The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1903, Image 3
if V 14 h - Vt i I V 15 J o 7 t Than is Claimed for it TO r Cftcimftut moe tM I UeCrtil Onyfi UB Mrffi romC H fKtg Urn tot ftrtl dncttta J il H i 4j A PROMINENT CHURCH WORKER SAYS SHE OWES HER LIFE TO PERUNA S Mrs Ilattie La Fountain Treas Protected Home Circle and Catholic 5 Ladies of Ohio writes from Calion O as follows 5 After my first child was born I suffered for several months with s S bearing down pains accompanied by dreadful headaches I was afraid c my health was ruined for life and felt very downcast about it One daygi 5 when a friend was visiting me she told me of Peruna and what it haw done for her when she suffered with irregular menstruation Aly husband i procured a bottle the same evening and I began to take it daily according to directions Before the first botte was used I was entirely well a I you certainly have one grateful womans blessing I have also advised S my friends to use it 5 I MRS HATTIB LA FOUNTAIN j Secretary Womans State Federa tion Says Does More Mrs Julia M Brown Secretary of the Womans State Federation of California writes from 131 Fifth St Los Angeles CaL as follows I have never known of any patent med icine which did what it professed to do ex cept Peruna This remedy does much more than it claims and -while I have never ad vocated any medicine I feel that it is but VOLUME 77 KO CJ CI 1ft A TEJL3 3a3 SHOES Be You can save from 3 to 5 yearly by crearin W L Douglas 350 or 3 shoes They equal those that have boon cost ing you from S400 to S500 j ho im mense sale of V L Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all other makes Sold by retail shoe dealers everywhere Look for nauio and price on bottom That Conilas uses Cor ona Colt proves there is value In Doaslas shoes Corona Is the Iilzhpst grade PatLeathormade Font Color Eurlrts utrti I HTtvyhX A4Z8Q 9S5kf7l8i Our S4 Oilt Edot Line rnnnot be equalled at ant price Shoes br mall 25 epniK rxtrx Tllnstnlod Catalog free Vi L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass A Eifc vv N FAR MERS2 -T We make sll kinds of tank Red Cypress or White Pine Write us tor prices and cava middle mans profit WOODEN PACKAGE MFG CO OMAHA NEBRASKA j3sj justice to speak a good for it because I have found it to be such a rare exception I have known several women who were little better than physical wrecks mothers who dragged out a miserable painful exist ence but were made well and strong through the use of Peruna I have known of cases of chronic catarrh which were cured in a short time when a dozen different remedies had been experimented with and without good results I use it myself when I feel nervous and worn out and I have always found that the results were most satisfac factory JULIA M BROWN d Cant INlk tfr Mm New Subscription Offer The New Subscriber who cuts out and sends Ibis slip or the name of his Paper al once with 175 will receive All the issues c The Companion for The remaining weeks o 1903 FTfjfelGTSj e Double Nurcbers lor Thanksgiving Christmas and New Years AUJWay Tlc Yqjjj Companion Springtime Calendar for 1904 lithographed - in twelve colors and gold Then the iifty two issues o The Companion for 1904 a library of the best reading for every member of the family H301 Illustrated Announcement and Sample Copies of the Taper Free THE YOUTHS COMPANION BOSTON MASS porter j ftvrM iipjt mlc at fnne pvfutrwe Imnrftei ft tint W 1 cttA s tbute prvny Zxr ttel net wonriiiac4 famjwJ Abd to r A toC iwn ntvUnUd tMdm oC rcenga Uw jvene rnilvra brctvd ftS tbs prrtti M tonUKi U a raytet of m fccsed iyi frMtkm nrowj tnry X www Jut wUwi Itt north cf Tii Cnr etert the tvon reran rf U OWo buks a the JnwJW ria hjr v tk ot 13 to fc Vw ili twtjtVcs whUt fticft enft crrd ind mi 2atbi IVtfIHIJ T tffiMS loSjWjVC M mm nr i I yJSkJyC Lr EXCELSIOR BMW Ms Pommel lickers Eccp yon dry in weiics vrcather Excelsior Brand Oiled Clothlnc have been famous as tlio best for CO jcars aib ua me pmune Iaok for trade mart it not at dealers write H J SairYER SOX Sole JUn Ft Cimbridpr Xui t3 n3 Ra b Good for Bad Teeth 2Tot Bad for Good Teeth Give3 tho Teeth a Pearly Lustro - - U Oman NEW TOP Best Cough Syrup Tastet Good TJre t n time boia Dy arneclsts 3BEswaaBscix a ie No 44 1903 tUKKS WHt Hh 11 EIKF CeilQ HER GREAT FORTUNE A Woman Saved From Life Long Misery and Made Happy and Useful A woman confined to the house for sev eral years with a chronic female derange ment had finally