The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1903, Image 6
McCook Tribune SHERMAN STATU F M KIM WELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA At least a basband Is a comparative ly harmless hobby Tho most striking thing about Kip yings new batch of poetry Is the apos trophe The -year 1903 isnt necessarily un lucky because the digits when auded mako 13 The American outfit that drove Yellow Jack out of Cuba ought to be shipped to Mexico Wagners widow ought to sue tnt European concert next The music sounds very Wagnerian More embarrassment A prominent society lady of New York has gone into the hands of a receiver Cottages in the Adirondacks with all the thrills thrown in should sell at Dargain rates just at present When a man sees a woman fondling a pet dog he thinks he Is a regular Solomon for remaining a bachelor Con Coughlln ought not to go hunt ing such big game as Bob Fitzsim mons even if this is the open season The czar is reported to be sleeping in the safe again This must be the oron season for czars over in Rus sia A New York salesgirl has married a count thus proving that truth is no stranger than Laura Jean Libby fic tion Women never boast of being self made for after hearing a self made man tell about it they would be ashamed to In the case ol Lou Dillon it appears to be merely a question of how fast the wind shield can be carried along in front of her Mrs Hetty Green is in Newport She evidently loves to see other folks spend money even if she abhors spending it herself Lovers who cant stir up a quarrel about every so often do not know what true happiness is for they never have anything to make up Shamrock I is to be used by a Brooklyn firm for transporting scrap metal This is even worse than hitching the once great trotter to a plow It is doubtful whether in spite of all this war news the average Ameri can will get his ideas of the little countries in eastern Europe un snarled No names are given in connection with that simian escapade on board Mr Pierces yacht but several mem bers of the Newport smart set are un der suspicion The government clerk who was as signed to put 3000000 in cash in his suit case and carry it from Washing ton to New York all alone was indeed a trusted employe j Premier Petroff seems to be in the position of the man who was yoked with a runaway bull and who thought that words of caution should be ad dressed to the bull Miss Cecilia Loftus is the most mod est woman on the stage She declaras that she hopes to be a great actress some day instead of firmly believing that she is one already A medical journal is wasting its space in advising folks not to jump light up out of bed as soon as their eyes are open in the morning just as if anybody did such a thing Now that a balloon has successfully traveled from France to England across the channel the island kingdom is not so snug and safe behind its lines of battleships which have cost mill ions A report is out to the effect that a lot of titled women are coming to this country from Europe in search of rich husbands Let them be careful about accepting candy from Massachusetts schoolmaams Mothers-in-law incorporated under the statutes of New Jersey must be fairly good things as one man bor rowed 10000 of one charming lady simply on her strength of a promise to marry her daughter Mr Kassass tne Syracuse univer sity freshman who refused to shave off his mustache on the ground that he was a married man and could do as he pleased had an odd idea of the rights and immunities of a husband Have you noticed that the gaily dec orated stockings of the summer show no signs of retiring with the approach of winter In fact they are even growing brighter green -purple and rich red being considered perfectly correcL Editor Stead says the Atlanta Constitution taTces a pessimistic View of the future of the British em p1re We would like to know if any body ever caught Editor Stead taking any other kind of a view of anything earthly S UNVEILING TAKES PLACE WITH APPROPRIATE CEREMONY PRESIDENT DELIVERS ADDRESS William Tccumseh Sherman Thorn dyke Grandson of the Dead Chief tain Draws Adde the Vail Envelop ing the Heroic Statue - WASHINGTON With impressive ceremonies an equestrian statue of William Tecumseh Sherman was un veiled herb Thursday afternoon hi the presence of official Washington with the president at its head and thou sands of veterans members of the so cieities of the Armies of the Tennes see of the Cumberland the Ohio and the Potomac As the two large flags enveloping the statue were drawn aside by William Tecumseh Sherman Thorndyke the grandson of the dead chieftain tne cannon of the Fourth ar tillery boomed a salute and the Ma rine band struck up the Star Span gled Banner Success in every de rail attended the ceremonies which were in charge of Colonel T W Si mons superintendent of public build ings and grounds Before the unveiling of the statue the prerident and Lieutenant General Young chief of the general staff of the army reviewed the troops