castle Cronkhite It was an old fashioned affair The guests were welcomed at the door by members of the club in ghostly attire and silent ly conducted to the cloak room After which they were taken through a sub terranean passage down into the cellar Subdued lights of many jack o lanterns added to the spooky appearance of things the pumpkins being everywhere in evidence The boys were royally entertained by the club girls with old fashioned dances old fashioned games and a luncheon of marvelous particulars The party term inated at 12 oclock The boys are quite agreed that it was one of the finest so cial affairs in many moons and are vocal in their expressions of thanks and ap preciation The boys were invited to appear in Reubens richest raiment which they did m rare style The girls are to on the manner in be complimented up which the castle was arrayed for the occasion and the style in which the event was handled through out O W W T A Nice Bit of Enterprise The Model Shoe Store has just inaug urated a nice bit of enterprise in estab lishing shoe string slot machines of the latest pattern at various places in the city for the accommodation of the pub lic Already machines have been placed in the Commercial hotel Palmer house and in Zints barber shop and others will be located as the occasion offers They aro very convenient a nickel in the slot and you get a small package of shoe strings You Are Invited To come and see our display of pictures now on exhibition in our wall paper rooms We want you to see them whether you want to buy or not L W McConnell We Want Your Poultry Highest prices paid for turkeys chick ens and geese Come in and talk with us Martin Phelps Com Co One door south of Tribune Parties wishing to investigate the merits of the Oxygenor please write or call on Mrs I D Moore of this city She will explain to you the splendid re sults in using this instrument She is a daughter of Mr Bell of Crete who has sold a large number of these instruments For further information call on C C Johnson at Palmer house for one week For instance think of a 20 gasoline stove practically as good as new for only S12 You will find it at Colemans Damage Sale And there are others many of them Zibelines for jacket suits Zibelines for dresses Zibelines for outside wraps The right values and bright things in zibelines at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Read the particulars of Colemans Damage Sale to be found in this issue if you want to take advantage of the great bargains he offers in first quality goods but slightly damaged by water RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS F W Alters is a now wipor this week F W Jones voted at homo Treuton Claude Ward was an Oxford visitor Saturday G G Dyer has gone into tho store house employ J Sheeler is a new fireman on the switchengine Knud Stangland machinist resigned on Wednesday R S Langworthy machinist resign ed last Saturday Conductor A G Bump returnod to work Wednesday L E Confer has returned to his first love the paint gang Jacob Schlect is again wielding the broom in the round houso Brakeman and Mrs L M Best will visit Lincoln last of the week David Amen and Conrad Uhrich ma chinists helpers havo resigned Conductor E M Cox returned to duty this week after a weeks illness Engineers William Wood WR Gates and Roy Zint aro on tho sick list this week C E Hondrick is tho now night-caller succeeding R H Trowbridge re signed Dispatcher and Mrs Leroy Kloven were visitors of his family in Culbortson Sunday Brakeman W T Wilcott returned Thursday on 1 from his Elsio visit to relatives J C Greene machinist resigned once more last Saturday but Jack is like the cat Paul Zeiler of the paint gangresigned from the service Saturday Also John Heinbrigner Switchman and Mrs M G Stephen son aro spending a few days with St Joseph fiiends Conductor C W Bronson resumed his run on the main line out of McCook close of last week A new way car No 101 went into commission thig week with Conductor Bunting in charge Conductor George Willetts has been off duty part of the week on account of a severe sore throat Mra A S Moore wife of Yardmaster Moore of Holdrege was an Oxford visitor part of the week Tom OConnell was sick part of last week and Roy Rolfe filled his place g clerk for Foreman Chase F L Enlow succeeds C H Ziegler as cashier at the freight depot Ziegler is agent at Grover Colorado Frank Hubbard machinists helper resigned Monday while G R Gale en tered the service this week Conductor J F Utter made a run for Conductor F A Stark of the Oxford St Francis run last Saturday Ray Jones flue borer resigned this week and J H Edwards entered upon the work of that position Sunday Brakeman C E Lunberry of the Ox-ford-St Francis line has been promoted to extra conductor on that branch C L Dinnell J D Idleman W O Cannon and R S Nearhood are new helpers in the paint gang this week Frank Hannan came up from Ilave lock to vote and visit the homefolks He is employed in the Burlington shops there F M Fagan and G L Burney have traded places in tho train service Fagan going on freight and Burney to flagging All the engines at Denver not used on the main line are having their fireboxes changed to use the Northern Colorado or lignite coal Fireman W Hertz is visiting Trenton relatives this week and Fireman J Dickenson is with his parents in Red Cloud this week Conductor Eph Benjamin was called down to Lincoln last Sunday on griev ance committee business Conductor J F Utter had the 53 during his absence Goldie Kunkle is clerking in the master mechanics office now and F M Dickey of the storehouse force is clerk ing for C E Emerson king