given up hope of being cured She had tried physician after physician and remedy alter remedy without any per manent improvement Her treatment had cost her husband who was a poor man hundreds of dollars They had been obliged to deny themselves many comforts of life irf order to get money enough to pay the physicians The woman had become weak nervous and wretched and scarcely able to keep out of her bed Her children were grow ing up neglected and ragged because of the want of a mothers care Her husband vas fcrcrg diccouraged and broken down with oCxrwcrk Picking up the paper one day she hap pened to read an item which contained the news that Dr Hartman would tieat such cases free of charge by letter She imme diately wrcte the doctor describing her case and giving him all her smptcrrs She soon leceived a letter telling her ex actly what to do and what medicines and appliances to get She legan the treat ment the principle remedy Leing Peruna at once and in a few weeks the was well and strong again able to do her own work This offer of free home treatment to wom en is still open to all who may need the serv ices of this eminent physician All letters applying for treatment will be promptly answered and be held strictly confidential Miss Annie Hoban Pott Pocahontas of Yemasscc Council of Red Men Womens Branch writes from 872 Eighth Ave New York Three months ago I was troubled with backache and a troublesome heaviness about the stomach Sleep brought me no rest for it was a restless sleep The doctor said my nervous system was out of order but his pre scriptions didnt seem to relieve me I was told that Peruna was good for building up the nervous system After using it for two months I know now that it is 1 want to say that it made a new woman of me The tor turing symptoms have all disappeared and I feel myself again Perun Jid me more good than all the other medicines I have taken ANNIE HOBAN Miss Mamie Powell Lake Charles Lou isiana writes I sincerely believe that Peruna is wom ans best friend for it has certainly been that to me I had had headaches backaches and other aches every month ior along time but shortly after I began taking Peruna this was a thingof the past and I have good reason to begratcful I take abottle every springaad fall now and that keeps myhealth perfect and I certainly am more robust now than I have been before and am weighing more I do not think anyone will be disappointed in the results obtained from the use of Pe runa MISS MAMIE POWELL If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of Th9 Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O DECEMJEa 17 10C3 e cis a corr imfrtd U I fft krtl fautarnm I UiSy jog wM 1 ur of ipdown I Jimmy iL1 flfc Ml ant ma SUOnf in tta jj7thtaft B I fan to X an Mm win tvoacr aiiiiiiJt jnftfcOU I vcid ol liftVii I wiQ fjt fc jtwr mkv USjf UtarMthrr -An IwU Itfllf 1 notlOT bas trrsed KtDukyntobokftriffkimlaow Uilty Cgtas kU 4her txmCtm tat b gamlS be hu uci a qolck temper Lrwti rait Uka hia chaaoo vjtti tt Oars m UarkAtnUnits Usrtn ttw li fc vranld uy h JM ont If utvtUna nSa3 La mi Mffijja locei foSttf bmksIic VQat twrt Utrlen oufoulf And to Un not Bodool f Jct MnCy bU nj UU Uta t m detf Origin of the Hansom The hansom was the Invention of Joseph Hansom the architect of the Birmingham town hall But the two wheeled cab he patented in 1834 little resembles the vehicle which now bears his name It had a square sedan-chair-shaped body hung between two wheels nearly eight feet high Thedrivers seat was in front as also was the door the fare entered the cab between the wheel and the shaft The modern hansom was adapted from this original by Messrs Gillet Chapman It is a peculiarly English vehicle and no foreign nation has ever compassed the dogged courage of the Briton who san sit calmly in side it Why it Is tho 3est Is because mado by an entirely differon process Defiance Starch is unlike any other better and one third more for 10 cents Its a bad arithmetic teacher who doesnt set her pupils a good example PJTQ permanently cnreG txo Sts or nerronsness at B I 5 H first dayo use of Dr Kimes Grent Nerre Restorer- Send for FREB S300 trial Dottle and tratife DO K H kiaK Ltd SCI Arch Street Philadeluliia Some women show the best when engaged in a banter with men More Flexible and Lasting vront shake out or blow out by using Defiance Starch you obtain better results than possibles with any other brand and one third moro for same money The be a prayer of