partici pating in the dedication parade from the stand opposite the statue The president delivered the address of the day A representative from each of the socieities of the four armies spoke in eulogies of General Sherman At 230 oclock the president under the escort of detachments of minutemen walked from the White House to the statue which faces the south front of the treasury The president walked alone preceded by Captain W S Cowles and Colonel T W Simons his naval and military aides Following the president were Secretary Hay Postmaster General Payne Secretary Cortelyoi Acting Secretary of War Oliver and Secretary Loeb With the arriral the president began the re view of the troops Lieutenant Gen eral Young was chief marshal and with his staff headed the procession Following came the Second cavalry the engineer battalion from Washing ton barracks headed by the Engineer band two battalions of coast artil lery irom Forts Washington Hunt and Munroe the Fourth field battery of ar tillery irom Fort Myer a company of the hospital corps a detachment of marines and two battalions of sea men The invocation was offered by Rev Dr D J Stafford General Grenville M Dodge president of the statue com mittee gave a brief description of the statue and then introduced William Tecumseh Sherman Thorndyke who from the base of the pedestal pulled a cord and two immense flags slowly parted unveiling the statue of his grandfather TILLMAN IS ACQUITTED Not to Ee Punished for Killing the Columbia Editor LEXINGTON S C The jury in the case of Former Lieutenant Gov ernor J H Tillman tried for the murder of Editor Gonzales of the Columbia State last January brought in a verdict of not guilty The jury had retired shortly before 2 oclock Wednesday The jury an nounced at 1045 that a verdict had been agreed upon The defendant and attorneys were sent for and the jury then filed into the court room and the verdict was read A demonstration followed the an nouncement friends of the defendant giving vent to their feelings in a shout The court previous to the reading of the verdict had an monished the spectators to refrain from any demonstration Counsel for the defense moved the defendants discharge from the sher iffs custody No objection being made by the state the court made the order Ex Congressman Herndon Dies DENVER Colo A special from Al buquerque N M says Ex-Congressman W S Herndon of Tyler Tex died at Albuquerque while en route home from Los Angeles where he had been for his health Colonel Herndon had a very severe attack of pneumonia about three months ago from which be had never fully recovered Heart failure is attributed as the immediate iause of his death Fraudulent Naturalization ST LOUIS Mo Constable John McGillicuddy locally known as Cud 3y MacK was arrested on an indict nent returned by the federal grand Jury charging him with having aided in the recent naturalization frauds He is accused of aiding and abetting aliens residing in St Louis and not mtitled to the rights of citizenship in ecuring fraudulent papers of natural ization McGillicuddy gave bond In the sum of 10000 Kr 0 THE UNION PACIFIC BOARD- New Directors Chosen at the Annual Meeting SALT LAKE The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Pa cific Railroad company was held in this city Tuesday about three fourths of the capital stock being represented mostly by proxy After the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year the meeting ad journed until November 20 when E H Harriman and a party of directors will come to SalT Lake on a special train in order to be present on the occasion of tho opening of the fa mous Ogden Lucin cut off across the Great Salt Lake This special will be the first passenger train to run over the cut off The election resulted in but ono change being made Joseph F Smith president of the Mormon church being chosen resident di rector to succeed T J Coolidge jr of Boston The new board of directors as elected is as follows Oliver Ames Boston Horace G Burt Omaha Thomas T Eckert New York Louis Fitzgerald New York George J Gould Lakewood N J E PI Harri man Arden N Y Marvin HughuL Chicago James H Hyde New York Otto H Kuhn Morristown N J Charles A Peabody New York Winslow S Pierce New York Henry H Rogers New York Jacob H Schiff New York James Stillman New York Joseph F Smith Salt Lake The board of directors will meet in New York within the next ten days for the purpose of electing officers and taking up several matters con cerning the management of the road Among these it is said the question of double tracking from Omaha to Ogden will be considered In an in terview President Burt emphatically denied the rumors that he is to resign at an early date In speaking of the election of Jo seph F Smith to the directorate Alexander Miller secretary for the Harriman lines said It has always been the custom of tho company to have a citizen of Utah on the board Brigham Young was the first and there has always been one until recently It was to carry out this custom that Mr