of the rip trackers Brakeman J A Roark bruised his fingers Saturday at Red Cloud while unloading freight and Brakeman Robert E Leo has been with Conductor J W Line since W D Capps of the water service is laid up with a badly sprained right arm received last week at Yuma in falling from a ladder while repairing the pump at that place The batteries have been moved into the new room formerly occupied by the voluntary relief department Tho old battery room will be used as a baggage and mail room Engine 3450 from the east compounds 366 367 36S and greyhound 3332 from the Wyoming division are among tho additions to the motive power of the Western division lately Engineer Barney Cavanaugh of the Holdrege Curtis run was taken ill last week and Engineer W W Archibald went down from here Wednesday to take his place on passenger during his sickness T O Robinson night agent departed on 2 Thursday morning for Norcatur Kansas where he will be assistant to Agent Bash for a while W J Logan express cashier succeeds him as night man George Bates becomes express cashier and Earl Calhoun becomes help er in the freight house in Bates place Reuben Trowbridge has retired from the service and will go ona farm near Wauneta Chase county Reuben form erly was a brakeman losing an arm at Benkelman in the early days but has been a caller of night train crews for years since It is the earnest hope of all the boy3 that prosperity and content ment and happiness may be hi3 farmer lot fc cy 3 NUMBER 23t MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell Kodaks and supplies at Cone Bros McMillens cough euro is fully guar- nnteed Try it Glass paints oils and wall paper at McMillens Wohnvo mittons for men as well a boys at tho Beo Hivo Duck and covort cloth coats all colors and kinds at tho Bee Hivo Baptist ladies home cooking exchange at John Grannis every Saturday We aro selling lots of fancy china The prices holp us at tho Beo Hive For Sale 15 brood sows soon to farrow P Walsh Scale books Typewriter papers Tug Tribune Try our vanilla extract McCONNKLL Presto only 10c a box at J A Wilcox Sc Sons Good time to mako kraut We haio the cabbage and tho cutters at tho Beo Hive Opera shawls and fascinators from 250 down to 25c at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos You will find overshoes selling just as low as they did when crops were poor at -the Beo IIivo See Colemans Damage Sale adver tisement for irresistible bargains and then go and profit by it Dress skirts to your measure our own make or from factory 2 to 9 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Notico McMillens display of fine lamps in the window Will bo illumi nated Saturday uight It One of the greatest sports on earth for young and old Kodakery Ask for catalogue at Cone Bros Furnished rooms for rent Inquire of Mrs F B Nichols second residence east of DeGroffs store For the finest stationery choicest perfumes and best toilet articles of all kinds you should go to Cone Bros A full lino of Dill and all kinds of pickles at lowest prices at J A Wilcox Sons Tho largest line of steel ranges Read what James Cains in citv and at the lowest prices at W T Colemans tho Kodakerymeans photography with the bother left out You may find a catalogue and get information at Cono Bros W W McMillen harness maker has just received a large shipment of wagons and buggies Learn his prices before buying Dont let them fool you No other store youll find will sell you such good values in ware of every kind as at WT Colemans Handsome line of dressing sacques in eider down from 65c to 250 at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos One price plain figures cash only If you have the blues you liver 13 probably out of order Take a dose of McConnells health granules and tho world will look easy again Johnnie said to Pa in advertisement elsewhere in this issue It will interest and bene fit you Do not overlook it The Phelps Martin Commission Coare preparing winter quarters by partition ing off an office in the front end of their store room in the Stern building Handwear for men women boys and girls in every sort and price from 10c to 150 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Mens silk lined Mocha gove3 for 1 When your physician writes a pre scription he expects certain definite re suits If we fill it these results are cer tain McConnell Druggist Fine line of wagons and buggies just received by W W McMillen tho har ness maker His prices are as attractive as his stock Get them before buying Mens suits from 350 to 81350 Mens heavy weight all wool pants 2 Corduroy 2 Boys corduroy kneo pants 50c The Thompson Dry Goods Co Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food adds no burden but sustains nourishes invigor ates 9 11 tf The price W T Coleman is selling buggies surreys road wagons spring wagons etc for at his damage sale is making the fellows sick who bought their vehicles of the peddlers Bed comforts 6 feet wide by 7 feet long containing 14 yards of cloth with 6 Izzer batts inside well tacked and hemmed for 165 are made and sold by the Thompson Dry Goods Co Others to 250 At the beginning of the cough season it would be well for you to bear Mc Connells Balsam in mind It is a cough cure that cost you nothing if it fails to give satisfaction McConnell Druggist A moments perusal of any standard fashion periodical will convince tho in telligent shopper that the loose back cloak is not regarded as in it at all On the contrary the fitting back garment is given all the attention and sells to all well posted purchasers The right kinds are shown and sold by the Thomp son Dry Goods Cos -4 t Hi Of i l