the publican would boast on the lips of the Pharlae 1 V KX X General Nebraska News I THE STATE AT LARGE The St Paul Milling companys plant at St Paul has been sold to IV F Nieman and J E Jenkins of Schuyler who will take possession immediately They expect to make some extensive improvements and will probably start the mill about Novem ber v The electric railway which is being built between Dakota City and South Sioux City by Captain Talbot is pro pressing rapidly About three miles are graded and two miles of rails and ties are down It is expected to be completed to Dakota City by Novem ber 15 Fred L Dollard a 10-year-old con vict in the state penitentiary died of lockjaw caused by a badly bruised finger In his death agony Dollard disclosed his true name he having previously been known as Fred C Lee His parents are respectable people of Carbondale 111 Edward Long the boy who was shot by Joseph Wall a neighbor boy was buried in the Cathelic cemetery at Albion The coroners jury returned a verdict that tlio shooting was done carelessly but without malice It also protested against the practice of young bovs carrying and using fire arms with consent of parerts A message from Murray to the po lice officer of Plattsmouth conveys the news of the shooting there of Mrs William Brantner and the hired girl by William Brantner Oc bullet passed through a hand and one through a leg of his wife and uie through the arm of the hired girl The wounds are not considered dangerous Joseph Heytmanek died very sud denly at his home in Dodge He had been down own and come home a short time before dinner going up stairs to lie down and rest When his vife called him there was no an swer and on going into his room she found him dead He was a Bohemian and about 50 years old His wife and four children survive Superintendent Fowler has received from the printer his pamphlets on the consolidation of school districts the centralization of rural schools and the transportation of pupils at public ex pense The pamphlet contains reports from the counties of the state where the consolidation idea has been tried and the reports of trials in other states Mr Fowler is a strong advo cate of the idea The forty seventh annual meeting of the Nebraska Congregational as sociation closed at Geneva after a three days session Distinguished visitors from abroad who delivered addresses were Secretaries W A Rice of New York Theodore Clifton of Chi cago Miss M D Moffet of Chicago and President Eradley of Iowa col lege In addition to these leading ministers and laymen of the state made addresses The state board of equalization met in Lincoln and listened to the argu ments of Tax Commissioner Fleming of Omaha and others who contended that corporations should be assessed upon their gross earnings Tiie board decided that it was not a board at present and could not give any deci sion as to this or any other question which has been or is to be raised prior to the time of organization on December 15 The residence of Frank Campbell at Tekamah was destroyed by fire and his child was burned to death The mother went to a neigh bors for water a few minutes before the fire broke out leaving the babv alone in the house In Pawnee City occurred the fine hog sale of John Blain one of Ne braskas foremost breeders The sale consisted of fifty head of hogs grade and thoroughbred Poland China pigs which averaged 4490 each or a to tal of 2245 This breaks all pre vious state records for high sales Many buyers from abroad attended the sale State Oil Inspector Ed Church of Lincoln and Deputy Inspector Barns of Scribner were in Fremont and test ed a carload shipment of oil in barrels sent from St Paul and received there for distribution to about fifty towns of the state The oil is supposed to be on the market in competition -with the product of the Standard Oil com pany and is of a little better quality than most o what that concern sells in Nebraska Children are not proper persons to sign a petition or remonstrance against saloon licenses although they may have estates or inheritance in land in the precinct in which it is de sired to locate the saloon That is case of Thompson against Eagan from Cedar county Governor Mickey left for Fort Riley accompanied by Commandant Chase of the university While attending the encampment Governor Mickey will rank as a brigadier general NEBRASKAS SOD SCHOOLS VINEGAR MUST BE PURE v 2HWHHHH Many Have Been Replaced with More Pretentious