Smith was elected Tho annual meeting of the Oregon Short Line stockholders will be held in this city Wednesday TO HEAR THE ELEVATOR CASE Interstate Commissioner to Investi gate Grain Rates ST PAUL Minn The interstato commerce commission will convene in St Paul November 7 to take testimony and conduct a hearing of the Cannon Falls elevator case which involves the grain rates of that section of the state and will have an important bearing on the through rates on gram to Chi cago from outside points Notice of the hearing was received today by the state railroad and warehouse commis sidon The state has only an indirect con nection with the case which orig inated in the complaint of a Cannon Falls elevator company against the Chicago Great Western and Chicago Milwaukee St Paul railways alleg ing that the present grain rates from Cannon Falls to market points are un equal MAKING UP ALASKA VERDICT Believed it Will Be Such as to Finally End Dispute LONDON The last stage of the Alaskan boundary arbitration began Monday when the commissioners met in secret session to consider their verdict Dealing with the difficulties encoun tered in the election of a new British ambassador to the United States and the irritation which he would have to face both in Canada and the United States if the Alaskan tribunal broke up with a disagreement the Times says We rejoice to say that there is believed to be something more than a possibility that an award may be agreed upon or rather that several questions may be so answered as to end the matter Army Musicians in Trouble0 CHICAGO 111 Fifty members ot the First Regiment band who refused to play in the centennial parade last week have been recommended for dis charge from the regiment What Hay Hears is Good YvASHINGTON D C At the cab inet meeting Tuesday Secretary Hay spoke of infoimation he had receiv ed as to the situation in the far east and it was his opinion that there was no immediate indication of there be ing hostilities between Russia and and Japan He intimated that he had information that negotiations are in progress between the two countries which seem likely to result favorably for peace J i T X WK i General Nebraska News I 2MfNKK THE STATE AT LARGE Recent rains are said to have been a great help to winter wheat Springfield has taken the initiatory steps for putting in a system of water works The Loomis livery barn at Bassett burned Eight head of horses were cremated and there was considerable loss of other property Scarletina and tonsilitis are thing ning out the school attendance in Firth at an alarming rate No fatali ties as yet are reported however Joseph Kaisey a section hand o the Burlington at Bertram who wan being taken to a Lincoln hospital for attendance died on a passenger train near Minden The house of Nels Pearson two miles south of Funk was burned Pearson is a bachelor and was not at home when the fire started Noth ing was saved Burglars entered the Northwestern depot and the meat market of J E Vasey in Albion securing money in both places It is thought it was done by local parties E C Hurd managing engineer for the Omaha Lincoln Beatrice rail way states that contracts have been let for the construction of ten miles of grade and that dirt will movo within a few weeks The American Printing company of Omaha filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state The cap ital stock is 10000 and the incor porators are George PI Holton Charles Carlson and Charles Burdge A horse Avas stolen on the streets of Columbus recently It was owned by Fred Scoficld who lives one mile north of town The sheriff has offered a reward of 50 for the capture of the thief or information that will lead to his capture and conviction Gust Newman was driving his milk wagon in Stromsburg when his two horses started to run away and he jumped out of the wagon A physi cian was called and found that he had dislocated his neck and received internal injuries He died in a few hours Word has been received at Platts mouth to the effect that the United States court of appeals has affirmed the judgment of the lower court in the case of Antone Skoumel against the Cudahy Packing company of Omaha The complainant gets 5000 for the loss of an eye Adjutant General Culver has issued an order confirming the election of Carl H Pilger as second lieutenant of the Second regiment and accepting the resignation of Frederick W Lud wig captain of Company F Second regiment and an appointing time fo election of his successor Will Brewers a 21-year-old man and Art Russell a boy of 17 of Chad ron Neb were arrested at Burwell by F M Key sheriff and city mar shal on orders from the sheriff of Cherry county The charge of steal ing six head of horses from Mike Sev erington is lodged against them Secretary Dobson of the State Board of Irrigation will be in Kim ball October 2G to 2f to sit as judge in the case of John Mcintosh and Henry H Howe who for some time have been engaged in litigation over water to be taken from Lodge Pole Creek for irrigation purposes The George PI Payne Investment company of Omaha iias been granted the right to dig two ditches to be tised in irrigating about 1000 acres of land in the vicinity of North Platte Deputy Auditor Pierce of the insur ance department intends to begin a crusade on the unauthorized fire in surance companies doing business in the state This will be done in con junction with the insurance depart ments of several states which have agreed to run all unauthorized com panies out of business Sheriff Norris of Adams county Iowa was in Ashland Monday He had learned that a man named Tom Jackson whose real name is Good man was working near Ashland In company with City Marshal PI H Biggerstaff the sheriff went out to Randolph Bryans place in Cass coun ty where Jackson or Goodman was working and arrested him Jackson is wanted at Corning la for grand larceny and consented to return there without a requisition The new burglar alarm wiiich guards the state treasures was acci dentally set in operation the other day by one of the janitors who un locked the cabinet to exhibit the de vice to a friend and was not aware that the wires were connected with the battery The saloon of Richard Mankia of Wood River was burglarized and over 500 in cash and four gold watches taken Entrance was obtained by cut ting a screen door in the basement and then prying open a doable door SUGAR FACTORY ON FULL TIME Eeets Being Delivered at Works of an Excellent Quality FREMONT T 2 factory of the Standard Beet Sugar company at Leavitt began operations for the season of October 5 and Is now run ning to its full capacity Since tin last season the machinery has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired and two new boiling plants installed The carbonation presses are still able to turn out the syrup faster than it can be taken care of At present only six of the eight presses are in use four for the first carbonation and two for the second and these are not being run today on account of there being too much syrup on hand Each day from 225 to 250 tons of beets en ter the shute and within twenty four hours from the time they go through the slicing machines the sugar from them is ready for sacking at the other end of the building The quality of beets this year is far above the average and of a uni form grade They can be worked to a better advantage than a mixture of high and low grade beets whose aver age percentage is the same The factory has run for days at a time this season on beets averaging 15 per cent sugar and very few beets have so far been delivered that went under 12 per cent The coefficient of purity is also several points high er than last season enabling the factory to save a larger per cent of the sugar Trouble Over Statutes LINCOLN The Cobbey statutes which were authorized by the late legislature which specified that a number of them be bought by the state at a cost of 9 for a set of two volumes will apparently not be a popular publication around the state house Already the secretary of state has bought three volumes of the Wheelor statutes and Attorney General Prcut has installed a copy in his office Mr Marsh paid for his books out of the money appropriated for office expenditures The Coobey statutes are not yet out and the State Journal which failed to get the con tract for their printing has brought suit for an injunction to prevent the state making the purchase The case is still pending The Journal printed the Wheeler statutes Lightning Kiils Valuable Team BEATRICE A team of valuable horses belonging to Thomas Will iams who resides nine miles north east of the city were struck by light ning and instantly killed during the thunderstorm which prevailed here a few days ago The horses were standing near a wire fence when the bolt came A cow which was stand ing near the horses was also severely shocked Two Contracts Are Let LINCOLN The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings met and let two contracts for lighting plants The penitentiary dynamo will be fur nished by the Western Electrical com pany of Omaha for 2435 and the Milford contract for an engine and dynamo will be filled by Cox Phelps of Lincoln at 11S8 Dairyman Fatally Injured STROMSBURG As Gust Newman a well-to-do farmer and dairyman liv ing just southwest of this place was driving into town in his milk wagon his horses ran away Mr Newman jumped ot and fell in such a way that his back was broken and neck dislocated covery No hones for his re- Burglars Active at Albion ALBION Thieves entered the Chi cago Northwestern depot in this city through a window and the were successful in getting the sum of S05 in small change that was left in the money drawer They left the safe without trying to open Kearney Hotel Sold KEARNEY The Midway hotel property has been sold- The pur chaser is the Crocker syndicate which recently bought the opera house The price paid was a little less than 20000 Identified as Passengers LINCOLN John King Char es Ray and George Svears suspected of having a