Buildings The rapid decrease In the number of sod school houses is one of the ev dences of the advancement in material growth of the public schools of Ne braska The number of school dis tricts In the state last year vaa CGGC Of 4he 0813 school houses then in ex istence 5 900 were frame iil brick 2G stone 121 log thiea iron and 4CG sod Tho change- in number wil rot bo known until all the counties file re ports with the state superintendent Eighteen counties had one or more log rchocls end 37 counties had one o more sod schools While many people living in the state have never seen a sad house of any kind the western part of the state particularly in the grazing re gion is dotted with school houses mado of sod Tho fine school build ings in towns of one thousand or more inhabitants usually attract tho favorable attention of visiters to the state The tourist rarely finds the in ferior districts where the sod houso still reigns supreme Out of GS13 school buildings in the state last year 43G were of sod The reports that have thus far reached State Superin tendent Fowlers office indicate a de crease of at least 100 in this number Custer county partly a grazing and partly an agricultural region com prising territory as large as four ordi nary counties and containing 250 school districts still leads the list in the number of soddies Last year It hadd 99 this year it has only 73 Mc Pherson purelva grazing region had a total of six school houses last year and they were all of the sod variet1 It has the same number this year Deputy Food Commissioner Thompson Sends Out Warning LINCOLN To the Wholesalers and Retailers of Vinegar in the State of Nebiaska In view of the fact that the vinegar question of this state Is in such a deplorable condition that there are no rules by which the manu facturers and wholesalers have been labeling their goods and no conscien tious scruples in a great many cases for what we have been selling them ior the fact has presented itself to this department that something must be done to check the growing evil of selling these goods for what they arc not and the misbranding of the same So we wish to say that from this time on the law must be strictly ad hered to Any vinegar found in tho state after November 15 that does not come up to the requirements of tho law will be turned down and tha wholesaler if a resident of this state will be prosecuted and if the whole saler or shipper is not a resident of tho state the retailer will be prosecuted We wish to state further that sim ply because some one has guaranteed the vinegars to be up to the standard will not exempt any one from prosecu tion The department Kindly asks the state press to copy the facts herein so that the dealers in vinegars may be informed Any one desiring the vinegar laws may receive the same upon request to the state food commissioner Lincoln Neb W F THOMPSON Deputy Food Commissioner Boy Dragged to Death CREIGHTON The 9-year-old bey of Leslie Letty Fred Letty of this place was killed while herding cattle on the farm of Charles Iauch seven miles northwest of here being kicked or dragged to death by his horse Nebraska Trocps for Manila FORT CROOK Two battalions cl the Twenty second infantry composed of Companies E F G li K L and M Colonel Henry Wygant command ing left for Manila Sentence is Reduced LINCOLN The supreme court re duced the sentence of William H Pal mer from seven years in the peniten tiary to two years Palmer was con victed of stealing a stray steer Nabbed at Kansas City DeForest Hart a book agent who left Beatrice several months ago after trouble with business men is under arrest in Kansas Citv Smokeless Powder Burns Gun NEBRASKA CITY John Durham and a companion were out hunting seven miles northwest of the city Durham was carrying an old what the supreme court says in the loading gun and running out of black powder borrowed some smokeless powder from his companion The first charge exploded the gun and came near killing both himself and his companion Durham had a thumb blown off and his right arm was bad ly burned tnB MMMWH Gr Hiram Maxlrs nelcscc On April 2G 1800 a Malno news paper contained thcr IoIIcviiik legal notlco FrcoJora NoLco voiualo consideration I have UilaJ da relinquished to my sen Hlr3i S Haxwcll his tlmo during hli minor ity I shall claim nono of his earn Kg3 or pay any debts of lihl contract ing after thiq date Isaac Maxim Witness D D Flyut Abbot April 13 18G9 The lad who waa given Jii3 HLyrty