hand in the St Joseph train hold up last month were positively identified by Conductor Finner of tho Southern Burlington Missouri di vision as the men who with eae other rode on his train a short time before the robbery The men are now in jail at Beatrice where they j have been bound over for picking pockets The World Rolls On George Stuart an Adventlstt of Wol cott Kan is dead at the- ripe age of 92 Mr Stuarts chtef pleasure In life was In predicting the end of the world He had so much confidence in his fig ures that ho several times climbed a tall poplar tree near his home and there awaited the final smash In spite of such a succession of alarms Mr Stuart seems to have lived a pretty even life No woman is happy unless she can get her name and her front hair in he papers Men usually reach out for more than they can easily manage Usually the right side of the market is the outside Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars now smoko Lewis Single Binder straight tc Lewis Factory Peoria 111 Americas Champion Inventor Frank Schaukee of Vinconnes Ind holds the record of tho country as an inventor and patentee He Jias de signed no less than G024 instruments of various kinds obtaining patents on all of them None of his inventions however has brought him fortune al though he is drawing a small income from some of them To Caro n QaiCl in ione flay Take Laxative Brorno Quinlno Tablet All druggists refund uiouoy if it falls to cure 25c A Queen Stuffed Them The queen of Italy has presented to one of the Italian natural history mu seums a fine collection of animals and birds many of which she stuffed with her own nands which she gathered Hiring a yachting cruise in northern waters Mother Grays Sweet rovrders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse In the Childrens Hume iu New York cure Constipation Fcverisbness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and rcgulnte the Bowels aud Destroy Worms 0 er 130000 tes timonials At all Druggists 25c Sample FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoyNY Every woman enjoys telling how much she figured in her husbands suc cess Any man who attempts to dodge a bill collector is apt to be found out When a mans nose is as red1 as a beet its usually safe to bet that he is one Clear white- clothes are a sign that tho housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue Largo 2 oz package 5 cents If there is anything more pitiful tnan an effeminate man it is a mascitr line woman Denounces Skyscrapers In a public address recently Wheeler II Peckham of New York took ground against skyscraper office buildings which he condemned as dangerous to health How considerate we are ho exclaimed We build hospitals for the poor consumptive and then we turn around and build sky scraping structure wnere consumption may breed so that we shal Inot lack for patients This matter is beginning to attract serious attention in New York City especially in the lower part of Manhattan island where the streets are as narrow and crooked as when the Dutch burghers laid them out or their cows traced them across tho fields Fences t 97 Ernest Legouve oldest member of the French academy has entered upon his 07th year but is still well and heart- This wonderful old man vis its a fencing hall every morning at 10 o clock and has a fast fifteen minute bout with one of the instructors He weighs hardly sixty pounds His daughter Mme Desvallieres is JS years old and is also ardently de voted to exercise being easily able to swim the Seine twice without resting M Legouve says he has a triple wish to be able until the last to hold his fork his razor and his sword steadily in his hand For a Bad Back Sabra Montana Oct 19th A great many men in this neighborhood used to complain of pains in the back but now scarcely one can be found who has any such trouble Mr Gottlieb Mm is largely respon sible for the improvement for it was he who first of all found the remedy for this Backache He has recom mended it to all his friends and neigh bors and In every case it has had wonderful success Mr Mill says For many years I had been trou bled with my Kidneys and pains in the small of my back I tried many medicines but did not derive any bene fit until last fall when I bought a dozen boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills After using them a few days I began to improve my back quit aching and I felt better and stronger all around I will keep them in the house right clong for in my opinion they are the bost medicine in the market to day and if my back should bother me again I will use nothing else In England a candidate stands for office but in this country he has to hump himself and run When a man ceases to be compli mentary to a woman he is pronounced unstable fmgr b XCELS10R BRAKD BMke and M Sotting wMBhzrv x f T c Ws Warranted water proof and built to wear All styles ror all uons MOOKjor trade mark If your dealer doesnt have tjem send for catalogue to HMSAWYE3S0H jvic KaitCambridce -Urn ft r j 4 r