is now Sir Hiram Maxim of London England the Jnventcr oi tho rapiJ Cro guns and ar3hipa i MIM J M1 4rMiflll HARD TO BEAR J W Wailo Super intendent of Streeta of Lebanon Ky living on East Main street in that city says With ray nightly rest broken owing to irregularities of the kidneys suffering intensely from severe pains in the small of my back and through the kidneys and annoyed by painful passages of abnormal sccretionn II to was anything but pleasant for me No amount of doctoring relieved U1I3 con dition and for the reason tuat nothing seemed to give me even temporary re lief I became about discouraged Ono day I noticed in tho newspapers tho case of a man who was afflicted aa J was and wan cured by the use of Doans Kidney Pills His words of praise for this remedy were so sincere that on the strength of his statement I went to the Hugh Murrey Drug Co8 store and get a box I found that tbo medicine wa3 exactly as powerful a kidney remedy as represented I ex perienced quick and lasting relief Doans Kidney Pills will prove a bless ing to all sufferers from kidney disor ders who will gho them a fair trial A FREE TRIAL of this great kid- ney medicine which cured Mr Walls will be mailed to any pert of tho United States on application Address Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For1 sale by all druggists price 50 cento per bo An extravagant woman gooa shop ping on the Highways anu uuywas headed Invlst oi 1 1 IiiT a Sorrf grocer say tin d nt Icccp De fiance Starch bcexjr e tliov Livp t stock in hant of 12 z brands willed tlioy know cannot be sob to t ci toiir who las mice nsoil the I uz pk Dullnnco Starch for tle sjiiio money Many men boast of their honesty but only women return borrowed u um brellas AII UJUSKKKKVFna Uho Red Crosa Bull IJlnc It makos clothes clean and swest as when now All grocow The man who fiequently makos bad breaks may be a good Lrakcman The Kaisers Artistic Taste The refusal of the German National Gallery to purchase Professor Kanipfs The Sisters which was the picluro of the season still exciter German con noisseurs The cause of the refif3a is the kaiser and the often expressed1 belief that art should express only that which is cheerful and pleasanf According to the jommonly acceptco story during the exhibition Le kaisci was being piloted around by Professor Kampf himself When he reached the picture his majesty wanted to know who had painted those two miserable little girls Kampf admitted he had done it The kaiser made no comment but notice of the refusal of the gallery to buy the picture followed a Cow days later New Yorks Gea Cow New York may be a bit shy on tho bones of extinct animals but sho boasts of a fine collection of living monsters that are very rare Thero 13 now on exhibition in the aquarium a sea cow weighing S00 pounds It was caught a week ago last Tuesday in tho Indian river about four milea from Rcseland Fla The sea cow has the general appearance of a seal except that it has a beavers tail is minus hmd legs and has a perfect cows mouth It is found along the Atlantic coast of North Central and South America and goese up the Ama zon to the border of Peru It gener ally lives in the lower parts ot rv ers and brackish lagoons BUSY DCCT03 Sometimes Overlooks a Point The physician is such a busy man that he sometimes overlooks a valu able point to which his attention may be called by an intelligent patient who is a thinker About a year ago my attention was called to Grape Nuts by one ot my patients says a physician of Cin cinnati At the time my own health wao bad and I was pretty well rundown but I saw in a minute- that the theo ries behind Grape Nuts were perfect and if the food was all that waa claimed for it it was a perfect food so I commenced to use Grape Nuts with warm mill twice a day and in it short time began to improve in every wayj and now J am much stronger feel 50 better and weigh more than I ever did in my life I know that all cf this good Is duo to Grape Nuts and I am firmly con vinced that the claims made for tha food are true I have recommended and stiil recommend the food to a great many of my patients with spler did results and in some cases the im provement of patients on this Unci food has been wonderful As a brain and nerve food in fact as a general food Grape Nuts standa alone Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Look in each package for a copy of the famous little Look Tho Road toWellville I X h VI va r I M jl